HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-24, Page 1i ,
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a .
fr Qubbin .Rate
ie' ignal and The Loudon _ _
Free Peas is $6.5o —
50 amid pmt the cost of Pending a mousy
L similar saving on other Toronto and
tailla k, -0 11 -
Zh A I
"'4,4 la
- I
, T 1i i 6, 1)��
1.1, mst ,s'I�d_�
SDAY• MAY 24, 1928
' Aggressive Advertisio
is the key to success in merchan-
dising. As a medium for reaching
the' people of Guderich and district
The S GNAL is unsultpasaCd.
TO PROVIDE t • A Debate by Well-known J[en On the N. S. FACTORY ASKED
was 8wander , Repatlts so wgthlg ar
MILLION DOLLARS iprovincial CaapOsr Preparing fax Duulittleru ,}Y, b Meet Haran (in.ellr.tl.n (kreapay of 1Jq(sor ('air►trvl -�•�. BY SALT COMPANY
I The last regular tfug of Movie arnueJ fix Liberni 'Pile annual raduation exer•isev of The latest thing in apmbhtaltuu
lr Mnyor MucF w called a pub- 'fit � g
lKef Chapter, 1.V•D. for ths•/sa- lie uuaeMug enlug of tltls Aa1►ociYUnll ark;, + +Flurun will (,. ik,,kiudra Marine kind General Iles entertainment and propugnuda is t
son war held on iyty•iGth, for re`ept, held 1 tbq IL tcln haw, on : rRal dramatic dluh dolmttt, which will
wank, et then ba 1, lu orug of for I Y g I Atilt tie held to the auditorium of rine
nt Yftd lire. Harold Taylor, yrviidto ichor Dioniniun, lay CI[kbrsjioo iu Unit- I T�"r4'r9 -Ifs �', voniAllnciuRi MacKay flail, :.North stmt, on the b+' held 1u MacKay ibll un ]douduy, $y18W i0T �'�O�aiC Of Park
- asternand Irurinery ar fulluwr+i'aarr fur• a Iii. A -large otb@Mtoee of eittzens I at 2.y?lock. ,�I". kir th,• day , vvwiug of Tuesday, May CJth, core -1 May 28th, , uuuwr4ing'at h p.m. The Houle Property Adopted
Will include tYrg- IK n kit o ls-ers, 1 menein at 8 u4:1 k. O1 recent ears' s kct will to 'Liquor t:uutri,i b
U11 soldiers' wonumeaiCsive to be repuiu rookolo d. '•
t�t+el'�O • ' and lour rtlembet{yg mouth are to tM �a,'. And an adtlreee +Rl be O% on by Jir• I this er�i'bae been grossing fu inter- he particl{aat¢ Ora well lenew'"' , C011IIO)u
" responsible f Y floaerr oII V 0,186;m Mission Band Bassair � Make 3tlllPr, Fust F:Iglu. t est and IfNperteuae, and it is the -re na Mr. 11. Ruthceu 1LdnMti. Ben. It
y (t is ho{,tlaj JIl boe. o gu+nl at c-ot hope,o( the hospital officials that twpuhtr barltOna t Sd►. Asn. 11. Pt,r town cuw,cil bad a wash .adrd
J fgtl by the game.' A.dort iM► !n additlun Zrlae ofticpre kind mrmhera of lite, —
tu $]0 ttlratdy ettboe was rutlyd fur Maai}tllivra Jllxsiwa }land iuvitr tettdAuae :gala its kit the ridlant. thi> ygr7uay eaidence na even greater Spruce, tDa w'eLL-known pruhibltluuist ; + hippo: tare nt the ltgulur marling M
fiie�, W, Ontario y iMarrat thou read• befuse. (our h.x>lrital air. John Bnchanaa, bast I>,rinfuaun I Friday night, slid It Nas'after 11
the Natiunul 'A 1 y'ttnd• A everybody t(, (r,qa to their an,nal � 41t.dF
ORare Yrizea la reetdprin • a a Tem animmy'otrrious avtr dlrru ►ragaer and feu. lie Ilt4e1 �alurlaS AStmlela t egaiaallfas servke to tits Couucilldr of then iWy t W re of /,'dtacl trIleu adJatrutlfsrLt war reacltWt fund at the 1'avillun tpaome • attenuaun In t* lecture rolsyl of ' Tile Mry of the, Ahtlseek coatmtlutty anti the general public and 'temperance. T11Me three lid f th,Curucllor )rout oris tltr uql t♦susirival of Tbs CDapter scat nil- nox church. Afternoon tat will be I l'Laptcr. I.O+s bald a[ cbr Ppalr 4. dMspriring .rf all pPtArtble encw»nlge argue tttr 9lwsatioahack anal forth, at 7deers as a delagute to th Per ad trials. 3 o'clock, aad supper frau, ,tic library oar itfteruvon, the Ibent. A large atteflu}ance at the 'sometimes with hot exchaugrs of re wntN.
