The Signal, 1928-6-7, Page 8•Nta-*'• uq
��.-.rtd•e'ti•�e foe
Interesting Aaldrww'•
at North Street
United Cbureb
Ow'lug to the ubet•IK•a• of tete lulu-
niteri• itev. C. I.'. Clarke, at the Confer•
elite' iu Welkernllle, the services to
North street t ratted church ou Sun-
day lust were conducted by the he Wu
name testuuary tiociety
7 church. Women occupied the pulpit,
I filled the choir. acted !lausie s; and
the offering.
of the Kte•ie•ty. Mrs. W. J.. \' prem war
in charge of the nervine; Ilw r'{
fu the morning was Mies Irene Thumps -
on. principal of the Normal School at
I ('heugtu, .China. while lit the eventing
Mrs. It. S. Luuglry. of Chuub Chisel.
China. delivered the aditree •
Miss Thompson lit her adtireea Bald
that a new ddy it liceakiug lit China.
which Is now pawing though the dark
hours that puede the duwu. Clwngrr
Next Week Open
s rum
This Preston
Sire 8ft. 6in. x 16 ft.
Ocher types sad Nuss a wit Aar sled
PROOF, ready -cut, com-
pact, Preston Garages are
perfect in design and a source
of real satisfaction.
They resist thieves ... last ...
are handsome in appearance
... low in coat.
Wru'r fey free garage folder
Eastirmirel PtoductS
Toronto - Montreal
Successor to
Maul Shingle a Sultag Co. lad.
D. L. and W. Scranton
Pocohontas paid Alberta
Shingles and Cement,
'Second-hand Lumber.
such as Ceiling Lumber, Lath.
Wainscotting, x 6 Rafted and
Studding, Sheeting, Windows and
Window Kills and about 30,0110
good Brick.
Wm. McClure
Phone 42 Dungannon
i Englund took centuries to per -
NEW INSPECT few years. WEST LS was fourfold- to change. iu a short
h t
tot were teeing made ht China 1u a
are China's task.. she amid.
HURON SCHOOLS time a eat empire lute a republic,
to eburs a vast illiterate people, to
accustom them to the changes in no-
dal life that follow fre&'•lutu and etu-
t•atien. and 10 adjust the uew
order of industrial life ue••essitated ly
ehuuge from home industries to
no e'
IN atitraORR --r
Town o
AIRTRUR.-Tri loeige memory of a
dear • husband and futile?, John Ar-
thur, who dktet Jtane tithe 11x27.
A chair la vacant and a vutte Is 4.tIed.
A place is left no other out) can till;
Thou cans'' not come again to us, but
Must one day leave eh scenes and
tome to thee--
hee- .
Thus God bath plan tit
1t may be only Jaye, if may be yelps.
E'er calked to leave tills rule of tears,
But Christ shall wipe than tear from
every eye;
To all who trust there's prowiYet by
and by
A better land.
-His loving wife and ',t tom'
(Continued Prow lags' 1)
•'tete rommuuleatluus *ere the fol-
,.wiug: '
t't•rtilieste of election of Robert
Ili sets as Reeve at instate -- _.
Torrance, fuctury wvrk.
Note of thanes from Mrs. 1'ptu the ecacuatiuu of the miesion
e'thrtarn:-trrr ter nasal rokea co e4•} field by the greater part of the for-
t.r<nstnn of-sy of fiery from the council I+ l'ign--_ t* -i„" workers_ the task of
carrying on the work lid butt under- -
u the death .of her husband, the late)
John useTorour•. formerly Suspee fur of taker[ by Chinese tahrtstixns and NoTICK IS MMRIEBY GIVEN THAT
dente lltelr port. in l� 1 will not be responsible for any
ht• house of neerefuge. nobly 'bad theymembers of Iny
Correspondence of a constable a f the ape sidle of didl•ultits dud harlahtps and debts incurred bJ
dntmeut o- a -Liquofor the en etane lista they were t�mtinulug
tie family without mJ written con t.
,,.,mein ut tLounty council.
Control Act. " e1'atly,'listic work cud mtttd uf•the PATRICK KENNEDY. Goderich. 2t
cawnd . a re. educational work •
or the --
17nm tooth endo county
of tete r` edw
:alien asking curio wnx•a ltetin•y tank, but the Christian a1i(YFICE.-TIIE (11 Alta r}; u}` TR}18
quest to the Provincial Highway j PASSING brought by \\'w. Itrind-
1 ruled
OF j vf3'itiN
ssY LAW NO. 13 OF llki8 OF THE
OF GOD8Xt1O11.
