HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-6-7, Page 1June Weddings WEDDING STATIONERY in correct form can be had from THE SIGNAL at reaaonable prices- . Call and see samples • Aggressive Advertising is the key to success in merchan- dising. As a medium for reaching the people of Goderich and district The SIGNAL is unsurpassed. EI4i11.1'Y FIRST Yl:.\It No. 23 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY' JUNE 7, 1928 MANY SPEECHES AT COUNTY COUNCIL SUPPER LAST NIGHT Tributes Paid to Mr. J. E. TOM, Retiring Public School In- spector for West Huron instead of the 'smoker" customarily liven during the session of .the county council, the order this year was varied and the members of the council, ex - members and others received invita- tions defied by the -Warden, the county clerk, the'Ireasurer aud the engineer to attend a banquet in the perish hall of St. George's church on Wednesday evening. at 6.30 o'clock. In «•seamier to this tnvitetfen a Slaty lieu sat down last evening to the tables prepared in the eiatteodluus parish hall and enjoyed a splendid ails per a e•ryezt tq-a-teum ber of it. George's church. When the good things provided had been properly disposed. of, Warden Hayes. who presided, called first upon Mayor II. J. A. ala,Ewau, who tend • Bred a cordial welcome to the comer councillors. The Mayor oke also of a recent trip *eke he had made to Michigan and stated that In respect to fame and' farm buildings that State did not com- pare favorably with Ontario, nor was there anything along the western shore of Lake Huron to compare witte the; pieasaut villages and beautiful brach along our shore of the lake. Return, lag to tOntario he reedited more stnng- ty than ever how goodly a land we have in this Province. Reeve Timer aerondeed Mayor Mac- , Ewuu's welcome and stated that. not only did he enjoy the association's of the- rowdy council, - but be found he was learning all the time. Any young man. he Itrid, would find _1>hrlldpatlou in municipal life a practical education. Prof. Kingston of the University of Western Ontario assured •the members of the council, who had 'during the -day set the ret uettf for assistance - to the University, that he and his cOt- leagu•;s were "not trots." They rea- lized the difficulties the council had to meet this year and that the time was jierhirpe" inopportune. They diet net - feel the door had been shut in their fades and they would pmt,aldy be bark in a few )ears to renew their request. rrliY __11Ilctrtg ..0Mrred his cot. league's remarks and expressed 5Th phial et a la Laving- met the members oT phi (a,tin,ti. The council toad llitvirnixersity -rel, esenta(ivt•w A drat--111e-trrvite•eF ileo -to- vlsit- Lhe t'niverwity at any tine, separately or in a body. The University men excused them; pelves at thio juncture, a. they had to drive to London. and the gathering honored them with the singing of "They Are Jolly Good Fellows." ' Prof. Kingston in acknowledgment remarked that be would like them to OSLERS v. RISDONS FOR DOMINION DAY Two Famous Baseball Teants W Meet • Again is Golerieh A big att uctluu is ia•iog secured for Godericles Domktlou tray celebration, In a matched gave of harebell between the famous Oslera of Toronto and the equally rcuowucd Itisdons of Detroit, fur a prize of $700. These teams, it will be remembered, played before a big crowd In Goderich during Centen- nial Week last year. The Osiers won, end the-Detruit men ever since have been waiting for an opportunity to evata the score, while the Toronto nine are equally anztoua to retain the aulrrcawcy. It will be one of the biggest fixtures In baseball this ee•Asen, and will no doubt draw spectators from great dis- tance*. Specie! accommodation will be made at the grounds for a large crowd, and everybody within motor - R dtstannt"-nSGotiefteh should make it a point to be here to see what will In all like:nowd tae et )ueun.rabie game. This will be only one of the features lu lltelerlch- hut. deeer•is special mention as- fin -out- standing event. sing tome more song: "We're with you to a man, reedy here and the people oversew. Anel well do the peel Ace eau." ! wino aro thinkius of coming was tW- - lRev. C. F. -Clarke, the next speaker.I who had just returned from attendance at the Unite- i'hun'lt Conferennr at Walkerville, entad that Huron people were proud of their county and had a r sl ve eats he. 1t was meg ew g right t- to p R of. tie highly moral -tete erotnr acrd' 1 K S finest spots under the' blue sky'. It Was recuguized as p desirable place In which to live. and