HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-23, Page 7SATURDAY, JUNE 26 Will be the last day empty beer bottles will be ac- cepted at Lucknow Service Centre. thuttle Flo and Belt- Line Feeders save you time and money everyday! , Combine capacity, durability and a low hOrsePower re- . quirement and you have 'two feeders that give you the most 'for your dollar. Both leeders distribute feed quickly and evenly along bunk. - One is certain to be just right for your dairy or cattle feeding operation. ,,v. . . . .... ...—„ Nei us or, R.R. 1 KINCARDINE PHONE 395-5286 1,_._•._ No IN No Es am or arm me PL ETCH ELECTRI C WING10111. RESIDENTIAL — FARM INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL Phone Collect. 3574583 Freeman Olson Gravel Pit 1 1/4 Miles West Of Dungannon CHOICE CEMENT GRAVE': CRUSI-IEDROAD GRAVEL SAND, 3/4 STONE, TOP FILL FINE, MEDIUM OR 'COARSE PIT RUN GRAVEL ALL LOAD'S WEIGHED FOR YOUR ACCURATE MEASURE 10 METRIC TONS 22046 LBS. ilimmornWowwwwl. LES PETTER SHOES Luck"" LORNE REID SHOE REPAIR - LAWN MOWER BLADE oE SHARPENIN G on PHN Grade 8 Graduation Night Held Ailucknow Central Public School 100 At Special Mass and Breakfast her with autographed clothes pins as a reminder of the shower. The bride opened the many lovely and useful gifts which were carried in by the little ones present. Lunch concluded the evening. Thirty one boxes of used clothing were boxed and sent to Combere- mere, Thanks" to all who helped pack the boxes.. Zone '1 Separate Schools Track and Field competitions were held in Wingham on Tuesday, June 15. , Schobls taking part were from Kingsbridge, Clinton, Goderich and Wingham. Congratulations to the following champions: Senior girl, Donna Drennan of St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge; Senior boy, Peter Hendriks, also of St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge; Intermediate girl, Theresa ,Osborn, St. Mary's, Goderich; Intermediate boy, Mike Wedlock, St. Mary's, Goderich; Junior girl, Lisa Rayne; St. Joseph'. s School, Kingsbridge;" Junior boy, ' Jeff Denomme, St., Mary's, Goderich. The Zone I finalists will represent their schools on Tuesday, June 22 at the Annual Huron Perth Separate. School Track and. Field competitions being held in Mitchell. Congratulations 'to Alex Chis- holm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chisholm and Mary Lynn. Cloutier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cloutier of Toronto who were married on Saturday, June 19 in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church at Kingsbridge at 4 p.m. Several from this area attended the reception held in their honour at the Saltford Valley Hall that same evening. Music , for dancing was supplied by the Sundowners. Mrs. Nora Sinnett of Gaithers- burg, Maryland is spending some time visiting at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Sinnett and family and her many relatives and friends in this community. , Joe -Austin, son of Mr. and Ivirrs. John Austin and. Eric Courtney,, son ..of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney visited from last Thursday,. Rine 17 until Tuesday, June 22 in Jackion, Michigan with their aunt Mrs. Marie Judge, Mr. Judge, and families. On Friday evening, June 18 they were guests at the wedding of their cousin James Walter Judge to Lucinda Ann Jones at the, Queen of the Miraculous Medal Roman Catholic Church, • Jackson and afterwards at the reception' held at the Holiday. Inn. Mrs. Bernardine. Kinney, Mrs. Grace Austin and Mrs. Teresa Courtney attended the • South Western Ontario John Galt Council Heritage Canada second annual meeting hosted in Goderich by the Architectural' Conservancy of Ont- ario, Huron County Branch, on Saturday, June 19. Registration was held .at the Historic Jail and coffee served before a tour of the Wednesday night of laSt week was gradUation night for the grade', eight classes at Lucknow Central Public School. The evening opened with 0 Canada, accompanied on the piano by Nancy Thompson. S. E. Collyer, principal at Luckn6W Central Public School, extended words, of to the students, parents, relatives and friends in attendance. The grade 8 students were introduced by their class teacher. Mrs. Jack, Fisher introduced Mark Abbott, Blair Alton, Beverley Bell, Debbie Bolt, Sharon Bolte,. Colin Cameron, Ray Cunningham, Suzanne Corrin, Mike Dennis, Bill Gibson, Mark Haldenby, 'Steven Harn,an, Shane Hickey, Janet Humphrey, Henry Lennips, Karen Lindsay, Russell Mackie, Brent Maize, Diannp McBride, Wayne McDonagh, Mary H. McDonald, Elaine Morningstar, Lynne Nicol- son, Janice Thompson, Nancy Thompion, Jeff Thomson, Alice Vander Klippe, Aldena. Vansligten- horst, Ann Webster, Jack Whyt- ock. Mrs. Ken Wheeler introduced: Colleen Adams, Steven "Atkinson, Cherie Brooks, Brian Bushell, Carol Bushell, Kevin Clark, Mich- ael. Cowan, 'Donald del3oer, Faye Ann Forster, Murray Gibb, Judy Gollan, Ray 2G uay, Kendra Malden- by, Jim HaWthorne, Debbie Hayes, Randy Hayes, Bruce Hedley, Sandra Hopf, Danny Londry, Kelly Mackie, Kenny McFarlan, Rajinder Mehan, ' Clara Milligan, Linda Moulton, David Ross, Darren VanBoven, Carol Wilson, Jamie Young, Vicki Young. Jack Whytock played selections on the violin accompanied by the music supervisor Mrs. Bruce MacDonald. Suzanne Corrin presented gymnastic display. Shiging and skits followed by the grade 8 classes. Alice Vander Klippe delivered the valedictory address. Alice is the daughter xof Mr. and , Mrs. Jerry Vander Klippe of R. R. 5 Lucknow. Field Day awards were preSent- ed to: junior girl's champion, Lana jail with commentary by Mrs. Dorothy Wallace. A bus tour of the heritage sights -of Goderich was thoroughly enjoyed. Luncheon at the M,aitland Golf and Country Club was followed by a' business' meeting with 17 Heritage Canada affiliated organizations in South, Western Ontario taking part. 