HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-31, Page 8a ) S --Thursday, May $1, 1928. NILE N11 . MAY 30. -'rite sacred can- tata entitled -The Galileau•' wit) be given by a union choir of about forty - dye voices at Port Albert ou June 10th, at Nile on June 17th, and at Loeb urn ou June 24 Lb. Readers: Mesara.`Ed. Laee,e. and Leslie 1'ent- land. We are• Torry to report that Mrs. Jno. T•-celhrt at prt'SeUt.Young wish On I hees for then, a speedy recovery. Mr Norman Moffat, of Ancaster, THE SIGNAL, ...,... ,... •-w GODERICH, ONT. HOKE OF KING ARTHUR ADDITIONAL VOTE Town of Goderich FOR GODERICH HARBOR Proposal to Se.sare Church !Asa In $100,000 Included In Government's Cornwall Because d It- Historic Supplementary Estimates AwicelaLlon-A Beauty Stmt. Supplementary estimates tabled fu There is a great movement truing the house of Commons at Ottawa on on la Britain for the presettation of Saturday include an appropriation of all Its places of eatural beauty or of ;cIouIila) for improvement of Genlerich historic interest. If a local authority harbor. This is In addition to the wants to in a road through the Lake vote of $75.000 lu the mala estimates. district or widen au old one its Needless to say, the action of the scheme is subject to au amount of government iu this matter is regarded criticism front artists, antiquaries. .with gratification by the people of God - and ti• like, such as was ue♦er heardertch and others interested In the de - of £ hundred years ago. it an at- velopmeut of the harbor here. Other yleitad at the home of her brot , tempt is made to build modern build- items its the supplementary estimates Mr. Herb Pentland, one day the Mast +ngs nears the venerable relic of are rlu,lks► for Kincardine harbor, week• , Stonehenge. thereis an immediate $10.243 for drrlgiug at Midland, $105; Rev. Ii. G. and Sirs. Whitfield. er outcry and fund. are subscribed to (kat for dredging at Sarnia, and $10,- let, Helens. were guests 4 Rev. It. :\. purchase land and free it from all un - 000 for wharf repairs at Tadletmory. and Mrs. Lundy at the patsur"be on sightly encuutbsratws• In this man- In title issue of The Signal is an 'hteeday of the past week. tier beautiful cliffs are being preserv- advertisement of Department of Successful Entertainseeet -eThe tea- ' ed to the public, beautiful commons Publictle ruins and old \\'urns calling the for trtmen for teve held in Nile wasaa'deeided'I houses, linvfactt.. anything that makes tits• reeoustruction in concrete of 300 theuevening of nay 2411. dfeet of the south pier at Goderich success. There was :, large attend- for delight to the eye !n the old Erg' ,harbor. ante, the proceeds:aueouat:ug to $154. lush countryside. The tables were ' ie. a with an sound- t''Itrcht l'1 ft,nowTibeeneln proposey Norrthd Corm ante u OBITUARY f good t and the ...moat, it shall be purchased for the pub - which was fi'' rcdi by alL lie and handed over to the keeping don, was U.,•roughly' rnjo. of the National Trust. There is no CHARLES J. DICKSON • I'S talent from 1". wa ' The pn,_r:tW included vasal and Snore romantic spot In the west o England. It Is in the very heart of The death of Charles J• Dickeou, a strumentvl music, readings, etc., which were rendered in excellent style. the country of King Arthur, that hero , former resident of Goderich, , where One Thousand Dollars t$1,tf10.o0t to site, whether I recently at the city of Quebec, where be used to defray the cost of erecting BYLAW NO. 13 e.» 1925 OF TU CORPORATION 13F THE TOWN OF OODP 1CH. A BYLAW TO P1tOVIDE FDN'DS FOR THE ERECTION OF A URAN'D- S'rA:Vl) AT THE AGRICUL- TURAL i'AiU' . WHEREAS the Town is the owner of the lauds known as the Agricul- tural 1'ark lying between MacDonald and Eldon streets in the Towu of Goderich; AND N1ItE1tKA1d the said Part is used by the citisens of the said Town of Gotierlcb as a reerautiuu park; AND WHEREAS it is necessary fur the proper use and enjoyment of the said Park to erect a grandstand; AND WHEREAS the graudetand at present on the premises is in a very unsafe and etaugeruus c•oudit'fon; AND WHEREAS the Goderich Trotting and Agricultural Association have donated to the Town the sum of had he be a myth or a res raid gnimistand; IELD mese-and lives in the hcartadoa so wEnglish- years ` While- atree+ideut of this to tl',ND WHEREAS AS it will be ueces- )118HF .. t, ;_sod. of isthecta Tennyson, our of the ,:reatcet of Eng- Mr. DioKaon via* R.sw'iatrel with his way to issue de AtlitlEl.lt• May 29.