HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-23, Page 20IMPORTANT CHANGES TO
Residential premises: Where the rent for residential premises has -been increased by up
to eight per cent since January '1, 1976 and rent review, proceedings have not been
initiated,• no further increase in rent for the premises can-be made for a period of 12 months
from the date of the last previous rent increase. •
Mobile 'homes: Sites in a mobile home park or mobile homes not previously rented for
residential purposes prior to January 1, 1976 are exempt from the Residential Premises
Rent Review Act.
Periodic tenancie It is confirmed that the Act applies to periodic tenancies (for example,
rental units which a e leased for weekly or, monthly periods), regardless of whether the
lease is written, oral or implied.
Public hospitals and religious institutions: Rental premises owned dr operated,by a
religious institution for a charitable use on a non-profit basis are exempt frorri rent review.
Public hospitals are also exeMpt.
Federal, Provincial and Municipal Government rental, preinises: Rental premises
owned or operated by federal, provincial or municipal governments, or their agencies, on a
rent geared-to-income or limited dividend basis are exempt from rent review. HOweVer,
/privately-owned and operated 'limited dividend premises remain subj9ct to rent review;
Educational institutions: Also exempt are non-profit educational institution's' which:
provide accommodation for students or staff. However, where there exists a recognized
student council or staff association, the institution must consult with them before a notice of
a rent increase is given, otherwise this 'exemption does not apply. A statement certifying
that there" has been consultation must be filed with the local rent review officer by the
second auction sale being held in
. the Huron Township garage in the
north east section of Ripley. Folks
4111„ recall that the first one held
tlie0, last summer was for Mrs.
Gladys Cameron, now of. London:
Rain drizzle during the afternoon
' forced the move at that time .also.
Trucks, cars, and covered wagonS
driven , by r Ted 'Rouse, , Nelson
HodginS, Donnie Peterbaugh and
Huron Reeve Russ Stanley were
used. 'Joe Fludder was in charge of
placing the article's on the floor of
/the garageraS they were unloaded.
Some of those unloading were Jeff
and Greg Rouse, Mark Stanley, a
fourth high school boy, Murdock
McDonald,' Dave Martyn, Ab.
Wylds as well as Joe Fludder and
above named drivers of vehicles.
Undoubtedly there were' several
others loading these vehicles at
Bob and Isobel Love's home. The •
refreshment booth was set up by
two ladies of the Tops Club - Mrs.
Marie (Allan) Coiling and Mrs.
Judy (Gerald) Coiling. Some of the
Huron Township crewe - John
MacDonald; George Dickieson and
foreman Dave Moore cleared and
swept the floor space. Shortly after
one 'o'clock auctioneer Grant Mc-
Donald of Smoky Hollow in Huron
Township and Wallace Ballagh of
Teeswater got the sale underway.
Brian MacDonald, home from
London, was the clerk... Lloyd
McNall of Kinloss Township ,was
the cashier and also registrar with
an assist at the latter by Ab Wylds.
Helping hand and move articles up
on the flat wagons for auctioneers
Grand and Wally during the
afternoon were Harvey Pollock and
Jeff Rouse. Finally at 20 minutes
after eight in the evening, Lloyd
got the cashier's, table cleared and
Joe Fitzgerald of Ripley was able to
get the table and take it home. His
wife' Donna had bought• it on the
sale earlier in the afternoon.
A few of the many home for the
weekend and noted at Saturday's
sale included Mr. and Mrs. Dinnie.
Liddle of Oakville, Dr. John D.
Munn of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil. Mooney . of Woodstock, Tom
Culbert' of Toronto, Susan and
Courtney MacDonald of the lab
'staff in St. Joseph's Hospital in
London, Miss Mary. Culling; stud-
ent nurse in Ltindon. Miss 'Marion
Munn of Toronto and Ripley, Mrs.
Sharyn (MabDonald) Campbell also
of Toronto and Ripley Mrs. Wendy
Fowler (the former Wendy Rut-
ledge) of Sarnia with. Mrs. Dianne
- Brtioks of, Paramount,, as well as
many Others.
Sympathy of the people in the
Ripley area is extended to the
former Gail MacArthur at this time
of bereavement. Word reached
here this past weekend of the
passing of her husband in Toronto.
