HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-07-07, Page 5COMING EVENTS PONY PULL. A Pony-Pull "will be held 'at the Dungannon.Fair Grounds on Sun- day, July 11th at 1:30 p.m.. Ad- mission $2.00 for adults, children under 12 free. Sponsored by Dun-' gannon Agricultural Society. 1 EVERYONE WELCOME! ,EXHIBITION Softball Game! Luclmow Leo Club. Wingham Sportsmen SUNDAY, JULY 11th. • 2 o'clock Lucknow Ball Park LET'S SEE YOU THERE FOUND FOUND — watch, in Lucknow, owner may have same 'by describ- ing, and paying cost' of advertise- ment: Apply Lucknow Sentinel. -• FOUND -- boy's wat in Luck- now. Phone Mrs. P. A. Murray, 395-5102. Notice To Creditors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of JAMES ELMER CULBERT ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- 'mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of l3ruce, Retired Farmer, who died on June 15th, 1976, are, required to file proof of same with the under-. signed on or before 'the 24th day of July, 1976. After that date the Executrices will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the claims •of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at. Wingham, Ontario this 5th day of July, A:D. 1976. CRAWFORD, MILL and DAVIES . Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrices McDONAGH REAL'ESTATE & INSURA CE LTD. FRONT ROW COTTAGE at Point Clark, two bedrooms, all furnish- ed. Immediate possession. 50 ACRES with 25 workable, river runs across property,, has good building site situated on paved road. '40 ACRES crop land, partly within Village of Lu.cknow. 1 1/4 'STOREY FRAME HOUSE with 1% acres on Highway, good shed and drilled well. • $69,000 EACH ,for 2 - 100 acre farms in Kinloss TownShip. Two sets of buildings, drilled wells and land mostly all workable: Robt. Campb,II Bus. 528.2031 Res. 529.7417 • PINE LODGE REST. HOME (THE FORMER PINECREST• MANOR NURSING HOME) (GOUGH ST., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO) A supervised retirement rest home caring for your personal needs 24 hours per day. STANDARD, SEMI-PRIVATE AND PRIVATE ACCOMMODATIONS LUCICNOW, ONTARIO 528-2703 HOT MIX PAVING .DRIVE-WAYS AND PARKING LOTS FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE ROBERT SYMES - CONTRACTOR Lucknow 5i8-3047 Advertising helps you coinpare. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD You only look as good as you feel. Fitness. In your heart you know it's right. LARGE CONSIGNMENT Auction Sale • of TRACTORS & MACHINERY SATURDAY, JULY 10 SALE STARTS 1 i a.fn.' , LAKEVIEW SALES & SERVICE 1 1/2 mile North, 1/2 mile East of Carlow and 1 miles North East of Goderich, Ontario, Canada. Consignments Welcome • Telephone Lakeview Sales 8, Seryice 524-6451 Pic up can be arranged Lunch Booth on Grounds ' Gordon H. Brindley Richard Lobb qo Auctioneers Not responsible for accidents day of sale 111111111Wis Terms Cash R.G. Getfike HURON COUNTY BOARD. OF EDUCATION requires. TWO (2) ACCOUNTING SECRETARIES at their ADMINSTRATION CENTRE 103 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 1L0 To perfo'rm genera') clerical duties in the accounts payable - payroll area. Proficient typing and some bookkeeping and business machine skills are required. Written application addressed to Mr. G. W. Lamb, Accountant, will be received until July 14, 1976. Interviews will be arranged with selected applicants. D. J. Cochrane H. Turkheim Director Chairman COMING EVENTS SUPER Hall, CASH BINGO 1,egion Lucltnow, every Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Pot of .Gold game — winner take all. 14 reg. ular games $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games.• A $30 Special. Jackpot game for $120 on 60 calls or $25 consolation prize. FOR YOUR VACATION Travel With All Star Bus Tours contact Mrs. Merle Elliott ' Lucknow — Phone 528-3500' SUMMER ,FLING Tickets are still' available for the "Summer Fling" sponsored by the Lucknow Agricultural Society. on Friday, July, 9th in the Luck- now Arena. Music by Walter Os- tanek's Band. $10 per couple in, eluding lunch. Dancing 9 to 1 a.m. Contact any director, Cowan's Store or phone 528-6693 for tickets. BUS TRIP The Kairshea W.I. are sponsor- ing a bus trip to the Museum, Southampton and points of inter- est north, Thursday, July 15. If . interested contact Mrs: Harry Lavis, 528-2426 by Saturday, July 10th. • HACKETT PICNIC The Hackett Picnic will be held at Ashfield Park on Sunday, July 11th. Dinner at 12:30. ANTIQUE AND CRAFT SHOW Come and join us and meet your friends at the Ripley Huron Rec- reation ,Complex in.Ripley'-on Fri- , day, July 30th, 10 a.m. to ,10 p.m.; Saturday, July . 31st, 10 a.m. to 6 . p.m.; for the Antiques .and Craft Show and Sale sponsored by the. Huron-Bruce Arts and Crafts In- corporated. • OPEN RECEPTION There will be an Open Recep- tion in Brookside School-for Greg Blake and Wilma Hackett follow- ing their marriage on SaturdaY, July. 10. Dancing to 12:30 to the Moran Bros. Everyone welcome. RECEPTION ,For Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ross, (Kaye Wilkin), in the Whitechurch . Community Hall on Friday, July 9; Tiffin's Orchestra. Lunch pro- vided. Everyone welCome. in,..•••••••••• • HOWICK BINGO ' Howick Lions' Bingo will be . held on Friday, Jgly 9th, at 8:30 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 regular games for $10.00; 2 share the wealth; one $25 special; jackpot, of $105.00 on 62 calls; PUrple Ball of $30.00; / door and consolation prizes. ATTENTION MOTHERS A fluoride. Brush-In' for your Pre-Schooler will be .held on Fri- day, July 9 from 9:30 3:30 at Lucknow Public School. Sponsor- ed by' the Bruce County Health Unit. All materials supplied. DANCE AND • BARBECUE Lions' Dance and 'Barbecue will be held 'Saturday, July 24th in Lucknow Arena. Dancing 10 to 1. Music by Jim -Patterson and the Northern Gentlemen. 18 years of age and over welcome. Proceeds for community service. Tickets available from Lions members. Half the success of any story depends wholly on its, being told at the right time. REGISTRATION Will be held for adults, moms and tots, and bronze/Classes and swim team at the Lucknow and Distfict / Swimming Pool anytime during open ,swimming. NOTE: Swim team will only be held if there are enough applicants WEDNESDAY, JU.LY 7, 1976 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE. 11.1111111.111•1811.111nnar TENDERS WANTED CUSTODIAN , CONTRACT. TENDER Plainly, marked, sealed, tenders' will be received by the under- signed up to Friday, July 16, 1976 for contracting custodial services. at OSBORNE CENTRAL PUBLIC. SCHOOL USBORNE TWP. All tenders , must be submitted on the official tender forms which are available at the Huron County, Board of EclucatiOn, 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario. - Lowest or , any' tender not nec- essarily accepted.' R. McVean, Plant Superintendent LOST LOST — on concession 14,. Ash- field, a small Mite suitcase, con- tents blue jeans and shirts. Phone . 395-2886. • It is not at all uncommon for the' heady' individual to have' a head-on c*ollision. THE 'MAN TO SEE IS DAIRY FARM 192 acres, 4 bed- room home, all conveniences, modernized dairy barn, bulk tank, stable cleaner, 46 Berg comfort stalls, silo 20 x 60 with unloader, also 2nd barn and implement shed. 40 cows and quota also available. BRUCE BEACH COTTAGE,_ideal- ly located, sand beach. This cot- tage has two self contained 3 bed- room areas and is furnished. Call: for an appointment to inspect. 100 ACRE FARM ideally located on Hwy. 86 Whitechurch area, 6 bedroom brick home, large barn 56 x 70 and silo. This is a well cared for and productive pro- perty. FCC mortgage available with fall possession. • 300 ACRE FARM, Kinloss Twp:, approximately 225 workable acres, barns 30 x 85 and 50 x 60 with 2 silos 16 x 60, 7 room 'frame home requiring attention, possession to be arranged. • WE HAVE an established general store with 4 bedroom living guar: ters for sale. For further partic- ulars give us a call. 3 BEDROOM HOME located in' . Dungannon 'on a well cared for property. Also blacksmith shop. Ideal retirement home or an op- portunity to start your own bus- iness. Immediate possession. TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW, close to' downtown, living , room, dining room, kitchen, large lot & garage, ideal retirement home, immediate possession. ••••••••••••••••••01. 4 LOTS located on Delhi and Stauffer Streets. Asking $8,700. APPROX. 4 ACRE LOT located in Ashfield Twp., Northland'er home 12 .x 60 with addition; large L shaped barn, maple trees sur- round the buildings, overlooking spring stream, 8 miles from God- erich. WARREN ZINN Phone 5294350 FOR RENT — 3 bedroom mobile home 21/2 miles south of Ripley, rent reasonable, available August 1st. Phone 395-2389. NTEE FOR RENT