- Mr. unit Mrs, lush poets. father. the late John Dickson,- in the Wtu Mete a+urll mud Miss Beth visited The strahg walls that sheltered the eieeratl"1t of the e;,alerkh woollen Waite h sts of ,l h k 1 htv are little more twills At Quebec he was engaged for lu . and .Tb en-> es Finnigan. the gee - ki,.i alt Is n }p.ae ride factory. Mr. and -- James Flnnl to I Mali crnmiding--rales, but his mem- soon• yea+ir-tn the' nuef with Tree the to this day. and latterly It le Mrs. e sale ce The Wanly friends of Mrs. Bert try broods over place to tisitur to Tenessou wag a_ire ll I the lieiwMmrnt of Notional Defence. leaven far bee teed/est-to to km'w that she has tN far reavvenvl as to be ably to Tiuue:• I,' loth whit• h, wan contrm- I . is sun•1v'e.l by his wife, two sons return from Goderich hospital last platin:: the Arthur[ tet Cycle and i and a eleughter, als.r by a brother. Mr. when he had completed it. He came Henry- l'ieksen. of Neu Diego. Cal., ..'..►- terine_r.v'r and dead. thea earners; Mrs. ('has. Hughes. Mr. and Mot. lrth'id S(citt-r. Mr-mee there hot in star++ in I of Seerumeot". t'at.. Mrs. Alice Don - Earle Sunda}- withyheir daughter. Sir`• visitingrthe cave ltwhere tthe batby' k and aldsou. of Winnipeg. and Mrs. E. J. Earl• BULL!, t'Itut,•n. ,wed to have landed. Alan Mee Aubrr Higgins and • .s Suppe Scans. of Montreal. k wet qtr Y Sack cisurd wilt, Mr. and Yrs John old m:' h« came sesta, and, as his Emery last week after -attending the son with as kind etiobef t -Irv'.• wholeg.lt ee Mr. Tlheo{dlilusli{elly. one Yof Cul- eweleayeu-IU le n rtug its De. One of the pine.•s visited by Tenny- la,ru's oldest residents, passed away .n a may "f stn tetnrairg to son was the very elle-Church Cliff tem May '22nd at the home of Mrs. it [hep were ac.omi -which it is now proposeds Str.ngle East scree. Col - ewe : u " - ' *uItt'l hi Mrs .__ 'a ire hall be t town. Mr. bentures of the Cur- leeratlun of the Teen of Goderich for the sum of Seven 'Tloudaud and Nine Hundred Dollars ($•7.9u0.00). the pro- ceeds of the .sale of the said deben- tures to be applied for the purpose of erecting the said gruudstaud and none other; ANI) WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during a period of fifteen years, being the currency of the said debentures, the said yearly sums being of such re- spective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for prin- cipal and interest fu respect of the said debt shall be as nearly as pos- lleputy-returning officer, I.). D. Mooney; poll clerk, Fred Weir. Polling 4mb-dietitian No. 8, at the town ball -Deputy -returning bilker, E. C. Belcher; poll clerk, Geo, ltekher. Pulllttg dull -division No. 4, at Stoth- ers' wagon shop, Vittoria street- 1)eputy-returning officer, Huron A. Tut - ford; poll clerk, William Suellen. 1'o111uti subdivision. No. 5, at P. Ix Welton's store, West street -Deputy returning officer, Harold Blackstone; Pull clerk, (lerald Newton. Polling subdivision No. 6, at Mar Arthur's electrical store, West street- lMputy-returulug ullcer, 11. L. Wat- son; toll clerk, David Marwick. lulling sub -decision No. 7, at Geo. liaggitts residence, corner of William and Cuyley streets-lleputy-retorting (Miter, trunk Bingham; poll clerk, Robert McKay. On Thursday, the 21st day of June, 1928, the Mayor of the said Town will atjend ut the Council C'humbers of the said Town at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, to appoint persons to attend at the various polling plaave afurewid, and at the until summing up of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persona interested in and promoting or opposing the pastriug of the said pro - hawed bylaw. respectively. The Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Goderich will attend at his other In the Town Hall, at ten o'clock in the forenoon on Saturday, time 23rd day of June, 10'28, to sum up the num- ber of votes for and against the said propose.] bylaw. - L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. Kelly stole equal to the amount payable in Meuterc, who will visit for a few days pnolle lr^M•rtY. it scan is within req • wee bons eighty-three years ago In P t'b of the other fourteen