I' •
night of waiting for the recovery of
the bddy. This time it was Stratton-
Loder of the main, or Huron Street
south. Mr. and Mrs, Loder and
family of two young children had
purchased the first new liouse
south of Burton, MacLeod's house
about a year ago. The high winds
and treacherons waves upset the
special new type sailing boat.
Reportedly accompanied by John
Vankooten of Ripley' and a er
man, they sailed out from the .Pine
River moutkat Lurgan where it was
calm. 'Out farther in the Lake
Huron the offshore winds made it
rough with high waves, Two men
stayed with' this unsinkable boat
and eventually righted it. Howev-
er, Stratton Loder disappeared as
he attempted to swim to the shore.
Despite wearing, a good life jacket
he drowned. Several people along
the shore and on the hill above the
beach 'saw the men in trouble with
serves by
the capsized boat and summoned
help. Among these Were Clarence,
Lois Pollock, according to,
reports. •
Right at twelve noon 'on Wednes-
day the• big black helicopter, from
Trenton with the. word Rescue in
white letters flew low straight
south west and low over Ripley
town towards the lake. In a short
time they recovered' the floating
body from the water. Deep and
sincere sympathy goes to his 'family
at this time of such a tragic
bereavement. Certainly it' brings
back memories from the year 1967.
Mr. and •Mrs. Don I3ushell
returned , home after a most
enjoyable trip to the West, Coast.'
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson, and
Lois were recent, visitors with. Mr..
and Mrs. Rex Stewart at Millarton.'
Mr. and Mrs.': Tote MacDonald
returned home after a ' holiday in
the Southern United States.
Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.
Ernest Ackert of Holyrood, on.' the
birth of a daughter, and to Mr. and
Mrs. George Anson,.cOncession 10,,,
on the. birth of a son. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott
entertained the Bruce 'Comity
Farmstead Improvement Commit-
tee at their home an evening last
Several of the Brownies spent an
evening, at Fordwich last week.
Mr. and. Mrs. Douglas Teixeira
of South Burnaby, B.C. spent a few
days with her mother, Mrs. Agnes
Hodgins, and other relatives here.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur Breckles of Lucknow and
formerly of here who 'celebrated
th6ir 60th wedding ,anniversary on
Sunday when open house was held,
on Sunday „afternoon.
Mrs. William Lloyd and Mrs:
Karl. Boyle of London• visited, with
Edna and May Boyle and also
attended the IrWin family reunion
at Brookside School. on Sunday,
The Holyrood WoMen's Institute
will Meet on Thursday evening,
July: 1st at the home 'of Miss Edna
Boyle. Roll call, ''What lines itythe
Mary Stewart Collect impress you
most". Topic - Public !Relations,
Motto Plant the seed of friendship
in your home. It will soon bloom in'
the community. Contest - White
cup cakes (iced). Directors - Miss
Edna Boyle, Mrs. Marion Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and
Lois visited on Sunday with Mr..
and Mrs. Allan Nicholson at
Last Saturday afternoon the
wedding' of LMda Culbert, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn
Culbert of concession 8' east, was
held in St. Andrew's United
Church in Ripley. As clerk in Mrs.
Grace Carruther's grocery store
over the past couple of years, Linda
became well known and well liked.
The wedding dinner was served by
the ladies of the church in the '
church basement hall, and her
wedding reception dance on Satur-•
day evening was in Huron Town-
ship hall, /
* * * 'str * *
On tuesday evening of last
week. Ripley had another tragic
drowning in Lake Huron and a long
If a landlord has failed to'refund to a tenant a rent rebate ordered by a rent review officer or
the Residential Premises Rent •Review Board, the tenant is entitled •to deduct, from 'as
many rent payments as are required, the amount /required, to recover the rebate order.
Please note a new Application for Rent 'Review (Form SA) is now in use' for
applications for rent review for 'tenancy agreements which take effect or are
renewed at any time during the period from August 1, 1976 to July 31, 1977.
For copies of the new form, or further information about these new changes, contact
your local Ontario rent review office. Or dial the operator and ask for Zenith 9-6000.
You will.be connected to the office, free of charge.
Ministry of
Consumer and
Hon. William G. Davis
Hon. Sidney B. Handleman