On Me 12t1t'd»J of Dine. at the bone
of- 1.30i p.m., iu the township hall. Car-
low. a (ti•urt of Reviei'u will be held
to hear and determine complaints In
t,°aaeetlopwith. the 1:IS assessment
roll of the township of Colborne.
G. J. HF'TTowushlp Clerk.
Highways De.., Church of China (►as Wenger Ise•au'e
from q s•rirutr through whieh It Soni, le against James (tuck and family
purtment fur a 1'rosiltcia
Palmerston through Listowel, Munk "
ton. Mite'IIPII and Kirkton to Elglutleld.
Report from the board administering
of I le t ai J
passed and was still {oseing• for using a footpath through a tie
In the evening. Mrs. le•ugley, w'lts'`e which air. Brindles he renting was
work. with that of her husband, Is dismisses' by Magistrate C. A. Reid on
the •Mothers Allowance Act. ahowln; under the genera; mission board of June .fid. lir. Brindley to pay all tbe
the churl), paid a tribute to the work ..►aro. Tills footpad'• has Men used
t►ft)-nue mothers reference
aid In filial tit the \V.M.B. missiouxriete 1n Wet daily by Ike public in going to and
ounty. tbe personality of the -
Corresp ondeuce with reference to the I Chits, when'I from their work for over twelve Sears
and 'Mr. Buck holds a permit from the
return Hf inmates of Provincial asy the'workerss made a ldrs. Longley told ufauie preheat owner to use. the path.
lams to the douse of refit.'. .hangesple in the life of the woweq uf JAMES Rr(eR.
m Sheriff yitdd►eh,u, with refry-
epee to the dismissal of Turnkey
the Ea:R, state the church bus stent to
Albert Carter and the appointment of ; Timmteaching and healing and 4b. -•;Ips S11LE
Curwetod Witile on three menthe' pro'
WHEREAS the Town is the owner
of the lauds known us the Agricul-
tural Park lying between Mu,•lhruuld
anti Eldon streets in the Town of
AND WII4)1U AS the said fait is
need by the citisens of the said 'town
of Goderich .as a rcceeution park;
batten.-__---- -
Fr� Ow tvutnty of Wclltneton, - re
solution asking for the reduction of the
Hunt to be paid by counties towards
titcost of Provincial blgh'rtsys Alco
4tmilar one'from of i1a1•
Deputy-returnieg =Seer, D. D.
Mooney ; poll Clerk, bred Weir.
Polling subdivlsi"n No. 8, at the
Wwn pall-_Deputy-returulug officer, E.
C. Belcher; poll clerk, Geo. Belcher.
I ulwag null ake Victoria street -
4, at Stotb-
err wagon shop,
deputy-returulug officer, Huron A. Tut -
ford; poll clerk, William Mothers.
1'ulllug subdivision No. 5, at P. L.
Walton's store, Went street -Deputy -
returning cancer, Harold Btackstonc;
poll clerk, Gerald Newton.
Polling sub -division No. 6. at Mac-
Arthur's electrical store, Weat street-
jleputy-returtttug °Steer, 11. L. Wat-
son; poll clerk, David Marwick.
Pullin; sub -diatonic No. 7, at Geo.
k7 to the undersigned ,and endorsed
"Tender for Iteeoustructlwt t tlhe
South Pier, 9odertcd, Ont.,"
received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight
nacho). 'IUuraday, June 14, 1928, for
the necwstructlwt bt the sulterstruc-
ture of the South Pier, In concrete, for
a length of Sial feet, at Goderich, Hu-
ron Count), Ont.
Plaits and fbrm of contract can be
Ilaggitt's residence, cornea of \�'llltam Item and specification and forms of
and l'ay-b'y streets--Deputy-returning ; tender obtained at this Department, at
Robert Frank Bingbata; poll clerk, I the omcte of the District Engineers,
Robert McKay. of June, Customs Building, London, Ont.;
On Thursday, the '21st day Fkrydh Itulldlug, Toronto. Ont., and
1928, the Mayor of the paid Town will I at the Post Office. Goderich, Ont.. also
attend at the Council Chambers of the at the Builders Etoderige, 70 Bond
said Town et ten o'clock fu the fore- atre•t,.Torouto, Out.
Tenders will not he considered un-
ites made on printed toms supplied
by the Department and in accordance
with c0udttious contained therein.
