HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-24, Page 5Toilet Articles
We have the variety. Always a
pleasure to show goods
Phone 90 Goderich
funeral of the lute Mrs. Amite Graham! au agent for Walklus k Co. for sever A Had Habit
on Monday afternoon. : years and. later for licKeyste k Cu. (Oshawa 'hilly fines)
-Mrs. Jas. McNee, of Goderiett, and Fur the past tire years he'had been In I in lilt shawa 'his Elbert Hubbard
Mrs. Th6wsuu, of the Weet, are visit-' twine health. lie peewit away t'rt-, retleehi •"1 as- not is EJust what ale
ilia at the iiowe,of their brother, Mr. day afternoon at ter age of fifty -live; ie 1.a slit IN, but I believe it
N lsun Graham. years.' The funeral sanies was mu.' unpardonable
dueled by' lieu. R. 11. Gale atm the is 'the .dlalx,altlwt to 'postpone and
KIN IBRIDOB 1 l' I Cleave,' l 1 t f wall hills.
Houston, 'r the army of work
were Yu ve, r ,•rude the paywel1 u s
•. Alfred and' humas -\v. st Ilow vast is ersfu[
hINGS111N1X.E, May 22. -Mr. and lake, Harold Stinson 'and liuliert 1'en• Ihelr-felluwwcn who cul say amen to
Mrs. John Dalton, Mr. Maitriee• Dalton hole- Ile lit survived Ly two brothers,
and Mr. aud'Mrs. J, Malone, of Dub- (:cargo 'end Robert, 1x11. ape sister, that little. Sermon. .
Ili,, spent Thursday +•f last nark with. Mrs. Arthur Coovey, Loudon. Friends
l'erl: ,: there are slug more ml
from a distance were alt. and Mr.' Il:lyd., l$e lln+n "the }sestlsalcm•ut
M.. 're }((Deathialtont Chris. Itorlhrick. Mrs. Murray and fwo and erasion of bill. -pro brit at
Mr, r, Ted Griffin of I><trolt, is hull- ",_,,,,,tarn+, of '1`hevlford.
a 1st it cannot be said that there is a
'sin more fncommission.queut In commission.
TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Thid,..}a'ople, profeaaulal un -u and
1'41111Ft 1.) ;hat latter as a deelaratiou of fact.'
day lug at -Mr. 1111 Mrs. Jar. Gurveys.
Mr. 1:dwia (urvey, of St. Michael's
('ollege.''1'oronto, is house fur Ilk' teal -
ills Helen Bowler has resumed her
••dr public rervults will uttostto
J„lioa at the 1;.(1.1., elealerleh. ( Council 'tet on April 3rd, all meat '1•o Ia• sun. 1k) one would 111.1
Maui all w'II.
--.- Mr. El+u•rJ L'hrilru, of /ialrrleh, bets present, minutes of Murch brand of dtvlllt There nits extenuating
Hon of Anderson and Sullivan kio%- t irenn -lances in all phases of life,
s}a•ut the,,w.ekamil at his uuele'a, Mr. meeting read and approved on +d„ slow in pa)
;I,�;><� „�,,,t __ Master hilly' Klualwn, of St. Angus -
V l_ WUI` fa�at/tci _ tine, is visiting his gruudpareuta, Mr.
PORT ALIIE1tT..Muy 22.-A garden and Mrs. Michael O'Connor.
PANSY WEEK party nailer the ul5hices of St. And- Quite a uuulta•r around here are laid
Make next week !cans) Week. NoW church 1awu oar 11'eii,'s,luy evening. _--
fs the time to plant. 1 have June Lath. A good program and supPer ure in store for MI who attend. -
strain procurable
'Thos. Sullivan s. .
row's United clnrr•h will hi' held an the tip with Stwere colds.
now ready.
Many from Hass, pouts attendee! the 22. -Mr.
5T 1l Gl'S1 IXE, Eloy
Telephone Itl.t.
Singer Sewing Machines
Free dein„u.tratadi :atoll ur y„sir
owed house at ally time. you al,'
tinder no obligation t•• Illlt'.
south tide of `yuan• i...1, r„ I.
