HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-24, Page 8s --Thursday, May 2i. 1928.
Public Meeting
Friday, M 1928
at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
Organizing a Dominion Day Celebration Committee
Everybody Come !
Goderich, May 21st, 1928. H. J. A. MacEwan, Mayor.
Oyer 60 Years' Experience
'. nor Guarantee that Plants oh -
tamed from us are in every way
We have GiANT. ASTER`' in
white. elicit pinks -lavender. rt. .
purple, crimson and mixed.
Our SNAPDRAGONS are ite-
wrnse, second to none. Abs..a
very wide of A-nrrfahs an•t
other bedding Plants.
, LETTUCE deliciously crisp.
'Phone Carlow 135.
Jnue• lwtchisl Chicks Item our
lens of he"y-laying hens will ;pay
,;,u. 0. A. C. Barrel Rocks lir,
s. C. W. leeghorns 15c. Our stock
production -bred. hardy and free
rn.tti vli,waee.
Antuna Spec Pity Firm AUBURN, ONT.
Phone 1024 Blyth Municipal
A cauptubkvtton was received from
(l. R. Paters'" county agricultural
representative, with regard to a meet-
ing of weed iuspee•tura at Clinton Julie
Ise. A`wottou was adopted that this
-tel inspector sttead ,this meeting.
t'o aadttee Reports
She lire committee reported : We
halve wet a eommlttee from the fire
brisitlee with reference to their allow-
utee :end ae recr.wnk•ud that the tire
elder:, all." time tic iucreusevl $10 and
the brigade's allowance he increased
tricks per
I'1'hi.'awatkes the e total ailheall w-
,live to the brigade $.slue ottWhk•h $186
go•► to the fire chief.)
The linauce eowtulttesoreloortcd the
fuliowiug, rcetu a•udutiens: That one uttklcukru at the harbor. the w
I11d1 cit
t r
t ulear
l 's chairmen t
copy of Ilaeah a Wag left to the chai wu
Lee ordered, at a pow of f3; that 'Chose and parka committees jointly, to make
Anderson be refunded tt10 on his p'd' I clime tewtk)rary' urnuagruueut if ' »e
lar's license; that, the t.•arnomees cewat.rt
rnrd on the t,oal, in ceuuavtlon wire y.
The matter of renting the town. lot'
the McMichael case be referred to the, adjoining the Artcruft factory for
eollcitor; that the matter of issuing i atj ini gr was left with the factory
$1's,(1110 of waterworks• debeenturesI muter. ooh
Meier 110111' No. :ti of ltr-1 be left ( Reeve Turner asked) What post
with the chairman •of this committeewt'would we be In it the tire brigade were
and the treasurer, In connection with calhd out of town and a fire started
utent the committee
new electric lighting fixtures be pur-
chased for the council chamber and
clerk's oMee. '
, Thews reports were all adopted.
The public works committee was
euthoriaed to procto,• a self-prrtrallug
root -cutter and sewer nuzzle on thirty
days'trial and if found eatieductury W
purchase aaaae•
The natter of purchasing fifteen feet
of three -lush tom-tiotom-tionhose for the
sewerpump, it an approximate .price
of $2.1S per foot, was left with the
Public works ettautuittee. The sante
committee was requester! to get pieces
oo ":(tol' and "No Parking- street
signs. the
Reeve Turner again broughttip 1
matter of.toilet and reel nem meow -
the highway paha' • 1n tuwn't
reported that the total amount asses- Mucor
alecEwan replied to the effect -
that against the property -owners was that the sending of the brigade out of
- been paid In. and the c..tuwlttce arum- town was Simply a matter of courtesy
from line municits.!ity to another. It
tits1.64. of which a-'0►7.10i hail Orem])
OP ON FORMER [tended that the !matey bylaw b• lire k town
ow• the brigade
SAI1plaOR'D, May '23. --Mr. George
Beau has a gang of men on ltlaset's
hill cutting down a curve on the road.
