HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-31, Page 1June Weddings
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is the key to success in merchan-
dising. As a medium for reaching•
the people of Goderich and district
The SIGNAL is unsurpassed.
Canada's Natal Day to Be Loy-
ally Celebrated on Monday,
July 2nd
At a meeting held in the luau coun-
cil chamber on Friday evening, pre-
liminary arrangements were made for
a fitting celebration of Ikomtuiou Day
in (;udcric•h on Monday, July end. It
is proposed to devote the morning, as
in former years, to a parade of decor-
ated cane floats, etc., anti a program
of children's sports on the Square. In
the afternoon there will be a pro-
gram of athletk sports, baseball,
track events and other features at
Agricultural Park. The tug-of-war
competition lbs the trophy denoted-bJ a
the Huron Old Boys' Association of
Toronto. now held by Auhfield town-
ship. will be a feature of the after-
noon program. For the evening there
will be a band concert and carnival
on the Square, and en exhibltlon of
Mayor Macllwau presided at the
meeting on Friday night, and others
present were Reeve Turner, Deputy
Reeve Craigle, Councillors Bailie, I.ee
and Gould. Dr. Callow, Messrs. II. T.
Edwards. C. H. Humber. S. D. Croft.
W. H. Robertson, I,. L. Knox. W. J.
Buchanan, W. F. Nafteli B. Sturdy, J.
Pune*. Dr. W. F, Clarke
fencers and committee -men were
chosen as follows:
Run. ' president --WW m. Campbell. s-
•President -Mayor Siac•Ewan..
Secretary -T. Pritchard.
Treasurer -F. Woollcombe.
Children's games-lt. Stonehouse'
(der. t. A. Y. Robertson. Mies Shar-
man. D. M. O'Brien.
Calithumplans--8. D. Croft (chair-
Decorated bicycles --E. V. Lesslie
(chr.(, J. S. Platt, R. J. Acheson.
Floral and symbolic floats --,'has.
Batik (chairman).
Trades procession --W. J. Buchanan
(chnirman ).
Baseball -J. B. Reynulds (chair-
man) .
'Afternoon sporty -G. L. Parsons
chrl.-H. Sturdy- -- -
Highland dancing -B. C. Postsee-
thwalte tdtairman).
t8 Snmaer.
Music -Jas- F. Teomapn_ (chr..), Dr.
Gallon', W. J. Buchanan, . 11.
Printing and advertising -W. H.
-Robertson (chr.). W. F. Neftel, J.
Grounds --C. C. Lee (chr.). Dr.
Clark. Geo. Gould, J. W. Craigie, R.
Evening carnival -H. T. Edwards
(chr.). Dro Gallen.
Decorations --J. 'W. Fraser ' (chr.).
O. L. Parson
M1Mt1111 fentures eler. J. A.,Graham
Privileges and concessions -L. -L.
Knox (chairman).
1114' officers and the chairmen of the
e(veral committees, with the members
of the town council, will form the
exec -neve committee
Many friends of the family in God-
erkh and elsewhere will regret to
learn of the death of Mrs. Le Touael,
widow of Mr. J. C. Le Tousel of God-
erich, which occurred May 11th at
-Underwood," St. Georges, Bermuda.
Mrs. Le Tousel was about ninety-one
years of age. For many years she
was a resident of this town, leaving
last year for Bermuda after the death
of her daughter, Miss Constance Le
Touzel. One sou end one daughter
survlke: Dr. J. Robt. Le Teazel, of
London, Out., and Mrs. A E. Joues of
Det reit.
Emanuel Mitchell, a former well-
known resident of Goderich, passed
away on Sunday, May 20th, at Lon-
dou, where he had been living the last
two years. The deceased was iu his
eighty-third year. He. was born in
Colloree township, being a son of the
tate Mr.- and- Mrs. Samuel
and reedded in that township until
about twenty-two years ago, when he
moved, to Guderieh. His wife prede-
ceased him eleven years. He Is sur-
vive,( by one daughter and four sons:
Mrs. Luxton Hill, of London; Albert
and Claude, of Saskatchewan; Rich-
ard, of Colborne township, and Sam-
uel, of Goderich. One sister and uuet
brother ales survive Mrs. Richard
Jewell and Mr. Time Mitchell, of Col-
borne township. I►eceaaed was a
member of Court Benmiller, C.O.F.
The remains were brought to Goderich
and tiro funeral took place from the
residence of Mr. Samuel Mitchell, Bri-
tannia road, on Tuesday afternoon.
May 2'2•nd. to Colborne cemetery. The
etrele* were eonelueteti by Rev. M. C.
Tarr and Rev. G. Jewett, the pall-
bearers being Messrs. Richard, Samuel
and Ernest Mitchell and Wm. Barlow.
Among those present at the funeral
were Mrs. Luxton Hill. of London, Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Tyndall and daughter
Mary, of Clinton.
It was with extreme regret that
many iriendv' and neighbors learned
of the death of Mrs. James O'Neill.
which occurred at her home, McDouatd
n friday evening May 25th.
