The Signal, 1928-6-7, Page 3The Signal's Clubbing List will save •yotti time and money. We Can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. oual riiE SIGNA1. PRINTING Cu. 1.1111 ED, Publishers. Printing First-class work at reasonable prices. Call The Signal when you want a job of printing well done. Telephone 35 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY• .l l' N E 7, 1928 411, ...I La the c„utiuue,l pros,■r.;' SPORTS GALORE AT ',reduce for her epletnlld i ii .itmtllt of the supper. throughout the country'. ti • • • • Ur. Ferguson preferred to he )1r•t HURON OLD IiOYS' A uutletabl.• feature was the �rr3 ttI 'r..rrt.io. Instead of ught, at te;.. `l;u•gr uUeudt1.1e of young lather. eery wa, al r. Robertson thought and that ANNUAL PICNIC• `i'"'in erre present fur the Itr•; %%as ting nasi,' he did hot try to se- .. airs cure the ('uuser%4t (C putty lead• r ship• Matt They .fin Sa> iul; 1 l ret8ler Fergus•tu is a I. tt?' I^ li wr•iutwu. I t uud" Mr. Robertson affirmed ec''I, Big Program Carried out by xhi. lttueu l.Nd Ito)> •" oriels II - The Elected and Resolutions 111,1 betel+• '•He• ber•son measure ut. is Huronites of Toronto at I err twig. "Will to the biggest Liberals of itatllo to thll city.---I'u•et Fluff. Adopted by t..4. aeons vias at nu with the un•u n attitude I• p,di Exhibition Park bi • gest dbuatious we e%er had.- stecretary Floury. - If. l�str -- - �_ • tired oat., Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 ASSETS and LIABILITIES 30th' April. 192$ \\ ASSETS Cash on hand ikposits with and notes and cheques of other Banks Deposit in Central Gold Reserves . Call and Short loans on tenets, Debut tures and Stacks . • • • • Dominion and Provincial Government Securities . ' Canadian Municipal Securities and . Bnttsh. Foreign and Colonial Public Se.urttres other than (.an.ttlan . Railway and other Bonds. Debenture( and Stocks - . . • . . . Quick Assets . . $452,864,416.73 Loans anti DiAcourits =Sed ler Assets tltlt•9o3.198.36 Batik Premises . . . • . Luhil, t ie., of customers under kttera of credit (aa per cnntral' $ 91.151.467-43 53.713.141.33 19,000,00C.00 158.0'73,98 0.67 8t,641,510.91 42.313, 6.34 4919.469.35 Total Assets . - t 4.ii(i9,(Y)t .45 $S6S, I $7,616.54 �AB� ES TTO TL1t1F PUBLIC Notes ut circulation . . 41A44.61 So Deposits . - Letters of credit rattstan lint! Other liahtlttlei Total Ltahilitier to Public Excess of Assets over Liabilities • • to Public • • • $ 12,491.ZS B9 FERGUSON RECORD I SHARPLY ATTACKED f AT WINGHAM MEETING I \. 1:14 .1i rN4 I I l:4. l' 'I i III \d, 13 North $ur9n IutoUli. ills wholeill 1 Thi ls•rt prize het uuli the biggest There was a large turnout. repre- seutiug all parts of the riding. at the annuat tueetlug of the North Huron Liberal Aswa toou, ie t .. held in ticlll cxlsrlleaa•y and what w s !■•pular with the people./ I sac it witIi.lit !tor of 1uee•asful contrail,- tiu. he Is the poorest Mini -ter of Edu- cation weever had. lieis not neply- he• htuwt•lf to that jab: be le too The .annual licitly of the Huron tea Boys' ,tss.s•tat l.al of '1'on'u44 lu 55 held lu F:xhlbitloli Park on sato-- day list. unit. 