HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-23, Page 22t
of Reeve Harvey. Davis of Elderslie
Township who said, "I like Bruce
County the way it is."
Warden • Alex Lamont said: "I
agree we should leave irthe way it
is'. I know some towns' say they
need areas ;for growth, but maybe
they should slow up a bit. They've
been growing too fast."
Reeve Arthiar Speer of Tara said:
"I fail to see where change' will do
any good.''
Reeve Davis said, "Change for
the sake of change is meaningless.
This system we have is pretty (good
representative democracy.
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DES Or -wEgps.,‘:
Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land,
in accordance with 'the Weed Control Act, 1971 Sec. 4, 14, and 20,
that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the
'Municipality of Lucknow are destroyed by ,date of July 1, 19/6
and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the
said lands, and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs ,
against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. .
The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited.
Three- music awards were pres-
ented at the grade 8 graduation of
Lucknow Central Public, School to
grade 8 students.
Amalgamation of Bruce County's
31 municipalities is a dead issue,
the chairman of a committee
studying county government re-
form conceded following a county
council session last week.
Reeve Gary Harron of Amabel
Township said after a four-hour
discussion of his committee's
/report, which called' ,for the
reduction of the 31 municipalities
On the left is Steven Atkinson,
13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Atkinson of Lucknow, who received
the band proficiency award and a
week at the Ontario Youth Music
Camp at Beaverton in July. On the
right is Jack Whytock, 14, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Whytock of
to 18, his commi ee will 'no longer
consider amalgama in attempt-
ing to reform the county govern-
"About 75 •-per cent of council
said they are not in favour of
amalgamation," he concluded, "so
the committee's only alternative at
the next' meeting is to recommend
that there be no amalgamations."
The only possibility of amalga-
R. R. 5 Lucknow, who was, awarded
the • Nicolson Memorial music
award. Pictured, centre, is Nancy
Thompson, 13, daughter of -Mr.
and Mrs. Don Thompson of
Lucknow, who was awarded a week
at the Ontario Youth Music Camp
in July.
mation being considered, he said,
is if 'a couple of municipalities get
together and ask. for it."
His comments followed a free-
wheeling discussion of a report
•prepared by his committee which
urged greater co-operation betwe-
en municipalities and their atrialgaL
mation. .
At the suggestion, of council, the
committee will look -into the
possibility of the Ontario Provincial
Police taking overall policing in the
county to help reduce policing costs
in towns, which , have their own
Final recommendations .on amal-
gamation, as well as the policing
issue,. • will be considered at
council's September session,,
Reeve Harron promised.
The- discussion' of . Bruce
government was designed to test
council's reactions to the local
government committees report.
That report was compiled. follow-
ing a series of public meeting held •
around the county to determine
resident yeaction to a'. year-long
study by Bruce government prepar-
ed by London consultant Ed
The $80,000 study recommended
a six-Unit amalgamation at first;
then 13 later; and finally 18 county
Reeve Hatton noted the' public
sessions also convinced him there
is no sentiment in the county for
"I'd say about ,80 to 90 'per cent
of the taxpayers of Bruce County do
not favdur change in the existing
municipal type of government," he
said. •
County council also indicated:
* It agrees with the committee the
Emergency Measures Organization
should be abolished.
* That fire protection, garbage
collection, recreation and• other
services require greater co-opera-
tion among municipalities.
* More study is required of the
proposal to ltimp all planning in the
county under 'the county' council
with. One planning director.
On the policing issue, the
consensus,, especially 'among reev
es from urban municipalities,
which are maintaining their own
forces, was that OPP policing
might help cut costs. but maintain
service. ' •
Reeve Art Brown of Walkerton
said policing is a major expense in
his town and following contact with
the Ontario Police Commission, the
town learned "OPP costs are not
really out of line."
"Policing is a pretty touchy issue ,
in our town," Kincardine Reeve
Floyd Wieck, said. "Costs are
getting out of line and something
must be done to keep them down."
Reeve Bernice Limpert of Wiar-
ton agreed policing costs are too
"Our council would be very
happy to be policed by the OPP,",
she said.
She said Wiarton has' approach-
ed the Ontario Police commission
about the possibility and has been
told the commission, is studying it.
The amalgamation ,proposal in
the three-page ' report of the
restructuring committee, Reeve
Harron said, "is the centre of the
vvhole thing. ,
"This committee is looking for
all sorts of comments: on amalga-
mation," he, said,
He wasn't disappointed but all
comments - except those of reeves
from Huron and Culross Townships
and Teeswater - opposed any move
to reduce the number of municipal-
ities. •
,,TypicaTof the responses was that
Amalgamation Of Bruce Municipalities
Appears To Be A Dead Issue,
Most Favour Present Boundaries