W. GLEN COOK, General Agent
Stratford and Goderich
Tiler 'fable-Ituil)
9 _r
s;ialerlch (Iv.) 7."h1 arm. •2ilU 1 in
Clinton beef, 2.:3.: ..
Sea forth 1 8.3.5 " 3.05
St. Columbia •
1)nblln 8.45 " .3.15
Mitchell 9.05 " 3.3;
riebringvllle 9.'.'11 3.85
Stratford (er.) 9.35 -" 4.1k5
Stratford (Iv.) 10.00 a.m. . 00 p.m.
Seleriarritle 10.10 7.15 "
Mitebelt 10.35 " 7.40 "
Dublin 10.50 " 7.115
St. Columbaa 8.15 "
Seaforth 11.10 " 8.15
tt ati a
far 4 _ 2.00 noon 1/71) •
Nin Sunday afternoon Coach leaves
Galerieb Cl pm.. arriving at all inter-
mediate prints three Miura later than
week -day srheduM. On Sunday even-
ing 'bus leaves Stratford at 4 p.m..
arriving at all intermediate points one
hour Inter than regular ee•bedule.
Suurtay morning cotieh same time as
week days.
Fare: (3aietlelt to Stratford $1'3;
round trip 52.25. -
RIB -ROLL jrr House
roofs - L d st i ng, inexpensin e
Rt to your house orcotlage
with Rib -Roll. Handsome to
Intek at ...increases value of
property ... lasting ... eel -
ie to clean rainwater,bbanishes
teaks...ideal fur houses,
bares sheds. warehouses.
schools, churches. public
huddinta. (aise size of row lot
tree estimate. Write
Eastern Steel Products
`un red
l'hl; 1't ,N, (NT.
Metal ••,v-,da,t: Cu.
:.. I. 'n.. t.-,1
Golf Season
is Here!
We have a full line of
Golf Sticks
at $2.00 each.
Set of four Clubs.. .$8.00
Golf Balls
Spalding Kro-Flite 75c
Silver Kings. --- .75e
Green Dot Mesh -. •-r)()r
Clover Mesh
See our stock while the line
is complete.
Cole's Book Store
ed by Sherwood and \ieh.nzie and financial reverses, poverty and ill -for -
resolved: That council purchaie a tune aro visited upon ' twist members 1.f
No. 5 grader from Sawyer and Mas- the Minoan family w.use time (lurh,g "swami" ltlg liushlerw t a+rtltal.
sey and a No. 3 front I'anada Ingot their worldly existeuar. Toward styli
Iron Co. On motion of Sullivan and the creditor -world gladly shows lav- The bic.:est British circuit of eine.
Andersen the following bills were or- tieu,r But Hubbard remarks that, ma theatres numbers 125. Tho) 1..
dered paid: C. N. R , freight - on "curiously enough. the people who are gest recorded dividend paid by a 1:1,1
grader frame, $5.24; I'., Murphy, pa- toast given to tttlr went of sin are not per ti cineceama
company in 1926 was 4w
trol, $4.50; H. Hawkins, patrol, $12; ,L.• user hue the illiterate." t it said that the British public
Fred Johnston, patrol. ${.ri0; Wilson Ilulrbard might h+sce nosed over the pays annually something ing like 130,•
Thursday, relay 24. 19'.'.B.-6
Dramatic Dialogue Debate
MacKay I lull, Goderich
Monday, May 28th
commencing at 8 p. m,
It. Rt'•I'ii\'M:N Mein/N•11.11• 'Ii•EN. 11. i'1 i \t I':
Admission Free. Collection and Subscriptions.