Each tender must be accompanied
by au aceeptel cheque on a chartered
Bout. payable to the order of the
Nlhtister of Pula', Works. equal
1 is canary of heron, to appoint persons to attend at
the proper use and euj•+)'+°rut of the, the various p ttltttg pbttex ettrewuld,
said Park to erecta grandstand; I vend at the final eumtuing up of the
AND WHEREAS the grandstand
at present on the premises is in a very '"I<!' by the Clerk, oh behalf al the
lw•rwrus lntrresteef to and promoting
d .
Trotting and Agricultural Association Thr C►eek of the Cound1 of the said tial to 10
have donated to the 'town the sum of
Town of Gewlerkh will attend at his
1 \V rk
Otte Thousand defray thers (t of eW) to .tl1c in the Town Hall. at ten oclock , la•r ,4'nt. of the amount of the tender.
doe used to frost of rrrctl in the forenoon on Saturday, the 23rd' Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or
the said grandstand;
da of June, 192K. to sum up tie num• Ire,nds of the Canadian National sdItail-
ierryAt WHE1t.A8 St will be neves' y
tp 4ssue deb.alurea tJ1. ills Cor• IR r of rotes for std agelurt' tie add way (bw{any n Ill n d tae iegee kt *5
+ro nosed-treist r' _ . _-
city. or taratia_.
_ and a cheque df fe-
tbeporsit n ed the Tuwn of (le►tierkh fur i p L. L. KNOX. quir<d to make up ah 'odd imoUflt. '
the sum of Seteu.Thuututed and Nine
Town Clerk. Nt)TE.-Blue prints eau be Wattled'
of the
lot -the 0), the peso . at the hetartuteut by depositing an
tures o the sale "of- the said purpose
of - '' ��'� tit epled cheque for the mai of 410.00• -_"'
tures to be applied fur the purpose of payable to the order of the Minister );
erecting tbe said graudatand and none of Pubtfc Works, which will tm re -
other; turned if the Intending bidder submit
AND WHEREAS it Is desirable to
All trecson tag a relntlar bid. liaise the said debentures at one time By order,
and- make the principal of the said
debt repayable by yearly rums during
a period of fifteen years. being tbe
oYafe and dangerous tvudttiuu , or „ , ami° the passingof the said pro -
AND Vti'IIEIIIEAS the Goderich twrsavl htI*W. re {Y rt•ticly.
NOTICE TO c1t fl1T0Itt.
s hath claims against
_theeetsite- of Eli Walters: late of the
w• -sill of Colborne, in the croft
A.D. 1927, are hereby
6 ureen such t
full particulars thereof,to e
eigueal on or before the t
June, A.D. 1928. as oa and after that
11 estate will
to u P
S. 1E.-p8R1M?i,------
Ilurou who bird on the first
currency of the said debentures, the day of August. I)epwtrtment nt Public
said yearly aunts being of ankh re-requratad t p t Salsa with - Ottawa. Maj 25. 19'8. 2t -
spective amounts that the aggregate f til under-
amount payable in each yearfor prin- 1 9th day of
eipal and interest In respect of the
said debt shall be as ueerly as pee -
sable equal to the amount payable in
each of the other fourteen years of
the said period;
AND WHEREAS the total amount
required by tbe Municipal Act. edin
R.S.O. 1927. cap. to the
nually by special rate for pay R
said debt and interest as hereinafter
date the marts of the at
be dtetributtd. having regard only to
the claims of which notlee bas been
Doted at Goderich this 22nd clay of
May, A.D. 19'8 - --
H tion & IiAYS,
Hamilton Street, Goderich. Ont.
:kite tt'4tL ..f _ltolicit0trtt for t
knowledge u( Cbr a, war atom t
young women who had) 4 .rocidtd is the sum of $701.10: the above estate.
