HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-07-07, Page 2the 1976 FORD HALF TON .PI,CKUP, V8 automatic 1975 PONTIAC La MANS, 4 door 1975 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door 1975 PONTIAC VENTURA, 4 door • 1975 DODGE CORONET, 4 door, air conditioned 1975 OLDS CUTLASS S, 2' door hardtop with air conditioning 1975 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 door sedan with air conditioning 1975 NOVA, 4 door, sedan 350, V8 1975 DODGE MONACO, 4 door stationwagon with air conditioning 1974 DODGE MONACO, 4' door stationwagon 2'-1974- DODGE MONACOS, 2'door hardtops with. air-conditioning 1974 DODGE ,•4 door 1974 CHEV SPORTS,VAN -(Camper Bus), V8, fully equipped, 28,000 miles 1974 DODGE DART, 2 door hardtop 1973 laSABRE,.2 door hardtop 1971 DODGE,.4 door' sedan HAM CAR. SALES BLYTH • • :PHONE 523-4342 • • 'The Co-op iLjooicing ahead FOR YbU BOOK NOW. AND SAVE ON YOUR GRASS SEED NEEDS FOR NEXT SPRING Come in and talk to the men who care about you and your livelihood WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY We like to know our customers by name! Lucknow . Disirict „Co-op PHONE 528-3024 this opportunity to inform you and . your readers that we 'are alive and well, and doing'our best to serve all of you. '.Sincerely; Lloyd Adert Cameron McAuley DISCOUNT PRICES CARPETING ' CUSHIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WALLPAPER AND C.1.1.. PAINTS 4.01101.301ftgateStraPi.... ,qamivElmmWsommimmemmt=?Ei. • Malfralair CILUX TRUTON E WH ITE 04,4 contains 11118 900 $4.tritOr mom Next to TRUTONE any other white looks yellow If you.want your house to be: `truly white, there is Only, one way to paint it—with CILUX TRUTONEWhite. CILUX 'TRUTONE contains IDB., the super-whitener. Stays dazzling white; too. It won't crack, tIlister, or yellow: If yPu want a truly bright white, with true protection, you want TRUTONE. And, TRUTONE, the whitest white, costs n o more t hough, than iu ordinaryst sa y TRUTONE )paint Cor.tie and see us: (No need to saywhite 'N'AdS 4AAAAAAAAAAAIAA. :row% eoidinuert HOPE DaimATTNO CENTRE Coot no Moro than ordinary Pain,* PAINTS INLAY DECORATORS / DRAPERIES PHONE 1H4434 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WIEDNESDAY,.,401,Y 7, 1976 PAGM'TINO LETTER TO THE EDITOR - Bruce County.Schook.Trustees Serving. 'Area State Positions, Wolco4Comment 'FITZGERALD - Joe and Donna of Ripley are proud to• announce the birth' of their .6 lb, 3 1/4 oz. son; Joseph Thomas, on, July 5, 1976 at Kincardine Hospital, a baby broth- er for Danielle. Proud grandpar- ents are Tom and Marie Fitzgerald and Rose Cecile, all Of Nindsor.. -14,07--otWand- (------ . •. ., , . • . . • . . . • ... .. ...,...., .. . . . 4 • • store Dear Don, Ai the loCal members pf, the Bruce County Board of Education: represOting the Townships of Culross,. Huron and Kinloss and the villages, of Lucknbw, Ripley and Teeswater,,, we would like 'to address some 'comments. to the •Tatepayers and your readers. The recent news stories appearing in the daily papers and in your columns concerning increasing ed- ucation taxes and the reported comments by some members of the County Council. deserve a reply; There is not much we can say about the Provincial Governments new approach to grants except to explain it btiefly. The Government of Ontario has decided to 'put a, greater share of the costs of local services ,on local taxpayers. By reducing the percentage rate of grants 'to Boards of Edication, the government has effectively served notice to taipayers across the : province that local services had, better pull up their sox and do a better job 'of controlling costs. Considering the way costs and services spiralled in• the , last decade, the present squeeze is past due, although' as two education trustees caught in the local squeeze,.we rather plaintively wish we could see more evidence of similar efforts at the Provincial.and Federal levels. However:, as your School Trust- ees, we accept the necessity of a genuine effort to control costs wherever 'feasible. ,We • are not proud nor' happy with, current education tax rates, but because of factors facing school 'boards every- where, and in particular because of nucle,ar development factors facing Bruce County,' we Stand behind the necessity of this year's budget. Increasingly, there are people who challenge the maintaining of school programs as they now exist. Since we cannot locally fight nation wide inflation and provincial wide salary rates, the only real savings possible would:be in the reduction of programs. As trustees we.have had many suggestions from tax- payers such as: close the outdoor education centre, provide bus transportation only on main artery roads, 'close schools for the mentally retarded, eliminate Kin- dergarten, eliminate all bus trips, eliminate inter school • sports, eliminate French in elementary schools, eliminate school cafeter- ias, eliminate.Grade XIII, - yes, and eliminate the School Board.. We do not list these suggestions lightly as we.know that in these and ' other suggestions there is a concern by the public to. cut out the so called "frills" in 'education. As, rustees, we must reflect the • JAMES to Mr. and Mrs. ,Almer James of R. R. 2 Wingharn at Wingham and District HOspital on WedneSdaY, June, 30th, 1976, a son, Renny Edward. HAYES - ,to Mr. and Mrs. ;Jack Hayes, of R. R. 3 Lucknow on Monday, June 21st, 1976 s' at Goclerich General Hospital, a son, Arthur John. public's view and protect the public interest. We, are therefore open to your views and invite your suggeS7 tions. However as ratepayers ourselves; sitting in a privileged position, we find if difficult to really know what is a frill. Like many of the conveniences in our homes, and on . our farms, we haVe all grown accustomed to the level's of programs our schools now provide. Also it has taken a long time to reach these levels, and it would seem tragic to turn back the clock in a particular tight financial period without a thorough examination of the' long term •implications Of rechicing educational services. So we feel a public dialogue would be useful. If the public wish to express theinselves ,we invite them to write to 'us or to their newspapers. If public meetings are required we. will assist and give' leadership. Perhaps we should briefly com- ment on the charges,that have been publicly aired by a few meMbers of County Council. It • is not uncommon for personality., clashes to take place. between elected bodies, .but we don't feel the. County. of Bruce can afford such nonsense. The , shotgun marriages of local school districts into County School 'Boards., 1 and the greatly reduced role . of County Councils,. have brought concern. to the public as to where "Big Daddy" govern- Ment is leading us. It :is quite possible that in • ten years time there will be no County...Councikor County School Board to dicker and fret unless , we the elected officials and the public at largel pull together to ensure that government is the servant of people and not the reverse. One last comment - in spite of some published charges' to the contrary, the offiCes and accounts of the Bruce County School Board are open to any serious ratepayers or group of ratepayers. This means access to the Boards minutegoand all business accounts. Recently there was some misunderstanding of this "open invitation". To plit simply, we 'provide the information we have but we cannot provide information we 'don't have. For ' examples, if a •ratepayer asked how much it cost to operate Grade IV in Kinloss Central School, •or how much it 'costs to maintain all the Windows in all our schools, we would' not and could not provide such* an analysis. In other words we will provide specific accounts and costs but dfaw the line in compiling analysis which we do not have or need, and in providing private information from personnel records.' If any pers6n or group wishes to have, inforination they should contact their local trustee and we' will "go to bat" on their behalf. We hope that this letter will stimulate sonic interest. We refuse to throw Jbud balls and quite frankly we don't like getting hit with them either. So we are taking 1 r