aks; a atat/mlot ►Ida heeu Fartee. The tai cvllct'Urr, iu accv,rlauce
meeting of the I.11.1/.E, in ti to 7 gjrlock, acrd there w111 he intoleg I n•I,ti kit, filrP., Purxldlug. Thera graduation will lie appreciated. lion p
e QUO the 1;ale of work, candy. hone• w'as a grood tat I , a uu,t en,vur• cb•on will be served 1n the community Mr. Ruthvell Md)ooa, will render N-Ith lu-trtic•tons at a pre%lous meet -
and gees report follows
tbfn to, itubtcS• A �rt IL the Elghth Annual Aibe� baking, etc. iltiag reports vtrlde: 'utast. It was room eller the ceremony, xeThe solos dight the evenLlg' fug, presented a Ilat of all arrears of
a ger►eeit*1t I- ttecided uaaniso,psl) that it -
Ch,Ipter The Dared enables
thrilling band solos
Ing, PrevCoelal (9mpter of Utstasio, duunte tDree . one to V'ieturial 1'resentxtleto to Mrs. J. P. Brown talning and roubles We bringing out ta>pl 'TS,fs Nies Thuttatl to the
needs and Abe ilrul LU.D.F,., Held in here OW6 QBITUAKY school. one to I w•bool slid one Jlrx. J. P.' Itro\cu, having day{wisaKl in a forceful wry kit sattirnt facts and Bullae, ,•owwiabletive. Thulgth WrrC is
o meat t1*. TDe Jeugewt , ettendatfee ns record to the Seprrrta . 1. to be given bo of her prapcny in fUMa, puryc.xes I froths. affil R euwdtietahlt awuuAt In arrears,
statepent Is a. ib la s: ii ,$ was yre#eut r Aha mnlIIins lteettone. the pupil" O* tics higbeat stand-� leaving .shortly for California. At the Sdalleslon is free. but collection and tj�c Maybe thought that satisfactory
V M (XKt#'F.lt sul,ltcrt tions will be taken for educe• prigr m was bring wait- Its r-ttucing
,etttti ilrg0 Ate• t Our wax luaoJread u1ld fwyreaeeai with vn•I+TA Lig In )!)tlRltnb +i<lfsu at the rut close ,.f the prayarnteeflug in North I P
7 vislon scrum pr M lista der °gni 7- brother of MI nrlte exam s stet United a•hurfi, un VVpeinr•Plt ey t►ural work. 1Rle public V corellally' the uterso t:
the 7blvesrAt d p'esteta On- led rttiMlllet undertaken And The death 1901 at Wluclxur ori l esters were teceicael from the A {.
an erected. tont Do Leo g�p1!ped S g Sunday, May 1VilliamCosaret, evening, she Nas piesenta•dl \vitli anI inlviltrl.for tion, iii wttIl the stili y t Stnrviv, of God- 4 � PkUJe -- -- a►wt A oomt►laLely L+fulytud - R. \1'ilHauts Tfschiuery �uuslwny, 1►ps� +
m de glen kir auhee<in1!ntly elty of Atte Provincial oElcrro. ankh. 7feeen+lorl•- W&A thirty-three I Eztetlaly�t :ui.,,:s are being •'travelling companion." The address PERSONAL MK NTIOI�I O°t°' esti sio W..Petrie with
price , c
nalutenowle. The educational, child welfare sal years of agp. 111�-�jmx beorl►,Jtt }Ants-, made for fhe n1c of I;,,, flurwt was read by Mrs. J. H. Colborne and of th tui ask fur a ltat. with National
that time the deman� upon Immigration wont was reviewed. Many sal#, Ont., and *# l time fesoi at Old ovyi' Am hots of Toronto at the presentation made by Miss (Rive ' of Atte ma In the oto NaUuaal
'nlver•sitS for Its sere hire Chapters bail aaoirled schools In re, Sraforth before mhving to VVin.lmor. + the exhlblttpn g d:s en SutunlaS, WOMI)rOoke. Mrs. Brow retrllell .tu Mr. Hent Ure Duff. of Dalt. was n Alan air
ylua The
1. wlr
ued to increase to '0extent mote districts of Northern OntaT10, He is survived by five sisters and one I June 28A 'rhe ,dred posekuges of i appm-littive words, then hrief r{eechen \'TMs. in -town this Wilkinsonweekalso aQ a (vDaWsm mea.
eegdtu ria calendars; and llbrarles, brother: Mia John 8111MY. ref (+a1' i tea, donated b T. J. UptonTea were made by the poalur, Rev. C. F. Jig. C. A. R. ulsun rps•ut several (u the committee
the student eusoiaent ban g flags. S t in nts
I,d. As the result of this to- and keepin in touch with the teeeh• gyp; Mrs. Wm. IWtnt, Mrs. Thos. Cu. for the " tea race," will be Clarke. by Miss 1. F. S►tarman. B.A... dnya at Bimooe fest week•
ars skid children, many of whom were bu I of (7omher; Idea. Win. Las•k- for [he ladies, asp slid Iter. J. F. Ford. Mrs. ]frown bait Mrs. Jas. Hnmliton and Ulm Oliver A ved frena the ex-
srd enrolment Lireindrbtedoess of w11: attract! vett •d}1%gyps eKAft$3000 fo
forelguerr• A Aw•t of I7<nt's 1}iatury �, of Trenton ; Jfrs. Thfltp 1$tll- ; well as the ►t" of the Canada 1 Iii -en for many cearlw a /leveler) mem- are spending a few days at SavGarth.
Vulvenrity has aln, increaated lteuden had been sent to some of ,eOe �k1 air. Jots pooper, of Windsor. Vinegar Oo, o cases of their leer of the North «trot church, and Miss C. A. Ibaley ban returned from dwpdiug . r of =3000 for
your to year. It at present to. these achoola. Thto work was much The'remalas were brpugh[ to Galprlcb t+bpk`est TLA •'J. A. Mel ham hmu active, not (,lily In the verl- Toledo, Ohio, \%here she spent Ileyeral the Park Y.
p Apr. (' the Cotterell
eppreetated by the Inspectors, AS tbfi from Windsor and the funeral took Loren•. pri - s palre of shoes, (MIR departntentl, of flip church, hilt week". Mr. LV%lllu •U, advisory an -
$025X". Will" was sorely needed. Canadian- idace R'om the home of MIs. Jabn will appeal S and girls, wDtle, also In charituble work and temper- Mise T. Stirling has retilm d hums
well known, the studaaut at an, teener, wM at 'this jwa.'tune,
� Illation wort was teeing ilotte !n larger 9tnrd3'. Elgin 'avenue, (,n Thunalay. Atte ."!.tet prim, of au auto- soup work Lt the I•ommnnity. Tho after mpw•uding sternal mnutha kit there being aevlrti : vlinge that Do .
ity pays far loan than the eytd- centres and (rhildreu tintlleted with May IM, do pA%m % cemetery. Rev.
Ape prat el, Diff tuiuun- la mobile tufa' er will be an at. Rrmwl wixhep of A host of Mends will I'xfsk•y• wlPhed to hfdug beton lht cvunciL
Of tliefr education. The LO.L.N. ill& not J, N. H. MUls conducted the sarvicos treetop. for eu. The Andrew a(compwany her to her dintat►t home. Mr. Frank Riley, of the Bank of He believed the emticll had dune well, I
tap of the st-AenI at "1V'estow, duplle�nte work already belug done, but I and the railbstArs were John Stilydy, ` WIIaen'Cb': g special prizes of Montreal, is spendingtwo weeks' vi- 2
La- fee's meet lar thail etse-i alt very uffeII the $gLrd at 7iSdoeatterfl win. Dutot, Thom. Dutot, Rola. 3mitD. I i he said, lu waling ' the rate high
the croK kit rpaelr�education. TDs, 6 , aigmr•t'for and tugsof-war. Annual .Meeting of Maitland lAdka cation st sis"awa. enough to clean up the deficits of tis
zelmnln thus "WNfeea" lilt tip would take over. w r* 9atah .as Ydult John iBekvrorr and AITm rt Stevenson. Pta+ddent Pectin .that erery The fourth unnuul meeting of the air. skid J1rs. R. Muuru oral Jinx.
1� _ edegatlon. cowgfonced hr the 1.1-1.11.1;. in Toroatu. 1w lad members of Maitland Golf Club tis[ few years; Blau p the purchase d
Ii for „uprn d00M Dr -Y of � Bur•series ha been estabilshed•In oc- MRS• -'WW• GRAHAJf }Huron old 4 S Gibbs, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with the !'ark Hostile yruperty. IIs urged .
After an flleteis of attwenl luv%a, the huaL II do gets duty." was held Thursday, May 17th. Mrs -1 friends fn town. thus nutting be done in the wry of
r edtwatiur for %'ser, boy and cOLfiitaesal therapy and letttsutvi col- - --- (:ea. Williams, the resident, presiding.
in Western Ontario." dfl p' wire making an of tur•1 Alpe, Am dRttsee Kerr, w•ielow- of lite late P I ` Mr. J. Heid, (,f the sales depart,
detltroy ittg the building, bu: instead
with -lesson :And use of tbetajlhes, wn rite minutes of th last meeting were meltt of the Western Canada Flour that it IIs prrourred as ore• of tlilt
r Board of eyorelliu{a, in facing William
f3rekstm, passed YNAy on Fri- I llrla �rri� 4
s problem, considered ver? asst- the del iaAt at her Uomr at �11tl,.1n her' Goo starting pultft reed and accepted. TDp fot►owfng ore• Mills, Tnrvmtu, sari lu town this week. pnudnwrkP of the town. The property
through this plan. Mlars ARuez Fliek retur 4241 how% un wdnhl be of govt Value to the town.
diftereiat ways in eFbll:b it might .dxtl•tbIf,a year. Mrs.. Grlsiem ware for tt0 Mil I�ht of the sea errs and committees went! ,esil. for
y $Preafal reference was mt►de tKa'Il year: 17esidkut, Mrs. F'rids offer a{,-udi Abu witttar at
mat; our being to reiae'p the stn a daughtdf,of the late Mr. and Jin, sonns(iet 'l the eek-ek lbs euwinR y uY Wn h regard to U,a taxation by the
t rrxroltrteut. Tilk was 91�n , in the National R'ae MemorGtl of (lou, ()lofp V911}1ams; laL vkwpn•sidilvt, in 1a
ll 1U.D•iA ,Ind the fact CDat` Samuel K Of tb t .Nile r,ectibn, ami Homing tE 'last welekehdi 1►etrof, , ,r anal .Qtiter tx/ la towtol:lps ig the (luturiu Wert litwre
r Baan- .Mrs. E. V. 16aszlle; 2nd vice-president,
w 1p J!!vr " the Let that afret'!iprr ge made her'bome et Three boa t3 islalle tubo Jlichlgan. �'' Campbell
property, Yr. 1
clnl ubAoctive would soca reached. Its,. tare dleta»pe "of Mrs- J. a[, Field; recretary•trarasttrer, Mr. J. PdcDernlid, Of Llltriutt, S/ t'awpl,ell adcau/ei the suggestion that
re were ski mage ng ayygtoatian4) SbeppafdtOn• rllet httabaltd diad eight bell
lid g :gets aaeworinl pr/sllljed Dulsaries and } Miss Jos1f'!!<ltftnders; blouse prmmtt-, ellen g y it might be foupd that no municlpmltity
the Leave Jean ago, +tom nulssar{uently Mrs. slight! ova suttee from din V ictasrta Day at the home of
scpulurebloe Lar soWitiras' c►tildrlrn, snd 11 w sir-11ae. Tse tee, Y1se G4{tb $eSnoltls, Mrs. iI j Iris nuts. Her. H. 1'. awl ]ins. -could legally
� would fasatats asoved Sack to ri:e, plye:e alfa t.. n to IlY Lr assess Lite property of ah- •
t ambled thep attend our unifbrsl- 1 pinta 7 a.m pod Edward l,1' �.' L "60me. firs. MoDetmid. other wanici{ality. lie cuumidered
W had since Yvcd. t�f terv114 One sou, Pigeons wpr. at ,
t ]t1eL one from sash the Hest tut t aQnitpr Naf TKrA. T. MltiMtipll, )ire• Jle. skid Mas, O. F. 1'lemsitg *nil the matter to toe /K autBuieut iwpurt-
t► ton Or[yrd aad 04u. I tot '• Albert#; 1►lao 6
¢ >Dt N ; 1Y[ere a! �hiM1'in R>C. flays.'itt.; golf committee. firs. fad.. Windom, ova •tallow up ,uwePtu warruut. its bring looked ilA0
f ill sad irt(atr- Ar ' 11. V. Ihlnlop, air.. Thank flsuudem their re ! forIs.4, .
Aha orf tilt 111 s. Jltxr . 4 Isr°• YL •� ton au►lcifor.
I, blih 11111
erlch. Tile fnnertl took p1acC Mon- I W. 1'itWad., ...... R1.34..1 Nr.:go , Jlims ('nthnrblP Tia,a; tpitnla commit- ]or, turd alga. H. FL :left � Calhiolrl eAfd Yit-it a
re it perhaps Do me- 2r.. d Tayl.ar, Miss Eleanor ekiri Irilwl to tilt• Nir1I,•aru frill dist�ist there could Are 1W PuwprUon of I(`h001
Ferew on which wnu d'Prov! Do- j day Afternoon, Rev. It. A. Lundy con- I F- fuses ,1_- 7 10.31 lee, firs. Flare!
tro*Jot with the same scope and vision S. G. MeKay- fiQ{y wN �0�.3• ' IFaym. Miss N. Melorrmid. airs. F. to scY• the great dixp:ay of blo,rd,m: taxer "TIk council has no more to
cessnry aunua: income of ;100,000. as the above. dueling the +erriaex. T1tr Plafllae:urrs -__
The Buard of Governors Lave were Messrs. Isacid Green slid Augua l W. I'illrladu c ....oil-:i_ra _ 11.02 1 ilia e. r P. Ep�AAh B fr• um .ufT silt: Jfr 'itRd i`tei*f; o vpltll'Eiiii1t15j It -M ae Tooktaz th e, e
u adlvWual Referent•- was also Itmdie to the pea Gordon, o! Rbay,pardton, Andrew Me- 1V'. Pilbhldo ......440-�!i:; ll.� 1 mlftrr: J[rs. Edith RAker. Jtrr- tlniversitj of Toronto, are Thi Chinaman acraaatht rosIf." Mur•' -
start -d this fund by mor l i aoe/1 tour of Canada by English Jlis Jlacnrn, \ir+. [1r�(�NMIII\Hlrn
lite hr.11days, and Mr. Iltrugias' flier, Mr. Campbell Paid, the court of
aoutributhous amounting to E1W.W1►• p1 Ilwalu, W'm. Rfttsou. Jns. F ltiutt and 1'lUdndo 4t1_N.I I1.M (Lir.
xhaxrl glffz this summer. They would f i•. Johnsfou ilfiJrrl 1t.0t Holrllem, sr., airs. Fills. Mr+. i, bottle from Osgoode Hall, revision la wholly' independent of the
The Pruas'inciap Guveruweut was ay Te -
go hack um emissaries arias kit Empire I 1pnae curry. Ltta•rmeut wars iq 1'• johnmton ......=)i 754 11.0,", i thur,t. Jifs. i). Moonpc, ilf one de- i '1'orouh,. council, uud its action cynnut be re-
pruached and uttered to provide'Nuys and tell of the p-ssibilllits of Canada. I alaitluud cemetery.
and ltrntans for the fuudlug of flat cida•Ii that the memis•rship and pn,•it] I Jlr. 1:, t'. Jlaadel, of JlonnaP, allege•, yisorl 10y th(• c•ouu.•il.
The work of the Navy League was MRS. W. H. MI'RNF:T i Now About INK lgandall! i cpmmitle,• should nrrnnce .the group+I 1111,1 Mr. A. Mncdel, of Itetrolt. hove air 1'awpbell also trade some refer- '
yresaul fudrbtaduraas; and, realizing also mentioned, and the care taken for line of Goderich's uhlest residents. Exeter 'Times -Advocate: (rn Thurm- I fur fhe Weilneirilor nfternu„n haaP.I nWnwvl home sifter spending the! e1we to tilt w%sessulent of residential
that Lire t'niveranty' fur like next two the willows and orphaus of British Mrs. W. H. Muruey. pnassed aN'ay dill ,lay last while_ a (oderictt truck was'i r'nmmencinR VV'ednPsdny. ,inne 13th. w,••k-en,l with their mother end as- prrperttem. Many of the more Yalu-
--relit, until the iut-rgat oil flit, returns soldiers and sailure.- - Saturday last at tier home on lluron- ytxnding iu front of I)r. F'Iotrher' a of- I ler at Ik•tlmtller• 1 p
from tttr l the Ped a•uduw•uaeut fund able, cru rtlrs, h- slated, Phuuld De
Echu(w, life official magazine of the road. She war its her ninety-first year, thea title of the redi Tires blew out and I _____:estm from the Harbou-__--__ Ur..atu, _lta.-l4Aber: Tuy)vr la- t1 _at-n_hlgher_ Jigure'..1/twsr------_ -
saaterializes, will Lived, furthur assist- I - but u to the last two years she hadana��ttts l+aeps+►silrt lIw praaAeut JRn Order, had o,OW subscribers 1n On- p I the Loud report wits heard fur several )tarry- grain sure+aw c,•utiunP fn arc burn, 1tt11n,trlNr. the PugaRPrnPnt of pri.cd pru{s•rtics war• roN. usmerdtrl -
1 a Wit*' +ly+•+rf-startles umtky „f rico at th•ig.port. During the past heir.dunghter, Christei *I' arI to Mr. ai tlgart-s ue,nr•r their real Vallee than
of $..N,t v a year to *300,0m. But t lisped four ureses a year, Is au exeel- cemhe•r :int• IW37, un 1'onge Ptret. Tor- the citizens in the bgsine s section mid \cepk itis following enrgo,es were nn- W. A. %%ate irT�l Z"i",,' the isi - „a+ tilt• ,ase wiTh tilt- brttardurT`
as been. made clear by the Govern- lent Cauadiau maguatue. 'onto, her maiden. narm being Jade I the eomc`umsion stlook tb.• tutildtngs in l„ndr$-Af fl-G.xleri.•li clrvator: (lntal- risarA. to take place early in Juuc• of prupvrlies.
kit that lu order lu expect further I 1'erhapw nue of the most Interesting Cheyne. Tho family mowed after- Mr. and Mrs, ltAwrl IhAak and fart- i
P-11. sauce, the •peville of 1V' -stern On- I the=vicinity. .\ hardware denlrr, alsrut ,I t'. 1^4.t1(t0 i114QiIP's of w'h�If : Anon Cattle a Nuleanee
:uldurss•s mus give, by Miss Bessie words to Colroslrg and then to Gore's , I(►0 yarlp ^ distant, tttated that tike c Mlot ^Olt.tl(10 hushels of whc•,It :. fly left uu VV'ell,esd,Iy nu,ruluK for ' The Muyur ad,irased some cdw•pli-
riu, who arc t►eprfftiug directly by MvJlurchy. Turonto, recently returned banding, Northumber:and county. Fur scn4atchew•arn, lrfg!Nwl bn�hels of I
�r Unl,erxe b services, directly
by I hnrdh'ure settled un tLe shelrcR. .V 'saskaroon, where they expeol to make wenhary worth; to Mr. Campbell, and
their share, mustfrom a visit W lite I.O.D.E. Chapter the last fifty-six yearit Mrs. Murrey , small piaci of lire passed under the ,-:it,: V'•Il(mrf1wr. GnfMm bit"lle•Is of their honw• for Pome tittle. Mr. Jas. Mr. John Wes[oft. of Kennett street.
at !'Icons, India. Mills McMurrhy hall been a resident of (Toderieh. Her' truck and struck a panic, of giros In lit 114,11f. JjI Johnst nl. M Goierich Township; has was next husiM. Mr. W'rotoo declare,(
The, !text stey has been to Appeal to told of the family himtory of Miss humtand, w•ho was A wPil-know'" citl- i Dr. Fletdscr't oftit-e, making a hole Carsroes Iilllu:I,ic.l kit the Western I,ri-littod Jtr.'lhkrk'P house In town. shut he war Rrvttly annoyed by a
lniJi%id1w1 citiaeur of Lundult fur a Sorubji. w'Do is among Ute must dis- Wit of Coderich, diel in 1`n0. Two InrRP entmgh for a footfall[ Nr go C:Inadn F'loar \(it's PI,•vnfor were: I Mr. IienlRins Clarke, student of the hilt
cattle that viere allow'e,l to
total of $1,010(),1)00, solids from the tiugufshed and intellectual of India's mons and A dnugthtier survive: William through and. scattering what ueivncd 7sntanl„c. lo"'osof bnsahPls (if wheat, l uiccrslty of Toronto, was at lits rail kit large and were Suing much
fact that tLe rpty, through taxation, aaiucnt-d women, la the daughter of T., Furl. (1. and JtisA isulw•lla Mur-', like a thousand pieces of glass lu the, SAskah•hewnn. 2:;09) bnmhels of on hotlw•, the .North street United chnrv'1' da igt.. Ile conplained also of luck _
euntrlbutes j;a:WW each year. Parsee family. converts - to Christi- ere}•. all of town. .Mother son. Berry. office. One- or M wTr.lmwcrs--}h--M,-N`ntr7rang.- 90,tla►t►--l.+P4"I" "f- • .furs -a short visit Olid -IL _y pruy-r drainage In that section Of _l
The uptr-al now to being carried to stilly. Miss tt„nbji was left heir to •filed twelve yrnrm,ngn. There ire al,o Titres -Advocate office was crackeskl by, Tile .teamrr JinPircnnrf ire expwrt�41 plain week for Northern unlatrio, %-herC 'flee ruN'n, skid fwd mane other gril•v-
the fourteen couurien in VVa�teru On- nu educational work comusmiced by one surviving sister, Mise isals•Ila the concupsi,u. Tlie the was, a new' this wPel end lit the nolerieh ele- ht. will be, cutimiled dgrhsg the mawtnPf, awes, but Ilia chief trouble was his
tarlu for tudividual c•(wnl, grants to- -her Parents. She has six schuuls � 111011e, of Gore's I,an.11ug. Ever ' „lie. not h:n ing bed•n run Very' long. , %;Itot. in forestry work. ghb ow's cattle. w
- _ tw•I
fallingtyp(h11W. Tlt1P, with a per- under Ler jurisilTctYnly. She conducts istttM eoming tOEbreferla•h lifts aiutuey .fte It mt[mispr «t 3fie akisens.RN+Is-, Fa(port-atltipmenis of grain from tilt', Jlrs. J. A. '1'hrnupPuu. of 1'auconcer, kir, ISemluu wits in[untnvp that there -
zonal appeal to be made to friends a most modern aeti-1 at Poona, where hnd been a member of North street ,.red around. Coderieh eleas•nfor entifinnc brisk I've' B.C.. a xi•ter of Mrs. Jas. McNee, Its- was ,t hylYN' dealing Nilh cn—flit•: ruu-
and gruduatee of the University, and uaodern educnHou fs n feature, and Methodist (now United) elalln•h. Aa.l __ ---_ Ills V 1'. R. And C. N. it. tannin road. In spending s few weeks [tiny; alt large, and the Public works
grants by cities, within the W'este'rn where spiritual training is an import- the fnnpral sw•rcirnm, on Tilt Ma,y. were Il. ('. Bawlrall Lefigue Reorganized Ronr•• fln(� fresh berrine,h:ne leen with her rv•Intfcax {n tntri and ciciuifS• ,.nuudn,e w'nm Ask(sd hr set, that it is
counties which we hope will nanuuut ant poart of the oogr•P .% alis# Me- coaldaleted by Rev. C. F. Clarke, pastor .� nundwr of 10 11 Iwasellail PlIthusi ,•rnght by honk nn(t Ifni. off till• 1dPrls. airs. Thongoson coos!' here front IAIs enforced.
to an additlonul $22,000, will produce Misr, deacribed the novel experience of that church. The iwillioeitrers were ,Is nifU•ndrd rhe meeting held at Hen- The Cndwrpl Snnd A.GrItel Com- ,%nge:v-, w'hi•re she hnd 10e•,•n taking air CittupM•U again asked the mien- I
Our oLJactlre total of 1<1,011(1,111111 for of hearing s Hindu teacher telling" the T. R. Vtiallis. Js. F. ThonNlon, A. 1). call last 'nutrsday' night for file pur- I pally, of Windmor. nre nuakhag fort
pi,wplhll lnaltmenl• tion of the cuuucil nrnt urged that n
the Western c IIII00e, and the neceti scholars the mtory of "The Merchant Melman And Jnmem tioggarth. Among i pace, or rv,rgiani•vi" the'Huron Costa- Al.lons for the r•mnval or gravop from Ill.. 1. e;r:ahauu F:Illott, halt. or For- 14,11 ,am Photlld !P• Ic%icdl u{Iun rew-
nary grand total of $2,111111,000. of Venice." She flip,) spoke of a we•t, those present were Mrs. Henry' Misr- I ty llasehall Letizue. The follow'iug t the nxnrth of the JiniGnnd Ttivpr. Cet. S;is'k„ Is ctmiting gets nimtirae. the ,!enf<, eP{aeolAlly y!'rug vaPrt, ,drt nater- .
/ f t ask tine countiare of Ing 1r( flip I.O.D.E. Chapter, held fn trey, of Toronto: Jars. IV Isoll - of " officers were eltwi,,I: Honorary premi- A nundwr of men alrpnrly are tit svnrk• Jlc\cc IM,I Gr+thnw f.lalthlPs of. trlwtl. N'Iss• Issying taxes. lit the ease o! tlsP
In drat I ug o
'% rsi unstittteue. for rants, the school, which the tleaufiful end THtrtnn, Oho, arul the lntter'm grand- I ,lents, Moyor it..f. A. Ma -Ewan, Goal- A sneton dreslt:le will Iso• nsc•,l end the i Ale ns(si,en I tvI this• cyearry' rnr•u O' to thele. . Illsiol, Co., hP hnd comp
the ail a ly c 5 R
It wait emu+idered that the amount to wrAlth, imlian lAdla•tl attended 1q ienu, Mr. i,oRtln a[nrnPy, also of I►nom{ i I. 4. mayor I(. 1:. Combe, Clinton* I Rrnyrl tnnisferte,p m'pr the rf%,•r I sifter s{s•uding two years gen {ost' rq the couclusior, that bw•oalte was di- 1
Asked Phould to-, governed by the their gorgeous and picturesque native ton. Ohln. who nlw+ is A grandson , I. 4. Hoist. Iligciu+, Hensnll; !toren' lorenk,"ter and fondr•d inhs'vxllNay�-*V•*dlsmle work Jul F:litalw.pand Intends -motly aa.a•ila(file.au;alu+t-the Company
De d
,student eurulmtut repnea-ulatice of dr•mn. No ort in all India's history, the iA1P MiP, JMrnpy. T11e tottrial RAA (.• It. FIr1yI1. Exeter; PrrpsLleut. A. F entre nn(i hnnfm for drlRrry to cations rt ramie Arra, r{ .1 rt y N rmther 16an xg11hlal the bulldduAl
each county, its population land esti- Phe said, bad'done As much as the at MatllAnd cemetery. I pletuing. IG-nsall; lat vice-president. OURtrpo pxAnlm. _ the Cnnadlnn clue". mhnreholders'.
auataol wealth, and its geographical present n•iceroy of India was fioeomp- THOS. W. BATES al. it. CoutpAn. Exeter: 2nd vice- I - tor. Iler•y^Il. Tom, wife and laugh- A rel.". of The i,undon Ad -
proximity to the Vnivermity. I limiting to stimulate interest in (aiu- The death dxrtlrred- flt Iletroit on i pr•sklent. F. 1, IN -an, Goderich: Aee- 1 CMTRC� NOTESI.T. of Wbuat{N g, JLIn.. Nt.n lit town %rrtl ser nddn s aoi Aha• . rumcll w1U1
I each ('Rase the grants are Sought ' ntlon in that land. Saturday' Inst of Thomas W. Bartels,! rPfnry treasurer, P W. Morlo•k, ('rvcli n' the week 1•ud, visiting sit the home rPfPr,•u„• t.. :a rys •lnl 1;oderich pr'gr
V Mise ,,M4 .fly linked nn not to for- ton. The exe,'nri\, dvrmmfttl`p will IIp +•r for. Totn'P father, Mr. .1. F. Tom.; to I.,- rwI 'n that sI ,•r tin June :kid. •i
on a flive-your payment bads, without I formerly of. this town, in his fifty iFap4i+I ('Lurch. Mn:k 127-th. Morn I 1
Jlidd x cvur(t is asked get tlot then• wAs A great silent vol ep { 1 +n_. "Inngserfert Farth I'hcy t-1""� enmt on n uu,tor trip and.! 9'ho c.•nu• it ,h� Ideal to Invent ;30 is
interest. lyse y xixth yPnr. Mr. Rates was a native of eking oslsl of n re .rp N•utatleP of each . 1,swer•d : '
to grant t+11N1,r0(10, kir <.rrr,lNltl Misr air I in India, w•hivIl fippreCtAtpd what Goderich end lived Vern rens fila teAm to the irerrgrlr' &► farflre ttxtmts :Ire gofrg mr-.lo till- I'r„%once ..f Ifae ;m :11.11
R :Usual Itrltaht NAP doing, and the end• ,.,,+1N4. W'hc `- Jr4fr= -ft- `fi+►f.list Ir nuQ svltl ►m• In I;odPrlph ngdiin tt
