HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-31, Page 6other nareotte dreg "licit are so
harmful to the futiir.. wclfaee of the
i'ruslacta are brighter in the Can-' If there are' even a few aroetnd then' lathy. Mothers. If you value the lit.
adieu West, also. The whole wheat r, a is and a fees worm muggy erf yon., little ones give Lim Ie llf •
c•rolt -is now in, about ten per cent. zoo them a start. there will soon la own Tablets ,heti he i+ I:1, or. ia•"•'
mere than last year's and about feu millions. or at the least some scores of still. give him an til-.-' iooal d.ne '
days earlier. Furthermore. it ,cut lir tLouaan The) ,.live in cracks - the Tablets to ward off illness. The
to oiic,of The trent 7+,•elta•.:' of r' -'''°"l around lie roosts and nests, emerging •
%rablcia tire sold by mt licit:. dealers
Ass-wli1i_ _ larger pr, leo-lion that, nt right to levy toff upon the unf•,rtu-
breakib g There 3•i plenty of muis- -•.l. ening and a ,Taking spray with .bile, pr. VV'itlbtms' ..skeins, Co..
Tl hat' been hupl ria•• during tt
lily of u 1 3a 1 tartlrtt llul.v� �ulL thief r. au al su-
ii» 'atwitter . t to f I. ,1i� l 1 an,T :•Tindhcxxi•
haul milts 1 +k Int• the twitter o n• :.eh a r' u • , nuit in ]tub>'
.t •ser smug -certainly every out hu.ler-. whir-li are not ex n,u-ants of mo:L•
other s;'ring-ft's either fou woe[ unties, i tedc,• us machinery goes. tt.s.lu u•ut tl..• country always lie.' Ory. xh.•cola.to to.' hot.00k in+er -from
Ex CertiOdtes. •
a lox throughout
.. cost tr always
hopeful other. anti th • rep
look t far tfrom Ipn'rrtiltire ex,P„rters of live st.iek to rr.a x u then, t.• Ira• without an -4'
for a (oh r p in :it least two the I. will he regiulred to bar''' for sweettednbaby's stouta•it rt •7:
` or three wain lit. i.e.0 comes a tattoo and • en? label numlars retorde.l kitinghisset Mnaals end thus driving r ,it
pea 1 •-•••: real grow ern-_the-"P"rt-a:crtil{cate-'--- --MN- :ate - tt:•.
eb *ea almost
r -• ••: flue outlook
rho -ages almost overulghL cis.... np:uin that to many cages it simlJe (dyers. and making tb.• dr
' is utterly tmlxssible to-ea:1,1.11 t idem -.,. htncprrie"l.aay.-
titt K R' a "' . - alma . It fou tiles.
JIIY loss ten .day's or so. Tliliw ser- lam —�__ ,� _rimed,', Theyttareur5auc
taur✓Ic d.e look more clt/•etTiiI n"w Tttitn car to i.e free fr,•nt j• •
they dill has than the weeks agv. Smite the Mita, unwed
henhouse as well as crop.. in the fields. ,
In the West, Too.
Growing weather grows mites in the
r will IA .teat to any addre=a. pest
;.rid-. .t •••••cur: n Ir .X by n-tiresai-nE
communication was read from
sttferd ,-1.11:,-1.11: re the liropo-eel sen•
I year in Canada there were Inn_ it;, trees feet hiig
n hun•b
tennial , el•lt+ntion of the opening up
of the -Huron tract and aunouueing a
meeting to arrange for the same. The
lt,eve was delegated to attend.
it in reotrd to an accident and dam-
ages to his ear in the Division Iiia.
*kith of Carlow. tin motion of t',•un-
efl4etra Thom and Wilson the matter
was went to the .Danis t••mne-U. Ms tb ,,
road on.wilich the accident orrurre"l is
now a county road.-
-The clerk's resignation wo, rend '
the Reeve; on motion of ('ouncill.•r-
oiling and Thom It was not accepted.
to motion of Councillors V�'flrsab u a
Goldthorpe, the Renee wag InAtneeted
I., apply for A do --1- for township
property to Baltford.
on motion of Ctnuu•illurs Young and
Goldthorpe, -the- engineer a report en
tete John Albin drain was left over
next meeting and Councillor Thor.
with the Reeve appointed a committee
TO get a snlleitirr's arid.. on phases of
the sltnntion. as the cost of eonatrne-
tb't. 1t.:.11t seems out of propor-
tion to benefit received.
