The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-29, Page 11A MINISTRY OF HOUSING
Ajax O.H. ,1
Alvinston 0.11. 1
Ancapter O.H. 1
Armstrong Tvvp. 0.11. 4
Beaverton 0.H. 1 •
Beachburg O.H. 1
Bothwell 0.H. 1
Caledon O.H. 1 .
Cobourg O.H. 3 .
Cosby, Mason. and Martland
Twp. O.H. 1 (Noelville)
Englehart O.H. 3
Fort Frances 0.11..7
Georgina Twp. 0.H. 4
Glacluneyer 0.11, 1
Gleneoe 0.11. 1
Havelock O.H. 2
Iron Bridge 0.11. 1
Kirkland Lake O.H. 2
Lucknow O.H. 1
Mildmay 0.11. 1
Napanee 0.11. 7
Nickel Centre 0.11. 2
(Garson Twp.)
North Gower O.H. 1 (Rideau)
Norwood 0.H. 1
Owen Sound O.H. 10
Pickering 0.11. 2
Prescott 0.H. 6
Rainy River O.H. 2
Rockland O.H., 1
Sarnia O.I. 13
ShacIdetori and 1VIachin
O.H. 1 (Fauquier)
Shelburne 0.11. 3
.Sundridge O.H. 1
Timmins O.H. 14
Walden 0.11. 1 (Lively),
Welland 0.11. 11
West Lorne 0.11. 1
Zurich O.H. 1
121 Orfug Road (Metro)
Reference No. A.T. 21 - 76
Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m., E.D.S.T.
October 19, 1976 by the General Manager, c o The' Corporate
Secretary, 14th floor, Ontario Housing Corporation, Toronto, Ont-
ario MIA 2M6. Details and specifications may be obtained from
the Chief Purchasing Officer, 11th floor, or telephone 959-9749,
quoting reference number as above. The lowest or any tender
not necessarily' accepted.
Everyone is to be complimented on the excellent atten&
Alice and participation, at our Dungannon.,Fah.'on Friday, Sept-
eniber 24. So 'many gave so willingly, in so many ways, their
leadership, time and financial help through sponsorship of class-
es, trophies and donations. •
The ladies and t4e enthusiastic Young People gave a trem-
endous lift, not only to the general appearance of the buildings
and property but also in the preparing and serving of delicious
Our Secretary - Treasurer Mr, and Mrs. • Wayne Snyder
and announcer Ron Alton did an incredible job.
Boyd's Orphestra supplied very enjoyible music for 'dam-
ing to climax a ,successful and rewarding day,
If this is an indication of the genuine interest and team-
work by all, we cannot help but feel optimistic as we • move into
the future.
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Congratulationslo Miss. Brenda
Jane Moran, younger daughter of
• Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moran of R. R.
7 Lucknow, and to Steven Wylds,
sou of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wylds
of R. R. 3 Lucktiow, who were,
'; married at the. Ashfield Presbyter,
ian Church on Saturday, . Septem-
. ber 25th at 4 p.m. The Reverend
Armstrong of 'Wingham officiated.
Mrs. Michael (Judy Moran) La-
jeunesse of Lively, Ontario was her
sister's matron of honour. Brides-
niaids', were Mrs: Donna (Wylds)
Zimmerman, sister ofihe groom, of
London and Miss Donna Moran Of
Kintail. The groomsman was,
Michael Moran, brother of the
bride. Ushers were Kenny Wylds,
brother of the groom and Ronnie.
Moran, brother of the bride. Organ
music was supplied by Mrs. Lillian
Simpson with guitar music played
by Miss Flora Simpson. Soloist
was Flora. Simpson. Following the
wedding, the banquet was served
'to approximately 95 guests at 'the
Legion Hall in Goderich. • The hall
was filled to capacity for the open
reception which • followed with
music for dancing supplied by the
Maitland Sundowners.
Abe annual banquet of the.
Ashfield Township., Federation of
Agriculture was - held at the
Brookside Public School on Wed-
nesday evening, September 22.
The . guest speaker was Henry
Stanley, Agricultural representa-
tive from Halton. • - •
President Mrs. Marian Austin of ,
the Kingsbridge Catholic. Women's
League and members Mrs. Betty
Frayne, Mrs.-. Rita Howard -and-
Mrs. Teresa Courtney attended the
Stratford Deanery meeting of the
Catholic Women'i League of the
London Dioceseheld in Listowel on
Wednesday, September 22, spon-
sored by St. Joseph's Catholic .
Church, Listowel, Catholic Wom-
en's League.
t //
The annual Commencement Ex-
ercises for the GOderich District
Collegiate Institute was hield at the
Collegiate on Friday evening,.
