HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-3, Page 21tR
2-'ILurada7, May S, 1928.
Member of Canadian Weekly News.
papers Association
Published 'very Thursday worulug. I
Subscription price $.:.UV per year
strictly in advance.
35 : :
W. 11. Robertson. Editor and Manlier
Thurg'Iay, Mai 3. 1928.
EDITORIAL NOTES II,' I1altuu uttd Il:l.lburtou.,
that the ling i;dreruute;ut lo egm141t
ling itself to the project, •would in.{I
courting altat'at.,ertaitctIr etit, at the
polls; rvideuil. The .tar 'hos eon.. to
:1 aiwLur eo,n'iIabtn•
What ('ounly II Nf
,Loi -,:.•t tit..., Star a
at. for sake
.r. Went i Brat].14 license p.tltt. .0 illi-.
.trio autontul,ikeivle-u d bear the 111.1
.1111 lust 11.1000" of tLr 1........1........OrTh.
.•.ttmy- from uL:.d. they ' ..rue - tar t,
' rune. Y K 1' r York ....linty, and }: \
:i,„,•,• r. 141' doubt 1,b,
Jr,. ,,.. -•:,•the •, 1 arouse yet?
;hr 4-013.11tiO4 of
1 air. lleuue{t would say, 1n the inter -
1110 glkiwi:04n.rtl.
\lr. lit•uurll lu4ae110448 tthlrlyet xt til.411,
doses not object to beautifying l)tlpwa.
1n tart, he would like to give to t)tlu•
w•tuI. " the tttk•I ijltptt'esluu 1 there 1, uotlIIIing hr 4'euld like 1,•
more 1111111 to ulyke this 111114e II,.
Washington of tine North and 11,
111I1a44'a, .\ aril :N. Inia%% boa in. , 1:1114'411 of the I.ellgue.af N:111.11.1 Ai,
- u:e, iulerestiu et tads 1111,4 week II"' Itx*ue of Ibdlawl 4
11 81 owe 11
g 11;1 tuKetht•r, llut he w,,u1d..11ut d.
Tote „,,,,(1141, 111 iuludgru11c'+4 11,ls iu t1:e 4cay air. Kbtg pn'I.1"t'4 tT d.,
.rifted along' hearing many opinions •'11 these altd sundry othtr views n -'
There Is uu g104I4 pep 111 this affair I r expressed 1N•fore the I4.gtshuiou
how'evcr..►utt4Ip11t1o1s run high when 1111, e.1forward
r nottithlirnmaetgi.t xsoil
it w'rls thought there ten, x t4.s.ablli1y ;,fwrccherr, Ultuwa will lC wade
..f "„nodal, but when tlwt current' wore beautiful. ftt1. If .Illy dee . Mayor
dried up things 1444'au40 very quirt, dill t•Ibeaut auBCto the (ort 4111411118•
'There is not a great deal' to be hadurer supph• Ir !41 dole•.' 4*ls'wi0'b1e.
!rota distinguished wen unless they that the streets for two or • three
:uv plated under. tire. The Members mouths are 140,4..nd description, and
iie Dot 111 x huwur for .earthing that ptany other thin;;: 1*0*41 111444(1111.
:111111) MR this year awl +.1+things go .u• . theft beauty may be 440'11 Vigil 111 111 the
but the current Is 11•t swift. capital and the dreams of 1h.- fdost
An interesting 04.1100 a •u Iiia• before btla he04 iue realized. 1t should be so.
the 131111111111.* When E. W. Neatly told Ni, LIR business 411, afford t. hang
his awry.' Ile said: crepe 1111 its door. The limbic, 4-84.1
tel ought to be a thing of beauty and
"We have u great deal of 11110e-uIl•mlk•rs 'Tight 1,. receive souletlllng
year.. land 111 Canada. Soule of duspirattug and 1101 .f 4' ,.,l'4 f1111
yt•ars ago -about the year Canadian
.a sl....0 : in the capital city.
.urvey, 1,u$ wade by the t'a lw1IIAtl
Pacific of -lauds fairly tit for set- _
tieuteut within tiftrt'u miles of ex- .'aThe sufferer,
the the dtk,rst Bank
• f
biting railways In the three prairie the 1.4411141141• are
limiting the for neon•
1'ruvinees, 1111(1 1 think the esti-
• 1 °alit to get ,tint they
Ittuln tor Spring j
ni*.tt:rte'u \Yens 1'.au,iard).
Muco •
• • • ,There etre two 1,n,t, concerning
prig -1 which 1,i• ,:gilt 4 rhltue to give.
It r'e late sp• ring. • 'pt..• first is 111111 i,'o1.1t. sbnu,d spore
• • • I the spring wild dowers. It i. u great
But titers Is yet Burr (et• 3 _..«i temptation to •pie•: tl4eftl; but there
p Are Ik4gde 44 h. Wive• Du' 'wrrr; 41 44)11
retOvery, thew, or upon other 404144le. and 1
• • •
every out they cow find. \'try often
The 1w111e of t'olk•urg may now Ike 4v1.•4• biui't *" of them ('1441 be ieuud
added to the records of the great war. -simply thrown accay Tu tae read.
• • • , Further that: this, tile•r.• are people
' i4 In. net11a.,y drag ftp the platltr by the ,
Tex art of flying is ,:eking n,g rout1'. These pruatiars +err inning re -
nese; bat for the trau:4uthutic trip. #Ill4 in the .11484448.'uru11t•e of was)'
post pee 1 . atilt ! a g -n, wilt t1.4ters. We plead for them.
th r hltlt a� 11M1 idautl
,: • sill all choose • kl
IIW •'
staunch boat. '"bund.: 1,•4 ti i, ye' I allow colup,at ! 1 \ second this +w s lutTfiifi fk•
• • • conte.:„g their .4.11,1114..1 le be heard F. Galt, died only lust ark"ate one t.. which 1
Municipal lueome-Naz "ionto be ACtaul{teg " #1c was dt�arkl•rd +ru.lwt, 8+111
rasa Of uhoi114114 Every- What .lila Illu.iiIr41 W. delays eonm•t'tt•d-with
either I1,► d ill, Titre is 14 w: remit W. C. Ih4 ri.er, N. 44fort1*, put'
' Needy sioui41-pay 1«iu“4111 y. .r uolady Ilret Iia l'a, ket and Times) ' readily Iilc I« ext1, , •,I o r yl„ •,iulyd ft'gi.lear and busllu'ss wale
• y al all.- altt1411 04'•1 Confederate. l-1,. ,1„08,0 I u.i11c.. wan !r tau 44,:11 :t coustn, Jutta (.nt14 son of, tele , - • ••• . ;,g. r• with it .-Y. air. I*4 44*4 er,
• t 1«• •4id'of tory kind: I,rso1 b= the atat4s;:,"'•,'m,.ustratlug \te�auder (.,i t. 4 1111'u'r lust 1111 and the 4.0,,4.41441 .,f 1:' ucr.ai M ttae Til+ judges alt. atter h:gl:rr snlur.cs.
Thr kions ,11,11 a 1
iewia►siiw the ltt Ls' yne.l.;,'::y of l-rT-tit:a which are
linin, .1:0 its ug, lint. t►u may take
-orevikalion, VitryrplerF the aT'a.,ern` aich la' rune atlnis4er:rod (Miter of t',•ufed- t, "stile :IU.INNrINNlrart'.it_'1'11,' ItLi. }:vq,ty ::lr"}rr it. the Il,.0 •sup{k,r;> �1 ter
however r '1"•• til ,la! s o? tromp like lays may N
,„ te,l 1 • 1 1 rutlo11,• woo R [. -Ito' 1t.l,d •.f the `r"! r w:lSI k 41 m the n11e the }Hkte,t t4 rl+ i m.h- •tl�-eZ. 1{.'1."•' . h w«Tltr+rt-8111 swimmint. rel'
:eine tax? _ knows a. a lwar, r t fart that 11101'1• sons John 1:1411 ;::4ye t.. t'unn(la. ,alt :ands 444faUir
a • .i1:c Lad ueccr been apccter, or col Ali titre, .r better. ',:1 roar geu.•ra, • woos- Why ihe.t• Shona• be settled never Ilie.. Ecer! chi, ( ut Aw:rraa to rule, hint lore, xthletb 4• group
bm4c 111: ,:'t4xru ur its 1:uulp may t. III,' tome /44'llp.y the _
anizing a campaign ;,:t:r,'n: more •1i1kcu:r that, •4uriuy the neer," of the 4::411, have 14a•u "24.1.__%•111)_., 4:141 and the l:utd, luwyrr, t., a 4rn1e.n. , err. A .4.„.10r.
• 1 rtt"
t)rbila 18 ort: ;catwouy Ignored I >1* nifTT-ii a riot eieeetif', White.
Ilou+a• -nary „ during the lib
•w 10;440. 'Thiia a onto.i.1,-...lid
f in attend...0
11,... district
the mosquito, and a surrey id :Int h e. l,,i 1,11 -it Tru 1. and of the
t ,•crier all 119,,1 Nur Las -,enter how dith•ult hi: ur.k IIl 4-liurt'- t„ The dirt«•tur wi;l he Ker. al r.