4 The river has been dotted lu p:a•cs
with lights during the nights this
week, with people tishieg for [had;
An Old Resident Guar. -Mr. '!'Ileo.
Kelly, an aged and respected reshlattt
of Colborne township, died early Tu�s-
day minting at the residence (d Mrs.
Struehan, East street, G«icrid', where
he hod gone several weeks ago to try
to regain his health. `duce Christmas
1w had beth tvruJtnwl to his biome.
Mr. Kelly was unmarried anti had
lived alone dikes the death of his sla-
ter. Miss Mary. mate fifteen years ago.
Ile was of a quiet utkl kindly ttth? l -
wean to
Ids a•harr • greeting . 1 1
tin cul �
FURNITURE. - On Saturday,
May 20th, at 2.30 p.m., a varied lot of
household furuiture will be sold at the
residence of R. J. Meguw, Britannia
road. Cash only. Thos. lluudry, auc-
tioneer. 2t
U\RE8E1t\'1')1► AUC"r10N SALE O6'
will sell by public auction at the
premises. St. Patrick's street, God
erieb, uu
e-\TI'lt1►AY, MAY 26th, 19.48,
at W o'clock in the forenoon:
+ oflot058,
and all will lie missvl. The funeral The property, Cerus g
takes place from the hone of his ne- with a frontage of 106 feet, more or
run -
phew. Mr. H.•I,rrt Foley. on Thurftay hoe, on St. Patrick's street, and run-
uftaertoo❑ to Colborne cemetery. uiug towards West street about 110
feet. The house is a good. feud brick
of two storeys and tittle. Some minor
Cynuoa„s kills groundhogs. It doer; repairs would make this a first -claw
the wv,•rk 1'uwplodl's )+rug Store. parlor, die. n ug room, bedroom and the (Indents will be sold-
chen furniture, including:
Walnut a -riling desk and bookcase;
hooks; walnut eeutre table; walnut
RA !MIA BULBS Fa IR S.tLE.-WM. chest of drawers; small writing desk;
Y e'rEWAItT. Tot feign r street. It pine kitchen cupboard with small
- lanes of glass; mahogany settee; I
F.TAL ROOFING. SPECIAL. LOW antique cradle; :l ,rlele•lsraris; clocks;
NOTICE: OF 117.11111%
The Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet lu the
Council Chamber. Qodorkit, at 2.30
o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday,
the 5th day of June, 1tJ28. All accounts
against the County moat be in the
bands of ate Clerk nut later than Mon-
day preceding the meeting of Council.
County Clerk.
Goderich, May 21st, 19'28.
fire broke Out w
would be recoiled iwmlrliably. prices on heavy gouge .orrugab•d html,.r; extruw.at table; bull ran ,
Sidewalks b3 Day Labor metal rooting. guaranteed quit lity ,,num er of swell tubers: china cabinet;
('ouucillor Bailie an'''d.• we...tided ('ataltg of building materini. and sale , urp•ts. curtains. quilts, blankets and
by Reeve Turuer. -hat the building oftcirtular free, flAl.L1D.1Y LY).. lItltu•, h ot-mt; Limoges chiva. glassware and
dement sidewalk. IR• cottmien'Cd as Ilton. 55 Jackson street east.' , 'nr,t nom. springs;ndry s•h,a,ikxn.l w•exh-
souu as possible. the work ,to be done
by day labor. DRIVATE SALE OF I;OI!REf1011): refrigerator; lounge.; weehiug machine;
si feriashines. lncluding tieing tor: wardrobe; klltbea
In amendment it was movant by range; two heating stoves, and nutu-
Cuuue•lllors Lee :mol aluuniugs that room. dining -room and tsvinvim. There .roux other articles.
tenders for building cid walks be «eked are some special 1.ieees made of birds-
. eye and walnut. Everything must be; 'There will be no reserve on property
,r• salient. It must b• disposed of.