September 24 beginning at 8 p.m.
Congratulations to the following
students from ' this . area who
received 'awards, scholarships and
diplomas during the ceremonies.
.' Miss Flora Simpson, daughter of
Mrs. Lillian Simpson, Kintail, was
an Ontario Scholarship award; the.
A, 1 Moore Memorial Scholarship
and the Goderich Lions Club
Anne Marie Howard, daughter
"of Mr. • and Mrs, Bob 'Upward,
received' ,the .;McKim Memerial
Scholarship, highest average' in
year 3. , •
kosernaty Crawford, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford, the
E. J. Redman Mathematics, Pro-
gress A.Ward for year 3,. Level 4,
based on her improvement in
mathematics with regard to schol-
arship and attitude.
Terry Austin, son of Mr. and
Mrs.' Wilfred AuStin, received the
Canadian Chemical Workers Union
(Local 16) Award - awarded
annually to a 'deserving graduating
student who has successfully
completed year 4 EConoinics.
Secondary ' School Honorary
Graduation Diplomas were pres-,
ented to: 'students from this area,
Sherry Boak, Frances Logtenberg;
Lorraine 'MacDonald; Kathy O'Ke-
efe; Flora Simpson.
Secondary School Graduation
Diplomas were presented to the
following students who have com-
pleted Grade 12, Lois (Adams)
Sinclair, Terry Austin, Joanne
Doherty, Lucille Frayne, Marianne
Frayne, Cheryl Hodges, Nellie
Knoop, Debora MacInnes, Steven
Moran, Sheila Shiflett, Judith
Tigert, Mary VanDiepen and Peter
During intermission, the Goder-
ich Collegiate Concert Band provid-
ed instrumental' and vocal music.
A large crowd attended the
Dungannon Agricultural Fall' Fair
held on Thursday and Friday,
September 23 and 24. Congratula-
tions to the students of St. Joseph's
School at Kingsbridge who won
first prize for their song and school
yell. They also marched, in the
school parade and received many
prizes for their, school entries.
Congratulationg also to the
following from this area, Aaron
Hackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Hackett who won first prize of
$4.00 in the baby contest (up to 6:
months) and to Tanya , MacInnes,
the first prize winner in the baby
contest (6 months and under 1
year); Frank Austin won $5.00 for
being the oldest man registered at
the fair, and to the Eldon Austin
family for having the largest family
registered at the , fall fair..'
Unfortunately, the ladies did not
register and this prize was not
given out,
Clarice Dalton, president,
Mrs, Grace Austin, publicity chair-
Man and. Mrs. Connie Osborn,
Education chairman of the, GodeV
ich and District Pro Life Group
attended the South Western Ontar-
io Pro Life Conference held at the.
First Baptist Church in London on
Saturday, September 25. "
Several from this area attended '
the schobl dance held at the F. E.
Madill. Secondary School in Wing-
ham on Friday evening, September
24. - .
Mr.. and, Mrs. Michael Lajeun-
esse (Judy ..Moran) ' of Lively,
Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Don Webb
of London;' Mrs. Elva (Moran)
Freeman of Chatham; Miss Patricia.
Allen and e . friend Sharon Snelgrov
of London spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moran and
attended the wedding of Brenda
Moran to Steven Wylds on
Saturday, September 25,
Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Heffernan
and son Jerry attended the
'wedding of their niece, Miss Joan
Heffernan to Bob England in the
St. John , the Evangelist.' Roman
Catholic Church in Arthur on
Saturday, September 25 and at-,
tended the dinner and reception
held 'at the Legion Hall, Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doherty
and Jim Doherty returned home
from a 10 day Visit to the Western
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Perry of
Detroit visited on Friday, Septem-
bet_ ,24 - with _Mrs. Bernareline
Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Neil of
Toronto visited during the past
week with her sister,. Mrs. Marjorie
Maclntyre. Mrs. MacIntyre was
preparing to return'to 'Toronto with
them when she fell and was
admitted to the Wingham • and
District General Hospital. on Fri-
day, September 24. Wishes -are for
a speedy recovery.
Brent VanOsch, son of Mr. and
Antone VanOsch, was hospit-
alized in the Wingham and District
Hospital for a few days last week..
Billy and 'Bobby Simpson of
Calgary, Alberta are spending
Vacation at their homes here. Billy,
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Simpson and Bobby is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson,
both of Kintail.
Mr. and Mrs, Theo VanDiepen
arrived hoine on Saturday, Sept-
ember 25 after, spending three
weeks vacation in the Netherlands.