'n teblistati ling the r: tlua.urubig eondit►ou of the wealth -__wit. a huge' susses. L'9111. iu Ihr luvv'u hall ut \\'fug• loath mixed up with petty ward ,soil. May the Iii Toronto. The prizes eery hath ruhtabty and div Eruvst b. l.te• haul. The neetk:g war marked by ex- "lour years • ' 11 he x:117 h.• woe go -useful. the ;oats were all exeitiug bull. -tell ea a.11eut addresses by ('. A. Kddeertsdnl' ung to meet 1114. tnwuship w itom !main, mei iuU•resting, and the n•lre•shua•uts We lire a:wuy+ the chyuipious at . M.P.P. for North Huron, !Shake Miller. bit:," Ur. Robertson e•fi11111Idr1. 11n weir• of the highest order. that r•i.n:d out but satisfy' the Inst fur I Mlsa•L tL--Ills. Lily 1'aters.'n, Captain M.P.P. fur East Elgin. uud sMrs. lug line out, dura• 1+1 yet. Ile kuow-s it' I he-eI Huron team. Robert Doi -bison of unuou, who WI menuen.'li his lkfeat to d) u. yet tae. Odious. -- Tln• l.Ipluu 'Cee nu•e, whi.•h ens i tyyp•,.url the Liberal women of hu•u't r..L.n.couragetutlwuuld�lj a4. l.a1lurn�f flag da wus� %Ve always Laud: at the others fol Kurth lluruu at tile' [trx{ut Im7trmatl ak"It"sl'e's• In... HstA t(e(1 u- �j- t be wa leases. I don't imagine that will advertivrl, mid uu' dwlbt a4.,,■,, _ The Armstrong Ikidl+ r• . in to swell the crowd. true huudrtrt to ouy- We don't have to apologias tiePackage* of tea were wand In'line to t) •. -11. 1). Wilsuu. • I'-M.,w+1..yu.► tie•-ludiat- wrrr .- required to run ten yards. pick up the \\.hal you wuut; a j(ylr�n in brMvm I LIFE INRI'iWN('k (Sun life Co.). l e u. tea and get back to the I li Just w4. to us -Mrs H B. The broom football race was lively ~ white e g re each outs Ia•lug presented with e-1t�+t»>~ I TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAIN 0. F. CAREY & SON Li muted INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 1ltsonit' Temple Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO They sstu't ieat this orgaulLtitiol, any %%bet -lent McCreath. Tile boys and girls both, play geed J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance coltceut{,ns of women lilerils ut 11,• will ever Ru through. Is ease Ottawa. tunny ways It is unworkable. hair_- ttitle meeting. otendereled t!a4.-. _ Las S,stled .to. Ids. thole! resig ut 'ii fhihitt tendered Ms da -31-r. st-i Ferguson , small rural town In resignation of the Quer' of preeidcI' the mutter of ersmallonsl grants. Ilii of the Awstwiatitni hte•au_se id Ids the pointua•ut an county treasurer. The lullshtbillYing n•garlland lack of vii his { new president Is Mr. II. it. Elliott f osi- Wfughuw. A rote of [hunks wits tend- lion. lit' has made ti yet if _ Mr. Tours` for tris work as i liis - dent. and another resolution, polder/41 til lilt devote ted half Isere tarot- not be sympathy to Mr. A. B. Carr of B. ' as it Is today. '11e• has iywld. tor., that treasurer of the serious oelatlnu for many ie to look years. in his serious illness. wldeh young his hnee peoplc••munit there afteragain lint the prevented his atteuduutie ut the yarn very inactive. meeting. y Unfair Councillor Wm. Battle and W. 1t. H Rates It)Irertsain. of Guderk•h, and Hugh ••The Eery:um/it Government bas 11111. of Claiborne. were constituted al fatted to give the rural and small t!4.' resolutions cvmwittt•e. Later_ the fol--Ibtu ,arts orf rile 1'rovtnce a fair deal lowing rewdutions were r•{srrtarl.an,t ere adapted by the meeting: -- - --- ate '1' Resolutions Adoptrd , 1.,That we ,cordially endorse the torr purserd in the Federal and 1'nninakal arenas respectively by aur leader>s,'tile Right Hua.. W. I.. Mac- dan.