HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-3, Page 8e--rihurettay, May f;, 1YtIR, y�l THE SIGNAL, ▪ GODERICH, ONT. Baby Chicks For five weeks, begin- ning on April 23rd. we can supply you with S. C. White Leghorn Chick s From heavy laying stock. We guarantee safe delivery and that they are right in every way. WALTER ROSE BRUSSELS, ONTARIO TREAT your dining and livingroom to a New Picture LONDON CONFERENCE TO MEET MAY 30 United l'hurct Annual Gathering to Be Held at N alkerville The Loudon Conference of the United Church of Canada will meet this year at Walkervllle. The settle- ment committee will meet on Muuday, May 2S1h; other committees will meet on Wednesday and Lvuufereuce will convene on 11'eduesday evening, with the president, Rev. it. Hicks, B.D., pre- - siding. Au address will be delivered by or two this spring. One of our English Land- scapes, breezy marines, or a bright floral subject. will give you just that tough = 01F-tvbr which you want. __ V Cnrue in. and sive us the pleasure. of showing them_ to you. BRIEFS Mother's Day cards. Campbell's Drug Store. • The met public holiday will be ou Thursday, May 24th. Isn't it bine Goderich was making arrangements for a Dominion Day eelcbra tion e New summer timetables have gone Into effect on the C.N.R. and C.P.R., but there are no changes lu times of arrival or departure at Goderich. The Western Canada Flour Mills Rev. Josepls..t. t+uicu, D.D., pastor of have purchased a new motor truck for First Prt'abytertan ebureb, Detroit.•l delivering their products in the dist- The sacrament of the Lord's Supper rice. \When the new truck arrives they will be adwiulsterecl; tele then have two trucks in operatiup. Thursday morning Rev. Chester B. The Presbyterian Synod' of Ham - Emerson. D.D., of North Woodward iltou and Loudon held Its annual see - avenue Congregational church, Detroit, cion at Woodstock this week. Rev. R. will address the Conference. During C. Mel/erne,' end Mr. F. G. Weir. of the day the reports of various commit- Klein.church, Goderich, were in tees will be received and general attendant's. budlutese of the Conference seiil be' Mr. Harold Newcombe, of the local transacted. The evening meeting will staff of the Western Canada 'clout lie addressed by Rev. A. E. ArmstroOg, Mills. has received a promotion, baying M.A., D.D., secretary of foul teen appointed district travelling Bions, and John Friel, Ham ill salesman for the company. Mr. New - also speak. coolie took over his new duties on Rev. Chester B. Ewe May 1st. a' This has been moving week for the he the speaker on Fri llv-cru store and oMce, and the staff speaker The special at t and equipment are now located in the ofthe remit* of the you stand for eriy occupied by Mr. W. ordained into the •• r: United (harsh of Oa Walker'+ furniture business: Mr: dug sere -Tee tam be ardi, I.A.. of Carr ham gland- spea sign uta Sit be a will Mg. dime to be ,e the even - n Rich- , Birnting- tichardz_ . will ay morning. at 8.30, there will Smith's Art and Gift Stor in the Picture bueiit- over -10 years l FOR SALE i ESSEX COACH in glertect Condition. ,Practically as good as new. W. G. MacEwan Vier e) Chicks and Eggs Front our pens of heavy lay- irin--fre-tty. 0. A. C. Barred Rorke 20 cr nes each ; S. C. W. • Leghorns each for .May ath..17th and 24th. After May 0th- Hocks will. he 17 cent- each; Leghoens 15. cents each. For balance of 'season Hatching Eggs are n cents e•we4?e -arty -*mut sty.-- eear-et"4isl.r...i.N•tiori-4rei iter.ly and free front if iris.... C. G. CAMPBELL Wend Specialty Farm AUBURN, ONT. Phone 1024 Blyth Municipal COAL I.'lit•stnut and P. letcalittetas Coal al - 'ways on hand at Nee law $14.50 and $11..0 W. H. McCLURE Plsane 42 U)tuesnnee Walker has moved his furniture stock upstairs. ' The Perth equity council is asking 11ie T iM Inciat epartmenr of Heiril- ways to take over the present county service in the church read from Mitchell to a point east of ed by 1trv.