HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-5-3, Page 1Our Clubbing Rate . for The Signal aired The London Free Press' is $6.50 You save 50 cents and the cost of sending a money order. A similar sating on other Toronto alai London dailies. THE SIGNAL EIGHTY-FIItS'P YFt,1t NO. 15. iona KINCARDINE LOSES - A GOOD CITIZEN Dmid Gledhill, a Native of Colborne Township Tlti Kiut:ardiuv lieview-Reporter publishes the fulluaiug ie) its issue of this week: The death of David T. Gledhill, in his sixtieth year, cause as a shock to the Community, wheu he suddeuly passed away at his hone, Huron Ter- race, ou Thursday afternoon, April 20th. In his passing the street loses a business Warn who for forty years bas found favor with the public. De- ceased was born at Beuwiller, Col- borne towuship, being a sou of Thomas Gledhill, now of Goderich, and his late wife, Elizabeth Rodger, both of whom cane from England. The sealer Gled- hill established a woollen mill at God- erich, a here he carried ou successfutly for many years. D. T. Gledhill euwe to Kincardine forty years ago this coming August and entered into part- nership in the boot and shoe business with Mr. John Blackwell. This part- nership lasted tor many years until the latter went Nest- lie was then' joined by his brother, Mr. A. S. Gled- hill, under the name of Gledhill Bros. In 1901) he took ewer the business from his brother. Mr. Blackwell, his first partner, became his chief clerk and has been with him over since. Mr. Gledhill was a man of fine ex- ecutive ability and succeeded-Tia pleasing the public so well that his be- catoe the only boot and shoe store and harness store in town. Few men had a better sense of values than be when it came to his line of business. {Ir had a pleasing personality and curio - mem always found a welcome in his store, while a large easy seat was al- ways convenient to the stove which heated the place in the winter time. Ile was never too busy to listen to his cuetotuers, even when he knew they were not shopping. lie will be mimed by hundreds who for years knew that a kindly greeting awaited them at Gledhill'a. As a business man he was always held in high esteem. He always took an interest in the affairs of the town. He first served In the council in 1916. In 1921 he again came to the board and in 1920-7 had the honor of being mayor. He was a careful public official. He belonged to Penetangore •Loeige, No. 172, 1.0.O.F., and the Kincardine Club. lie was chairman of the hoard of health at the time of his demise. He was a member of the Church of the Messiah and for twenty-one years had been the rector's warden. In politics he war a <-tanneh Liberal. In his many active t1" he brought to bear a keen business min`• and, while quiet and uhas- sum❑ ( his opinions always carried weigh\. • On the street his genial and kindly greeting will be missed by all. Thirty --six years ago lie was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Morgan - of this town. She with two sons, Dr. J. L.. Assistant Provincial Geologist. Toronto, and Herter"t M., who was in the store with his father, are left to stens' hie passing, Ilia aged. father, Mr. Thos- (;leedhid!, (:olerieh, one bro- ther, Mr. A. S. Gledhill, Iialleybury. and one sister~, Mrs. Ginn, of God- erich, also survive. General sym- pathy from a 'vast circle of friends is extended to them lit their lime -of sorrow. ___ -.:'. _ _ The service at the home on Sunday aftenteun was eonducted by the Rev, T. II. Farr. the deceased's pastor, as - Meted by Rev. T. D. Me(:ullongh of Knox Presbyterian cbutch. The re- mains were removed to the Church of the Messiah, where friends gathered in large numbers from all over the district. At the grave the 1.0.0.F. lodge conducted the service. The many floral offerings were a silent tri- bnte of esteem for the deceased. The pallloeenrers were Messrs. John Black- well, ,Joe. Shelton. it. R. Davey, Jas. Farrell, Dr. Armitage, Peter Steel's. The flower -hearers were Wm. Crobean, Rosa Munro, Alex. McKay, N. Jones. L. Buckingham, Wm. Geddes. PERSONAL MENTION "Mac" Gillespie, druggist, of Kin- cardine, is calling on friends in town today. Miss Muriel Ott la.,,spending a few days -at the--home-vf--her-- !mesons at Mitchell. Mr. G. L. Parsons left Saturday on a week's trip to Winnipeg, Minneapo- lis and Chicago. Miss M. H. MacVicar is at Toronto this week attending the midsummer millinery openings. Mir, Dean has returned to her home at Klugsbrldge after spending the winter with her stater, Mrs. Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farr have re- turned front Stratford. where they spent several months with their slaughter. Brussels Post: Peter Rutledge and family moved to Guderlch on Monday Mr. Rutledge has been working there for several weeks. Messrs. Charles M. Humber and Meldrum Cutt, studeuts of the Uni- versity of Toronto, are home for the summer vacation. _.. Mr. Walter E. Kelly. formerly of Goderich. bus been re-elected for a third term as president of the London Motor Ciu). He is the first president of the (4lub to hold the o®oe for a third term. Mr. nod Mrs. M. C. Milliken, who had been residents of Goderich for a yeaLur Po, Meeting here from Zurich, have gone to London to restie. lir. Milliken has a position there as a mo- tor salesman. Misg Olive Scli enhals, who for the pest three years had been engaged at the Parliament buildings at Toronto, Is now assisting with the court work In the office of the Los -al Registrar in (ksierich. Miss Schoeihhals assumed her yew duties on May 1st. Mrs. R..1. Phelan was at London res Gently attending an executive meeting of the London Diocesan Catholic Wo- men's League. The annual convention of the Diocesan League- will be held nt Wallacehnrg early in October. From the Kincardine papers we notice that Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wilson, formerly of Goderieh, are taking pro- minent parts in the production of a piny. "The :Noble Outcast." staged by the young people of the 'United chnrcTh at Rtocardine. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rothwell have returned to town after spending the winter in Toronto. They are occupy- ing the same apartments on Colborne street as last year. Goderich les,ka good to them and they are almost the first of our summer resident-' to return. tits -friends in Goclerk'h will be pleased to learn of an important pro. motion that has come to Mr. John Inn's-Batemnn, son of Ven. Archdea- con Jones -Bateman of town. Mr. Jone's.Rateman. who has been Albany manager of the Jludicon Valley Coke and I'roltu'ts Corporation, has now been placed in charge of the coke sale,. development to the whole of the Coe t•orallon territory. Real Estate Transfers- 'r;3 W.,ArntattonR e;. et seed the residence of the late John en Cambria melt. Mr. Wren Shenrdown, who recently purchased life Donaldson property on Hincks street. has meld lila house on Nelson street to Mr. Jahn (entre Mr. Thos. f'nrriek ]las purchased Mr. A. C. Jackson's beetle (the former Piney property) en Victoria street. A Busy Office Mr. J. N. Kernighan (formerly of Pleamiller) has now leen in charge of the porto4flce at 422 College street, Toronto, for a year, and his old friends up this w'ny may be interested in knowing what sort of business lite is do- ing. Ilire are some figures whet show that the office Is n very busy one, as. Indeed, It should be situated as it is in the heart of a great city. During the year 4,246 money orders were issued to a total valve of 44(,:01.70, the Gov- ernment a ommisslon tieing $406.43. Stomps were sold to the value of $2t5.637 demi postal note: to the amount (►t $900.35. making a total revenue for the (government of $2'5.096. Over 11,- 000 insured ArielC.O.D. parcels were mailed, Intl 6,273 registered letters. Three claim* have been made for lost • parcels, end one fora damaged parcel. 'Therewas $6,501 of buainesa done in savings and $245 in annuities. Postal n otes paid amounted to $23R1.ZS and money order, paid to $12,801). making sa • total hnsineof $915.451. Rusineas •f some kind has been transeeterl to aimed every country In the world. more foreigners using this branch than any other in the city. Considering these figures. one ran realise that Mr. Kernighan means what he says when he hetes, "We cer- tainly sera oar motley." Graham GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY., MAY 3, 1928 The News of the Town N'edttewbty Half -holiday l'onutteuees I Aeeuracy First The Wednesday half -holiday season Miss Beatrice Henry, of Godcri.-h, it eoatmattced_thin week, and en almost , ,dtideut of the School of Commerce' Sabbatical calm prevailed .un thelCrtnton. wiute a pt'r'ferella ser-Oe-tte Square yesterday afternoon. :Searle Remington typewriting'creletitial test . all the stores seemed to be closed, it for A1'01, writing for tett eom'ecntly, was a beautiful day, and no doubt minutes. Congratultions, Beatrice: the first summer half -holiday was Two Basket -bull (;antes IS GREYHOUND TRIP TO BE CONTINUED? As already announced in Theexcursion-- will - Signal, the Greyhound excursion -- be run this year the first.