Open echos= in diesint. villages where-: LUR_RA1X.-+BAST CARBI ACE IN 1
AND \\is the u the amount of the
' -- lit \
(rale Were no ('hritMina tuNutentw and IC t» awe condition. Apply it
whole rateable property t.f the Town I etterece To (itt)DITORS.
there (Lyme themselves to the work of ,'Sit;NAL OrF'l * of Goderich, according to the last re I Nutkr 1s hereby Riven to a'!1 per-
t.eching the children and. through cited assessment roil thereof, is
She mothers with the I Dolt SALE. -TWO 110! ' :e. MR El7il),1174.W:• sous Lacing claim' against the estate
R tr am the county 11''a' reaching w 1 of love. Ir Wit ..f Victoria an.l Napier W�1 REA9 the amount of the of The•o•phltua Kelly. late of the Til-'
nut of the g I1P-tr.e�ts4" eight end seven rooms ante Sage of
..f Middlesex. \Ire. Ltngtec t,4d, ase, of the catty tlt•rr.eom horse on existing debenture debt of the said ltattfortl who filet on or
y,pIN meaeu � foresees, 1. erg. rtunlcipralita i S366,9'26.48 (exclusive about the '22nd day of May, A.D. 19'28,
to, nations by t Newgate a •t. o[ the D. A. Mt b t the under- i
t9tri+tinuirr uiwvT Tini often• tests whereof no principal °r interest 1 Nth day
Stratford, re w'uutir,g. �'lattiu6, nue day, the down' R. It. No. 4. i:owletfa'h.
ec•0mmtw10• fa on -flirtation -eh -these welted! - I arrear' which dare the executor to of the sale Dft. A. N. ATKINSON
l p i it seed to distribute the C17IKl)PRA(TrOR AND DRUG-
Telephone No. 119.
taint attended to anywhere a.6 emirs
Wort made to give salts *Chea
farmers' sale notes discounted.
b• Administrator of +
The Auctioneer,
will conduct end arrange any sale oa
the latest methods to get the beat re-
sults. See him or drop a card and be
will give it Imruoliatr attention.
Farm sales a specially- Eldon ft-.
ante= file eotrttty clerk - re also a
giving p let of h,rundary bridge. le w in n bleb non-Christian peep than Twenty }Met la lealtth reccrting ib1+4aln tin the standards ,ti,iie, a t J (r()LIYTfI
t0wtsh pit
i nrnn
OR1'F.Lof local Improvement debts secured 7 to Precef sac claims
gys-i&1 -50tL rates or asstssmenls1. sittuetl.-dol;pr'velr. on or tsPforr the DRUGLESS PRACTITIO
4t in Tn t of June,. A.D. 1928. -after
i .
From the Mayor of
ga.tfntt provi+inn for t1te
11g1 -u( patiet)ts s1t hack to tete cc.un-
t lee from the Prue iii bili eaSiums.
:. ••+rpt ('hiuese char
upon the wall our the ancestral rah
lett tone. ee.d le. then.'
actera ulwn them. and, reading
j EI;HtollN COCKERELS FOR SALT•:. NOW, Tt1EkF)FOItE, the )Tun r pa estate w ! Mo' LESS THERAPIST
te sale thrifty T.eR npuneI1 of the Corporation of the assets of the said estate, having re-
IS iiade eftsetstttt fotiutr*'� > to the claims-oi_=hich_no i GODERICH
horn ca•kernis, .4 w."6 -old:. 1-nTownet
(1) The 'Muuicipal
�,orp3iation of ate Tuw�"t t%uterlch T -,T (K1frEK1CfT this thlr• baths. Elect lc electric treatments
abttll raise the sum of Seven Thousand tletb day of May, A.D. 1028. and chiropractic. Chronic organic and
itidtae hundred Dollar (;7.900.()0) for , 81AY8 A !MATS' nervous dim:saes. Lady in attendance.
arse of erecting a grandstand 1 Goderich, Ont. Office hours 3 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m..
the purl e=cepting Monday and Thursday al-
oe the Inds known as the Agrleul- Solicitors for the Executor of the
rural Park situate in the Town of above estate. 3t I ternoons and evening., and by an-
Goderich between MacDonald and putntment.
proceeds Erma SAM
Residence and once --tomer ed
South street and Britannia road.
We, are .IruatTtucte� by ,FRANK P. GI13BS, CHARTERED
interest ace per MR. WM. F. CenetIoTT
Mie attctlon at his Accountant. 102 Ontario street
cent. (Wel per annum a' former home. Bail, &oderich, Stratford. Photo _1480- lice- 1880J
wltbin one year from the pa..sing of this BJtam, each of which debentures ion
shall be for the sum of not less than I
commencing' at 1.30 .harp:
4100.00 and shall be dated upon the'
One light sleigh, 2 -seater, single or
r nn
1►e payable annually atanal' },envy. sinteg ' h�rm'srti :.