uud Mrs. J. WI son, jr., and faintly. Irwin, patrol, $15.75; Herb Curran, matter further au,} found flint the 000,000 for admission to the pietury
and Mr. J. Wiliam, sr., of 'Auburn, , patrol, 4$s; Jake Hunter, patrol, *ii;..,,,.tps.iers uud ecxdutx of Payments theatres, and of this row £3,000,004
salted on friends In this vicinity one Chas. Ritchie, patrol, $18;' John J. =wdU bills" ma>' tee• dlvidn} iota has to Is- refunded to the State for
day this week. I Foster, patrol,,, $3; Jos. Dineen, pa-
a- v„ groups, those who court t rattly ++ • ,•ntertuinment lax, Tht rr, era aDDre1X
Mrs. McAllister and Mtie. Itichanl- ,trod. $7; Nelson Graham. {strode mania for hiying. knowing they have Iwalely 14,000.uuo cinema -goers. and
sou, of lhutmaulluIi, Mr. and Mrs. W. $5.55; John C. Dalton. patrol. $1; not the; wherewithal .to irl)' for their their nttendan:e number 20,000.000
e 1. liietl:irl'ou of Toronto and their '' Wilfred Drennan, patrol. $1; Gard in ,.'truv.ug:+ri,rs, and thous• who, W ithoili t''r reuse. .
trieud, Miss Jackson, from Delmar', Reid, patrol, $2.50; _Jelin Kilpatrick,
any perverted Intent to defraud '•r The higsost cinema, in course o!
.I„ at "Itorlay-Yuut --with reintrvrs salary,- $73.40; Lucknowv - • S,htitul. , rtlTry _t,,»y, oil..werl - 4lsesutia arw -t" rretlea i eixxula, rill _prat over
printing, f7.50; 11uc'ripul \}'or:I lalru the orbit of "sines lrtcin¢." 6,000. The .tmalleat cinema in the
oe; e. ' supplies, $15.39; John ltullin, cl.,op f 1
air-. Il ori -vu and ' babe, of (:•sl- .•Elie fernier to time hies the r credit. world is at Neu' lea Mines, near
cnrh, are vf,itina with Mea. Harris •uy claim, 15: Rich. Jcohn-tan. -h "r 1-tH ibel•'lex e b,.the res;Met of their Array. and Welty barely 100.,
Lotlt.•r Mrs. 1Mr1!ltel Chawue}-, valuator, e2; tc dobnst„n• lar+t'- - fellowmen. whle;t IP grunter than ere -
••run L
hal. doers, .S. No.
b:e rif ltlurrale, were the guests of loth •. p.m, �r• !*' earned all.; if yon a,'�ept -•ry ,.
Thos.F sen patrol. Bbl. desk. $
h,50; ergo P• r" • ' ' •,it. \dal..• n bargain and keep it.
sL. nut ITrts_ .ire'hte Stesser'fret~Wm C)'u4 Datml, $'t."n: \\'it . ('1
9 ❑ dt•h:. R'. �. Ihcn i.. the -1••(1.1 l•••
Mrs. \vs-. McAllister' Thursday of Council t April t I
T'arcetz - Iver beth e."- �rt-rnot.[ua
and G (u - - -
iu r„r the ltluevule creamery out,,�an recision of assessment council
ar ouri
ounc•r le i of ',holt Ills title to Iris "iay'" for
time to let job of 'ten ire :e! M :t- ,
►lritttia's blind 'population is in-
er.-aaltug. Irl )Marsh. 19"" the nunl-
ber of blind persous registered was
46,552; this coluparea badly with the
guru for 1925, which was 41.140
Mr. darter McKay Mn. meet May 26th at 10 r� clock it. 1,30
)1ei:ay Were In this ticinity c,atvas and McKenzie eoune(t :.dei"ur,:c.t t•'
a c last week. May 7th special ns- 'tmr-. alir"1 �'--
\Ir and Mrs. J. 1\'. Boyle Called onconsider the building- oar-Phtltt I,''rl-
•a-ieh frii•uds one da)- lost )eek. Res. 1 eight -font 1 nini foo' I
- - - t ten -foot concrete bridge temd,•r-
CARI.OW be opened June 2nd ttt t Ftrow .,. --
I o'clock p.m. KM. cooties' of McK, r.. i.
1'ARIAHv. May:.--Mt»_-Arthuryl and Sullivan the folk'-' it accounts
Mae•.h•l. "C lictrolt, and Mr. Fred were passed: Sawyer and )lasso}'.
' slxealel, .4 Monroe- Mich., visited their i No. 5 grader, $155; Ca da Ingot it
i an Company, grader, z• I iia; -Gordon
brother. sl r. Paul )la.rlel, Und�Ti+iiiflj'"• Ritchie. erecting fence at McI(nt-t'r •.
,•n Sunday. $18.15; W. G. Andrew. wire for fen,.
Several (iron; here attended the fun- -$14.1;1 •. W. W. Hill slit int-ori---tw►t.
aqui of the late Mrs. (:'haw, of Nile. ' $1.501' local Board of . Ilyalth,. Ap_t-I
meeting. $1$.60;_ expem.•s to Ciint•,n
Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnstne 1¢ttrttle4. with patient to County $oma. $10:
n. ti:elt lune here on Thurscleir ,Inn. Tigert, tile: $53; Harold Tiger'.
hxvNw spurt the r with their hauling stone, $5;.G. Barger, patrol.
daughters. Mrs. George Paterson of snow and grading, $11.25; H. itar-
furtnto and Mrs. B. C. heir of .lar ger, patrol and gradin_. $20.25; in..
burn. A. Johnston, patrol and grading.
alias Jean Morris and Miss Ilam- I $31.25. Frank Willis. patrol and
iltel, nurses-iu-training in Goderich . grading. 47.25; Nelson Graham, ea-
hirs{:ital. spent Sunday with Miss Mor } trol and grading, $1123;_•..9. Fielder.
rig' parrots. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mor- patrol and grading. $15; Milton Kil-
ris, patrick. grading, $7.50; John S. Kil-
Mr. and Mrs. G. Richardson and Patrick, hauling stone. $6.25; John
soul of fort Albert, spelt Sunday withKilpatrick. team work, $14,10; Jas.
Me ----sad Mrs. Herb Morris. They I Webster. snow roads, $1.60; H. .J
were accompanied by Mrs. Ja'sxfe I Blake. patrol. $11.20: Sant. Swan:-
wan:(Hirer, of the rause place, a sister of I patrol. $23.75;' Roy Nears, patrol.
Mrs. Morris. $12.25; Herb Curran; patrol. $21.75;
Mr. and Mts. Arthur Clark visited C. F. McDonagh. delivering graders,
whit relettves at lit- Helens and : repairs to graders and drag. lutultng l
White.4cur'h on Sunday. They were wire and inspecting fence:Zl't:'ttM.!
aenannluiuie.I by Miss Phillips of Buckingham, dragging, 719.95; Jno.
Goderich. McNamara. dragging. $15; Wilson
Rev. E. Poulter gave an exeelleut Irwin. dragging. $15; Thos. Shackle -
sermon on Sunday on the sul,jes•t of ton, dragging• $13; Albert McGee.
dragging, $12; P. J. Murphy. drag-'
-ging. $11; Roht. Henry, dragging. $5;
Wm. Clare. dragging, $8: R. John-
ston, dragging. $9.30: Jake Hunter.
dragging. $20.75; T. J. Lannon, drag -
sum have
p fo ed toear on the most reliable, best -wearing
the market, for baseball, tennis, bowling andall and other
pastimes that are enjoyed
dren. They are here in the latest styles at the most
reasonable prices.
Golf Shoes are
now in stock in the new patterns.
Goderich, Ont.
North Side of Square
••in••vi••••elvsINISVIaIII INIII NU•l11tian
aa iIi
we . e,i
,, Neck .
• Asphalt Shingles and Roll Roo#i'ig ■
The Leading
Men's Store
Straw Hat Week
Chas. Mac
1'1 ,.a
AMOTHER department of our fast diminishing stock is now offered to you at ,
very low prices. Hundreds of satisfied customers throughout Huron .- .
County will testify as to the wonderful bargains they have secured during
the',past three months, and the prices we put on this section of our stock will be
equally as interesting as former lines, and we know they will go fast, so be on
hand .early, while your sizes are here.
individual responsibility. taking for
his text the 22nd verse of the first
chapter of F.Phesians.
.1 number of new cars have come to
-or neighborhood: Mr. A. ('kirk• • in $13: James Alton, plank. x1Me:
new Chevrolet ; Mr. Melvin Tyndatti'} Jn R Kilpatrick. salary. $39; Jnm. 11c-
,' (t: mr. --a Mr. e\•• Roan, a Cher. Kenzie,- car fare. $3; Sam. Sherwood.
Tether its: imingllat tr sow - ba.sd care Tare $•t..-Relaw No. 4 t,. pro -i
(ethers are coming later. ride for expenditure on township
Mr. and Mew. Stull and lire son- roads was duly passed. Treasure r
ion l visited with Mn. and Mrs. Gar was instructed to deposit $1500 in
don Lamb an Nundocl They were ac- Dungannon hank. Council then a,1-
cumpanietl by Mrs. Allen Wilson. ad-
journed. C. F. McDONAGII,
Miss Mary McKenzie, of fort Al- Clerk.
hent. ae4vanprnied her brother. Dr.
McKenzie. on a short visit to their GIPSY BAND CREATES
relatives here last week. EXCITEMENT AT EXETER
Mrs. G.Paterson. of Toronto. Is or:
o short visit to her parents here this OgMf7 Whiteside \- l ins in a Game of
Boots and Oxfords
IN SII,, N 111; t<'tttT'I':
Misses' Oxfords andSandals
ter T11 -
The new Ties in basket -weave cloth
SIZES_ -ti to
SALE PRICES $1.35 to $2.95
All with crepe soles.
SIZES 11 T -h -`Z -
SALE PRICES 95c to $1.15
BAYFIELD ,Exeter. May 18. -'three m„,,•r
loads of gypsies.. who were II I.I,F -
itAot I Davison, r ^_L- later clerrd -•-for t• other
rtltpe rssnlThe
let, who hart been the guest of Miss today, were brought -to, t s town. but
Marion Mcis, returned to London gypsies
t of
on snottily. Derry.
Mrs. itt•rry. alias slarRclret and Rus- a co+nplal,tt of Thomas Austin, living
ter Burt. who were guests of Mrs. F. north of l.'xrDihnr. - who complained
W. 'Baker, returned to London ou Fri- that, 'after having his fortune told by
a woman member of the gypsy band. i•
day. he missed a considerable sunt of 'I
Mr. r. and Mrs. Eric York, of Toronto, r'o'sy.
were guests ricer the weekend with \nthorftlPs hs m. with the assistance
Mr. and Mn.nMrs.., W. Baker. of Mr. Anguli. harked over the wonder -
Mr. and eI. l guest of witSth
theh- ors. but the party. who had told the
ray. were weekend guests with fortune and clivi' 1 the detainment of
butter's sunt, Mrs. J. Fraser. the bund el MI /I not Is• Inca ted among
' Messrs. Law•n•ncr and Fred Fawlle,
of London. stent the weekend at their the three carloads. numbering In all
over n 11074.1 people. Then a start
WITS coatis by the {niter to senreli the
Morris Kingand friends, of Strat-
ford. are steting a week at his. aunt's
o illitnside to tint) any others who
' might ls' associated with the baud
uttMgc._ anti
Itcltl-herd "--- •
Mr, r, and S:ou Sanely.
A. Sfustttrd. iwpa tt- In the course of things l'ruvtliel:il
Ism am! Fantl}, who shalt the past Constable A. Whitruhle, of Go4lerlih,
winter in Florida, returned to their who land been notified. appeared cal
home oil Tlmr+.lay 13s1' Illy stern• +nal pr,•1e,le,1 to Rive the en
Mr. A. IV, Anderson. of London,
forr4p a 011,s another "sues acct.
` 11111ed In 1hu ,illa¢e on lremdtuy. This pnaelun• wa• complete--nn.I
Rev. F. It. 1h1111 mill Mrs. PAM: re- ea.,u'tice. sitireg suer what se,'nb•d
▪ nirniii hone nn Friday. having spent .are.• ••tor.' i,f eLahing to the
IS he pest itweek in London, n ar sent of a I(rae old louring car. a
. Sir. /11111 Mr.. I1. Peters and fatally• httlta•rto nneen tn.•mla•r of the• l' rte
f Stratford, spent the week -end at
. .was re•re+t:ed•, Tlu• nevv•fmtnd guc••t
, it i'liiie• wti, m wenn'., and strnl{thtw41y she
III \I s. Chapman nail Pirie 1'hxpman, v: s ;,,catlllarl by SIr Austin as the
. London. are spending a few days nl
e, n wJ+o lout besur telling his for
...r tarlta¢e', "Everest." ume
tills 10.141 E1BsN1, of Detroit. spent
\I • .to.tlti iirnrld ttot--he mire. bow-
rrt! Ili. semi' hail obtalne•i
1\'. P:lt' ear ,•:wh ''e e„twl'hritneth of hating lost.
▪ Holy communion will hr celebrated 't\ I ii t..• matter was n r
end with her mother, Mn". tl
v IoM discussion
. ;,t s,:qe on II'hitsnndny. May 27, 1n Tri- „n, of 1114• men of the gypsy band
If scat are planning to shingle yon: lions.• fhb. spring. Pic t.,e:l I ,, tt church. „il, re.! 57 t„ a l all aepnam, and a gut•
advise you to use ASI'11ALT y111NtiI,P:.s. They will stand np i„r 111
\urninatienr far Pnitre Tnlsteew.- !!s'ue't mss 111"11:1'ilill reached on this
years. II x,naienti„lt was held for trustees for I • a
(lr, if you are going to paint annr horse. all y not arw• A1: I' lo• idles village of hayfield in the
with t ••n,•' rr.totrtl. tie tourists
• foe,
Ny L► tiH1S(4LFIl litansave the c, st and tnarhh• of painting seers I ly nt;er,cnrd ret off pore ilrISt l
nominated were 1C. J. 11c4Acal, by Wm, in vice• dire r sa of llenaall.
few years. Art Blend Shingles will give year home a beautiful . town hall oar M,.n..I. ev s^esl, how•
11111 Anne.clef \reeve' and E. F. Merner; W. R. \\'bile In Exeter Slav cleated mneh
11'e specialize in Shingles of all kinds and Roll RsrnfinR; : Jowett, by Gc 1' Weston nod Wilmer
eA. interest'ornl no V1'1111'1113. of hostility
\I 1 e, l : P:. P'. sterner. by _ \\'IImIPr %cos shown. :\ mother with a them
,lay.+' old halos was one of the party.
be (:w,rtM (castle• and W. it. Jowett.
Orli' prises. WO call MVP Pan ntmey.
Robt The bale IoM Orr. --The Sunday lir. It .I Phelan has min -hosed
d h � 1 lee lo(ler was a t!•�
ltlslr and John t'n+tle: A. P'. Era n,
a a Standish "f John (ler took place on Sunday
Phone 369 afternoon from the nee of Mr. fr.•.4ic t‘ .1
. F `lode latter, n ren -
▪ East Street, Goderich Walter Woolake
al a Nan is
a.. ■ a a a. NW' a a U I I U i a■ a a i silent of Stanley township and was tennis road.
Oxfords and Boots
BOYS' I to 5
\\ Awry Iii' I:C()\\
SIZES 11, 1'2 anal 1:1
Brown Canvas with Crepe Soles
SALE PRICES $1.00 to $1.40
CI ill .DREN'S
Oxfords, Sandals
and Ties
SiZES .1 to, 1(I1,
SALE PRICES 85c to $1.00
Softie with Ankle fail- and Strap -
"The kind vim Ilk....
SALE PRICES $1.10 to $2.50
Ladies' Boots and Oxfords
I I . u,:, - ..I Iatrt=t "ho, s
"1/.1 :t„ -
Also Tennis Oxfords in white.
SAI.E PRICES $1.2 to $1.50
- J
The above litres are all new :•tyles and patterns, and all have the Crepe Rubber Bottoms.
1, led high with older lines, fmrn 25.' per pair up.
Everything on Sale and Something for Everybody
"Retiring from Business Sale"