„D. N. Mc•)-141einlfeld as a Provincial highway. , len. The ordination ser - be eoudneted at 11 a.m., the (being preached by the pleat - tele, and the preacher at the service will be Rev. Prof. A. Johnston, D.D., of . Victoria Cul - 1 rslty Monday morning the CiSlference will ie addressed by itev. 5. W Graham, 1t.A., LL.D.. secretary of tEi*board of education, while the evening service will be aeldreesed by _ 'E• W._R. Me- lotosh. paster of King street United church. a.London, and Prof. A. J. John- -. . Etn_- � - The Conference is-ixpected to c-losle we Tuesday. June d. the hast item of Wiliness being the ballot for the set- tlement ettlement committer .and the appoint- ment of a convener fur the same. Military Canm in July Word has been received by the local officers that the Eturon Regiment Is to to this& camp at- Leaden the first two weeks of July. The Regiment will trait- at a strength of about 190, all ,rusks. Water and Light Commission At the regular meeting of the water and- iiglil - t'uatntisston, held on Thurs- i'W night last, sive appUcatiuna for electric light acre received f,rom test, dents of Bennett street and were re- ferred to the engineer for a report. A quotation on cedar poles was received ironic- tlee_Goderen Mfg. Co.. . and_ it was decided to purchase seventy -eve poles for immediate delivery and 130 for delivery at stated tine's this year and 'next. These are to be used for renewals and line extensions,. The sale of the two old steam pumps to the Guderich, Iron and Brass Foundry for a price of $1:20. 'es and where they ore" was confirmed, and it was de- villed to communicate with Prof. Atoms. of Toronto, w-ltti regard tielSe testing of the hew pumping equipment. This would continue the present Pro- vincial highway from Palmerston. Lietowei- and Monktou... through Mit- chell to connect with the Stratford -St. Marys -London highway at a point just east of Elginfield on highway No. 7. • Opening Night at the Pavilion The Pavilion opened for the season on Saturday night last, with a good at- tendance. Remarkably, the number s codwisg ons was estp•ti the same al on the opening night last year. Ex- cellent dance music was furnished by George Farr's six -piece orchestra, cotta - posed of George Town, Wroxeter. piano; Jack Perdue, London, violin; Claret"- Nell. London. saxophone; John Ross, Detroit; banjo; Nick Car- tier, Detroit, trumpet, and George Farr, Guderieh, traps. The Pavilion will be open every Saturday night un- til further notice. IYuakated Dental Talk. The illustrated lecture given at the Model Theatre by Dr. F. J. Conboy, of the Provincial Department of Health, feet Friday afternoon last was well at- tended by se•Iool children and Iarents. Pictures showing the value of ' the, teeth and illustrating the means of prevevtjug decay, such as proper diet tand regular dental inspection, were accompanied by explanatory and in- , formsitive . remarks by the- lecturer. Dr. l'onl",y's visit was arranged by the Lions Stub and could not but be of benefit to - those vrho-hear'd'his -address Catholic Women's League The annual meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held recently in the school room, Mrs. J. B. Whitely,_, the president. occupying the chair. ' A very full and interesting report of the year's activities was read by the secretary, Mrs. E. L. Dean, while the Mnancitti -repo t-ekes-gleme 1l1 Mrs. D International Brbadeast for the Blind On Saturday evening last radio taus had the privilege of listening to au hour's program fur the blind, broad - cost over WEAF lied Network of forty stations from coast to coast. Included In the program were: Harold Bauer, world-famous pianist; Anna Case, former soprano with the Metropolitan e)Pe•rt& Company; Edwin Grasse, a leading violinist, and himself blind; Milt Gross, American humorist and author of "Nize Baby ;" John li. Keue nedy, associate editor of Colllo 'e Weekly, as suuouueer. This program was sponsored and Hummed by the in- ternational Association of Lions Clubs, both us an entertainment for the