The Signal, 1928-5-31, Page 3'1
The Signal's Clubbing List
will save you time and money. We
can giye you a price on almost any
publication issued on the continent.
Goderich to DETROIT and Return
THE 11111 STEEL S'1'EAM}i1t G1IEYIltit S1►
$4.00 SAF}:. %l'EE1/Y, co1MFORTABLE $2.50
Wednesday, June 6th, at 9.30 a. m.
.Arriving Port Huron 1.5•-pan.. Detroit 5.30 p.m.
Returning kaves Detroit l pita.. Friday, Jute ids
Tile only boot trip from G,derkit to Ik trait this season. Child-
ren between ii and 7l, half fare. Visit ,out Miehlgaw frleuda ami
see hig and buoy adroit_ A delightful trip ,ter the great inter-
national highway of takesitud rivers. Don't miss It.
Last trip Goderich to Detroit. Saturday. June Ilii, at 8.30 sat.
Conte and enjag the fun
TUESDAY, JUNE 5th, at 8.30 p. m.
Three hours on beautiful Dake Huron for 50e. Children 25c.
Timm MOM* 1.904E 0e()TE 0_15
1u s ' A ILI R A Pd
The Leading
Men's Store
Straw Hat
Chas. Black
Photic 2-t
Clubbing List
ThSignal and This Tomato lobe .............................
The Signal and The Termite 6.50
Daily Star ............................
The Signal and The London 6.50
Advertiser ......................
The Signal and The Loadea 6 50
Free Press -
The Signal and The Toronto 6.50
Mail and Empire _
The Signal and The Farmers
Sun 325
The Signal and The Family 3.0o
Herald and Weekly
Star The Signal and Saturday
••'.' .
The Signal and Saturday 475
Evening Post ..._._ .........
The Signal and The New 3 9 i
The Signal and Canadian 4 65
Homes and Gardens ._..
The Signal and The Catholic 3.75
The Signal and McLeen'a 3 75
Magazine _--
The Signal and Montreal W it-
ness ..... renewal 3.85
new 3 511
The Signal a n d World
Wide renew.wal 43'25
The Signal sad Youth's 3 75
The Signal and The Toronto 6 78
Star Weekly Rod and
The Signal and 3-85
Gun ... _.. CMedian
The Signaall and
d TM 2.Y5
Countryman ........................
Clubbing Rates With Other Peri'
odicals May Re Had on
RECEIVE DIPLOMAS ,atilt tits. Maria, May
The reefs of Isle Royale. In hake Su
- I {erh,r, have }'icldarl the w•ndcage of
m steamship and the bodies of t,"
itemizers of tier lust crew of tweet)
' • grim exPlanation uuu eu
Large dlinp{Iearanee 1
Exercises at MacKay Imst 1
tNo Iv give g 11 tl of the
Lars Attendance at Interesting atoll', „ la sl,ihlg storm
Hall NseUther of 11u• Canudiau park -
Tuesday Evening I age freighter Kamloops.
'Cha bottles were found by the crew
-- of the arwtstguard cutter Crawford.
MacKay hall mus tilled to as{sully 'i sent out from Port Arthur, following a
on Tuesday evening ou the ec'asluu of I sighted prt- by Ike fishermen
:Itint they
the graduating excrcisa•s of the Alex- body was identified us that of J. Dour
audru Marine Mud General hospital.
1 nasi[ of Sault Ste. Marie. Ont. Tha
The platform was lastefiilly decorated other body has not keen identified.
island is to be made_ in ilia• hope of thoughts. NNh 1111'work.. The ndu•ilu•su.,tiod,
iii lig uddltiunul Msllatw. To Is•Liu N•, the t .of th Lib- ..t Ihr Ito work. iuu Department is ,t
robed nurses p f a TI tate n the n Kamloops t and her 1 did t til the attilttda of the Lib- lit,We iu,{►n•lultt wafter than m bit of
with spring 'lowers which formed a
pretty setting for. the bevy of
who, led b}' the superltr
debt entered to the Jutish. o
seltrek i if the shores of th
The Week t Ottawa
First-class reasonable prices.
Call The Signal when you want a
job of printing well done.
Telephone 35
"-w3-cars *nits II bit .i( our iii ,.\`.i'
:note by air. Certainly, this olit
•i ours Asn': st. n.t.tng st• ill.