•luluueut is one for experts. an tn- kertzic Kiu and Mr. W.,E. N. Sinclair, terunliune qs one*, and should not earliest, and that u esu Pledge thrill - _, til, mixed up with polltl,'y. yet Mr. Fee - the and we v ria' guson, without having enough caw'. is awarded --in sash mage• L' That v w with gratification { the lucreusing pro. verity of our Ihr le euuneiat,• a ,suliey of his owe, is trytug to get the King Guvenlwelt to declare iI,v:f. either for an all -Can- adian route. a udeh ehigiuwers have d� cb+rel is prartiea►ly ►mis.sslbee, or fur Mn-luternatiuuul scla•w,. In which cure he would pnr•earl to Wave the flag and cry that the -Federal Gov- ernment is going to give sally 1'an- ada's• right* to the United `States. areas.• slum. the ltniry Guv-ernutent we ' out in 11023. The annual 88e' - in the mutter of Hydro distribution. There is tali reason why the rate s INruld be so high itti they Government make's excuses and tries to lust the blase 011 the' Hydru.('ow• tuts'mtrrtr. -The question of Iii. $t. Lawrence and Insurance Agency {.Ui•'aa f.s�tba us e, startluR line. and there was ts.tta•1 Stee ACCIDENT. SICKNESS. AUTO. scrnmtdr. ETC INSURANCE h of the contest -I PREFERENCE SHOWNFOR Houses and Lots In Uoderieh read V1 - and th4. wielding side with a bottle efaity. and -Fantle for Sale of Vinegar rash hi Addition. Popular Demand ('efts•+: • "'('aged• Settle very cheap properti.•'m for quirt The tuft -'.f -Kar Istaeru Nortlt t!u sager' " to Kertuna• Service little.$ Just it few' of the many Irquic run and South Huron. rtiptalikAl by 1'114. I ,n,to.!eruw'll uk+lln *tarty i1 Cwt. t,F eelni•ou and Arthur Forbes Western s•het ales tin May loth, the F liy-story tell brlek I se'. mot1- roll. lhrly, was web be Kurth Ila•.awe service ot,kli proved so popular' ern etiulllpild: Pins' lot; in good last summer t n _ residential !ovation. Iutpstrt- rue. The ladles' baseball match ts•tw'el•n North Unroll and.,,South Hurst. cap- talntd by Miss. I.ily Paterson and also 'Miss M. 1.. Flynn respectively, - won by North- MUMS. . - w.en The raga's baseball match M t North lluruu alld too111 lluruu, tup- tablieli_-by B. ll. Met' • athh-endvtInt -nd--A... Forbes n•riuiee cry, wraith Huron. The bo). and girls'races were all hotly contested. tour prises (wing minion under the prosr•ttte,l by the Elt3t resulting largely, in our the . inert -w ll frctdow ,f, inlistry from taxation under the b netteent Intigets of the Miuieter )f } .ansae. the 11,u.-Jamgs 'Cobb. 3. That w'e would true with r reform or abolition ▪ -r▪ ef the senate of rata, belisa'ing that the present status of this chamtwi p not towhee** rertitie gocesnnttut, _4" Thar we urge warn both Federtfl and Provincial Governments the ex••r- eise of the strictest economy fti.carry- ing ou got..