The News of the Town
is Bachelor of Selena
The University of Mfchigah has con-
ferred the degree of Barheler of
eteeuce in electrical engineering upon
Mr. James Alex. Anderson, sun of
Mr. and Mr . Thomas Anden"uu, of
Napier street, (ioderlch. Mr. Ander•
son is now employed by the Frigidaire
Corporation, at Dayton, Ohio.
Propagandist for St. Lawrence Peeled
Under the auspices of the Lions
Club, an address un 'The Economic
and National Aspects of the St. Law-
rence Deep Waterway
Project" dill
be given by Sir. William Wall.tce Go-
forth. assistant professor of economics
and political setence at McGill Culver-
sity, Montreal, on June 7th, at the
Sunset hotel, Goderlch.
A. 1. P. A. Banquet
A banquet to mark the closing of
term was -hel(l hy._the- A 1.1'.A. of _
• esrapiils
Cdstar idil Teacher Engaged
At a meeting of the Goderiee Col -1
testate iustitute trustee board Ott N'etl-
twsday night, Miss Ethel M. Itarb•r.
S.A.. of the }'ort Frances high School
-staff, was appointed to take charge tot
the ctnlmereed departnteut here in.
September, sucieedlug Miss Clougher,
resigned. Miss Powell, teacher of mo-
dern languages, was re-engaged, at an
increase of $100 In salary.
Opening Day Weitwsday, June StY
The ep'uing day at tee Blue Water
Golf and Country Club fats been post -
Pelted from Monday, June 4th, to
Wednesday, June 6th, on account of
Monday not brine a public holiday.
The program for the day will include
a ladies' nine -bole competition, a geu-
themeu's imine -hub'- competition; a
mixed two-balt foursome; nine bole.;
a juvenile nine -hole onnpetition, and ■
hubnet' and _geatiemcu's drivit�com--
St. George's church fa the parish halt petition.
on Monday evening Thepresident,
Mr. li,--K. Wurtele, being absent te-
'cause of illness, the chair was occu-
pied by the rector. Rev. J. N. II. Mills-_
About sixty members were present and
the occasion was muck eujs y(%L_ Bar.
twteu courses community singing was
led by Mr. Free, Sturdy. After the
dinner a .hurt alset•h was k
rector and the linnutdal revert- was
read by the treasurer, Meet Bessie
Murphy. Theselection of others took I
place, Mr. R. K. Wurtele being re-'
elected president by aeciawatlon and I
the vi( -e -president, Mr. A. Sturdy. ado f
Icing returned by acclamation. Other
officers are: Secretary, Miss C. C.
Sale; treasurer. Miss G. Gime; crew
secretary, Mr. Nil Sale; executive,
Mr. F. Sturdy. Miss 7. Lewis. Miss D.
Deflation MThc-rrwtauu and Mr. L.
ts.f the evening, _ .Rev. Harald Swam to Trinidad
even by the
DtNriet Druggist. Meeting Here
The druggists of Bruce. Grey and
Hureu countiet forming .district No.
12 etf the Ontario Council of Thur-
muty, are holding their annual district
meeting in Goderich today. The buri-
11.•,'s meeting is leitrg held at the
Melasetung Came Club rooms, and
luncheon at Hotel Bedford. •
Harbor Notes
The only steamer arrival at this
port the pant week was the Maple -
court, which discharged 175,000 bush-
els of mets at the Goderich elevator on
The steamer Ewig is due at the
(i«ierielt elevator today (Thursday)
with IM,000 bushels of cern from
The Ball Brothers, one of the boats
wicked Wintered here the past yeast
cleared light for Two Harbors on
Thursday, May 24th.
--Thar`-tug Toren arrived from Kite
n w re-
cardio Wednesday and c on
statin at this port for a few days.
The tug Sanford arrived from Sar-
ala today with a scow containing
equipment for the (,-dwell Sand Il
Gravel Company. who are conking
-preparations for the removal -of- gr -
vel from the mouth of the Maitland
Mss Trainer's Gift
A handsome gift to Alexandra hos-
pital haspeen made by Miss Louise Si.
Trainer, of Chazy. N.Y.. in memory
of Mrs. Mary Heys.._. and Mrs. Mary
Morris. who were largely ivatruuieutal
in the establishing of the ho pital and
in its early years were very active in
Its support. Miss Trainer's gift is a
grandfather' clock- la a beautiful case,
of waxed mission nuish oak, seven feet
high. It has been Oared in the main
hall of the• hospital. where its hand-
some erste and sweet -toned chimes add
pleasantly (o the furnishings. Miss
Trainer: who is a former resident of
•Gewie'rich, is at _present visiting In
towur-the guest of Miss B. LHaye
' Maitland Golf Club Opening -
- The teeming of the Baltlatett Golf
Club for the season of 192S wee held
'en May 24th. Although the day was
rather cued. a very good crowd wag
present. The following la a list of the
events and winners:
Ladies' driving toupet it ion -let,
Mme K. E. Naftel; 2nd. Mra-_,It.
ja, Loyd
Ladies' `putting competition-lst,
Miss Edith Williams; 2utl;-M -
Gentlemen's nine -hole mesial play
competition -1st. Jas. 11~'ualdwon ; 2nd,
Rim. it. 4'. Md7R'rintd
Eighteen -hole two -ball mixed four.