1.w,s fro, t.a+u` , �, "ri'> They have � su far. has nut expo
1.;gL,`. 1'"ter ITR lido the pt.''e•+lou rend IN•lug nd• 1.. nine, ,.T 4:naud lteud• a great fat
the dirirld du to 1x made .: aeruplahe • '''' tmtari '. leen the best • t _ '!erne n. The ' uinyohe else.
ti:, nut 1;,.. solution euigwl: mit ., to t', tear, h pts thea the'lay r "Till hay• "111 ow• who ha+ had
44� dislwver the brt•tdlir.g pease" „t the. teeth frailly ' .. t- ••,ntriirrted ..
iutr,l tci'I rue• 1,l: a the Court 1,111 riot us t1 real 41eu1 of ellk•rienee• in thin line
tr•,r.+ -\ well d- rerl;ird g4 ' ,- --I-. -„ to tLe ,Gangc•i--taut. . s her' mucht.,tlla•.4..,:, Ina:,•:. , .• Cal:tela. .1untb••r IH..Itt)il .:eiLt.i • �• t.• i.ti.tile w .l::turreturt'will will 14 1 ,
u •s :..1S,. nigh t« are 1 +-:r.;r_'r \t.+ } _„a at.ltu .: , _ 1•s hove nal by Mr. -Beatty s"T The-ppros» f - . k Ter a•ut h .'e•n turd !ri Nrt
r; not , k 1.decade --_- .xti..t+...-�r•+ut-. the _1 114 1i rr "11 ju41gUient- o f Me • lla - -
u ,-.r+thrive aben ehONrn t.•
. t 1,r
,,,. ,; '„ Ir,Tg .1Hrti•' , . il'llitc11 ".t lunnlg +
It � I I, i
give some uk•ful information. The Caller -MT rntl4 .r r.1if; a7idTi4aa•to those wit., • Ill have t'uih•d Mates. Fr m '11:41 .. ilotTv, ]n ' 1• ' t2 : r >�r•=ra? 'tine•. In their work un.l
• • • u, c t!, •tour and 'mule,: ehi d.wlul.'. iAN.kiit,
urishrd s_•t;=r"tr. 11., :niowo .r .an old
t n .Ill. 8th ;.1 f, thelrability to wake lbr week in-
tl i '."►:ala. , t,• I l r next few year:+, :u hi; e p ll.i,•u, the ;-,...11•1:::•11:,1111':::r herr 4.)010 . (ha( hope•, he 1a„rept, t Ir
tell .•• •,•w •any I:n• L.,: h it \i„I grand ''.right uud eft Arormrf the nrrrut f m1tr.+:r.rr 1,10',1•• tluw'.,;alar„ i:itr 4,4,...t,..„ 4,-;4/4, tet_` .'u1. for the. 1 he ....at wi,l
Ilk :uI .lea :Neat no t.• S, (.:r : iltly ,r •:ear tf n•atl.tra
Il:r e~Tow's Cabin' in the ill,,, ;1. nd. iu 14atprriwl 1 . I,aII,, 1'i.. re are iudic:rlh: •' et this iu the >..
Lug ,e,4 In honor, tau .neat• for'the vias: t 1 ".nr 1 • in. -d Ju11e, l ;the Thr lead
1441,. of 'TSA''M'cf-701011-ir l•,• rtnr. vat.«+-ik.-1 !r'-]r#et:.:..,•l«•t.:thug•.-,_11' 14•a,•t••du..r/wud iu. -Ingle to,. ,,,,,, ,,, for iix�4 it jos: t 14 111. be Hluro'r,r. Nur. •.
,s1,:llk•r t e : ; I,.• fin uI year sue.. '1 . D t a.i:,': - c t2axGt 1*r k•' t• r�
fret .) no I•.a,i m.:h 1 u;nt;a un�1 (141 0 111••uleut• Lady in ties lead In the Idlnu w•,nut.al u,
-are-+#rtrk--Ml.i14•r+ ntuuutt 114. r� to r
beet_ wtl_ uudkuc4 ,t. ren arc. :•••1':;1:' i.•,1, :trwigrutiou to 1 11
tl A dN}" 1111 c err, ,1'.
into-- au. otter--_fiL i.xdiee+ 14.1, l,1, enol. ties- .• t•an.trr..a••.'•nunr.«lar.vi. ..a..+ r`
011,er I.:ay hos IN.•' 1....„ ;rrQ •ntftctr r1 ere •'• ascan4 bulliltI f:St.:aSi: tta ltrrrrH-•. tat i tcerrt' t+xttfMr, drat tiny guilt le helve' Ih`'T �. n� t4r1+ Ile1u '
rile Te'r. : I. tr `'11.:1 PT• nu•,•et.-1'1008 ars more
---,I% phi: e.,:,tinr,,:. .:1: Ie:ul and Couple. a{, ti Nat n.l • t : eine .ver tl.• prrriuu 11:,11.0 tbr,4nglsou 1111• county w u'
ou r n:•11s, Itu.i,o a tltilN n -t 11 emit:e«t t.. It Chau the judln•s. r
rlaizn crossing the: • th11141 r, lei 1i :Y.rl. 'l ha "
:'litter l 11:1 .n.,► g haew. 1.,_,;,,.4.,
, .cot. die e itl.k 11 0 6 .: .ng „.true It mil; 1.4.."n.".•.4..1....1":1;;':1.-
N• n.".•. •Wl1; tT
neon„ I''.-•. ...re l'4 ,ut•a.. of the Ilia' uf, a register tarry. .%try bey INHww•u /Jere.