The road snperintendcnt'a vonehers
.,ere received and signed. on motion.
-'f Councillors ncillors Vs'tt on aro T1u'in
The following bills were 1'
Wilson, ,salary and exp. '
tshtiela Iennnlnry n. -
Jlaklns & Mel'liaraon,
I It. M. Young. posting i.• -Igor (192
$40.eft meeting June 12th., r'onrt •
nalsinn At 1.34.. followed by regal:u
G. J. HITTHl:it1NgToN,
Townehtp Clerk.
Experkliture .Amply Justified
I London Advertiser)
\rein estInmtcs for work on harbor-
and rivers in 1V'eateru Ontario. Ape
proud by the house. of ('omnama on
Friday. were ela,ely followed by the
tattling of snpptetnentary- estimates lu
which additional amount.' are set aside
for improvements to ports on !Ake
Huron and take Erie.
ltesides the money previously men-
tioned, the heparlmott of Piibllc
Works proposes to spend $1110.000 for
harbor work at (loderich. $10.-oil(o for i
dredging at *LurnIa, $1000n for 1m
ptftt'ernentlt to Kineardhre harbor. awl
$23.081 for breakwater repairs At I'..rt
Vlsltland on [.Ake Erie Thls often
tt.tn to tVeotern Ontario port. Is Ample
Jn-tllied At (ioaertoh grain cargoes
totaling is/1,11011 hnshelfwere unloaded
at elevators tart week.
6—Thursday, May 31, 1928.
, ?4'; &tat ' :Iki t :
IIThe Weekly Farm Bulletin
Coro pl:u:tang has begun in south-� alive and 1.l.90.000 wounds of meat
ti, 1u11VltatcC6 are
at t
several -,•nrctrr agree that there will buck Iambs, a:Wady well beau,. and
be a idetuble extension over last bnr.'irg, ftvyliug and Juishing n
year u, the area devoted to this clop. n,„•: ate market deiucttnd arc raising
Jtc•re; injury was lass serious tamest t:.. reputati�'t, of ('anadiau lamb.
eestrwtiere. in 111'27, nod 'tundrme.l sell 1% lien Ready. .
corn -growers, hat without their favor- ••se.1 a hen raxui}. this leaflet ad -
Me crop, are counting upon the redo.- t ices. ,t'ousuwer ak'uuiud is quite
tion twits. permanent. 'Nothing hak definite on weigu ts. -V lamb dressing
yet.lavn fottttd to take the plucat of :to to 40 wools is what is wanted In
corn as a feed crop to th.•-outhweso the bu1.ter,shop, and this means up to
ti:r'Iiirunds at tete tares. Light Iambsset. E. LEMAY. •
ern farm orgd tcite.
the borer's can be ....Id to fair advantage to feetl-
\Vatt lit -I yl the cite. ,.tn who odd
to a Lusivass Of tluishing• •Montreal, Qe —`'I was always consti-
ablyaJvauee last year? 'I'':. tuvth i pry' but the he+trc boob is latst rtrlewpthru• gated. bilious and weary until one day
had r,umethU c to do with it. and II. tee: "eel! when ready'•” I met a traveller who recommended
the application , : control methods ` oopouu,t lamb iu August at 14 'Fruit-a-tives'. I procured some. You
....meriting m„''' •'tie Oxford- countywould not know me for the same person.
man ►rrlteces naroral enemies are cents it worth =12(t(r. if he. `s ads. , I am in perfect health, always energetic.
beginning to take hold in a uotewurthy until laic tl.tohrr. weighs btu pounds.
manner 'Trout careful examination ' uud brings• 10 cents a pound. the added I am happy to congratulate you on your
corn. 1 eau say that fully weight actually brings the feeder no- i medicine. I recommend it on every
of no operating
thing for his trouble. tittle and es- . occasion.” —Mr. Emery Lemay.
fifty- le; cont. of the borers of I,•nse. "Fruit -a -fives" overcome constipation is
on't'.. tops of tin corn were er,•strortd Feather,. i nature's surest way. The intensified
i,t. ,,,,,,r ,,tees,} not dls su r...Ti le Tar and Mark juices of ripe fresh fruit, combined with
I., , :,.• *rites. Ha is not sure...Tile : In nano. .aY tie,tis c1t.l'a"s rtfll beetle.'. '
t especial
I n:urrio, and reports from pntc tttall} all lam
'western 1 vllead. rout uwlug- lttdue•t Lou in
Constipated ?
