HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-24, Page 3The Signal's Clubbing List will save you time and money. We can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. 1113E SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LiMITED, Publishers. sin A Steady Cash Income VOU can realize on your field crops only once a year -but the re- turns from mixed farm-. ing provide a cash income month by month. • y WY yoarurll*sly once a year? GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY 24, 1928 thanks of the Presbyterial were tend- REGISTER PUREBREDS, erect to the rdltors of the various local i ADVISES FARM PAPER papers N•h1c1 published reports of the 1 PRESBYTERIAL W. M. S. MEETING AT TEESW ATER Encouraging Reports of Work in Maitland Presbytery The fourteenth annual meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial of the Wu- men's Missienury Society- of the Pres- byterian church was held than KnoxMax church, Teeswater, en Tues icay. Mil, 1925, under s-ery happy autep SessIuus were held morning, afteruuon and evening, and the materially beautiful sun- shine shine without aided creating greater sunshine within, the glow of which was felt which the hert of the large assemblage gath- ered for the da)'. The occasion was unique from the jubilee fact that it marked the golden the of the Teeswater Auxiliary; profusion of golden dowers, yellow candies and electric lights, draped with shades of the same golden hues, were all in keeping with the happy event Th�yal Bank of Canada Goderich Branch - • F. Woollcombe, Manager JUST RECEIVED .1 SHIPMENT OF KHAKI PANTS 'Five dozen Khaki Pants, well made in heavy weight duck5 or twill, cuff bottoms and belt loops. Sizes 3'2 to 46. 1 Special at .... Men's Khaki Tanta, good strong make, cuff $1.25 bottoms and belt loops. Sizes :i2 to 44. Special at PAINTERS' OVERALLS Men's white Overalls and Smock-, Special 89c price M. ROBINS - PII0NIfs 384 SouthSi'leSquare GODERICH Dollars never west sofal?,befor 'n•hi,yterlal• The dedicatogy prayer mus offered Good liar Mock an Influence in Keep - by Mrs. F. E. OOO1l1 e, of Kiucardinardiue, lug Boys ou the Farm and the singing of hymn 582 and (The Farmers' Sun) closing prayer by Mrs. Jolla Richard- A liurou touuty homer, tl seworinif ative uf sou brought the meriting seasitM to a, lite stock with a rep civets The Sun recently, told of a sale he bud /Shiner was then served in the bass- cat- -Just attended. tress advertisements meut of the church by the ladies of "tied announced that good purebred cat- �tle were to be offered, emit people the Teeswater auxiliary.near nod far. When the I Mrs. (gee.) Perrie, of Wfngham, who iy the president of the Prng and y- terial, presided at the afternoon sessions, While Rev. -.A Forties, pastor of Knox church, Tees - water, was chairman at. the evening meeting, in which members of Presby- tery, which met oa tate same day in Teeswater, joined in large numbers. The morning session opened at 10 a.m., with the singing of Lyon 43ti, after which devotional exercises were conducted by members of the Wfngham Auxiliary. The minutes f the last Presbyterial were read by record- ing secretary, Miss Mather, teof read by Kincar- dine, after which repo the secretaries of the various depart- ments, encouraging reports of advance- ment in all lines being given. Mrs. (:err, of Wiugham, the corres- ponding secretary, ��e fl rohthe ed Der byteriel fur the pri in being one of the delegates to the Provincial meeting held at Guelph a short time age, and paid a warm tri- bute to Dr. Margaret O'Hara, veteran missionary lately returned after long service in India. Mrs. Carr reported nineteen auxiliaries iu the Presby- terial, with 550 members contributing ►n $4,138. 211 meetings were held during the year, with an average attendance 350. of Mrs. The Home Helpers' serrrtary, Simp,uu, of Molesworth, reported a total membership of. eighty, contri- buting . t'.r17.a4• Twenty-one home helpers became active members during the year and ten 'take the 'Glad dl „ The afternoon session opened openingh the singing of hymnr exercises by members of Brussels aux. Mary. lu a very pleasing speech, Mrs. (Rev.) A. Forlw•s, of Teeswater, delivered the address of welcuwe. The address of the president, Mrs. ferric, Wtnghtum, was full of inspire- tiou. After a contprclteuaive review of the year's work, from ell angles,•in which she made feeling reference to the loss of several devoted workers in the Presbyterial during the year. she extended congratulations to the Teeswater auxiliary upon the attain- ment of fifty years of suevessful mis- sionary efftirt. Then, using as the Lards of her remarl.st_the wools Iruw Exodus 14:15 -"And the Lord said un- to Moses: 'Wherefore critst thou un- to Me? Speak unto. lite-- ekiidera of Israel, that they go forward," she pointed out that-pregwsa.