Montreal at the •r nrachtae; 1 ecu e
From the county Hf DnRerin n „t 2�or over 10 cents each; 1n lots o
res=oPe- alTn in .R:tina Ie1+elvr-i°n to were surprised to 1i•tol w:rrtten then .
tttin down of small the words of the thirteenths cuapter ion or over U6ents-�aetc iF f
ce R R. iTo. 5, Ooderich.
r nit It
to th'•ir no der , _Mine Carlow.
From the Department of .Edneaticw, words frnm tilt Bible cs'''ttpctug etch
a stat meat; et 'foe Oweernsteat grants a *awe 41a. d:lut►see .at0'')ea" `"IQ' ( 1101;est ?OR SALE ON. NAPIER
atesebootsI elf people live) nostrding to jhtst' :rIt1:F.T. .Hitt water hated,
this year to public and ttepatr words there would to n«« net or 'aired for electric urge. all uuw er_ t
let tills county: Puhllc !cbools. $201S.-1 eonveatient•es, parse lot anti goal lo-
Eldon street!. and the p
T,Vt separate retools, $111..114 --total 42,- tioGal ing. there weld.' he no interna tom, sale of the debentures, hereinafter
cation. Everything in good condf-
m9e,3v. TTta'* grants are for Muth- tional Interspersed
hr Na r
meat and . *teemdon and the Iiretes %%erect through Mrs. Lunglry's tion.. MI S__ �. BAIA.111'Elt, pia mentioned, shill be used for tbe said
[Hake an equivn- �dresa etre !1 Nle• of peuph aalw•I etre+t. 3t purpose and n
let la trelulretd to baying neeept.•d - Christ as moiler, erect of
lent RlseT :aye themselves with cntbuittaam: and ` R SALE
Resignation of J. E. Tom aso public furnace In perfect condition. Only
g llnron. Iec, tion to the scenic«• of their coon t�
Council of the tia•P shall have been received.
!equipped with electro-nagnetie
Aber Jame Eat Chic I.- from our
pesos 0(.114)&17 -laying In -ns will be
at rock -bottom rites 0. A. C
:IT' -i
borne 13c. Our stock is ptodnction-
bred, hardy and fm from disease.
crBlyth Municipal
On Wednesday monitor a endoa-
appeal for a grant towards ttae
mrnt ta�. � �ob the Usi5 i. toy
t,- ret West-
et^s"ltis• w-4 ttfadr by a deputation
wfrom London which ons introduced by the
lir. Jiro Joynr, ex-a1.P.P.. Lucknow. .0 + ,Ws ere ser
who gave a ei tance in the work whien .heap cool arrange for installation It
(trembled aweliuretlt-e ,.of .condition, I de4re1 L, ie term... PHONE
for the outcast and the suffering. She1 s 3t
closed with an eie-nest appal to 105•
t Il~ -,-.-- to WRITE
After dlrtu,+don at the tffMrnnrm se's !!fader in order t° be of greater location on
brick baser' Good
one other.
(2) In order to raise the said sum
debeutares of the said Town
erich to the amount of $7.900.00 as
ari at
• t
1tg, ' h 0 e tett SALE.-tEVSl-It00$ DR. 1,..1. R. FORSTER,
date o[ the issue thereof, and shall I waKtm • 1 set
It 7lEiG T>7y t the Bask of of he 1 light syr g EYE. EAI', NOSE, THROAT
Irl/ cion the eunuch left the mutter over to Tice (n. the Tttngdom of (loll. 1 mooning Late House Burgeon New York Op)s-
in the Sunday school in the utter- Noijth street. Mndern convenient**. h Twit of {,oderitb ifl t 1 Rang plow 2 ars
tt 1)ree•tst+ea.,.xapoa..-_ - -- 8gptre. - wHHd11 fifteen yeare_ 4Lereafter. 'I crate 1 fila t and
im c • Aunt Iiospttal. Istan
- Seer 1t0on ltrs: I, mR� leeT�tllei> 't: 3 t<•l=tet--sand ,coop. .-I f_.--_-
1-wo soul. k It ions were retectred' 7 Ee+► at_ soicMoorefield -lye ital, s and
t,f - to Q.(1. tiD � -
the peeiti on of Inap►eetor of Publle I the wheel with her story of 11 Chines. (3) Each of the Said debeafuree (•atn,Ma iiictl ,tItot, cettpeetty { c..„t:edden Syuare Throat Hospital, Lor
1 f ilp'ti(OHT piAmi (BfDI.L) 1t011 sh II INP signed Tot the ainyor of the hundred RRs' 1 mai-burning :dot (ion
o F
ethrrele fur Wert Huron •made vacant boy w -ho, having read a lit,'.. .tt u n � +. - .. � n, .ng.