blind, who Lu neatly centres were gathered to- gether to hear it. and also to point out the need for service lu the Sete of blind aid, and the prevention of blindness, the major activity to which the Lions Club is committed. it may be news to some that Lions International pub- lishes a monthly magazine for the blind in the Beall type, and In other practi- cal ways Interests itself in the wel- fare of these unfortunate people. it Is au interesting commentary on the use of the rudio for advertising purposes to know that the cost of broadcasting this Lions hour was in excess of $11,500, the chargee ranging from $1L'0 per hour for the smaller stations to tS$N) per hour for WE.tF. wish transconlhWntal telephone charges of $;eetet) extra. This is being met by an aseewoeut of 25c per member, M. O'Brien. This Society has been active in parochial, educational and Whir More Belpolboy Wisdom -t aucial service work. Mrs. S 1 ly eumtnended the officere and members The -se examples of "howlers" may for the good work done during the bre added to the collection already pub- ' year and Urged all to co-operate. The fished: election of officers resulted as follows: DIED. CLARK. -At Port Huron, on Monday, April 30th, Wm. C. Clark, aged 78 years. GLEDHILL. - At Kewan lee, on Thursday, April 26th, David Thomas Gledhill, aged CA) years, 5 mouths. IN MEMOKL4M EterLlN.-du laving memory of Nettle Echlin, who entered into rest May 4th, 11)25. No length of thine, uo lapse of years Can dint our loved one's past; For treasured memories hold them dear, And will while memory lasts. -Lovingly remembered by husband and Robert. WANTED WANTED. -1'0 RENT, A ()&Twat E ; furnished preferred.' State par- ticulars to MRS. 11. BAUER, S George St., Waterloo, Ont. CATTLE TAKEN 1N FOR 1'AS- Tl'I1E. F. ()HIBHOLM, U.K. No. 2. Goderich. WANTED. -MAI OR BOY TO DO , general farm work. Apply to' Ital. JOHNSTON, H. U. No. 2, God - ere*, or phone 110444. •w Twe Fires in One Day The fire brigade had two runs on Saturday, and both were long ones - the first to the outskirts of the town and the second a mile or more past the town limits. About 3.30 p.m. the alarm was sounded for a fire at the home of W. F. Corbett, Mill road (the place formerly occupied by Gerald Kidd). Fire had started in the roe, probably from the chimney, and as the place is a long way past any tire hydrant there was little the- brigade could do. The chemicals were used, but the lire was too far advanced for this to be effect - ire, and gradually the flames spread downward until the structure was' destroyed, only the stone pillars of the verandah, the chimney and the con- crete basement being left. The furni- ture and other ...stents were removed by neighbors mud others who quickly gathered at the scene. The burning of their home is a very, serious matter for Mr. and Mr's. Corbett and their family, esixe•iailr as Mr. Corbett is an mettle' and is unable to do any work. The family were sheltered that night by kind neighbors, and are now living et a house belonging to Mr. Sam $beardown which he is generously al- leiw-iug them to hare, rent free. for a time. The second run was shortly before midnight, when the brigade was called upon to extinguish a lire !n- a pile of rails and brush at the grouuda of the Blue Water Golf Club. The firemen pumped a well dry and then got water from the little creek that nuns through the {grounds, and the fire was put out with very little damage done. The danger was that the fire might spread to the buildings close by and cause serious lose. Capt. C. E. Robinson left today- for Fort William. Miss Slaters, who spent the *inTer in Toronto, has returned to town. Mls. biteytt haw returuvet Luce Tor- onto. o onto, where she spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Heals: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rya' base re - turtle] to their home here after spend- ing several months in California. ANTED - FIVE THOUSAND market gardeners to plant on hardy field -grown cabbage and Ber- muda onion plants. These plants will produce vegetables three weeks earlier than home-grown plants. It is no ex- periment. We guarantee results or refund. your money. Strong, field' grown, toughened plants ready to -bet in open field. Will stand te)nperature twenty degrees above without injury. Bermuda onion plants and all leading varieties of cabbage plants shipped promptly. 200 plants postpaid el; 500. $1.75; 1000, $300. Ship express collect $2 thousand, Catalogue and 'testimonials sent free. _CARLISLE PLANT FARMS, Windsor, Ont. -St NOTICE TO CREDITORS AUC I ON RAL f f ivriON 4041,1A or BR1OK HOUSB es AND IAT, AND HOUSEHOLD are instructed by MR. C. SAN DEREON to sell by public auction at his resi- dence, Newgate 'trete, t:.Hlerich, ou. SATURDAY, MAY 12th. • commencing at 1.30 o'clock, sharp: The household furniture snit effects of the late Mrs. Connell, e,nislatlug Of livlug-room, dining -room, bcelroune and kitchen furniture, dishes, china, cut- lery, blinds, stepladder. 4 -burner New Perfection oil stove. kitchen range. lawn mower, and other articles.The property in Saltford will also be offered for sale on 'very reasonable terms. TERMS -On furniture, cash. For further particulars apply to l'. SANDERSON, T. G1':\I►1tY $ SON, Auctfopeers Ales SATE Ok' UHNQCE HOUSEHOLDFUiCN18HINVS. IfiRS. J. P. BROWN will sell by public auction at her real - deuce. Church street, Goderich, un THURSDAY, MAY 17th, commencing at 1.30 o'clock, sharp: Practically all the contet'uts of the house, which is well furniabed and will Include: Fancy living -room tables; chairs; cosy corner, upholstered In silk; eat lace curtains; drapes; plc - walnut writing desk ; oak writiug desk; English Wittuu rug, good as new, 5 yds. by 4 yds; walnut chairs, haircloth upholstered; quartet - cut oak sideboard with large bevel mirror; extension table; dining chain; large living -room couch; 1 bed- room couch; two complete bedroom suites, nearly new, with attreea and springs; 1 antiquem. walnut dresser; oak wardrobe; ball rack; verandah chairs; 2 bedroom boxes; 1 complete kitcheu set; 1 Raymond sew- ing machine; 3 -burner oil stove; 1 Quebec heater; 1 electric heater; dishes, china,, glassware, cutlery, kit- -rhea utensils, garden touls,,and mine trims other articles.Everything must be, disposed of, as the property is sold. .TERMS -(.'ash. T. GUNDRY A SONr-.- Auctiuueera. TO KLNt (s/a 00 PER MONTH.-D1tySIR T` - e A'A1LE property to rent on Bruce street. All jodern convenience& Woe warden and fruit trees. Posses- sion given after May 15th. Apply to HAYS & HAYS, Barristers, Hawliton street, Goderich. 1IhONT.-STORE SUITABLE FOR rocery or office. Immediate poa- given. ' Apply to ALEX.DEI1S, Goderich. I THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE a OF MARGARET JONES, LATEDECEASED.OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COL - BORNE, IN THE COUNTY 01' HU- RON, WIDOW, DECEASED. TAKE NOTIOE that all the credit- ors and others having claims or de - manly against the estate of the said Margaret Jones. who died on or about the 19th day of April, 1928, are re- quired on or before the 15th day of May, 1928, 'to deliver to the under- signed solicitor full particulars of their claims. ANI) TAKE NOTICE that after. such last mentioned date the execute will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then bare notice, and that the said execu- tors will not be liable for the said a*sets to any person or persops of whose claim notice shall not then have been received by their solicitor. F. R. DARROW, Goderich, Ontario. 