HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-24, Page 2..•�....� . �,, ..r...,_�... . %—'rhum:lay, •Yay 24, 1928. imeallikStunai ESTA►lt.tS►IF:11 198 GODERIl'11 . : CANADA Member of Canadian Weekly New! - patten Association Published every 'Thursday morning. Subsertption price $2.00 per year strictly in advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTLNG CO., LTD. Telephone 35 : : Goderieh. Ont. W. H. Robertson, Editor and ]tanager Thursday, May 24, 1112R. EDITORIAL NOTES Blossom week In Huron. • • • • • No matter whether It Is an' early or a lite spring, the trees manage to get their leafy clothes on by the 24th of • • • Are Just Kids safety buttons Ie- eoming ":etgal tender" in the juvenile world, or does the wearing of a dozen buttons increase the sense of ;impunity from accident to the wearer? • • S. The T.lberala are wisely keeping out _of the South lime mutest, ea far a: putting up a canditlnte 15 -enfleent4.1. They will be on hand with their votes ..ot1._ i•'•ec't T dtslr-Mol. aueeetta tor Ptettgrrasire eandl.late seems to be assured. Appeals have been entered by W. T. R. Preston and F. W. Wilson. of Port Mlle. from the verdict of the jury eft (tohnurg awarding Sir Arthur Purr:. rid/ damages for libel. So the sent- is aris not over yet. • • • ' Tia' Federal Government, ie.•ording' to report, has "turned flown" the pro powti for an increase of thte memieret indemnity. Thla is good news for the taxpayers. and is good news for the, member', too, if they only knew it. for the annonneement of the propose.' "goal)" aroused a feeling of exasper- ated ctpi■*aithen throughout the. cotuntry. • • • Although Queen Victoria has been dead more than a quarter of ft eine tury. the holiday honoring her natal day appears to hetet firmly eeetatelisheel as ever. As the first summer holiday of the year. it is popular in itself, and as a memorial of the Queen who pre - aided over the British Empire for more than flirty years it is a great Imperial anniversary. Long live Vic- toria Day! AllsosM tine a eedits - to the a u tomo - bile, wreaks( to a aaediet4: authority. of tuberculosis. Pea - - I/ 4 PO than they formerly did, glRttng tdtre fresh air and to mibine, and there has been a marked reduction in the num- ber of tubercular patients. The came medical authority statue that Ontario has one of the lowest tubercular rate' in the world. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. The Week at Ottawa ilk' R. J. henchman u l laet.e. May 1J.—Ottawa had a Liu ,• dise•uesiou the other this' ,on the yurstiot of patronage. Most appoint- ments ere. made by the Civil Service commission. New abut sounds all right on pipes. It kooks like. It ap- le•ars to avoid the evils of patronage: It curriest with it another difikialty. 11ow would you like to le in charge of a iwpitrtwrut, tryiug to run It elf;• . ti'tii, trying to make it pay, and ( .. mpt'l.ed to go to uuother Ituresu la s / „iilcr to secure the help you required `sls fur the work? It Is probably trail that there is nothing too lad to be said about the patronage system. It la tgnully true that there are a number of things which are not very good about uploiuttneut by the Civil See - vice Colundpsion. Attysay. the ques- tlu11 cute at last to a 'division In re- gard to certain appointments in the Department of Nutioual Revenue and the vote as curried had a majority of only 14. Progressives,. Labor and I'. F.A. voted with the (ronserratirea. In.-ideutally, Mr. Dunning threw into the discussion a tart reminder that in the P1vtvinee of Alberta, where the the l'auadlnu NLtiotsil Railways. coo- faruu•rs were in COW rad. patronage ducted in a Tampon. 0_ pi, under -held sway. - We. way_ put it down at glass, and friends anti enemies alike this: When parties are put Of is,wer. f would know every s-r.gt made Alba*" they are entirely in favor of appoint- nsan in a,nttectbn vi ith ttte organlaa• $ei iutme'rs yiT""'tint the suminereseent by- the Civil Sere ct Cotut 'salon. tion. Publicity baa its uses, but nsln tants-ratan of the water of Lake eau- 'When they are in homer and feree�tte not carry ttielt-...heuria tarso at Toronto la lower titan that of with the problems of tnteratiug their aiie•c.w: nor is every tarn and mice Lank.• Iluron at Oc„kertclt. One -W Ulei deleartments-with etlkirnvy, they lose in a business orgcnnizarf.•n .auhjet-ted faith lea tie system. 1'he Progressives. ret wen'tieaa and eeuIuhuetie,rir1Vt1 twagirie that the water -farther away anti U.F..t. are iu favor. of applying. under the ryes f ,. iii-titors fa tlM from the cold reaches of Luke Super- the ('(vii Sert•iee Commission plan tel some line of buafoi,. _- „r would be the warmer. It tray lie. the laborers working from day to day however, that the musses of ice twee- on temporary Jobs, but Fernier Gov-' leased earl in the sois,n from the ernmeuta in the Previte -es lire not so ODe of the first tanks of a perfectly y Upler Lukes and pattering. sometimes _o about such a plan as far sensible Parliament, now that l'aelia- as their own patrticcular Government. went bus made flit. reasonable change weeks later, through the lower lakes are concealed. of shortening Its speeches. is to do Het as a refrigerator for the latter .onu•thiug ill reg,rrd tee private bills. bodies and keep them at a relatively Wherever the word "permit". creeps It i. wore than pr,.hablr. of course. low tennps•r+tnre until well ou in the -into Government affairs, there is that a great many bills which come sc .t 50x1. somethtnur doing. That applies w•he- before Parliament ought to In' kicked IT takes but a few mo - meats a day to keep your stores well polished with NUGGE Shoe Minh H et preserves the leather and prevents cracking, top There's a Nugget shade for every shoe made! u present erasion is one Thomas Church. 