the Conference set= clement committee had no difficulty In finding ministers for the various preaching charges in this county. He hoist- the council would .be divinely guided in its work. Ins sector Tom said he first leenme aegsta n e, w 7 t 1W t flinty cvunit •• 1Wtti. There were fifty -tine members then, of whom only three ---Mr. Wm. (bats, now registrar of Huron. Mr. tllnrry Filler, of Stephen tranship. and Mr. Irunahi McMurchy, now of ht terich--rare still living. Mr. Tom ve SOW, interesting tetnintsceneee of is work as Inspector during the last Pty -twit years. Ile said It was the active in former days more then it now for the trustees to spend the ernoon at the gchonl on the oevasion of his visits; it was a practice which he e'nnehlered beneficial to all 'ton- . '•eerned. lie had had escrllent teach - tars in his inspee•tnrate. some of whom d later made their mark In Maher hems. 11.' appre•Intet the kindness rich ice 'hunal always re'e•Ivei from e rsmnty eons n`itt.V5. Speaking-of me• of the tnaritnl cvent,, that had me tinder hie observation, he tee tinarkel that "the farmer is a luck; an wbn marries a school teneher." Dr. J. M. Field, 'whew, Inspetor for st Huron. expressed his pietism!. in hearing tribnte •to the work and worth f Mr. Tram. They had workers to- ther in the most friendly way. No ne ire the eounly was Metter known than Mr, Tom and bin inflnemr had TI great : he heti had mush to do in *bringing thea comity to its present '". {{'� igh standing in ealaeStIotal matters. I; e, ir. Tom was retiring while . be .Waft file in full health and strength and wished for him many years to en- y his lei'ure. C. A. Robertson. M.J'.P., d* MeiI his marks mainly to the subject of re - vestry and the eoneervation of the isring timber snpplk•s of the Pro - tante ice thought Nome of the town• ipa of this mnnty wmtld And a home of ref,re•etry to be a splendid -•.iment. The Department of Lands .I Forests at Toned(' was very ant- . thit the scheme he taken up tone -tow the Province and would Tr Its ,,salStarte'e. Mr.• Roherteni ke 'leo of the value of mnnliipal perienee in the carrying net of Par- mentary duties and stated that la► period. Fire Brigade Kept Busy The Tire brigade has had a busy week. having twee called out four times in the -week. The first alarm. an Friday morning, summoned the bri- gade. to the rear of the Signal u0iee, where the root of an out harp had caught tire from a *park, (roma nearby bonfire. The blaze was extinguished before any serious damage was done. uut'utattlay morning about 11 o'clock the firemen were culled to the harbor, where a plank 1115Nlt half -way out the south pier was found to be sntoulder- lug. - This w'aa quickly extinguished. While the brigade were at 'the'hartvir they were called to the Medford home at Ile top of the hill. where a defective chimney was the carie of softie alarm; hut no damage was dune. Ti." fourth and merits eerioutt fire atcvuneettoa 1Ved- nesduy morning :.bolt 11 o'clock. when the home of Mr. Chas. Muir. Quebec street. was discovered to be on fire. The house was probably save,- from (1k tl Pit to rl tn. Iho ADS PRINTING Co. l.tMa't'F:I), Publishers. The News of the Town C. A. S. Reorganisation The June meeting of the Children's Aid Society will be held on Tuesday, 1 Jute 12th ut 4.15 in lu the Magic-' 'trace's °Pike • en North street. It is expecte! Hint the work of norteinim- tlun in acreu'daetr with the agree- ment with the county council will be eowiuleted at this meeting. J. Crawford Passes at Neepawa, Mae, Word has lawn rtelvel of the death at Neeptwa, Man.,' of John Crawford, a native of the Port Albert district, where he was born in 1•M50. The deceased took a promlueut part In 'wittiest affairs in anitoba. being a member of the Provincial Legislature from Nan to .1.92 and of the Ftie•ral House from 11514 to 1LNJ$, lila bro- ther. Mr. James Crawford, of Port Albert. has beets' in the West the lest six weeks and was with him fur :sev- eral -weeks before his death. Death of Mrs. J. N. MauKendriek Suceresful Students • The death occurred at her !wine ata The examination lists of the , t'ne Galt on Saturday last of Aueiia•Joile rersity of Toroutu,' {Hubllslled this %Vitkineon, wife of J. til. MhcKendrick. Sire MeeKendrkk was a former resi- dent of Goderich, a 'daughter of the lute Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkiumin of this town. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Gundry and Miss Jane Elliott, of town -the last owned a cousin of the deceased - attended the funeral, Which Leek place at Gott tat Tuesday. New lilaes Counsel The people of Goderich were grati- fied'to see in the •list of new Kings counsel, appointed by the Ontario Got - weak, hn•luded the nausea of several Goderich atudeut5."Miss With Martini took grade A standing iu the fourth year In arta; Miss Doris Wodl(otulae was third with first-class honors in ser• fourth year of the mathefuates and , Mr. Fred Priv, of Sarnia, visited at The county council is in *casks this pbyodcotceurae•. In the thin- your Miss I the pan•ulll home here at the week- week, with all 'the members le at - Ohio \\ hitc',y wok grade B standu u I , PERSONAL MENTION ELMER BEACOM IS Miss Maisel Sharnttut is visiting at Detroit this week. Mr. Ithrold t'urrie Alla up from le - trait for the w•rek•eud. Detroit. Mr. Leslie Evans took in the. Grey- hound recursion to Detroit. County 'Council Postpones Qua - Mrs. Archibald, of Montreal, is'the guest of her brother, Registrar Coats. Lion of Grant to Univer'iity of Western Ontario NEW INSPECTOR OF WEST HURON SCHOOLS Mrs. Jas. llutulittn is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. it, Larkin, at Wind' and.teudanc'e. The session opened on in lite par's cotkrse: 'r. M. Cott was Mr- acrt Stitt and en lk•tkrr, of lint with !trot -class honors in the • Tuesday aftertewe and Warden limit*. 11w -tines. Neb.. were 'visitors !n lawn F.euch, l: trek and Latin course, and E. this week, who 'wedded, addressed the council M,'Field :Otto teased In the thin) year. Miss t'aruliue ('Neill visited rete- with reference to some of the matters With the Iron Bowlers lives at Loudon Mel St. Marys the that would be under comrideratiou taut week. 'during the messlom erumel,t. the name of Robert Cock -1 The local . lawn bowlers held two Mr. anti Mrs. It. T. Phillips -took la town hays of Goletielt. Mr. Hays 151 tournaments at the l'k•tou street the• dean of the legal fntterdty In gret•ns tile past week. In the tourna- Golericpt and Sao always held hiRlt mens on Friday evening Dr. W. Reid alas• Ittwgpr,-rt Ala .,Mpgfesslon. 1111!1 the- l Bud F:. count, a u. first, forize and th dignity attaching to e title offing s Albert Taylor aid G. iliinly w'tDud counsel will "sit most worthily upon ; prize. The prize -whiners iii the ' his shoulders. Other lawyers in tidal tewrnatueut on Monday evening were: Comartklon ; county who have been siml:arl)' lion- l 1st, Jos. Ifrophey slid R. Bisset ; 2nd, The following have qualified for the i orad are Wm.-Brydooe, t,UCIinTo T i az ed a lUU 11-3lnrkttnget -See Orin round in the Lloyd cup comta•ti- R. Carling, of Exeter. and Richard l touruottn'nt w'as held yesterday !tr- iton on the Maitland Golf - (+al- VHustotw, of Winghlm. .. utase of the rain, tours.•, play be completed by June Two rinks of keel bowlers took taut pith: TIM Fifth Pigteon Flight In a bowling tournament at Cargill on C. Naftel- 'E. V. Lesslie. I Mr. W', Pitbla•!o won all the honors Monday, lint neither of them figured It. Black -W. A. °taulthurst. 1 ii, the fifth pigeon flight of the season, among the prize -winners. Those W. F. Saunders --Ile„•. J. N. ('am- weld.•h took p!a(e at the weekend. This taking pert were G. Newton, F. limit. flight was from Port Hope, a distends. J. Bowman, A. Taylor, W. Powell, J. n 176 miler by ale the from Swatiie;d, A, L. Maxwell and ii. Cowan. - {seam. John Galt -Jas. Donnetscrn. J. Acheron -J. N: Flahiff. 1). D. Money -J. C. Robertson. Jas. B. Reynolds -T. It. Patterson. E. D. Brown -C. F. Chapman. -- of about Goderich.. The birds were released at 7 a.m. and the first arrive- home at 12.13 o'clock noon. The first eight birds arrived haeme as follows: 'IV . I'U blade 443.7(51 12.13 '_ytt4rio 12.15 12.16 12.18 1'2.114 • i2.t11 Steamer Greyhound Trip • W.- Pith!ado The steamer (Ire'huuml arrived W. I'itblad„ 446-667 from lh•treit at 6 o't':oa'k on Monday W. I'ithlado R` -7S7 with abeut -150 passenawr essee-iwtMw.A'. _Pitldade .. • - • • 4,t-llfi large number took In the evening ex- S. G. McKay. 719-2fR minden on the lake, !dealt 17x1 per. P. J,lmston 124-.376 1:21) -sons being on board. Thr-eteattn'r-left I'. John+ton 421-734 • 1.2ti on Wednesday morning with about 230 -- "itidgi•weed Park." Isere Mr. and paeeitie•ra and - will -arrive back.in Loudon Conformity of United (' Mrs. Kenneth E. Fleming and famlly- (:olerleh on Friday evening• aud the 16.