Incl•st)grttlre still goes on In regaral
• „ permits to InhwigraDls. The truth
- ,;.,• ‘;•I.1Is matter Is that we [lave',
By R. .1. Itt;icliut:ut are
. unt,•1, titer il. There
Iwo lr..blelns before us. tine In Jlit'
OttUWII, Muy :a:. In the;::. Increasing of efficiency ,'Lt our IwwDepartment. The oilier is.
of war, [[[Ings .hate been a bit more gruiol IIii wnu•b.Nly do a hit of yule[ graft•
Evelyn 4:11:e the' Itrrll:uueuu„•y front ing.iii ronuet•thm with ourilinigrutlo .
ilurlug pit at glr•k. ;Ilii' (uultrcu i •iiililinlstratioit'. It Is quit:. para al .
lives, from time to time. lust' expreirl ,. 1wur-t'. iIf would not .happen Ing
sed the idea that they msec full of u ; We Itone II till Iha• of bas I'i .1f Sir
Hd a lit the lyilteral, that'
of a•tiu eta Kip.;ng
Is, supposing ally lsirty qui he :;aid ate -rind the secret hid
• he full of a lack of a ufliteuce.Iii any Putter Cheops pyramid
thing! Such Is ti method method politirui Cheops out the
eii trailor l Miliilia
e leaders have of • expressing tl 1 It
their lint we must go ..n
• • IINt 1' IN' t elle.
Ir U net
crew been
twenty wen and twvt women end,: tits. the "iflimping" duty. They Iclu,,. Ihh•ring. Life consists of s,tu,c.
had lagan a oyster} siu.v the ste:11uer. followed lids up by exprrstsiug their :lets besides looking Gtr sinners.
t .rrtaii
march grail b}• MiMens Madeline
lisgus at the I.IIN•ra:s for 11.11 dlitri- \ ua•wspt{N•r elitur wr,to
The two grade„urs were Miss Madeline Is'pu,l for Ouluu, Nlth a carguuf tire•,
Mist_ 'ii'ti s etg lin fits• tie nat,•r of the' ImW awuug uur uNu "nutluual+' tits rilirl►ws i f built Ii litkrll }Inrtiry f1
Johnstone, kuuN', a#ts: tak 11 ,r•nnn last fie-- ey ,slant Buil lw:71.1(rtx'rh ill r,.l ar-' r,._irir to ttse i*t-re'ti+t ""u -_i lllmi
H l.eektru
t mast civilian claims for our ration permits. Certain menders -much- ateloYed-441---rvatard-1114--ttro._ •
The chair was occupied by Mr. lt. J. 1 i-mber 3. J - nis o
I -- - :images. 'Chen they become x1111.6 Nl.' the arnuu,Itttr became
wrathfully .d.
of II,R wwsiiapi r c upness :it;
Ihe i-itrrying nut of the sdggc-duns j }'orke suggest e,► th:lt he didn'titw`u1 l
made in tier I►tutcun fe'krr. 'i'II*` lrtr-anhlos in Ibe-ttoatytalier'-',__ .
tilt cit More want of coolish -nee, and their lifts•• tchiall he il's'e Marl ,L-
pawding• %Vllt rca{am, E. J. Yutil -
uryt d we in t the ori rale mol pl .+nits
loll,-,. iii tha' I,hIs'rala, multiplied by mrud..r for 1Vt.yhttrtt, suggested tl..,
thraxt and made' greater than it.has j a I„ni abutlslitvl titles In Canada I"
;tile lakits it might be Tietter'To al otisall titles
I►Ip past 'i•crr been ptadorn; but all ew `t t lugs I
went duwu 10 yule[ deftest. lou can ' arliturinls as well.•
w` pri•sldeut of the puspltu
board, who ca !led a
Elliott to Mier prayer. In the chair-
- mans address Mr. Megan' r if rniT fi):
the founding and growth of the hos-
pital, spoke of 11w coitdittuus nutter
which nurses were received and
trained, and of Ihr affiliatlun.of-ihe
►ospital here with Yleturia. Hospital,
London, where each of the nurses >
for six mouths of her training. Ilia d
tries Her.
