HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-24, Page 7County and District Zurich fall fair will be held this, Exeter some tithe In June. The sthuol year on Monday unit 'CueeIily, Septette THE SIGNALS, _ eeptlou committee, Mrs. a. 8. Wilson. SUNDAY AFT*&XQON "A CREAT TONlC" SAYS MRS. RUSSELL +GODERICH, ONT. Mrs. Temple Clarke, Mrs. liursell . tli , cuwwlttee, ltobcrtoon; membership ICuutlaued from l'at'e 22) Mrs. Wesley Joyut, Slips Gertic Tee• which to ride Into Jeruaalew Oa state, leaven, )liar bonus lauipls'll' lie gave them minute directions. They At the uuutanl msxtil:g of the Ludt. went and found,Ulint;s exactly as lie now w wuweu's Institute, the eitetluu of had ludlcnteti, and there they made bused Is planning u ucy four -room otIlters resulted as be ..wit: ! res.hieut,I rlcull• the Passover. 'flat» N mth.xil to provide yccvituwsidutluu fur I Mrs. \\'m. Murdie; first el.•..-pn•eialent,1 great festival of ov Jewish year which both public and high school eluant. At Mrs. \P. F.. hadDusail; seroud vie great fe tivalsl the freeing of their Au u resent one clues is housed to the president, Mrs. Robert Thuw}wto; ae}; naUuu from Egyptian Windage. l llh, to the 'resi, of 1 ria in furulshed and Her, Morris litilelttter. basement of the SKIC library. Mrets Tetuite Cl and istric nirt'ter. The large upper . � After Taking Lydia E. Mrs. Tereple Clarke; distrk•t .tlrtr•tui, l prepared for the.icier' which was lit 1 Gladys! lye» +disciples mx Lace Hemel i shown to the y T. 3.� 1 lanreue, daughter of Mr. had Mrs BKU1iFIL+11i Ninkham s Vegetable Reod;Iliac \branul''ti directors pianist, . ltnOua.; Ia Iiie''hone of glary, the mother of Geo. Earl, of Cal»trot. was wilted in' Compound ora Shemin, Sir*. R. inrutherg, Mrs.' John' Mark We read lit Luke '._:?l, 1 1 •ru amu � bee Yrith and 26th. W resident of Bluecale missed away on Slay l)u WednA•sday, Slay t 1, , as I w G. A. Deadman left last weekfor sir*. Miller nod )let+• ' ` i t •1 1e•1, most likely when arriuge W Ilnrold Slrrvyu a tat Mcrhu to •attend to lila apiary for tltel ( Siewert 1 u the h Herm of the same towusn N 1'•p BruceBruceIA•ach continues W be popular suwaw•r. t- Mrs. W. II. Kerr hos returned from "uur arw lo ar a summer resort. r \\'iunims•g, when• she stx•nt the last tams are being erected, improvewentai eight moist,. % with her sisters. are beiug wade ou the tennis courts.' and golf course, sod two thousand pita' houseA ui et wedding took o kJplace atAthe, trees'ihalve been planted. JAM. Brussels, ell May lflh, when their. The Chimed atiun ul Kincardine from Lar i eldest daughter, Violet. was united In 1 received r duuntiuu of fE,11W from file marriage to John Albert Burke. of Tor-; ono.. The Vete/Willy was performed Alexander Mackenele, of -- ala de Jointer.), towards the cost of • new a e. The board now has $5.00o by Rev. J. Seuble. Fenwick, Ont.—"! am taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound during the Change of Life for nervous feelings, loss of ap- petite and to gain strength. It is a great tonic and I have taken a dozen bottles of it. It was recommended to dirt p bl Nruitlt; reprtiu'litatives to district an- nual, president, secretary. Mr-. 'Corner. ,uteri aiseatg ih.• round which should Sire. W. E. Mac]uiutltt Mrs. "C Ir' gratest. with referruce to the pl+ttr' Douglas tool T. Aitc tis ,Sirs. \\'.' of honor. Then. too. none of them vena Dou tjmmitt wu! S[r'a T. A .sus Ni ; ,ilMr . willing to become the servant of the Geo. Mrs. c'einmi and Mrs., others and wash their [nivel-Plaine.' S. Held, at ; smusictehe a'lt. um Ne„,„,,, Stn+t'C. flet. in John 13:1-20. we read of eRill, Sirs. tttul►ertw.u. r .ct.