yearn of [herr and will akar. visit her dungh- distance of the Church of St. Marcel- Ireland and came to Canada at the the void period; ter" 1u HamitTitff before rrturupug liyoa hence ii. name, a venerable I aa, ,d eight years, the family settling AND W7fERDAS the total amount 1 l Kenzie is e,,,y un • feint, d sp,melt ns o[ tea 1' ( Culls.rne taking RSO 1'[27 cap 'efJ to be nosed an AUCTION SALES PUBLIC NOTICE rLEARING AUOTION SALE OF VV HOU'SHOLD FURNITURE AND HOC -SE FURNISIlrNGS. !tilt. G. M. E1 .LOTT will sell by public auctlou at -Lake- side," Lakes side," Guderivh, on SATL"RIDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1928, aumweuclug at 2 o'clock sharp, prac- tically all the contents of the house, including: One bedroom mite, springs and mattress; 5 white enamel beds, springs and matt tosser; dressers, washstands and chairs; 5 rockers; holt rack; 7 small tables; dinner wagon ; toilet Sete; refrigerator; lounge; child's tuble and chairs; 3 -burner coal oil stove; dishes, china and glassware; 1 linoleum, 5I,1 yards by 4 yards; other liuoleuw and carpet; 1 tirophead sewing uulchiue, all attachments; 1 Mouuo h carpet sweeper; 1 wietrola• mahogany; 1 Ming cabinet and sixty rcorels;'1 white iron bed, single, with springs nod mattress ; 1 Wfltou rug, and num- Every articles. Everything wast be disposal of. as Mr.. Elliott has sold the property and must give possession at once. TERMS -Cash, G. SI. ELLIOTT, T. OL^NDRY & SON, Proprietor. Auctioneers. DISSOLUTION OF P Alt'L'NERS1111'. Notice is hereby given that the parte nership of Harold C. Young and W. Maitland Bell, who formerly carried on business under the firm name or style of Huron Motor Sales, has been ADM1NSTIbAT'UR'S SALE OF A Giant 8-ltooltio ► FRAME 110114E AND 1101'8E110W I'URNI- "PURE. - TENDERS WANTED SEALI01) TKNJ)EIt•S AI)'DRBdIWLD to the undersigned anti endorsed "Toucher for Recoustructiou of the South Pier, Guderich, Ont.," will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Thursday, June 14, 1933. for the reeouslructlou of the superstruce lure of the South Pier, in camerete, for a length of 300 feet, at Guderich, Hu- ron County. Ont. Plans and form of contract can be seen and specification and forms tender obtained at title Department, a the officer of the District Engineers, Customer Building, Lunette', Ont.; Equity Building, 'Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office, Goderich, Ont., also at the Builders Exchange, 70 Bond street, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in ac'ordeinee with conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by au a,veptarl cheque on a chartered !tank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, ,etttal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender. Rends of the Dominion of Canada or bends of the Canadian National Rail- way Company will also b• accepted as security, or bonds and a cheque if re- embed to =eke up an odd amount The edmluistrator of the estate of the late Thomas (fates will sell by fr aut•tlurt at Lite_ nremlseL Wuife street, Goderich, on THI'RSDAY. JUNE 7th, commencing at 2 o'eloek sharp. the property consisting of part of lot 089 on Wolfe street In said town of God- erich, on which there is a comfortable frame dwelling in a good state of repair. This property is in a good location. dissolved and that the said firm, from At the same time all the contents of and after the 23rd day of April last, the house will be sold. Including: will be tarried on under for sole own Walnut centre tables; walnut cheat of I _ Harold C. Young. ' drawers; walnut whatnot ; - walnut P. R. DAItIRIW, Solicitor. hall rack; bookcase and contents: set of oak dining chairs; extension table; TO KENT davenport; mirrors; corner cupboard; rugs; carpets; linok•ums; 1 Singer FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. sewing fuse lane; 2 iron bele. natt- \AI, tresses and spring,+; 2 dressers and e stands; 1 kitchen range; kitchen uten- i's , dillies, china and crockery, and i numerous other articles. 'PERMS on property, eft per fent. _'4to be paid, be lance when deed is given, tau boust-hotel furniture, cash. For further particulars apply tee HAYS & HAYS. NOTE. -Blue prints can lee obtained at the Department by depositing accepted cheque for the sum of $10.00, p-ayatltr-ZO the order of the Stlnlster.-- r-_ of I'uthllc Works, which will be re- turned if the intending bidder submit a regular hid. )ly order, S. E. O'BRIPIN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Mai 25, ltr3t. 2t AUCTIONEERi74O eranlp or r - wu,e.. structure contatfiln) Smelt armee. a in York township In 'see he same to required by the Municipal Aut.being Near Square. Apply at 9iG. _ -. tript Alberta au , three varie•ofUrstip lot 10.Luka root •nosily by sI { Boon. who provided _fourteenth armory, and in the south to Seaford. e ' transept 'au incised slab' with the ply of fent. A sister, Mrs. Matthew \N'U WHEREAS the amount of the shoe store. Apply to W_liER.\ countersunk had of an effigy of the' Foley. of ('olilcrnx• township. Bled April"whole rateable property of the Towu •Shoe Merchant. time of Edward 'l I last and another sister. M try. e, f (lettere-le according to the lust re- eseerisere at Wiugham lospttai last legend and h 'ewe cars ago. -•'' . weep- Miss Free mus a member of this fnrxtrleable cunfuaiou at Trntagel, y sed took I AND \\ lLI !(EAS the amount of the diate possession. Apply to HAYS E 1 ear's ---utnatton cense • - and natural le.aut is over it all. as Itime,d df nephew. Mr.RobertFoley.: eiist-irig debenture debt of the said , A adm-i.u•rt , r qts:[erotic l{ev. M. C rr cone tic - Mn. Donald t' Norman ar: tile towns up o . - ' o and other - lVeatrrn Got.iic architecture. I 1 About eighteen ,ecm ttitte for paying the (OFFICE. 1 1,(1rrs; aea'4+1+neiytng his brother .1)r• In the nave is a brass for Johanna Stases ago he sol,! the term and moved who motored to .tatesaid debt and interest as payinbereig II. leKstisle,Il lived in the middle of the T • { t 1 H 1 the ;net of a fain- fled is the sum of $701.10; FOR. RENT-FKu 'C ROOMS IN"EI 11 ser. an Mr. and Mn. l real -Frac. ]ltf iV-. 11. Maige Mid other friends of Miss Alma Fre attended the graduation I. r, us commingle in and a brother. Patrick. passed away' visaed ne>t-amen[ roll , herrn[. isTo 1tt1NT.- GATENBT.IiIiIOK COT The funeral of the I a•. -1967) tat' T\GE on Essex street. home- c 11 tntity, of sweet sunt of £1 Suu has thin -Mannon Pen 1 ted the fun lover neel gr.icu Ly .\shfleld farmers sufficient to place this charas Municipality is 1368'9"646 (exclusive t red by 'in the heads HAYS, Barristera, Goderich, Ont. 1 or oral services and the pallbearers were of local improvement de bis sects tt PER MUNTII.-DESIR T ) ABLE property to rent ou Bruce street. All modern conveniences.1 Goal garden and fruit trees. Pones-'. Council of the Corporation of the sloe given after May 15th. Apply to, the - Tulin of y;oderiele enacts as_ followhe.' feetGoderich. Barristers, Hamilton c was delheered ip Lncknuw• on Monday bit of Cornish scenery special acts. rates or asarssmeuts), and shipped to Durban'. • t T itlf Natinttal Trost end. therefore three nephews. James and Robert whereof ho prircieat or interest• is Ht Mr. and Mee l'i'nt•k Johnston, con- in the keeping: of the public forever. a head for the thou- Feeley fdeewen 1tiet leeward nmcs Hanna of arrear a.pi tun 10, attest'e,t the graduation It is not saepeaveyfou d delight in this, town. NOW THF:KDF`OItE. the Municipal exen•ises .of Ales:wdre [reared an eTFine ifropi+ni ' earner of Etna Arthur's country— Christian Science Monitor. v in •. Ma 2!Irth. whit. t.otr dangle et t t y C I Nearly everybody knows sofa- ----"ter AiA (I) The Municipal Council of ----'ter-Madeline, vr, _ a. . _ •num et_eLiliis ptitnne was Inveatarl hy-tdolphe Sax. ItNT. { Corporation of the Town of Goderieh ycar'r graduntiun eines. ne'•-teal Lull (`A VAD i i-iS-PRiPMD a t but no one knows wily. - l Irillia Packet Khali raise the sum of Seven Thousand gnnin:Ith•n honors. Atunng eerily Thaw ()there atiending were Mr. and Mrs. Dr, Linm•t peeves -eon Heads Cantor - thud Arehit• Johnston, Mr. end Mrs. John'' nia rl•t'tters' ('lab. Little and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Canadian authors are coming well the fore in California. Dr. Lionel Not /tent -ertyry Tite many ' Steveneon . formerly of Vancouver, Wit Money. to te 4 I A>hfleld friends of Mr. and Mrs. Coe was r,•c'tidy elected pr•'aie.ent of the Nine Hundred Dollars ($7,900.00) or , I the purpose of erecting a grandstand session given. Apply to ALEX. BORN i ou the lands known as the Agrlcul• SAUNDERS, Goderich. tural Park situate in the Town