Tired out ?
No Energy ?
" Fruit-a-tives " gives
perfect health
health -budding tonic gently and sutel* -
f are but thinks birds h•we s.aw that r •ret Is planted for the Ill h
a restore natural irtc,tinal action: Be well.
effect. "Nome varieties of sparrows ......it. .true way' of dispelling
r the seed
Is boa -2!t
with "Fruit;.-tia•cs'. Try a
bale acquired a caste for oecr*. bat. tees. h.
'hr blocs
! I si 1y- is to trite/
aAel-3Ae_at aU-Jtntv:n t.t
myte•'f hose seen down}' woodpeckers with tar la•tore planting. 1
terry busily CttY:tg.l upon lute.... •
linters. tn-u+++
{'lWOW_ Owner
• ,...� •'a. c sacd'In 7t-hY•lf iurrra'tretyer ret-1�-•r -it►}:� +•4 the nt,
-stalk+►' .x,tt .„.....,..0 du a 11tt{eifaa
• Inning Is. suitatie .-ontaincr" the dtrrrtluue run. lite 1{land reforest (feel(.
Another crab to register a marked 'Poor iu enough hot water to .oyer esu► for it a few years ago,
the s.a.oi_ Fell over. ottr briskly with lie refusaetE'
tttg Tull let rte
ky, 'chi t acreage ilia been
Titer a stick dipped in elite or rout tat tmtit sad now calua4i ft" arm.* $1,ars in
Icy, which in wan} cken has la en uud the !eel is entirely black. Then pour ;a few- }cars more it will be worth feu
to rel. k or fhihere ball} • In no off the seed upon burlap or bran sacks Mmes w-hui he paid for it.
wheal. wh if tl.err had been no suit to dry', stirring
killing of wheat. h,�tva•ver, there would tool' leave la the
bare been more barley grown this thoroughly two or three times during FIGHTING FOR
the day. If the tar la applied in the
ye In morning of a tunny day.. the seed
In thatl wheatIs gr peninsula, where slouLI be ready for the planter 'the ,
fall wheat Is grown and the lose' '
as a 1 wle7 b where the; next due."
Was esltt•cfally srvcre, andtrusts. •
' tobacco acreage is being reduced this i Hulled
sewson, there wilt to a rise in the area' Hulledout,[ make "real" pig fee Is the Constant Care of Every
under sugar leets. corn. and ....y beaus.I AU ezpt•rimeut at the Ohio Mate ex Young Mother
In Essex and lieu( only two-thirds as ir•rimcntal station suggests. Two The our._ mother ha+ a auusiaut
much iobaec.. will be grown as last hundred and sixty-seven 1s.uind.. of ,etc in utr._ mother
after the a&lou st of
Dear, and in Lambton only one-half. hulled oats. with 11tra .pounds tank- ter the ailmentse,
Elan aneT�oefoffi• uptm---tete other age-. +.Ar-tw.uswl,t-inial(. meal atilt 4's , r 'little -ones.i
hand. will have• about half as wad, iaruada nitu,•ral mixture. panto.ed 110r • ,eine uutm o i+t ri[ur twit-H'a h mer •r
.ilio, largely because both c etntics pounds of pork. The mail 'In ,;hart;• • r
have a ceneti.•rnble area of eomlNtra points out that the hulls .are auras• n:ay ha,e a very sick baby on :
ads before he:1' eau be obtain,...
Lively cheap land stilted to growing the
than .tract for feeding boa. as .LJg I"int Is t.t-re .,hr hes a ...Wedel in ti.e
(lite -.urea Isla•. wit kb has - held up are w bltilt h, t:aud:e high tihre feels. „n s.• ,Lith she can safety glue tit'
better ii. price than has burley. and that there k real) no waste l ill • baby for ally of the .tntiny.• minor att-
f baby_..
Alm' every t '-
stalling a iwL Tablet1 7
The Annual Miracle. heal iur- 1,111'S.
".?"" r• �:rr"
usual of summer to;t." uud nett -.,ate fowl. The, remedy is thorough
lure for immediate rtyutrements, al- ,. .:u on e,r sr•me st„•nil diafwir?Lu.t.” qtr„ekeittr, Out_
though an ooctistonal warm rain would followed -(+fief a few days by another —
Ix eer'•olnvd there, as everywhere sprnyirr. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL.
else., They Vlean Morley.
Boosting Lomb. • . To ta`. of trees as a national asoet
••T., inenube demand for Iamb. do and a fru-t to be handed d..w-n to fu-
- --bet • (,rr"fair buik lambs; market at.: tut. :fineratL^Ira. vc" m slty people
pruls•r ,weigtt and finish.” is. the int'l %%tot; till posterity ever do for
beading of a eircuruif Just received ties,! II••w4nt-,- it --Hanot nituyerher
a tit -.tier for 1..steritr. A hare suud-
/'t rIAIOItN E
Council met in the township hall
May' 8th. with ail members preua'nt.
Minutes of last meeting adopted AS
reed: ret. uut-444•uf C:,unt3li�r+ ]oung
frofu rLe infinnnal And Development u:J TLom. •
Cenneil of t'atutdinu )lent Packers. L:11 ul.,nt w1,Ich i played as a lad now
marketed Api'r'rximately 6410lMs1 she t'1' till. n ,, }ret gtes•heaI t4 . with
and iomi,s (K,i per cent. !BO.,f, and re,l-t• r.• I•im
et.e of rock and swap
experts anemiaetl to '_tit.•..., thi-a l --nly :t f, w• scattered yottng trees sold
We Can Always
Give You Your
IT costs money to carry a big
stock of balloon tires. And
there are so many sizes. If a
tire merchant tries to carry
two or three brands of tires. he
can't carry all balloon sizes of
each. lle can't give service to
all his customers. We special-
ize on Goodyears. We only
need carry one brand. That
helps keep our prices down.
And we can always give you
your size-- always give you
(;oodyear quality and value.
(,00dyear prices are low right
Phone 259 Goderich
If tire trouble comae, it's handy to be a customer of ours
. a-
The Appointment of L. J. Baker as
Local Agent for the New
The Motor Car Par Excellence
The Hamilton McLaughlin Buick Limited announces herein the 'appointment of Leo J.
Baker to the agency for the famous McLaughlin Buick Motor Cars for lioderich and
--- 'surroumling district. The ftuut' of MIcl.:nlglilin Buick automobiles has. of course, long
since invaded all sections oT North America and the- upt•ni nc- f--thi-s agency -swill - be
, welcomed by'luvers of the powu•r, =heed and charm this magnificent motor ear represents.
Powered With the Mighty
Buick Valve - in - head Engine
Ms au rhlin Buick Motor Cars are ALL equipped with Buick
valve -In -head engines- e'er plant thatstand.:-.afone__on the
pins acles of perfection. Twenty-two years of study and research
were necessary to perfect this metal monster of science that has
given to McLaughlin Buick alone the surging power of a
Leviathan, yet the grace and silence of a skimming swallow—the
Buick engine of 1928.
The Highest Achievements
of Automotive Engineering
Are McLaughlin Buicks
Springs that are specially designed to
cushion the road and eliminate body -jar give
rwiin enusfort heretofore mil:noun. A count TT_
makes Mc aughlin crankshaft
atmml ss beyond
makes McLaug
belief. The oil filter, air -cleaner, gasoline
filter, etc., have completely ezeluded the grind-
ing, engine -wearing grit that is daily gnawing
at the vitals of ordinary cars --thus Buick
motor life is years longer than the rest. Buick
is not a copy of ANY motor, but the standard
toward which all others strive.
Chesterfieldian Beauty
That Is Worthy of Its[
Brilliant Performance
Luxury of interior as well as exterior ap-
pointments is a rule as rigid as motor perfec-
tion. The palatial interior is enriched by
thick, deep -piled plush in the moat restful and
harmonizing tones. Window lifts, latch con-
trols, etc., are finished in brushed silver and
the windows are equipped with adjustable
silken shades. Thus one steps out of the
office, theatre or living -room into a travelling
apartment that is equally beautiful. Deserved-
ly is McLaughlin -Buick recognized as the
motor car par excellence.
L. J. Baker - Hamilton Street.
Local Agent Appointed for