The Signal, 1928-5-31, Page 4. 4 -Thursday, May 31, 1!r2'. C4 ust a Real Good Suit" "The Tribler Twt" MAKES a real good SUIT - the patterns are good, the wearing qualities are good, the snake is hand -tailored and the newest style. Values that will be appreciated by the man who likes to be well dressed. Ready-to-wear or Made -to -measure Price $35.00 W. C. PRIDHAM & SON l lt. -tore \1 itis tit, -tock Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 57 MODEL THEATA THE SIGNAL, ,'eeltiortle, treated the two pupils who took the. highest standing In the test e•autivathons ut Easter to a trip t0 \i:rcnra Fails on Victoria 'MA'S Roy 1:rria'tett and Alum Dallow's. were the ;risky pupils. .Miss Amelia Seellwale, 'of Nile, • sited with Miss Amanda Maedel on s,Gty clonal/2g, air. Viers Cunningham while on a motor trip to the Niagara district bit Sunday with his wife and her mo- iher and Brother. Mrs. lirostu and ..un, of l)wut;auawt, Wel wJlh who might have hero, a very serious aecl- . ,•n t. On his way home he te,111ded %;lti another ear. Roue of the otru- Iviiits of the scar were seriously Burt, but Ills brand.new• Oldsmobile was badly damaged. • #ul• r. '.•t,a'r we .� GODERICH, ONT. days with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. 1 Muiglmst. Site lutelliie taking in the Hepburn' Witt Kad.'IiR picuie to be held at Guelph on June 2nd. ' Ker. 11. ti. Whitfield v.i11 attend the t'i'nted t'burc6 Yluuferoute meeting at S'ulkt'rville this week. • nd Mrs. Geo. Slur Inerts attttentte,t tt, smut,, ' Kraft- nlilt %%in -chain h'•spina1 Friday evening The furuw•r's cmushi, Mtas ironing. wax ow e.f the graduating chess. t Miss 11'e w,swt, returned miwaanury, vole the gut+,t of her ;dater, Mr+•.,t.eo,. Welds teat wink. Site atvompanled Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb to Sea - forth on Thursday. The St. lfeleus Women's ins-tltute will meet at the haute of Mrs. W. 0. , • th1 rostle on Thursdnc•. June 7t1t. at 2.30 0'(4ock. Rall van: 'Hint, on (lttniening. Subjecct: "laasentlois of Women's Instituter." Mrs. 4:. ',t' 4 b in eharge. iNeteeteisees. Mr.. Wm Ruth- erford and Mote LNa Humphrey. A (M,nRa1 Iri'rita1hut i, extemletl. A IJ meeting of the program committee w1/1, be held at Mra. R. K. Miller's on Fri..' day everting. by outer of the convener. ASIIFIELD ASIIFI}ILII May .J. -Owing, to the Rev. G. ltitehie Irving tontine.' to the !totes• with a cold. Rev. kir. Jnekson, of Scotland, occupied the pulpit on Suudny. lie gave two splendid ser- mons. The U.F.W.O. meeting w'a6 post - 'Komi haat Wednesday owing to the """ u. ` • nut,trn'.ne. funeral of the lett Mr. Dixon in the Kiutail cemetery. Mr. Saw Grey. of •tn...Hey. was hurled from the church to the Kincar- dine cemetery. ' The 1".F.W.41. meeting will be herd at the honw• of Miss Sadie Johnston WHITECIIURCH visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. iia vagi'. There will to no .ervit a In t h. t'uitel church text Sabbath, as the pWstmr. ltcv. J. Waller,' is at Com terettee. • Anniversary sonde*" will be held In the I'resbyterlaa eiturvh on Sumekty. June 44th. witatt 1►r. }'urbea. of 'it's water, will he the sneaker for th4. day. Mr. Stingcl. of Toronto, spent the week -end •tt the house of Mr. and Mra. Juhu 1•tvngt. ,A number from here attended the Llttrtil totueention held at 11'iugham tin Tnesdety. Mr. Bert Maize luta purebasevl the house formerly tsrupteol by the late Mr. ad,t Mrs. Wm. Ryan and will awrve WO it in the taker future. Mr. Moire lois rented his farts on the 4th couceesiuu of Ashti.•Id and in luuvilre into Cie eiltage•, 'owing to the 1t1- Iteulth of his wife. The sacrament of tie, Lords Supper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian church root Sunday. !'reparatory setvk•e will be 124.111 ou 'lleur,day evening, when iter. Mr. James. of South Kiulosn, will preach. Messrs. Hende'ran and Fishier, of 1.ucknuw'; ate ...tooted this week in shingling the Presbyterian church.,, 11'1l1T}Xif1'Rell. May 23. -alga, John Gillespie emelt a few days last, week in London. ou Westtlr+(au -vf thl. week. Mr, and Mrs. R. 1. I arrick Mid The Inst itete meeting i, postponed trousseau teas in honor of the coming from the first week of June _to the I Marriage of their daughter Lavin:i, on ithh of the month. The etosker. Miss Emily fly lilten+t, will be i•re,tMit to epee E PORT . to the raw inters and 'friend* at the home airs- A. Beckett. trM I r k 1 f flint, rt I ha 1Y 11'F:F:I: OF JUNK 4th Tu :rah. Monday and Tue.das Rin -Tin -Tin in an ext•itii:, a,.rs t th.• IV or' : War bawd en tlw actual life ..f this +s• ler • doe. An aero -drama of love, hat, •,;1 A Dog. of tie Regiment" 11. rioid Comedy--'•Nt) FARE" Wcttnc.day and Thursday Lionel Barrymore presente a new mystery ntii,ilrnin`a. a thrill picture that gra p thrill, and a t•lihrvs that will surprs. sou. "The 13th Hour" Pattie ;Comedy- TIIF: til•I► WA1.LuI':' Friday and Saturday "Wolf Fangs" ,,,,tripping 1 ., t tale t the. e.0 )rehr uxseta ' taus . p'rtrayed by an minimally eteelle•nt cast and featuring "Tlll'NUh'.k," the canine blue-bkn.d. A dynamic drama. Fox Comedy -"!lire Ht1'-1-. }I.S4E1.0 . t ALBERT l'ttlt'1' .1LUERT, May ::u.-,1 L=aid qr;c under the eusplct•nt •.f at.--An4 n w's.._titftr,t -t-btte'eb - will--be-Loki am, ;lac l:tw,n of Mr. Will Craw•ford's home oppaeslte the church.. ou Wednesday' Jutte ,lint 'There will be it bustl'u; it.iffit- WI -Weft Lietetra-tra i' -ort Al h.rt hi the afternoon at :, o'i•la'k. Sup- p•r will I+• ,svrt'e•d ,fount ti to stichxl--. .14ter ills-. tppt'r there .a•lll he a spleu- lid t.r,.•:rata lo u troupe (tom Kittens. site. and 1"•al talent. 11.e ceud.itrd ehelr, of !!ort Alpert. \+!.-+tial isewLucakLurches will present ;1:e stored euututa "The Galilean" in live• rhun•hes on the fellowin> Sunday ••,ening*-Jute IINb, ut Port .liars; .Inde 14th, at Nile; June,24t{t, at Lel' -rtrn, CARLOW ('AFILOW, May 340. --Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mawle4-and- tok..._a:hlldreu. of .utlptt, and Mrs. Forester, of Gran - toil. visited the fornter•s' grundyareurs, tlr. and Mrs. Paul' alaeJet, over the tee , skald Sins ioltrt 4L-�-'ttrt•ie--end`- daugluer, of F::1st 1Cawsrt.ssh, called on lb,rr ehitires !were mu Tuesday, .t number from here atfepiled IhE Liberal: annual n o•,•ttng at0lneh tut "n Tuesday. Misty Pearl Wiliiwt. `uf Flint, Mich.. s spending a WA* with her Its 'Sistine Maturday at 3 p.m. COMING -MILTON S1L1r iii "THE i VALLEY OF GIANTS" Oid Tavern Closes, After nine centuries of use the . Chandos Arms, Edgware, la closing 1 Its doors. With the exception of one r at Chester, this Inn is the oIde 1a t Icnalaarl • Tuiselay atttl Thurjtdtty of last week Tuewgy of this weak. Mr, Wm. Itawthorne aiit ut;hter. Mrs. Jacobs. and her .ea. of Brain- -ford, ere. visiting with his sisters, turned to her Mune In tosierl,•h after -I Mr`' Kerr and Mrs. H.l°w•a'. nursing at Bison's Itis. Itetkett (torn --4)n Tuesday. alar :."2. to air. 7th: i`,tttf fn chttrgr..t--koswtientis .:and alts. Norman Wilkins. a eon. oho tire rkt,reriug slow de. air. Frank Ilotinn, who is shite •4. has hien taken to 1I!• 4),iderich hospital. U1 es-Antut: Ite+sie end Belle -Mae- K,-ittle. feathers of ti., Toronto lichee! -stiff, were in•tur for .the. h.dtday, May _Si. They reftillied wt Sunday. 1 ntitntn'r arc suffering from the epi - :envie "nit.".. We ure sta.! to report that kris: Helen 1tow leer tats rt'sunietl her studies in 4:oderielt again after her GODERICH TOWNSHIP islit*:,it'll Ti)1lssiiii', May 29. -:clacker tishiuo�Yrfhe order of the .lar, Mr. and .I. W. Simltsoh, air. Keith .K. ' and Mr. l lt•tor Bone, of 'T'�ron otored up sail rptrtiF(Tie we•le=t'n,I at the hotue of Mrs. J. Ron.= - Mr: Patterson. of Antmrw elected on Sunday with his daughter, airs. tux. Mrs. t'itm'ice !Owe! and son. of 11'aulatusbeue•, are 'visiting ibis week • with her /nether. Mrs.' afaetirer,tr. ••, l:er relatives here. \Ir. and airs. 11'..1. Coulter and flintily, Mr. turd Mr. ale.- 4'oaaer scud family, Mr. nn,l Mrs. Frank ',miter and family, air. and airs. Sam ('tmlter and Sir. and Mrs. John Craig rami fam- ily attended the silver wedding aini rertnrr of their► Slater. Mrs- Wm. 'Thom of Auhurn, on Thursday. slay nth: Mrs. R•dert Rome amt two sons.. tount4 -Nivel-.Kenneth. lemons tee_ Ttuw .1:ty for a trip -.to the West. 11'e hope her health will tie greatly unproved ' by the trip. Sir. and Mrs. Jas. Barbour and fam- ily. .1 i:otlerich. .smelt the week-e'nd with Mr. and Mrs. Jai.- Itsrh,iDL of ForlyeP. - Mf. and Mrs. Fred Elliott turd Mrs. Mr. and airs. hick Martin and tam- ..t.t /Jt Harmer's Ili' o r tone to. ..f Huron. 1 motored Paisley one II i n. int s y i Mrs. J4. Irwin 'stay last. week. antiss.it« i their- auto. pp nt Sunday with -their sister. lifts._.4 Mrs. Grieves, who is ill. Dan. Martin: - 1 ' Next Sunday Rely. tsar,. Jewett, of Mr, Ed. Gaunt nod Mrs. Geo. Me - tio,lerich. will occupy the pulpit of ('le•tinghan and Sliblr,) visited On l•ntotr rhnn'h in the ahsent•e of the Tuesday with Mr. and Mra. Nicholsbw, I pastor. Iter. M. Cr, Parr, who iii at- of-Avimttr._ - - ; teudi t'onfercut'e. The service will;' Cjuite a number from St. Helens at- t�t*- `he-ot- the usual tine,- 3 p.m. SuadaS . tended the swim evening held in the schs.ul at : 1>.m, -----"--S-1-irits,-eh-gosh- here on Vrldsy last Mrs. Theo: Amy, of Burl/al is ' St. Wien', soar i PP"ple gave a Mien - risking with eel -alines here. I did program of which a very inter- Tin• regular meeting of the Ladles.! eating debate way a part. -lid of Zion ehnr'h, Taylor's Cor'nets,,j - '' will l 1 II Wal - it ••,tile -a wev.'t- the heave of Mr. and Mrs.' Attan -Jb'itson The official board ---of the L-nhe4 lairds met recently at Benmiller, emir"a g.ssl attendance. It will be ter. E. Puniter's hist meeting with item, us Ise leaves at the end of June o take his new ,charge at Strathroy, Mr. B. Orr. teacher in S. S. No. 1. THE PAVILION GODERICH t - Next Week Open -- TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY n•, ,e , at the hump of Sirs. ; DUNGANNON , ter Hiek. Bunn road. on Wesines,lay, jun,. lith. ,t large attendance of the members is reiiwstel.T►1"N1l%NNON, May 30, -Mr, and EIik,4t•Lightfa,f.--t, marriage took' Mrs. Roy Harris and family, of Stmt. the 4' on Saturday, May 241. at the ford. spent Sunday at the home of l ict.'r ; stri'rt_spare nape, testers -h, kir. anti Mrs. T. G. Allen. Mien Rev. M. C. Parr united In the Mgr.. fl. J. Crnwfnr'i rctwrnet home last Kano -day from Detroit, where she Lad been_ -sial1 g ht:r_ohtughter, Mrs. It. E. Willis, ly isealc of mntrtmooy Mritarid f Ili .ti' ui 1 Mtss r;daalmtr-TtgtTrfoot, - th !Ids township. They will rake 11.•ir h..me ren the gn...rn's tine' 1 farm on tan Itaytirld rtt.i 'their ' ninny friends join in ;id;iug them a long and happy we,tded ST. HELENS ST. I1111,t7NS. May 2K. -lir. Alvin Woods i, hone. from Toronto 1'niver- ,<It y. Slime Jennie McI4rlane. of ilhtevale, was the guest of Sir. and Mea. Hwart McPherson over the week•enJ, M Kincardine.' spent a eunple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mn. Jas. Hyde. Mrs. W. 0111114•n,n 11,4 leaving for Mitchell on Tttes,tay to visit for a few Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rosa *not Mr. acid M. 'Floyd Smith. of Detroit, and Mrs. C. al" Rose, of Gode•rk•h, spent Friday at else home of Mr. and Mrs. F, AUBURN .1l'itl•IAN, Slay :to. -Mr. George 1'uugblut nettle a business. trip to 'Heti. salt on Tttc-sips. - Mr. and Mrs. Jan' curter and win ' Reggie, of Port Elgin. spent the week end with the Yornit'r'S patent*, Sir. and Mrs. Jtttues l'arter. • 3i.isn Ellett Iteadle ens in Kitchener • east week attending the wedding of her cousin. Mr. !kph Oswald. Mr. 1sttdlaw, of Myth, called ort frlewds ia- taw-- tillage_oue._dat', 'last week. Mhos Dorothy ltertch. of tIlutot, spent it fete :Wye %frit her aunt, Mrs. Join Arthur. air. W. T. Ktddelt has pur•tul"(al tt new Essex sedan. Mr. Edwin 11'e•tilaufer and family. of Bright. spetst,t'k•torta lhty renewing obi aiotualetances in the tillage. Mies, /tette M.eltll. mf 111.4111. spent Sunday itt the home of air. and Mrs. 11 . '1'., Klddeli. Mrs. 1,h,)yf Young. of I'k•tnsit. is visiting her sister, airs. Russett Klcc Mrs. Malt. Allen is hisi!ing iter ..- ter, Mrs. Wm. ('mat,, of Flit.•. Mich.. wile Is very 111. There will be an etenlug service in the li - n es t g n church on Sunday, June 3r1. Ile. Gentiles 'Thompson. of Kitt-1'- 4.1)4,r, itt•tee nt'r, spent May 34th with his par- ents. air. and k(ne. W. J. Thompson. kll.s. 4 )'l)onnell, who has been a, slating ting air. Alfred Kulilnw,u In th.• putrtoffc,•. has returned to her home or -Fmytrm. rt,medy In three acts entitled "Are You a Masu°'r" will be presented 1a the Foresters' Hall. Auburn, under auspices of Knox Presbyterian . the board of a "polder" near the city; church, Auburn, by the Arthur (Init.of Leiden desired a better way of t Kaon Church, Goderich, on Friday, getting rid of superfluous water than atm' i'_ maW mgns.ed Miss Alai 2nt vlstted-irrTep7i electrlbyeeltnsyof wagthe notodirectlywtedlll reassisort to Woodstock on Sunday. to, as has been done so often, but Dr. ?be!" will be no chants .ervtce in Dekker's Invention was applied. Knox ('n/ted ebei'th ata Sunday. June which until then had only been work - OPENING DAY \ 1 BLUE WATER GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB Wednesday, June 6th 9.30 a. m. • Ladies' nine -hole competition; handicap. Gentlemen's nine -hole competition; handicap, 1.30 p. m. Mixed two -ball foursome, nine holes; handicap. Juvenile (16 years and under) nine -hole com- petition; handicap. Ladies' and gentlemen's driving competition. SUITABLE PRIZES FOR EACH EVENT LIFE -BUOY OUTING SHOES LIFE -BUOY OUTING SHOES have proved to be the most reliable, best -wearing summer footwear on the market, for baseball. tennis, bowling and all other pastimes that are enjoyed by men. women and chil- dren. They are here in the latest styles at the most reasonable prices. Golf Shoes are now in shock in the new patterns. GEO. MacVICAR North Side of Square Goderich, Ont. ,TW DITCH WiND 'tirvtatly Iner•eased t'apacity Secured by Inventk M of Engineer. Windmills, tar, char ulna in th Dutch landscape, but at the proven day disappearing rapidly, have nerved a n w opportunity for aerobe by the invention of Dr. A J. Dekker of Hazerswoude. Some time ago whom 3rd. as the pastor, Rer, W. R. Alp. ed nut on paper win be In iTalkeretlle attending Ctn. With the old system of windmills. ference. the wind, caught by the four fans. fres•, Hr. I'tunt*, of Milverton, con- moves a scoop -wheel which lifts the dueled serrlees In the Lutheran church water out or one basin into another on Sunday, basin or canal, whence it is sent to a river or the sea. Such a scoop-wheea can on y o its work when a wind of Our titan Traria.1 it certain minimum velocity [s blow. Canada's trade witll_Srllitta ling. While Its capacity is also very grown mors itwimil/r:kkn e e other Country, notrapidly eventan exetthptfnRany ImItprovedtted.theDefanser biy amthootra(hlnttplaea, out Germany, in the post-war period. This is Indicated 10 figures of Chinese their barks, thus reading pertain air eddies which were Impeding their maritime customs. Thr report of lh spe"'d Then, and this is the mala tt,tet 1. calendar e year 1926 used thee* • Mr.' and Mn, G. M. McKenzie and iIsster Malcolm s5ient the 24th_ in 4'linten, the guests of'Mr.ZiRensfet mother and stater. Messrs. In !'erne and Benson Pent - kind, of Detroit, .pent the weekend ,with their parents, ate. and Mrs. A. B. Pentland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred 11nsa 'rind Donald *pent 24th in Autrurn, -the -guests of Mr. and Stn. Jae. Meld. Mips Beth Willis, of I$'trolt, spent the weekend with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Crawford. Mia Laura Savage. of Toronto. i. Issued ht th. Dart of the In►entlnn, he Chinese Government, shows that im- portations rotary Pumps of different capacity creased of Canadian produce it. instead of one scoop -wheel. Thesis oreaaed by more than 400 per seat, Pumps can work either separately or over the previous year, from $3,74=,- cnnn,cted !n groups of two and three 720 to 816,84 9,6 19. by means of a simple friction clutch. The advantage of three pumps is London'sa Smallest Fiction!, that It le possible to u. a much lower Lostdon's smallest elemontary wind velocity for pumping water. In Kbool 1a a tiny claas-room near an old system mill 1n the nelRhbor- Praed Street where the children hood of the one changed by Mr. Dek- whose homes are canal barges receive - unti tae eelocity niel out not move 'instruction whenever the/ are In the etll a velocity of about while meter line regi per second Is reached, while with a London, England, has twenty-four stronger wind the capacity of orator museums and ten art galleries transferred does not Increase consid- • erably. The new mill, however, ap- peared to be able to move the twe smaller rotary pumps at a velocity of about four meter, per s.•eoad. Whea the wind became stronger the third pump was connected and about 911 cable. meter, of water per minute were displaced, while the old mill at that time mull only total 40 meters. The latter had to watt for more wind. when the new nne had already reached Its 50 'sibfr meters per min- ute lo-ute by all It, three pumps! According to itatlitics lasted by the /loyal Netherland Meteorologic Institute the number of working hours for windmtlla has by the now invention increased from 30 to 60 per cent., representing a 100 per cent. gain. In Dutch engineering circles great interest 1a evinced la Mr. Dekker's discovery and its Influ- ence for preserving the graceful windmill fug , the Dutch "polder" landscape. OUTSIDE PAINT Lowe Brothers "High Standard" bead and Oil Paint will not only Protect, Beautify and increase the value of your home, but will save you money. High Standard is the most economical paint, figuring by the job cost, that you can buy'. By reason of the excellence of the mate- rials used and the care exercised in its manu- facture, "High' Standard" covers half as much more surface than a so-called cheap paint. High Standard is very easy to apply. It is ground so fine that it works easily under the brush, flowing out evenly and leaving no brush marks. It corers perfectly and pro- duces a beautiful high gloss that endures for year`. it fades slowly, leaving the surface in ex- ( ellent x-e("Ilent condition for re- itainting. iligh Standard in a high grade lead and oil (taint made in thirty handsome shades and in all SII.CS. Alf. Tebbutt & Son WEST STREET Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass -- We Deliver Phone 486 Neptunite Varnishes Are rnrefully prepared to with- stand the element and severe ex- posure• They are light in color, work easily, flow freely and dry with a rich gloss. They will not turn white under the Hot Iron test and are unaffected by hot or cold water. They produce a remarkable, beautiful, elastic finish that will stand all kinds of hard wear with- out ern, king or chipping. Neptunite coats no more than moat gond varnishes yet they Wit longer than most and present an extremely ettrtetive and durable surface. Made in all nixes and for various pur- pOsPa. Mellotone Flat Paint Beautiful, Econ ,tnicat, Sanitary, Mellotone is , J t scss. M .11ntnne possess all the soft, delicate beauty of water paint, combined with the durable elements of a lead and oil paint. it is specially made for interior decoration. Anyone can apply It to direction,. it leaves marks or overlapping,. prevent, that perfect, flat surface that is so desirable. Mellotone may be washed with soap and water as often as necessary without in- jury to its finish. according no brush Mellotone Interior Floor Paint Scrubbing is a thing of the past when you use Lowe Brothers }lard Drying Floor Paint. The finish pro toted by the floor enamel is so .month and uniform that you can easily keep your floors clean by mopping. Hard' i)rying Floor Faint i, it varnish paint that dries over night with a high gloss. it i, so easy to apply and so dur- able that it, econ- omy is as,ur.tl. it covers perfect) and wears off evenly, fires, in a va- riety of pleasing shade, and in con- venient sizes. "fingers Only" Club. At flloxwich, Walsall, F,ngland, there is a club the members of which are not allowed to use knives and forks. They must eat with their Sn- eers. This club, fir mer only, is known as 'Thr !ignorer Club," and the u.e at a knife entails a penalty of drinks all round. A supper la held every month and the menu usually cnnsieta of Saab things as Eauaagra, Jollies, pickled on- ions, and bread and cheese. Many lo- cal professional men and tradesmen are members. A levy for some local ebartty Is laid upon members at each supper. Jellies and pickled onions are said to constitute the chief difficulty for sew member.. Our West. "1 don't think there a any settle- ment in any coun'ry which has such I fine bash and le so full of energy ti in that verdin rat ('aneda which Ile west of the Great Lakes." -$Ir 1 Rotary Thornton, t- -_ THE CODERICH Witd ilatn • A TNOUG tT IN TIME CO EAVESALNOW NINEAND FORGET. ORD�R"IbUQ ABOUT 11 FOR A YEAR Did you ever wake up in the night Trying to remember something you -- slues do. And you puzzled and puzzled over it, and lout hours of sleep ? Well, that's the way you're going to feel all rummer until you get your nett winter'. supply of coal order- ed and delivered" 'lave your time, worry and money by ordering it today. CALL THE WIRT OM For Good Clean Coal J. 0. MUSTARD co PANY Phone 98 - Goderich Don't Forget the big Chesterfield Sale --AT--- Wheeler's J. R. WHEELER Furniture Deals, Faweral Director Hamilton Street, Goderich Phases: Sims 336. Residence 355w