of GRIFFIN. -At Detroit. Mich., eta Goderich between MacDonald end FOR SALE Tuesday, May Bit. to Mr. and Mrs, is and the proceeds from TO RENT. -STORE SUITABLE FOR i grocery or oHice immediate pos- Joseph Griffin, a son, James Edward. tthe s steer neliems furan. of West tVaw,tn"ah• California Writers' Club, and at the the sale of the debenture's, hereinafter were delighted to see In the "Southeast first dinner over which he presided l.t'avili-Its the Private Patients' mentioned, shall be used for the esld 1 last t of honor were also Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital, purpose and none other. M [ B orderraise the said sum Corner" of The (Rohe of antr, :ec es the two guess on May ;lith, to Mr. and Mrs. • B. (2) In to a snaposhot of their foto pairs of [[Siris. Caoadlana -Sirs. H. Glynn - Ward Lw as (neeAdelaide Hayst, twin deeenturee of the sald Town of God - t aken eu their binheno. May 7th: author of "The Glamor of British teem retch to the amount of i7.t)p0.110 as Grace J v ane seventh rat to ;Eileen Funul 'whose new novel. within one year from the passtug ami a:onl.rn Furan, twin daughter and ;its scenes laid around Victoria and heSluyl)r) iS1iaER. )u Pn•st,pteri o this Bylaw, each of which debentures erre bunt on May 7th, 19 May celebratinghwas Vancouver Island. their third birthday: Sfnc 7th was Although Dr. Stevenson has two . masse. Detroit, by Rev. Thos. Sic' shalt be for the sum of not lcssnthne books to his , r-dlt. "Appraisals of Dowell, Doris Helen. daughter of • $lalt•00 and shall be dated apo the nnnlverwry of Mr. Fique event birth Canadian Literature" and.,'a volume Mr. and Mrs. IL. 3. Fisher, to Alex- ,late of the issue thereof, and shall dirt.. Ti. party the unique a or poetry. Itterature is merely a slide ander Cruigie, son of Mr. and Mrs. be payable annually at the Bank of hht .e party wets lead. Attended by line with hint. lee is lecturer in Eng- Andrew Fowlle, all of Oo erkh. Montreal at the Town of Gaxterich Thirtyieat-her. lull.- u'Kinle . lime i et -TIF- tIIt<eralts.-a( Oerkeiey, ---_ _ - _ -within fifteen years thereafter. their teacher. Mr At. the twl lime (3) Each of the old debentures wish(•[ lire extended to the twins and CaTfo ugh „ and ern. runs Though o Is now twenty-uthfunia. tee 2: I, Guderich, on Fr. be- shall be signed by the Mayor of the father for Doug• WINO' 1 tier Dr. Ste♦emon is amazingly youthful May ';tit, Elizabeth McCann. be ,Corporation of the Town o[ Goderich \ •11. un ut h 'zed . e ,era James O other r aw rt c e e f r. ] some 1 f„ her si u c wife v M e before lim loved h Fortin is s Y q edl ay, Manes ..f life. Sirs. yu In appearance. Fi f)h or y marrlaee was A(isr N. E. Keane• and somewhat shy manner contrasts •by law to sign the same and also by d:nn.'.„r of f ,' Keane and the late oddly with that of hit brother pro• - •'•- its (1.r.serutl n. Jele Keine of '.eneeseei ft. AsIdield.at Milner Fe Pei mid N....n.+n Furan, tai❑ Caelumhia,” and Airs. race aWe t' _-- esa:a hettrlug interest at live pere sous leen on \Lit eth. 1921, celebrating whose formerly of Chat -ham, ant., MARRIED "Salvage Alt," has of cent, (57st per annum shall be iseu PLANTS for year lawn or harden. We hate the best varieties of CIER.te1VMe in scarlet, crim- son and sal , also a large assortment of the (inset Annuals from which you may make a eelection. -- For your franker we have TOMATOES" CELERY. CAB- BAGE, CAULIFLOWER and PEPPERS. AR orders given rtnr careful attention. — _ STEWART BROS. BENMILLER NURSERIES 'Phone Carlow 135. BABY CHICKS .tune hatched Chicks from aur pane of heavy -laving Lens will pray y.,•,, II. A. C. (tarn -h Itorks 17c, 1'. W. l.eglu,nes i.ie. Our stock 1- I,yeIta'tion-bred!, hardy and free r. It (1 C. G. CAMPBELL Memo Spec Mt Firs. AUBURN. ONT. Phone 1024 Blyth Municipal u y CARD OF Tri:Aynn toe Treasurer r fro• bu t Berkeley, moot of whom uud the Clerk shnL' attach there' ,o the an• built on generous des: a tlerl of tier Municipality. MIiS• I•ERc:Y 1I an `EHSa\\'I f Mr. During the currency of the Il be `raised New Markets for Our Products. • New markets for Canadian p on this third anniversary ry said debentures there slur mail relatives, friends and neighbors for - heir, many kindnesses and tokens of rateable property in the said Corpora I d the Town of Geelerlch the sum houghtfuluess to hPt from time " of Veep' for the purpose of repay ng . t r. years for eriucipul and interest in re- TtIE FAMILYspeer of the saidi Walters death, to thank her Y ant►ually by special rate on all the ducts are developing in South Amer- ica and [pare are many indicationstime:t tion ' i • VOR SALE. -CHOICE TOMATO ll plants. 