Mr. and 1Virs. Ed Shea and son
Kevin and Mrs. Shea and daughter
Melissa of Berkley, Michigan spent
the weekend with Mrs. Bernardine
Kinney and attended the' Ripley
Fall Fair on Saturday, September
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Joy and Mr.
and Mrs. John Clarke of Marinette,
Wisconsin spent the weekend with
Mr. and -Mrs. Henry Drennan and
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Murray of
Royal Oak, Michigan are spending
holidays with Mr. John O'Connor
and Mrs. Genevieve Kinahan.
A community bridal shower for
Miss Dianne Vassella, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vassella, was
held at the Kingsbridge Parish Hall
on Friday evening, September 24.
Master of ceremonies was . the
bride's sister, Mrs. ;Betty Lou
Dalton. Dianne was helped in
opening her gifts by her sister Mrs.
Eileen Wilson and her niece; Sheila
Sinnett read the verses on the.
cards.. Dianne's wedding to Paul
Wisser will take place on Saturday,
October 2nd at 2 o'clock in' St.
Joteph's Church, Kingsbridge.
Several from this area attended
the Fall Fair dance held at
Dungannon on . Friday evening,
September 24 and the reception for
Mr. and .Mrs. Steven Wylds held
Rey: g. Armttrong on Sunday at
Wingham PresbYterian -Church
baptized Jonathan Rae; son' of Mr.
and Mrs. Rae Lewis. Relatives
attending were Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Coultes and great grandmother
Mrs. Earl. Caslick of Whitechurch.
Miss Janet Sleightholin of Tor-
onto spent the, weekend with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
We 'are, pleased to report that
Mrt. Dawson Craig, who recently
underwent surgery at Wingham
Hospital, is making as rapid
progress to better health .as can be
expected. /
Most of our high' school students
attended the high school dance on
Friday evening.
,Mr. • and Mrs. J. Wahrisley and
family of Toronto sperit the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 'John
Jamieson and family and assisted
in taking out the old large windows
in the front of the store and putting
in new smaller ones. The old front
on Saturday evening at the Legion
Hall in Goderich.
Miss Frances • Logtenberg,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Derk
Logtenberg is attending the Uni-
versity of Guelph, taking a General
Course in' Agriculture; Benny
Miltenburg, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Reis Miltenburg, is taking a two .
year Agricultural Course, OA.C.,
University' of Guelph. Sorry; we
missed you last week.
Members of the ,Kingsbridge
Youth Club hosted the Formosa
Youth Club on 'Sunday afternoon
and evening, September They
played games, and saw movies. •
The new executive for the Kings-
bridge Youth Club is: president,
Bernie VanOsch; vice . president,
Lucille Frayne; secretary/treasurer,
Donna •Frayne.
verandah( was also removeld_as well
as the cement platform which had
broken into several pieces. ,This
store and home is around 100 years
On Thursday laSt Mr. and Mrs.
Carl MeClenaghan and Mrs. Fair, .
went to Plattiville to Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Moss' and brought home his.
mother, Mrs. Ben ivicClenagtian,
who had been visiting there.
Wayne Farrier, Kimberley and
Amy of Guelph spent the weekend
with his mother,,, Mrs. Garnet.
Farrier. Mrs. Wayne Farrier could
not come as she was filling in for a
nurse at Guelph. Hospital.
A trousseau tea was held on
Sunday afternoon, September 26 at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Coultes for their daughter Darlene,
bride-to-be. Around 60 signed the
bride's book. Displaying the
'bride's clOthes and gifts from
showers and her hope chest were
Carol McDowell, Linda Lewis, and
Joyce Miller. Serving the guests,
were. Mrs. Coultes and Mrs. Emtey
of Auburn. Mrs. Elva Armstrong
of Auburn on 'Monday evening last
held a shower for Darlene. she was ,
accompanied by her mother, Mrs.
Whitechurch Junior team went
by bus_to Napanee Sunday to play
for 0.A.S.A. but the game failed to -
take place due to rain. The .
arrangements were if Whitechurch
lost the first game at 3 p.m. they
would play a second game at 8 p.m:
Whitechurch has won the first
same and as this is a 2 out of 3
series it all depends on who wins as
to whom O.A.S.A. honours are
due. The game is scheduled for
next Sunday, October 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb 'Hunter and
Trevor of London spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Conn,' and attended
the funeral Lucknow, on Tuesday
of, the -late Mr.. Tom Anderson.
Mrs. .Bill Caslick •of Culross,
Mrs. Wallace Conn, Mrs,. Dr. Alma
Armstrong, Culross, Mrs. Herb
Hunter, London attended the
trousseau tea 'for Miss Darlene
Coultes, bride-to-be, at her home,
East WaWanosh.
Phone Collect, 3574583