-•-- week of June. The Greyhound will arrive here from Detroit on Tuesday, June 5th, and will leave for Detroit with the ex- cursionists from Goderich and district on Wednesday morning. the tith. The return trip to God- erich will be on Friday, the 8th. and the final trip back to De- troit will be on Saturday, the 9th. 'The Signal Is In a position to know that it was with some re- luctance the managers of the Greyhound decided to run this excursion this year. In fact, -it--- had practically been decided not to da 'so but after some urgtng-- the matter was reconsidered and it was decided to give the ex- cursion one more trial. The trip invokes considerable expense, and the returns the last few years have not been arch as- to encourage the owners to con- tinue It. it will readily ie.ren, people then, that If the of this district desire to secure the con- tinnance of the excursion from year to year. with the splendid opportunity It gives of a pleas- ant trip and a visit to the great City of the Straits -and at a very cheap rate- it will be ne- cessary to give the Greyhound such patronage that the man- agers of the line will find the trip profitable. If the Greyhound should dis- continue Its annual excursion. we are quite sure that the peo- ple here would be much dis- appointed. and to guard against such a disappointment next sr and in the future years all who can should make it a point In- take in this year's trip. in other words, upon the sue- r -eon or otherwise of this year's exe•nrsion will depend the del - Rion to centime or to ranee the, annual event which for many years has given pleasure and an- portnntty to our motile New Ford Agents The agency. for the Ford cars has l set taken over by Messrs.1 '. 11. Wood aG. Sootecit nti-lel-- Mee.- ia)-retract seine of the new Ford curs shortly told they will he on display in the •-liewroows on lit. Andre•w''r erect. Messrs. Wood & Son still retain the agency for the Studebaker sears, Aggressive Advertising is the key to success in merchan- dising. As a medium for reaching the people of Goderich and district The SIGNAL is unsurpassed. THE SII;NAI. PRINTING CO, LIMITED, L'ubilahe•rs. enjoyed. 1 Two basket -ball games were played a New Garage Building I the part week at the G.0 -I. gymnasium Judgment Reserved Mr. F. R. Miller is making extensive I betetem the St. Andrew's Club of At the Stratford sittings of the Su-' alterations at his garage property, Knox church and the Tome Club of Nem. Court, held title week, the case corner of Elgin and Victoria streets. North street United church. The' of Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., ' The old wooden structure adjuluUlg, North street boys were victorious ie)' Seaforth, v. F. Kent, 'reroute). which the cement portion of the garage has both games. In the first game on was trnusferre'tl from the recent sit - been torn down and a new cement Thursday night the score was -16' tinge at Goderich, was ou the. list for building, about 70 feet by :12 feet, is and in the second game onMonday-' trial la -fore Mr. JuStiece 'homey. - living ereetesL_Bell Brum.. of Guderlch +eight :,►-1: Judgweuf was n•s'•nu•d. The action are do the cement mark- was'to'te,tover $%,7'St$. the tmlans'e-snitt-f township, R Wanted Dredging Waed at Grund Bend tbeowing o on the sale of a Rall eu- - and Rubt. Standish, of Goderlch, has - - -- " --- .- the contract for the car eaterieg. - - -_ _Cettager tit (.stand lle,ud ale p•te s i*M and holler. '.'.. Honing the Departmeut of 1'ullk Weeks to have the Aux Sable Triers ! Maitland Presibwterial So lett' , Is. McaLtlau 182 2.25 242 157 :let ON THE BOWLING ALLEYS "THE DUST OF THE EARTH" A FINE PRODUCTION The Royal Downie; Leese,. 4rasou was eout•luded on 1Vedm-sday night-uf this -week, when Seltford in the finul. OM. climbed its position in top place by defeating the Legion three games out of five. The contest created great todeic t erlw••;etly whew. the legion. after losing the first two games, won the third and fourth and tint ' the urs. This Bisset team, who had, fatten away in the third and fourth :awes, taut' buck io the fifth and held a right keel titer the l.etduu. Hugh McGuire noel Jhek Wood played u strove ;mme for the legion, while Bob itiss't•.,l i:Iti the hit•st mark stung; the enlaces!" yrrs. The scores were: Saltferd It. insist ...2S7 213 185 24.1 259 L Iteid ... ,.'235 _'e)3 130 124' 244) I' ltioset ....103 157 152 17.5 216 ( • yt,'.Manu. 2e7 `2114 217 2S0207 tl iliveset ,'i1 3010 t(1W 155 - 231i 1 Legion Starting the Picnic Season dredged to a depth of three feet le:useI The feurte•uth uuuual weetleg of , 1'ouug 3111 X211 instil The Annual picnic of the Huron Old lake level from the mouth of the Maitland Presbyterial Society of the, Boys' Assoc•tation of Tomato. wilLIte -rim-tv the i,eed.