The Signal, 1928-5-3, Page 3L" New York Notes
The Signal's Clubbing List •
will save you time and money. We
can give you a price on almost any
publication issued on the continent.
First-class work at reasonable prices.
Call The Signal when you want a
job of printing well done.
Telephone 35
General Steel Wares Limited
7% Cumulative Preferred Stock
( Par Value $100 per share
The 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock Is to be fully paid and non-
asseesable; preferred as to dividends and assets and en-
titled to cumulatite preferential cash dividend. at the
rate of 7% per annum, payable quarterly 1st Feb-
ruM). May. August and November, redeemable
by tall In whole or in part on any dividend
date at the option of the Company at
$111) per share and scented divi-
dend on 30 days' prior notice.
NET TANGIBLE AiSE'CS as at December 31. 1926, based on
balance sheet/. of the five constituent companies, would have
been equivalent to more than $190 for every $1111 preferred share
outstanding after deducting First Mortgage Bonds.
EARNINGS --Based on operating results of the constituent corn -
parries for :i years ended December 31. 19'26. after giving effect to
sonic of the immediate ,savings whieh in the opinion of the roam
agement will result front the consolidation, earnings as certified
by Messrs. P. ti. It(sss & Chartered Accountants, would have
been equivalent to more than twice the amount of the dividend
requirements on this issue.
PRICE: 101 and accrued dividend,
yielding 6.931-
' Limited
'Phones 230-231
%mlti Convention at Whigham Is
Weil Attended
A large gathering of women and
girlhi attended the second auuual meet -
lug of the Huron Presbyterial of the
Wolume's Missionary Society of 'the
United Church of Canada, which was
held 111 %VIuigham United church on
Thursday, April 10th. Mei ded at iHogg;
of Clinton, president, p
sessions. The devotional exercisese u
the morning were conducted by mem-
ben of the lielgrave auxiliary,
which Mrs. Wei Field, of
spoke a few gracious words of welcome
to the visitors.
Must grutifyiug reports of the work
done during the nine mouths eudiug
December, 1027, were presented by the
secretaries of the different depart-
ments. Miss Cousin, corresponding
secretary, showed that there are in
the Presbyterial 412 auxiliaries, with
2,455 members; 20 young women's
auxiliaries and mission circles with
4s7 nneuibers ; 5 c.t.I.T• groups with
1.14 members; 30 mission bands with
tS110 members, and 7 baby bands with
105 :members; a total of 124 organiza-
tions with 3,061 weathers. With few
exceptions delegates from all these or-
ganizations responded to the roll call.
The Presbyterial has one banner aux-
iliary. Whalen, of which every woman
In the church is a member.,_
The treasurer, Mrs. Gardiner, pre-
sented a must euvouragiug report,
showiug that $14.505•35 had beau scut
to headquarters during the U suouths,
this lleiug 97 1-3 per cent. of the alio-
-cation, five per cert. Increase over lust
year and au average of $U.17 per adult
her. It alas luted that Auburn
3 Specials in Men's
Work Shoes
3) pairs of Men's black _oj brown. grain Blucher, plain
vamp Ix)x toe, I'anko sole, nailed and sewn. Sizes ti to el
10. 3pfcial .DJ
30 pairs of '(den's black or brown >rt<rdium Work
lo ll.P .�
• Shoes, solid leather sole with rubber heel. Sizes 1;
$ neial
15 pairs of white knee Rubbers, heavy soles. Sizes
ti to 11. Spe'c'ial
f,HoN E—.344,4 eInuth Side Square
We have a large assortment of attractive pia{+ e-14-1 Noh
that hcxtwe-cleaning time is here, brighten up your room
a tow Elie
live powers, which, witli,her -pleasing
persupality, make her u speaker who
will long be remembered by all who
heard her.
The report of the resolution cote;
mittce was then given by Mrs. Cooper,
of Clinton.
During the afternoon the thirty
members of the Wlughaw C.G.t.'C..
wearing their attract ive uniforms.
wangled in and delighted the audi-
clue by singing three negro splrttueii.
Another pleasing feature was a Ju{w-
sou& presented by
girls fruw Winghau Mieniol Band.
wearing kimonos and currying para-
sols, fans. chum uttediums and
Bibles; and showing that in return
fur those things which Japan hes
given us we should give her the Bible.
