HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-10-27, Page 21
R.R. 4 Wingham
"Weangd litter ayOrages.Ot
9.35 from 296 farrowing
witkNO40.pig start...
.,..Performance 'like.this',hel0 make
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"Pig Starter No.10 is introduced as soon as '5 lbs.
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Feed iS vital to high performance !but of course it's the.
40-50 lbs. of No. 10 Starter that produced the 9.35
weaned litter average:' .
Why don't, you choose Shur-Gain Pig Starter
LSHURGAIN pig starter No.10...
CKNOW PHONE 528-2026.
however, since 1974 the year in
which all of the accounts were
tented over to Victoria' and 'Grey
Trust Company. Since that time,.
the Public Trustee has not acted in
any fashion other than.an oversee-
ing funetion, whiCh they do in all of
these circumstances, and which is
part of their public respOnsibility.•
I suppose if one wanted to go
right back to the origin of the
problem, it started with the
creation of the County School
Board system, and the question
then arose as to who would be
eligible fora assistance under' the
terms of the MacKenzie Endow-
ment Fund, since the Lucknow
High School no longer existed. The
Trustees continued to make loans,
based on their best judgement as to
who should qualify and who
shouldn't, The local Trustees were
very dedicated and sincere people,
highly motivated 'by a-public sense
of duty, all of whom were certainly
well', acquainted with the needs of
the individuals they were serving.
I believe in 1971 the Public
Trustee closed the fund because of
the legal questions involved, which
were created by the County 'School
Board system.
To make a very long story short,
Victoria and Grey Trust Company
has been appointed as trustee, and
the accounts were turned over to
the firm at that pant. Victoria and
Grey has refused to make any loank
until a reference is made to the
court to determine who are the
proper beneficiaries to the trust,
and what . are the. terms of
repayment. There are several
other minor issues whiph they feel
must be resolved by the 'court, but
those two are the main ones.
Victoria and Grey feel that until the
c?inI gives a decision on these
matters the company could be open
to a charge of mismanagement,
.At the moment, the entire matter
is awaiting the final preparation of
the case before it, goes to court,
This is being handled by Mr. Alan
Mill of Wingham. Mr. Mill tells
me that this is a very time-consum-
ing tendious exercise, because he
has ,to, trace the school boundaries
from 1947 to the present time and
indicate any year-by-year changes.
At first glance this may seem like a
rather routine matter to handle, but
I gather from Mr. Mill that it is far
from that. He, feels 'that he has to
he adequately prepared before he,
goes 'to court, because, if he isn't
the court may very well turn the
whole matter ,back until the
preparation is done. I believe
Mill has made contact with both the .
Huron County Board of Education
and the Bruce County Board of
Education to seek out their
assistance in the matter. School
boundaries have always been a
complicated matter for Years,
.because one can point to examples
where a student on one side of a
concession line would go to one
school and the student on the other
side of the road would go
somewhere else. All of *these
boundaries have to be determined
on a year-to-year basis, and the
changes indicated for the last thirty
Under the terms of the Ombuds-
man legislation, that office has no
jurisdiction until it has been dealt
with by the courts.
I believe it was mentioned in
your editorial that the public has
the right to an audited statement
showing where the funds stand at
the present time and where the
funds stood when the freeze was
established four years ago. There
should be no difficulty in getting
that - either the lawyer or Victoria
and Grey should be able to provide
that very readily. There is no
question. of misuse of the fund,
because there hasn't been any
money paid out other . than for
administration over that time, The
fund has been accumulating, with
the point' of contention being the
fact. that this money is accumulat-
ing and no student is getting any
benefit from it, which is certainly in
violation of the terms and spirit of
the endowment fund.
No one would be any happier
than I if this matter could be
cleared up 'immediately,. which
would once again make the fund
available to eligible and deservipg
students. The fact that this matter
has dragged on so long has
certainly been frustrating front my
point of view, and I am sure that
frustration has been shared by the
trustees, the community in gener-
al, and perhaps most of all 'by the
students who were eligible and
deserving but couldn't get any of
the funds because .of the freeze.
You can be assured that I will
continue to do what I can to assist
and facilitate this matter. Patience
may be a virtue, but to those of us
who have been involved with this
problem over the years it is rapidly
running out. In any ,event, this is
an up-to-date account of how the
matter stands at the moment.
Murray Gaunt, M.P.P.
p.s. I have been talking with the
Director of the Public Trustee's
Office, as well as the Ombudsman
investigator about this matter.
We appreciate the effort of Mr.
Gaunt in pursuing this matter once
The former trustees have been :
frustrated to no end by this matter,
but they haven't given up, despite
many attempts. to resolve it.