•u Jesus. atter all were seated, rising and and Mrs. Agnew; auditors. 'firs. \1'• beginning to wash the dis.•tplos' feet. Henderson and Mrs. Watson.an• I "Tim washing of the dlarilder feet me by • friend and now I recommend BLTT'H was saying, In the kinguae.. of action. that the Non of man risme nut mIte end ram° g I . cash tut haul for this purgs,ae' SE1f)`UKTH L it to all women for i mfulNtPrr.4 unto, hut to min +ter. Apitnlg ee outset hlu graduated at such troubles ea thin the law of ilia to mita woe the come at this time." I Mr. and Mrs. Aah•u Bennett and taw of belpfuhxas. —ngdom r Kill - the 1+Rcheuer•\\'aterl.x, hospital last; Mrs. J. it. recently, pnthe had a bad fall Master Jack lett last week on a nate week were three from Ude cuuuty: .Sur da ncrutl the result being a —Mas. W. V. RUSSELL, No. 6, for trip to California. Mr. Bennett is hest. the Pass - bent. \'sena }airnlirth Kaudrrt+uu, DE; fractured righty arm lu addltbn to FenMek.Ontario" making the trip in the interests of his' While they .were eating �lizalx'th Gua=.Qoyer. John tells us that Jesuit wag health which has not been Sisal for knew chat Fordwich; Miss Slaty I severe cuts nod bruise.. of Blyth, Mrs. E. Chow, ut 1)u Illi uttendng the gr Thr deal o ur hos ital, Lam ou, a uu • NM WINGHAIlI scans tithe. troubled in spirit. lis , rias I'nttence &oft bar relUr'1I�, agreed"IdaAa11N;PP{;`�tRr1PVP. 1 tit and Mlxs l;ladys Uuruther, of town, while to do, and alcurre. graduation rrerclses at that one who h f William fao,.tt,!J ant lilt la p 1 t 11 the \\'ingham'� Hydro account for 1927; brie atter spending r'healthue�11aanls+•u had at�x•intrd with llluruu intimate Slay f fpm , Ens174 lr. i t n Thursday. now be pretending R lett, sxcurrerl lu l,hetuu I states and fractured Ler ankle. I Soother!' states. er 11th, al the age of `scveutyoue shows a act profit fur the year of the change: fo•^lus far a., lung n flan,„shoumd repo Slis. pilots left a few tlrye much hmproced by , to to lie ills friend. years. 1of hisrtl war a ave u aro fur Seattle. where she will be tarty ” The uur+• graduation !n connection: The death secures late Humphrey Knell and oohs the last ly her aunt. Mn. F. T. Pinkerton, and, with the \\'iughaw tx.apltal will be May 10th, of Mrs. AntlNm'l 1Las Jesus gxt him an opportunity to n' me es of IL hidlly. }Ie Nor bealrvl old nail far \lu�ka, where she will held Fridoy .•reeltiug. Stay lSah, N'Imetl. from the farm on which he wits born. the result of injurle, nrs•ncrd in an pent and thus sate himself from taro v t; M. s y, who for nearly wake 1N•r enter iiieg her uncle- andl three nurses VIII ra'sr'ivr tMdr auto Lyle it injut the pervious Sat-. witting situ ch\'erfe I nto\s»n. lir unit and ) uter cullrge• diploma-, I urday. Mr. and Sirs !leggin hail .le.•ttg eight yrrrs has been water5a at 1'hamrr -- unIt visiting at Detroit, and on the o1M of con .rile eatetll with mr, Road, has har.ea lurltx+i _its St. Aud- The \1'lughaun Canadian Club cl.;ittd at D the were mason. -hall Is•tray me." ills words tvlustrl Uiie C TC1.N-------- --- a gurresrettl lemma wlthilrnouet at rrtluu trhpi on pap to he fillet with I rest's 1'uiterl ch1Rcfe, Watttint.TGA — , w'blcl, Sir». Edith l.. Gntees, a mewls'r unni.rl 6y their wNaal law, sfth., rtialt Is n#i+wt tisk congregations ..f 'l'haues Read and \iter feral iter. of invalidism, _rnP stn rd of }:ducu[iitu• Kttnrr. his wife and two daughters, sorrow, and at once they began to n an tu-i'n;ted t•1+a Rev. hat:* Ant.l.o :uu.A raiu.h ousel away •Slay tNh at was the prlw•fptal speaker. their car struck a rut iuthe mid omit Iltm: "is It 11" After a time tie Rev. Dr. l'i'ens and Mrs. Perri*. re - the and turned Arer in the slit. -1.. :alltr one; Titr appearance's. a aakP. also an huritation to flee. J•.rutAes .tuthuny, the age of gitty nine years Coming "All their wont M.A., of }'of M elm. at (row F:ug'.ond. he buil resisted In Clio- termly tr'Irbrated tis• fortieth ans,h er-: Mrs. Haggttt was Ute.•uh one a•rtou" fd. "Is it 1 An lapen•rtiug event ta.k Ila lou iuc. the rgc of twrltr years, lila of their wedding. ly injured.. )Iitc She was tak.)n ton ,sigh- nobility. all their failure in purr. the home of Mr. and Sirs. D. J. etc- wife. four daughters and 'MeeSeals. tons Secondary athasil scholars from Sit• . Miring halve' and after -several dart. mita depth of their selfishness. all the 'bemoan, Stuwa•y, on Saturday, slay survive. i Forest, Arthur, IlarrL fou, tits- was tsmaiderrd muttic;ently re.otered • weakness of their faith— 'bemoan, ever limb, when their youngest rind Sir . Sarah :\mu itis. widow of the httr• towel, Iii -ran, CIIRurd turd l'alas•r•, to make the journey h.,me. It weal }:very evil thought they Clara Alice, was United iu marriage t" John Jenkins, died May loth lu her; will town to Winghaw vis Fri,hrc. only a few Laura atter her ninth to thought. said. Percy Johnston, sten of Mr. and Sirs.'sit,utt.�•cw1U1 year She bud leen :June 1st, ,,for au interscholastic field her LonIP here. how.r.•r, nkat xlusl--F>1rLlrtl w.,nl they ever dbl. 11 the s)•ult if 1'cen• lwil thing they W. Johnstab, of \'urea. 'l'hr mean in faithig health for .nor time. meet. I'sswrI away. ptrtlra i > , peony was Isrfuruxrl by Rev. Jamess l w 1's shtc- all crowds.' Uminn their memories. and t'llgtou's lads 2s. o Isrwler. have et - i I had lhel ill 111.161. tb. it t Penrose of Varna. The 'ming t„uple• left tin a scolding trip to Marlette, urgat as p,ragnt.r t t M R. Irwin strep this. r runty Dearly all her life. soon+. f Detroit and Toronto. may She lrrlyes —Farrar. tory-treasurer. i+atunuy, May - 'eternal injuries. anr-1s ' l onw•1•mes Afraid None tizwi.for 1!r� on Sirs. J. *sett Ll'CK\OV1 eight years of age nu, -: au, i-athem stcmPsl safe frau northing... They wi'l wake' v I M y 21gh tto Blyth fifteen years az.. Mrs. Robert Webster, au old rest - home uualhe gneu s farm on the will. le opr•uiug day.ps.iutwl out by JPlslia when TA said: Goshen liar, Stanley. Iryn,. }tome and School Club held iter dent tit Lueknow, died May lath in her' besides her husband. a large groan -up The treachery stf .ludas• ae was auuuill met•ting last week. The treat- eighty-eighth year. She hail made her family. au old resident of "lie that dhtys th his bond with Me in : tar I law anti slaughter, Mr. tai Sint. Gen. myth. passed away oil 'Tuesday. May the --dish" Judwtr bait. lb- 'wonting user 'sported a Lain tire. of $2:4) in the home for setae, years with her son•In-I Richard Adams 1.'.111. at the age of 'eighty-one years.I one of Chrietii ettelples, pledged hilt l d from analtausl wes�i forilce of some ycunrssibe- litrth Psrrl'iee t,s that ofhail Satan' whil.•taw fad taught stb fore buying the genoci; store at i,on- Set he was wrmingly on an equality &sho t' now owned by John Arm- with the +others. strung. Fourteen year., ago he retired' imnlcesliatety niter Judas left the . to Blyth. Ria wife. formerly Miss-t+.mptitry. h•sns irettltntert theLord's iP iAlthwaite of Goderich town-' en pp n-anl as they did eat. Jrals tank bread, and blessed, and brake it• and II gave to them. and wi ld : 'Take, eat ; this Is my Iwxhy.' "Anil lie took the cap, and when He had given thanks. He gave it to them; and they all drank of 1t. "And Ile satd unto them: 'This la my blood of the New Testament. which 1s shed for many " •Verily I say unto you. I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine; until that day that i drink It new In the kingdom of God.'" in John. chapters 14.47. we "have the discourse and prayer trite r1' on this remotion by Jesus; and then they; sing tin hymn. Afterwards they left' the upper room. and, going out of Biel city, they entered the garden of ('With- st'mnne. At the entrance Ile said , to His dtss•Iples : "Sit ye here. Willie 1 go and pray yonder." 'fie took with film the three who had seen His glory on the Mount of Transflgtlratl.m. in this fehtlad Maio in fits life. Jestu weaned His friends near Him. "My -soul--ti }png_.__Sargowful unto death: tarry ye heel•, and watch." "And 'lie went forward a little and fell on the ground. and preyed that. if It were prxaltde. the hour might pass front iiim. And lie wild: 'Abbe. Father. all things ore possible unto Thee: take away this cup from me: nevertheless, not what 1 will, hut. -ss'lsa "rholt'wall.'" We I►evr bore the t,rayer of filth for deltvernnse. G. Ti. \I,,rrieuli sits: "f'nderneath that aw- ful ntamy there lay. millions of fath- oms deep. nnmose.l and immovable. the ietere a desire that 'tits Father's wish and will should he done" Thursday, May 2L019311-1 Special Prices at McEwen's Groceries Tobacco IN I Tea and Coffee Dry Goods Dinnerware and Chinaware COME AND LOOK THE PRICES OVER J. J. McEWEN one 46 South Side of Square osis delivered promptly to all parte of the town without charge Ph t; Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Coke Pocohontas 1 2 by 4 egg} Briquettes Quantic of Good Hardwood is iariou.lengths . I eats supply your wants in any .of the above fuel. Prompt - service and reasonable prices. City of Rio de Janeiro (hedrraliI)istrict of the United States of Brazil) 61/, External Secured Sinking Fund Gold Bonds -Dated- . 1�, _ 192S Due Feb. 1, 1953 rice : !T sad accrued interest, to yield 6.75'7, ----NORMAN LEWIS Corner Hamilton ant,I Newgate'ts. phone .178 L. FLICK Telepltone 17Sj t;odcrirh EXETER Bank Mrs. Doe tis is greet( ent Wm. Pomfret. who for nee years his the ensuing year. had charge of the C. N. rain es% 'ied fpm iu Exeter, has been apW ager of the Barrie office sunt-++ 'movies } to that place at once. , The death occurred is Exeter on f R May 13th of Veda Treble, S. Crocker of Toronto. Deceased had been in failing health for about a year. 'The remains were taker to Toronto for Interment. On May 12th Mary Hamlin Front, widow of the late Thomas Sweet. passed away at the age of eeseutl- t hree years• Herhusband basuesdied and four ome years ago. rad daughter survive. The matter of additional public school secomtheovoteof the rateppayeisation will be @of Ir ache Andrew of town. Her llllghtn, ample years ago, and three wins and two daughter,. Furtive: Harvey. Rote ert, Itit•lulyd, Sirs. Joseph Ilt•im and Sirs. Get,. Andrew. Archibald MacMillan. a former resi- dent of this locality. dint recently at his home at Fargo. N. Dakota. at the age of fifty-eight years. 'Philip Mac- Millan, of Lucknow. who is a brother, went to h'arge to attend time funeral. The Lot -know ladies' bowling club has elected officers as follow,. for R3 I(: l'reaident. Mrs. Th vice-preatdent. Mrs. Wm. Murdie; sec- rete ry.treosurer, Mrs. It. Fisher: r'e- fe.hment commltttw.' Mrs. W. L. Mac- Kensh:-Mrs. Jas. Miller, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mrs. Cecil Allyn. Mrs. Fred Armin-msg. aMtrs. David Huston; re- shir% survives with tw,, eons and one daughter: Thomas, of Saskatchewan: Howard. of Detroit. and Mrs. BoYd. of Chicago. The Atga+nent The Lady: Count your"4f again. big boy. you ain't so many. The Gent: Stick a thermometer in your lips, baby, -yam ain't so hot.— Texas Ranger. Make scarred or faded furniture like new with this splendid Varnish and dries to a ex- ceptionallyaueasy to that is free from beautiful . it mirror-like glossbeauty for a sur- prisingly ur- atickinesa. It retains its Ilea Y Spein id longl time ait furoes niture not fade. rk. Splendid for }loots. For graining — beautiful effects, representative of the !t� grain of handsome hard- woods can be obtained with Neptunite Graining Com- pound finished with Varnish stain. Cornea in six attrac- tive `sem" shades. HIGH STANDARD OUTSIDE PAINT Lowe Brothers Liquid Paint costs approximately l�.c per square foot. This is another way of saying that "job cost," which should always be the measure of your painting cost, "High Standard" is the most economcal paint you can buy. tali' The teawhiis ch to isefound in grou d and the purity oflmaterials usi fineness to It gives a very high gloss. Wears evenly for years and comes ready for use in thirty Tn dsome ' and is � easy to apply Try it when nextyou paint. the Price -lc. Sq. Ft. Mellotone Wall Paint Neptunite Varnish Lowe Brothers Neptunite Varn- ishes are ideal for either Exterior or Interior use. They have the distinction of being the only varnishes made that haveuc nu ly y withstood the heat from a mol not Ir their surface. They turn white, crack under the hammer test, or show heel marks. ice, snow or rain have no effect on them. They produce a remarkably beauti- ful finish; they wear longer and coat less than most good . JLt1 Varnishes. Porch Floor Paint Is Specially made to withstand the extreme hard usage to which a ver- andah floor is subjected. The scrap- ing of feet and verandah furniture will not t finish prop- erly applied. Iwiland up under the rigours of the weather and pre- serve your verandah floor for years. Like all Lowe Brothers Products, Porch Floor Paint is very economical. It is easily' applied and a pint of this paint will go almost as far as a quart of most any other so-called "cheap" exterior floor paint. Porch Floor Paint is made in a splendid range of colors, one of which is sure to please Walls that are finished with Mello - tone need never be marred with is washable, it may be washed with finger prints or dust spots. Mellotone and water just as often as soap a necessary without injury to its deli- cately beautiful finish. Mello- , tone combines all the durable qualities of an outside paint with the soft, attractive rest d tones that are so much de- , f� aired by particular people. to Mellotone is so easy apply and lasts so long gthat 1/ its first cost is practically to 16 negligible. Comes beautiful shades. WORLD MISSION .