-•rnmental antra; •as --the burden of tiixutiou as a result of the war is still heavy and bears hardly upon' the producers and working 1*''0' -pie of our country. . 5. That we welcome the acNive rlitkroi-- o!a•ratlom'of the ladies In out P_-- tasks, anti willingly accord them a large share of credit for the success with winch tttmrnt 1, -i eit'1es and policies were presented to the voters of this riding in reagent elections. - 6. That we endorse the iietiou of our representative In the legislature. Mr. Charles A. Robertson. Il-P.P.. es- pecially in his opposition to the liquor control policy of the Ferguson Govern-, meet and the township school board -TITR, 111•ie•s wt WAS. Government. Anion. from UNIVERSITY OF WESTERNONTARIO AUG; SUMMER SCHOOLI-JU Sit delightful1T Special Course ,peek. of study in Public Speaking Il • and recreation. for Teachers For information write the Director, teat•. Courses offered F ■ l , g,..wl.Astrrm1, Lipton. •tt7M -. . jIIaranr. FnRi,.h, Fr•pth _. Mir, Dr Z-P.A. 11 . London, Onsorid• Geology, German. Greek. Hs- tory. Min and Phi-s,o'- -A aplentha ar.ciil and athletic114 program throughout. Aesuotul 15 -s Unirerclty Buiii- Ings in • 250 acre Park. Start ,.n n n..:. note. tend urea liner Int-Nrltte0 floe. IkIu.IMM [o /elitaa-..Iailk- Th.. Fergusson I:utva•rti t not stunt $ft,tltltt.11ltO more revolve la year from fortunate sue-- cession ue,cessiondoth• ;ale •uf liquor and in- rreiew in t1Tte tax novenae, but =till they Could • y show a bare sur- plus of 44.,Jr7.IMM1.labout. ,IIthlen they Belt at paying off the ua•nts debt of IS .�Milt.11001.y-tu:tk •. pay of $:I.IMMI,iMtt annually' for t' ty years.arae-4.z Il.. Site lair. our-teal6r L' (Title. but he is net n ptstdirt agent like air. Ferguson or Mr. lttmy " bra Iterit•rtwrp wmilud..l. ' 11. t'.'' t hiliisi Tf with -glory to the last etre+ trade I1+tb) uuplensitIl nt•,uu•nt$ ft. the Goce•rtttnent. ani .•Int•,.I every day gave Ills" t!ms lt wcr:, proof of his quatiillIiof lead.•rshii). whlrh 1s holding. ha own Wali the 'string -it 'orrisevvo t Government.' ;Blake Miller. II.P.P -sirs Miller-ierwu_Tiy a6i �. Olbeera Tls'd/ri . -hiller that the tetnlwraner• Hue"IGut As the IFeknll and.. Provincial-hitter uecer Is• 1111111.1y sett had uutII we the naw comer the .sate territory,11111 have a lhrmiuioieeitis prohibition act. the awn nssslattana, which formerly He Itnstr4161 to level n hod separate orguniwtiois• gere tack un ala• Liquor l'untr'•1 Act anti merge! Ip oris, and officers were privileges of• drink. whieli, lie la• fo,lYY lS UUj fur I. Him. presidents --Gonion oung homes ,4.f the 1'rucluce. "II Is proposed to wall iri41.I100.41119 , Notesi ,r s wholesale 'confer tluu,•rs. 114141111441WO•9all-day suckers. so that everybody sinned have a •aeet time. sit to ala•ak. • - - a • • • • will again he in effect. This fast through tralu to Vancouver Is a Is,ou to business men who desire to combine eomfortublt• travel with a quick trip.' It carries them dhroitttil esert+ WhsfiiliCgi Hraudou.