hatred and ,pix.arl. The taw'I1F
of Xl.taa► cash for the Turk House
BY SALT COMPANY 'poo arty having been ac.epted. the
committee re r,mmeude(t that to pro -
(Continued from !lege 1) .on. the necessary funds for the pur
nest side et. Andrew's street. Item- ' hal'/+iud repair of the property a
IT••ti to Nelson. These were referred' mortgage of $:t.•''(>n• at i!1t per cent.,
the pub:I works committee. he plated on it. payable $1100 and lie
_- d. nil. terest annually. and that a bylaw be
The fe ived t ta>r"a t ,. L -remnant 1n res.ilatiaw. [til,-
were nvaicorl and sant to the public I00 had been brrroweel from the Bank
work. .-rntrnittee: Trafalgar street.stt. ..f Montreal to provide funds fog new.
\ it rton to Cambria:. (ju$1t. ince watertw_orks_owni ng equipment. and
street. Nt North \ii•llfnR(on: M: Vincent toui $$,tkw) had been paid oVe`rToHie soder'
street. to Waterloo;tniWeillWelling.;
and light ccmmit.,ton.
street. et...t t,. Britannia St.
WPCree-, special ll committee reported that
t mt.; Ne. \\'c -t to ee G Lim a Ctee-; 1deelegatkou attended the meeting at
The amendmeent was defented, aty
the mover and sev'eaad, r supporting It.
The motion wit. then etirriett, -the
Mayor jolging t'ouucillors lee and
Mnnuings In voting against it.
Complaint baring he'll trade of
it • at the corner of ` location on
Albert and Itruev secrets• the North street. Modern loved n on
fold. as the house has been rental nn- TERMS -lit prols•rty. ten per cert[.
furnished. Articles may to twee on LOOK OUT -HERE WE COME
or after ail lay. May 28th. MRP. et tint. of [tale, ha:awe in thing tiny".
McKIaf. ('hunch street. (kwk'rich. It All huu.a•hold effeette cash.
MISS \l. J. COX, T. GI'Nvl)RY & SON. Get your rags r•:0). I pay 1 cent
Proprietress. Auctioneer•. I a 1D. for good mixed rags with no
cent; Newc�ut,• street. - g,auth to, nStratfor. un Friday• Ma 11th, alien as b. Dn,p a mixed to S t1Aio
Watt.rin : fir tali tat reef. South to t y scene wire aero t. 1 public brick house. Good
' n caommittc•e was organized to
application from Leo • • the roadway into the: ata.
avenue. MILS. W. A. RHYNAS.
i TAGE ou Essex street. Imme-
diate pess•ssion. Apply to HAYS A
IL1YS, Barristers, Goderich, Out. -
UABl.i: property to rent on Bruce
street. All modern conveniences.
Good garden and fruit trees. Posses-
sion given after May 15th. Apply to
HAYS & HAYS, Barristers, Hamilton
street, Goderich.
grocery or office. Immediate pos-
seanion given. Apply to ALEX.
SAI'Ni►ERS, Goderich:
W\ NTr1:I).---SIA i I) Pi ill GENERA!.
housework. Apply to' BOX 30,
1:oderich P. O. - -_ It
\V a t u'rlroe. ( -
1 i Raker) trate the hundredth ednherSary of works cv.wmittw• was ntakcd G. in• Apply to G. G. NEWTON. the Agnare. re SALE. "
for Io'rmfstalon to tweet lea tela theopeuna *mot ne tit, firing the foal eat
c and also to celebrate The matter are roM �gf\Gf.E COatli iV111TE Under nod by wRhte of fhe powers r
en e the
FOR 8.1I,E.. errs
stere It the ntoleo t bun, lie works Huron tract the ['ark House was referred jointly �llt►MAS Gl'NDRY, G</DERIC,H,
steer. was aernC to the puhlip otiklal opening of the completed pace , dollyiw'thore baby chick+. Choice avmtatneel in a certain mortgage which I LIVE NTOCXoNsso , NI)G-O G®NtRAL
c.nnntirtw• meat trent Stratford l to ea -stretch. TDe1 to teesthef public works anti parks commit bre+)-tolay chick's halhlrl May 12th. will Is; prv.dmvri at the time. of fits'
A tetter from Hon. J. C. Elliott.i, \Insur and Reeve were appointed mem-i fora reportAUCTIONEER
Two bvtaws avers t:wt through -No. .All front pedigreed tr,ckerel' and 1 S,le, there will he offered for file be
Minister of P,ihlk ofWthe
Ottawa,' lens of the comnittte' the
'1'6elcdmmnttet j- Leary laying hens. Price $18 per 1(10. ` piddle totetiwt-uta lieuday. t.ke 4th day j Telephone No. 119.
acknowledged rvrtpt of the ,.oto the 1 -ho-. memked that the app . 11, to put4 tense t. Park tivu•e wu lir \\'. fl. ('I i V1'O\. H. R. Nn. 6. Gad cf June. lir_'- at •t1N• fiche of illi ! g•la•,, •rivaled to anywhere and every
sxtn.entuti,•t will rrferen(e to lift. Tones,-J-Audarou for renewal of the mU'• and No. 11 re ILu 8 .'r s, b}' erkui Tek•{t,une tar'.ow 1413. o'clock in the •.fte•ru.s,aa Du (he Prem-' effort made, to give satisfaction.
anted: also hi.;
i. nlurtCagr ,•n the I':rk Home urn{ertF Ins, lot tweurc. in the aerond (vrt►pes� homers' sate Dote• dlaeosated
exta•nsecn .•i the river ttrerlkwater and, pedlar's
cations of E. Drennan and F. II. (lt:t(aa► t.. make the purchase and .iot of the h•wt,hip of c ntrrtrh. !n
• rcfe nte.l brit the limier eretut was )ming' applications • UPRIGHT PIANO (BELL) FOIL
lit. department
for the r n report terau.df ef, era
for renewal of their pool room Stein for meltrepairs). .I UV SALE. -to first-class crnditioa. 111 a (softly of 'Huron, by a1..sra, ROBT. ROBERTSON,
n l Is►aunt iiliFc 1it!'n• 'The comeit aJle n11Nst res aea«ka3
hl. d(y.The out Harborr n report. of this wet*. Apply to DONALD MacAA2, P. -O. • Tamar 4:m•dry k licit. Au,"4-km e-l'r, The Altctloseer,
Theent cemetery and parks committee Roe 4.ST. Goderich. rive• following pr•;lrrty, namely, Ai.l.' yI!I conduct aid arrange any sale ma
The 11111 Bridge. Johnson. _ - AND SINGULAR that certain panel the latest methods to get the best
A ay.nt tw'. of Ili froni Stt{xriut,•nd reported that �Ir ewe day' laying lout The .rnuNB met on Tuesday with
'rut frtt'of the C.1' -It.. intim:test 1.vw enenge1 . \Gilt?and cemetery ItF the intention of Met lit The bylaw with Dh'SIRA.BLF. RESIDENCE P1101Eit- or era.K of land and premia. vitiate, ;cults. See him or drop a card and )M
re -
that the Cu('umptuy wits willlint to ile •more lu at I refeatmrtoteteAr•t TY, FOR SALE• -At corner of Bob lying mud la•lag in •the tnwn,Mp aid will give it immediate attention,
• wane, i railing on the exidside- was eeoth under
that the rrnling a cheque had not tic-tn'n••s,ite.1 from tlh+ee tannic road and William street Tea G«lerich. in the county of Huron, Ire - learn sales • specla!a. iEldon tit.
walk,: on the -- trill bridge and e-' the Square
rufwithh bandstand in the Rate .iss.e•inttoe n•, action was taken.
idea 1►athrroom closets etc.; itg erempMe,rl of pct number twenty in ' Goderich. bg •'(roar" s{,le. be- Sgrran• be left the citalrman of
D. L. and W. Scranton
Pocohontas and Alberta
Shingles and Cement.
Second-hand Lumber.
such as Ceiling Limier. Lath.