KAN,ucru.A I..tKF:S A7TR.A
1lOL11).11 SEEKER'S
For a short or long Iu.ada
may loaf around In the Kew
light- -fish. to your heart's
linWttrlha's score of pretty
and shadowy rivers --o
jewel-like, ewentld g
screed to the generous an d Et1at u gruceful canoe, and 1
always been given the Word in Its I You'll come Mack
work, and made the pleasing au• I lakes holiday t'
nouneement that Miss Louise Trainer that will lest t
tad cutely presentedthgrandfather's pitallwith i' slgutlu. d It l at
_ .► handsome
memory of Mrs. Mliry plays and Mrs. i i id eft H
Marc Morris.
Mayor Ma,'}:wan in a brief address I a ergly u
praised the etticietn•y, of the hospital. .
and paid u tribute to the ehairtlau
\cut, had sacrificed- -Ni,.- art►Jt,.latI.1 Il on I
and his tion? In -n-rtii. the Pep_
the hospital loon!: h.• assured lr iiF it A• Y
Meg,ne that his .1,,....1%,.r.. were
1 prel•iated by the Deep
' the• grattluutes lie congratulates
ou eompla•fitat
and offered his good Nish,.
sat urs
/ware hire
iii NI
chosen. a ,call[nR 1
hrlug aissuranc
comfort to the
- 1u7Tt les• e..I
Dr. \Whit..&
grad Mite-. c
tilt,' 1reit -
i that
al sun -
moat lu
t\ t'IIIMT YE%Alt Nd'
Telephone 230
tfaS4►nic Feuiple 11161(1;ng
Islands In a t' rinse a .row- where a hunNe' dn•Ida's
m weary tit It. almost t•ct'nly upon auy. issue. Mem
Core a 1{ua'artlaa IN,i•uilte excited and throw their Haus,
th an timeenthusiasm 1 their hnntlkerv•hiefg, or aiiy ataili,ble
lee fop time sumer+ I supplies of confe'tII IIt' y tiuty' luso tit•
o ttve fulsier,lsla lora : hand. Into this air ur 'it each other
lig about this splen -
n diilrh a ha
close•. bat :17 to 1r-.
uu latt/L t>ur. _Pa'Nn"`t
ultoWtI Railways tgetit bias 1 1 ti •tr to the
r you. -
-. .'• . May 'lt.- Iut&e a
ben from here atteuded the League
to atitflversary lit 'Lion -on Sunday- etete
thew ' tug.
course_Mr. Alex. Hackett. and Mn. Jus.
. thee- A
'.'tri at
London- 'IC Sherwood tN i
c, t l
d. •
they -Nod ww•kau
t they would tor. euid Mrs. }Yank Hackett, of
and co , • u11.l I tl•trult. Mr. 11'lll •lane and . }:tta ,•
hon :• iu wine!' they ...Bed at the home ofr• K. them. lie • t uu, sari and semi-1.1u•i. of the Rtnvt woe.
inter Beckett on. Sunday. creased duties on lr ,Dula• coal
F;le of, be urIr,g, 4940141.:1
.atter a•t ' f -[asst[[+••lie's[- , n
This night lie considered a fairly
good joke. but the spotlight of the
session .its that regard falls upon it
It. Bennett. lie wm= talking out• .tet t
at his a-ua1 pace of abet ''220 Nor•.Ia ,t
minute. "Thiry.," said he. "is the situ- ,' -
nt4a,. the Government blot. hot with
d h,• other"
The -Mutual Life
Assurance Company of
Established 1869
Hi•u.i liffire,
Waterloo, Ontario
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
Lot Street. Phone 250
Godenah, Ontario.
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
nil: happened In the rtim ti.o issue. i uta• hnr„I nod cui,l auh
eh;11s Ilt/s htotial- satiety . „n„ h,u„1s,
jGuverthuh.'ut. Mud to the I'uusercatic. •
1 ii feeling of hope attantk•narl wh,• " 1101.11,‘‘ 1111F.it1. Int R1. %It"
utlklth liar liCaTY-ir'iek ,
• • • • • LIFE INSURANCE (Sun Life Co.).
alar in,'tetn}• 1('1111ENT, SH'KNS. s. Al•TO,
-+t1 the i)uucau investigations into 11otr :h r, g tday p i E.Et." 1NRliliA\1 t.
_ Toter gear-- , tour
t•uualitiul,.• in the with ;`Milia grndntold hunt, -read M• rd the train for any of
if ,
t}e-e• Uri'rimy tw were
Mile[► to his n r)lrc or lis {Asrtte uumht'r lr', i G r -ah ti, :,t
' at':I11 titin -n tut t•it nit
h la; l
t 1 a
ti cu.lal:, n
tutUou, 'They v r. caculi.m-rl. the ..seer tl w - ♦utast. any p.rleo teres or hanh .
ttuuvu : i C t letilt } That did not provide h,ttt. Ilka :t.' wuu -1 "1st-‘Intiren F..0.. -1 .tris I; I'e liI • mol
Daressuril} wean that lie unWend of I that t th
nwwa•ual Ile tion with nit the tLril Mast. ,it°e• other modern iml•rucemrnts.
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
10:11•) p. .'I a with axes , he lin.. resorts hod c t. rr -
Ihcti• t at to )Ir. a sti. )u stip tit t
lN,rl. Il,at'gavth•uuln sUgga•Ml. u that ..•,,,ui,sl ttlhIIt 9'imac•itr•i 1•. fr'r iliNt-tinily, a Fend Islas arms for Salederich AI•
i t "reu••i, it" Nitjl tent ails! i w. fn
,. I I hdi tit a M J R 1 li I l l res p
h 110111 No letter pias to kerne any kin
t..i .• 9 ftp- wan 1 w. }}_►tt , of _property needed.
)' and NLeu anything 4 unuimetge to the 1 Mating. you esu ,,,• them [king' of the probation piss Tillie Sherwood. rat who is at
u•• us i•resn•nt In Luodo„ at the hospital. j'eu{de of the 3lurltimt•s certain
hnuteuftu ?,atifl•'Ihlllwacl any
rnt Ionnitlanf t Iltustrmttrl1' hlRtibnrguithfew ' of the many lister
VIA. their acccptal \_
Finnigan and Dobson ens go•gctters rise up andtohnll
rag feutul:niuus yi-L'ealtl♦•der booklets- and full infortnaitbtn. A g Nl house,' T ►uur,
t ultlu ---
te the address to tin• 1 e hone for The uPredp
n ar;P.rirt r»inita,toustl--uta' _good well, ti sc• f age) }{aekett_ou
1 t h
made possible their grarbut n' l.•.l ou Was._
A gesrd nurse, he acid. is a greatstool,' y
l,Mtiei:tn. He had Natilt'.l -
w young graduate» ITiri,ul;Tith''ir
_I Id:
Steamer Greyhoutild
Excursion to Detrol rom
F. F. Lawrence & Sons
• thin
For t `:e
i. 1D and BLACK
Patent Pumps
ern' ur'TyalutttZ and iia•1 feoe
eftleient and dependable,- Lut \\ I: 1'FI}:LD. Jln}' = i• u'ss a.
sruecerm. l .torr. rnic most, he Stull. Lyon. • t IAtludestMMa returned hums
he firm. reliable, and ubst• -.. itt alit the Iti-i of the week lifter spending a
cu'Paflt1 I its to the luhtsi,•d;w II, t k. with Mrs Witi Melsiwetl.
u,• e. tit 3 r and Mrs. ( uu [bell and
Ntiharl the graduates
ur IID meal •-
uu unless these tfiinge are gra _-
tu thew nod granted at .sale. Item• Nearly eterylnrily knows the snxs• good loots,: Y lot* and barn.. 1- -.--
i Torre wee Itr••nv.4_hc_ Adolphe Saz u at-- cuudl•_
sse hud_ett nrpluau•ut 1 :alritlitt Ynr t'+ iter tn,nsa• exoei
'from the
..,#ihq _
Star p, •1 •13MT
Hum 'forks+ catling for duties and d tlf, -r --ante. [cissas •
►11' +1. unties tmre peo le of
else wu.tlJ1 uoil Tunes. ,,,,si t lots, stn It et i l.•.STA°
while for .the people
•d the 1'ruciseu' Haut roil 4Z901,4auudit on
dirt[ it by the suuuding sa•u.
good, well I ilteil house
In ret»' w. wt•. s
1 ate•s every f d Jack t I The mlhsifncturcr, ..f steel et
tort ,'hi. of Aylmer. sle•ut the l.tttir'-tht's.t' da)s have a particularly bu
their future career.
The Florence Nightingale pl.•dge ( ■i rt of the wank will' 11,,r''•, l•atulr' time. Their,elderpri-es are 811 t,r,
tees 8dminiutrred by Dr. Martin, utter Fall's =fstar. \les. A}ltwt \'nnth.__ .._t; p. rota. They war more money t '
which the dipluttslS were pn•st•u;e.l by A. , a•xpand{„g Ihem. 'I r,• Iron mud steel
itI he superhutellda'tit, els+ esnt d+ u, other I'rteirie_
_Jttlatt- Elsie_ Bradford, of t;•N1Priylt, bushia•ss in t'nua.L`_,u 1:rS} e»q,lo" •
The graduate pins acre presented by --visited last warp with her cousin, jjiss Tg eu. in t••-.• it rat d.i}ad t
Mrs. W. I,. Horton and Miss Moe. 51innie Snell. OM. There low !Well n ur,n• r•tpi,i
iluaalel the bylodennh- needles from 1►r. R,,y a•t'lnrlist', a,f ItlJ eitai rwht i+ 11 i [crit .1 rbtul in any other
the 1 tors Association were present- nt- = p IM;-r•irt it -, ,o,a•ttaw Nlitur.). Them. Iran
visited on Outplay at the home -of -114o ad Itis hnirw• +. I..,•king f••h noire money for
p 1,
ed by Dr. (bunter. -Mrs. }ellei. un
tory, pIre ousin, Mrs. R w. McDawetl. 1 l , tl,.tu-lou of these rnterpr. w .
half of the Woman's Hospital Ansi!. . 311.'s Ik•rtlisl EIis. of SMynor. sent al,,,,,, sal passe of our doily pupil--
n•Nented batnlage scissors. %bile• I the ,week -amp ander' the parental roof. Mrs. Redditt, for the Ahmeek Chapter,
Ilam sister, 311-. Mtry. return, --I with ;'14,1 in 40. she 'awes of our tinanii„I
11.O.I).E., presenleil eversllnrp Iene1s. I her to Slapper p.t;wrs tbe} crnen smart songs of pugs
_nn ht bootie sue ri 1 Mrs. Phoebe Taylor. of Go,leri,h, Is . 1s•tity ata1 trf: how Ink•a•w /tf ict."k are
{seers►--[suss-the• S(aklr__-•Rnf--z--11-.-'-e1„iit _,Iter _daughter, Sirs. -Albert t tplyanciui Isuw the yotuwe of in:1111e 1
order• l,ar r. e, lirlIr-ttier--erre''
ting ler' ,Nadng bank overdrafts- In fa• t 0..0-
LO.D.E.. and Mrs. M\'ebb,
Nurses' Alumnae, presented bouquets
of roses.
A message Wits read by the ch.tirmal• e;eNleriaq
front Mr. George Spottun. M.l'., e1' I Mr. Wesley Cteckhetuse. n
pressing regret that his Parliamentary
field. 'sited his mother, Ur
duties would not pxrmil him to be son. who Is On the sick i
Mrs. J. N. Campbell is visa
daughter. Mrs R. Is. ,nehmUse of thing sh tit. bright and proas•i.u••
hippy 1.11 -Ines- in a haply Nita .`ftl.I
ler- hI.•
f Baclarkts rovers the ti,t'
s. Ander- 1 their story- if. Pacll.! tit \c,
Iiia ,
"De day blast fame.•[' eluants, tt i lou- '
'Flit new to coln.ine
to all unusual degree the
!Herds of comfort and ennart
:,i lotlrancP.
Also a full line of
Travelling Goods
Shoe Merchant
Photo. i:o.lerirl,
tions to the graduates. Htludsume Mr. and Mrs. J. Career••
bouquets of raises from 3)r. 4i{Nrttn❑ onto, 1lsite.le
last ek Ni I
were presented to the gtsoluates by
Mrs. .T.•1.. 11, 1► St w and to
Mr . Harold Blackstone, with., a hos of
candy, also. for elicit of them. Then
followed the presentation of flowers
1 (fist from friends, the gifts being
'e Wish
To Argue
ailh the folks who deem it neeeN-
sar) In Send out of toren for floral
work of any kind, hut more par-
ticularly with those
eof hoa believe
that uneral pieces
dl only from
can he pr•Five major
:11, outside agenncy.y.
items enter into the argument: De-
sign. Price. Qtmlity of Blooms.