%,.W. R. SkIlIt sh, It -h.. 1.,tor will attend cert ..f the summer. Mrs. - Sunmu'r Residents Arriving The Herter ('idea Star last week find the ("Hoeing reference tin Wind- II'NeiII during the past week. sorltea "why i;iuut,d to summer In (sat- - Mr. and Mrs. that. Matteson, of Tor- t -rich: - onto, visited tit the home of Mr. 111111 Goderich with its-inviguratiug air Sirs. Walter F'. Hick this week. trill us usual ;timet an exceptionally_ Mr. Jack Howler. Sirs. J. II. Kenny •large number of n.jouru•rs. ' Today and Mrs. McKee 3olmntoa, of itrtmtt. Mrs. O. E. 'Mating and family tie- were visitors in town last week. paned. fur their lovely home at Miss F. Mew. of Detroit, came tip '-tin the"-stenleer Greyhottlid on- 1ltra- day and returned ou \Velnt•sday- Mr. -and--Mrs. le -A. Long. of --h am - Ilton, -were ti -iters at the Mime of Mr. the steamer Grc)huuud excursion to Detroit this week'. • Mr. Thus. W. Nairn, of W'alkerville. Jadieltewa this week, having come up (us the Greybound. Mr. L. F. Knapp. of London, has taken a position as assistant le E. it, Wighs drug store. Mr. Sul Mrs. Arthur t' -Itetlt 7ta(Y seen. Itruce, of Toronto, visited frlcuds 1u town on Monthly. Miss Esther Fisher. of Introit, spent the week -cud with her parents, Mr. anti airs. Wesley Fisher. Miro Ruth El 1.11. of. London. Vhdtel at thehonte of her gntudmother, Mre. ,(:.,al, Elliott, the past week Dr. L. Si. Malate attended the tou- vetatl»t of the Canaditul Dental Asso- chitiou at Toronto+ this week. Miss Dorothy O'Neill. of Kluge - bridge. was the guest of Miss ('.- M. entre! Min! trip to Detroit will le on leder- of King greet church. Iaond,u, was Harold Emery and family will leave day morning. The reel wentha•r no el,ctei president of the London ('inn- pcxt mouth to ml 't hi lino tin'tntha at and Mrs. 11. R. tong this week. doubt had something to do with the Ferenc• of the United Church• which this popular resort. Lest wcek,l.teuten• Mrs. Eva seemed, of Detroit. is k- response _email number ',tau took_ • the trip to met at W"alkerville the past week. Dr. ant -Colonel and- Mrs. F. I1. Laing and V4 1•11 In town this week. having esRrllrtiotle. the quick- ate He H it the stenwer Bracy! 1. Hr brigade. When the firemen ar- , Iwtr..it. Hud suet -her factor 'was the whoosh Is a former .\M1t1tP1d township Mr. and Mrs. N't>;ort:llrnn+ drq>,•trhd for 1�" N « on the some smoke wan lensing lack of an energetic advertising cam-; Isov, a graduate of Goderta•h Uolle•giate their( summer Ito III and later In the Mr.. N. iLaerhler left on the sl•aaer edGreyhound on Wednesday to visit her , as sides of the house and the paten stn•h as was put on for this ex- : Institute and a brother of Mrs, I. season Mr. and Mrs. itianl Roberta rand m at Sound it difficult to locate the ,•urafen in previous years. I Hcthcrhngton of this town. Mr. and Hr.• Humphrey Gilbert will den atter. airs. F. Gurske, sit Port -'__• ase, which seemed to be An� - ---- '-� Tee tat)m.•r.',. -74+«r,.•ie(Mr+ of -lite wage_ time wltlt that,nlna. I)r' pinnou. n• haeetnent. several of the tire- Harbor Notes .! 1'otnte•n•ne• eletted as it pn•sldent air. and Mrs. W. Revell, SII•- Nirn Revell. Mrt, Norman C. Stanton aaeTdangh- 'l donned smoke masks :mot after_ This has been a rather quiet week at John El:iott. 11.A.. of London, also a Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Henry rndl Dr. ter Shirley,:of Detroit, are am•sts M urftng-tench water into the basement the(•o!crit! elevator. The only grain I well-known G.I'.1. graduate. and a and Mrs. !tarry L. Smith with their the forner'a mint. Mrs. Alexander ro I e itis- undert..ntrl. The bst boe,Irnt wart- 4la- 0e441,44. zwtg -.ewe-tree of My.(}•- SI 5t�1hMt of town. families will arrive next month. ae Lawson. t serih irtstNgta In the Pr -a- iaif-Sir- m ry . M" 1-t • The first matter, said the. Warden, to Aider hr aisland to oder was the financial wobble of the .Dual). Dur- ing the war the council acted very );em nm+:Fy- 4H tier stetter of patriotic - - grants and RIMS amouuling 10 $336.- 000 were Iornteed lord debentures be sued therefor fatting due at various {reritela--tush thtc'ytyr It%t3 and bear - lug interest at 5 and 5"1 per cent: -At the saute tine there war $40.t$M) of bridge ,h'be ttHn's, of wbia't' #'•.11,6110 was paid In 181!1 and the re•wuuiug $'20.0110 is to be paid in 18::11. Of the :1336.000 war debentures issue- f280, 1551 tete leen paid, leaving a hnhtnee to be paid thio year and to I1tet of $56.000, and making In all a debenture debt stilt outstanding of $76,145o. Added tin this is tle..'ouniy's highway debt. In round figures $.5o,tlpt, to be paid this year or dealt with in ,some other -way. (H lit' $w6,1MM) of Isairieb ie' da'- ientur,•a there• an• $37.145 w to paid this year. Last year the county paid .dr *U7..510 of debuitunW. Tire