1Yainscottin►t. 2 x ti Rafter. and
Studding.-Slitvting, K'irr.firse aitel
Window Sills and about 30,000
good Brick.
IWm. McClure
Phone 42 Dungannon
rooms besides 1 Ion l the Pall town -
furnace. All eonrenieocea. For the
,srvrta r,acv,s n
and further particulars apply to •I.:p (►S (',odeerkh, eanf-loing eighty} DRUGLESS PliACTITIONiIt
strfy_.ru�Ane_on L
nil the Western Cnhndn Flour Mills the irimmlttael. terms
:stairway. � The public works committee re- I DONALD MacKAT. P. (>. Bog 4:d7. a, ne' more ani leer.
Goderich. 7. This o a s lea latata fruit farm of
'(Yet' w••is not considered taativfnclriry pertwl : We lace orderer) tire Cimeemif tl,e R:ee \\"rater lliltbway, flee mil•.
t tie (oua•Ii. \Vbat ter wanted ie .a caktnm-ehlnrlde fmm the 7A R Mi,s. E. J. t ;',• cowmen, hell Ci1IROPTHERAPISTID DRUG -
aline ourdiTe -the ptertae.1t y,ieltk eef }cat C' m-T'"ne for use on roads as a ' the- c ol.c_,atc Destitute )TICEtiTO CRF.1)IiT )R$
from Gnderlch. (in It am herr [hew• i
11 rewired of• tRerta thoneand frndt sewn-Rpies. Raldwireet_
The matter was referred i tc stuff: hal resigns. her 1"" \i i t(osh Reds. 1'Iptutts. !.
Dgalpped with electro•aaagn
:.e miltte. hurt lacer.
ReRnn nt (vt I l tion to ilii• --- Unmet. to rind
t.• flee public works committee. ' itunlles Holmes. sr.. for permission o, ett.
it posh 11l)TI('}: TO. CREDITORS. -1 Nrutw apples. A enmfnrtntle friatet a Electronic electric treatments
Wank Option on Factory, I const I t concrete is re g on Colborne eutrsmiuualfy the at -St. salary.a Mass lY
l street In front of bis restdenee we ro- �:yhes-sent .fu iglu i blow•. barn and drliing tANrI atkl,� cDfropnattc. Chronic orTaatc
commend that the r�isfrman inter.lew 13uew+t+i+ Art tltRannln hawing e{alsas againaL thtrtr•flvw caw+► cat slicing Dl9rwIng•- dlaeaeea. 'Lily in
Mr. lledmes with the diet of aster- tion •tu the War estate of Ali >Ya1Mrs late nt the This is an Nlesl 1(ocation fpr a home• 4Jtlbee boars 2 to'11, and T to
taining if all the propertyowners In' A quetrette of G.C.I. boy[ were at ;orrnshl oCMIM►rne, in the manly of Clear to Take Huron and convettlerlt Iencpunc Monday and Thursday of
r•onclvn on eatunlay last and took P i to r•hnrnh snit wheel. ternno•s and evenings and by ap
curt iu the Wane field meet. Al- Huron. wbo died on or about the first
day of August. A.P. 1927, are herrn,' TERMS -Tell per cent. of the par polntment.
repnested to present such claims, with claw• money to he paid down At the Ites{dt ace and omce-Garner of
full pnrttettlars thereof, to the under- tine, of the tele, ,,untie to hN- PoIA, Routh street and Brltantala [road.
wiped On or before the Mlu day of I Itp(,n r•irr.4ng•
June. A.D. 19rVi, as on and after that; For farther particulars and condi-
(at. the assets of the said estate will 1 timer of stale apply to A. it. int'G1.1 .
11 t: • `G Tawirrr - -wax-ra'r'eive•'i
the G.slerleli Salt Co. (C. We tele[:
' "Will You plantae take up and t•ensl(lor
the. gnesrinn of the town's willingness
or otherwise to give nun an option,,on, -
the National Shipbuilding plant ad - curbing from street to dreet. e ono the ugh they did not bring home any
joining this- Company's property nn that the petition for a cement sidewalk of the rein the boys demonstrated me
\faitlnud road? I would .-ant this tin the east table of Cambria rood from that the ll t'.l- ie boys
scans crated
Fast street to Rt. David's street i. that the
for !gully iia to ha ayod would nensta- cnffk•fently signeol. and we recommend
pricehave to bare your lowest cash A subs r.ption est has been drew
that a bylaw authorizing its construe. '41(.1 the Lap) week in be-eli it - are ogly to
was referred to the N. S. com-! tion be prepare/1. We reemimen.} tent- do the keai eh of the ties •liFtrii'uted. having rug atuliritnr, l:di'ts d)nnctas stmt. d r,,
the }wllH' t. of W. T !*scilla and Chn t veli that h,,, rmently met with $,rri- the claims of which notice has been ,Mn, Ontarko..or to a(. sere . fiT*N rrRANK I'. (;IRKS, C11AirnsTrLD
t.. ie, taken ell at aall oata
teeicow!*erect rlgefau, Aceuuotant. 1(12 Ontario atreaa
martin, of the council thatant Wer
- Wtnt of the,Br on, MihfortiffFi and trearty $1ls) has: received. of t)RY°na& SON, Auetloneer'. Goderich.
tints. It was tatntarl \i r. Wnr-' front t feign.
1.e erectgeed
hotel e ,r n ratsc.i. thief 1'ostelethwafte le Dated at eoderkh this 22nd (lay
granted the pjgnc to is er$(4M and r t ..fund.\tiny A.D. 1928.
Il 1 iii het
ram e's nut. relit nn was
e. er nt n s i t argr t l
w tithe eotwern avoid the United; the snpentsion of the street inspector.
Mr James B engaged n' b 1 Rt t Goalerleh, Ont.
hn' ben enrnt H o and lyrical ClC u 11ami ton rte .
States which proposes to line hoc pro• ; u ground. Victoria e rile
,n is of stilt. and that it would employ I caretaker of the town dumpinggro The regular monthly meeting of the I Solifor the .\dministrator of
,host forty hands. . . for year May 1. 192-. to May 1. 1! e. % ict,�ria Hoon.• and School Club was the above estate. 3t
The nl•plientlgn of A. 1. Maxwell' for e2n. We levee 1,51,1 Jame. N. Rna held in the ki:..lergarten room on the
r reneseet of hie 1datu,citenstrl+a•ee►+«'-: tell reglntered arvotltect. of Stratford. rCV1,i, yuf Mn> 17th, with Mrs. Palmer `THE ESTATE OF JAMES IBEItT-
r•.;,a. referred to the sperinl enmmittee, Prepare pills anal tape,(•itNMtum+ •• in the choir :,�1 a large attendance. I• RAM ORR. -DECEASED.
n R , th 'A ricnlhtral rted that! '
Principal ul nuc
for Painting and Scraping the Waterworks Stand Pipe
will be received by the Water & Light Commission
up to 8 o'clock p. m., on
Thursday, June 7th, 1928
For further particulars apply to J B. KELLY, Superin-
tendent, or L. L. KNOX, Secretary
house ew r tnd'tanrl at e , rico I repo
Pork. Th. atrnghrre Iv frame on can- hundred !tries at given that all per. I travel and iron:
r•rete fnnn.inttone. has n roof. apace
for dining -room. room. kitchen unl t1e P d girl receiving
nfl1i. also provision for lnratnrirs and
Tenders will be relived
Undersigned for -the construe
concrete bridges, township to
k t
by the
lion' of
there were ot, : six um a NOTICE Is Naim. von
the hobby fair The awards given by; Leona having ClRlms agnlnst the carate' One at Int Q concession 10. W,D., 9
the Club to t! • boy' an B r
the highest t..umler of points were
women's"rest room under She stand. won by Kenn.- ;n Juck and Ruth lllnt-
Lits.-Trotnptr Andvest ,a=� �:1t ms of buainesa "SLR
Paring Atata(►eiation have also nppreveel .liecussed. Especial Interest is being
the plans. We recommend that the shown in a proposltient to furnish
their donh' be of $1.1100
to tarn over musical iustructlon to the school chlld-
tind greetttnn of town'snto the town reit of G,,•lerlch. Mrs. Murray, who
peend rent.
of the halving thefty went as the Cinb's delegate to the con-
grr ittu the rPriyileeelptx from the cetttten of Federated Home and School
'aim.' tancl and any Prlclle,$a in nr on (!hubs. gave a bright and interesting
same in connection with their riles aavrunt of ti. - activities of the or-
m$r•times; town top have fall ghat,$ At ionization and was tendered a vote of
- n11 lute a heel [len that tit, $1...; a wn t r her services. The
TIM from the At+.sromtlnn that n hdmie- f Club was adj••:riled to meet on June
1 toilette(' for anhm(a•Inn to the rate- i
of James Bertram Orr. late of the ft.
townehlp of Goderich. in the county 1))114' nt.1Nvlsion Line. contrsaMn S.
of Unron, yeoman, deceased, who died i 8
nn nr altrintlit�°'*M"aal-"'_y"-• a�^•'at- One.at Division Line, concession S.
A.P. 1026. are required to deliver fn 10 feet.
Arthur Lorne Tichhnrne. the adminis•I ft One at lot 2. conceesien 8, D.D., 10
trator of the sold estate, or W. Bry I Tenders will be opened June 2nd at
done, solicitor, on or before the
eleventh day of Jnne..A.D. 1924. a frill i R p.m.. C. E ]IcDO?1AGH. Clerk,
statement of their claim' together Lnekn(►w. g, R, 3.
with particnlars thereof, and the noel
tare of the securities, 1f any. held by
them. all duly verified by affidavit.
ANT) TAKE N(YriCE that after the
said last. mentioned date the odd aci-
minlstrator will proceed to distrlhnte
('tarots of the said deceased
e p c 11.
tnyen. We recommend that three I _
Sat -
;V1IITE:-Oa May 6, i92S to Dr. and
Mrs. Rxytt'- .t L. White, 8:05 Pine
l;rove.11“,1 �.• . Chicago, Ill., a daugh-
ter, Eltratt.eth Ann.
i:.'" - \r la•trolt, Mich., on
Stratford: Phone 1580. li1830J.
DR. F. J. 1t. FORSTER,
Late blouse Surgeon New York Oph-
thalmic and Aural Hospital. assistant
at Moorefield Eye Hospital and
Golden Square Throat llosp al, Lon-
don, Eng.
iia Waterloo St. S., Str ford. Tel-
ephone 267.
At !Hotel Bedford, Godferich. on lbs
evening of third Mo day of each
month till the followin day, Tuesday,
1 p.m.
mmoncst the person. entitled thereto•
having regard only to such claims as
he 'hull have received due notice, and
In neeordanee therewith.
DATED at Clinton. Ontario, this
sixteenth day of May. A.D. 1928. -
- W. BRYDO? -
Clinton, Ontario.
tb the undersigned`oand NorthnPier,
'Tender for Repairs
Kincardine, Ont.,' will be received
until 12 o'cMrk noon (daylitht sav-
ing), Tuesday, June 5, 1928, for re -
pains CO the North Pier, at Kincardine,
Bruce County, Ont.
Plans and form of contract can
seen and specification and forms
tender obtained et this Depart
at the offices of the District
n(rrs. Customs Building, 1
Ont. ; Equity Building. Toron
and at the I'olt (Met., K
(hit., nl' at the Builders
70 Bond St.. Toronto, Ont
Tenders will not be
lege made on printed
by the i)e•partment a
with conditions cont
Each tender mu
by an accepted c
Hank; payable to
biter of Public
per cent. of t
Ronda of th
bbnds of t
way Coin
inlay. \lay iS0.h, Thos. W. Bates, in Solicitor for the said Adminl'terstor.
his 'A;hle your.