.acme-Ist, Mrs. W_ F. Saunders and
Jas. INina bison ; 2nd. Mrs. Jas. Ikae-
sidsou and Rev. R. C. Melk•rhttd.
Gentlemen art' rartuesacrl to turn in
scores for eighteen holes to qualify for
the Lloyd cup competition. IAlte,
fu, qualifying ' round- May :tet -to Jane
tk Inclusre. First sixteen players to
be matched in the competition.
was spent in games and stents under Rev. Harold F. Swann, B.A., of Van -
the leadership of Miss G. Ginn and oeuver, lately -a missionary in West
Miss M. Patterns. -; flims, and well known in this district, -
An A.Y:14A. picnic feel/the Detiuete has been appointed principal of Teach -
of Huron will be held in Galrrich '"' connectere ion witg h tht'tbe Trinidadimission
July 2nd.
.+f tie United Church of Canada. lie
LET US NOW TALK was recently awarded the highest
w-holarsbip in the Ontario College of
street, o Education, Toronto, whish he entered
Mrs. O'Neill had been in falling health -I-_. eu return from China last year. Mr.
for 'tome time and her death was not I League Schedule .%rr,ingrel and 1'L'cy i t�iratm enteredVictoria College in I01$
entirely - unexpected. The deceased Will Stern Conmwnee � with a missionary career In view;
was torn In West Wawanoah, the Ou Monday eyeu.ug a leseball meet--� went "Overseas as a gunner and won
daughter of the late Mr. and Mra. tug was lied in the Mansell town hall, his commission in France with the
Peter McCann, and twenty-four years re1'resentatireefrom ani the teems 111 eanatHnn Field Artillery. Re -enter -
age was married to her now bereaved
ia,asnd-- They went West to saki
their home, remaining there eleven
years, and returning to reside in God-
erirh. Mrs. O'Neill wag a kind, good
friend and neighbor, unselfish to a
degree, and in her charitable acts she
never allowed her right hand to know
what her left hand was doing. She
was a staunch Catholic. a valued mem-
ber of St. •Peter's church. and her heart
was deeply interested in the work of
the Catholic Women's league, of which
organisation site was a valued -mem-
ber and for several years a capable
•er, wa member alio of the
Sacred Heart League, of the Altar So-
ciety, and the Propagation of the
Faith. In her illness she was uncom-
plaining and exhibited a true Christian
spirit and a beautiful fortitude. She
leaves to mourn the loss of a kind wife
and mother her husband and two sons
and two daughters: ;tames T. O'Neill,
of Detroit; Katherine M., Caroline and
William, at home; also her aged mo-
ther, two sisters and one brother: Mrs.
O'Brien, of London; Caroline and
Thomas. of West Wawanosb. Two
sisters. Sirs. Austin of Kingsbridge
and Mrs. McDonald of St. Marys.
passed away seme' years ago. The
#nwercl. .ow of tow termite( teat h,uya
been seen hem for mime time,
took place Tuesday morning from the
family residence to St. Peter's church,
where solemn requiem high mass was
sung by, Rev. M. I). O'Neill of Wood-
stock, brother-in-law of the deceased,
Rev. Father Campeau acting as dea-
con and Rev. eetther Paquette of St.
Augustine as sub -deacon. Rev. Father
Mct'ardle of Kingsbridge wets present
in the sanctuary. Interment took
place In the R. l'. cemetery to Col-
borne township. In addition to a
large concourse' of friends and rela-
tives front Kingsbridge, St. Augustine,
Detroit, London and tit. Marys, friends
from n distance who were present for
the funeral were: lee. Si. D. O'Neill,
Woodstock; Slitter St. Felix anti Ma-
ter Adelaide. Mr. -end Mrs- John -
O'Brien, - Mr. ('tell O'Brien. Mr. N.
O'Brien and Mr. Wilcox, London; Mrs.
Simon Me'f►onald, Mt. Marra: Mrs.
Peter Me•('aun, Miss ('aniline and- Mr.
Thomas Mellann. St. Augustine; Mre.
John O'Neill and fatuity. Miss Mar-
garet O'Neill. Mr. Wm, O'Neill. Mr.
and Mrs. It. O'Loughlin and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ausfn, Cyril and
Frank Austin, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mur-
phy. all elf, AslrMelet. The pallbearers
were Messrs, E. L. Dean. ' John D.
