HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-3, Page 7County and District
. Tho 'village of Welrie lues 'lust a organization of 11e II ::, ii ltuttitliuu
wi,43 known re►t.kttt by the death of i(1 the greul war • HMI went oc1•r v91s
J:uues Kill, at the alae of rift)' eight \4'11h I1.
years. .\I the titutu i! tuts -ling of the youth ,-
The r leatb of'telheritse Little, wife, Ill \\'uule•11'. League a .iI I, •sial Se•:, r',
of %Villluw Sundry;,.x•eurred AprIl .tts•ItttbMt% acre n•5,•ste41.
•lith at her Made 011 tilt I:,lh votive, ti ro a:w.ted as follow.: Si,iritual ma-
sLa, of Ilulle'tt. Mrs. Murphy had titer. Itac. g. }'.. Goetz; lr1.t pre.i
lived ill that neighborhood all her Ilk.. 11. 1,l. Mr.. l)iue:at ; president. Mies.
SIo' is survived by her hushsusd ,11n1 1lehnly; i1 ,'pre.ir!1•u';. \Its \\'m
tail) daughter, Estella, and by se•t'e•ral IMoel.'I . jf., \I r•, erla,ir)'. Mr.. 5'.
slaters•t wart ; recording .w•r tart'. Mi -s ,
hr.,het o and
An JtrlMrwrtlyyf , t•,. .eirllrrcll at lilt•_ \ i1.,• I t:,lt t evrm- •'u,:hl c'retary,
-. (f . s
P1,•.Igwithin wattle•, \\'ellen. ateu yrs 1 .oklielier;tn.
t'laeluda Irene. 0111)' daughter mf Mr 1s. „ I I nor: .„ ,
au,l Mrs. 1Sµ1. Jft•11, of 41n'y tow 1. 1 \I
was milted in marriage to 11.41.5, 51
Halley.. soft of Mrs. Mulley, of \Irl:: \I I \I \I.:,;1,. , 1t,;5gaz to
lop, and lite late Aarbu Malley. 'I'. a ..• .i t \I14,1.1\ ; {•r.•:+ s1, r. 1 5
5r•nma.ny was ierformed by Itov, \\ \Ir•. I' I, s,•re:ant: pl•wi-i \li--
Ma!ns. The happy euuple NII! i•i lI' Dorsey.
i1, McKillop. Tho \1 Il:rrri.. ,'o. l,a, The death death i s•curre.I fro Anrll 19th of eh:a.,rr 1,t t rote ty at the
John Amer, at the home of his sister eoruer Is• \\ n 4 Ilapnulu's wonu
Mrs. Mragulre. }Yhef. autue••titue ago he meat works :: , atII .•reef i oiled:tory•
uuicrwent n serinn+operation. laving building to I4• ivd 114 all Itup!emeut
1.14 awpuWtwL dtto for some shop by the loyal a:•ettey.
months he had been in failing is,. Itli.
lie was 1n his seventy niutll year.' • •I.IY'KN0W
111. was a resident for many years of .
fray City. Mich., but after the death \l r•. }'rod 'Stanley has returned
of ills wife about six years ago It" hod 11ow., :i freer -,..ilii r three woutlis at
lined In Ethel. Three daughters and her former home in tendon. Englund.
two w.ms survive. its well us a.•erral The death of .\r •!;il.,hi Barbour. of•
br hers and sister*. --Th.-...lwllaitta..LmInnw-- rrmtrrn•t on \\'Mtas,tay•'
N,re taken to Bay tIty f•.r hurlul. \prit I%th, at the age of seventy-six
At sl:. afettle 1..f atrsiMer.L lfap4•tI -\. tam 1,04 a -,1 ,.•i t r auaaa-yarlr►
Mnub.y, iia April 111111. tier •eeond • !,1,r_ :f the t;rsui.l
•utghter, Pearl -\de:ine, was ,ii tel , 1; : 5,.,c r,ek, wit 11 head-
' .ktl„w-,hilt retie••,
.Ri.•i wife died iii
iiiaj-nr- :7irratiL'li-
.i \1e.teni Canada, and
lti marriage to Harvey is, •, I
5 9'h4 .r rettealy .5
'formed by -Iter, (:-1:. 1'1.'
---(tura __Mr -and Mrs_ I i. 55;1
on the groan's farm it Ellie..
\\'it. Charters. of the \til; road, it. ,
'1'ucker✓tulth. had a serte•s:. arid. n' I
a few uloys ago. ile -I I•Is•�I ,•u til• I
g;ul¢way at Id, baro: and (tilling br,he
his leg below the kw ui;y. n fete
tick- ago -Mrs ,'hart. 1.s 1.1 :1,,d fro
lured her 0111t.
.\n old realdett of 11111 .-:
apyo•,1•(rfse.,n of Mr. •1'I1 a•:1 M -•-1.
{.is.e.t away.%oril 21 1 . 1 , 1 ••'•5
_:s"5l.leer. 11e••e.la .1 wi- 1...1. ,r. 11:
Lanark safety, but htoF •rv'ed7 to itni'
le:1 .!n.T4' Wile Wave si)14...n -)-carr•
f ruse. 1+lztj nine ,ears a,a• ! w 1 •
y'•irne•d to
Mr.Ilartw t k \21 :lie.;
two wars tater lex, big ..tie - 1. i:- i \\'iuglUu •'rnesek/ of ,-,. ' n 41.41
Ilam. of lesttilestior.'. .\ few years '1' 3 Grand Rapids Is ibe pupulur karieO•1 ' 1• 1,,;_111 h:ne fallen tint of.1 he
la.; w..., Jeh1 1'e;ter. of lelwrr i'...,...,..;„,.....t,,iso, 1-• ,, anal 1 sed off the finger 1.•f
filer \\in.h,un. 1..1deo1 n1.y to tie harsa f 'n•.4lektc 7Uwiuityttlanesir.,•.:weft. ,. .11),,
1' 1 1,111 crisp and Fender. \, y
\,:rle. Ntw a .ae111.•.u. e, Nle i'1. cue e, tag 1 i• III: -
Racked bi
"Fruit-a-tives” Brought •
Speedy Relief
Read this honest leiter:
Nanaimo, B.C.-"I had been suffering
with rheumatic pains in my shoulders.
Decided to try 'Fruit -a -lives'. In a �•ery•
short while I had relief. Also had a
touch of bleeding piles, 'Fruit-a-tives'
worked like a charm. I think they are
reaty marvellous.” -Mr. S. Floyd.
"Fruit-a-tives" is composed of fresh fruit
juices intensified and combined with
tonus. The easy, natural action corrects
constipation, stomach, kidney and blad-
der troubles, rids the system of poisons,
purifies the blood, and banishes rheuma-
tism apd kindred pains. "Fruit-a-tives"
is sold everywhere. 25c and 50c a box.
Test it -to -day.
Gardening Hints
ni•ctl producingtfur rathFf narrowover
erect ieacei that tend 111 fold
inch Other and enclave and bluucli the
Mart: This tendency'. readily hi•
crrnat•il by loosely WM;; up the head._
with 'rupia or strIll M t1,) .epl• ure.
1x•65►e the Cos lcttw'es-t''. Is. the tIt11•si
ffayelle'd 11411 ltlg11es1 nudity of alt
111.f.$1. 'I'hry stand• befit i,eitef duff
t' cried
usher :et;ti., • :Old 'VII' ., ., a)1. ,
.11..1 tie'i.-•.rle it ht•it fr,•!11y gathered
biker ilea,,,. b:eIell i,!.it1• uud till'' Nelpt'd by Taking Lydia E. Pittk-
..ilii'r leaves at'e a -light green au,1 :1.'
lender awl wit strung :1- :1:.• ham's Vegetable Compound
hsues of wSuad Iw.ad Icuu•, s arse. ,.,•
Ile ,'e. loftlo-e• it rich ..1 :u J pl,•it5
, f wui.fure If 1t happen. to b,• a dry Grainland. cask. -"I am glad that
n, nidi it NI,1 nuik,• it, let.: •les I heard of that good Lydia E. ,'ink-
. heals It It 11 l•eat la•_u.;U lt). harn'utne•dieine and
+ I will oiktie with-
out it aga:n. I aim -
so sit'k that I could
not work at all and
could not saw on
the machine: My
aunt told Ins of
Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound and naw
I am telling all of
my friends how
good it is and I ail!
answer all letters i get from w•omen."
teat,) f0 disfigure it. .\ few minutes M . MARY SOU:LT11:Si Grainland,
:•itch doy,ytettinlf rid of. troublesome Ste.
itee•ds will go it long .way t'itant. get
Ong the lawn -into shape. eras, wilt —
rib eat a great nwny ..r 111e tc'1.'1" bit DIAMOND RING
their own against the ilea of •.•d. _
After weeding, 'go- over it with grass I.i.nuonds in wail lungs: It's al
., ed :uld sprinkle it liberally w1 .-re
I he W Vli eedsmies hate. brim...lu_ out, )I,, •t nit' -I ,•,:thee, butt trite. A us-ta-
r„llltlg the patches xtn,etll or tramp- l it e! ,,ii' •t.it1' was t.r. s -i t at the
lir• thew down lirpily. If n,. re ler is little and so \% rhe guuds. says The. Fer-
n vall.iMe. The new, gat-- wi t a., i _ - .h'„vit1R'rrr*t Time. 34.+848,- -
lil! up Ilio sl ace$, \\'flee• ;i.• _tin i t I , r -n• i •:•,Ili,,.
. -I` t soft itt the spring. It., hal, 11. a .nit.;>,,n: a elan bag of It:
•••• :i t-t.)r na1. r '.r, of 1•L •, .. lie i'f the lady i..t.t:n;ts
1. -din• :, 511„'5 1. et .ur..s. e 55. .n:1 1",•:71-7-. firilra 1:143 '111 elloMond
I' nit. S114• ptckld 11 up 41e1P.
, r 1. \! •! 1,r ,! ,. :,:,.. .
Care of the lawn -_� —
I::ul) 'spring i. the Is t lime to at-
1s,,, - tie»tiyg.-.yt( flu• hew'ti, itlie•U
d:unle:dolts wad planurias, the \sur,:
la• -1s, first get their start. !and the
round is soft. It they strt• ri•uu•ced
:5t this time, much trouble will h4•
-1V441 later o1, whru Nei�fiig is a hut-
I,•r 11111 harder tar*. \\-t'ediug .,h
view on. now• 80!41 which yank up tap -
roiled plants very' handily and middy
isithilin digging the Inatit up •mlfi-
p!ailain tlttd a::11•delloi palettes h..bt
.I sit nit. 11w we
--'-t , ,its a sriranttant. ;int air l i,'1.-ltioti ! ). :1..,,l It d u her tiig.•r, and thou
1.1 •dl: 1,•I et nitrite . f s,sln. which is . 1:, Ile •' ,•w,',1 it I•. other nleulls•rg of the
.,. .ref
II " !dent of uu.sl'gnl k) avuilalde f:•rtlli�, t w s'I I - .11 .it' l I . .he Nieie it,
\1,- ..lel', bo.-
With kilos -a. fonulug'Ihe .ba w• til -' irr't1 e:, ' 1' 1' i
- Hants whh•ir },etre +, , , it ,
I \ : ! :I:. M, w'•.ts ttn.st salaefs, and this (Wuriie now :•eat- JtTmd b1. the 1.•in( void N'..a siwr•I N•I'_ I ' .,' w 1 t:'e altl'llllI N11:1 (1.5 y1' '
' ':fie sad was si.;e•red cs.eitlal at all 11ua•w, Iiiis, ;Lo 1litthroa.l to hrafth. t'!tplliig. ,I I-1 ;.. I-811i11st1•r Itey1, s
ear 1:111 he .eem1111on veget111.1e reechoes more pr' _res+ :Lento b allowed I • -'-n .,. ii: ..i - ate all teal well tiff :aid fn's
I'l." t•.- iiiitt.:vs` lb, e provide ;, I.1.. : I'I - 1, 11ii•dt ,rmutloi stria• tel ,.'u
u:iueure. ill the aril guys, a short req' ri irnu.•n;'thr ty, wing of a
'•k for inter- will not prone a di'ti_'sr. 1 •,,t I.,• •'
tit .a:.• •:1,y of the 7.:.rd;.•n teas pm 11, .;t 1i" id Ihat mien be offered their
Ida., ,'roil t•la\tn h tut e5e•r) buy sr 115• ,I-,5, i I
r a i„,,,,e1.. T. it•. early Ill fist su•clu s,mtt1..-1fLelt .lila :1 a,,.niQts•_w • say_,walki!L'_of oro• {w•:e,gi .
1 bines, ler. _
,las alt gone. or tunlei t1Annual .titer peen.
In the teed ma'ster's I ,i, Irl nu 1, o:,ry preach-
- - -- _-, t - t.n,.1. .,l1. ir�t?fr$•5j'_',{-._fhir'lee><! an'I it • t' II. in t.,, ,t a : he repnrteei
\1'1NI:II.Ui g•Irte•n tttIre� is linty exett'e for rata- ,i r.:•+ �ttrr!rore-it tri t l.n '» wrf.+11. found in,r• wills the I,'i f`"'TI iii_
t at Limit Lu 11, an41 was eon-
Idig rept 1,t tiler . store of cltuutlu. s. , , • s 1ti t ir,I flail :til ,- 5 .:1.r !,le i1 irtr. f -s fires 111.1 the ii I :4• bis
. rhe Is:..•,I . i .If ,.1...L t wen- -'1.7 r - -'
\I:act-trate Weil. of tlrnieitclr. The e7irllest tettn i is the !eat ty{s�
t T i1TTt ftf� 71 1•nrrfm•�.rtF- 5.. • , : i in. 111•. rareresnr et
Tburryila7. Maty 3, 1104.-1
St I'eter'.-..n•lhe-Wall Wm. Built by
1'5:1.! \e.1,•i) rNrlvo Illrm-
drM ,tears
!Piro: the oast year .1 tat ge party
ttC e:.rI• s ma11•• a pil,,.,,,t.e:r.-trewhal
is le lie s' -d to be Ili.• oldest church
ediii-.• in the
Ilei:i::h L.lea.
\I 1f ;11-tu lw''tu•• e•, Mulles ago.
1Cedd , n1 r. eel from T' i.: L. .h ve e� '11
in the Scottish or (','Itis innnaatcr)'.
Iniat_by _sW_ln In n :i .\ II. on the
holy island .of Ltndi-tarn, Just off
!I1, N,•.Ilnnubri; 11 coil -t, where he
iiaiu•".1 int the prhsthoesd.
1i aro, Ie in ii••Itnston Tran-
! ,nd ,It the intitat' , of King
w -nl to stir, ,:d ('hristlanity
.,,• pa};a tl :'.lx,lna of ,-East
rah!, - I d , who wrote
it tori 'i7 'till :t century
i' Libor,+, r ,tied, Ihrt. anon
W818 Trot lriafi snore:- n t h ,
l-}irtgl+,yak1!- ll�w' ter)
she was w:1,t neo \ f .'ea1 t• uta ori > 1 ', ti 111 •i , ' hitt ' b, .s 111
i 1 tai her a at. g I -'nue• ;a'.v L,. ii, in. It 'iie•r ett.r•
will Pm". h '• I' n ,, h Lain I 1.114+ 1 S I til it `the bag f r
"Floe, s.tis and etti• I N _ I.5 •.,, ! !11 1,, _. e t flower ill 1rpl.l.elltett
I marriage stirs Ike IL•1rc nail I11 •u,! 1,a•. :Tori stn, lined E'sr and �1„wn from Plants that Lave been Fer:_n• Aire.
f' I 1 e” ! f t i1, 'I o , ,1.s 1,i { litter true•
w1. luta,•-.•. ,-ter.•wiug beer .tor other than..Lts
"t1, •u: 1 apt.., n• ,Yule
1:.•s.rlr Sfonn, -of-}}n41eu .lauu+,•-- 1,a_ sUti li d indoors ll -
\11- Ltots•rt fr,t'nLe-fres Ztih. Amer- *scar and Ire is "utsi.r. \Aileen Trulrlt1. tram
t ---14.0.-A-V-n.--141111-4I_t_. E .. 4. _ I r -. �rnkirrg II 11'n- _ Tht't- _A -- . «`" •
of1T �Kard7•na r `Tei,. -i.oe
1'I llutl•t1: of Ilu!lytt. ),'1s11a Mel lluo• ' ,:R. is•1•. rt/:wy eoiuttt'iT•. 1
- tomtit; that growth is hastened and tl e
t IIu--$,- Is a bre l,.._ ,1.,•d ii S:Inlyday las
c•arriru•_._ wh„ for forty , shuck of 111/01 big les+ss•ureh by panni_
'-Rr•. was
ar- t1 -+ 1 I: \ \-.rui.•u,--at- ata U-1 ri•iwr► ill a' plus tl tet`-t*i+rrtte •.t ...hi 5
,s ear.. was,n. t1. of the I'el.L) ed atati 1"..„ . .. \\ .::_h:inl. lk.r•use•1 was
tach Plaut. 'Vito of Ilii. Is••( ,
or.:n�llfou at facetal 4Iii,. died 1,t Lere4 i1, I';St near Ite'grave arid sp1•ut
','teen:.. on April �;rl. ill tits cetinty. he:1.l tyie iire !tie Rig Ifost,•11. s,.
!nn' -t of his life in thea ,ommurifty. at , �5•w- york: Two or three en.' .
,i i.•Us_ 1- w1,-• an 1•I,ro'r =nets- „i,. +:a/e isel"*114.hl"fef {sal4av 44f Rohit hisIit trttnt'eran ts• I,hi'4i .di. it
•rn••I Iiia.• in a us -I 11 • a •r'ig, the - . . -, _.
e ,
: in. 14, +111 -_ata .Su _Ire Gallen Rae
•'n eu;.tl ..s:...11 •+pike lel it:c,r 'Irl remember,- ubsu•rved
. o;•afife• i. sold e nt ;111,`: Simmons. "whether to s;iy It ••,1,' ..r
Illy 1.1,.,•17111;; •.o,•on will •l,
'11:1 110111.1. 1T S•aftit is'' ••i givt•'y-, Vfl-' Ron+,--nt►h'tiert
t.' b:•"•m. a- it d'>,•• that.” i••r,trtis"l his friend. "Just say
1,:tic 1., trt111-'I•':rtst1m{l. ,icer t , y•.11rself tilt, rhyme: '11 I-' I.
- --• -aid the spider to the IIy,' and tit re
\111) Keili-rate? you are:' -
Ilia: "1 I I 5, .\ few days ,.Iter the friend tut.
told risked whether the rely
!ler: '"�:n- !r 11;1..1 Isru-�',f help.
,.f M'4' Ill T nt)vrhtty an.T fear von hent. lie !. ni�i•ived by ills wife said' tots are spri•:i.l ••,••cal we
o h' church in larger tom- .•o yr
..•Roe 1. e• Illh' 1
fries, int ley eh•�i to retrain with the-spaing. acyl the 'rep r' rlln'i:, •,
\free .t brief tlue,s, \lisu i'rsei!la .1.l 1.1+toned along with is; 'r:1'.
n till
his fie k Sot (:rand Rend. Me was we , alio
1 1 Ili the 1. t of Jult. xh^t. 11 m \( 111 h, I i said t
• but for nue thtng
- tlnnrtttan acrd-lssa-4on 111 ltrtt1. Om-t1..--tt nglrr.•r - of the -hate Mr. and Mrs. 7•;.,,.1. gd1•,1 �itttuem•. 1 44,111,1101.r
lotto, •.• „fops yvlti iaTgirr n trrtt: -- -- ---_.—
r.. 5•na 1 1 1.,1 talk-
-'.rth.•rit:,• Ilautiu 111.1 tilt 1\l' ie..;Iy s e the 50• -.fl • • •• . le i t -t
lads., nwdrrat it ..f the Synod "f
limning of last week. She was a It otonL{ has. ,u :
usuaflr tura. tcarnr, the tfrst lar .• time, I t 1.l a first t -t -time."
,. , m gut to whore ••• - Leer w h.•ther your rhyme ti a.: 'Ti is 1,
ty.red to Toronto. Ile is survived by 'l 1 life.John W. „r 1+.try e t t•es •tan 'I'Ite•rn are, many taneel souls in said that spider t'. t?e' ty. er'It in..
•f :77„t ;r•if-S,'rfe,l l,,dt,a, 'AM the slitter I„ the tlri
retirement from srth.. work he re- fit H mut us.f had L,trn ft resident 1 Thte lt, 5'
sons. innillo 1., o 'f 1\ •ilea:un 1. ler . 0 1n lettuce
•o neslit.
Ina wife, three 11:11111:5 surd SL'.. Hobert .\l yn. of ifferd•nt r5!a• froth tilt• !iota
e'atil' Lawn -Lee, .,f t .wt, \i t. h.• :eau. are brother and ?L -;e1. .•f tip de.
SamuelN• , of Cobalt, wed ,1 daughter. ii ii, lady.
)lis: Mar,:nerife. at hens• in Torino...
The, remains were taken to f;rw'1 1111TH
Rend for interment and hundreds of
{seopie tnns•d ' out front all over the
Thomas Itradnoi•I, a well-known
district to neyAtie lite tribute I1, their re-1detA-of East WinvaiitI•ll died Sni-
.t.'Iorted pastor and friend. !;,5. April _J:'d. itis 1112 lift)'=stevrud
year Ile hail Ib, 1.11 f"r
•,,ase rine. lie t. 'orrrfvr•.1 ►i)''' 1,1s
V.114.1. who leafs No..• Leff fart, rlintgh-
The .1141111 of }'resterick Green. of ter of the late \i. Lockhart of .\i-
Eseter North, .sa•urn•el' un Saturday ,nen, and .'ti' son, \\'e.;11.
lice in his eighty -third ' yes u. Ile \Irs. It. llvrriugtoi and Mi-s,.Ui i•
:wave•1 a wilt, W. nest four 1'.51or wore in. _Guelph ,last ,week a'
z Ie:e11- ,i slue. 1' r.,tiucL.i: Itcospyferia.
Edward It. Campbell; who m..• ell to , nl'eling.
Exeter a few years aN•'-from Caborne, 1 .,.alt. Parr. who 11.1. 1•_en ,11115 Pert -
died .tut-. Thursday lust of pneumonia «,+.1- ail. is imprus 11g
at the age of forty seven years. lleds 1 At the .Intl -ting of the Young I'eo-
snrviveeet by his wife 1114 four. young' I'l's M.'.-fety of tlse ['tided e•I:arch last
cllilJtrn, - tt..ek, R, t'. W. It, .\Ip. of .\iburn, gave
lin interesting t!tlk .tt, the sunnier
h.sd course to he held at Goderlrh
Zt•Kiit'li ----_ Julie 1(i to 21. Ile` urged. that as
- twiny its l..ssilt,le• attend.
Norval 1'reviolus has arrived from
ilrsirrich and oilcnwl the third barber
strop in Zurich. --
.111, interesting debate Nel. 11.1,1 by
Ile• young ilee.gl:e of Iloe Luthe~nut
church rre•utly. the snl.Jeit ieirtg:
"Itestolved, that n e.mntr - citizen has
n better opportunity to Is•srllts• it
limb:Him than it city dweller." The
negative won by a few points.
Militant E. Feiner liii nnid--frit
in the Itabylun
Stanley, 10 his trighls.r. l tar 1•s
Stephenson, who will get Isiss4•s4ot1 ill
.11r11 of next year. Mr. Poster In.
tends to retire from farming.
Itev. W. Y. Dreier has mtnrnwl from
the onnnnl ernferetlees of It5 }:yang
lien) ('parch, whi L Wag iii'Trl” Ill
Waterloo. He will* remain stationed 1
in %urirh for another year.
TI a following order apt ears In the
last is -us' of the Canadian Militia (:a-
retM: "7115 'llama, ltt•alnn•ut I Ie;I--'
1111.. 4'.Kil'.1 - Mnjor ('l'itynnr.n It.
1411711 I' It.. is retired sod is ,Cr11411,
tile rank of Lieut. I l'aynir.I mel.
the prosislnns of K.It., S'nundn 191
1' _I, on retirement." T1he.promntion in
rank Is well-de•w•rsed, as Lt.•('ol. flay.
trill -tint In the :Gird I':tttnllon ns It
privtlte, leis luted all the non-eSUetiti'
slonud nail eonetnlsstmned otter•. its I
ills pl`eseti rank. lie n.'sL•ted fu the
-\ far,•ws•11 gathering In honor e,f
Sir.•alit \Its. fie,.rge Want, of Mullett
towns -hip, w1444-++88/ +nuvla,t to Al.Fth. hi
tedde. was livid one evening last meek
u ran it home i1, Mullett. stn address
st4, pta••en1,•d, nrlen1i/110yd h, two-
ha114.1A a chairs and a inintei Mork.
Head of the House tin angry. tones)
---tsV1u,_IOW .)e.0 til 11ur,t1111 1 lsljleer un_
Ili„ \\-all?" •
ttt•1:.n•t,.e-"S.Mtt-tt"eft`, air."
"Pretty. isn't 11Y'
For Halt a Century
the Standard.
Successful Treatment '
Treat ever skin in)ury with oor astissptic
Zara -Belt Thistle. herbal balm prevents germ
infection, allays Inflammation, removes all trace
of 11111.011 and ensures quick, class Melina
Trout and Salmon Await Anglers' Flies
With winter snows dispersing
rapidly and ice dissolving into
lakes and streams; with the rising
of app and budding of trees,
memories of anglers awaken pic-
turing stream's where one would
wish to fish, days
"When even the deep blue
heavens look glad,
And gladness breathes from
the :blossoming ground."
The'waters of Nova Scotia, New
Brunswick. Quebec and Ontario
have all their devoted followers
waiting ter the ice to disappear.
These anglers are always eager to
try new fishing grounds, and they
will have new waters this year,
according to Wm. Barber itaynes,
writing in "Outdoor Life and
Recreation." The latest bid for
the favor of the siiortsntan is the
opening of part of that famous
salmon river, the Restigotu•he, to
any sportsman who can pay a sum
for a day's fishing. Heretofore, it
has been impossible for anybody
to fish the Restigouche unless he
rented fishing v-ater for a term of
several years. Now the province
has made it possible for mon in
ordinary circumstances to put up
money enough for the realization
of anglers' dreams-- -a week's fish-
ing for the salmon of the Resti-
'iotiche in New Brunswick.
.124o411C/Zi77 cw o WhYTlQ ,OQ!'7or3
The North American continent is
more richly endowed with fish a1..,
game. The innumerable rivers,
streams, lakes and great atretehe't
of forest offer an almost la-rile!.•r-
ing selection to the man plannin':
a hunting, fishing or . anneing
The trout season in tlie'see pr,. -,
ince Is firniff May 1 to `'•laertt 1.r
30 for speckled trout, and frn'.i
December 2 to October 14 for the
lake trout..
Ontario's most celebrated tro:ti,
country embrares rivers aced
streams north of Lake Superior
whore names many anglers ata
already familiar with. In this nee.
lion special bungalow camps lire
at your sertiee, operated by the
Canadian Pacific Railway, tb.
afford every advantage of an of :-
door life just sl'Ri1t yy 1? hfeni„ ;
the hardships i'ge'cially for those
who wish to have greater comforts
than a tent and camp outfit
affords. The season here opens
May 1. Distant }Mda are always
MOT , and distant streams appear
The season for salmon in New
Brunswick is from May 2-I -
September 30. In the Restigouche
River and Its tributaries, such
fishing is permissible from April I
to August 15 only• the limit is
an per week. The salmon season in
Nova Scotia is from February 1
to August 31.
quebec's trout streams are many
and widespread, and are easily
reached making them deservedly
popular both with Canadian and
American fishermen. Sat'ttgqtying
sport is to be had in the'atlearns
in the Lake Edward district north
of Quebec City. The Province of more gTeeT, while pools grow
for the sportsman. Nouebec has a wealth of aportion of fishittractiona ng days in imaginationr as ri.pictures
.. II'• 11,• n - 1-1111,•1 10
r.. of mi .ioi.u'> work. ordained
psi. ' ..1,d dee, ons, and er•eted
\' .t lonely sprit on the coast, now
pie tar.,iquel)•' culled Ittadwell-Juxta-
-JJ:ws.-4;t11L.tuu. _tulles frein a railway
- station': stir tenmans 2:tet+ years befoire
- hood bit atandinti a fort with high
stria: walls. It was an ideal Site for
;r.it monastery. Beale 1.•11. us Ihat Cedd
-eolle.•11•d ere a emm�intilfyrotf-th.s
mantis cif Christ and taught them
Ute rule of the regular Ili.• ae1 fari as
they., to._tb..lr Itnuitftretl condition.
were ally to undertake ii."
- They wer"'lo perform three labors
earth day - . Prater, Work, It,adinr,
and. their is.ks laid: In leathern
satchels within their cells.
•Outside the wall wen, eowhuuse,
,.her ,stall, smitbi ..id .,Irpe utero'
shops. an G4•al.of mart teal i'hristfan
it). Within the walls and a little
apart front the brethren's eetlss was
the bishop's house, built with beams
and Joists; here, uta abbot, he residt`d,
wrote anti tatcht- attended by oar• or
two brethren, or mounting his horse
at the gate, rod., forth to 'confirm
• the ehureheit' in, the true-apirl,..of a
Rt. Pul.
With stones 'and tilka-_trom this
fortress of the- ILumrin_ltk.ton, prick
and a:ehewtr wood, ' Ittshop
built a chore), o1 four straight walls.
thatched the roof with reed, and dedi-
cated It to the fisherman saint. To-
day Bishop Cedd'a cathedral church
Jettowet n.-tiE-horns-1,u-taw-14'all.
it had ant alt's.• and three tall arch-
ways hielw•o ll the ops.• and lit'' nave,
. nt which n•malna_exIat In the present
Not long after building his eiinret,,
Mahon ('odd, who was a man ,nf wide
m1'110olt--_amt npen=nehr1e,t-disprwt-'
• Ben, died. and within a year all the
brethren except thirty-. whi• had gone
- tc feria the remainder of theft• fives
near the reatin:'-pLu•.• of their b.'iov-
ed bishop at Li tincl,am. had died
of the plague which was devastating
._hitte4arrd. - -
Terror-stricken by the efeets of
the plago.-, and bereft of bishop and
ntlssinnai•ryt prti•sta, tb.' least Maxon•
r•lapss.•d lhto patutni•rn�nnd ft was
not until the year g7 i. waren Erken-
wald was chosen to till the vacant
See of London, that they received a
'worthy soice••,erwr--tea-toFather In
til.• Faith.
+Mweela--a4-Mt_ l'rt.cL still
stands solidly Its its Undated position
on the trine, of the t'ssex mast, the
original walls, the raftered roof, and
the broken floes remaining much an
they were in the seventh eentnry. In
the days of the :attterts iH. lost Its
belfry. In Elizabethan Bruen It serv-
e.t as a lighthouse. and until recently
was need ns a barn. •
Inlrine the Great War soldiers
were hill.•ted there. Seven years ago
the•-hnlldrntr was rernnseertlted, ne-
er•s+tsary renovatlnns were carried tint,
ani it hrrame a ehnreh again.
Though now only one service a year,
is held in the rhureh, It Is at one.. a
ronsptrnnri• lan.ttnark, and a witness
to the pow'•r and endurance :of
Photograph Tor. small to He tare's.
Th.'-.nlallesf• ph"torraph In the
world sm tiny 'as In h.• Intlslbl.. to
the utak•.d eye wan nn "eshfhirhn'• :
at the !loyal i'hntn'•j'atphte society in
London. in the e. etre• of a -little '
pleee of chefs is a 'Islmlte circle; In
the middle of the sir• -le is'an Infihlt-
eslmal sfa'ek. which I'. hidden to the
naked eyes yonder a nrferoacmp.',),nw-
ever, one w .•v a plinth of Ni. -per, on'•
of the mentor•: of photography. tar -
en by Prof. 1;e;dh• rg_
\\ c ,t 1-11 t„ wtllwair'4' 111;11 icy
hau i IIreha,ee) the bus and
taxi loll -i n.• -s trout ,lr. T.- II.
MtL1i'l1 - -
Ifo+. nuts all trains. ('ails .11.101,
for outltoingtrains. Taxi wen i'
-at all h••ur••, '
Tcatuing and braying
F. Carter dE-S^on
Perk Street, Grolerich. Phone 51
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calls promptly nt'• 1 ' t
dal ur cagily
r l'IIeI\1•:N
Store 311:, Ite:Idrne. ....:.w
IFxmllwu S•r.•.•t, S;.,o,•rleh
Brophey Bros.
r11F: i.};\1)1".1.
• Fl sEK tI Iiiiil: 1'11115
'i I) t:Hlt \L\II:Ks
Ambulance service at all
hours, dao or night
17501,1 111$Ii
Calvin Cutt's
Store News
I'astry Flair, _1 Ito
Pure Lard, '4 Ili. pail
It:11a1I1., "rrrile•as, 2 Iia.....
Salmon, 1'aseade, 1 II). 11n
",Ian'h, Y Ihs
Macaroni.:1 till
f.rne;y.No. .-r Bail ... :
Pancake Flour. .\ant ,l.vniroa,
for - mss•
Symp. ' It,, tan ••
I;nl.1 I11.t, large package
Snap, halal dleaier, 2 11ns _
�we1•piog Compound. in balk.
a. lyse-. _-.
Ilr,kln `.sills, per lis
J. Calvin Cutt
li, r„ 1
Pilaus 111: Kiug-ti'ii ter.
Nova 14cotla'. Prtaltteta.
Products of Not aentbl In 1112'
are estimated to have yielded 3150.
000.000, In which farm products ac-
counted for 3:04,001.000; coal $32.-
1100.000; forest products $15,5110, -
tee, towrtet traffics 111.344,000, and
the fisheries 39.400.000.
_City ofRio-deJaneiro
1 Pe,lcral I ti -1 rie!
I'tlitc11 ttnl, - 'I t7,11
61 External Secured
Sinking Fund Gold Bonds
Dale(' I''•L 1.
fill I Is 1, 111:,1
Prka: 97 and accrued interest,
to yield 6.75
Corner Ilaoolt'n1 Ali,' 5, 11_.1.,
Mittard's is an enemy to pain.
It penetrates to the root of the
trouble, soothes and disinfects.
Splendid for neuralgia.
backache and stiffness of the
muscles and i f•- e1.
Special Prices at McEwen's
Groceries Tea and Coffee
Tobacco Dry Goods
Dinnerware and Chinaware
Phone 46South Side of Square
4 i,,, Yip delivered promptly to all pitta's..? nt the town without t•llarge•
St I'eter'.-..n•lhe-Wall Wm. Built by
1'5:1.! \e.1,•i) rNrlvo Illrm-
drM ,tears
!Piro: the oast year .1 tat ge party
ttC e:.rI• s ma11•• a pil,,.,,,t.e:r.-trewhal
is le lie s' -d to be Ili.• oldest church
ediii-.• in the
Ilei:i::h L.lea.
\I 1f ;11-tu lw''tu•• e•, Mulles ago.
1Cedd , n1 r. eel from T' i.: L. .h ve e� '11
in the Scottish or (','Itis innnaatcr)'.
Iniat_by _sW_ln In n :i .\ II. on the
holy island .of Ltndi-tarn, Just off
!I1, N,•.Ilnnubri; 11 coil -t, where he
iiaiu•".1 int the prhsthoesd.
1i aro, Ie in ii••Itnston Tran-
! ,nd ,It the intitat' , of King
w -nl to stir, ,:d ('hristlanity
.,,• pa};a tl :'.lx,lna of ,-East
rah!, - I d , who wrote
it tori 'i7 'till :t century
i' Libor,+, r ,tied, Ihrt. anon
W818 Trot lriafi snore:- n t h ,
l-}irtgl+,yak1!- ll�w' ter)
she was w:1,t neo \ f .'ea1 t• uta ori > 1 ', ti 111 •i , ' hitt ' b, .s 111
i 1 tai her a at. g I -'nue• ;a'.v L,. ii, in. It 'iie•r ett.r•
will Pm". h '• I' n ,, h Lain I 1.114+ 1 S I til it `the bag f r
"Floe, s.tis and etti• I N _ I.5 •.,, ! !11 1,, _. e t flower ill 1rpl.l.elltett
I marriage stirs Ike IL•1rc nail I11 •u,! 1,a•. :Tori stn, lined E'sr and �1„wn from Plants that Lave been Fer:_n• Aire.
f' I 1 e” ! f t i1, 'I o , ,1.s 1,i { litter true•
w1. luta,•-.•. ,-ter.•wiug beer .tor other than..Lts
"t1, •u: 1 apt.., n• ,Yule
1:.•s.rlr Sfonn, -of-}}n41eu .lauu+,•-- 1,a_ sUti li d indoors ll -
\11- Ltots•rt fr,t'nLe-fres Ztih. Amer- *scar and Ire is "utsi.r. \Aileen Trulrlt1. tram
t ---14.0.-A-V-n.--141111-4I_t_. E .. 4. _ I r -. �rnkirrg II 11'n- _ Tht't- _A -- . «`" •
of1T �Kard7•na r `Tei,. -i.oe
1'I llutl•t1: of Ilu!lytt. ),'1s11a Mel lluo• ' ,:R. is•1•. rt/:wy eoiuttt'iT•. 1
- tomtit; that growth is hastened and tl e
t IIu--$,- Is a bre l,.._ ,1.,•d ii S:Inlyday las
c•arriru•_._ wh„ for forty , shuck of 111/01 big les+ss•ureh by panni_
'-Rr•. was
ar- t1 -+ 1 I: \ \-.rui.•u,--at- ata U-1 ri•iwr► ill a' plus tl tet`-t*i+rrtte •.t ...hi 5
,s ear.. was,n. t1. of the I'el.L) ed atati 1"..„ . .. \\ .::_h:inl. lk.r•use•1 was
tach Plaut. 'Vito of Ilii. Is••( ,
or.:n�llfou at facetal 4Iii,. died 1,t Lere4 i1, I';St near Ite'grave arid sp1•ut
','teen:.. on April �;rl. ill tits cetinty. he:1.l tyie iire !tie Rig Ifost,•11. s,.
!nn' -t of his life in thea ,ommurifty. at , �5•w- york: Two or three en.' .
,i i.•Us_ 1- w1,-• an 1•I,ro'r =nets- „i,. +:a/e isel"*114.hl"fef {sal4av 44f Rohit hisIit trttnt'eran ts• I,hi'4i .di. it
•rn••I Iiia.• in a us -I 11 • a •r'ig, the - . . -, _.
e ,
: in. 14, +111 -_ata .Su _Ire Gallen Rae
•'n eu;.tl ..s:...11 •+pike lel it:c,r 'Irl remember,- ubsu•rved
. o;•afife• i. sold e nt ;111,`: Simmons. "whether to s;iy It ••,1,' ..r
Illy 1.1,.,•17111;; •.o,•on will •l,
'11:1 110111.1. 1T S•aftit is'' ••i givt•'y-, Vfl-' Ron+,--nt►h'tiert
t.' b:•"•m. a- it d'>,•• that.” i••r,trtis"l his friend. "Just say
1,:tic 1., trt111-'I•':rtst1m{l. ,icer t , y•.11rself tilt, rhyme: '11 I-' I.
- --• -aid the spider to the IIy,' and tit re
\111) Keili-rate? you are:' -
Ilia: "1 I I 5, .\ few days ,.Iter the friend tut.
told risked whether the rely
!ler: '"�:n- !r 11;1..1 Isru-�',f help.
,.f M'4' Ill T nt)vrhtty an.T fear von hent. lie !. ni�i•ived by ills wife said' tots are spri•:i.l ••,••cal we
o h' church in larger tom- .•o yr
..•Roe 1. e• Illh' 1
fries, int ley eh•�i to retrain with the-spaing. acyl the 'rep r' rlln'i:, •,
\free .t brief tlue,s, \lisu i'rsei!la .1.l 1.1+toned along with is; 'r:1'.
n till
his fie k Sot (:rand Rend. Me was we , alio
1 1 Ili the 1. t of Jult. xh^t. 11 m \( 111 h, I i said t
• but for nue thtng
- tlnnrtttan acrd-lssa-4on 111 ltrtt1. Om-t1..--tt nglrr.•r - of the -hate Mr. and Mrs. 7•;.,,.1. gd1•,1 �itttuem•. 1 44,111,1101.r
lotto, •.• „fops yvlti iaTgirr n trrtt: -- -- ---_.—
r.. 5•na 1 1 1.,1 talk-
-'.rth.•rit:,• Ilautiu 111.1 tilt 1\l' ie..;Iy s e the 50• -.fl • • •• . le i t -t
lads., nwdrrat it ..f the Synod "f
limning of last week. She was a It otonL{ has. ,u :
usuaflr tura. tcarnr, the tfrst lar .• time, I t 1.l a first t -t -time."
,. , m gut to whore ••• - Leer w h.•ther your rhyme ti a.: 'Ti is 1,
ty.red to Toronto. Ile is survived by 'l 1 life.John W. „r 1+.try e t t•es •tan 'I'Ite•rn are, many taneel souls in said that spider t'. t?e' ty. er'It in..
•f :77„t ;r•if-S,'rfe,l l,,dt,a, 'AM the slitter I„ the tlri
retirement from srth.. work he re- fit H mut us.f had L,trn ft resident 1 Thte lt, 5'
sons. innillo 1., o 'f 1\ •ilea:un 1. ler . 0 1n lettuce
•o neslit.
Ina wife, three 11:11111:5 surd SL'.. Hobert .\l yn. of ifferd•nt r5!a• froth tilt• !iota
e'atil' Lawn -Lee, .,f t .wt, \i t. h.• :eau. are brother and ?L -;e1. .•f tip de.
SamuelN• , of Cobalt, wed ,1 daughter. ii ii, lady.
)lis: Mar,:nerife. at hens• in Torino...
The, remains were taken to f;rw'1 1111TH
Rend for interment and hundreds of
{seopie tnns•d ' out front all over the
Thomas Itradnoi•I, a well-known
district to neyAtie lite tribute I1, their re-1detA-of East WinvaiitI•ll died Sni-
.t.'Iorted pastor and friend. !;,5. April _J:'d. itis 1112 lift)'=stevrud
year Ile hail Ib, 1.11 f"r
•,,ase rine. lie t. 'orrrfvr•.1 ►i)''' 1,1s
V.114.1. who leafs No..• Leff fart, rlintgh-
The .1141111 of }'resterick Green. of ter of the late \i. Lockhart of .\i-
Eseter North, .sa•urn•el' un Saturday ,nen, and .'ti' son, \\'e.;11.
lice in his eighty -third ' yes u. Ile \Irs. It. llvrriugtoi and Mi-s,.Ui i•
:wave•1 a wilt, W. nest four 1'.51or wore in. _Guelph ,last ,week a'
z Ie:e11- ,i slue. 1' r.,tiucL.i: Itcospyferia.
Edward It. Campbell; who m..• ell to , nl'eling.
Exeter a few years aN•'-from Caborne, 1 .,.alt. Parr. who 11.1. 1•_en ,11115 Pert -
died .tut-. Thursday lust of pneumonia «,+.1- ail. is imprus 11g
at the age of forty seven years. lleds 1 At the .Intl -ting of the Young I'eo-
snrviveeet by his wife 1114 four. young' I'l's M.'.-fety of tlse ['tided e•I:arch last
cllilJtrn, - tt..ek, R, t'. W. It, .\Ip. of .\iburn, gave
lin interesting t!tlk .tt, the sunnier
h.sd course to he held at Goderlrh
Zt•Kiit'li ----_ Julie 1(i to 21. Ile` urged. that as
- twiny its l..ssilt,le• attend.
Norval 1'reviolus has arrived from
ilrsirrich and oilcnwl the third barber
strop in Zurich. --
.111, interesting debate Nel. 11.1,1 by
Ile• young ilee.gl:e of Iloe Luthe~nut
church rre•utly. the snl.Jeit ieirtg:
"Itestolved, that n e.mntr - citizen has
n better opportunity to Is•srllts• it
limb:Him than it city dweller." The
negative won by a few points.
Militant E. Feiner liii nnid--frit
in the Itabylun
Stanley, 10 his trighls.r. l tar 1•s
Stephenson, who will get Isiss4•s4ot1 ill
.11r11 of next year. Mr. Poster In.
tends to retire from farming.
Itev. W. Y. Dreier has mtnrnwl from
the onnnnl ernferetlees of It5 }:yang
lien) ('parch, whi L Wag iii'Trl” Ill
Waterloo. He will* remain stationed 1
in %urirh for another year.
TI a following order apt ears In the
last is -us' of the Canadian Militia (:a-
retM: "7115 'llama, ltt•alnn•ut I Ie;I--'
1111.. 4'.Kil'.1 - Mnjor ('l'itynnr.n It.
1411711 I' It.. is retired sod is ,Cr11411,
tile rank of Lieut. I l'aynir.I mel.
the prosislnns of K.It., S'nundn 191
1' _I, on retirement." T1he.promntion in
rank Is well-de•w•rsed, as Lt.•('ol. flay.
trill -tint In the :Gird I':tttnllon ns It
privtlte, leis luted all the non-eSUetiti'
slonud nail eonetnlsstmned otter•. its I
ills pl`eseti rank. lie n.'sL•ted fu the
-\ far,•ws•11 gathering In honor e,f
Sir.•alit \Its. fie,.rge Want, of Mullett
towns -hip, w1444-++88/ +nuvla,t to Al.Fth. hi
tedde. was livid one evening last meek
u ran it home i1, Mullett. stn address
st4, pta••en1,•d, nrlen1i/110yd h, two-
ha114.1A a chairs and a inintei Mork.
Head of the House tin angry. tones)
---tsV1u,_IOW .)e.0 til 11ur,t1111 1 lsljleer un_
Ili„ \\-all?" •
ttt•1:.n•t,.e-"S.Mtt-tt"eft`, air."
"Pretty. isn't 11Y'
For Halt a Century
the Standard.
Successful Treatment '
Treat ever skin in)ury with oor astissptic
Zara -Belt Thistle. herbal balm prevents germ
infection, allays Inflammation, removes all trace
of 11111.011 and ensures quick, class Melina
Trout and Salmon Await Anglers' Flies
With winter snows dispersing
rapidly and ice dissolving into
lakes and streams; with the rising
of app and budding of trees,
memories of anglers awaken pic-
turing stream's where one would
wish to fish, days
"When even the deep blue
heavens look glad,
And gladness breathes from
the :blossoming ground."
The'waters of Nova Scotia, New
Brunswick. Quebec and Ontario
have all their devoted followers
waiting ter the ice to disappear.
These anglers are always eager to
try new fishing grounds, and they
will have new waters this year,
according to Wm. Barber itaynes,
writing in "Outdoor Life and
Recreation." The latest bid for
the favor of the siiortsntan is the
opening of part of that famous
salmon river, the Restigotu•he, to
any sportsman who can pay a sum
for a day's fishing. Heretofore, it
has been impossible for anybody
to fish the Restigouche unless he
rented fishing v-ater for a term of
several years. Now the province
has made it possible for mon in
ordinary circumstances to put up
money enough for the realization
of anglers' dreams-- -a week's fish-
ing for the salmon of the Resti-
'iotiche in New Brunswick.
.124o411C/Zi77 cw o WhYTlQ ,OQ!'7or3
The North American continent is
more richly endowed with fish a1..,
game. The innumerable rivers,
streams, lakes and great atretehe't
of forest offer an almost la-rile!.•r-
ing selection to the man plannin':
a hunting, fishing or . anneing
The trout season in tlie'see pr,. -,
ince Is firniff May 1 to `'•laertt 1.r
30 for speckled trout, and frn'.i
December 2 to October 14 for the
lake trout..