;;n.I :anger 1lwour : 1'• 1.1u1c rnuu,l tLe g• nt nod the if.. l 1,l* it rw.eutl 1:
i r .ti:► hen•• their appeal. i:Ir r ..,t,• ha,1 it• it;l e'r.,,' ot, all1„,y...;.„.:::;.., 1' lianent the la•4.. der. 141,t1.elRhtlen carr. of ace earn 811011.1
• ••• ❑h., ❑. g, N', �.,. 111I1'.Irg the la., • , , 1 '
Lcr „i f tttso•t, ins(ratae41l„ \udeT8lwiF> itmtttrt'>;at+t: 11 4-1i+e-r.,tnt*ar..4 with .,e.t`n�'I a .f hrd
tt . ,i,• hon• \%-,.it4 ..r ldycnl• now to •1114. r.•RI+'ear,
)!r. A. 1'. �lewhinirry. x1.1'.1'. fur Moving 1 re 11.•1 other furors of gent 11••1'1 go, 1t. a 11.1. been :u: a Rrinsl, for
• { , , tt • •'' 311 " rate >t feet r f \1'. 4 4 alrl ern .1lforth, fur nt r fele
t•utlnn•i:'lie u1Nlit .;reit ,Ile•hi .:Me are far none limner--
.„,p,ruce 1110 11 44 '1ud ho,.• you o. a 11tgratian of Itauhigratt r r t rr .1 and
,_N a rtrtea. l M ►.�f•4 -ti ;a.:-iucrr:ut. ,-r • 1
• ruiners in the eu. n^'^ ;i.:,h tLry,wrM pVas tat oruiK ,.it.• tine gruf tcaTt 3ritT* r u. 1T :n 't Cr tttMed
fir tea. long f aero lr IL'Js„ilIlLfr,•:, 111411 s,tl., ,u rel►s,r 1118-7� r
`a get bl au.ed f r Ik•i0R crvkr'1« t! •'r w(.rn,mt'.n 1,n' :
,. btnlnaii 1 c 171'eip',ii�e7lt`m-,t•-'ATt,t•
LpPrr .+ .cn .r tl e tl u s r.,� Ire shtatl pry 1:4.,-10_,-_,7":;,
istr4tiun t
' 1 1 * try R'..1'_ "`^ �` '!ter t•s}a-ualllnre 1z1. _ - - - --- .
• 'ut cow• r,r a I .� .waterµ
runt: rch.•o:• Nle ,Tyr the „t,l.lr shut it was IweruF Ilhv► r ntml :Ile'. n^.1 w• h:is IN«•r _ •
Jud :mint; that c: na.,gr411 t far u. sa.Ilri1+erne a4xu•rriet they at Tdrrda r. Limit
1' •cs luhtl girl t •uoug4.l of ugrl nl- c uud ,.:.• a it r1,:, auto round." '• 1'tiring March tl ••
.1884 4'4•,e. "They get it ..:,eh 3.170 :r ate .4 uri'y iu te'111' of. Hill.*
- t.re_in their ,: , ., h:alla•..1 a t4,e6 for the Pro-
- 1'11 , (, 1,a. t�'a a 1
st ,
n to:+,-1n'nt It'd , t' -cannot 1.411 ha -Ye -its effeel o'l I: 11 �ro:u rine United '' t 0111111.1 14 +,tau of the common nun The May was of the roost wildir
-.t1,, i"-1,C.`i,ri• they {t- - - ._ > ,. .. _-. - -- - _.
ut;cul:ar,y 111.,.• Fashion Fancies •, :' ' !CI.._ r m-editet rsoustrt1 err ttmml«•r ed t'arllrun.t. Iku;uaf. chRrarteT, int rho cern
three ,.r four hours afterward." a:i0•ea.o•. I'• ------ ^err 1,n• tlfik#rr"t►AtNt'tttFtrumphan-
..ter to the r, treshment and „n, 1 entries" in I triumphant
• • • � none
Always have the magic
WRIGLEY package in
Li your pocket.
1,a Soothes nerves, allays E3
thirst, aids
II digestion.
After ,
Every Meal
/are `3
Ile was knighted for his scrvla'es. Sir
e•r4 Th.was 4::;:4 hue :1 IN4u, 41001. Alez. (' watt mus 3-1.0110.000 a„r s. \n1, lu !triol lu+ titer 1,
its: K•i g vrIt..i•*--..,1 Nle the Court of the ei tirttt- rn--there-- were. tn...itnlay are after. It's peso: hard to ser w -b>
•. King's 11. h. .,1 \lou h' 4.t. 4'e`hr1"lr�'tihr
some ('n,wu laude. railway loads special farms are ex
.Tn, George uud mug;" ae•rra that were p -
•-wYt•,1141-----__ _-_ _. __ when some eases have re
!c head." „„Iced nroullNliWa It might Ite►iN'---+►+•++a+'iD�
ar nue nC the liuest s in•us 111 1\'est-•+ Irked differ0.1. in this 11. a•
e rt. Canada. Ile was w parsuety i �'krs-..Ihi'itk•a ' 'r' '
ret -.. ('cm<crlatlrr rstiwatr of { 1 •• ' . .
The Week at Ottawa
Inv It. .1. I), ,t,'luut01
Fireproo '1a1 1 oard
For Sate By .
The Goderich Mfg. Co. Ltd., Goderich, Ont.
The Goderich Planing Mills, Goderich, Ont.
Ltd. - '
,cr. 1.11 --
Thr large png4.rtw"'04
n .,f pplcation• \hl:thi•r f,,,•1,.r 1• incn•m,ted num- - THE bi('.►KF ('01.1.18 .�IIlls
for Iruildiug pN'rlutt _lint ruler. 1. gar i•, 1 ,d bn-ort Places. L. Ilrillia for
Ages, 114_+44444 1- 114.' i1,=reatfin ; number itislaitte, ,•ru ore iicarly titty-4,'r cent.-4;1141('EF1'1. TI/UCH 111 TIIIS
of gn-•.Niue tutps that line the rt0101-. •eCt1pit ..1,0 paces •emir tthe
i,eeh W*' Bl.fi': FRA)'1K
i- an indication that the y.gue of, the iu tl 1i :hat ....tails theta: And flu r,'
u ttoitt 11th t1114 11(41 _ -'t se;tdunl_l• uo r.v.nu 4. think out. 401•fi'ia is :1l- '
limit. It"' 44•4i11111s fur new 4r11ru1 l,e_. the r s;a.lar.in 1111,, respect.
sidew'n:ks .how that there are still :4 .)Nat it not he true. therefore. Iia•
fr44• people who walk." • there h:, 4,,-,.. a .11,1ilief ilwrea"e it.
•of trade, though the
• the Iota V011111144"
rt4lg labor 4st eel bu nue-< (11.1 it urn n 11111. 111
Toronr4 4.14.100. in ny 1, nu'l„• i.r tut- 11411- if- dei 1aSup: t:,•
.ori.litb.n.' 111 that t:tc. •holes 11181. t,.,,.'. 1.•r;, t lc there has been ,t very
f 1.11.-110-14..1 s
r' .
i.l," ..•reiise.111-111c' trro,llrti•n,
w n e- i i•:T.TT4. -- tzr't.-ttltttaa-: -Aa1' a41.4 41 .
,01'800 .411 of work. tlletr San lh I 1 .
„u ,aay to tlw yH'n,•r:1• iulpt, -
for skil;ed worker• rk., iucrea .• .,ter ,e..•
(4' employment how• a uaa 1.
• The lesson ought to be. fairly obvious ,rauu;u,i,y. Tl.u, h, 1241;: rue to;.'
.\ iory who W11 let: to get- along ,h'o11'' valor of :41 I1. 111 .-r„4•44 I.r• .;u, • ..
.lelarn .ou.• dcti.ile rad.. -ire •9'lirc altltnrirr tta '#':-,. 4` • 'r'
and- u 2,1:•:4,11,41..".1111. "1' _ n nnot tf•ir rnst eu01� �"hH'tiT-tTT j•.1•s 12184: it 1,d
.r.,'agld x14 .1 h; .111 14.1.• 1,. .,I ueart>
that may or m e. .•.f Iran Ill u _Ind.p.n1
8,•r.',, wti. Irl Ile• -.0.•• • • Lente the cn114' Inrr'r11Pub frotu tit,'
The lama(ctim, of Sir Arthur ('mer:. t, .111 per a re. 1011r 111:'e• 111,4•
against F. \\'. \Vilso11, penhli•11,.r „• 4.t',,,Im-in_ tr+t' 111nu tsar..
111., h .:t- the! torr liftee11 year's a-'•.
Tlie hurt 11ote I:ttide, and W. 'r. It. ,nod :after ,4 Inn j44:114.1.1:11'
f 111'1 i•"'r'4n.
htr t ,n endr,t i.. w•At-r lici for the tn,.naLt, *4444 a� ttJJ'_ on
t.htintiff for 1,t:.1N4 411111491•. 4'.1;11 est. I rttrr scale _ Tian .veer•
Sir Arthur was fighting for hi, re4"'" • ' ten that after all 11.e• st.4listi.•4 may -_
tion, 91,41 the defc54a/1.4 110 .lora).'• be right in showing. hs u4lw•.I 4811'4•
tut tlw "( bn-:ue,s. though the 21.41,1.11,11
tllxt public
eriti *landing_
of, 11. t.b :,1. . aH1+. 61111* hu111-.t. I� •:i"1!
right of public „rNi1 ism of, 01,11,.....1 .(;at the flgnres are not mocking hon.
48111. The jury evidently. jullg"i •-
that the defendants .loot gullet-1uo_far The (:all Family'N Contribution .to
in their criticism: it must nut he ad- 4.1A Inl,nt )'r1,• Yr .)
udtte• l for u 41101114111 • that'\' rete renc4• Thr Fre•,• Pres". wade
Th, the heart of the
doin-to!n dtsttiet ttldrjll
pubic b,i;thn4s department
storm dnd theatre yet '
away froom�t_he noire of'
the e/tI �2 AND ltNARD
Singer Sewing Machines
Far denwn,tr:t . 44 gi'.en 111 y• air
own 14.11.e at ally time. Yon are.
mn.ler no ohhg.*-tv,ft b. buy.
I : • :",al4ntnm -other 4" (root+ 'the stxr•nng 1' tramp'
1.::121 from, France.' i),•Igiuw' PLANNING FOR BOYS' 4 d :;ell.
\ ..a*Il r In t..ztatries. 1io11_a_ d,iJer- - .
ani' Nwilaer:,1:,1. CAMP THIS SUMMER -air Marmaduke." - Ite exclalme•1.
IntrltT' 3tnntr _.•;it1t'nt0raiH44. _Wl+ai "yon liuve twlwwl Ia• t.. Ik•tcxry.
:,u.ual a• t '•,• •,nth br ..k. n the IPert oT nay acrd iTi fhl't '' tt�
. i .1 t i:,:rte tee- ttrrf-t`nitr.l t►tntw.-I-. r•>` 1:,,• �. �►`�.���g„VtMAiAient
retunkvl to Canada, declaring - unroll 1Coys' Wolk -Hoard 4411« held at aid 41.ys',1 with 1104 win'. -rut tri'
'.r internee Iof remaining 1.er- itrlu '110111 last Thursday night. The pare: 1►1rn't 0. toe f, r +In1ir.k
tnaneutly alt tliis cnultry. The limn- chriirmlua, Niro It. Wnang.•, prrstded
ler of 'u.•14 returning Canadians Ih the ' The 4.14et1011 of ulhter8 notified as fol-
: 11.,:11 year sn- :41..'11. .These figure* !.w.: Chairman. W. C. Barber. Sea-
gi4e some idea .f the mocenn'nT. The 4'rttl : cn'. -.•
ereta1111 11. N• Into+11,
+1.•100: hnsiu> 111e export and iml..rt ltrlrl•lif•d: 'rcrrtury-rnaEurer. .1. Y.
of settlers* etfeets sere gicen In n \I'•le•nu. •e•af,ltlh.. A wntlon of
$.tt'yiwtx lettere thanks was tendered Lr, `Savn,ge for
• h,+ i•xeellent work as chairman during
The Clouse of Commons i4. , worried the last tic. 4.1 r... .\ fuel rrlu,rt of
et4r»pe - -(-.Nes. These __unfttttu- �' • .imp co
..,te t•uauthellous of early byte affairs 14.,iri. The Intent devilled to nrht n
ale. in the past. he:e11 tried in the 1:11111. Contrary to 0*rlie•r •xtarta-
-.ate. .\ c•.nuultlle of the "Old lions, this t•awp_ %'I.11'Le hrletam 1•4k1•
gat t.•Rethrr on 11e•th. Now. in (Huron. noir I:rsnd (tend. fr.m July
. relit. it is said They make a end t. July 110th. hl+tead of at Kltcha
nal of 11 -they are not unelne _amt. tote tater part of .1tu[u+t. '11d-
er. after the salacious. It is e1- .trtltge__S a_s_innde necessary - by the
c - When ztu hutk of suitable limiters rive lLih:r at
1,4 1:- come .. the ('unittolls they ATP - the -Tart -ref-- August. --it was also (te-
1i-11':1) 4.114'.,•.1 with a no'I. T11i4 year ctded to bold a three-day leaders'
)I r. N'„1.1!sw'.rth, w•h,. really Ie•ili'ves camp precious to the mn11 4-81114.. from
iu havipi these epiwsle'4 of married. lane 20th to .July :hrd. Rev, Mr. Vol -
life terminate In tlw courts. Instead of Bags anti Mr. holt. of Grund Bend..
in 1'urli..lttout. 4ntxeederl 1n hles•kitk11 wrrr 111.1011111•411 10 secure the sib'. .\
the proceed:nas for a time at least. i.uuniittes. of Messrs. 4YltttttRs. 44+41.
Tt.. (111114.• ;.f the bill, now before the Nav111111e. Barber. e•rnsG.rd. M••1.4•)I
' hems, i, in the lap of the psis, What and Miss McKenzie' was appointed to
Dula I»• „ors,. than a bill for divorce
in prow.--, .f sn$p$'nde. *nitnntlon',
• • • • •
The Housspent some time on the
Of glair..., the r,•ttrgt the House
Pians for the Is•nattflcath't of th,'t•upl-
lar hos rnkcu s. 0111 n bold .n the t;,I vitt. '1'111' w114 8 favorite idea of
ulN!4 14 114 *indonbled IN44,min4n4•,4 1114• Ince Sir \',1lfrid IAlnrler. 1t has
and gram. Fur it tan make a a4•rawnr
jndgmmtt mean• tTint nt•nsplt•ers ha t..'ru r to r mT'f-the
Illlt the 1':,,11( t 1111111'
t •Irl has f e .f it,t 1411
'ern rnrrtl'el forward by itis •ulaessor,
twee 4e4e111 full and a doubts thin in \Tr \1 acT.r11rT(riC11iR Naturally en4,4440,.
_- 111 hhul+ of olrj,s tton.
er t tea the scarf colutr. ..,.,: awmher oh* ny+ •1:tn,`.,
11!;z11 pin4e.1, even 1114,11 the "Pr tnrfe'•l elf ae.ht. this w I,te r 1 xprv. •4. le this Iust8104, however, the Scarf •
1114. ,ago,. tint F. Iiot1 4:lt, of o permitted to 'louse. but 1•
tions of military conuunuelerr<' .r .\Irxand •r (hilt, wlHr had cl:a t'ge of
belle:,• there Wu+ 41 ye:y general feel he;d 111 front with n jl•welleel pin Mel
,.tel I-
•(' U 1
I eta
• , t H
w,. f
ee,d.ulzati"r1 tk 114.1141 Ili bark. They looped e11'1.t Is'
111 Uaw :) -14 rain, n ,'•• .t1't,tnetrnnt.
„ s are raised. 4111..
lc al Mill the comhrrt orf H1r1►-1r r..re.ttnt let4r_from tt we , This-ttwak fs.s Il
f„cornb 1
err h thing$ 1l re sugge,t1•d and 11trt-
m:rles 11181 a ch 111(414. Tatri,rtfrnt
thing Is a lx'stollk 4. for the town of
t mn
Ny enhxro, s•h1•rerr•r the y
, The )1r. John Evans, a 1,11111rr of
pn.1e4 1111.1, 111 !,0114• east's, rightism.,
prou•sr• ,,r,,, -'p NTi1-1f1ta-t-tie---urinery
..f t4. - \V.'.4,•rn farmers A11.l intimates
,bat panting trees and simile 111 Ot
t:uca. while T�hr4. onnditinn. 41x144. 1•
hot for the be fit of 1114. world. or, a.
1 is not le fly
1nR ren •nR't•a pnlrli, that Nie .\0111110 nein•. In Nuntlaetyl \ l,'rtn, w•tw as r1•{s•rtel 111 the front on the pleated
''arr. 14'.4*a -kink ., ' 1 the met.• pill, al 11.1.' as ehhi•r his father or gnu.l
11,. II nnu4•..
•,a •'• ., 1,-:',.. ••ttaek 1, the• -TIT' ere Pre nr,,,s. 'ate wnn)4 }twee •II1s r11trti,•uhtr 171011e1 is of bright
'1•1:.;, 1 0
tate ser Sam lliupp»w _ in Nur}i anent. 1..r 1hi4 c1..8'whl8111.4 "TT
'1414.111(.,8a1lts„0, howrter. 1.:,11 blur "ilk crepe, hilt You can
might wrlj 1141V0 1R11or«i the :'ort Ilo{4' a r,• rot titled for the rough and tomb's.n-alt 1,r that It , would tnnke up
newsp111ter article Instead of 4rnceinc of pndtte ttfe." He thew Wass 011 to .'.11111.lc, sr11 in any other color or silk
11011 ria l.,
1t into the light of n libel action. a'1'4: - --
-it i! nt+tlr-tl•►n of 111080 socia'•
Even a •nreessfnl action at how 1+ net' ` , Js a r.
•e a •ltlo11s hon•:nt.e Robert
. Sir A1ex11nder'.. j
all glory. ! 1:1•1.111, jr.. u sena,,,!
• • • 1.44.+1 daughter. and whose Gather i+
Premier Tasehe'r•nn of Quebec. has •IndiyomnR 101 �' t. Iho"ton,III thl' fl outshoot•
come out to a speech which is taken to ""183%ter 14 ,ate .f t111 lPc1'n Port-rb'
1114.1111 11,111 hr ltld his Oocerunlenl' 111111""183%to New fork 111 chargeof 1A e.
probably itis l'rAvince. are opiotoed to 111RRiu,4411 ('o. Ile was 111 London ns
the proposed deeiier 8t. I4Aw•r•nt4•, nor of the {•sneers • ut 1IIRKin..0 h
waterway. TIte Toronto Star, emu- ('.,' for rl number of, years. and 4'11 IIIc• ,
111411'1114 11140' this dellveral,•,, nn,l tilt•', away from there last autumn to enter
tl.,• \r1, York house. was n 114-
rewduNun edoPn.l
•"At the national Pott- netor of ,*4ernl inslltnIle
tionv in Imu-
sereatiye conyetatoh at Winnipeg Inst don. Including' lylrrlay'i Ratak 1444.4
Thr lA'n.lon 'Tirol•.. The latter 1"With one of the great
year. soya.: political Ilece he himretired frnm now.
While on the 'nbjeet of the (:nits
we might 1114114111. John 1:1111. the Nco1-
Ilsh 0dvelist. who was the founder of
the family 111 ('818414* (Ind the commis.
!donor of the Canada Land Company.
whish settled a large part of Western
. c• three suns to thea tmm•
f its cantina, Will perceive the tomes- pry
John Galt enteral the service of the
Canada !Awl Company'. Iws•nne r4.Rl'•
trarof the county of Burin, with Mad•
quarters at (:Dittrich. and diet! at a
•.m{MrlThere ace
vely Party are. Ther
.•1111 dearontklnts of this branch of the
family In (loticrieh.
Thomas (tali 1Nrame one of the lead-
ing legal Iuminariea of Ontario and
was made Chief Justis of Ontario.
parties of CanadaAttd 4114' of the
grret 1'h.vince4 opposl'R the moat Im•
portant economic detelopmnent ever pat
forward In ('818(1, 1t Is reasonal)te to
81141P 1' that the advocates of the pro-
ject, with their alk,soundness sod nndinc confidence Ontnrfe. gave in Its the inevitability John. Thomas and AlexAseler.
stty of devoting Mom. further pert
to the
'nll,l'forrrying on Sof t4a,trove•nial a
'matter eon be brought to a successful
Which moan', boiled .b.w-n. that the
ad v0l'atea of the projectnidi hake
taking too , for granted.
S ignal baa already stated Its belief
1414tor (taking visitor round n431tin11 • "Tills room 4' ne.•'re4d for
motor manhole"
Visitor: "Bat the room Is etnpty Are tlhore n. p,ltl4'nt.'"
1)ne•tot: "Yes, they are all tinder the bed impairing."
- ,Passing %how. London.
Simi!' side of 1gimre I:,,lerich
Snyder's Sani - Bilt Week
on Chesterfield Suites
hiring this week n special i- being ofTered in these Suit. -
at 5199.. The regular price ii112:011,
t ricliand District tot thi' w.tl-
known Cherifield Suite and if you are thinking of purchasing
"a Chesterfield Suite it will pay you to .ee us.
or investment
of. May funds
Province of Ontario 41/z46 1944 103.50 4.20
City of London 4 1939 97.25 4.40
5l/2 1929-42 To Yield 6.10
8 1947 101.00 5.96
6- 1953 98.50 5.10
Canada,.Gypsum & Alabastine 5% 1948 98.50 5.63
Donnacona,P.aper Co. 51/2 1948 100.00 5.50
Famous Players Corp. (Deb.) 81/2 1948 102.00 6.45
Famous Players Corp. 6 1948 100.00 6.00
General Steel Wares 8 1952 103.00 5.78
London Realty Corp. els ' 1941 102.00 6.27
Port Alfred Pulp & Paper..... . PA 1957 101.00 5.43
General Steel Wares 7 Pfd. Stock 101.00 8.93
Abitibi Power 6 Pfd. Stock 102.00 5.90
Town of Riverside
Cities Heating
Canada Northern Power
Midland Securities
Royal Bank Bldg. Telephone Metcalf 1184 London, Canada
Orders may be telegraphed or telephoned at our expense