Mist' Minnie Cooke. of \'aneanrear, )• by the eagtge..taem of me, J. E. Tom. let. John's Cospl.te+uld not tar content i4ALtt,-In tirgtttasa� conditton. Co ration of the' Town of Goderich for incubator; 1 wheelbarrow; 3
thing her sister. Mrs. Jap. Ruthanin. i J 1 Apply or try some other Peauthor'I �� shovels; 1 spade; 1 steam 5.3 Waterloo St. El Stratford. Tal-
Mbs Agnes Fraser. nurse -in -training i The mnnell tide (a'awsday) after- unto he bad learned all the slur ut A to DONALD i/acHAT. P. O. ( Neon sed 1 cutter. ut.; 1 , epbonP 207.
risen appointed F•lmer C. Re+teo�. of -11 one wh Abs Hb crab . n 1141 457. Goderich. I by hew to sign tete same and also b, i forks: cls•; l p pa• 2'
end 'Ara.
at Toronto Getuenl Hnslrltal, is boll• I Toronto. eon-ln-Ino of Dr. J. N. Field,' for °the most Ineorapn the Treasurer of the said ('there' tlun, pipe
henssat Lo (hln<•!e t►oy who.ktrew t(InarjrhQts ernnm w�gtrator; 1 fy At Hotel _Eagt Huron The
pt1SIRABLE ItEeiDENCE PROPER- l' and the Clerk adapt attach thereto the H.P. senor; 18 shite Leghorn hens:
how ptYclot only 3etnf re. - LF. - At d4TneT of corporate seat of -the- - }�7.otmly---brooder f d T
O Mnttdttc afternoon the regular'. tannin road and William street. Tel (4) During the currency of thel roto chicks; I brooder coal -burning
meeting of filo W.M.S. was held. lira. recon ts•sldea bathroom, c oseMa, a pfd debentures roe 'stove. complete; +
lit 1 Bedford. Godertch. on the
evening of third Monday of each
ntlys ll-�_ ollowlug ay. eeeday,
1 p.m.
n!# �--
Jas. Donal ..on.
Mrs. Sinclair came up from Leaming-
ton by steamer Greyhound on Tuesday
and will lie the tritest 0f Mrs. Benj.
Allen for some time.
Mr. \lux Rey exalt, of Brantford. In at li'w;d,+teck, gate a most compn
bas arrived to take tbe position of of- ly's string of horses, took first money DP11s�Y report of the' most
cou es-
tbee manager at Hotel Sunset for the' in the ireednr-all at the ('hesley racea}-bet1t1thereand pelt Thompson proceedings
c edings
summer.. Mr. Iteycraft Is not n strati- I on Monday. Her best time watt 2:124, t the moan 1n which she is engaged l
ger to Goderich. being a son of Rev. J. I breaking the retord of Allerton. the anotherCheeley tit a r, and .n which
s photographs nf'
n J
F anti reel. Recrrnft. formerly of Via I track. 1'ters Wes *1st la the 2.211 the schools and the pupils. and also
torte street Methodist (now t'ntte+tYY Whltetr 'terse, - - blldted Many =agile and beautiful •
church. I else's, specimens of Chitwee work and Chinese
apparel. .
At night Miss Thompson addeettw l
the Young People's Lengne.
Mrs. Longley, who before her hiitt-;
riage was Mies Marian Auld, is n Iia -1,
live of Huron county. and was wel-
eomed on Sunday by pushers o_f old. u
friends. Miss emotion (s ;g,p tee e o
Mrs. Jas. McNee nnel Mr. J. B. Gra-
ham. of Goderich During her fur-
lough she hits been taking a cmlrse in
the College of E,Itt atlnn. Toronto, and
her name appears tilt: week timing
the list of successful students.. _-
The marriage of Mrt. eltnrkdte
1.amirk ln Cheer. of Go.krtch', to Mr.
Hnr%ey Prang: of Kitchener. was
gntetly solemnise' at tine 1'reshyterintt
Intro, Colbrrni. street. (►n Tueselar
morning. June 5th. by Ree., R. ('. Me-
Ti'l'tttttt The-twhtr mtd---ipnxnn:-
are well known to fiodereh, will make
their home at Kitchener.