- eet,iete-ttte proem, M.S._uf_llew-hreeWlerian ('faun It •I \Crud ....17:5 -:.3a 236 315 e71 held in area 4, National Exhibition I draining scheme a portion of the ter in Camila will be held in Kew., 11. Mc -Glare .'541 '2'4 12 2111 ^7 al grounds, on Saturday, June 2nd. A is being dredged two and a -half feet dwell.hu•h. Te'cswater. on Tuesday, May al. Mclhmalcl 2151 _215 242 _so.t t`e oeod bi irogram, fucludiug al! the . Morning • session at 10 o'clock g g 1 below the lake level. but a bar of tit one tln. M f latest stunts, is being arranged for, width is still present at the river's afternoon at 1.31.1; evening at 7.311. roti a big time is expected. Every mouth. /to prope'serl--devetupment The golden jubilee -of -the' Teeswater Huronite in Toronto and elsewhere in ,would make it possible to bring email auxiliary of the W.M.S. will be cele the vicinity is cordially Invited to be beater up to the resort. booted. Among special speakers plea - present and take_part in the games. _ ' out v -ill lie Mrs. D. Strut•Ilan. 'Loretto. Everybody will be anxious to see the Huron Presbytery Soft -ball League a recent conn- mlas-funertu--(Inc 13fionT ladles' baseball game, which will be u The Huron Presbytery -Soft-ball from the General Assembly. leading feature. League will again be iii operation this }ear. A meeting was held recently atMore Honors for Miss Florence Smith C'liutuu at which preliminary arrange- Miss Florence A. South, of the staff vents for the season were made. The cif Vaesur College, Poughkeepsie, r.Y., 1 coudty is again divided in four dist- slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur : rk4w--east,--west, nurlit_und south- Smith stf town,_.bas leen awarded a - _ _- ---- _______ _ - with a schedule fen eta•h -district. fellVwship at Yale !Olive -reify, New 022 101011 11st3 1151 Rork (mother for Bruce Township Kincardine News: Mr. Alex. Mc- Donald, agent for the Dominion Road 1 Machinery Co. of Goderlch, piloted then members of Bruce township and their' tr,se 11111 11711 1: ' :133 to the guy. -- Mouday_nlght the. tw :utr detentes, . 'Veterne Canada Flour 111118 tern, 'I or games In four. The scores acre. as foliose s Lrgiots F. Tuffurd V.0 14(1 R. McMillan :s2.i 1115 N. Young 21:; 24K1 2'.'0 111; J. WoodPict 21a5 2:rr .i• 11. ']LSV ulre 1.12 244 :713 290 II. N. MacDonald 2(5.) pals 185 :'"V' Suers .wfu: Dramatic Performance at Il 'shay Had ys'iti.;; popple of Victoria street United ei,tireit ,scored a tine aueaew last week in the productivu of the ploy, ' Tt+e 1N t-s4--4be-Eurtit,'Ae) -Wade Kay Mall en Thursday and Friday nights. The hall was crowded on both nights, uud the proce•t1s were over $200. • "The Dust of the Earth" is a mete- -drama of the heart -gripping sort and was plu}el mitt* good taste and rkitl. Nell ("e sof the e,artii' liven with herthwtducle,t David Moore, antihis wife Susan and daughter Elizabeth. Nell's mother died when she Was ea infant, and of her father malting is known. Susuu'' and her daughter Elizabeth do out like the child and make her the drudge of the household. Elizabeth has severed admirers, among whom is a young clergyman, Dr. n splet..0 Jubu i.ytlrr, the. yu.tyg waster of "The Maples," an adle'lnlag estate, also is a visitor at the house, but ho seems to be uttructed as much -by Nell as by Elizabeth, who has set her tale for him.. Wandering Toni is a mysterious kudividual who appears sn the community and who cannot say very much for himself, because he has lost his - memory of former dt.ys and even dues not know his name. Old Mose a derkie, has attached himself to "Massa Tum" as his servant and guardian, and the two live together in uo didd-altdulc 'John Ryder falls -in love with Nell and is about to propose to her when he is interrupted by the arrival' of Mrs. Moore. in their rage at Nell for standing in the way of their plans regarding Ryder, Mrs. Moore and Elizabeth cruelly insult Neil who leaves their honor clad Is 'her mother's wedding dresx,-thi'-(loly clerk and road superintendent to God- There -will --be separate schedules fur !levet, t, Couu., and has also received I W. C. F. M. dress than really belongs to her. and erlch on Saturday, where they visited' the boys and the girls, with a county_, the offer of a fellowship front .tlelt'. Griffith ' 129 2/H 214- 2..57 news tee the i-ahtn of Mr. Tom, whom the works of the Company and ire' championshipcup for each, the winners I'niversity of Wisconsin. Ya:e• of 35'. Ik,ak ITS 780 171 :R"ti she has iefrirnekrl and who in tura spected in operation one of their rock, this year to hold moors:ion of the course. is eine _of the leading miser- 11. Sanderson ,1511 344 157 Lett has Leet drawn towards her. The crushers. The delegation were so im-t trophy:- The -district finals are. to bei 'title, of the Unites' States, aid Miss .1 Wiggins 245. 