)'Brien. ('eel' Otiirlen, Thomas O'Neill,
B. J. O'itoughhin and Michael Ward.
Wel-Attended Meeting Held on Tues-
day et W'ingham
At the annual meeting of the North
Iabor s :�tsociatjott--.'-.'__.at
Wfngham on Tuesday, officers were
elected as follows:
Hon. preeldents-4nnlon • Young.
Goderlch ; Morgan Dalton, Ashfield.
President -1H. B. Elliott, Wingbsm.
Vice -president -Hugh Hill, R.R. 4,
Sett►nd, v(ce-president-Miss P.
Powell, Wtngbdm.
Third vice -president -Mrs. R, David-
son. Dungannon, ,
Secretary -Alex. -Porterfield, Bel -
Treasurer -A. B. Carr, Blyth.
Auditor -Wm. Ishister, Wingham.
The following were appointed chair-
men and associate chairmen of munici-
Ashield-C. Stewart, Mrs. Morgan
('ollsrne--J. J. Robertson. Mies H.
West Wawanowh-Wm. Watson,
Miss Josephine McAllister. •
East Witwanosh-Geo. Cunningham,
Mrs. Iwrterf elel.
Morris -Wm. Elston. Mrs. Dlueld
Grey P. Bishop, Mo'e. Andrew La-
Turnherry---l'. S. efeFwen. Mrs. J.
floe ek---Thoa Me('lemen t, Mrs.
(iesls'rich der. A. C. Hunter, Mrm. J.
ti. Ilow rte
Wfngham Major It. C. McLean.
Mrs. .1. J. Elliott.
Bruwiela---Wm. Glllesple, Mrs. Peter
Blyth -R. M. McKay. Mrs. Pople-
Wroxeter -John Douglas, Miss
�Ha zlewood.
There was a gessi attendance at the
meeting. the principal speaker being
Me Blake Miller, M.P.P. for East
A more extended report of Min
meeting will he given next week.
Tine Mac(liiiivray MIsslon Rand of
Knox church held a very ineresrful
haxear and tea on gatnrday afternoon
and evening.
the league being present exteye from
Cllut on It was derided tis -call -the
lug college after Ms return from over-
lie was graduated a specialist in
tilE Sli;NAL I'ItiNTINIG CO., LIMITED, Publishers.
Mrs. A. J. MacKay is spending a few
days in Toruptu.
Mrs. Ww. Houle of C'ulliugwood, is
visiting at her former home here.
Air. and Mrs. Elmer Sheardow•u and
fatally, spent lust week end in Loudon.
Mist Hazel thirteen, of Port Stan-
ley, spent the holiday with her mother.
Miss Ruth Martin is home from the
University of Toronto for the holidays.
Or. L. Si. Mabe has returned from
a week's /Idling trip in the north
toiletry. -
Mr: Harold Murney, of Detroit, Is
holidaying at the hotue of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Muriel ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ('ulbunle and
daughter 1K -ten, of L'uullue, Mich., are
speeding u few days in town.
Miss !.culla Meru, of Toronto, spent
several days the peat week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mere!.
[Jr. J. A. Gratton will attend the
eettectitiou of the Canadian Demist-
Ass,ciation at Toronto neat week.
h el
Mrs. H. S. Williams. Miss Ethel
li r Aid. Meister John Wiltama.
of Toronto, visited in town lust Wt•'•
Mr. Chas..Garrow, K.C., and fam-
ily, of Turman. have Iskeu up, their
residence in 'Godcrich for the sum-
Miss Marlon l'uttersou and Mr. Alt.
t;titntm, of--Brinifeord. spent the week:
cud with the turner's parents, Mr. sod
Mrs. C. Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs.- Elwin Rutledge and
Miss Mildred 1Ytoutpsou, eef Detroit.
visited at the huuw of Mrs. It. A.
Thoutpsou at the wtoek-end.
Mies Grace Strung was benne from
Guelph fur the week -end and was ac-
conupuuied by Miss Ella ,luelalr, a
weenier of the Guelph Collegiate teati-
me. staff.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Willings•and son..
it liorristun, and Mr. and Sirs. Har-
vey peter nod family, of ('ollorne
lowu.ltiii, %laded. Sirs. R, A. Thouq'wgf
on Sunday.
S1r. Alex. ,fume, of The London
Advertiser, spent a day or two in town
this week, - Ile reported' the Literati
evuveittiuIi at Wiughuni au Tuesday'
for his paper.
Mr. A. W. Wise was lit man for
several days the past week. Ile bad
cone up to Clinton to attend the fun-
eral of his sister, Mrs. John Jeukins.
the a•et'k before.
-Mar.-,1.--1__liruw'tt left this tThurs- Dominion Road Maehhwe y Co, being a
day' 1 afternoon for las .tl Cele's, Cali-, local concern, the council naturally is
fertile..tel ell' make -her home in that anxious to extend to It Its most fev-
city, where she tins two sisters and a arable c iii-si•lerutiai. At tile SOW,
brother. Insides other relatives. time. It is felt that nothing shecni.l IM
Mr. anti -Mrs. !►. lee Fleming as doue to imperil the ebata•esc of dr
tiuuuw• the engngeunwt of their daught- taming %lint this "stilt than" has bees
tee.Jetta- lteieue. to Mr, l'taiiip Not- ks'kins for thea.• mnny -errs--stn-in--
cross eines. son of Mr. and Slrs, henry dustry for tiro titanutecttire of salt -
T.' lire's: elf-Sipntrrnl; nix• welling to )eye•i.c.eette le, -nleek--- arty- 4eeekop-tt--
take pace In June at tioaierk•h. eery -large• pro t.rrti.ns. A large ewe,
dente whop also would Ire -I welcome
Addition to the Industrie! epwtipment
the emu.
ation is one in •
whi.'h the nienatersuoflthe council feel
the responsibility of making it diet/Loa
that .iii t, in the beat interests of the
loan, same naturally. _they are net is
any harry about it.
Town Council Has Problem on
Its Hands to Deal with Vari-
ous Propositions
After lying. unoceupk•d ter several
years, the factory building on' Malt -
laud road %vetch was former:y` a pert
of the National Shlpbuildite CO,
plant stud which now belongs to the
lona has become an object of interest
to at least tlire'e• firms or groups.
'At the meeting of the town council
ou Slaty ith Mr. Thos. Mite -bell of the
Dominion -Reed Machinery Co. asked
trirm--cleat terms the vacant • shop . _
could Ir• sw•nrcd. The Company.
which under thee able nuuagemeut of
Mr. Mile -hall la ruakiug nwtkad ptv-
es. desires to make
mi -e of tie shop its au adelilun to Its
present plant au.i would th be able
to add c.iaslek•rnbly to its aorki ng
?tuft and to its output.
Str. ('. Wurte•le,• of . the Goderich
Salt Company. has askid the council
for au option on the plant in behalf of
a concern ❑1 the United States which
propositi ea engage in the production
of bye i r,shuc•ts of salt and would, it -
is said, employ clout forty hands
from the start. The taunt would be
operate! largely by exhaust steam
from the salt works which now goes
to wattle, and would also nae a (phalli- -
ernble• amount of Walt, and so, besides
being in itself a wast d,- ,rabic iudus- __
try, would le of material asalstauee to
the (orteekti `Salt Co.. which under
Mr. 'Werke.** manage -feet has be-
come esu• of the utast subst.uitiol in-
ulw.tries i'f the town. _ •
tin top of thee' two proie'sitions
Carne,: a third ate from name Wind-
sor j ole who propose, if they den
,,Mato Iii,• plant, to operate a machine
shop, These mien were here last. week
bathing over the plant.
II caw nndier be seen that tete duan
conne-il has no simple t.rebietu on it.
!etude in determinIng just what .''lion
to take le the circumstance'. The
is -agile the Ilurou League, as etll the science in lull. and proceeded to China The regular meeting of the Wlltfort
teams except Staffa aro in. Duren --join the' West ('lana mission.. {dial AmxtltarLwill be held at the
serving tfiere until last year as .am . home of Sirs, Jas. Adkims wt 1�tursday�,
eater a team this year. It was agreeol1 educationalmissiouury. Mrs. Swann June 7th. nt 2.30 p.m.
county. As Zurich was unable to
upon by the nest of the teams to admit nee formerly Miss Denmlein Ilcmlin Signs itdiontine the' rest room at Mr. and Mrs. C. Duttersuu. of Ged-
I of Kincardine: MacKay (tall have !Well platwu
t to erich, auuo.e the engagement of
Staffa in Zurich's place. As this Is
the first year Goderich has ever met North street. and It Is hoped that the
Staffa on the diamond, the Ings are I
- Lawn Bowlers Are .(dive 1'ubtic_ will avail thetteelee. cot lite ne-
Twenty eight play -era participated in comtuoilatiuu VIIteh ins 1144'11 provided.
looking forward with Interest to the
gamete with them.the opening lawn .bowling tournament Among the cases beforeMnglstrnte
Gutterlch ulcus the season away held at the 1'ictern street greens last Reid the {asst weekwere one for nrk-
he for (O weather
front home at Staffn on Jane- 11th. and • afteru,non, Slay loth. Al- las drtefug and neo r I
the Putt home game. %hk•la mhould0 s, I though the greens were a little rough, et tote without we erereee-permit, --e_e_Detrolt. and their brother -ill -law, Mr.
elhr• was wi'uessed- The tine of (Ion and coats meas Impwatl In I W, W. l'ruut•uden, of Mt. Cletneets.
their daughter. Marion h'ritutes, to
Mr. A, It. Gilliam. yeeieugest atm lif
Mr. cud Slrs. F. Gilliam of Brantford;
the wedding to take place in 'Inint-
t'rrd Ilse tend of dour.
Messrs. J' C. and Fred Wrote'', of,
e good one, will be on ,lane 13th
e e . 'Last year 1i
the ehampkm,'hip,, but this year the
local boys ,are determined to turn the
tables, so there will be some beetle
struggles when these iwo . teams
At the end of the nt•hetlule the
testas -finishing second and third will
have a three -game series, the team
winning tills setite' to pine off wit
the first team for the championship.
The schedule Is as follows:
June 11-4Gt►derich at States.
11 -Clinton at 'Jewell.
13 --Exeter at Goderk-h.
14 -Staffs at Clinton.
15-Henealt at Crediton.
lit C�re.lioniF'Me
20 -Staffs at Goderich.
22--Goderich at Crediton.
22-Exeter'at Hensel,.
15 -Exeter at Staffs. -
2'. -onetime at Clinton.
27 -Crediton at Goderieb.
28 ---Clinton at Exeter.
29-Staffa at Hensel'.
July fr--(..slerkh at Hensatl.
b-L'Rnton at Staffs.
6 -Exeter it Crediton.
9--Goderich at Clinton.
' 9 -Crediton at Staffs.
9=1-lenaall at Exeter.
13--I1enaall at Goderich.
13-4'linton at Credttnn.--
lti--('rektor at Hensel,.
.19-Rhtffa at Exeter.
20--t'Itnton at Go,lerleh.
-Eco-%xaPt at Clinton. _ _ - •__
24-14taffn at Crediton.
27--Goderich at Exeter.
30---('ro,liteen at Clinton.
30--rHenrmli at Staff,.
Baseball Gossip
An exhibition gunne• has leen ar-
ranged Ketween Gnderich and Ilenstill,
hi be played In Hensel! on Freely.
June 1st. at (i p.m. ISCti, teams are Spruce octet the part ut' n lawyer )n
eagerly wafting to see what the other se hos,' (Ade the whole ettetaelon was
team hies Ger its line-up null them Ldebated and facts and figieres relating
should be epee, a lot of interest in he the 'situation In entitle 11nd'the 1)0.
this fixture. minionwere brought Cult and dlsene-
The fans won't recognize their team at'el. The affair was cleverly arranged
this year. as the eel Purity Flour ttni• and nhhde an fhfetesting delwirture
forms a -Ill he doffed after ninny tears from ohl-time methods of platform
of rs'rklee and the teem a -ill appear In elisionsslon. After a debate which he -
/nappy new uniforms. Black and came more and more beefed, Rev. F.
white are the new colors for the team C. Eliiott, of (tin -n. was cahteul neon as
find we're etre• the players will feel arbiter -
and declared
a-Taredright. and tall three
like the New York YAllkeen. Here's was nre we (n the heals that eduea-
hoping they can lilt like them. anyway, Hon, leehed on and politicalt menton
The team ham been bray working out are all naysaary to secure the elenlrnd
nen the disesteem!. and there seems to he
no hick orf players. Manager Bill Car- reel to
rick haes a formidable string of pitch- Mr. .1. P. Hume gave a brief Intro -
ere, with all its year's hurlers, 1n- diletory addressee, an4 during the even -
reeling ih•ltzey. (iolehhorps' and Alli- Inc Mr. Metioneed. who is a veteran
men, all amt working better than ever. yew-aliat. delighted the audience with
and Necktie' these Glen Ttinney. who several merle*. An appeal was made
pitched un well for Anhurn las year, is fir rl(umels to aidion the
Unwork , andf the- on -
miller, nettling townand la keen to tion and snbscriptlnna wer* taken for
retch a place
withiththe Arai string
hurlers thispnrpose. The hall was well ailed.
So plotted were the Hamilton Mc-
Laughlin -Buick Limited with the re-
sults of the first week of L. J. Baker's
used car sale that they have appointed
Mr. Baker their local representative
for the entire season. That the cars
they offer are of a su perior type to eel-
deneed by the satisfied comments of
Revers, who have serenely bought.
Hamilton Mrtaughlin-Buick have
also granted Mr Baker the rights to
wNl new:Buick cars and ce M.C. trucks
In all models, and have sent two
sweetie for display purposes at Mr.
Racer's ear sale Mk.
setae good liar •,�.i tha.s...rames-
pr se -w ne . tat. bated --idem , Mr. Frank Jeffrey. C N:i(.--esetpan
and A. L. Maxa'ee : 2ttd, Thns, l'uy--
tor and Jus. Bowman. The primes man, was 1114' victim le is painful acci-
were china cups and saucers- - .*lent --at-thp-_.railway yarde_s ortlT be -
On Friday evening another tourna- fore noon Cahn-, when a rail fell entail
meat was held. the prise.• -winners be- 1 right
I ht f o11t ttrand a'fll he Maldewel ' lep for the
the: 1st. Fred Tool! and. Jas. Mallet;
wo or
2nd, Ed. .Merktinp r and C. A. Robert- three weeks,
eon, M.P.P. The .Arthur Circle players presentee
Sixteen players took part In a -tour- Ii+r -Are x'n,. a vaatte " ne he
moment on Monday evening. fi. Gowan t; ball ou Tuesdnv Waite
and Jas. Bisset won first prise and
Albert Taylor and Geo. Slant'; second
At the Wednesday afternoon tourna-
ment the winners were F. II. Martin
L, , ata Il ` 1. • T. l'iitehatd
and J. ik,wman, 2nd.