.10,11.1al.---Ili Colixorne township, on
Friday, May 18th, Ann Jane Kerr,
widow of time late William Graham,
in It r tiar.l year.
Hoderich, on Tuesday,
Slay !2nd, '11+e0p/ 0lus Kelly, aged 83
\IIT1'lIFtd.. At London, on Sunday,
May eels, Emanuel Mitchell, in his
s3 year.
\t [NEY.- In Goderich, on Saturday,
.ay' birth. .Tone Cheyne, widow of
the late \\'illiam Henry Murney, in
her 91st }ear.
"I of the tette Tito.. W. Bates wish
to e'preaa their grateful thanks to the
ovoid.. of Goderich for many
sse' extended to them In their be-
reavement by the death orf their be -
teed hn'band and brother.
OEIH -Eeyaudynensavnnpn Poeetuat ad Lnh Ro
et Mt te Py
pn My 2tue Sh ad 8h (ryon! I
WILL. Tilt; l'l'RRON WI1/) TIMED
np a htdy'a coat from the river
esti. behind \Vm. Driver's farm, Hu-
ran road. on Sunday, May 20th, please
else same at RtONAL OFFiCE? it
The Trustee of the Estate of W. Il.
Jackson has instructed to sell at pub-
lic auction the splendid residence and
lands being Lot running number 8.30
in the' Town of Goderich, southwest
corner of North street null Nelson
street. at 2 o'clock on Nntunini•, the
28th day of May, 191$, et the premises.
This property must be sold.
There Is a building lot In the rear,
and two complete apartments stq►
arated by a brick wall. The property
la In gond condition and both apart•
menta are at present rented by the
month at a good renfnl. The property
will be sold at a reserved bill,
TPSRM9-Ten per int, of the par -
chane price es a deposit, end the bal-
ance within 30 days.
For further particulars apply to
Trustee, Goderich, Onta o.
, Solicitors, Oorierich, Ont.
Ti108. GUN'DRY & >N,
: xchn a n ge,
Meted un-
rrms supplied
in accordance
ned therein.
he accompanied
ne on a chartered
he order of the alin-
Works. equal to ten
amount of the tender.
Dominion of Canada or
Canadian National Sati-
ny will also be accepted as
or bonds and a cheque if re -
o make up an odd amount.
-eBlue prints can be obtained
at is,I)epartment by depositing an
a pied cheque for the tenni of 820.00.
yable to the order of the Minister
of Public Works, which will be re-
turned If the intending bidder submit
a regular hid.
Ry order,
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa. May 11. 1028.
Barrister and Solicitor
10 Ring street east, Toronto L
TelephonFs Elgin 841{-8417.
Barrister, .Etc.
Omc lamilton street, Oodertea
uccessor to J. L. Killoran.
e 97.
Office -The Square. Goderidl.
Nape a Nave
BARRIsrrRa, Ev-.
. Hamilton St., Godericn
SURANCE CO -Farm sad ise
laced town property tutored.
Officers -Jas. Connolly, Pres., God-
erich P. 0.; Jas. Evens, Vice -Pres..
Beechwood 1'. 0.; D. F. McGregor.
Ser.-Treas., Reafortb P. 0.
Directors --A. Rroadfoot, R. R.
No. 3. Seaforth ; John 0. Grieve. No.
4, Walton: William Rlnn, R. R. No.
2, Seafortb ; John Bennewle•, Brod,
hagen ; Geo. McCartney. R. R. No. 1.
Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Harloett;
Murray (Moon, Brncefleld; James
Evans. Beechwood: Jame, Cennolly.
Agents --J. W. Yeo. Goderiek;
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Gunton;
John Murray, Seaforth ; B. Hlnebl y,
Seaforth. Policy -holders can make all
pigments and gei their cards receipt.
ed at R..1. Morrlsh's Clothing Store.
CHttns ; R H. Cult's Grocery. King-
ston street. Goderich. or J. H. )std'.
°eneeal Store. Barbell