-shonlil he. the watchword for the future, and, with this end in r%IwuiiV y -member oof the Society afresh her life, her time, her talents, and her money, that she may have greater zeal, greater devotion to God's service, loftier aspiratious, higher aims, and a constant increase of the standard of our endeavors work ands a fuller servi in erf the Master's, vineyard. Hymn SND was then used in the service of praise, after which a most pleasing feature theofafi uuon see - Kivu took place, Mr'•, of Teeawater, giving a resume of fifty years' work of the W.M.S. of Tees - water, which celartirateaits golden jubilee in miasionara work this year. •re Mrs -collies came from present cattle were being sold, those l were somewhat disappointed at the auuouucement that, while the stock nut was purebred, the pedigrees/ been resorted. Now, from a commer- • cial standpoint, an uuregistered pure- bred ure bred is no better than a grade of equal quality. There were meta at the sale, 1 so our informant said, who were of will- ing to pay a good p One tows and heifers offerd, if they I, could have the "papers." farmers. Breeders tell us that many when they buy bulls, or even females, I often try to buy them u few dollars cheaper and nut take the papers. This is a mistake. A good animal is always worth more, even in the ordinary- farm -• herd, if It is registered. Never Wailtilit more ttewireW� _u keep up the Ix goes than it Is at praie•ut. Tlte, time lecomlug when the live stock men nu f this country will clean up present of tuberculosis, and under the system of pacing compensation the 1 there is anything more outstande IF ing than the value offered by the "Bigger and Better"Chevrolet, it is the extraordinary value of the Used Cars which Chevrolet buyers have traded in. Your dollars now went never n so far before, as they fineogoUin the purchase of 'a really ed Car. Never before were Used Cars such undeniably good value. Here are a few samples from our stock of Ch1 -828C HUDSON 1924 COACH Excellent .1'nps' $660 CHEVROLET "490•' TOURING $100.00 FORD SEDAN. Cord Tires, 1923 $1 60.00 1P25 FORD COACH. 1•.srrlient ,baps, $360 CHEVROLET GRANDLET$10O 00 FOUR-WHEEL TRAILER $50.00 MacEWAN & TEBBUTT CHEVROLET DEALERS FRED ROUSE (Mechanic) Printing First-class work at reasonable prices. Call The Signal when you want a job of printing well done. Telephone 35 Groceries for the Summer Home held, which was presided over by Her. A. ,Forties, than special feature of which was a very interesting and inspiring address on the missionary work in the foreign East-Furmusa. Korea, Man- churia. Japan, etc., where noble men and women such as Dr. and- Mrs, Go- forth, Miss Caroline McDonald and others, accomplished so much by their 'Patient and perseveniug efforts for sit many years. Opportunities for ser- vice conic through wide upon doors lit these couutries and there are many evidences of the uplift of the Gospel on every hand. The siugiag of hymn S:ei and tile Doxology brought this Who is to supply the gro- ceries when you move Into your Summer home? The grocer in your home town, or the grocer nearest your country home? Telephone either or both and --- find out whennand how they can make deliveries. Then yea can fix a regular time each week for placing your - --orders. • A sure and regular supply of your favorite groceries can make all the difference between art enjoyable and art indifferent Summer. Kis 1'.I,;11'1'Y' FIRST NEAR NO .1. 0. F. CAREY & SON Limited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 Masonic Temple Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Established 1869 liratl Office. Waterloo, Ontario D. D. MOONEY,, Agent. East Street. Phone 250 Gefleeieh. Ontario. J. W. Craigie Real Estate and insurance The Armstrong Real Estate and insurance Agency and LIFE INSFR:1NCF. (Sun life Co.), ACCIDENT. SIC (Suu..ti, AUTO. ETC, INSURANCE 1\vo charter mem 1 and alts. a[ac4hn.,td. each accotu westing to a ?:.use. punted by a little granddaughter`11 a o a clop of O116een oiiueas: Houses and tot* In• GoderichV4 • alled to tine platform and pr The .!Cerra elected were as I I VI - 1, etnity, and Ennuis for Bale _ with a pin in Dour ,rf the occasion. President, Mrs. 1'crric, \\'iughaw tine charter I moreal- tering I 1 at sale w coolfor A fitting tribute w paid to anotherregistered purebred is Large nutulrey listed Aunle ck'� presi,kut, airs. It. ale\\ Wnney,1 than the grade. Moreover, the market I most any price. or location re - charter member, plc lute Mrs. Dus. A. Su; is cvud vice-preeldeut,'i fres •rthe redgra breeding Moreo stock promises 'moat cliarric rhrtrle- Iil,a'it and s c• 1 Grant, u former { n stdeu 21st o was Mrs. A, StruMrs. Brussels; third tin to continue atruuq fur souse constdtr•• other usotlera improvements. called home on March `list of t• he president, Mrs. enc, Mrs.TMeter;' aide titue. t see to locate any kind present year. fourth vlr Ytfth cert. lt.l\lrs \o be ter..Ii1 Kincardine; fifth v►ce pra•sideut,' airs. 1 • We appreciate theTadthat a good I of property needed. Mrs.re- theproposition• few of the ninny llslod; all tont cummissiouer to the r t' air.) Diwlnruu, i. uta ; `' r urrbr nt'.I 1;s, General Assembly, gate an lit- Mira Norma Nlc9xils,u, south liiuluaa; average farmer than u poo p ' >r • spicing address in which she presented turrerlxouolhrg secretary, Slrr. Carrel lout we are squally emphatic in stat yl�;�, -e ot.,khe work -and. -.e'•- the magnitude appeal fo candidates made .1\•iughuw; recording 'secretary, ( profitable. .����1J1 m a stirring for for W. J. Morrison, liiucuruine; supply herd "f cs lnttmuuylto•aeeii�c•ould be la- A�Re,tod house; 2 lots and tian..41200 uvula TS nits. Mrs Linhlater, Tecevvater, theMIA- shot of 408 Doug- 1 1. N Farm is _ ._ reported seven re- flora. that natty farmer: OM Bands' secretary, baud s, with a membership y murk. Miss Dorothy ou three bands did not report. TDs, to- la ss f Lu roxretur)', alis. G. Douglass, Lucknow .I A fine exrellent condi- Bands baud fcartnt!v i�--�•iiil`}1Ero t�'d In the homestead throug4 ilk pal s was $6 from the eb be -I worm of the ft st weekwko is to sail for For -tion ; Ravage ?turn. by later, Tecswatcr) library +.fid Ifteru- i g,sal. wit sir unprofitable mediocre A -i,,,o house; 2 tuts. smnllw ndle.t67b0 Benda was �toeradvancement, I woes Crst n ,saw U$ er Jure sert•tary, Ars. J. J. Elliott,Wing- lee-12sure that ry. unp fit u lug Ies the . paidaltilt ble meat, which contributed over $300 in Strachan,-SeTib, to httr,duh her a ev w I.ery .ills_. at'a•k is the g 'particularly noted la this depart- callbow )Ttutut• ltelyieis x+rr excess tofr, the contributions weres ported.for 4 warm tribute cifor thstep r she was • 5inupsuu, Molcsvvurtpt; Glad 1'idiui:y, boys !caring the floors though they A neat'r'Maratre��ul* • ••�0 when fourteen bunds rep ciretury, Mrs. Porterfield, !h•lgrav'r. � ` Irutty vnn tnnlmul knew nia not great. unt. The cost of rl 1f Ont• � .( +ag'Kal pwell-tx•aled Duns! =1600 wrkouar uud welfdre secretary, Mrs\good house ; foil modern equip - of treasurer, Miss Norma Nich- takingand asked for the prayers of I I 11' 3t't:ar• 1\'iughuw; pores nsretury.' "t❑ select the ilial heifers nod conte I �31fi0 1 seated u motsl all ft her behalf. d paling, tilt tit to a high -lest h fifer a rico atde I ,Ked. garitre ulson, South Kin oss, pre rendered,' , encouraging report, sauwing u total. Atter u. solo pleasingly offering airs. It.'Ditvide.,at, 1)wnp;iowwu: )u ' � Kasen le built up. Then with n of y.4,075.t34, or �4 In excess of the hymn 575 was sung Newell's tlertt'lury, Miss Carrick, Lucio I • an . 'louse and lot; good Iavatlun=1( the gathering with a en„t•t ,.1 now; life Members' sterelary, Sire. J. 'toll` judicbus trehertiainR, a profit allocation. Theo tauxiliaries ivu 'lands, lighted Teeswater Mission Band de- J. Elliott; \\'hrp;huw. ab''� market eau be iiPvelopied. one -of A number of brick hou*r*, modern 1,trted_i4.7217� tine the members of tira.dutiottr the best things about purebred stork � euip{s•cl, tine,ondltiou, excellent luta• .__ _-- •iall,•n-- !t offers. tjon. Prices running kip• � j070.78 Young Women's .Auxltiartes Incl $ +whs-l�y 17p), 0. .$ d CG I T groups, `120.23; sectional the Baud which to one of the largest The renewing rtxdutluus were Tptserling t< the e+*+a ass, t sial was also •much eu- with other progressive farmers. The :Cc1;i0, 1321N), f:S.''i1t►. �• t 1 oak is gentle $4500• n - of Ill! l're I e , with til •pure , ' a I'JTags, sent o- The a Provincial - t - - yet * rc for The r�ri i h Nur a were I.' lit' it ra s,dverT, ilial A mangier est vermes, 3`17 was to the Yruvuurlal toes! i)u 1{e-" Richard Mceitit gooey, of edge our gratitude to Almighty God ally a meet farmer. I pale; well Improved; plowing done; firer and expensesf'theamounted to . e n by aid- immedkile possession. Ark about them. but reviews year. The extended to tile Women's Missionary for His living care *find all -Nice g Aelrfleld auxiliary doubled Its centro- I I)uugaauou, who in ha•r opening au utter in bringing us through usuccess-' t (Mice days -Mondays, Wednesdays, treasurerur of the p swater on this, the co• - tut year, and flat vac rcadinu our be -1 ' Saturdays, or tiny day by special requested that all money 1 f cSa a off their golden jubilee, greet -NI to the d fhatiKr+U - God, in the request. v. from the wulnen of Dung+Innuu• ilibllit of the Jtibk and in the For all particulars WV or write I REPRESENTATIVE WANTED forwarded - each mooch, also thata note warded with each contribution. A be- quest of $500 was received from Brus- sels. The allocation for 1026 is $4,12.- 07. Mrs. Porterfield, Belgrave, Glad Tidings secretary. reported '420 sub- scribers. an increase of Torr y, which $140.45 Was received. Mrs. George Douglas. I.uc.kfOW, sup - Ply secretary, reported $322.18, this being made up of hospital supplies. twelve quilts, new goods, two com- plete outfits for boys. and Christmas gifts. Supplies' on hand from 1920 were sent to the Cecelia Jeffreys school. She requested all supplies for this department to be forwarded by September. 13 he also intimated that no money value Would be placed up- on second-hand clothing. Mrs. J. J. Elliott, Wfngham, library and literature secretary, reported literature received from six auxil- iaries and forwarded to lumber and mining camas, lonely settlers, hospi- tals and school homes. A gift from Teeswater of $12 was sent tothis ► le- imrtment. Much literature was id during the year. The welcome and welfare secre- tary. Mrs. Ii. Mreport 'e, Win gitani,eightgraver avr an interesting i visits ninde to hospitals, shut-ins and strangers' homes. There were twelve removals,, and eleven of there came in- to the church. Miss Carrick. Lacknow•, Young Wo- men's Auxiliaries' secretary, retorted two auxiliaries and two CALLT.I grouter, which contributed $123.23 to the Presbyterial tr'•asllrer. $111.50 in clothing for hale and $10 to the Ilea- coness( and Training School, Toronto. The life membership !scretary. Mrs., J..1. Elliott. Winrham, reported twel+e life -memberships during the year, four In. MemoriamI. 17 junior memberships, three blue seals and one silver weal. All the above reports were adopted on motion of Mrs. Forbes- Teetwater, and Mrs. A. Rtranghan. nrnteselt. Three tee'tional meetings were held during the year, at Molesworth. Rel - more, and Aetvfleld, which were help - fill and successful in every Thenk offering meetings were held by almost every auxiliary at Baiter and Thanksgiving The press secretary, Mrs. R. Me - Whinney. Dungannon, gave anll re- d the port of the year's work a ni a a g iu ) he in forth fu stet she,"a as said •!i u r. h "\1•s, bold," $aI d'x•triucs of ons a terttrt iu T s this i cher early and its the Westminster ('uufeSaion of Failh.1 membrs. our this H the lovhouse , 2. That we platin on record our t church of i. well ld- We Isis- tor, Rev. C. ll. McDonald. \\'e re--' heartfelt flunks to the council extra -1 juice with yen 'in completing fifty tie,e, the highest court of the W.M.S.1 re's --' missionary service-41ft). t of the Presbyterian Church in t'un-1 sda- -fur the sp sero hr rendered years • of o't'ter: to thbriank dour hs' tU1 In the years since disruption, day oil io We thank Buriod to' and bait' N'e- le-nfllratr +� day for your steadfastness remain of with and to ahy ,Sn their•Ieudt•rtsull,. cud way Koh purpose miss with y gratitude be expressed you.' Site likened our missionary,' 3. That our rk to that of the farmer. "\\'e are i to all missitmaries engaged in Peeving r our W. M. N. fur faithful work during the lest year. 4. That we soitigiy record ' our sleep appreciation of the years of faith fol service willingly given by our lie loved president, Mrs. ferric, and Mrs. F.. E. Gorulie, vice-president. 'Their gentle tact, patients., M•IKd„ni and foresight have added much to the «'t'• cesafui development of this orgnnizct lion. 5. The eneroaeliment of the wsirld upon the Lord's Day is 'see1. ming va'•a wv promised a seeltlme and harvest. Got crowns the season with peace and plenty. Farmers consider the land, the aced, the time and place of sowing, the growth. the laborers, the harvest time and harvest home, all of which are 'equally applicable to missionary work. Doors of opprtunily are open in every direction, so it behooves us to obey the ,'„remand: 'Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel."- She emphasized the need for defin- ite prnvt r for „fir work end for our missionaries. grist menace in our ane Far away, in a foreign kind, urge our members to h.• ever v'l- l,, They wondered why their single word' licitthe Sabbath Day be kept In., had potter. 6. That we go on resent as de, .1t hothc, the Christian women met to Ing the growth of the llgtier That we arnestly s„licit the ,s• - • pray an loaf, of all our women to the tell The womnushocd of our church were � flog temperance In the home. clan I. commissioned by God to gather up the of • g;enniags and the Lord of the horveat school, and that they endorse mil iltl odes them Into sheaves of gold• Gamete means to bring stout t"utI hi- mu i - mt 1 en groin. Greetings from the l'reebytery, which met at the came time as the Presbyterial. were extended by the tncxlurater of that body, Rev. Chas. H. McDonald, pastor of Litcknow and 1)nngannon churches, who very feel- ingly made reference this lthassoein- Knoz then for many yeare church. Teeswater, it being his home church. An Invitation from Wfngham to hold their next annual meeting there was gratefully accepted. The singing of hymn 374. and closing prayer by Mrs. W. A. Wil- liams, brought to a close one of the most succe(dul meeting, ever held by the Maitland Presbyterial Women's Missionary Society. Afterwards Mrs. Carrie, the president, in replying. presented Mr. McDonald with a w,iuv6- nh booklet. "After Fifty Tears" con- taining an hisser -lest *ketch of the Wo- men's Mis*lonsry Society of Knox isre*bytertst. Teeawater- in the evening an open meeting was Ihit inti. er•,.K to 7. Tint we desire to exi 'refound sorrow at the loss by den•' on March ":th of Mrs. J. Tulle, I. Whit Tier e-arnesttiess fir. kindly spirit will long he remember, by the 1'rcsbyterinl and we extend e heartfelt sympathy to her buskin. Rev. J. Pollock, ter filially and I. congregation where she inhered zealously. and it la oar wish that Ih'' 1 secretary of the 1'reshyteriel send n.l copy of this resolution to the liercovet' husband and the auxlliury of IV. hi. S. ' of Wtttteettureh. S. To the hostesses of Knox church, Teeaweter, Who have ter graciously en- te9. Anded tuonwe thisliress o''eacnr slongoftltheir \V. M. S. Jubilee we extend to them our beartleat congratulations and best wishes as they continue to advance the l Kingdom of our Lord and Master throughout the world. MRS. noBT. DAVIDSON. Preps fler'y .t large tlnnnchtl and broker - ase ('orlorati"n, dealing in iNrnds, Ileted nod nnlist'vl t4toek. and al luting Securities. .with head oftt's in the ('ity of Turf oto, desires to appoint a r'sponsible repmw•ntntfrn for e/triet. • Aptdiesais must hove clientele and furnish best of rcfer•nccs. Apply BOX 29, TIIE �IIl;N.11, Goekrleh- f OFFER Woo SHARES II Elkstone-Kirkland Gold Mine SCvera1 .. oil for sale. INSURANCE Car, Life and F're W. J. Powell I'Iurne 2112 P. O. Box 43s J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Estate Agent P. 0. Box 89. _ Godertejk, Ott. Geo:~' Williams Dealer in DOIUNION, PROVINCIAL. MU111iCIPAI, AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Fire. Life. Accident. Automo- bile, and (leucrnt Insurance Agent Office, next to (tank of Commerce Phone 63 f+odericl Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada "tiers many attractive forms of policies. Consult us • regarding these. H. R. LONG, District Agent Goderich Phone 115 Stocks Bonds Grain Market quotations supplied for any listed stock. Orders promptly executed on Toronto, Montreal and New York Stock Exchanges and Chicago and Winnipeg Grain Exchanges. Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Bldg. GODERICH, ONT. Phones: 430„4.4 44S WINGIIAM SEA FORTH Private wits conn'•' note. with all leading stock and grain exchanges. r