211 232 1741 sight of the girt In the wedding dress pressed with the working of this ma- I finished by August lit, and the county c•hinery that before they -left an one -r semi -thuds and finals will be played Al wasitTett-de for the deliverraf one -to t-;eeufartlr on- the civic holiday of that the township at a coot of over $3- elect jstets._-The... winning. _teams of the It will be delivered at Paisley' and set I county will be eligible to enter the up In a pit near Lovat. London Conference ileal, to be played •,r-ftaebar Day at Gerrie-Bend. Earl The O. W. S. K. Right -of -Way Westbrook, of Goderich, is the ret Representative -a of the wumuepalie presentative of the west district on ties interested in Ontario West Shore the county executive. Railway affairs met here on Motelry, as a sequel to the meeting of March In the Magistrate's Court 5th, when the Mayors and Weirs of Before Magistrate Relit this morn - the municipalities were constituted u itg WiliamVince Mt Heffernan, of the committee to decide upon a price fur' township of SLK ,p, faecal charges the right-of-way pro,erto in Colborne of startling two olereoats. a pair of _and_ Ashtleid tuwnsltipr. -The llurun I g'oves nest other articles at a dance county council had etterd row for held near Dublin on April 20th. Heff- the property, agreeing also to pay all mean reserved election and a remand urrearsof taxes and expellees of obtain- I was nldde' for n week. 'Heffernan wan lug title. This was nut considered sat- I brought up from McKillop township isfactury by the 0.1V.S.It. municipal! -1 oil Wednesday- by (Miters Gundry and ties, and at Monday's meeting a price i 1Vhitcsiele, who were looking for some - of $1500 plus arrears, etc., was decided , thing else. but foutd•a cache of tipper - upon. This was to be submitted to the 1 cntly stolen articles. including shoes. county road cumulation. harness, rugs. etc. at lleffe'rnnn's Warden McKay of Bruce county. I Ionise. Heffernan' already has an cx• who is Reeve of Huron township, re- tcusite Pollee tenure record. On Monday ,two Ewer_ men were -Rued each $10 and costs by Magee -owe - Reid fol• driv'inu cars without a licenses John Gillespie. of Turnberry, upon whom a fine of $300 and costs was 'moused upon conviction of having liquor illegally has gone to jail for six months in default of payment of -tie was 5;l.e'sptess second ported that there was some prospect of the sale of the right-of-way in that township to the bounty of Bruce. Cblltren's Aid Society Affairs Capt. Buckland, of the Provincial -Children's Aid Society's office at Toro onto, la to -be in town tomorrow morn- ing to confer with representatives o the county council and of the local Children's Aid Society with reference to the future matiugemeut of Child- ren'e Aid affairs in this county. At the January meeting of the county council a motion was passed a that the Provincial Government amend the Children's Aid Society Act so that the Children's Shelter In each county may tie administered by a committee appointed by the county council. At a recent meeting of the executive of the local Children's Aid Society a re solution was passed asking that the county assume the financial responsi- bility in connection with the mainten- ance of the Children's Shelter. This, of course, is not lust what the county council wants, and at tomorrow's con - femme the whole matter will -be up "Tor discussion. Rev. R. C. Mellennid at Kineaedlitre The Kincardine News of last week had the following reference: Large congregations at both morn - lug and evening services heard Rev. Mr. McDermid, of Knox Presbyteefan church, Goderich. Mr. McDermid is a forceful spoker and put his argu- ments before his listeners in a clear- cut fashion. In the morning he chose Acts 10:33 as his text. Some of his statements may have hit some members of the congregation a trifle hard, but they were simple truth. We, as ('itristians, should attend church, our engagements with God ss punct- ually and regularly as our engage- ments In business, said the reverend gentleman. The church, like other In- stitutions, should not have en interro- gation mark Its front. "Why?" should not he asked of the church. in the evening Mr. MeDermid delivered a soul-searching address on Matt. 12:12, on the immortality of man, the differ- ence between man and sheep -a soul, a mind, and how they are used. SPECIAL OPTICAL OFFER liigh-grade gold -tilled spectacles with hest Oat spherical lenses for only $4 Ott. We have other styles of frames and lenses at lowest prices. Eyes ex- amined by our well-known and pains taking specialist, Mr. Hughson, with twenty eight years' experlenee, eight- een years coming to Goderich. We give you the best in optical work to he obtained and at moderate (sort. Two days only.- Thnrsdsy. ler day, May 17, 1R. Come early. Smith's Art Store, Goderich. fins'. Death of Dr, W. E. Struthers Smith's friends are greatly pletio.sl at W. Carrick 14a; 15:3 174 Ll -1:r the honor that has come to her. She _. - - _ will take Up her work at_Tale_et_the4_-_. - - _907_1147 47y 11. coning full term. This leaves the final standing of the To Celebrate Opening of Huron Road four leading teems le) the Ie•ageie as IK Ptolle'w's: 1st. Sniffers!, 2nd, Legion; `The Stratford city council, ie) tun- ;*rd, W.t'Y.M.; 4th, lhomiulou 1 Junction with at lien 1'udies ie) that city,' Machinery Co. is taking steps towards having a cele- l adieei League brntlon this year of the enc! hutelrcdih anniter-,ury of the opening of thellu- On Friday night Cacklebetries won sou road. The proposal Is to have from Lucky Strikes W three straight celebrations at various points 'along g'emrs. For ('acklcberriea Miss N. the highway, probably in the early Mcl)erndd had highest three -game part of September after the Wclurfri"H'e'rs'-422' and Visa Mary Parsons highest single score, 172- For Lucky Strikes Sirs, Ubeiueker had bulb high scores. 506 for three games and 11M2 for one game. OnTuesday night l,uvcudcr Girls took three games from lumbells. lust three -game scores; Miss l►. West- brook, 4stt; Mrs, Sloultuib -154. The same ladies had the best elhgle-gauze eterts.:' s said 180. Two games were played Weduesda) evening- Intender Girls bent Katzeu- jutnwer Kids three rtrdights. For the trinucrs Miss D. Marshall had the best se w,w 14'0 f-r--4Jtr theses and 150 for single game. Fur Katzen• jammer Kids Miss D. Felker was top scorer, will` 502 for three games and 2111 for one game. Night hawks took the three games train Vakencias. Mrs. 1.. Chaputan had the high ic•ure•r for Nighthawks,,. 174 for single game and for there gamer; while for Valet,- dus- Mrs. H. Watson was beat,_ with 170 and 436. The Standing Won Lost Valencia 27 12 complete! between Clinton and Sea - It suggested also that In connection with this celebration pil- lefs may le erected at different places alutg the highway In memory of pio- neer uteri of the district lteprsenta- tives of the mutilcipalitles in' the Hu- ron tract will lie invited to attend a meeting to be held at Stratford at au early date: First Grain l'argeee Arrive 'l'Lc steamers Norway and hone' Smith arrived! here ,sell 1Vcdperda) With the nest grain cargoes of rite sen- su n, 'Threw' itetellic'rs were eel route to Goderich and Owen Sound from the ' heed of the likes hist December when they were caught in the ice Jam at Sault Site. Static'. The Norway has a eargo_of 350,11110 bushels ore -wheat etnel ate...Smith 1S0.004_110 'Iola Of wheat. and both cargoes are being uu• loaded at the Goderich - elevator today The death occurred recently at Tor- I (Thursday), onto of Dr. William Eugene Struthers,. The steamer Sarflan is due at the medical °Meer nf• the Ontario Work- Goelericlh elevator this afternoon with -men's (cimpensation Boa4d. Dr. a cargo of 1:01,11(10 bushels of wheat. Struthers was a native of Kincardine, This steamer also -was -en route to God - hut spent part of his, early life in erk•h last fall and was held up at the Goderlch. and atteendel Goderich lilgh Soo by" tire ice. itched. Ile died in his fifty-ninth Several of the steamers which wint- year. He took his M. B. degree at the ere.' here cleared the twist week. The University of Toronto and obtained Brockton left for ('olhittga-ood en Sat- hta M.D. degree from Trinity. Post- graduate commis gained for film the degrees of L.R.V:I'.S. (Eeiinburgh) and L.R.C.P. (London) and he was also nn