The Signal, 1928-5-3, Page 5THE SIGNAL,
Have You Ever Tuned in on These?
House Cleaning Needs
Chamois, Sponges, Soaps (lots of variety). Brushes,
Hand Lotions, Ammonia, Paint Cleaner.
Phone 90
McDonald's Confectionery
Ice Cream, 50 cents qt.
Afternoon Tea from 4 until
6.30 every afternoon
prepared on short notiee
N rl'Iti:. tillNDEli.11iN
nil: wake u dem,n,tratiou of the
villa Moire !ruining :ld support-
.: garments. liiagerie awl hosiery, on
tt,•dn,sday. May fah; from 2 to 5 p.m
at, the home of Mrs. Wm. :Straughati..
I:ettmjlll•r, Ladies of the village and
Idt)' :lit ins Pa. to offend.
ASIII''1E1.1) •
Clubbing List
The Signal and The Toronto u SO
The Signal and The ' Toreet
Daily Star
The Signal aad The London 6 50
The Signal and The London 6.50
Free Press
The Signal and The Toronto
Mail and Empire 8.50 _
Thr Signal and The Farmers'
Thy Signal and The Fa,oiiv
Herald and Weekly Star
The Signal and Saturdws
The Signal and Saturday
Evening Post
The Signal and The New
The Signal and Canadian
Homes Gardens
oro sad
The Signal sad The Catholic 3 7S
The Signal sad McLean's- 1S
The Signal and Montreal Wit-
ness renewal 3.85
new 3.511
renewal 4.25
new 3 85
The Signal and Youth's
Companion 3.75
The Signal and The Toronto 76
Star Weekly
The Signal and Rod
The Se,�nal and The Canadian
Counti;man 2.95
I ::.S
The Sign'T
a n d
-,11111 -11.1), May 1.---1Ilea Cather-
1aelr»nald visited with her uncle
Lockman' "ter the week -lend.
THE series of fortnightly broadcasts throughout the winter, from Station
CHIC, Toronto, by The Blue Bell Quartette and Orchestra has helped
to make the season just closing a notable one in radio entertainment. It is
perhaps not to be wondered at that amongst the 4,200 Bell Telephcne
workers in Toronto there should be many really accomplished musicians,
but the happy choice of high-class but popular music and the able direction
and announcing of Mr. Alex P. Roes (inset below) have combined to pro-
duce programmes that have won approval from a widespread radio audience.
Miss Mary II. MarKeuzie. of Itis _
ti-iting at Ili.' l Ille of her bio- - AUBURNvl !hilly Myelieriz,e'.- --
\1 \ I s kere, It:\ . 1l.Rrd -4n--'-'
SI - .iwp.ou and family, AUBURN, May 1. -Mrs. T. Straus1'he death occurred at fort Hurt
.;,,i „t 1Vlents'hureb Khan and Mr. C: M. Straughan at-.
tended the funeral of their relative., on Moudaty, Si,,rii a0t11, of a fora,
M' 1' 'Hanna e f *1'iugliaw uu I. well-ku„wu resident of llo,i. r:eh
\ , , I „ 1' nal, heli! their 1 IaAt
Thursday, May 3, 1928--:1
Men's Furnishings
/'i/OWE 2/9
Piexlal litte•reour,e In (Islam Is Very
Social intercourse• in China is so
complicated that the traveller front
other lands often finds himself battled
Completely when be tries to follow
Its Intricacies. Es.•ry action, every
gesture. ev.•ry carefully - worded
pis rase Is replete with hidden
• Fur instance, It Is wrong to re-
move your hat when entering a
Chinaman'+ home. It It. an ipsutt
equally as bad as if, In this contitry,
• one did not rectory.. one's headgear.
Again, y'ou should never offer a
Chinani:tn your hand to shake. 1'ou
must_ h Ike hands with yocrncif, both
OBITUARY I UOBER SUPPLANTING METAL , oa arrival and d.'partnr.. fusee
offered .anything to drink, it is a
breach.' atigiiette to true+ it 1�-
W1111Al1 l'•. 1'1..11tK ' ' (hr l)rivat, N tch (viten .7-.r:f-w7Clestd- fore the moment you are aTriitt to
,n pants. at h'orty Mlle- an Hour leave. ,.
Again, you will notice that your
''1' (her IlainLshesl Rad.
1 host will pick a cake or (*hole.• lits -
1V11 law C. clack. r. "lt is no good tatkit - )vu for a cult and put It on your plate. In
n•" in Ireland is ]�:,:, ai,.t run en an ordinary•c"od l..•ndon road return. coil must plrk the dalntl.•at
t., d. ",.... 4,.t+ ..,y 1'l vinyl -.:a ,ear " mor el twat lair dish �d sw„etmeatS
w•,. a
a ted 11'xlirot {x Adat#l:; I'll like you and Vlaee -it •on his plate. _ 111 doing
"t. r. Ilit• worst road to he found to so )eu pay him tit•• _reatent com-
ato Ihi.• teri•t-nf I. Ion.' Mot -to was' plim,•I,t. .
d n4 Ids word. Tllic,w'a" to If )on show doe r• '_(rd for • , h
,I-. 1L u a eta/,• t.1' a Christian Science points, the Chtnam:n, Wall make y.,nr
, ,i. \i moor r'pt• s. oLttive the merits of v{sit worth whll., show you all his
tee- the Adams- {+stent spill, e•1$ suspou- tr.•asnr tell you ::111171.14 of bid hoar
leen -' t••m. and bu int s, and cit.• you hntrodue-
'I' wain; intrr;tt-n,-w�+n.t 114- tion*-lu.ltts,fri••ud..
„,\t i)' pili lly 117ad1 • anal l elt'et,•tl--With , 'Af1`'�' _ti'J'hiti:,1' ..
othotes. endW ' tth"-z1'' ''a
ca -- at I`Irr,•,t! cin 1 large P on
a tourt.Il . to )ilu t'.:ud
}irk .-.:Juan! ".{+_N'n:..h _11111 t hay, ii,,, ii .
litalt.wtft� Mr. Ad . us Ito. n pro- itut `AS yihr iffn-`t u'-wtttit-aw:ry so a
" • eeed.d to drive. !t,- 114 -hot-• l,,w•, r lours tl%A m. le handle • yon a ...qua, I
.tl r ,resent In mentors ei,:,ur chit, for
c1a.t ll-i,aW'ed ut lust n,t.0 t", I i
�1tk,4Lat1 - .. summary - --- - 1-t'hine,:a as*• zi3*lruatll -hosts-- and
u :h4 fes`.• e , • e ,.f r, t n t1' • N`IITi'l'h .try nde;t�tir f„ p , It tfi
• itis ways 'ph- rear held thu-road le r- asci love t" mak, )our yi>ils ta•thelr
'r Q-atiy •wd we druv" a nluutbl) bourses happy m••n",rl.s.
lav without Minipins! over the unset, -I'
led surface The occupants of other at The Tropical Room.
Miss ' - a the person of 1 1 k M
rte, d for Ilya r .•hill. 11 t. -blevl at t •1, ter
, ;,. ,•. 'rile meeting,rslir. F. Itaithby intend doing the ezrwe
..1.4 111 ; \t YT rte art -ideal. Mrs. _ of yeairs-_hefot••• , t Mg
in the near future. e;od,erich. Ile had been , hes
\I, I., ,r, at I , II,iir. The roll
,,..,,,.,, ,y A Fart/rite Miss iternice Lawson 1s the pr„ u'I i;.1' al"'''' ., „:u• :old :, .,., :u I
I:.. st „ 1;row it." possesw;r of a Shetland pony. Don't >
a -era, 111,1•'•: - .,_•, l..• and I .. , 11, ,
I,,• >I -- Mary H. ,Yee •d the slsvvl limits, Musa ]krui'e.'..,11.4,,,,,r.
, 1..11'1 11 ,t-•,. , lit, ` 1,.
Si • \I' \ .1 11aeKe•uaic. 'Mr. ai,i Mrs. F. OW, r, of G.wterieIl.. a Iter. ma,Myrna, \I.,: .-\t- 1
tl ,, tl „ .:ng a so:o. .lent tiuudayswith A1.buru frie•ads. , .,i uviol t 1•y ..
.. -.a -u•g and an auto- Mis: SVe4tt•sis•lu 4hr wa'ela,ad with tori-1t.-ts /11141 11,1'.4
+1, e•.i :tie meeting her parents at Pine River. - SlatIal•aa. -Ulna toad F„• - • . I'
,, _
sitz, s,.' y.l. ug 1',t -God Save, Mrs. Montgomery. of kesienelt town- Ito: a, I Lar,,... e f e Io. - .. .
t1Vfi::rtirm l _fit clortFfci:. Ml
a � ship. is the guest of her r"nsln . SI1=A �1'i
. . Lune of Mr.' Mr. F. Phillipa i hitting til _trrtrt'est-Ci w" l•'
I• yl L ., I • l::ti-h. There i o. Mr. J. ltaithby end eniti_et.'. t 1'l uuudr "I'''"
IF,y MacKenzie and A. Sturdy: I. .gryiu " ." lar ou
r \I , l he i. w,, w
e.L: s:.lied at the
The saernmeltl of Uls L, r,l's SINN'
: :u.•i Mrs. Frank ]tam- will he adnAnintereli-in Knox t.nlic41- gym-�^t�, t c. rirtr �
alar 1
Benmiller Sunday School
I„t'1 1 - , , ry Surid:ly
10 111 ,''clock
Everybody Cordially larded to Atled
�„hloth at the c I I 1 1
- .-k/+reh tvvC reE-•-Lt
hour of war !lip, !'reiulrnt,.rt scrcwe A� Cham_ ('I - Tract tai reet.
Si r.. Ititclie are tint will be held en Friday evening at S (•,,;b,•ri,e •, ,'ery en rte ,u,'..
,, 'I • this week. t,'cl.a•k and will be conducted by ltcv, .l,i.a,ia.„t is ,. m. l'. fait u.n.
Mr L. rh.iu lollvia Monday J. F. lielt,g. of Clinton, ti.• ..'r - 'IL.' LIN. Mr. Clerk
f. r I' totswhere be will he Mr. and Sirs. Joe Carter awl s, a. , n „ , : . I tunauI order
inkn pallbearers L
-. sot, oli LIN• EI In s ut the } nv-.1e•i l ' I" i
-bony "f S. P. No. S, Ash- ..i Pott K I1e
I Mr. Carter's herue In the village. His
,,,.t111w•r_ :r order: e'in .I,
1,, :d iul- Is•, ti t,uttiticd wftb'uew seats mother. Mrs. James Carter. has Irn ,,,,a. s, _ •a' ,U'tustrul._. Ma
!Achille, way at a walking {Pat' The other da)' a mail .applied for a
gazed a t us at atn:•e,•naent 11 was a post in the French ribnaial Furs
• ', i •'
11 w
' 111111
R12musta 'fat
// /l.'1' t
• + In r
.• #a •e ant
i -r experience o 'n ,orf tl x;est
' truly w ted p
1.1`11 one
experienced to he believed. To ' fluted to live in a tropical climate the
one who has. done so It ifs difficult to candidate was plac,•d iii a specially -
doubt that, ;Epstein _must_,rentu- constructed room; lined with cork to
annair. '�Ily replace the ordinary met (leaf inaintalri Tin ..'v.'n Ti•tUp tr:ttzire. -
spring's' ''The room -Mill was made -of metal'-
1ir. This very ingenious system Is the' encased Iti wood, and there, was a
Hail Invention of Mn, -Aditus, who Is, a dour of double glans. It was v• 17
Pew believer in rubber as a shoed( absorb- hot Inside, th,• totnpe raturo corre-
er.' One gen-ratty thin-ka of a rubber spending .to that 7rt-Ow. place to
spring as being attained by the use* which the man was to live. -
of rubber cords of varying length and A bicycle in the room provided bum
' strength. Mr. Adams saw that this with exercise. and his muscular rn-
(� would not b" praetieable for a motor envy was tested. The reactions of his
BLcar, and so centre -teed the Idea +•f us-_ body wereels, measured. Food was
' lug rubber discs which woukd--taire a , handed in through a special opening
torsional or been an strain. in the wall, so that the atmosphln7'
e Of
This has achieved by the use was not dleturb+d.
There three simple parts for each wheel.("airs Lure for Loos.
le first a serrated rubber disc M
r e -sit which resembles a gear wheel with Catnip Is to he raised in the Bio-
t the gear teeth on both sides. This fits logical Survey's Experiment Fur
eller, • into two corresponding metal-tonthed Farm at Saratoga, New York, to se-
g Ise- discs, one of which is secured to the cure a supply of catnip oil for use'
s nue frame and the other to the end In trapping mountain lions. {rs•ettllar
ell to of a radium arm. The pals are Catnip. it -Is said; ham --a
goes clamped together, the rubber being litre for all members of the eat tribe,
thio .tinder compression ani i the cheeb'th, or. hunting leo-
load of the car is taken by the, rub- • pard, of India. _ From an acre bf eal-
lism, therefore, you must go to the bei discs. Any movement of the axle sup about two quarts of catnip till'
rout of 1111
mild In the blood.