\t a missionary conferen(v' Malmo Ridley gave this experienlv': A hand of the lxi'dese pirates set the Cale- donian trinsrts came otic night on a band of I'llristlan Indians eegngsal in a prnyer-i'n'ter. The heathen tore rip the !tildes. anal Weiner. the Chris- , thins won't' not promise to sense poly- iu g, they began to hrrtlk up the rhllnhl. Alla finally sot fire to the tlllldi g. IIIIg 11an 'f lightthe forflirt, Ui' • 111111« s ,171111 ''Slltill we not honor sit 4ial?" lint .n senior I•ini-• then" nnawerrl: "No. .Trans nater fought. lie disvl. We will die' rather than fight." This wilt the beginning of the e.tuvrr"i.m of the pirates. At a Inter dry, ns a site w'it's M•tng meas - nerd for u new ehupLlL..i1I!A•e, a titan sold to the ltisliop. hob -ling n t;lls• line the while: "Blah!ip. do you know that tuts hand Pet fire to the old church?'1t ltd. and from that night 11''114 1 heard the preneher my thnt the blood a.f ;Irntft-cie•tla.'c•5 from .all-�e1 u I had n'e ts•'ill my heart. Historic lamndntarks stlihertoi Smut The At lion of the t\'aler'al County 'listurh-ul Society Could welt be emu- lated 10c oilers in its efforts lit twirl( II' )firCes of libteiI hiter.'"1. •rlif,sstrr•Metl e•eatlilbtltes Set. at.hlch I- alsNit half the e",t of the tnhiiet, th.' i itizene of the distriel being espar•ft•a to rade)• the other holt. Tali:eta created from time to time marking ofd mills. early chords* and school houses will f.•r Provides Io comae Is' r, -minders of the stain art plunerrs of tilt rid srinnty of Perth. who., fir -i o-olere Bans• in just one hundred years ago, the oldest place Of. Mdtl.•nlellt lasing 1n the clennily of Shakespeare. • Father Wanted to Know Father: \\'eft. do yin think you can make my daughter really happy?" !lunar: "Say. you should hate seen her In+t night." -'Exchange. . Highest Prices Paid For Beef Hides, Goose Feathers and all kinds of Junk. Good Prices Paid for Hens DAVID BROWN Phone 270 Goderieh Not Just Bread! INDEED, NO ! CLEVELAND'S BREAD .: is -a temptinaconlplement: to any meal—delicious in itself anti lending zest to - the rest of the nientr. Your family will demand twice as much of our Bread as any other. En- courage them to do so, as it is the most healthful and nourishing food they can take. E. U. CLEVELAND Phone I1-1 West t't At„ r AT • "'' 1 " W.C.SN i(alertlasher a'' Dry Cleafei �t e;r ul Lauad In Connection Nest Street Tensaw* $21 \1'e carry a good stsx'k of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Wiring of All Kinds Estimates given on application Frank McArthur ELF:CTKIC I A N Telephone 82 West Street J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to day or night i'HttNRS Store .:15 It.rlldenee 5155w Hamilton Street. Goderich Brophey Bros. THE LEAD1N4: --FdNERAt. 111KF.C'TORs AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service at all hours, day or night. PHONES Store 121l Rt,. 217 (151111•11111'11 TRY Spare's Grocery for quality and service - where - cleanliness is paramount Hard Drying Floor Paint This is the floor paint that does away with the back breaking drud- 'gery of scrubbing. Simply mop this high gloss finish and you have a floor to be proud of. Hard Drying Floor Paint is a floor enamel of exceptional toughness. it dries over night with a glossy and elastic surface orf that will stand any . amount of wear and will t� not chip of/ or crack.Made in a varietyof popular colors, readfor e - use. ALF. TEBBUTT & SON Hardware. Paints, Oils, Glass WE DELIVER ilverwood'a-- pct -beam Brick or Bulk Bon Bons or Dixie Cups PRICES RIGHT parr's Grocery "The Store of Satisfaction" Hamilton St. C,aderich Phone 14$ r • aa Convert Your Attic Into An Attractive Extra Room at Low Cost With G Y P R O C Send for hnn,Nome, free book, "Walls That Reflect Good Judgment." It gives valuable information on Gyproc and Interior decoration CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMIT1� Paris u PHONE. 486 .s - '.Fireproo For Sale By The Goderich Mfg. Co. Ltd., The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. board Goderich, Ont. Goderich, Ont.