M.It,C.I'. (England). In 1911 he was nppointed chief medical insileo u,r of the Board -Of Etlde,' om - Jn Toronto and held that eoeitioa for several years, resignfur-m become medical officer of the Workmen's 4'ln pensatIot Beard. During the war ire served overseas as a medical officer. tie was prnminont stirs Mr. Tent's memory, and finally he recognizes in her the llkcc- 1 S5 of his wife, Nell's mother, trou wheut lie hail been s•pernted by accident shortly after their secret marriage. Tom le really, the owner of "The Maples,' J01111 -Ryder being a- distant relative. Ityder, now' being penniless, eles's nor cure to ask Nell to worry him, but Nell c-alte, the ditticulty very satisfactorily..,,.,,,a other characters are Jerry, son of - Mr. and Mrs. Moore-, *ho is friendlg to Nell throughout. and Mins Arabella, "the village uewspeper." a vocal broad- caster of neighborhood news. • Miss Relight Mutc,h, ao Nell. was the Might partMillar star of the play. and carried the sympathies of the audience with her neaps excellent psertrnyal The other characters were taken as follows, the vitriol's rotes all being cleverly Retell: Jerry, Leonie Jewell; lSlvld Moore, Arthur Johnston ; Eliza- beth, Mfrs Gertrude Heist; Dr. Templeton, George Raechl -n: Susan Moore, Mrs. J. E. Select]; Mr. Tom, Jack- Ynill; Mose, George Currell; John )cyder, Eric Gardner'; Miss Ara- i Katzenjammer Kids Blue. Streaks Lavender earls Night Hawks l'ackkM•rries Dumbells 21 12 • 2(1 13 23 16 21 18' 12 IS le) lei urday morning, Otto M. Reimfur Lucky Strikes 7 20 Toledo. Ohio, on $ lay, Angeline for Detroit at T114.1.111/1y and Frank 4'. BallMixed Doubles for ('ale•Ite. Mich., on Wedlne'reiay- A mixed (emblem touruamt'at was The steamer Maeaeste, en route fr,ou- oeld till three Royal howling alleys Toronto to Owen Sound, calved at this "❑ Timrsday last, for prizes sr - port on Thursday and took on a come fared by tin• uaieaageuu•nt. Miss flatly of 10th tons of salt at the 1Ve;trter' (an- Farrow and Mr. T. Pritchard took first ails Flour Mills plant. prize a ilh a score of 123$ for three Dredging operations cmmns•ateel din genie. tool Mrs. I'be'Inrke•r and Mr. Wednesday between the piers. The Fred limit won second prize with, a Kilmer & Barber dredge and outllt are sore of Ile!. Other teems whit de to Masonic circles and WAS a put doing the work, which Is o continua- gored aeores were Mrs. D. D. aro, master of St. Andrew's lodge, ;too& (Ion of hist ycnr's contract nal Mr it Blame 1172; Miss Liscl A.M. He was an elder of the college. Mr. Ilonghner. of Lotnlun, engineer Rees! and 'Ir. Carl iiendrick, 1131; street United church. lie le survive.* for the Public Works Department. arltiv tr___r_,,, awl Mr. -IL- L.. Lloyd,. by his wife, who before her marriage rived in town the Int4t week need a'il'' tilts. Entries are now being received in 1914 was Miss Lina L. Roger,, It.N., superintendent of sehtul nurses at Tor- onto, and a daughter, Margaret, C. N. K, Gets Damages' in the local Division court this ('1'hursiny) morning n case wits tried which His Homos Judge Lewis, who presided. aakeel /should be reporter) as a warning to mote,rlsts. The case was a remote to the ae'cident at 'the ('5.11. crossing on the Huron road on oche. her 13th last, when a Chevrolet coach driven by Mussel Royce ran into a ('.N.it.'train as it passed the crossing. The railway- conitslny sill Albert Boyce, owner of the motor car, for damage done to the train, and Bryce counter, hained for the danung,- to his car. The case war settled by lt'yce's agreeing Is, pay $25 and the emits of the action. his counter -claim being dismissal. Judge Lewis gate inter- ment In accordance with the terms of the settlement, and expressed his de- sire that the result Should lie made ;ahhlle so that motnrisfs who approach railway crossings carelessly should he prepared for the consequence/I--wren if they should eacate with their lives The Royce car was badly wrecked by the Impact on the occasion In question, and was sold at a small figure to a Ri- es' o-esu automobile Apart, who straight- ened out the dints sad got the car running. remain here for a few etnyv until ter aunother 'nurncy of the same kind 'confiding.' hove hem take's. to be played at an early date. s. A view elm- Is being hid en the C.P.R. bridge in front of the Western Forty- Rare Horses Expected Here Can/isle Flom Mills. Traffic. over the The higgert race meeting in the his - bridge Is not held up. as the new planlda are toeing pleleeel over the old flooring. The leaf fist- rnlen here e'oml'uenceel the IWhsoti's fishing operations and re- port some good catches of lake front. COMBINED LIMOUSINE , iIEARSE ANt) AMIll'IANCE Rr'phey Bros . the well ktow'n undertakers. hove added to their t iltipment a new limousine hmam, which oleo will .