That thus causes a torsional strain on the can be obtained. One drop of the
Fs -why Dr..willl:wLLl'lnk pills bane rubber discs. Mr. Adams has found
oil ran be diluted with twenty drops
proved- se lrrntdh'isl when taken for that a radius arm' of about two feet of petroleum, This dilution, as in
In length gives aumdent strength for the case of attar of roses and other
this trouble. They Make new, rich an anile movement of abut six
perfumes', instead of weakening. bp
which expe:,t thr,axldlruous acid Inches. creases the odor
anti the tht' t at ism disappears.Unlike a mortal leaf or cull spring, t
Their arc tis In 'a oL homer (*lien- Iundcrn's Baaoauotlt Stores*
matte sufferers .in /'anuria, 110W well robber cines not store up soy assn -
ald strong. who thank Dr. R'flliama clable energy so as to cause a re- London, 10ugland, bus thousapds of
Pink fills that they are now free from bound after its comprer.slon but basement stores, kitchens, as ee -
merely returns to its normal ten- tars wall below the high water 1 e
sloe; this does away with any ne- of the Ricer Thatnes the feet t a
ye.slty for shock -absorbing devices. I these are very seldom flooded is e
The parts going to make up this sus- to the main drainage spheqqe, wit
pension system are lighter than the oaPerta stab 1, the flaeM !a
usual metal leaf type, are easily and w,/rid,
cheaply manufactured and would ap-
parently1. Bring Hack ♦lrttrh-Cann+llwzta,
be immune from damage.
They have been tested for 20,000 Thr Quebec Gove•ernmrnt is to be -
tenets without visible wear, but oven gin work Immedlatt.'ly on a reparation
should wear occur the ribber discs asehoehe to be carried "n over a per -
are easily and cheaply replaced by of three years with a grant of
anyone with the simplest tools. 110, too n each o A
+ 11 ckboard h
I , rkudid new n a ill tuuat of the winter. Jjoi�•ht W. .1 AVis-,•u. J. 11. !tell
shields, of Amberley, -trhb at; Mr And_ ]Lis- Vert Mille. bl�o'T Sh a•rt IFu t.•a. Those•{•rrseut of
hl n i';: for s,iulr flee, i, TiL>ti,ruvfig, lark+, spent the w64-e•ud vi•i►h rets- funeral from a distance inclined'
e'1 k
Mrs. John Martin, of Whitt..•laur•ls ,,,,I mi., \it re, Ila:thew:, In.
pent Sunday with Mr. anal \Ir . 'ase and Mr It s. Frastr. :,f
.1 ladies' quartette from -tulon'n -- - --- -----
Mrs. Il.rwein, Mrs. Shaw•, Mrs. II RHEUM PAINS
and Miss Sadie Carter, sang in tit,• ATi(*
laptist church, Clinton, on Sunda, DUE TO THIN B
•toning. �U-
Mise tensatmah Pierce htfg teem con> , _
hued to her bed through Illness. ---- -
"he Fe
tut P
Successful y - Relief Comes Through the Us
Hall WAS packed to the doors las Fri- ,
Illy evening. when the young people Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
t their
• tl
.d' Knox United church presented
play, "The Ioad to the City." The The ' a --'t a rheumatic suffers
ploy, in four acts, was marked by hope for in rubliing els olllittgeii
good acting throughout and was fol- swollen. a,•Iiiii j
lower) with keen interest as the plot anti all the while,-tlte trouble I
unfolded. Those who took part In the ''i'titittg Hors' tirtulj• reeled. It t
MI • Ill Plunkett, Mies known that rhemmatitun is root
Clubbing Rates With Othe- Peri-
odicals May Be Had on
The trout fishing season opened 0
Tuesday and some local disciples o
!mak Walton, who had been lcokin
forward to the day, tiled their Iuck.
The day was rather too cool, however, reside on the gram's farm on the 7th 1 itraughan. Music- and readings be -
for much ecces'. I iomessIon of Ashfield. I tweet' acts were Stew rt by Miss
Ruby Carter, Miss Verna Rutledge.
, Mrs, Will Craig, Stewart Plunkett.