'Plans are, being made 'for a variety night program to be held in St. Joseph's Parish Hall on Sunday evening, July 25 at 8 p.m. Make plans to attend. Edward Courtney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Courtney of Goderich accompanied by Douglas Scott, son of Robert ,Scott of 'Ashfield left by car on Monday, June 21 for the Western Provinces.' Edward plans to find work while Doug will be returning in a week's time. They plan to visit With the several. boys ,froth Kingsbridge and Kintail who have already found employment in the West. alriderson; junior boys, Paul Picard; intermediate girls, • Judy MacDonald; intermediate boys; Rob Henderson; senior girls, Linda Moulton; senior boys, Mike Cow- an. The band proficiency award was presented to Steve Atkinson. The Nicolson Memorial, for, outstanding musical ability, was presented to Jack Whytock for his accomplish: ments on the violin. Steve Atkinson and Nancy Thompson are being sent to the. Ontario Band Camp at *avetton for one.,week in July as a reward for their service to the band. The Lizmore award for public speaking.was pres,ented to Suzanne Corrin. The Henderson award for girl's proficiency in grade 8 was won by Alice Vander Klippe and the MacDonald award for boy's general proficiency was won by Ken McFarlan. Judy Gollan expressed thanks to the grade 7 mothers for assisting with the lunch and refreshments which -followed the gathering and Mrs. 'Clarence Ritchie replied. Singing by the grade ' 8 class preceded the closing of God Save the Queen, with piano accompani- ment by Sandra Hopf. KINGSBRIDGE NEWS The' Knights of Columbus Mass 'sand Communion $reakfast was held at 5t. Joseph's, Kingsbridge on Sunday, ,June 20. Mass was celebrated y Reverend Father . John Dietrich of Waterloo, in memory of Mark Dalton, former Knights of Columbus Grand - • Knight. Following, Mass, approximately., 100 guests were served breakfaSt by members of the Kingsbridge Catholic Women's League, in the church basement. Head table guests were: Gaetan . Jacques, deputy Grand Knight and Mrs. Jacques from Goderich; Brother Carl You, Monsignor Phalen, St. Augustine; Reverend Father Ed Dentinger, C.R. Chap- lain; Gerry Petrie, Grand Knight and Mrs. Petrie from Goderich; Charles Rau who represented his son the Grand Knight' from Seaforth, and Mrs. Rau. Chairman for the most interesting program was Eugene Frayne . of Kings- bridge. Reverend . Father Ed Dentinger intrnduced the guest speaker, Reverend Father John Dietrich of Waterloo who spoke on "Prayer". - Monsignor Phalen was congratulated on his recent cele- brations marking. 40 years in 'the Priesthood. Mrs. Clarice Dalton was presented with a' plaque in memory of her husband Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Hartman and daughter Kathy of ICitchener spent the weekend' at •the home of her mother Mrs. Marie Austin. Sunday afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Phil O'Brien from Goderich. , Edward Sinnett, son of Mr and . Mrs. James Sinnett, WhO is employed on the S. S. Gulf Canada has spent two weeks vacation at his home here. He was to -return to Point .Tupper, Nova Scotia on Monday but due to the, pilot's strike was unable to do so. Mr. and. Mrs. Con Hogan visited recently with Miss Fay Hogan, Owen Sound.. James Sinnett has' returned to the boat, the "Paul H. Townsend", in Alpina, Michigan after spending two weeks vacation .at his home here. SHOWER FOR MISS JOANNE HENDRIKS On Friday evening, June 18, 1976 about 65 friendS gathered in St. Joseph'S Parish Hall, Kings- bridge to honour Joanne Hendriks• on her future marriage to Ron Menary. 'Mrs. Anne Riegling acted as chairlady and introduced the following numbers, 1. 'Mary Clare played the piano for a cotnmunity sing song. 2. Lisa Frayne danced the Highland Fling and the Sailor's. Hornpipe. 3. Denise Dalton played selections on the, piano. Joanne • and her sisters Betty and Rita and a friend Marianne Miltenburg were asked to take the pretty decorated chairs. Anne Riegling read the address to the bride and presented, n 11-PCIKNOW KINSMEN • SUMMERFEST IN LUCKINOW Friday and. Saturday June 2.5 .and 26 Voinionimmw.. I .,, Thank yoifor your past business and co-operation ""iiii;•,*Aimm....iiiNgi:min....iminamiummii.i:•ummo;n ROLLER SKATING' starts "SUNDAY, JUNE 27 In Lucknow Amino WEDNESDAY. A23, 1976 THE LUCKHOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN