The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-10-27, Page 20Reading and Writing Helping Your Child Improve 11 PM111 TWENTY THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO r404449••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i••••••4 LOOKING pAcKWARDS.. THROUGH THE THE SENTINK.. FILES ' WITH.. MARGARET THOMPSON *****4.k..mi*******•••••••••••,•••••••• 'wEDNESDAY OCTOBER 27, 1.94 tR YEARS AGO.' OCTOBER 1966 , - Loss and damage was light at Lucknowpistrict High School from an early morning break-in. Rev. Benson Cox, a native. of Kinloss Township and a retired Anglican minister who served various points in Canada and the United 'States, passed away in his 93rd year. Miss Jessie MacKay. observed ' her 99th birthday on October '28 and was Lucknow's oldest resident. Gordon Wall, clerk' of Kinloss Township for 4 1/2 years, resigned his position effective the end of 1966. Fraser MacKinnon, treasur- er of Kinloss Township since the fall of 1962, was appointed to assume the combined position of clerk-treasurer, effective the first of 1967. r . 30 YEARS Apo OCTOBER 1946 With ideal weather prevailing, more than two thousand persons 'attended the 81st Lucknow Fall Fair ' on September 25th. John Farrish was piesident of the Society,' and Tory Gregg, roaster of ceremonies a for the afternoon 'program. Gordon Taylor, popular you** druggist in Lucknow, passed away initis 39th year. Five Holyrood district young people had a :narrow escape from death or serious injury when the car in which . they were driving burst into flames after being struck head-on by a truck. The quintette included George Colwell, driver and owner of the a new 1946 Dodge, Mrs. Colwell, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hodgins and Gordon Hodgkinson. The accident happened about three miles from Galt. Effective in Lucknow October 1st, in common with other centres across the country, the price of milk ad;.ranced 3 cents, to 15c a quart. Pints were 8c and cream 17c. 70 YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1906 Connell's were advertising ready-made suits at $4.95, but worth $7.00. John Joyit's and A. T. Davidson's large block of stores BROOKSIDE HAPPENINGS CROSS COUNTRY A cross country run took ,place at Point Farm on Wednesday, Octob- er 20 involving several area schools. Brookside ,School made a good' showing and won five of the eight pennants. The individual results were as follows: junior 'girls, Linda Taylor 2nd, Jennifer Drennan .3rd, Peggy Gibson 4th, Allison Graham 5th; junior boys, George Alton 1st, Glenn .Raynard 5th, Ray Martin 7th„ Mike Durnin 8th; intermediate girls, Collette Kenyon 2nd, Karen Metzger 3rd, Michele Dickson 5th, Kathy Little 12th; intermediate boys, Gerald Cook 2nd, Jim Young 3rd, Bernie Burgsma 4th, Allan Mc'VVhinney 5th; senior boys, Eddie Davidson 1st, Karl Morrison 3rd, ,Simon Forster 6th, Brian Hackett 10th. The Grade 8 classes, accompan- ied by Mr, Jewitt and Mr. Liddle, took a field trip on Friday morning in to the Museum . in Goderich,, where they , spent an interesting and profitable time. were nearing , completion as was J. G. Anderson's block which was under construction. . A team of horses of James Reid of Ashfield, driven by a young man. named 'Bowler, got off the roadway, at T. H. Treleaven's mill' and the `horses fell into the mill race. One horse was saved but the other was dead when assistance was secured. TOP DRESS HAY AND SILAGE RIGHT IN THE BUNK Also, Xtravirn is excellent for replacement and dry cow supplementatiop. It helpd the future milking herd develop a capacity for large amounts of roughages so necessary for - econornical milk production. Xtravim is a balanced blend of piotein sources, molasses, phosphorus, trace minerals.and vitamins. With its easy mix and easy flow characteristics — even in cold weather — Xtravim provides an' ideal low- cost way to balance your roughages. Send for more information. Dairy herds must consume tremendous amounts of.,roughages to maintain high , production. Xtravim liquid feed supplement top dressed on silages or hay helps to increase feed consumption and to improve herd he-alth. VIM LIQUID FEED SUPPLEMENT 003gRT FARRISH .PHONE :395-.5341„ re, rio has prep free pamphl parents aba our schools 0 his is how to get yours. The 5 pamphlets are interesting, easy to read, and filled with important information forparents: 1. "Reading and Writing: Helping Your Child .Improve" offers practical and imaginative suggestions for parents to use at home. 2. "Parents and Teachers Working Together" tells how and why you should establish contact with the principal and teacher. 3. "The New Core Curriculum in Secondary Schools" explains the new expanded core of mandatory subjects to guide parents of studnts entering secondary school. 4. "How Your Child Learns" describes.the factors that influence the learning process. • Ministry of Education Thomas Wells, William Davis, Minister Premier Province of Ontario • .4;•?•••::•:;/4:•••:::%•••/"..' ' 5. 'TheiCommunity and School" explains how to make your neighbourhood school a centre of community activities. Fill out and mail this Coupon' for the pamphlets ,you want: Please send me th0 following free parriphlets: n "Reading and Writing: Helping Your Child Improve" "Parents and Teachers Working Together" `,‘The New core Curriculum in SeCondary Schobls" "How Your Child Learns" "The CoMmunity and Its School" Name Address City or TOwn Postal Code Ej Check here if French langUage pamphlets,are preferred,. Send this coupon to: Factsheets. Ontario Ministry of Education,' Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1L2