Will Craig and Iktrothy Craig. The
pt i(eeds amounted to $59.05. --
The farmers are bcgiuning the
,.ring work on the laud. We loupe
r a e,,utlnneni'(' org,s,d' weather, .
Fitzgerald -Caesar -t quiet wed-
, : was ,,leuanI .i' l at 4 o'ckli•k on
esttuntt.'y afternoon at the manse. a
seek ti n, when Mrs. Jennie F. Caesar,
el,re+i dungtttt'rof Mrs. Annie Barkley,;
,,rtrurrganmm:-wss united lu marriage •
" Robert Fitzgerald, of the 71Ii con-' t
.•sslen of Aslrfle hl. The ceremony ,
tt ua performed b)• Rev. C lis
;Ill. Pastor of Erskine Presbyterian!
hunch.*!hometown. and of•know
I'reslrytl•rlan church. '!'hey were un-
•,tte'ntk'it. This lirieie was lteruutingly
_owned in navy blue fiat crepe.
-Hent hat _told .oilier_ n
match. After the ceremony Mr. and
- Mrs. Fitzgerald motored to the home
n of the burble s sister, Mrs.. ili(*hard
(lardner, of the 12th concession of Ash- ,
g /Mid,
where a wedding dinner WIIP
served. air. and Mre. Fitzgerald will
its•, in the cnwmunity , l;tan' : Cark, 31- .' limn :t1' .
Unexplained Inaccuracies
in the Scriptures are
emptying the Churches
The Universal Bible will till
every less. It eau be used in
darkness i.1' daaliglttt' by blind or
alg ell, la•r.•,nw, ata! jTF4ives every
Tbe Till'TII mnstuirevail :n i
stakes you free. 'Two nisi tat. ,r,
aiwayw four, • w itle uo lie I -
The rontpassi gises 'only -'
'rhe U. Il. writes :unl • •
.•ser) thug; desirable I.- i.,. „ , .-
..veers stay .1nesti..ei,+iekrrao+ues soy
N•Y. even .d III(' to h:Itcita 1 Liek.
It h. ll'. III' loileii'w t , Leal
you. If you're tall hettltl,) :tn•I
it Ip t'. its your own fault.
Tew.lwn•ie that Iii' tle:
could_ l+•-,thnu•reed ..r
l i"rge L. u.. , 1, , ,.•,Il -•'s • l'1„'
relate (1 ,,,'t fr., I .1 , , . mar
Its• little tis, i ,., ,_1 t 1', ,,,
I'OSII'AII) - $2 .1o.
,: "1
Golden Rule Association
411 West Ferry Street. Buffalo
OM' Ittittt
play were: ss y tin' Ueer issset and that as the trouble
Pearl, Taylor, 3ITss 3faffiTm�tsgner,
Mrs.' Will Rtraughen, Mrs. A. J. Fer- en the blood iter, w1 • Will further
guslrn, Harry Sturdy, Ted Mills, Oliver and esttcri. ger- rine of 1'h
-Anderson, Guy Cunningham and Will
al/ wia
Be sure and send Flowers to Mother on that day. There
is nothing that you can give that will give her more pleasure
than a fine bunch of Flowers that can be procured front
Front Mr. iL S. Chilton
The Signal is in receipt of a pleasant
letter from Mr. R. S. Chilton, of Co-
tlmtrg, Ont., who is at present in San
Francisco. file says he has met many
Canadians there In all sorts of busi-
ness, and nearly all making good. "I
have the pleasantest recollections of
many delightful visits to Goderich
during the years my father was there
ak i'. s. Consul," Mn, Chilton writes,
"ani! ask to be remembered most
warmly to old friends who may re-
member me-ineludiug William
Campbell. Dudley Holmes, Dan. Mac-
donald, Ned ,Lewis, etc."
First - Class Restaurant and Lunch Counter in Building
the aches and pains of this dreadel
trouble. 'liar of these Is. Strk'.. W. F.
Tall, McXetiar, Ora., 1.
am efts' of the willing "ties to tell you
of the great benefits I revived from
the use of Dr. Williams fink Pills.
After lying in bed for seven weeks suf-
fering untold agony with inflammatory
rheum lien', rhlief liuully came
through the use of this medicine. I
could not move in bed only es they
lifted me. and I could only sleep when j1' r for 1 f those )cars n
opiates were given me. The medic
avail. Then I w'as_ndno Mr. Adams thawed the remarkable i endeavor is 1" b.• made to endure FOf Goiuf Clc'a ,• (,nal
availment I was llkdv seemed of lwetl to try I)1'. way In which a ear fitted with his teeny Quebeeki'rs who liar" goad to
I,, "finYOU
`«f,.. /11,L..16
We can't hire the heat Folk- nut to
you for your spring cleaning.
Rut we ran promise this : if you burn
Heat Folks foal you won't have
nearly as much spring llcanhnl to
-- do. ----- ---
Coal from our yards goes into heat,
-not soot, nor smoke, nor ashes,
nor clinkers. -'
Save time on your spring cleaning :
save money on your coal, by order-
ing your next load from the {lest
Williams' I 11 d soon I 11' device held the road. it +Meme -urs towhee.
bad potholes without bring the ro"hee. It is estimated there are COMPANY
gar to got relief. titer taking sly "r steering wheel. An rdl 1'y b t 1 000 000 F r, nrh C uladlans Goderich
by r t England States to return to
Pink Pills, s, an
t: e ' 1'r t1'. . o tea ear musta all • - - t
eight boxes the rheumatism was ban -
have been thrown off its _track, but resident in those states.. Phone 98 -
Ished and. I had newer fen better in his car kept straight on,. Asked ff
my life It Is several y"ors since thist skidding was affected, Mr. Adams,
happened and i have had no return after accelerating on a stretch of
the trouble since. 1 rosy odd that i and wet,,t! blslippery wood paving; applied
fkvrtrinwmeied 1c. attic m""}-81'
tef fry the brakes harit *lthonrn
t pdue-
frlends whowere suffering with Hien- Ing any sign of askld.
matisnt the pills were equally ef-
fis•tive in loth cases." I,
Try hr. Willlatn,+' rink Pills for ,
ausemla, ncenmalism, neurnigia. Indi-
gestion or nervousness. Take them ns
a took• if you nre not in th.• Istst phy-
sical condition and ettltitate a resist -
tine.' thfit will keep yMT well end
stfong. Yon van get these 1/1116
through ally medicine denier or by
malt at ?Vie n hot from The lIr. WIi-
llams' Medicine Co.. lin. kvllie. Ont.
THREE -YE t11-01.11 RANI' FESS.
Tricks of (1ltarlsetnn HohLs No Ter-
rors for Chinese. Tot.
imagine a little Chinese girl of
;less than three years old with an tet-.
tensive repertoire of popular songs
In addition to a number of Chinese
pleees, who davit the t'harl.•ston with
a dash that Is astonishing for her
extreme youth, and there you have
Maurice ('hew, the little daughter of
Mr and Mrs. Henry Chew, Toronto.
Maurine first obliged a reporter
with the rendition of ',J4emorles,"
"Kentucky Home," "More My Iady,"
"Onward, Christian Soldiers." "Sing
a Song of' Sixpence," and these, al
though sung in a childish treble.
were very distinctly articulated, with
no Ilttl" musical effect.
Idol» Maurine developed her nat-
ural talent with the aid of a phono-
graph. Maurine would stand directly
in front of the Instrument until she
had learned the words and music.
It Is perhaps Maurine's remarkable
memory that Is responsible for her
astounding aptliiide for things must-
: sal. When only nine months old she
would point alit her grandmother's
picture, and could recognise eat
a.rti le as name in the house.
Robert Stefhern to Refire
Ottawa, April 24.-- -After com•
pleting mre then fifty years in the
teaching {etofesstan, more than forty
-esus of which have I)4en tet the I,is
gar street (bllegiate boat itMe. Ottawa.,.
Hebert Istothers, lend of the history
department there. Is retiring from act
nnl testehing tet the end of the lirnsent
wheel year. Annotmeem"tet of this
WW1 made tet lest night': meeting of
the 4'ollegiate institute hoard.
Mr. Slathers is a notice of Ashfield.
being a brother of the late William
Stothers, long township clerk of that
municipality -
Chamois and eponit' for nutomoblle
cleaning, Campbell's Drug Store.
YES, We are SellinOUt
During the past month each day's business
made big inroads into our tremendous stocks, and
wish to announce
Still Further Reduction of Prices
Many of our lines are absolutely sold out, and
all other lines have been re -grouped into lots at prices
which will make you want to buy them.
New goods, as well as the older lines, must all be
sold. Don't miss this, the opportunity of a lifetime.
Sharman's Shoe Store