•eve as nn ambulance If required. This is a handsome and tnominal] ly apt.dateconveyance. a fitting addition to the firsts'lass fun- eral sere -lee furnished by the Messrs. Rrotehey. 4f requtireri It cnn be readily adjusted for use as an embn- lance for hospital or other purposes. and will he available on short entire on any emergen''f mall night or day. Rrophey Bros. have been lenders in their well-known husiness for thirty- eight years. They had the first motor hearse west of Toronto, and their ser vice chapel Is In a(reordatwr with the latest approved Ideas. in fact, they have everything that will he found in the larger cities for the *erste* of their patrons when required. tory of I's tel noeltg. and perhaps the biggest .meet in Western Ontario, is la In' i•, a for August Glh ((•Irk',lioll- dnyy r this year lit the Agricultural Puri; Goderich. Finck'* few the iwt stake re,es trate cloyed, mala ten entries for the 2.12 trot or puce and nineteen entries for the 2.20, trot or pan'. There Is a stake of $1000 in eueh of these races. Icor the 2.30 sluts, for which $500 In purses Is of- fered. the entries will close July :hl. The officers of the local Race Asws'la- lion e'lpert to have at feast forty horses here for this meet. A commit- tee of the local Association has been looking oyer grandstands at various places with a view to getting Informa- tion for use in the erection of the prep posed new grandstand here, towards which the Association has offered $1,- (aho. This committee was fa'orably Impressed with the style of the greens!, stand at Woodhtock, wood on cement fonneletion, hut a larger one will be' required here, to slat at least 15011 people Representatives of the Amo - dation will confer with the town council this evening on the proposition of submitting a bylaw to provide the necessary funds for the grandstand. - " ..r Rctwe'n acts piano numbers were given by Mira Lenore Craig, and Slr. Robert Henry, who is developing fine talent ns a cornetist. rendered several pieces with n skill that delighted the large audience. After the perforMenee' on Friday - night the players and others associated with the production. were entertained at lunch by metnhers of the Victoria street League. The ploy 14 to lee given by the same perferners at Nile church on the 24th of May. CHURCH NOTES Anniversary services will be held next Smiley et the Baptist church. Itev. J. A. Juhtlsto a, B.A., punter of Talbot street Ifaptist church, Loudon, will preach at both service's, and Mr. Walter Chalcroft, of Loudon, will sing_ Services at North street UuIted church next Sunday as follows: 10 a.m., Mete's Club, Mission llaud and class fur Christian fellowship., "Un- conscious Influence" is the subject to be )nttuelue'ed In the Men's Club by the pastor. Rev. C. F'. Clarke. Public wnrteldlt at 11 a.m. lord 7 p.m. Sunday' school at 1' p.m. The 11:4:0)11,11.11. The at Victoria street i'nitt4l etflirch neit mefe ld will be es - y peclttlIe_tur•reeelm --Tl utsitnilig see- sice at 11 o'eloc•k will be In honor of the elderly -people. nue - cars _will___be_ _-,__-_-_. sent for ditty desiring to attend if no- tice Is sent beforehand to the pastor: Mr. 14arr's sermon subJert will be "I►aily Strength for Daily Need."A 11104e, uta; feature of the evening service will be the Use for the first time of the new lighting aysteln w-hlcli has been in - attired. Tt.• pastor's subject will be "Christ Uc, Lu;bt." F'eileiwaduip meet- ing will be at 10 Yt'loc'k a.m, anti church as had at 3 p.m. Maitland Golfers Are at it Msy laity saw We 'rrt:.nc'ncement of play on the permanent greens et the Maitland Gott l';uh entree, whlrh ivies found to be In excellent condition. A number of improvements hale been made on the grounds this spring, in- cluding til' -draining to dispose of the water that s-nme from the ■djofning railway land, the taking down of the old fences, and the setting of markers to. Indicate the distances of the course. During the summer It Is intended to prosecute work on a plan for the im- provement of the, recently -acquired l'latt property. The (9nh has a num- ber of new members, and an active season Is looked for. Farmers- now Is the time to OA ('yanogas for destroying groundhog pest. Easy to nese. Campbell's Doug Store. Phone 90. ' IN ,a