The meeting elosi5"r with a few
words of inspiration lend encourage-
ment by the ptesideut, and prayer by
Mr'. Weir, ief Blyth. The next Pres-
byterhli meeting will Is• held in Janes
street United ,-lurch. Exeter.
The fol% Wing officers were elected:
Members without portfolio: Mrs. J. Il.
Colborne, Goderich, Mrs. Jae ilaw-
Tituu, Gudc?Tcli, airs John .WiMmr,
\Viiighaw; preelident, Mrs. J. E. Hogg,
Clinton ; 1st vice-president, Mrs. V.
Mullen'. Exeter; Lent vice-president.
Mrs. Thos. Gibson, Wroxeter; 3rd
vier president, Mrs. W. J. Audrew.
Gee eci.L;-- Ills--vlu prcaiilcut. alts.
Lune, Seaforth; recording secretary,
Mrs. W. J. Greer, %\'iuglum; curres-
.pundiug secretary, Miss Annie Cousltt.
ilensall; treasurer, Mrs. Peter Gar
diner, Blyth; young pe epte's see-
Miss Esther Hume. Guderlch; C.G.1.T.
secretary, -Mrs. \Veer, Itlytlt; child-
ren'ir work secretary, Miss Mary
Clarke, G(slcrleh; as:m'itnted helpers
secretary, _JMrs. Chas. Johns, H.R. a.
mem ,I 1,�(fer; .-"Milady seeeetary. Mrs. Time
auxiliary bed ate highest average, Vernier. Clinton; assistant supply see.
coutributiug $5.66 per member, also rotary, Mrs: Elton Mozell. Clinton:
that the giviugs per member lu lluruu Missionary Monthly' ,e- r tar, Mrs. H.
were four per cert. above the overage Fowl , l
Clinton;; t hrist t,McKenzie. l
uver the Loudon Cuufctence Brauch. p
It was urged that If each member real- iEaolondcille; strangers secretary,
!zed and assumed her rt, spotisihultty
lluruu Presbyterial would easily go
over the top financially.
The Missionary Monthly secretary,
Mrs. Fowler, reported 1,34s sub-
scribers the Ireu,a, of this
Now at• are to have the Irielieler-
man air muvigiiterr. We have enter-
tained them all. The Irish 1lelug iu
charge of New York• frompeeli•euteu
to Mayer. uatunilly Fitzwuurice will
be royally dined and the new Free
Mate toasted iu a su,eessiou of fetes.
Atud, there being a few million Ger-
luaus in the metropolitan district, the
two britiTTi utema wilt be ---huelied"
and dined. It all pruwitts interna-
tional goodwill, or, at least. lessens
national prejudiece.
-wall gull' and humor., "Th,. world's
a stake," re'uutrked a conwpanlou the
other day. Verily.
ltt*IITY=VrRST Y•)dAlt NI' lr
We now !•ave automatic cigarette
machines which make chance, give
you Lucky Strlkes,,ant thank you, as
)sell us tell you they are tensted—all
witbvut clerks. The mechanics of the
thing way not be remarkabie;-bat the I
friendly words of thanks and explana-
tion are novel
New Turk, of all cities, is what you
might cull "air conscious," if that's
the right expressiuu. \1e hurt many
dying ports. Any Saturday -or auu-
,lay great crowds of motorists congre-
gate Omenbuour flying fields, pat ser atr-
ium'of repute mug out their Sou -
,.Moes Ijulv�ewitteceed many such I
exhibitions; All the daily papers fea-
ture flying. This morning's '!'lutes has
pages devoted to Wilkins' flight from
Point Burrow to $putzbea'gt•n, with
generous prelim and ?kitcbee of this
Australian nieces life. The rivalry of
the wetrupulituu press to eecauretfist
stories uud first plotogrup
n ense
limes a Mlle bit amusing. A
'comfortable sent in the movk�s will
keep we abreast of these air exploits.'
Consolidated Investments Ltd.,
Federal Bldg , Toronto, Ont.
Gentlemen: -
Please send me, without obligation,
map of Sudbury Basin and immediate
Mrs. W. A. Weimer. Itnwefield ; liter-
ature secretary, Mrs.. Walter Naftel.
(;e, Wrirh ; press serf•
rUiry. Miss A. C.
Lawrence, Seaforth. Delegates to
t'uuferenve Branch: Mrs. It. T. l'hil-
tln lioderirli; Mrs. Jas. Cook, Luck -
scribers andstressed Howe ; Mrs. holt. McKinley, arra ,
pg per ineverythat Johns tolldd home. that 20 auxiliaries � Mrs.. Relit. K),lel.„❑,e•)ir%,'ne�. \�'
N4 A:-5loatoith. Klppe
have an assucinted helpless' dein1r Mich:tel, Wingham.
Mc -
went with -'ill; members-rcruttilrttti++g }
$Inti this department being tar the . -
The latest In metropolitan journal-
ism -is a colored sheet issued by The
Evening Journal called the "l'e'ach
Edition.” Colored evening papers are
common enough. but this is a new us-
sttult oea the w•nsibi hities of polite pee,
pie. We have eeeme publications that
Gln any Soo• only by stealth, with sea'.
Meths. phllosephy, scandals anti advice
the• tavesiek hung indiscriwluutely
together., These manifestations pre-
cede the inevitable reform.
• • • • •
Gene Tuuney has come north to
train fee au encounter with Mr.
liectie)- lila first conspicuous act
watt to address a class in English at
Yale. aoid- dlscvunse on ghakr,slrearrs
playa what" tripe has au old -fade
haled pugilist against one who has
read "A Winter's Tale" ten times ---as
lie admitted':
I have remarked before about the
traush,rwativu of a nue-pout dowdy
section of the city, Itemised by Seventh
av_euue tied rsuce infested with scrotal --
baud chitliiers and pullers-lu, foto +1
brand-new ealy of massive buildinge
culled the Gar•wuut t'e-utre. In this
re -birth the Motel Nay'nrrt• IS to leA-
tern dowel, to tee 'repleted by a forty-
six•stery building, to dominate this
new district. The Navarre Is a beau-
tiful building of ten stories. It is not
so ibug ago that The Awerieat Amid -
Slid the charming Helen
stayed a few days elite us at
11111s. to practise a bit before
for Eurupeau triumphs.
C. II.
New York, April 23, 102'1.
The Mutual Life
Assurance Company of
E 'tarnished 1869
Head (Hfive,
Waterloo, Ontario.
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
E.a.t Street. Ph..e 250
Crederis Ontario.
?ewe Train nervier Ilet'veen
and Midland
l'uu:ldi:n11 Pat -Ili, tralu '2.i, uuev
bearing Toronto 9.4:, am. 'lues. -60e
Thursdays and Saturdays, will, ef-
fective with change of title April :"J.
Peet featured It In- many pictures for `rave Toronto 10:'2,1 n.m. dally) excel
its artistic ceurth, and its lavish use of Sunday iusteud of 9.45'a.m.;' arriving
uruama•utat terra collo. -But so seeltt Sudbury 7.311 le ui. as at present, An,
is the uoveweut of buriuess that even added feature, ti this service is a co
such u pxeuttItul house is W let rr J uae•tlou at Minima., will' service ver
pluecd by 'a modern temple' of surd 111yw' IIs• into Mi.ihuo! whi , ails
and brick. ` inaagurateel on April 30. 1' asehger'
id lit 2.1:•
Sun Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
offers many attractive tonus
of policies. Consult us
regarding these.
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
tseuedt of the shut -[eta anti those uu
able to attend the meetings. IN CARE OF LITTLE ONES
The supply work was presented bl• f --
Mrs. Vernier, who told that, besides I Oce their children
$3`27 iu cash. quilts and clotfrom 1 solid Many
motheds at rs geeo ti set age and
value of $1,325 had been received
the auxiliaries and sent tun lruSitwan say
grownir hrnheole{!e dont
f�nke clay school, tut u ,.. ..cher} 1 to
Home sad to needy settlers
fields. This year the stiep.y work It
iucluded in the allocation and the only
articles required are quilts and so
Gond-hand clothing.
An inspiring report was read from
Mrs. Archibald, secretary of Chris•
tinnystewardship and finance, slaewiughe
must eucuuraglug progress du ,int
sear, Thirty -tyro auxiliaries hove a Absolutely no. meat should be given
the workiak presented
hiV regularly anecretary.d use I to it child until it reaches the mg•• of
the presented erg w weekly or' Is months. and then only.lf.aplere approved
t ie tnvr r-"ytstear for- b the eta
monthly glvlugs; this is an Increase of y owders
seven over last )cur. Tile secretary strong. disrlgmcutde nit± and {
urged that "as the envelope system should be abandoned and Baby's own
is recommended by our Conference Tablets given instead. kiddy
Brunch and Domiuion hoards, it Italy's Own Tablets are espet
should be adopted gc•uerully dry our or- wade for little scree. They are plea-
ganizathens;-aha that, as we believe in .sant to take and can he given with ab-
thel+ewa+t prayer to uphold our mfr- solute safety_ --el even the new-born
siuuaries, rich auxiliary ehottld ,i4.4'_
a spec•lai missionary iu prtyer, only
tiftieu having done so the lust year." tin• .f,tfeth eta nv are s
The strangers' secretory, Mrs. Brem-
ner, told of on encouraging year in her
department. having :'i strangers' see -
Such a course. Is almost certtl u
r nK on tmtigentioa only -lay the foun-
dation of much ill -health for the little
other withers administer harsh,
nauseating purgatives whish in reality
irritate and Injure the delicate stom-
ach and Is,wtls anti at the same time
valise the egtiidren to dread_ all mc`elt-
1! shift -of +wines* eentua is a
strange feature of New lurk's greatly.
The see•tiuus ab,nit Fuurueutli and
%'went) -Third streets, uut'e busy hives
of retail trade. are uuw covered with
sigtia "Ie.t-le to l*'t," anti tent is but
half what it was a few )'-lire age.. -it
appears that none bu:. the utost mo-
dern buildings may oak for high rate
The shift in apartment houses
en this train arrive Mid I
1.nt -
'i'rale 'tt. wmhht ud, will terve
Sudbury 7.30 a.nt, ally except Snit
dry, arriving Toi' nti 3.55 pin. instead
of 4.441 p.m. /New contesting trait.
trout Miiilat'd will leave 1'2.111 noon.
Effective Apftl-:at.--soother new eit.
vice g"ccs into uterutiuu bet cell
Toronto anti Miellstul. 'Crain will
ups. ne s n IeeVe Toronto 4.30 pl.m. daily except
is no less puzzling. There are no i uudu), urriting J1idMuut 5.311 p.m.,
fewer than fifty-six thousand empty- and in reverse din eti train will
n sirtlueuts in New York—and yet the leave'Mldhrud 7.111 a.m. tinily
ill axe et
{rtmeuts •keeps emitter, arriving Toronto building of new 11lru
steadily grow•iug. .►{uuUu(nnt houses.
by -the way, are tow being built, wftln
two, three. four rooms: in suburbs
tw'etrt)• wiles out.
Our coming: I'reaidautial election
promises to be a most interesting con-
test. int cute• side Is. presumably. our
iwu Al smith -110 one calls ltiru an) -
u "Al--4'litWelk., wet, hon-
est,' a great a mums n , e
pride of New York. Against him, pre-
'mutabiy. Herbert Hoover. engineer.
organizer and lender in worldwide re-
lief work. It is flus to read the cri-
tiris•uts now being levelled
d Al wet
these men by the diggers -up.
v icon• ttwsei be has ne
t!>�xrwrsa+Iw tF s side
J. W. Craigie
Real Estais sd ins waste
A\ rate twirler car is included in equip -
need of both these trains.
Full Information from Canadian Pd-
clfic mints. Mr. N. ft. Flarlty. Town
Agent. (toderleb.
A getittemair wire walking down the
street with a little lacy at ble Bide,
w-heu the bo)'' cries) out : ''/lt, pen'
there geese an editor!"
Geo. Williams
itealtr let
LN►NL\ION, - PK(►%IN('1u11r
MI'Nl('ll'.%1, .AND CORPO-
Fire, Life, Accident. Arnow.,
bile. and General Inaltranee
(afire. next to Battik of l'"tntnerce
Thune .'•3 e iedericl,
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
LIFE INSI'K.'N('E (Sun life Co.).
(louses and Lots in Goderieh and Vi-
cinity, and Farms for Rale
Large number listed for sale at al-
most any price. perms or location re-
itulr•el ele"-trb'-lighted and
other modern Improvements.
Ni. letter Mille to locate tiny kind
of property needed.
tetat it few of the man) tinted; all
big bargains:
A gold house: 2 lits: small
imlrt' -Tues 4u1%'kly Mtnislt .oust,pn, tx� lie-avlll:tarrJ his Ea t
tion and iydige4tiou, Ln irj) l•ntdx W
and-idmple't. vers nod make the rat lulls mid Ids East side tan - Wei 'h he
TI • itch bt our citadel ut Washington- Wei
' will have all alliance. with the 1'ipe of
uurlV•i • denlrrs or by mall nt 2 e' rents I Rome, say the Republicans. And the I
+,, t from 77u• 11r. Williams' Mtrli• I
In nos rats are a•' using ideates it pro.
e leu.. Brock citle,'(►nt' English lt'anlugs. of a Eelrolenn out -
"Are lou a Macon?' at Clint"' , look. and a kick of :\merteanisrert
r 'Muds ane or the yellow press stories
The Arthur circle• players who pre- I in Martin Chuxalewit. Dickens was
This Outstanding Map Especially Prepared For
Consolidated investments Limited
Federal Building Ad. 7221-2-3
Toronto, Ont.
retaries in the I reel))
work it Is to call on newcomers, report
retuovats, visit the hospitals uud/geu-
(rally oversee all stronger.+.
Mrs. Orme. wrrelery of .the litera-
ture department. repotted that last
year showed a marked increase in the
use of books and literature by the dif-
ferent organizations, much being sold
,It the sectional meetings.
Miss bather Hnme presented the
young people's work, showing one new
circle, nml-mm new--('I;.LT. group
added during the year. The splendid
interest In mission work shown by the
young people was most encuuraging.
Miss Beta Rowe, e-liil,Iren'a screter).
told of two new mission bands and
three new baby bands formed during
the year.
Gratifying reports _of_the Aesthete'
met'tiuga were given by the eke -peed -
(lents. and showed that each one was
mnrkerl by au increase of interest and lip as Mr. and Mrs. itltodgtad. F. oar- I „Outlet. Al $mill' says be will re
attendency. I row as Frank Perry. and Mrs. R. Wen- force the - law. Kate. Ittrh, r1
sewed -Are You n %tttsonr' in Clinton rather e.,ud of tet•hng if the habit of
last week evldeat4 Pleased the people our %nierican papers to stir up all the
there. A despatch from Clinton pule- evil they .•011111 ais,ut Melt running fir
dished let the Ii,r,dor pallets Is as fu1- oMee And the average voter is 1
Rarely do amateurs, give such a
plenelid pe'rfortutttie as did the Arth-
ur t'irc,v eif Knox church (iodertcll.
ivlrtyr+►-shim ut:t.:u nctiy \re Yon a
Mattern((-w'us presented in the town
halt lust evenitg under the auspices
of the Ladies' Auxlllary of Clinton
Presbyterian thiel.. The only. which
rivikeol uproarious laughter from a
coming more and more cynical of lee.,
tics aud_tbe.'dttrk tricks of 1sditb ee.-
• • • e •
Talking of polities. It 'onuses ow.
to °beerve the way the two grant pen
Mee ledge on the probibltlon question.
Karp port)' tries •to cause the other
into 1111 expreaslaa on this dread peili-
1e11,. The arts they nee To Meet! un
honest eepreaston err ire- SO
large audience. revull•es rhinal it Herbert Miniver, n,rneret by rivals.
series of ludlo•ruls nitrations. proclaims his fidelity to the eonstiin
II. its in the comely *ere 'well tion, and refers to the Vi.:steed
token,, but spscial ini•nt3on rultSt ix I n great mor trti7N1lm.-n t. *lett- is u r
Ie of I'. Weir and Mrs. II. C. Dan- safe and clever way to express au
"Jlon't make sportof the .poor man.
God only knows what you may swine
to yourself some tiny."
Gold Mine
peon J. F. Hogg. of ciihton. chair* I ger as l..tlh., who geed. it performmnee
• niers In Its
,nal It
greetings from that hod) +hid spoke of pre:rntntion. other menders of the At n needing of the Nn , 1
the great dy rami,• power width the nowt were' S. Ir. e'roh ns .ilio llalton• can Chili last week that ori-na•rat i.