3t Sellctor for the said Executors. I&OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN . Zb A all persons having claims against r' the estate of Mgrgarer Foley, late of the township, of Colborne, in the county of Huron, who died on or about the third day of April, A.D. 1925, to. send their claims, duly proven, to the undersigned on or about the 12th day of May, 1998. Oa_ and after that date the administrator of the said ee BAR-cise-w e4 exempt she United _:S ptm,l adcleet., 1ter. - _Father .Cam-.. A number of towns In the district S;lites lies In the 'temperance zone."t ' a psh Wail; past president. Mrs. W. J. Lan - The nit -never• seta on the- Brit S min , prenddeet, erre J.' B. Wbitely-rist--rues-. Brnsselr and Empire because the empire is in the vke.president, Mrs. P. J. Mettler; l� east and the sun sets to the west." 2nd vice-president, Mrs. J. Foley; 3rd BORN are olio -timing the Weekly batt-bollde Thursday- Among these are Luck• estate, bevies regard only to the elalmi oUW3kcb be shalt thin notice. DATED at Goderich this twenty WARNING The Corn Borer Act ' few, All -cont --nubble --Inuit be ploughed under and it 'kept under. If it is drt up -it-taunt be either burned or ploughed -under. Do not use a toothed etilti- vator after ploughing. Clean. upyour barns;rd. All clean-up work must be 'one before May 20. OSWALD 'GINN, Inspector -Finally James Ii. gave birth to a- ;elks President, Mrs. E. L. Dean; re - -Finally so thepeuple Intllrsl_..b-IS off the -cording secretary. Mrs.. R. J. Phelan; throne." Jetta/ewer. Mrs. I). M. O'Brien: (ouncIl- 'The Minister of War is the clergy- Mrs. Miss McGuire. Mrs..1. Boyle. ,,man who preaches 'to soldiers." _Dlrs J. E. Batichler, Mrs. J. Chisholm. `'Queers Felialntli rode through cot i entry with nothing on and Sir Walter Raleigh offered her his cloak." "llenry VIII. etas very cruel to - Aisne -ffrrteyn and ironed her." (T . hi"tory had said, -tie pressed his suit u her Shnke1si'eare lived at Windsor with hi• merry *leek"' -The king wore a scarlet robe trim- t(eed with vermin." "Wulsey saved his life by dying on tem -wee from York to Lemke)." "Atter twice committing suicide, .('owper,ivcd till 1800, when he died a natural death." . "The immortal William it a name applied to the former German Em- teeor." o "BariMri,ehhs are things put into bicycle wheels to make thelle-1U6 smoothly." ".t Soviet is a eotfl used by waiters in lintels." (A Serviette.* •Tolo4ius was it mythical salience." "The masculine of vixen is vicar." -Living &'harsh. McKEN%IF: Iu .tshli,;d, on Tours- sixth day of April. A.D. 192e. day, April 19th, to Mr. and Mn HAYS & HAYS. Henry McKenzie Imre Irene Brad- Barristers. Goderich, Out ley s It rs f Administrator tYLS YODEL Animus SAI.Y. OF 114)1-SE•IIIOLD FURNITURE, L1'MI1F:It. GAR - 141N TOOLS AND FJh'F'Ee"P3. MR. CHAS. J. SPENCE irlitueelt by public suction at his home on the Huron road, Goderich, on - SATURDAY, MAY 5th. commencing at 1.30 o'clock, sharp: All the c'enteuta of the house, con- sisting in part of living -room furni- ture, rocking'chairs, platform roc -ker. carved leg table, fall leaf tables. small tables 2 couches, shelves, carpets, rugs, hooked mats, p dares, curtains. blinds, bootie bookcase, lamps, cutlery. china and glassware. extension table cupboard,and dining chairs, glass cupboard, 2 clocks. bedroom sets, toilet sets, bed- ding, table linen. Quebec' heater, lawn mower (practically newt. kitchen utensils, dishes, china set, crocks. fano-y chins dishes, garden 'tools. rubber hose. lumber. table linen, table covers, cushions, bed quilts, pillows. wooden bedstead, iron bedstead, win- dow curtains, Quebec heater (nearly new), 3 ladders, and numerous others. article Everjthing to he soldr-aseair- ipence has" sold the property. TERMS -Cash. T. OUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. F'OR SALE . IIINDERA FOR COM. SBALED 1 A S-ADI)sOCStty1D to the Purchasing Agent, Depart- ment of Public Works, Ottawa, wilt be received at his. aka until 1e o'clock n ose (daylight saving), 'ftvednMdayl' Dar IS, 1128, for the supply of coat for the Dominion Buildings through- out the Province of Ontario, Including the City of Ottawa. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob- tained front G. W. Dawson, Pur- chasing ur chasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa; and R. Winter, Dia- trtet Resident Architect, 39-01 Vtr-'� toric street, Toronto, Out. Tenders will not be considered unless made on y.. t his forme supplied by the Uepartatent xwa,Nt and In accordance with departmental ,..,, • specifications and conditions. The right to demand from the sue - tearful tenderer a deposit, not exee'ed- lug 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, to secure the proper fulfilment of the contract. Is reserved. By order, x sae S. E. O'BRIEN, ''tt' Secretary.._:' heistrtment of Public Works, Ottawa. April '2i. 1tr-'S. 1E AUC 1ONEERINO et 9'j THOMAS Qi.'NDRY, GODERICH, LIVE 'STOCK AND Gb�11aRAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 111. Sales attended to anywhere and weep effort made to give aatidaetlaa. Farmers' sale setae discountit ROBT. ROBERTSON. . The' Auctioneer. will conduct and arrange any sale a the latest methods to get the beet re- sults. Si. him or drop a card and he will give it immediate attention. Farm sales a specialty. Eldon Sty Goderich. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER DR. A. N. ATKiNSON CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG- LESS THERAPIST GODERICH Equipped with electro-taagnet/a baths. Electronic electric treatmes r and chiropractic. Chronic organic seed nervous diseases. Lady in attey/.'anca Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 tell excepting Monday and Teprsday at tetnons and evenings, 4d by aV pointment. Residence and omce-Clorner ed South street and Britanaia road. • CHARTIIRIID ACCOUNTANT e N ,RANK P. GIBBS, CHARTERED Accountant- 102 Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 1580. Res. 1330J. FOR SA'I�.-'9I.XOL'E COME WHITE t .ghern._ bah; .__chleks.._Choice bred -to -lay chicks hatched May 12th. All from pedigreed cockerels and heavy laying hens. Price $18 per 100. W. II. CLI'TTON, R. R. No. 5, God- erl'lr. Telephone, Carina 1413: a son. •,.0 o . .•r , , �,OIt SALE. -LATE 1 ■ 'Pord coupe. Balloon tires. Has ex- tra equipment. in perfect running order. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. e /]O1 BmHOw FURNITURE AT range; 1 "Easy"'elee- PRI- I_ i1 VATi•T SALE.-Bome excellent )" ^' ir'"1^" "IIS'-� furniture can be had at attractive �'l n ./i;' element electric tile washer and wringer; 1 seven - piece dining suite; 1 three-piece recep- tion suite, solid mahogany ; I daven- port; bedroom suites anti other furni- ture; lawn mower, hose and garden tools. Can be seen any evening for len eeept. R. J. MEGAN'. it kriiish Columbia's Mineral Wealth Revives Hardwood Floors VOR SALE. - MWF1lRLANII) ILILF• [a TON truck with delivery hely. in good conditloo. W. C. SNAZEL. POR :SALE. -+HOUSE ON VICTORIA lI street. Ali conveniences. Good garden end settle. in excellent Iota- lleau. Apply to W. H. GOOD. a 4. 3 rt The mimes! smelter at Trail, B.G., the homed the Con,ollda, ed Mining St aseddig Cessmeg. 1. Mining class In Vancouver. Note the women prospectors. A. A typical mlaing scene at the 41efeet level. laid and finished as they should be finished A Goderich Planing Mills [BUCHANAN'S' Anything and Everything in Builders' Supplies Phone 47 P. O. Drawer 160 The old mining days of British Columbia, that were as rich In output as In romance. are Le - fns revived. There is a new re- cord in mineral production in this most highly mineralised area on the North American enntt- none in which every conceivable mineral is found. in all phases of mining,- prospecting, devel- opment and production; lode minlne, placer -mining. and coal - mining, - the current year is witnessing a healthy and vigor- MIR activity. The largest increases recorded are to lead and vine, and the pro- vinee possesses the second great- est lead -sine mine in the world. Copper, too, shows an tn.reawsel production, while the every day progress of that greet company the consolidated Mining and Smelt.n,g Company In Trail. B.C, reads more like a wonderful ro- mance than a reality. A most significant feature of the present activity in mining is the way in which many partially developed properties and also prospects which have been lying dormant, Are now being devel- oped. Snbstentlal progress hes been made in building main trunk motor roads through the provinces, while material attic are being given in the working of mineral properties by assist- ing in the construction of branch roads to them Now trails are alsn cnntinealty being built to open nip newly discovered min- eralised areas for the prospector. The British Columbia Chamber of Minos has been promoting the welfare of the mining indnstey for the last thirteen years. The Chamber has on exhibition an in- teresting collection of the great variety me minerals mined in s:ee province. There is also co-oper- ation with the various prospect- ors' associations of Brithee ' 01- umble. Many towns of the rro':nce have branch chambers cf :...nes and the classes in melee' logy and geology as well as the min- ing lectures have he, -i largely attended. it. IS of interest to learn Chet there are a few women prospectors attending these lectures as will he seen from the pletnr'. Regie eke work. ton, with rna.i.d to ....floral (1epns!ta Is carried on continu- ously by the development branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway MEDICAL R. F. J. R. FO RSTER, EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT Late house Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital. assietaa$ 1t Moorefield Nye Hosi•Ital and Bolden Sgelate Throat Hospital. Lou- don. otdon. king. 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 207. At hotel Bedford. Goderich, on the e evening of third Monday of each month till the following day, Tuesday. at 1 p.m. LEGAL r,RNEST M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor 10 Ring street east. Toronto 2. Telephones Elgin 84118417. I UDLET E. HOLMES, - ltarrlster, Etc., Office -Hamilton street. Goderiek Phone 27. It. DARROW. BARRISTFIR, ETC. Successor to J. L. Killoran. Phone 97. Office -The Square. Goderich. (ROUSE FOR SALE. --ON BRUCE ll�a street, two Storks, six rooms with bath, all conveniences; garden; good location. Apply to MRS. IQ. A. MCNALLY, Bruce street. St RIPRIOITP • PIANO (BELL) TOR VV SALE, -In first-class coodities. Apply to DONALD MacEAY, P. 0. Box 457. Goderich. _ wave a Rape BARRIRTItee, ETC. R.C.HAYS--R.O.HAYS 'a.. B.A. Hamilton St„ Goderien DP'BIRAJHT.E RESIDENCE PROPER - TY FOR BALE. -At corner of Bri- tannia road and William street. 'Ten rooms iesidess bathroom, closets, etc. Good furnace. All conveniences. For terms and farther particulars apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. O. Box 457, Goderich. tf CARD OF THANKS May. Rt►itERT McALLiSTKR, OF Pa ihtngannon. and Mr. W. Mason McAllister end family, of West Wawa - nosh, desire to express their sincere gratitude for the many kindnesses shown and sympathy extended by friends and neighbors at the time of their recent Midden bereavelement through the (ceth of s dearly beloved husband and father. Thanks slim are extended to the congregation of Er- skine Preebyteerisn church and to the (lode -rich Rural Telephone Company for floral tributes. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN) SURANCE CO. -Farm and Int lated' taws property insured. Officers -Jas. Connolly, Pres., God- erich P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vice -Pres,. Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor. Sec.-Treas., Sesforth P. 0. Directors -A. Broaotfeot, R. R. No. A, Seatorth; John G. Grieve, No 4, Walton: William Elan. R. R. No. 2, Seaford) ; John Bennewfee, Brod- hasten : Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. I. Sea forth; Robert Ferris, Harloe3; Murray Glbeon, Brucefield; James Evans. Beechwood; James Coupon". Goderich. Agents --J. W. Yen. Oed.rieh; Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. I. Clinton; John Murray, Beafnrth; E. Hinehlsy, Seafnrtb. Policy -holders esti erste all payments and get their cards receipt - ed at R. 1. Morrfsh's Clothing leers. Mutes : R. H. Ontt's Grocery. Et.wa sten suet. Gedevleh, er J. H. saws Merged Stara Rayl ell