1 Someone made Gtw remark the other day Oust it made little dlffereewee what Guvorunteut visa lea power. lie clamed l that the statement was capable of I matheutatIe- i proof. As proof, he 1 'uhmltte I the tact that at one time the u,tn. Tia T as (" burcit was 11410e of Toronto, that he I -Id that position for a nuwMr of , and that the city of Toruuto was still Os e•sistetue anal ' ecru happy and prosperous. fir. Chervil *Peaks often. With difficulty do theme who are present towprebend what he has maid. ills .yoke Is not I very clear and penetrating. • ids thoughts are tart logleully put. lie Is I at tltnes loquacious in the Mitten)... and Carrie• In a ttbnone tional tuneon w•hh-It feutw•mareliugbieetochersa- at and still fewer to undenwtattd. One of Jfr. Church's pet desires is to have the National ttuilways oper- ated somewhat after the mnutuer of a ! town pump. Every time the handle creaks the people ought to be able to' step to the door and see who 1s try- ing to operate it. Now it happens that we have certain railway stations in the United States on the American branches of the Canadian National' Railway. If these have been painted or re -shingled, then, iu Mr. (`hunch'- idea, Parliament ought to know u"o reason why and a similar amount ..t taunt and an equal number of ehlggles ought to be applied on some railway station in ("anada. In otter words, Mr. Church would hone the affairs of _ tier It is a permit for "tonne" or a d"witsiairs of ao teri'.eet as to give penult fur the admission of a would-be them au entirely ditTereut form and GIVE CONFIDENCE -.icier into this land of promise. One context. Still w by n„ means, jive M..1. Caldwell, a Regina alderman, lilies the House in getting rid 4.f the.c TO YOUNG MOTHERS `t„iaru Wit' e! lonizuu ttee im- bilis by talking thto death. Phut and stated is a toast stupid la•etarferUu11nt'e. &tme-' that be bud had certain conversations one ed.jer•ts to a hill coming to a vote with the 11011. Robt. Forke in width By Always Keeping Baby's Own that gentleman had suggested that cer- Tablete in the Home ' thin we+nters of Parliament had pro - tiled rather haudsuwely from the A siwp.e and sol.• remedy fur the business of t•lwrging for permits ae- rowmeat ills tit hal.yb,n,d and child cured. The name mentioned In this hood storohi ler kept in every how_ Aonuection was that of Hon. E. J. where there is either a baby or McMurray. To this. the Hon. Robt. Forke gave young child. often it it uteesaary to give the little ones something W break a clear and emphatI denial. Be had up a cold, allay freer. concerti sour not Issued permits on behalf of Mr. avoided b 1, y the Httalk" effort of stomach and bent''Ii the' 'trrltsedHty' McMurray. He knew nothing of per- certain members the Ilouse. iltat aeomlanles the cutting of teeth., mils issued by Mv. McMurray. He ErPer k'ne-ed mothers always keep mn•lr no such statement us that at - Baby's Own Tablets in the home as a tributed to him by Mr. Caldwell. If The days of Cie }lousearenom- gal —"eguerd Mast the troubles that Mr.('aldsell bad received (hie in -1 beted. The seesi-,n of lar,, -28 thaws seize their little odes so auddenty- any+formation, be had received It from i to a close. ft is not a session that safe with a wire the young mother can -jr',-f<asortubly somebody else. And that's that' Io - will be °°em°sable-nevrrttteteaa a the Tablets at good many w likings have been cid entally Hon, R. J. Manion, who was for emertt•neeee. In charge of the Department for a done. If it war"not be outstanding liaby'3 Own Tablets are a mild but week or two during the Conservative for great things access c shed, there i thorough lnelliv,• that act without period, took occasion to comment that may a grew deal less cause for te- I gripping and they are absolutely gust- his record was clear, his skirts were Bret than wit!, certain sessions of the ent-eel free from opiates or other Ovum he had had nothing whatever to 1,ast witch ., on the face of harmful drugs. They are send by tar de, with anything that was evil during them, a bit more re spspectaeuhar. dkiue dealer or by mall at 25 cents a the period be was in office. So the box from 'The Dr. Williams' limileinE ystery, if mystery there is, remains Co., Brockvilie. Ont. 'aa deep and dark as ever. .� • • • • • for fear it will pass. With clue rye on tthe clock he stauth up and talks. He may say nothing that is of any moment to the 'House. lie makes two preteu' ,• that he does. Ills ''''),.-t is to bury the hal1. • He is not 11. .1.g that it should go to a vote. He a.:: accordingly. An intelligent House ,till deride by a vote. in w'hieh intelligen,-,• comes into play. That I. precisely the thing which ie at was announeet last week that Dr. l.eentinet ('arr. Conservative mem- ber for East Hamilton, had resigned BUSINESS MEN BEHIND ADVERTISING SURVEY Des it rethy luny a business con - 111 am Free," dteaays: Kidney Trouble Ended by ' Fruit -a -tires„ FV ERETT, Ont.— "I was troubled for some years with dyspepsia, and kidney trouble, from which it was impossible to get relief until I started taking Fruit -a -fives' Now, thanks to 'Fruit -a -tires', 1 am free from those allmentsand able to do my work without pain or fatigue. Mrs. Thos. Evans. "Fruit -a -tires," by the gentle natural action of intensified fruit Juices and tonics, restores normal action of kidneys, stom- ach and bowels, and gives relief from backache, rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia and head- aches. 2Sc and Sac a box. Sunday Afternoon By LABEL IIAMII.TUN, choleric)), tint. My body thutaks I givest, For: