The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-08-04, Page 7ATTENTION FARMERS GRAIN . PROTECTANT For Control of Grain Insects in your Storage.Bins NOW IN STOCK Get yours today BALER TWINE Golden Harvest IA Haymex NOW $ 1 0 95 . 10,000 ft. Bale M. J. SMITH (CHATHAM ) GODERICH LTD. PORT ALBERT 529-.7135 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Antiques and. Real Estate will be held for ALBERT TOUT . Ripley Street, Ripley, Ontario On SATURDAY, AUGUST 14th at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Real Estate consisting, of a lot measuring 56' x 165' with a gar- age 14' a 24'. This 11/2 storey in-. sul brick sided house is situated in a good location near down town in the Village of Ripley. Main: floor has large kitchen, living- room, bedroom and laundry room downstairs, 2 bddrooms and bath- room upstairs, also basement with an oil furnace. Property will .be sold subject to reasonable reserve bid. Terms on Real Estate 15% down, balance in 60 days. Property will be put up by pub- lic auction at , approximately 3:30 p.m. Clerk, Lloyd McNeil- Auctioneers, Grant McDonald Ripley, 3955353 Wallace Ballagh Teeswater 392-6170 BRUCE COUNTY FARM REPORT' .4-H QUILT . • The quilt is pretty well pieced together and is coming up beauti- fully. The block's are from clubs all over the. County, and we are anxious to have the quilting, done by ladies from all over the County. The quilt will be set up in the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Pood Boardroom in Walkerton and 'quitters are invited to come and do their stitches - for 15 minutes or a whole day - at the following times: Wednesday,' • August and Thursday the 12 - 10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. If necessary, Friday, August. 13 10,00 a.m. to 5:00 p.in. We're looking forward to seeing you then. BARB DeVISSCHER, Home Economist. 4-FI CONFERENCE REPORT During the, week of 3une 20-27, three senior 4-H members from Bruce County participated in a Province-wide 4-11 Conference at the University of Guelph. Wayne Whytock, ,2 Teeswater; Lynn Mills, Tara and Dale Watice, R. 4 Hanover, were chosen to attend because they. exhibited leadership • two sons and two daughters, Kenneth . Wareing of Hamilton,. Mrs. Joe (Barbara) Legere of Stoney Creek', Leonard Wareing. of • Hamilton, ' Mrs. Norris (Lorna) Wilson of Stoney .Creek; and ten grandchildren. The funeral service was held on Wednesday, July 28th at MacKen- zie Memorial Chapel', Lucknow.' Rev. Doug Kaufman of Lucknow United Church was minister. The late' Mrs. Wareing. was a member of Trinity United Church. Pallbearers were Russel Irvin, Russel Alton, Marvin Scott, Elgin Alton, Grant Farrish, Ross Erring- ton. Interment •• was in Greenhill Cemetery. , JUST HUMAN Even the shrewdest of men has at one time' purchased a gold brick in the form of experience: All Ontario Financial Consultants Ltd. We specialize in arranging and buying first and second mortgages, Any amount BOX 4, ARTHUR KITCHENER 848-2510 743-5361 HOT...A11X:PAYINP DRIVE-WAYS AND PARKING, LOTS FOR FREE ESTIMAIES PHONE ROBERT SYMES CONTRACTOR Lucknow 528-3047 • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1916 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LLICKNOW0 ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN: AUCTION SALE Of Property, Household.Effects, • will be held for 'the estate of the.late MRS. ANNIE SERE in Dungannon SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 at 1:30 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; 8 x 12 green rug; record player; radio; black' and ,white • T.V.;, 19 inch ,• Zenith colour TN.;, coffee and end tables; wicker and rocking chairs; arm chairs ;• lamps; clover table; card table; dining chairs; china cabinet; press back' chairs; hall tree; mats; foot stool; oil stove;' d,aybed; Westinghouse , • fridge; Kenmore stove; Beatty washer; Maytag small clothes dryer; sew- ing machine; appliances; vacuum cleaner; .3 burner gas camp stove; dishes; cooking utensils; dressers; iron and wooden beds; lawn , chairs; step ladder and garden tools. Property has 2 bedroom frame home with full basement; oil furnace; kitchen cupboards; 3 piecetath and village water. Pro- perty will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid — For property information phone 529- 7492. Terms on Property 10% down balance in 30 days Terms on household items, cash Brian Rintoul, auctioneer. CLEARING' AUCTION SALE. Of. Household -Effects, Antiques and Real Estate will be held 'for , MRS. BERTHA McTEER 3 houses north of Pine River Store on Highway 21 On SATURDAY, AUGUST. 21st , at 1 o'clock p.m. Real Estate consisting of a lot measuring approximately 100' x 80' with a one storey insul 'brick home and garage; House in good condition and ex- cellent location near store •on Highway 21. Home has kitchen, living room; 2 bedrooms and bath- room, all on one level. Excellent retirment home- or suitable for anyone working in the area. Pro- perty will be sold, subject to rea- sonable reserve bid. Terms on real estate 15% down, balance in 60 days. Property will be put up' by public auction 'at approximat- ely 3:30. Clerk, Brian MacDonald Bookkeeper, Lloyd McNeil Auctioneert: Grant McDonald Ripley, 395.5353 Wallace Ballagh Teeswater 392-6170 abilities on ,the County level. At the Conference, the 100 delegates, .nominated those 4-H members who stood' out as being the best the Province-- had—to--offer to --attend - National and Interprovincial Pro- grams. Lynn Mills of Tara is the recipient of such an 'award. Lynn, will be travelling to New Brunswick in July of 1977 as an Interprovincial 4-H Delegate. Congratulations go out to Lynn for a job well done and continued success in the ,future. RANDY WILLICK; Extension Assistant. • COW "CALF STABILIZATION Anyone who owns cows 'of any breed, who doesn't sell milk from them, is eligible for' this program. Selling cream'is O.K. What is done' . • with the calf crop doesn't affect eligibility in anyway. They can be sold at any time or kept for finishing., It they are sold, the'price received does not affect the stabilization payment to the indiv- idual owner. • • • The payment will be any difference between the average market for calves this 'fall and the guaranteed price of fifty. Cents. We have the application forms in our office. We will send you•the forms by mail or if you wish, you may come to the office and fill them out here. , However, if you were in the' program last year, you will have received the, forms by now and you should return them directly to Toronto. The enrolment deadline is August 16th. COLIN REpOR, Assoc.. Ag. Rep. WHICH DAIRY COWS DO YOU CULL - I have mentioned in other articles about getting rid of the "freeloaders" in your herd, but I didn't say which were the "free- loaders". • One very easy tool to use is your production records (if you are on a production testing program). The column "Deviation • from herd averages" is the simple way. Cull the animal with the biggest minuses - for example a. cow that is -27 and -22 should go. She is about 25 BCA points below your herd average. Regardless of what your herd average is, that cow is one of the poorer ones: She is losing you money regardless of who het dam ' or sire was or what she did three years ago. Every cow that is a 45 or worse' should go. Remember: The average BCA or Bike Trip To. Vancouver Is. Almost Complete OLIVET NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black received word Sunday evening that their son Jim, who six weeks ago started out by bicycle for Vancouv= er, is now in Revelstoke, B.C. He . 'expected to be at his destination in about 6 days. Sheil, Joyce and Joan Osborne spent lakt week visiting with Mr. and Mrs: Doug Wrightson of Tiverton. Kenneth Wrightson 'spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne. This week Sandra Wrightson is visiting with the Osborne family. • Mrs. Jean Carruthers and child- ren of ,Goderich visited on Friday evening' with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton and. family. Mr. •and Mrs.. Robert Osborne and family recently attended the Holstein Twilight meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hendry of Tiverton. Joyce and Joan Osborne were door prize winners. A number .of people from this area attended the Craft Festivals which were heldthis past weekend in Lucknow, and Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne and family attended the Scott picnic on Sunday in Lansdowne Park, Kincardine. Jennifer of Hanover visited "on Saturday with Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Hamilton and family. Also visiting at the same household were Paula and Larry Hoffman of Lucknow. • Mrs. John' Geertsma and girls are visiting this week with relatives in. Oshawa. lbs. production is basically an indication of your nianagement ability. The amount a cow ,deviates from that average is an indication of her ability. Check Your record sheets'. You have paid' for them. Now use theni. W. J, GRXTON, Assoc. Ag. Rep. THANK YOU Due to the, generosity of 'a large number of Bruce County Merchants and organilations, sixteen of this County's 4-Hers were able to travel to British Columbia on a 4-H exchange. The 4-H Council was the scene for the original brain storming for the Idea of obtaining sponsors for this cultural exchange. Each delegate to British Columbia went out into their own area and asked for financial support from the merchants. The response 'was fantastic. All monies were pooled and as a result, each delegate received considerable financial aid. On behalf of all the 44Iers that went to British Columbia, we would like to • thank each and every sponsor'who was considerate enough to give these young people chance to see another agricultural community, in Canada. Without your help, it would not have been a dream come true. Thank you one and all. As well as helping the 'exchange delegates out with their expenses; • some of the money wily be used to sponsor various County 4-H events, such as dances, rallies, and other 4-H County Council activities. Your 'support in this line is greatly appreciated and will enable these Very worthwhile s activities to con- tinue:' Thanks again! Randy Willick, Extension Assistant. Barb DeVisscher, Home Economist. Former Ashfield Resident Passes MRS. WILLIAM WAREING • . Mrs. William Wareing of 97 Berkindale Drive, Stoney Creek, formerly of Ashfield, passed away on July 25th at HendersOn General Hospital, Hamilton'. She was 58. She was the former Vera' Isabel • Little, daiighter of David Little and • Ellen White and was born in Ashfield Township on May 29th, 1918. • On December 3, 1941 in Ashfield Township, she married William Wareing. They have resided in the Stoney Creek area for a number of years. . Surviving are her husband and