40c. a hundred. At the J'A•NNI•NG FACTORY, Goderich. Tif,MA• (eUND1tY, GODERICH, I LIVE STOCK AND Oil $RAR A UCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Sales atteun,vl to anywhere and every effort matte to glee satfafactLose Farmers' sale notes discounted. ROUT. ROItERTSON. The Aurtloneer, will conduct and arrange any sale an the latest methods to get the best re- sults. See him or drop a card and he will give it Immediate attention. Sollctors for Administrator, !'arm sales a specialty. Eldon tit.. T. Gt'N'DRY & SON. Ooderlch. Auctioneers. NOTICE OF MEETING FOR SALE.-4)LIGUTLY USED I furnace in perfect condition. Only Neese - -used a short time. Will sell cheap and arrange for Installation If desired. Cash or terms. THIONE' 165. 3t \RDWOOD FLOORING. - BAR- " foot up. Laid tneet- sure. Send dee of room. Catalog and samples free. HAi LIDAY CO., Ilam- : item, 5e Jackson street east. FOR SALE.-SEVTiN-ROOM WHITE brick house. Outset location on North street. Modern (rmienlences. Apply to G. G. NEWTON. the Square. UPRIGIiT PiANO (BELL) FOR i U SALE -Le flr-stelass condition. I Apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. 0. 1 Box 457, Goderich. that the Department of - Trade and__ It ._ the amount due in each of the said Commerce wt 1 open nee trade com- missioners' offices in some of the re- publics. The importance of Spanish is being emphatttaed for the first time in the preliminary training of young ` , then for -the commercial Intelligence I service. - Canada has already commissioners at Rio de Janeiro and llnenoe AGS and there is a feeling that offices will also be opened up in Chile. Venezuela, t'ruguay or Columbia. This fresh interest in South Amer- ican markets is due to some extent to the recent tour of F. C. T. O'Hara, Deputy Minister of Trade and Com- merce. Tobacco. in N.B. Experiments in tobacco growing' Experire lmentalg conducted Farm aatthe Fr d,•mrle.i n N.B. A small plot has been grown' for the past two yeark, uslne three , varieties, and yields have been quits satisfactory though no re port hall been made on the. quality of the lest' following manufacture, - GUNDRY'S SALE REGLSTER TIniradny. June 7th.-\dministrn• tar's sale of n good comfortalie eight- , roomed frntne home and household funuitnrr: property of the estate of the late Themes Bates. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPER- TY FOR SALE. -At corner of Bri- tannia road and William street Ten rooms besides bathroom, closets. etc, OF THE L.t Good furnace. All conveniences. For debt. 1 terms and further particulars apply to F:11:\Nl'RL. SIITt'HFLL take ti i 'This itylaw 'hall take effee•t on t ae I DONALD MacKAY, ' P. O. Box 457, giporfuntty of returning their shoots• day of tttr tial passing thereof. DOHA b. tf hanks to the many friends for kind- READ a first and second time and nesse% rendered sod sympathy extend-; provisionally passed be the Council of d_-1n_their bereavement by the deatba the Corporation of the Town of Gat - of their father, and particularly to ,•rich this '29th day of Siay, A.D. 1928. Benmiller Lodge• eerie, for the lean- (Sgd.) 'H. J. A. MaeE%I'.\N, GNI floral wreath. Mayor. MEETING OF HURON COU: -TY OOUNCIL. The Oilmelt of the Corporation of the County of Huron will Inert in the Council Chamber. Goderie u. at 2.30 o'clock In the afternoon of Tuesday, the 5th day of June, 192x). All accountsu against the County must hg its Ape Motile of the Clerk not later than Mon- day preceding the meeting of Council. GEO. W. IL})LMA.N, County Clerk: Goderich, May 21st, 1928. NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS TOWN OF GODERICH'- TENDERS for Painting and Scrapingthe Waterworks Stand Pipe will be received by the ater & Light Commission up to 8 o'clock p. m., on Thursday, June 7th, 1928 For further particulars apply to J. B. KELLY, Superin- tendent, or I I. I, KNOX, Secretary Lir Mit. JAMES O'NEILL AND FAMILY take this [resat of illowlifg river_ kind appreciation and thitks to the numerous kind friends and neighlsrs for their kineluels Aileen in the ill• [leas - and buss of a kind wife and Mother. the tale Mrs. James 4)'Neel. They also extend. thanks Lor the itnt none) and spiritual tokens. lnelttding those from the Western Canndo Flettr ('o., the esthete. Women's Leucite. and the Yotmg Ladies' Sodality. (Slid.) L. L. KNOX, Clerk. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER DR. A. N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG• LRSS THERAPIST GODERICH Equipped with electro•asagnetle bathe. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous distance. Lady in •ttendancA Office boars 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 pets[. -- - excepting Monday and Thursday af- ternoons and evenings, and by ap- pointment. p- pointment. Residence and oflpce-Cornet tag South street and Britannia road. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ItANK P. GIBBS. CHARTERED NOTICE TO CRF.i)ITOit9. Accountant. 102 Ontario street Stratford Phone 1580. Res. 13303. Ali persons having claims against the estate of Eli Walters. late of the township of Colborne, In he county of Huron, who died on or about, the first else' of August. A.D. 1927. are Hereby ralaeeded to present such claims, with full particulars thereof, to the under- signed on or before the 9th day of June: A.D. 1924. as on and after that date the assets of' the paid estate will be distributed. having regard only to the realms ref which notice has been received. Dated at Goderich this 22nd clay of May. A.D. 19^28. BAYS & HAYS, pat 1 PAL' Hamilton Street, (klderich, ant Solleiters for the Administrator ^f 1 THE ESTATE O JAMES BPJRT- I Fe RN"EST M. LEE, I MEDICAL DR. F. J. It. FORSTER, EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, asalstane at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Los - don, Eog. 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Goat -rich, on the I of each evening of third Monday month till the following day. Tresday, the above rotate. St LEGAL • F (iF NOTICE is hereby given that all per. sons having etnims against the estate s -- rtrem Orr, late of the RAM OIItt DE ..A41F.D. Barrister and Solicitor 10 King street east, Toronto 2. Telephones Elgin 5415.5417. of ►nme UDLEY E. HOLMES, 14/ - Barrister, Etc. tnwnahip of Goderich. In the county( Goderici MORTGAGE SALE on or about the second day of Apr... 1 Phone 27. realities(' to deliver of Huron. yeoman; deepened. who died Office -Hamilton street, A.TI. 102n. are resp to MI)IYrGAGE SALE. Arthur Lorne Tichblrne. the Admints- R. DARIIOW, BARRISTER, ETC. tester of the raid estate, or W. Bey- Successor to J. L. Killoran. virtue of the powers done. eolleltor. on or before the 1 Pbone 97. Under and by eleventh day of June, A.P. 1924. a full; Office -The Square. Goderick. %tntement of their el/time together with particulars thereof, and the nn burr of the %ecuritiee. if any, held by eontafned in a certain mortgage which _wilt he t)redu'ed at the time et the here will be offered for tele by TAKE NOTICE teat the above is a sale, tine copy of a proposed bylaw which public auction on Mrntdey. the 4th day 1 all duly verified by affhinvit. rti 1 928 at the hour re thtee t ism Ins been taken into c•,ueideratiotI, sue of June, l , testi/eel of the Mnnicilallity (in the which will he dually passed by the ,e'clerk in the afternoon, en the prom- ANT) TAKE NOTICE, that after the leas. lot twenty, in the .etnud ponces- sail lest mentioned (Into the sell nil - event of the assent of the electors bei bion of the township of Gielerieh, in rninistrator will proceed to distribute Ing obtained tberetot sifter one month the county of 'Huron, by Messrs: the aorta' of the rneid dt s`ase from the first publicationm of a cope Thnas einndry • Sam, .ttx'tlonaerS. nm,•ng t the Tera nnereto. thereof in The Goderich Star news- tee following property, namely, ALL having regard only to such claims as riper. the ;late of which pnhlicatton ,\NT) StNI U'LAR that certain parcel he shall have receteeti due notiee, and o eitnale in are^rdence therewith. was the 31st ,try of May, 1lY18. or tract t land and p,rermws . WANTED AND FI ItT11i:R TAKE NOTIOE lying and being in the township of DA,ictren h)fit of iinMt t A.T).Ontario, this that all leasehoeiers queened under Goderich, in the county of Huron, be day W. p;Rp2$. the provisions of the Meinicipal Act, Ins comported of lot number twenty in Clinton, OnUrlo. FI'RY1:41IED ibsIMES WANTED Section Wee. s. a. 3, and amendments the taea'nvxl concession of the Bald town- Itolidtnr for the %aid Adminislrstor. for summer months. Apply 1.. J. thereto, are otinlred (NI drys before 8blp of or ice mntnining et(th17 W. 1'RAIC!E, Goderich. It the diet' of rating to file with me a neer% more or Pee. ^Phis is a tient-elate frnit farm on - the Blue Water Highway, flys milers from Goderich. On it are over three thoturant fruit trees --Spies, tinl(Iwfmr. McTntorch Tiede Ptpplrw. Rnsnets and Snow apples. A eomfortnhle frame house, barn and driving Shed and thirty -live serve of spring plowing This is nn ileal Iocatlon for a home. Cbaa' to Tette Huron and convenient to rhumb and whool. TERMS -Ten per tend. of the put- Aisne money to he paid down at the time of the sale, balance to be paid upon einaltlg. For farther particulars and emit - time B' time of sale apply to A. R. TIOt1(GLAl1, Retiree!, Mate Dundee street. Tam' dem, (Werke or to MESSRS. GUN- PRY R SON. Anetloneera. GoderMh• Ontario. PUBLIC NOTICES statutory de, hertation et qualifications, appear onthese retie,' Ilstmes will ffir nch voting. AND Ft It'19fl- It TAKE N(YPIOE that the vote of the eleetorr of the 'alit Town et (k,derieh will be taken on the said proposed bylaw at the fol- lowing times and Once., 'let is to Pay, on Friday, tie 22nd day of J(me.-1924, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the fer'notm, and continuing until five o'clock In the afternoon of the same day, by the following Deputy Returning Odi ere: Polling rnb-eilvlsion No. 1, at Miller's garage. at corner of Victoria street end Elgin awe'. --Deputy returning Al- ter, Thos. R. Willie; pelt clerk, James MacVicar. Polling subdly rtion No. 2, at W. Stapleaon'r tailor shop, FAst rtreet- T)WNRIIII' OF COLiN)RNE. j COURT OF RF:V I it1ON On the 12th day of June. nt the hour of 1.30 p.m., In the township hall. e'erlow, a (}wart of Revlslpn w111 le held to hear and determine eompininte in connection with the 1924 assessment roll ref the township of Colborne. G. J. 11F711HERINGTON, Township Clerk. NOTi('E iS HEREBY (GIVEN THAT I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by members of my family without my written t.,nsent. PAMI( 'K Knell EDT GudeTic h. 2t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all per - eons having claims uegnient the estate of Theophilue Kelly. late of the vil- lage of Saltford, who died on or about the 22nd day of May, A.7). 192'3, to present such claims to the under- signed, duly proven, on or before the 15th day of June, A.D. 1928, after which date the executor of the said estate will proaehl to distribute the assets of the said estate, having re- gard only to the claims of which no - tete shall have been received. DATED AT GODtRiOH this thir- tieth day of May, A.D. 1926. HAYS & HAY'S. Goderlcb, Ont. Solicitors for the Executor of the above estate. 'Maps & Flaps BARRIM'ZM, R.C.HAYt4-R.C.HAYS ma.. B.A. Hamilton St., (lodericn INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. McKILI.OP MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO. -Farm and ise. lated town property Insured. OMcets-Jas. Connolly. Pres., God. erich P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vice -Pres.. Beechwood P. O.; D. F. IteOregor. Sec.-Treas., Seaforth P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth ; John G. Grieve. No - 4, Walton; Wiiliam Ruin, R. R. Na 2, Restore) ; John Bennewles, Brod- hagen ; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. S. Beeforth ; Robert Ferris, Harlot*: Murray Glheoa, Btncefield; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly, Goderich. Agents -J. W. Tee, Ooderice; Alex. L.elteb. R. R. No. 1, Clinton: John Murray, Seatortb : R. HtnchinY, Seatortb. Policyholders can make silt payments and get their cards receipt, ed at R. J. Morrish's Clothing Stora. Mans; R. H. Cott's Grocery, Klan;` sten street, (poderleh, or .1. R. Raps Oatmeal Ston. BaytlSY. Wei Mt Its ivrm veru n and mew Gum peel to a of over lu silt; to his pari Per of S \t' been Hay May ered cunt a re' and fart pare ther of I plea aloe ing Iy I hay R Ewe one the war mat lu We of ,lay to I 14411 His Safe lee fee fro in I lea pie „f def r its eel dr! re, sir '5 I t to- w• r lir rt a• t ti, P' K' n 1' tl q t