IIli tied
1)ai Il t4)".t�'A
other applicant wnr Cnrmnn E. 5toth-
ere•dn.ttector of Prince Edward coun-
tybible te-honls. an Aabfleld old boy.
j, Ramona Grattan. one of Dr. White -
T. Phillips, 0t Victoria stretlGnerd furnace All conveniences. For annually by special rate on all the 1 ;ret. er.rewltt saw; 1 bu<•kaaw. a
ehntrh, delegate to the branch scot terms end further partteulan apply rateable property in the said Corpora -
number I number of windows; a number of
-balled Issues
following dost' hate been .ullr.1 for rede•mp-
Rod are Ming Iola MT as Indicated Melon :
Raul( (:rain .B4% 1938 , 105 Sept. 1
P. Runs: 8 Co. 64 1913 1 101 July 8
( amnia Northern Pottier 64 1941 Si) 103 \lay 1
Drummond Inaestnu•nts Co. B'i 1938 li 103 Not. 1
llnntreal .\partme is 64 1945 kb 103 .Indy 1
Merrura \till. a% 1912_ r18 103 May 15
Northern ( anada Power 4 11f15 @ 103 .latae 1
Howard Smith Paper ....7 1941 fi 105 Jul) 2
Ir. addition 10 rite atwore, sr'nrtties too nitmeroo, to
iienti on will shortly be retires' er replaced. A ill tc-
tnl check should lie made of your hnldlntts in order to
acoi.l lo••!,. ns Interest vt•aw•s on the redemption dnte.
DONALD yfncKAY, P. O. Boz tion the Town 0t (:erderleh the sum 1 doors, and numerous other articles
Goderich tt of 4761.10 for the purpose of repaying
As !Jr Corbett's house hes been
the amount due In each of the said
years for prineipll and interest in re-
' spect of the said debt.
This Bylaw shall take effect on the
day of the anal pasting thereof.
,READ a first and second time and
until of
the Corporation of the Town of God•
erich this 29th day of May, A.D. 1928.
SEALED 'I'pN'i►1:IaS ADDREcSfl}) ISgd.) H. J. A. ]facEW�j^r.
to the undersigned, and endorsed
"render for North Pier Reconstruction.
richt Ont." will ire reerived until
12 o'clock noon (dsYligbt aavifiT.
Thundag. June 28. 1928, for tbe nernn-
strnerinn of the North Pier, at God-
eriedt.- Huron tseinty, Ont.
Plans and forms of centred can he
•ee•n and npeeiticttton and forma of
tender "blithest sit this Department, at
the oder! cif the D1ttrkt Engineers,
Custom+ ituiidin0. London, Ont.:
visionally passed by tete ( o
F)Pt]AENT.- 4)n -Saturday. June 2.
41128, to Mr. end' Mrs. T. E. Ever-
ett (nee L. (' Newell), of Tor-
onto. a son. Arthur Jolrn Baymcmd.
/loth mother and child are doing
LAMB.-- At Alexandra Marine and
general -Hospital on Tttewtay. June
5. lief.. to Mr. and \1rs. Toynhee
Lash (nee .tnnle Kennedy i:_,.a
obi a gh ter.
ltltOWN ---in Deadwood, South Da-
kota, nn Wednesday, May 30th,
('harles'Brown• In his forty-eighth
idEE In Goderich, on Tuesday. Inn.
5th. Matilda C. ('rehh. widow of the
late Wm Lee, 1n her 79th year.
('Sgd.) L. L. KNOX, Clerk.
destroyed be fire, everythtng must; be
TERMS. -Ail sums of 410 and
tinder, cash; over that amount three
months' credit will he given ort
furniehlig approved joint note!.
T. 0U'NDRY & SON, Aut•tieneers.
with modern i-ooventencee. Cent-
loc ted. Y. W. HOWELL.
Phone 2 3.
TAKE NOTICE tbat the above is a
true copy oft proposed bylaw which
has been taken Into tcmsideratttm, and
which will be finally passed by the
Centncll of the Municipality on the
event of the assent of the electors he -
Ing obtained thereto) after tole month
from the first publication of n copy
Eclnthr tlttlhltrig. Toronto. Ont., and at 1 thereof In The Goderich Star news
the Pnst OfTVe. Goderich, Ont., and at paper. the date of which puhlicatine
the Rtdldcrs' Esehan;e, 1104 Bay was the 31st day of May, 1028.
that all leaseholders qualified under
the provisions of the Munlelpal Att,
Rection 2(10, w. s. S. and -amendments
thereto, are required ten days before
the date of voting to file with me a
statutory de•lnratlon of qualifications,
otherwise their names wilt not appear
' on the voterti list for s'ueh voting.