- Regina,- teun and Edmonton. Every w,uce•ulonet• . is provided for its t,asst•ug"rs by 'the Confederation" -sleet traislruenoti Ibrntrgtrrntt, rotr- partnlelit, obseraittiotl. library -buffet carr Inte ntr+r,uipped'. standard sleep- er*. Bluer 'comites. 'Chews Mid iutprwntiuu from arty, 'Canadian National agent_ Rev. J.:1. 1',s,k. funnt•rly Methodist pastor at Bn3field, Henault and ltlue colo. attended the !reale for the first with Mrs. Cook. and bah en joyed the program. • • • • Major J'n•. Berk, cls .'Cr"' of the Association, wag on bold. and stayed) until tlw last deg was -hut. Farm Profits are too Dearly Bought to Risk! HAVE7H ficything to do with "get -rich -quick" Wee - men -they will try to hurry you into a decision you will regret. A sound investment is never in a hurry. Meanwhile, tl`,t' Sav':ngs Department of this Banc is a safe and prohiable place for your money. The ROyal Bank of Canada- - . F. Woollcombe, Manager Goderich Branch Mr. and/ Mn'. .1. A. Melasren were unavoidably absent un, len-omit of the death of a near relative its Hamilton. and they were lath very mueli missed. s • • • • Art. Forbes, laecin•yweight from $4.0: forth. got solus aurprist• when he went Furgu.utl ffopt \\'itl- ton. Im the tug-of-war. victim. Sa- nitised on. the fi(rnl. and therefore hit - the staying tstwr,fe , -... -_ • • s ♦. t -. - Mrs. Froitkuru.. furmerly t.f Wing n. Inds now of \\'tsnll.ridge• cattle' faun that twig with lwr.sou atel -r Ur enjoy • the picnic for `I h.• h doe "laugh nrst ti ford Ilulleett Old llny. OW en the Ilnepetler Th,• antcuaer. in which shad In- spectors are sometime* dlstrerislualy diesel er_1t'el Was related before the rural trustees' seethe'. of Thum Illi` Educed„s„st .%sws'latbML The he ►pw•lnr in the story prided hiuuw•ll un Itis sup,srsd ability to ,miulte birds, auheels mei ums'lirat' ••1 )..is.• makers. On a visit to at school, be had the children riots. their ryes while e pursed Ills lips aim mad, in, snnn,lis intended to.tlustrute. the calls of, bird,. '!'hen, thlul.iug to test their Powers of observation of natural iin'- maueua, ,114. 11+ke41 11ieu1 the I)iM• of snunl t111•) -had heard. 'Mere was a tong Iltai 1.1111111rrtt-sari sik•ure II1t1 utak) owe nervy urchin' chirped.. •• it you was. kissing teacher:' - Toronto Mail and Empire. out to sell to close estate Price for quick silk $1310 Gisa1 lta-story house. 2 lots. 2 bares. Convenient to iMlare$1076 l.14 -,airy house,. .tiwtri� _14tlita • . and water illhdnse•; nue lots ..$700 swell• stnbk• small irdtng. good appear - alive: lot s .................. " )Busy integre i in* about tem. • --1,arge number of tine farms for sale. -wane or them van tie bought just now for _shout ca111e of buildings and lou ,nt.vewtrlts. y w -for- . • .11ri� time. flu../ sprkt• of the tit • when he :itti•ni14 I the s'hetit um .t • 1:1111 rinres•iOn. taught by the late r. Moi'linton.. • • • • • Mlles• days -Mondays. Wednesdays. thtntrdnys, or nay day by apeelsl newest. For all paniieUInrt "t• or write J. W. ARMSTRONG ReaFEatate Agent R 0. Bee M. GAM*. 0$1, Geo. Williams Dealt In IN►MLNION. 