A number of new member; have
joined the club this year total the
heelers are looking forward to a sea-
son of much nrtdvity. Tours rents
are held each Monday and Friday
evening and oat Weehiesttay afternoons.
The dates of the I'w•ni club's annual
tonrnatnents this year are as follows:
June 27th. rinks: July 25th, Scotch
Mleh., wnWrd (Over and sis'nt the
w 4dc-•tei at the 1oWR-1tt die- loan urs
of the Messrs. Weston, Mr. and Sirs.
Jolus We:don, 'Sennett t.street.
- 11e4•ve Hugh 'hitt and Mre, iiia, -of
CII 1 Mr. alai Mrs Eliot, Ru
Colborne. and
Baptist chore'h, June :Inf.-Evening -
subject. "A Poor Man's Call" (Judges
0:11-241. - -
Se tvi.-e,a in Knox church nest Sail--__
bath will br chndaet.v! by Rev. eagtes
•ra•II, of Ctiut'nat drove to Naris on beteerel
I -ti ,.. It:T., of Exeter. Sabbath reboot •
day last all., attended a field day hid and Inter ehasies at 10 (echa-k. -
try the Ontario Guernsey Breathers, As- Serie-re next Sunday ett Victoria -
ss{xflon, Mott. John M. SLnrriu. l'nr- 1 ('nitc4tLchurc•h as follows: ,10
Omelet -Mliisle'n of eefflet iture. m. - "Our
a.m , fellowship; 11 a. , subject, M
Message ;" 3 p.m.. chun•h th•hessl ; 7
p. m., subject, '•,low to Know." Hen.
George Jewitt will preach at both
• The Woman a Missionary Sp•lety of
North street Pulte'. church will take
on Conference Stmelay. .Rune 3rd.
MIss I. 'I'homl'is'rt will give the ud,lr.•so
in the morning and Mrs. "singlet aill
Rive the address at the teeuing srr-
viee. Muth Silas Th(ullosiu and Mrs.
Lomgle)• are hone' au .furlough 'from
('btaa_-There will la' a laches' ultolr
al thew' se'rh'Imw.
A as-ia1 evening held at Victoria
street United chervil on Monday even -
Ing brought ton doe- ter the sum -
11i s-''" •wn a
They were greeted. by a large and ale- the chief 'meeker of the afternoon.
preeintive nndlener. On Friday CC.•I The following item etrurom to us feel'
Ing of this week they will 1neent tin' ik•tro{t : Mrs.relGeorge Cornwell, of
pray tit Anhnro, let nat. wag the recipient of It b•an-
T emceeing shed will IM nl'4'n only to tlful lox of Atnericnn Ikanty resew
nroll,bery ofthe'Metonte Order of Owe mi Trey '241h, a b -sesta tyteaacifther froth
_ •won at
auditorium of Knox chum, mer wee. N'e'ilaud, mud daughter of . r. am .' l's.
nesdny- evenhig, June Mb. The- gnth- Angus Slu-rich.0 of Si. 1'ntrirk'a
eerie nil, be neldreesei{ by
Rev- sfnr•I, (i.wlerk'l
(Merle! M,4:ulre. of Clierksb,rrg, West leen. /'. d'. 1'larke left out Siuudny
Virginia, who will steak an Mnso,ale• fnr We'r.Milile, .ny t'h{,nnh•d byrltul
matters.- daughter. Sllss Mar}• Clarke, to recent
_ - - the lemeken- oltfetruce of -_the United
Church. beim(a member of the mettle.-
cent etill III ittee. Messrs. Wm. 'Retitle.
IN McMICHAEL CASE John Dustow and T. It. SValllm, of
North street Church, are Ino ,irletmles
Judger. at Ospth5le Ilan Give Jock.
the Confen`rne. Rev. M. l t'nrr, suer mouths the meetings of the Young
Mr. 'Gee tine elder rent Mr. W. M. teepee s eeeety• Tho uembers at.
merit .against the TownI ' '
Knight, of Victoria street chervil, also tended inn body the dramatic debate
The McMla ha' e:,-+• enure before the re-
tire. attending Ihr• Conference
a i 1 i tai goexle }loll on heel hi elacKay- Ihaa and then re -
Debate en liquor Trane
fainiething new In the tiny of pro-
hiltIton propaganda was the "dramatic
me debate" lteleLnt. i . •Hall
en Monday night ley Rev,.lten Spenee,
Sir. II. Ruthven Tlrikanl)'and, Mr.