Ontario's most celebrated tro:ti,
country embrares rivers aced
streams north of Lake Superior
whore names many anglers ata
already familiar with. In this nee.
lion special bungalow camps lire
at your sertiee, operated by the
Canadian Pacific Railway, tb.
afford every advantage of an of :-
door life just sl'Ri1t yy 1? hfeni„ ;
the hardships i'ge'cially for those
who wish to have greater comforts
than a tent and camp outfit
affords. The season here opens
May 1. Distant }Mda are always
MOT , and distant streams appear
The season for salmon in New
Brunswick is from May 2-I -
September 30. In the Restigouche
River and Its tributaries, such
fishing is permissible from April I
to August 15 only• the limit is
an per week. The salmon season in
Nova Scotia is from February 1
to August 31.
quebec's trout streams are many
and widespread, and are easily
reached making them deservedly
popular both with Canadian and
American fishermen. Sat'ttgqtying
sport is to be had in the'atlearns
in the Lake Edward district north
of Quebec City. The Province of more gTeeT, while pools grow
for the sportsman. Nouebec has a wealth of aportion of fishittractiona ng days in imaginationr as ri.pictures
.. II'• 11,• n - 1-1111,•1 10
r.. of mi .ioi.u'> work. ordained
psi. ' ..1,d dee, ons, and er•eted
\' .t lonely sprit on the coast, now
pie tar.,iquel)•' culled Ittadwell-Juxta-
-JJ:ws.-4;t11L.tuu. _tulles frein a railway
- station': stir tenmans 2:tet+ years befoire
- hood bit atandinti a fort with high
stria: walls. It was an ideal Site for
;r.it monastery. Beale 1.•11. us Ihat Cedd
-eolle.•11•d ere a emm�intilfyrotf-th.s
mantis cif Christ and taught them
Ute rule of the regular Ili.• ae1 fari as
they., to._tb..lr Itnuitftretl condition.
were ally to undertake ii."
- They wer"'lo perform three labors
earth day - . Prater, Work, It,adinr,
and. their is.ks laid: In leathern
satchels within their cells.
•Outside the wall wen, eowhuuse,
,.her ,stall, smitbi ..id .,Irpe utero'
shops. an G4•al.of mart teal i'hristfan
it). Within the walls and a little
apart front the brethren's eetlss was
the bishop's house, built with beams
and Joists; here, uta abbot, he residt`d,
wrote anti tatcht- attended by oar• or
two brethren, or mounting his horse
at the gate, rod., forth to 'confirm
• the ehureheit' in, the true-apirl,..of a
Rt. Pul.
With stones 'and tilka-_trom this
fortress of the- ILumrin_ltk.ton, prick
and a:ehewtr wood, ' Ittshop
built a chore), o1 four straight walls.
thatched the roof with reed, and dedi-
cated It to the fisherman saint. To-
day Bishop Cedd'a cathedral church
Jettowet n.-tiE-horns-1,u-taw-14'all.
it had ant alt's.• and three tall arch-
ways hielw•o ll the ops.• and lit'' nave,
. nt which n•malna_exIat In the present
Not long after building his eiinret,,
Mahon ('odd, who was a man ,nf wide
m1'110olt--_amt npen=nehr1e,t-disprwt-'
• Ben, died. and within a year all the
brethren except thirty-. whi• had gone
- tc feria the remainder of theft• fives
near the reatin:'-pLu•.• of their b.'iov-
ed bishop at Li tincl,am. had died
of the plague which was devastating
._hitte4arrd. - -
Terror-stricken by the efeets of
the plago.-, and bereft of bishop and
ntlssinnai•ryt prti•sta, tb.' least Maxon•
r•lapss.•d lhto patutni•rn�nnd ft was
not until the year g7 i. waren Erken-
wald was chosen to till the vacant
See of London, that they received a
'worthy soice••,erwr--tea-toFather In
til.• Faith.
+Mweela--a4-Mt_ l'rt.cL still
stands solidly Its its Undated position
on the trine, of the t'ssex mast, the
original walls, the raftered roof, and
the broken floes remaining much an
they were in the seventh eentnry. In
the days of the :attterts iH. lost Its
belfry. In Elizabethan Bruen It serv-
e.t as a lighthouse. and until recently
was need ns a barn. •
Inlrine the Great War soldiers
were hill.•ted there. Seven years ago
the•-hnlldrntr was rernnseertlted, ne-
er•s+tsary renovatlnns were carried tint,
ani it hrrame a ehnreh again.
Though now only one service a year,
is held in the rhureh, It Is at one.. a
ronsptrnnri• lan.ttnark, and a witness
to the pow'•r and endurance :of
Photograph Tor. small to He tare's.
Th.'-.nlallesf• ph"torraph In the
world sm tiny 'as In h.• Intlslbl.. to
the utak•.d eye wan nn "eshfhirhn'• :
at the !loyal i'hntn'•j'atphte society in
London. in the e. etre• of a -little '
pleee of chefs is a 'Islmlte circle; In
the middle of the sir• -le is'an Infihlt-
eslmal sfa'ek. which I'. hidden to the
naked eyes yonder a nrferoacmp.',),nw-
ever, one w .•v a plinth of Ni. -per, on'•
of the mentor•: of photography. tar -
en by Prof. 1;e;dh• rg_
\\ c ,t 1-11 t„ wtllwair'4' 111;11 icy
hau i IIreha,ee) the bus and
taxi loll -i n.• -s trout ,lr. T.- II.
MtL1i'l1 - -
Ifo+. nuts all trains. ('ails .11.101,
for outltoingtrains. Taxi wen i'
-at all h••ur••, '
Tcatuing and braying
F. Carter dE-S^on
Perk Street, Grolerich. Phone 51
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calls promptly nt'• 1 ' t
dal ur cagily
r l'IIeI\1•:N
Store 311:, Ite:Idrne. ....:.w
IFxmllwu S•r.•.•t, S;.,o,•rleh
Brophey Bros.
r11F: i.};\1)1".1.
• Fl sEK tI Iiiiil: 1'11115
'i I) t:Hlt \L\II:Ks
Ambulance service at all
hours, dao or night
17501,1 111$Ii
Calvin Cutt's
Store News
I'astry Flair, _1 Ito
Pure Lard, '4 Ili. pail
It:11a1I1., "rrrile•as, 2 Iia.....
Salmon, 1'aseade, 1 II). 11n
",Ian'h, Y Ihs
Macaroni.:1 till
f.rne;y.No. .-r Bail ... :
Pancake Flour. .\ant ,l.vniroa,
for - mss•
Symp. ' It,, tan ••
I;nl.1 I11.t, large package
Snap, halal dleaier, 2 11ns _
�we1•piog Compound. in balk.
a. lyse-. _-.
Ilr,kln `.sills, per lis
J. Calvin Cutt
li, r„ 1
Pilaus 111: Kiug-ti'ii ter.
Nova 14cotla'. Prtaltteta.
Products of Not aentbl In 1112'
are estimated to have yielded 3150.
000.000, In which farm products ac-
counted for 3:04,001.000; coal $32.-
1100.000; forest products $15,5110, -
tee, towrtet traffics 111.344,000, and
the fisheries 39.400.000.
_City ofRio-deJaneiro
1 Pe,lcral I ti -1 rie!
I'tlitc11 ttnl, - 'I t7,11
61 External Secured
Sinking Fund Gold Bonds
Dale(' I''•L 1.
fill I Is 1, 111:,1
Prka: 97 and accrued interest,
to yield 6.75
Corner Ilaoolt'n1 Ali,' 5, 11_.1.,
Mittard's is an enemy to pain.
It penetrates to the root of the
trouble, soothes and disinfects.
Splendid for neuralgia.
backache and stiffness of the
muscles and i f•- e1.