skim for $10live years. The auuerz n I Gmllife. but for iLe Incl six yegrp he had h,Ire mignilie-I their irNeution of enter-, Chnrcla,;, The I:rnnekhlnd 1'r(tpnitlea
Elgin, Keut i,ambtou. Huron And dferm And their wives Sent out from been u resident of Ih•troit. lila denth . Ing the Icwgue: Clinton. F;zptart, iiPrl- ytervlePx in V'ietordn street :'riled Ili a In the Plimmer. lir. J, It. eina •t%., president ,Of the
R I:reat Britain were doing much to UP- .all. (`reeclid,n and i:olprleh. A resect- Rt.r, M. C. and Jilr. iharr and Ibr.I s
rode rtcfi l acing and 'Profring Amadr-
O)o (,It me asked for per
of fF7;I,- folholvell ,a m healed' tllnesem o[ churl• nest Snndny oh follows: FI r:eo, nn4 M”. Jewitt Attended Me well � I laO.n, wap -next beard. He statrsl 1
dill each, or $1:,,00(1 Iter annum for geoid British tradition!. pdPortny. from which heart lnnfblp I bkpt will Ise held M ('t+aelitcm next aGna- ; pow•mhip. 1() aim. ; \curxhip, 11 n.m. roti
rive e,nrs. The t•fiw.t of these grants — dcvelopwedl, and the end cnnnP sud4ealy 1 day night to draw lilt the schedule for 7 p.m.: clagrch school, 3 pm. +ling of air. Stranlev i1n11. of Dirnsa•1'r•i tLat as s,s•1a as the council sibmlie the
y Farrrw•rs Oppa" "oulary Increase to Isn10,•l itiehardsen ilo.gg, danghterj hy'haw' on the gnunlsL:cra,l props,sitlon
In rho twitter of taxation Is onP of an SAturday e%eniug. A fnncrAl Per the Wilson. 1(Pr•19cPs 1n' Knox church Will ts• ,.f Dr. .1. uud Jin. Scott lloig. of Pr•s
.lot a meeting (,r farmers of the town- _ ___- ._— I PonduIleri nezt )(nbbnth b,. lh- tutu rhe lefoatfou would hnud over an
If-"@ thnu one-half will un the local rice wum held At. his home in iMir(elt - - ten, nt 1'mmfnn on VYprtnl•mrtny. ttrr. r}mgne for tI1NN/ fitlrl nlsr mak an
ship of Colborne held !n the Trm{w r an Monday evening, and oro Tucpday lyr'aforth Minstrels Are (load lister. Sohje(•tm of sermons: 11 n.m .
annual ams+psment. An(e linll, Benmiller. San Monday Vlr .lewitt ons the olAeintlu¢ r•IeruF I ngr� utPnt for the town to have king
This will not work a hardship to night, the rolxrmal At OftAwA for file tilt' holy wap Immghf to GoMrich, Irp- The Watfatth minstrelP. who Per.' "A Nati.n+'s Glory:” 7 r. m., "TLI• \lir
anyone, and IN A much fairer way of g p Ing secompmnied by tai+ wife And niln•r1 f,rrntrd in Mefioan's 1►lx•na 1}onser on •fpr'P ab•thods." 11161011th xIho,; .9 ruin. ASPiitel r of r. M. C. }'nre. Mr. hair of she, Knu,dst ay ,00metpts, fur-
appwrrtioning the otrjetive than to tip- irw•reuPe of judges' PRIAricp wait die- rrintiee•m. The fuo•roll took place on I ih+ll Io ii nrpMtw of Mr..DewIH'1a I if they had n Rraxl tiny mt+alrlldng fur-
cnssed. Aad a ranrlutinn was Adopted i TnPslac l.ieht. Nen• grlwtwl by a tuts ltibtp elos•Ap of 70 cidok' 'I'h.• exinninnilon Hort" kir lite f►nlario'
peal to flip citizens to raise the Palatial 1V'ednc•rday aftertwon from the old nudiene•: hilt if the People of God- , The W'umunl'm Ml.-sionnn Sotictr of Ihpr.
nnnnirrwrnms prMesting against that %rich knit rentlzcvl what a fine pro- North street fullest ellurrh will tak, itIVII .• of .\rt, published ret VTondny. ll;,w".weres for red to) t p Are s, az
by voMnrtnry PuiwAer•iptions, although nc•tlon. insfrndtions were given that family ho a on 1�'u;fP street in N'hich' I Bice Misty !far,- llowelf. ,.f town. fi follow m, were t4ferrtvl to ADP Are eom-
tltere are friends of the I;rdcertaify wrintinn t forwnnlesl the, darpeltrd wap born. ultmirice WAS I gram ware to Iso• put on the hoose, 1 rfiargn of the wr%irry 1n flint ehnn'h replete first year rnrflBcnte, with
e copy sof tbP r ae I nNrhr; ('gens. iiMIP. frame colt" t•
'whose invnnot will iwrnylt of their do- to the Mindster of JnmtleP, And ALPO to enQfiteterl .by Iter. C. F. Clnrkp, and I wosild have own crowded. Stiatorth (,n Ctmferane• Snnilty. Jntiv 3rd. Mrs, a fig •
Ing no. who will have an Opportunity , than pall were Win. Blair. Thos. tins always had A re attatkm for out- Imngley and Mlsa 1. Th,nnpo<on. who in n en in lettering Ni anal design, and 7Uch patch ; L. J. !taker, re tit; 11
Jtlps MAtThsil. M.I., who iP'tnkinR n 1 I I nmpeum sfody. Jlism Hnw'pll hap fou- h„tel kitchen. iiflmtiton etree•t; Fl.