Warden said the felt a mistake halt beets mad.' in fie !Satre of au large an amount of debeuI nres, Times acre prosperous duritrg the period In elut•a- -tion,-situ there should have leen more of ti.. •'pa)' ua you gin" priM•Iple. The (uterest iutid up thu•'e theta•htures has made it 'large additional payment Ahleb would-n.N•hate sewn netwasary if the timaunL had is'.n paid Ahem the grunts were mule. - The Children's Sheller Kiln refereme to the Children's Shelter, the Warden pointed out that • in this county, as In uthen', there b a t'hildrelt.a A� Sus-iety tinder the supervision of the Government. "This Saa'iett how In the pest assumed the responsibility of linking after lbs poor ipu cinUdrvi\_gt,tne c•onrrty. ��,r- e«•l•tr-�tt+t»+iHtae��wr-- Rua -climate was (•5.11554 lug .which_ di•s•hnr•Kwi tss►,(e10 bushel,, of ('flanges int a ;.or"tla` wltter.�e tare wa'se'auaivi , (•astir. Thi+ s:ramrr a•leatr,l on 9atur- Trgtan of lt.oan �rrre*- +et'c'JFS°"t 's rain! 3lrk- It: iT,T,iarttn. Mr. and Mn. Redford vane up ngthe sletmrr lin•y• ewiri> tier for Port M,Niedl with tie 151 -II rottows: IL," i Itarn-•a Mr 1^•r Sirs bolted on Tut -slay and returners on -_nuc• earRo, 1fM),1Mv► bn'ucls, i Br.o,,,ille, lice. lis R ramming Ge .r.•• atbotr .bo.t-tlr and 3[ra i'f .tr.,w••si- CM f'loweu�tlal 'family. Dr. and Slre.� ar �a TT f W' t a( 1 t p Ref } presentations ,omiugfrom countyVous -A noticeable rising :tout ieWfrlCgorf 1fl.ttt /PI. ,thooter! Little. who Hid n short deli oils were cousiderel with great re- the water in the harbor took place on Weir. ., to Goderich test wok. x111 raper their d'a ileteeutar circles. Tru•aday uftsrim en. it is rep,#tt'eI F iiilvt11e-- ttev. Leroy C. White.. sista in r Y case alainit I Hohneesrlll--•Rm•..i. W. Herten. 'home next month and take their (nm- Robert l'w,pesuk ex-lteeve of East ttat the water at one time rity Rah speaking on the subject of eighteen inches above the normal level ln'ndeabro+ IRe•` .1. WF •tac'mitsten, June, orSftPnrorinhalr. Tt rlPighl'ltall:nr immier , el g and then lowere.t nbant four feet be- M,.Ki'.lop- It , immsgrutiuu, said the Isst itamigra fore re+,nming the normal. Thaunes Rood --Rev. Jnm's Anthnnv• !yaw will depart for !,Merle!, where Pieta policy was tin hnyy'e. conditions they w•ill,o''eu s a cottage till the end in this cuuutry os will invite people to Additional equipment for the Cad- M.A. IS e here, The silent How of corms. well Sand A Gravel Company arrived Wroxeter -Rev. H. G. It. {truck. of .Iglu. .\t chi. time ala and Lira• herr tonin Ti- sus'! mei t+eetgu• is ez• it. H. Whltttker _will leave for thin ionden,.e between those who are 111- y - Wa�•r 'Ta „r No taperer the remainder of the+ hi we IhPreshortly. biter W,dne'rday. Miss aro n a,r: ti is on - note, sod Mr. Ed. ilarlr(l', of Kit- chener. spent the weekendwith Mrs. N. ltoe'ellhr. Mr. and Mrs- Herold Mue'shet, of Detroit. spent a few days last week visiting their grandmother, airs. W' Madel, Me nmil..•n. ' Mrs. Charles It. Nneli. ,f Fxoter. is . sirending :n few days In town while Jwc 14111411.1 Ad. the Reeve of Exeter, is greatest iufluen'e in promoting or dist- remitting ie remitting tntwienttion. Its the task (f devetuping goad citizenship among the newcomers in tour iountry, the greatest force was the maintaining of a high standard in our own eittzenship. Robertson. other of 'Tie i 11'...11._ 1..._ Signal, ?spoke of the- proposal Witte - dines made for the atn,litiou of e'ounty . uaiti 11w '11,' thought this woull be a mistake. The work at erieeut carried on under the direction of the eounty council* might be continued under dif- ferent auspies, but there was an ad• vantage its having some of these mat- ters dealt with iy a hotly representa ily segrtrafe township or town eouncilsl: T. R. Patterson, county engineer. in - his addn'es spoke mainly of a recent vieit to, IH•troit ,and Michigan for. the observation of road building and Mein - femme.. method.. He found the trip very instructive. in sane respects Michigan was attend of anything else In the world so far as rood e',lilitanetlt was concerned. hut in eottttrarisssn lie a not a -she ted of conditions In this Salary List of T(ers At- the monthly meting of the pub - to school A quiet wit Monti wasto,.s-• ,,,,t emboli mew Inn_ who this Mr. anti Sirs. Welter, Sharmnu Sud the boast or Mr. and alt. H. t Tay, we H S1►sa Nina Sharman arrived b enamor Int. East Waa•nnosh, on Saturday, week hare token up their residence {u )• Jflne "tot ai 1 o'clock. when their eld- (oMerich, will Ie a delightful addition Greyhemnd on Tuesday and will or- est daughter. h oT• e s Mins copy their mildernr here for the o .umnu•r. Sirs. Brute Grigg. of introit. 1s spending n couple a weeks at the M • w anti X n. of ears rat SI r. 1iso home 1 n Fred Mugfonl. Sir. Grigg was P from Detroit for the werk-e"ttd. m-ve...ctrrte _ Mra._(L_W-11el- as and Sirs, J. N. -IL 'Mitts attentivA e* a ss poor start In their quest for neve, buu- the Nnutnl meeting of the Women's with reference to the iippdntmen( of derblue georgrCe. • with gold trim- o �,ate- Moron. held at London last week. Control Act metiers 'and this !natter E _• and fern. SO *Inn at summer. Mr. anti Str.. Kenneth im ntteudance at the .Monty ,cured. lain ufilcers and fixed their remunera- tion emu nera• - tion anti looked uftee_the Intervista of the children. fur fishing them With ' fool 'rand clothing and attending . o Iheir education, pori Whirr these child- ren were adopted out the Society still fulloteed them to "tee that they re- , -rived `proper treatment anti attention. 'Pits comity en ifs part provided n home '`I h.• /'hii Idren's Shelter tent supported it with liberal grants. lat- terly It, the ame11111 of tt.tala a )ear. . The a uuieil han�uhgwbe•uue dimmatistitsl with the manner In which these mat- ter,, were lotto- al, It has been deilded that the county shall take over the nuanngemrnl of the Children -a Steller. ml that thee' who pay shall have a board on re -en ay dight, the say its to the conduct of the instltu- teaching staff were re-engaged for the 1 1 t (7ttri I S 1'.•nrl was to tie Beeler wool r n I; rat V limn. With this nbje•t in ,t,'w Keen salariess follows: wilted in marriage to Mr.,.\Ifrei W. Helen it.wihe .. now in a,odtrich wet luau leen taken tilt the awutgamnrie coming year sate 1700;a A. d will remain for file •Hammer. It. StonPMiuse, $1700; Miss 1, F. r j W'alke'r. of C ishew a. son of M ... nn the harp Mrs. Walker, of Wt toll. Out. • of the two Interview -the .. mut} and BASEBALL tee (RNidre•n'n Aid etwiety-- and plane w 1 paw.- W. H. .\;P ntlidahsl. Th, tea • din march was played by the si. e Robinson, 111110(1; Miss Si. Wilson, R the ripprovul or dlsnpprnsal of the $900; Miss G._Sturdy, $950; Min M. the bride. Miss Phyllis Tityler. The Hensalt -10 $edetic! :t Sles • Bailie. $925; Miss Kate Walsall, $925; bride. who tens n.Ill -mrtTrhras iry" r. Mi E Wiggins. $92", Sli 'Vesta ler futhrr, looked charring In p111,v.• The hocal ball team got away to a f'umnnnnlchlliti-v rarP`taYtzlf pta(w-"-' Wrtatwn yl(Ls0 Mime A Nairn, $1530 minRs anti carrying fi btin'pu. t of row 1:11 its hip when. last Fr(day unlnlg. Auxiliary of the Anglican Dlot•w• of n high constable to look after 1.iquot MOS V. Elliott, $92: ; Miss E. Hume, te [la•n•all ,Pew not only dela �•� Pile groom's R ft to., the !hent but tout. great pewter.• it rub' . Mr. McKee John.t,.a motored tip will .•colo' before the council. This means an increase of $100 each bride wits a whim -Bold wrist Natch. 11ug It In to the• tune of a IU a I"- Sharman. e- teen lIthroIt Sntnnlny. He return's! Th,' patchier of the county wild- ' cf pals Stonehouse and Star• and to the pianist a white-g"i,l irar- :Hamilton, S nn 1 e(10• Miss Gone ..harm , E rai t; Mi b E110( Masa W.Bail. >jt1tM b L tor). Luckily this was only au ex on Sundry, ncompnniel by Mrs. ,lobe- for ne to fees. etc.. should to taken . county. Gordon Young. • .minty treneurer. spoke of the financial condition of the comity find stated that in a few of, the present indebtedness would he clewed off and assistance emelt he given to mntfers of importance such as ati'•aneit catttcwtion, pie eyMpg thizel wllh--the appeal.-af-_the _ Ual!erai L of Western Ontario; a great deal of money was les.* usefully srpent'than would he a grant le Uma Institution. W11rden !ley ea rat this juncture stated that, though financial e'csnditiens had influencrel the e'ouneil in eler•llntng to make a grant to theUniversity at the present time, the prntwiaition solid no doubt come again before the conn- rat fume future lime and would re (five favorable consideration. B. W. F. Beavers. ex -Reeve of tee- ter, who was rraneerted by the War den to addrrge hi' remarks to the layliee. took the occasion to pay a tri- Ante to ids mother. Wild has pawed ber- eighty-eighth birthday. To her sacri- fices. he said, he owes the opportunity of entering snce•essfutly omen business life. Mr. !Wavers paid a warm tribute to inspector Tom. as several of the preecrding speakers also heft done. The chairman expressed the thanks of all prevent for the hospitality of the ladies of St. (ke'orge's church: and Mrs. C. W. Carrie replied for the ladle''. Mr. R.. C. Mannings also spoke briefly. A vote of thanks to the Warden and comity nfk•1ats wee morel by Mr. Rob- ert Johnston end seconded by Mr. (Notate*, and after the winging of "God Clave the King" the gathering die - man aud small fie -teases i no or aro of the other teachers, Miss Hume Is appointed teneher of the kindergar- ten department, of which she has had the recipients of ninny lovely gifts, incl using a cabinet of fiat silver from the friends and nefghbers of the bride, in the ketone standing, and prebald) the defeat will prove to have dame o the . mare gu'osi than linrn, as the ioi•nls (Marge since the mien/Item of We•+l_At_the ui V. o f tl ceremony a buffet drat ave down to curlh ands. F'islcy n few months aRo• hnnehcon inns served. rand lire -nappy-and w'ilang to telco themselves. The cn(ne mmittce report submitting the (ttle left on a 'short honeymoon. the P gnroc was net us uui•sidel +as .nlnry !:.tt. contained abet n reoom nThe !ride trnvellietg in a 'levy fiat crepe tale eeio "n" born to 1rnls'ateas menil+htfon that an "age Ifmit of tench- dreieraud bine coot, with TI • will hat' tteaatrtl gathered meat of their 'nu n+ inR ba_define- and made effective." ',hoes Mild g:'ev, g t.. match• n) J. A. Harrison was re-ngagpd es j rouble at fel Ah•xamin street, ()sltawn- Witter of Vtetorta whore at the sates in- one beetle innings. a:udcrtu'lu stitreduthe fireworks right frown the 'first ■rad gad throe ruts In the first Innings, but to fo score during salary, $10011. IV. J. Ruddock, janitor Inter•emmty Golf League Formed of Central school, hessubmittedhid \ meeting of representntbves from resignation. The property committee was empow- ered to have minor repairs made at Central echoer] and to hate the interior of V': toric er•ho t redecorated during the summer vacation. --ATT the memiier T ii-bi+nrii-Wt Prette•rlt at this meeting. CHURCH NOTES Kin,.,rdire. Ltstawel, Senforth and, eats, Sir. find Sirs. M. J. Itlw•ler. .1nglt sea street. Dr. Ii. L. and afro, dickey and two a:hildriro, or Denver, Col.. are exp'c•hd to arrive here on Friday to spend sev- eral wick' at the home .,f Mr. find Mo: -1Mht: (')noir.-. 'Ail' ate-- teak Hos the trip by motor. Miss (olive Whitely has. returned from 'I'nrnnfn itnivershts• fn ep•nd the receive a certain Hee,i •minty es a re- liever, in return tier which he !Owlet, raider sem-Ices of itdvioe to the War- der, clerk Riad treasurer gn.l li,'rform certain ether duties without. palm chargee, which he has expresasetl his =iyiliingne•g* Im-nlvr- -- "Vee. will la' asked at this w•rsion for n grant ,if *75.0(10 toa•nnls a *2.- 41HR,11110-POdnwreent of the - Fuivurslty- _. _xneatton with_ her laments, ,if Western Ontario. This matter will Str. nod Sirs. .1. le. Whitely. Huron Ira l i i- before ;on by n ,i, I,. ftinn the rest of the pante. Mensal► got I rood. 'cls- Whitely passed her third- froin the University. one run in the flit and ,Prue in the u,..ir rynnstnntions with honors.• Herelle) Bills far indiRMty WitIkerton Golf and Country ('lite tfndi third, and linen cane the terrible Sl r. L. L. Knox yewtervbhy received. "' Slnitluud Golf Club was held in Walk 1 fourth, in abieh Gwcierieh i, es'ui Ih•• ,,,,r,l of (he rk•ath of his sistrr•in.hrw "Durst,_ re rat •rear. Iha.usmher or erten on Slay :NNIS for the purises' of bail gams• good-bye and . Ileusnll \i;ss Nnrc:aref Mime. of Kings tett. aril inut hfhia rel u','ng (county nonstarter erg+anszir,¢ n league to piny for a aro• e,luspetl It firmly to its Irrs'un b) sol •,-ft tin the nftcrnor.n train to- attend, Inas 18cnm•etu ern' rapddl' and recent phy donattal by Mr. W. A. Johnstone lading eight giod health) tuna the turmoil. Sara. Knox ha,, been with Ifc•1slNton bra naffed much to ale ra tri-Lfi•R...cl, 4lecidal-t,. eanto�_t,, _ ta._--4lrwe- wuev s•,nci! ire anatt r It . K.ltta•dtc+e.� f� sr?uu+atit l •I..otutlf}' „f the ccmhty: Formerly the league the Perth, ilun+a.. and i on tither aide and shy game a a•h"I ni.o ti . }Tin• tomfe 't•.ttty eii-n-' rd" air letTlitent_-_ -.- Brute le•agua• I1•., ii. k B.) null in. with the etvre1111. The ehgnrt'ment I. nnnnnn(wt rat fir a honve'st inns r, {anusihle for clad.' the following clubs: Kincardine, Allison started the hurIit I 'for lineally Glory. nine.% only dnughtrr! noting Ince•+tigIi.' regarding the • 1.1ahoArL Malflxnd (Goderbchl, /tee- total'. e;enlerich' blit grave a'ny lir 1'ri:r.Ay' of Mr. sad Mrs. Itobt, flake• ('o:borteI t^"nninenrsr of the deifies rind wham forth. Pito- Wider IGo,l.nc�ht. Ilan- ulirtnl the fururth innings. Spew,tTaI atle11 that 'lb' cnar Sas dbuutlfvtne over and Walkerton, one trpreeenrntice oAnahjp. to Sir. Kinneth K. It. \Sir" I ' however, could not Ret GIs tin{StoTs mere, yenngeet soh of Mr. nett Stn tilled the et41: y aeon ins !rail the !renting right. «i, Slnuag -r 1'nrti is F r:a,nk W`fiitmnrr. fltale•rlrh tnwrhsiul)s - s' if co,t l gl+:nt(mn tins mrersed from each club to form a Mittel ofPhis order. pin.luq the, responsibility dinetnrs. Th,. ft1 oalna of lrrs nnol rrpieeed him by U ldthunIae Ill the Tho marringe' is to fake Veen party itn dir"et,rra were chosen: honorary ptrsl• sixth and (he'ng' remained uulll_tic? , 1 .m fhe' float ptnce on the musty. which chemf, W. A. ,IuhnaHme, Listow•e, ;pre,+ end of the game. Sir 1,011 Mrs. •Frank 11. Mart , left hula jito 'Viii" I'na v "with ben,' me Idem. J. A. w•Iiluir•Iu, 1.1stowel;_rite'- trngnethe,' donhl.• with the base,' chi. tuftrrtorvn fur Totemic to b• present ,thee ,•,s v Thla tan tory wtiiin'. sc+me prraldeuL II. G. Wright, Klnnhrdine; full In the lira sus a featnm of the 1 •hnd inronnortme p xceptfm. very ae•erntnry-ttraanmr, D. It a(ooney, j et- the Rraduatinn of their v,'rs- tor• r,,iuh!e leas He. means It'nuet by gr and nes+»:,led fur Its. or rhe' Setas Ruth Mnrtin, after a erre '1ie••�' Goderhfi; Dr. J. A. Graham, Bine lo•alti runs. fruI,n.fy In left *4'1 mg'fnl conr.e at fhee 1'nher•ity of j trnuhle*enne corne'p»nlpmr find In - biter. will lees-cuttdactefl -lie the..mili Ritter J C. Grp. tte•mtfasth; Dr. aCRPt('d nr herd vhentie•r without 4letonth, seta. Sfnrffrt t•Mt * eww+ls4-. I. of nwrrhhhuima the facts: glary islet. Mill's ttt of sermon" 11 a.m., .Sle('ue, Waiket�tere, and W. R. seine n Prror and pMcedTie is cot chi? a rntly high team! throughout her rrent's,''Yon hay,' l.11e ^b��e} 4. sen wan Faith and bite;" 7 p.m.. "Vulnerable Hanover. '1\te dame were divided in - The pitrtier fiat a Rnnd tkidet• and won grade A etandlnM in. her lhnll 111 I fhr authoritypital,to (lend an- • The se,.re by Inning': fourth year. Itma-ki to ale hospital. aimllar to that (:aalerh h is n O 0 11 0,11 R ----------- in making a commitment to the house ytensxll 1 0 1 R 0 0 0:10 r A. F. ('iil'R('ii PARAfFR j ..f refuge_ Patients requiring hospital 11aiwuha11 Idulhtftsl (earn. (loderich, No, 32. ('.(► r„ will tn•entm.'nr ahot!d be sent to oar ells ih,ptiet Church. June 10tlt-Evening subject. "Are We Selling Our Birth- right for Trifleit" - • • The servit•es at Victoria etree•t United ehnrch next Sunday wilt be condin•ted by the poster. Public wee - Ale at 11 a.m. sad 7 p.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Servient In Knox church [text Sab- Virtues." Sabbath srehod and Bihk classes at 10 o'clock. - June Victor ret erode now on wile. Campbell's Drug Store. Five or rix hundred Masons -many edming con'itierabte .Hstanees-were present at Knee church en Wwlneralay night of title week to hear the attires* on Masonry by Rev. Gabriel McGuire, tit C.larkehurg, W. Virginia. The speaker. who has made an exhaustive study of the history of Masonry, watt heard with great intetese and appre- ciation. ppre-ciation. to two -grottp.s; Group 1 -Sea forth, Listowel, Bine Water sad Maitland; group 2-Kincanitne, Hsnaiver and Walkerton. Each team to consist of ten playere and to play home and home ;mimeo. the winner) of the groups to play home and home games. lineup games are to be played by Septemher 1't and finals by September 16th. The first games in the local group are Llsn,wel vs. fiue,Waterand Sea - forth wa, Maitland. , James Cook. Reratf god profeendonal, sag appointed refer sein came any dis- pute should arise. The local, will lilt their first softy - doled game In the (Huron county League at staffs oe St«nday next. The game will be t•allel at 6 o'clock. The first irate game will is• on Wed- nesday, ,pine lath, when Exeter will be here. Ground -Hoge.--Get silt of them. Cyanogae. Campbell's Drug Store. hold their annual ehnmh serelee and pomade on Sunday morning. June 10th, to St. George's e•hnreh. Rev. J. N. I1. Mille will 1+e the speaker. Broth- ers are ra'gnaKPd to meet at their lodge rooms in MeeKer Hap. North street, at 10.15 a.m. Visiting brethren coin dimity invited to attend. W. PRI(7l, A. B. BARRER, C. R. Ree.. See. comae hoapijals and not to outside or (trident hospital. as Titanate, Alas them should be sane• system of taxing the rosin." ('enrvnlrnieat loan The clerk placed a number of cone nuutcatinns before the council and the were ordered to tie filed or sent to the uppr'«printe cummlftee Among I(N,ntioue',I ,n loge 31