John Buchanan, n11 well-known figures
e►_ tee twttpo aut'c platfurw In On-
tentt, Mr. Mt -Dented took the pan
elf' n termer Who crawl immediate
edified action tie se�•nre the rein-
statement of prohibitory legislat1ein;
Sir. Ilachaii,n took the role ,if a hefti-
ness roan Whew, though opts,aed to the
Bgpor traffic. urgeel - itele-,ntent -in
mettleds of combatting it. and Mr.
ortlated s nsnl n < ' - -___ ._ - - --T- �_.Ie.e...t-r.,-tile church bese►meut. where.
CI ne ay on appear ��f Tlte-fMfrrtti- 1-+
- BYLAW JUNE 22nd seetel. Miss Gertrude liaise Is the
ants Wilfrid and Wesley Melerun VOTE ON GRANDSTAND eines were played and lunch was
from the judgment of Judge Haney
given at the Supreme Court sittings
here fi roar,: --stn• tippet was
JBand by fleet J0wtke l.etclferel anti
nseiees lilddell, Middleton. Masten
and Ord.. As reporteal in the I►eteetle
Iiall notes:
McMichael v. Town of Gonlerich.--
i Malacca. -)CA for _tnYt :elcleen
f I D F Melee teestoriele
1nl Tice -president and was re-
te fat jitf00-R ertt'(wi-tront'PraT-1 "s"' '.Idle 41 -1 -he irrogra� lit ,-
ting and Patting .tissndpyr
ntinn Thr.i•ng.u'i'
cnticc of the ituron eort'sby-
A modal 11"1.11"g of the t
c(dtm- I antt'aI omf et theIn N''enWw,utnl'sy:IVStissillis itsttitry-huMho-
ell was held on T.sslay night. when ,'leecrc,
the'try.law to provide for the 'r,cthi Clinton. in %fonday, Slay 25th, with
of a new grandstand pt Agricultural ahnnest n full netenobnee. Mute In-
aarll�t-belie K1a4'u neat snot --r•ea - --tercet and -pray erfttI consideration of
de enc ant. o e
for town of Underfelt.T.. FL u ntidr•y Ings and aey
passed over , the r,ttelgers Pelle f r the carry lug on of the year's
I work was u o crouse in the of
44linperk•h' for pkelitiff. Appeal by for their apThee_i 1srrnnt err oat «t -s- Thee_
defendants, the McLeans. from prig- tote wilt be ttrketr-mrtrMny, estop .each present. It was moved by Mrs.
meta of Raney, .1., of Feb. lee 1925. 22nd. A leiter Naos, reeetv,rl from the I.nrn' and set -ended by Sirs. farmdimer
ierlcli Trotting facing Assn- filet nil n•signallona be In the hands
of the nominating committee before
January 31st,,tnd that a list of vacant
offices Ie sent to pack auxiliary, who
-4rill be flicked to make nominations
rind return to the nominating centime-
tre a week before the Presbyterial
Action by plaintiffs, to recover S:',Iaa)
ststnngOa (so' injuries received by fe-
male plaintiff from falling through nn
open IT roti on the srteeet: - Al trill
eidgm'nf ens given plaintiffs agneett
defendant,' for tela.►, pll,taa► for Louie'
McMichael and rein for,Gnrfleld Me
Mlehnel with coats, and judgment
over in GAvor e'f the town against the
other defendants for the damage; and
costa awarded plaintiffs. No order as
to town','t'rrwls. Appeal. argued, and
both appswt• allowed with cysts and
action against McT.etns dismissed
with coats anal claim of town of G0(1•
erk•h dlsmMtmd with colds.
This means, In brief. that RahRRy
for damages and erases formerly sssea-
sed against the McLean, M shifted( to
the mnnie'lpality. It is stated at -the
town hall that the ease will be further
dt .e...il:..0113444,
riatien enclosing a tweeted cheque for
$lame, the .Ssson•iati. fi s i'i,ittritprttem
.towards the cost Alf tee..goted,'tnud.
The bylaw provides for the issm.uu'e
of detecienr c to the amount of $7,IaIO,
to h e' retold' in fifteen years, the an-
nual Istyment for principal and Inter-
est being $7111.10.
The matter of re -roofing the Park
Ilonse was left In the bands of l'omi-
clller Si InnItugs, to have the work done
by day Tabor.
Sir. (I. St. Elliott has sold Its red -
/tow,. on 1'ohoura street to Mrs Wm.
It. Dunning and her won. Sir tV F.
ibinning, of itros.klin \foss. alio are
having the house esempletely remodel -
1001 before ec eipying it Slrs. ihin-
ning and eon inlend melting their mum-
mer home here.
• ('. O. F. ('HUNCH PARADE
Court ealerleh. No. 32, (1,OF, will
hole( their annual church service and
pante* on Sunday morning, June 10th,
to St. George's church. Rev. J. N
ii. Moos win be the speaker. Broth-
ers act Rgnested to meet a t their lodge
rrotnta In MacKay Hall. North stmt,
at 10.15-a.ts.. 'Visiting brethren cor-
dially invited to attend.
W. Pltl(lE, A. K. BARKER.
Q ]lL hist.. See.