Of making voluntary mmMbufimut And Anrly, W. G. MaeFw•nn, Matfhow sttanding mnPieat intent. find with lite* Are honor• rill fnrldaigh from Chins; will
IPitding part in the movement in otr Mrcrl ort training of air. M. R.,jiennip glte addrwPst m: tnrnPrl from Tnrnnto, where mhe had I ('lenrentm, r rarllnR Phnp Kingston
thtym tw•rprehante th(Mr no. on the increase of ](rites, Tlors. Tahb And CliAs. McPhail. ! fir.
riscorin of the University as bene- {sreitim to the pmprome(1 Interment wen In• Maittand cemetery'. for thin perfornalnce they p ntxl Anniversary Pervicem were("I'dueta+(1 past In +r. anti In ire the CnllheP con-
Ptncf: .Inco. F. Thomson. re Mt. Anil-
factors. •petArlem. BePidem his wife, dPrPsmed len%P% ttxvw A program mach am to rarely heard In Victoria Pfref Unifed chureh Well prat year. and In rpr Lida o the aeon• I -wq.g7irnirP, eroolinla rate; ng. Ne And- a
The eleven Cherterlod (•Itles In the mimfeits: Mrs. RAmsny And Mn. Roneh, here. Ilolns, duptm, gnarfets, eMrrnosels RMnday by Her A. M. Sfnnrt• of Mit- rrrniniAfinnp n! her frlehdm tm her mate• rew'm. fr mraMng dwelling. Newgate
eutrmlittwnt PnunfleAt, a{art ftom heel will Trp pprPlptnAllc known 1n the T1ni- d Detroit, and Mrs. Alex. Naples, (►f Ertl were wunR with Atte tono and shell, who drllrefvtd excellent dim- MINN. . revt; W. Walker, altering store
don, 1.e., St. Thomas, Chatham. Wind- vitrPify follndAtionot At the endowment ltrfintf(rN1>(. Thew were dill here for arHptfe finish. And an pxPellpttt nine loutmilrm morninit and perning. Spoil IAi front, Nquare: iL C. Ihlnlop, porch on
nor, Kar»IA, Wracwlmtoek, Strafford, gift of thst county or city, the fnnpral, and. othprot from a die- pl,rp or•hesrna gave mpder►A1d Anmlmt. mmnk-'own gi%cn redder the dirp,41on of Fall Fair Sry►tesmismor 17, IS IInfa H dwelling. South strwt ; A. J. MacKay.
RranffnrR, Kdtrhpnpr, GgpFph, Omen Mpptin” will be hold throughout the flnep who attpnck4l were MI, and Mrn, anee. 71 is imtowmlhlp to We tip Mr. H. Barker, e, olromanter. .lot the meeting of flop bonrd of r'onre VI(I'ling (lack kitchen into ttwr*IR,
Sound land Galt, are' being sated to tomnfl.•m At wbkb he Holden JnMlee Frank Miermon anti dmughter IXrrMhy, I prrogrnm In detall, hilt two aNtrllera IlpTtl(rP at North prnr•t Coital I dinrtors of the r:rol,•rleh Agricultnrap St. iMo e'm sfrePt.
meke Indivldniol gritnts of role dollar motlnrl Satonrp, dPging the work in of Detrvdf; Mr. Herbert Drealkelhnnme.I piny lie menti -441 dam tmtetandlmgly Phu" next Sunday mn follows: 10' SIx•lety )Alit snturday evening. the
More PAfilidns for Sidewalks
tier capita, or twenty centi per an- the •varloust dPpartrrsnnt/ of tip Tint• (iff,hkagel: Mr. Anti Mrs. Ferri Ilrewspi I ¢nese "Tile Sol.Merm' Chontw" (from a.m.• Mon'm ('into. Mimmthn RAM and dAfes or the fall fair (if holy were Pvtitionm for (+•nMnf sidowalkn, az
num (or flyp yeeys vrtrdty fmrtadmtlnne m(ff✓N Pttckrwmesrff hrNuQ. M Ann Arbor. Mich.; Mrs FAost). And the polo "The Admlrsl's followmhip clamp "i.lfe'p ::rent elnide filled for Monday, Tnenday And Wild- rollows, were received: South zlew
trery-eminfv and ehy grriM w1U be Hvpm from the Univerdif"J11 addt•wrs F'prry. of Font. Mich.: Mrs. Dietrich. Rrflions " by "Dol" iMM. S(wfMfh U B(w(k" ire the 011to •t id tri• InfresiwPpli neadAy, septemhpr 17, 1R And 1n. 'P}aP Inkrio : mi ret ort Waterloo to roe*,
Invested an part of ilte Rafla .kers and anWip+.•�N tF of Hpaprler; Mr and Mrs, rktrkhoidpr to tit, eongrnsnlote,l upon IW41W fiWp In the Men'n ('lnh by Nr. J. W. Arne prlrp list Ire In pnPrmp of rm'fmlon Atl.t ingtnn: ponth Plllr RrIMnnIA NMR,
dewmrot farwF of Hie Ueherdlg, Rfiriltng Aha+ fution ittli M' Isr• asNl 11[Itso Flpfpn Cdllethnlm, of Brunt- to pr(ahrcw plNh m galaxy cat tal('nt is mtrmg. PntoMe wnrdiltFp at 11 a.m. AVM the Twaarrl will (newt strain next Snfur- McDonald street to Rayflekl road; +
dNy the interest ulail, ams; sseb riApp. At". Is gnthere� together In thin colagW. 7 p.m. Sunday school at 8 p.m. day evening to complete ill task. I (Oontinued on page 8)
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