Select ion. Delivery. Each week
in this space we shall deal with
these items in the order mention-
ed. Watch nevi week for argu-
ment No. 1.
of Tor- 1 d,lmto humor and tr.•..h •••i••
Mr. and e,Nmimeo foss --the mntnrf:l,•lurers ,
r friends. I iron nod steel tt-ith 111111 fume out are
pleading for duties and INnuitles and
Rifts and legnite.. ' A few tint out'
Iha•.president „f .ltgu^Nt Steel rrl.,rtl:il
he Wenntirs of that corporation
car g $p/tlMNI,IMM► tat - rat W'
in by the little Misses ]tnmres bad advanced Mud Fermat 1Yhlmet Amongrase these daring the past year. and he added
gifts were thermometers presented by Often Leads to the Most Serious pathetically. "If something is, done to
'um -chits. Reid. Consequences help this lndnsir), If the lii'cl•rute to
Qenp odes• at be
During the evening very I nt
r-Iti nn •
dls.onar "is delay or IN g e• -14;”,.,
•alu c t urn.
" dene•ng I Itale tritll'us age
tele were rendered l'bel by rias .\D❑ ate I i suet, Is life!
talc nod Sirs. 1'bclat•ker, and ti finely- t Ise 11}splh first than
riga+ilnU• N nnI•,
cxe•nteil piano solo liy Mics (lane,.;;irk rims ssde•r
sus• Joht•- pale lips nod elleek Curr,. .an in:,. Ihr fight the other
tton gave
while Sluder. ons 1Tte- eyes end- a reAti.W of. vie rites
star sail two recitations inkt his own Then follow Beads, ha I .o•kai•hes, pal.: stay that gr 'r writ-rb'r. Peter 3. V•'
fr,tl.dl [tied. trrratitk•. sae>... The otily 1 Dint. The grntlen, ,a welti.1 s. Neter
WW1 miirlile '►lIs'a- l:ktlm it.,.
nnlds and 3t ('e_a01 acted as ni h,ay that anaemia Cali ii• overcome IN! Iiglit than cut. Ineidenbrlly, be like,
i'ritstPanl'rta ser +Aa-aolulstl5. ( .,, ancien reo;nrood,-and-o--ix becaurre' tlst' other fellow to make the motel.
t t1,en lie i+rOl' , 14r"k-[Walt rn-re4tUne •.
Wind.. liras he tired, III) - N..11111. er -
lie ha Ile will tell tion the lu mber
Ile Lois at fits Anger,' end tire meson
A pleasing Incident at the cloa• e i their wuuderf„p hl. sl-enrldtlug
the eyenl„pr ens the presentation to , erties t hat Dr.
Sir. pegatc o(a cage eunMlning fano. nod l,kanl- keg properties 1
tan penpencil. the pre•rntntiu„ Viilliami Tisk !'ills Lore wire atoll
1treatment of this
p s it•1 great
Often • IIIIM stubborn 1 1 1
the ' Thunsunrls of young Rli',s w al .were
Air In an nlutemle_Nltldttion owe their lures- TTmi. +Mr period
iet of_ offs tressed_ lhander
ant good health to Dr. Williams ru to the lite or was It the gttde?- -6,
"111111. stem of thea". Miss Katie 34-
Eacheru, fort 'Hood, N.f., says: -"I tweet the tirsi"iT:1Y-'t,1lbhotsr.
praise the day i began the use of i u'. and the Ills[ day- of ib,••tnler. 1012
Williams' l'hhk Pills. I had not i'trnr matttrert he ttIII ,, t with a httI srtwrc. d•,r
thing oat
s, tern,' for
„ntil 213 oaf of 421 di.
shown to he for rele,44s
an political and the facts ha•1t,
t lit
n tune down ame o,'e• at theIrritation
heci rrriretldrrwl
the i* quite a plotof r f politi'u In him
al Venifitt
Trig I
all right, hat It may else[ be said that
Dm. gentlemen • Is tnlriy wide awake.
incientarlly• there has horn a new
aerial mall service e•tnhllhhel. We
now pick up the mail at Rlmonskl and
Nbont it up M Toronto by aeroplane
Why Toronto newts Its mall in Meeh a
hurry hes al n of l It know*.t
Isn't a d„
i' and seta t INrr•+ iu the
lien t t 11N rh disease, for fltit.0 ilrrtn. lr also knows it
loins made lr. l Geo. ,f the lu p
1 i Isom a,anc were fired ,luring the ('un
lord by hist Gars. 11'lltums. wli,
voiced the hrvIe's apprrr•Istton of
unstinted service renderer} by St r.
t;nw and their regret at his contem-
plated removal from town.