The Sentinel has tried, through
its -columns, on several ;occasions,
to stir up some action at the top,
but this has been largely unsucc-
,essful. We are not prepared to stop
pushing until this messy piece of
work is cleared up once and for all.
We feel the public, at large, local
Organizations and individuals could
help put pressure on the powers
that be by writing letters to the
editor, the Public Trustee, the
members of parliaments etc., •
The Sentinel made one mistake
in our original editorial. We stated
that the Public Trustee had frozen
the endowment fund over 4 years
ago, actually it was over S years
This only adds to the disgrace of
the matter. The 'Public Trustee
initiated this problem. It. is' up to
him to see that the matter is
resolved. If a matter of boundaries
can't be resolved in several years
work, it can never be resolved. The
whole problem needs a 'new
In the tneantime, the youth of
this community go without the
financial assistance that is rightful-
ly theirs while the fund lies tied up
for over five years in an entangle-
ment. of "red tape".
The public trustee is, in theory,
the mechanism whereby "right will
be done for the estates of
deceased person's. One lo6I
resident, who was' close to the late
Mr. MacKenzie and who feels
enraged at the way the .fund has
been handled, said "Alex would,
turn over in his grave if he knew
'what had• happened to his endow-
Residents of Lucknow and sur-
rounding rural area, let's, hear from
you. Show us that you care about
this bureaucratic bungling.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Spry, Niagara
Palls, N.Y., visited with Mrs. Lorne
livers and went to see Mr. Ivers in
hospital last Sunday. Mrs. Spry .
remained to spend the week with
Mrs. Ivers.
Sytnpathy is extended to the
family and friends "of Mrs. Edna
Black of Goderich, whose funeral
took place on Thursday from Stiles
Funeral Home.
Miss Debbie Vella left from
TorontO Airport on Saturday to fly
to her home in Nova Scotia for two
weeks holidays. ' Mrs. Mary Bere
and Jamie accompanied Earl
McNee, when he took her to the
airport and then they went into
Toronto to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Austin (nee ,Ruth Bere).
Remember the Blood Donor
Clinic on Wednesday, November 3
from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 6 - 8 p.m.
in Goderich Collegiate.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schofield and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolliston, all
of London,• visited Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Sheltoe last week. The ladies
are' sisters of Mrs. Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McNee,
Edward and Pahl of London visited
Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee on
Eric Wiggins • and friend of
Vancouver are spending a couple of
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Wiggins. Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Orser
of Detroit spent a few days with
Amy and Bill last' week. Mrs.
Grate Gibson is visiting with them
and with her, mother, Mrs.. John
Young and Art.
Miss Beryl Elliott, New Liskeard
is visiting relatiVes in this area. .
Mrs. Cecil Blake visited with her
cousin, Mrs. Lorne Woods, in
Lucknow on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irvin, Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Irvin and family
were guests at:the wedding of Dan
Curran and Susan Pother' in
Stratford 'on Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. Curran will make their home
in London, where Dan is employed
with electrical applianceSe;
Mrs. Irvine Eedy accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Henderson of';'-
Goderich to Millbank on Sunday to
Open House held in honour of their
uncle, Mr. Scott Coulter on his 90th
birthday. It was held at the home
of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Lindsay Coulter.
Thornton Eedy was also among ,
those wha,4e4ded the Open
Sympathy is- extended to family
and friends of the late Mi. Ernest
Bogie, who' passed away on
Thursday. The funeral service was'
- on Sunday afternoon from 'McCal-
lum Funeral Home with interment
in Colborne Cemetery.
Rev. H. G. Dobson spoke on
"The Whole Man for God", in
Sunday service at Dungannon
United Church.
The Dungannon Explorers will
hold their opening meeting on
TuesdaY, October 26th at 7 p.m.
All girls 9.11 years of age before
December 31, 1976 are invited.
The leader is 'Mrs. Donna Snyder.
On. Sunday, student pastor Doug
Zehr spoke on "Receiving a
Blessing" from Rev. 1, verses 1-8
at Christian Fellowship Chureh.
Pastor Zehr will meet with the New
Believer's Class on Saturday after-
noen at 3 p.m. All new 'believers
are welcome.
On Saturday evening the Young
People from Christian Fellowship
Church met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Martin. It was
announced that all the' potatoes
grown in the summer project have
been sold. The .Young People are
discussing sponsoring a child
Overseas in the coming year. The
new study series called "Lucifer on
the Loose", was begun. The first
study ' was. "Wiped-Out . People",
dealing with the ,destruction Satan
causes in people's lives.