work of worsen end girls exerted A. finer as Hamilton Travers, J. INN{,' was terrified into a cold sweat al II
,I.,,,,1-1, the whole rhure-h. FoCuwlug . Ilheneson ns Gts,rg,• Fisher, 1►. 11. Mn- a arc N,.c,l--vi tee ,n the colh'ntl•m e,
:his Sons a will, -Pass 16 -(►rt." rend- jar ns F:rne'at Hihin�nn, \irs. F. Knuu• Ih it' Tulstrnd i -t. hat rh-ver mined•
eyed by Miss Ihune, of timerich. The dors ns Mn. I'en•y. Mrs. 1►.•U.:\Iaj„r arced the slay hey prcv,•nthug a vile'
,•10-ing oxer-ise'e were conducted by and Miss M. Wilson as Annie end Lulu Jikes on pr,l II it loll are a„ epmmon
Walton nuxillary. Ittoodguctd. Miss H. Thompson as Foil- they are tin's„me. It can ac:ir' -' lie
Iirucetle►d auxiliary opened the they n e c I
afternoon session, after which Nine
Clarke. of Gtsierieh. presented the re-
tort of the nominating t•nnratlttr and
the ofilcers for the ensuing year were
litatnllert by Mn. McGulr', Itrussela.
The speaker of the day, Mrs. G. E.
Fortes. of \\'eston. was Introduced
and greeted by the audience standing.
Mrs. 'Forbes had been a delegate from
the United ('hutch of Canada to the
diamond jubilee of the mlaslon In
Trinidad In Jnnunr. and with a few
words transported the whole audience
to that pit•tureeque Island, where she
entertained them for nn hour, travel-
ling with her from one mission station
to another. and seeing, as she saw, the
wonderful work which the Canadian
ml•alnnerles have accomplished among
the Haat Indiana take place on Monday, May i4th.
imam. Mrs. Ensiles flaw carp dwrriP
may {,:las ns n dr, bin 1..,r Al •',
meat of Huron Presbytery, brought more professional than am I iin is in lc-ugn,• with Ih•uton Item.
e mbli
at 30c a share.
Several good houses
for sale.
Car, Life and Fire
W. J. Powell
mom e ",_ I' t n Roz 4;t$
A Coed Idolise; 2 lots and bnrn..$13d0
A fine . Melee; excellent condi- =12111
'tion; garage ,
.% g.,o'I house. 2lote. small stale ••.47r,0
A neat rot tog••': good condition
ataini 'icnunee tris dtKiO
,g.rrl w'e1Iioc'nlP,l inane dliiltt)
A good bons.': frtl moilern equ1D'$_1Cr1)
ped; garage
liiiust• 1111,1 lit ; gasp 1„ntte n$han41
.\ number of brick home's, mortem
wlaitq,',I. line t'•,udition..excellent 3 ell-
--•!'ei Sow .running-- $2000,
$.3150. $3200, $3500, $871M1 • $41110 and -..
'e nnulls•r of very tine farms for
sole; 11!41, Imprm'trl; plowing dote,:
lmmeellatt piase5ston. Ask aleett ahem
Omeete days --Mondays, Welne'ys,
Sattrvlays, or any day by special
request. .. _. -.
For all parllentnrs see or write
Real Estate .%gent
P. O. itis 59. (ioeterith. O.
dl Inthat far away
chino ,lrtnitnge, and Jack Allen as a
Musical nnmtteree were given by
Knox church orchestra. At the close
or art 1 Miss M. Wilsons, whose rich
contralto voice proved much to the
liking of the audlcne. sang "There's
an oltl-Faohlolne,i, Houee,"- and as an
'mean. "My Mn Folk." At the end of
act 2 a soprano solo by Mrs. Frank
$renders, "My Love is Come to, Me,"
was much enjoyed. Mrs. Sauncera
for nn encore gave a monologue, "Flow
tao Be a n; t forrthe voesl uiMier*na
ee(ofrlpa st
Ii tlen of G. C.1. Cadets
The animal Inspection of the (1('1.
cadets Ity an officer from ministry
district hcadrp inch re at Tendon will
y th fifteen thousand
seeefekPasleet In New York. And, yet,
predict tient this question- the butt i1
vaudeville --will spilt one or the 1411,1
of the great partly* asunder.
• • • • •
My noon -time walk to luncheon
takes me 1,1151 the rear of the Niel roll
Man Opera House stage. Wille the
opera Is on there is always a groat
commotion among trnnkmcn taking
stage settings In and out Itnl,•ou,e-
for lavers, marble steps fir heroes, ar
lora for secrets, gales for matadore.
end forests for gnomes or (lernnnn war
rhos. are move) around by the breve
draymen with a nonchalance that is
delightful. They are far from beteg J
impressed with the !resoles of opera.
They talk Idly, too, like the grave-
diggers In Hamlet, and with much I
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