Mr. Megnw thanked the hoard'm.
l e.
the gift and for their r•nnrimnv weird*.
and spoke of the loyally Find harmony
which hall charneteri,ei►, their nss•o-
(luTthi' meeting wit hrmtriirf A A cure
in••ihe singing of the National .Anthem.
after which the ietteilietlop WWI pro-
ttnttncel by Rev. R. C. Micfb•rmld.
Refreshments were *erred 1n the
basement of the hall on the con-
clusion of the program.
Telephone 105 - Goderich
The New Cloth
New Servant ,'s'tn t have a differ-
ent clock put in me ledmnm• wain?"
Mistretta--_' -"WWI.. I put that clock lt n
your mann for a special purpose.
en alarm clerk."
New Servant --"Well, mom. I can't
stand It. It woke me tip this
feeling well for sots. Una. l
very pale. had,severe h,ridatht•s, dizzy''. slturh,ses of net... et-•, for
spells. and otettsionnl fainting spells. loshdli'e•, ate. Twat
The least exertion would leave tne pritittr'nt`poet 1
tiro'l and brentbMss.' Iti thio-rondl. on with in 11 iL
tkm 1 began hulking Dr. Williams Pink missal*
hills. i continued,their use until 1 ot' r rt
had taken six boxes. by
we. ag'ilii enjoying Ri
hole my experience will le other
sufferers to give this m nen fair
if Inn re la,.ettron•4oWn, or weak,
you s11.1u141 begin at once to take Dr.
11'fllintns' fink fills and you will
sown le well and strong. Theise.plila
are sold by all medicine dealers or
will be sent by mail at 50 rents a box
by The Dr. WtlMama' Medicine Co.,
dirockville, Ont.
Ache* vanish
when 1linard'a
is need. I•' o r
headache rttb the forehead
with Alinnrd's in water. For
toothache bathe the face with
blinard's and place a pier,.
of cotton saturated with
Minard's in the cavity.
Quick rl'itt'f assured. t•7
CS ,
tilN0' S
I )►'PER •S,i rnur
Gold Mine
-- -Tat 30c a share.
Several good houses
• • • for sale.
Car, Life d Fist
W. J. Powell
i t 11.
and a.pgr•:Ir it lids --- -TRIO _
\ ge td house; feu modern equip -
1..••1; garage
II' ts• and lot ; guntl loation$11MM1
-.5 windier of brick houses. mi stern
,•gltiltt.•.1. tine ioud►th,rt, excellent loca-
t amt. l'rlt•es rnnnlntt i►•:WMxl• $3000.
vrtr,_ • - . $11110 awl
A Murets r of c. r). flue farms for
sale; tech improved, plowing dune:
itlituedlutc' pors•ssb,n. -ask about thein.
Otflee days -Mondays, Wednesdays,
Srda)s, or any day by "'Pedal
' tihut•st. •
For all particulars see or write
Real Estate Agent
P. O. Rog $p. I:oderlch. Omit
Geo. Williams
IhICA r rn
MI'iI('ll'.11, .[NII ('ORro-
Fire. \evident. ,ttdonsobile. and
t,rllerll riniuuratiFC Agent
I [diel', neSt 1„ ilttsk „f t'otuwerve
ifs Assurance Co.
of Canada
'offers -- neatly -tltt rats the forms
of policies. Consult us
regarding these:.
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
Stocks Bonds Grain
Market quotations .,tippliedl for any listed [hock. Orders
promptly executed on Toronto. Montreal and New York Stock
li:xchnnges and (Uredo and Winnipeg Grain Exchange..
Huron investments Limited
Royal Bank Bldg. GODERICH, ONT. Phones: 430 awl 44S
Private win. comic... 1nm with all leading struck and grain exchanges.