AND 111;Itf19TFR TAKE N(lTI()E
that the vote of the ele-torn of the
said Town of GoderIeh will he txken
on the said proposed bylaw at the fol-
lowing tithes and placers, that la to may.
on Friday, the 22nd day of June, 11)2ft.
commencing at the hour of nine o'clock
in the forenoon, and continuing until
ace o'clock In the afternoon of the
Mme day. by the followltt(t deputy
Returning (Nieces:
Po111ng suh-d(vielne No. 1, nt Miller's
garage, at cornet of Victoria street
end Elgin OOP.--Deputy-returning offi-
cer, Thos. R. Wallin ; p011 clerk, James
Fulling entdivialn No. 2, at W.
Stapleton's' tailor strop, East street -
'street. Toronto. Ont.
Tenders wit not he enngldered un-
less mete nn printed forms •niPPlted
hy the Department and th's('(orthtrae
with conditions& contained therein.
Each tender mmtt be ate nmpaniel
hy nn accepted cheep. on a chartered
hank. payable to the order of the Min-
ister of Public Works. equal to 10 per
eeot. of the amount of the tender.
Bond. of the Dominion of Cells& or
ponds of the Canadian Nattonwl Rail -
Way COmpwtny will alga he aereptP(l ss
aernrltr. or bond.. andel cheque if re-
gnired to make )p_n an liWki emonnt.
NOTE. -Rbue prints, ern he obtained
ar thla Department by derositing an
'tempts' cheat* for the sum of 920.00.
payable to the order of the Minister of
Ptthlle Wnrks, widen will be returned
if the intending bidder euhmlt 5 reva-
lue ltd.
R order.
R. E. O'RRiKN.
Department of k Works.
Ottawa, .Tnne . 192R.
itarriater and Solicitor
10 King street east, Toronto 2.
Telephones Elgin 8414-8417
Barrister, Etc.
Omce--Hamilton street, Goderich.
Phone 27.
Successor to J. L. !Clitoris
Phone 97.
Office-Tbe Square. Qoderlebs
ll shoe store. Apply to W. TI17II1N,
Shoe Merchant.
TAGE on Esu': street. Imme-
diate poasenalen. Apply to HAYS &
ITAYR. Barristers. ()eidetic)]. Ont.
t9c.0() 1'ER MONTH.-DESIR-
eIr&oNI \ IILE property to rent on Bruce
street. All modern conveniences.
Good garden and fruit trees. Posses -
Mon given after May 18ter. Apply to
HAYS & HAYS, Bnrrlstera, Hamilton
street. Goderich.
grocery or office. immediate pos-
session given. Apply to ALEX.
SAUNDERS, Goderich.
Notke la hereby given that the part-
neruhip of Harold ('. Young and W.
Maitland Be11, who formerly carried
on beelnewu nnrter the firm name or
style of Huron Motor Sales. has been
diRsiltPd and that the asld firm. from
and after the Vol, day of April last,
will he carried nn under the ante own
erahlp of Harold C. Yonag.
F R DARROW Solicitor.
iiapo & Flaps -
BARRletIR•', E•nr.
Hamilton St., Goderien
M CO. -Farm and ise•
fated Iowa property insured.
OAkPre-•alas. Connolly. Pres., Got`
erich P. 0.; Jas. Even., Vire-Pres..
Reeehwood P. 0.; U. F. McGregor.
Sec. -Tress., Seaford' P. 0.
DIrectors-A. Rroadfont, R. R.
No. 3, Seatorth; John G. Grieve, No.
4, Walton; William Flinn, R. R. No.
2, Reafotth : John Resnewlea, B
hagen; Geo. McCartney. R. R. No.
Seatorth ; Robert Ferris, Harlot*:
ifn'rray Gibson. Bruewfleld; Jams,
Evans, Reechwood; Jame* Cantons'.
Agents -J. W. Yeo, Goderich:
Alex. Tenets R. R. No. 1, (lllstna ;
John Murray, Sesfortk; 1. Hha'ttley.
Seeforth. Polley -holders can make all
payments and pet their cards receipts
ed at R. J. idorrisb's Clothing storm
Clintoa : R. 8. Oates Or Ry xlliln
fc e
stun street, Ooder
Oeaeral Stora Teayssl&