1'K11\ INCLt1. MI'NICtrxt. AND (;OttiTO- R.tTION BONDS Fire. .%cciclent, Automobile. told General- Insurance Agent (nee. next a too Bank of .l olnrnere. Phos& 6$ tioderich Sun Life Assurance Co. Of Canada offers tunny attractive forms of policies. Consult us regarding these. . US 1111 Hubs. •Holmes, 4.x -SLP., and retired the enst,aus nifuui-t. Was un the ,b, anal n'• old tutted „{ count y. Goderlch ; Morgan Dalton. Ashfield. ' President --11. It. Elliott. Wiighntn. hard liquor in Ontario, Sl r. \'enlehieside•nt--llugh Hill. It. D. ;• - 'itid. "'flint menus that every main. Goderich. wopstu and Child must drink f is of Steon.ti,l ham. vice -president --Miss P. hn Cil liquor. It' yell pour 4.10.IMM1,1aM1 Powell. \\',nghxm. • ,if hard tiuu,.r down l)utarb;s throat Third %ear {rreslda•nt --bra. R. Dncid• then look ut the results. eon. eretury Al "Mr. Ferguson is not a molly per- ' Secretary -Alex. Porterfield, Bel- son," Mr. Miller %runt on. "ilex's it grave. sldrstepls•r. Ile lirrr oh/a policy of Treasurer -A. B. Cott, Blyth. eille.t ming premise: be' to a ham. Auditorlowinl. Ishister. lilted am. bug lie hambuglte,t the trm,s•rouce • The following sem appointed ofrl chair- people: he Ilii nibug5, It the Grange Iin- men and associate rhs+lrnieu model- der. and il1W lie„is humbugging the lwltth`a }seucltii-uu.tdulu 1 I .. Asliftetd-.('. 14teWflrt, bra., Morgan I Dalton. Colborne -J. J. Robertson. Mira III. -Atervart-._ l+e, retake-tlsat will I, the ,lowluutinl ether th a \\-est \\'nw•onush--Wm. Nati ll,i fnt•tor of Ire.iit ii Ie.li!i.s In the •• r lti tls•rr is the nnrlhrtn urachal' Miss t wieleni i -Gisler' Cut In'. and Sher it i, being. in•.•t bol } h Wrw1eld.-I:evr, t'nnnkiRhnm; large)) 'by F ry urh-4ianadlona. 'he hn i mutat hoard, whose dillies stv iu to. I. Mrs. Cris --W lel, twnhd,{, to haitd r w,ls iii V" --.4i' Morris -1\'m. Elston. Mn". TtmvldI resolved to eliminate r'Qulntlon No.'• taro Will 10 keep V4.. Fcrglic'n ii, 17. to silt Ihv - French (►muga Willow, ,'y-mau b,• tires a Fre ut h Inslar•tor In 11s,trr. The ia•gil:lItin . voles ts•t% " a„ AMh11f111 and Zf r.IMN, INMI to ll'", \I" • (:req --P. Bishop, Mrs. Andrew IA- I Essex. but to pacify the Frcndt Can- i F htMys'tn lit 'm,s•n,l en this %•.•4.l,. ::I mnnL I admit, h' re employs the same tnan et Hotta• of it Is oven earmarked.' Ih.ke•- veil. eery I'._ 5. Vic}%Wen, lin. J. ( soiree's Falls at an 'liens' Se of riot) LOf-ell. 1 in salary•. Anil thus lie continues it sir. Sinclair lair allIp44,1114 1�I� >1 Ho erlf•=TMC. C. Boner, I. pini tn. If111m' c't"-140 15411- Silo -lair ler a a•iT1•r11y 1it'+� .de Black. 'Ignin.tt the middle. G Lowrie. I/4.. A. f . Bunter, alta. J. Ex -Premier Drury built tip the lin- Berthing him as IM mastermind 'f tlel; R. llowrla rhe•ln! honk system very 'mucrrsrfnlly Horvat' when It eou11 s to teen ts:. 3. 1. S11. (', SL Lcaa, and Ina way approved by the people mnnship and manliness. Sin. J. J. Elliott.c1tt.• "ser Shminir-1. no whittling to lpt n* n ltenrthPrtvinc . bu llrusecls--\\'m. Gillespie, Mrs. !'(`tet to serve Isrrpk' )f the Province. but Mr. stepper." SI r. Miller inn. iTT its Rdr'tt. Ferguson lots converted that into a is no humbug. And When be ler mee- Blyth--K. SL Sid'Kny. Sirs. 1'opl! tat•prn1Acing machim'. He cut the !'rernier of iInt aFie, no he will 5)111' stone. ,p•pnfll intoner rate from four to thus time ho the n,e1 far dlstmlt fntrtn, IN' Wroxeter-. oho ihmRlna. Mist in,r trent.. slid took a profit u4. to three cnuw� SI r. Pt•rIiIslIr is drtr t) aadc Haelewoal. from- the tsnnk. if he foxed the chart from the malt. then the Liberal {nrfy - erre! banks at the same rate he would will have every reason to be prom! of have eolleetM 51lJxatntMi taxes. and him n itlles lt'itlnr. a aural tritons' to that w.nlld hare been $4.flttl/MIA more than -r. rFergnf•.,nmhessfoun.lkey mnnrtnew Northtflury i. tn the etnting tlm+taMr Robertt- ways of rating the people, after he son hail 'sponsored it instil effective promisel to Imitate Mr. now, and cut opposition to Premier FerinemIII i's your totes. Its made' Clio Insmratlrr• township encoa)I honed hill *ad thret had Agent Ins. but he left It to the super• otier matters Mr. intendant of inraran(e as to how much created a most favorable Isaprewtkln that license would be. die made a In the House. w. ..t•. }'or years Mr. Ferillalgi has. Ilvet.-. the graces e t lite arthro io dge. but 1 tenr drhers license. Ile w i Ti• nosy, eur[hI 711. ryes to New clot. . . 111thet lu•ense uud n hunting ►ur•n-li Andy Currie. llrussvb Old '1 r 111g -of -MAI'. 1111(1 allied himself with South Moen. 1 rt• -ids ul h•[d n hearty laugh when Andy was •, • • • • I Mr. and ]ICs. Lack Kennedy erre I C. It, K. \\'I:1.tatN sneaked avtay from'the' Nirtb Hun. District ONG, Goderich Phone 115 *.,wan1 o, [ r•uu:w tnt )f uu{s,rt:nit \l.iu,pana. IllreM cr of „Imo 1.... cerement, lit the Kcnm,ly hnusehul'I' ,'trifie•s I4 s1. iAindoti. IniL. wb'- • led a dins for or th' • • r • w;1r l'.4.+ nt y • L t d Sirs. TholnpotUl. convener of the Ti' /:,slen111 l li'tiitit irwt'I'rnnsit 4.4.a, freshment ar)wmittw•, 1s rntuldd 1, ,,3, r Intt!i'li. rII.III nldal the A.seei:ttlel d.,1. _Lille IM'aL un• - 3M Sprolking briefly on Federal !volitive Mr. Robertson declared that the Wain - lotion of the King Government. had been In the intctt'tti of the enmmon people. The interests of Western On- tario. he 'maid. had been welt larked after in the Cabinet by lion. W. il. Euler. icon. .1. C. F4111ntt, R.i'. and Hon. James Malcolm. The Robb bad-- gets ud•gets hail amply made good, as ell- INSURAN The Mutual Life, Assurance Company o Canada Established 186.. Ileal (Iffier, Waterloo, (inl,srio D. D. MOONEY, Agent. East Street. Phone 250 Goderich. On1•rin. I lw FI;hi 3t1,14Mj SUARES Elkstone-Kirkland - Gold Mine ____{t 30c a share. -veral.good._houles for sale. INSURANCE Car, Lite and Fine W. 3. Powell rl,�tul:r',. I • I I Bus 43$ Stocks Bonds Grain ' Market quotations suppliisl for any listed stock. Orders promptly executed ml Toronto, Montreal ExchangNew es. Stock Exchange(; and Chicago and Winnipt'tt. Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Bldg. GODERICH, ONT. Freda : 430 and 44$ WINGNAM SCAYORTN I'rivnte wire .•'mrnrtions with all leading steick and groin exchanges.