The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-23, Page 2ROLLER SKATE AT LUC.KNOW I:ARENA • WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SUNDAY EVENINGS / 8 to 11 p.ni. Commencing June 27 Pay Medical Centre Cost From Current Funds ordered paid: General, $69,779.15; Drains, $641.00; HighWays, $4319.46. FRASER MacKINNON, Clerk. Find 1853 Paper In Log House While recently assisting with the restoration of a log house, Wesley Young, of Langside discovered a page of a Scottish newspaper dated March, 1853. If was stuffed into the back of a hole drilled into one of the logs and then filled in with clay. The house is located near Langside and is being restored by Robert and George Young with the assistance of their wives Barbara and Linda.: The hOnse was originally built during the 1850s by Robert Young who was the great great grandfath- er 'of Robert and George Young. Diming the 1870s, the original house was doubled in size with a log addition. Several pages : of newspapers • dated 1877 were discovered in this newer section. .The house was last used as a residence. approximately . 30 years ago by Wesley Young and family. Previous to that, it was owned by the Machines and Gordon families.i The latter family purchased it from Robert Young during the 1870s. DON'T MISS THE LUCKNOW KINSMEN SUMMERFEST Friday & Saturday, June 25 & 16 * We sponsor this advertisement All.11.1.11111.n ow June .20-JulY1 C,anaclaWeek is aprojept of the C9vn9i1, for Canadian Unity. NAD EK PROCLAMATION To honour Canada, our land treated by the fusion of two founding cultures, enriched by the contribution of many other cultures, fatherland of all Canadians; • To honour this country,,home of over 22,000,000 people, proud of 'their heritage and the freedom they enjoy; To honour this land of peace and prosperity, this promised land of untold resources; ' To honour this country which is ours, of which we all are proud, I hereby proclaim the 'week of June 25 to July '1 "CANADA WEEK". Thus, I invite the citizens of the Village of Lucicnow to Celebrate it by striving to know our country better, by flying our flag and displaying Or symbols. • George W. Joynt Reeve Village of Lucknow G. • '1 • PAGE TWO a. • Seeks Budget Probe Of School Board In Bruce County, Claim "Self Annointed Inner Elite" Call Shots • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••„, •• •••••• •••••••• •• •••••••••••••• l't# The LUCKNOVV SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • • "Tho siepoy Town" — On the Huron-Bruce Boundary • k i . Second Class Mails Registration Number 0847 , Established,1873 — Published Wednesdai ,• Member of the C.C.fl,A. and 0.1041 .4%. Subscription Rate,.$8.00 a year in adVance • • $2 extra to U.S.A. and, Foreign • Donald C. Thompson, Publisher The financial picture ofthe Bruce County Board ,of Education. is in need of a full investigation, Bruce Township Reeve John MacKenzie told County Council last week. It matters not whether_ the investigation is.• promoted by the county council or groups of citizens, he said. Rapport between the council and the board has been low since the board was formed seven years ago, but feelings have never run so high as they hive over the past two months. In April, County Council urged the 31 Bruce, municipalities to withholdp payment of their educa- tion levies until "the board justified the tremendous escalation of scbool rates." Co_uncil also asked the chairman of the board and the board's direct- or to explain the increased rates to council. Two weeks later the Bruce board met and chairman Thomas. Lambert of Kincardine said neither he nor the director would go before council to explain the budget. Council should come to the board offices for any information, said, Alan Whicher of VViarton, board finances chairman. Mr. Whicher also • said the increase in board expenditures was about the same percentage as that of ,county- council.. Mr. MacKenzie disputed the statement Tuesday describing it as "deliberately misleading of the. Bruce taxpayers. ° They (the board) ignore their 1975 over-levy." • . Mr. MacKenzie said he consid- ers the board's actions at the June 1 meeting even more serious. The- board then declined to tell a delegation what the cost of the outdoor education centre has been. "Either they (board) did not have that information or deliberate- ly withheld it. And 'the chairman of the board's finances said he could not get it. Any of our county departments could give answers of their finances. Just how serious a situation have we with this board?" he asked. Amabel Township Reeve Gary Marron said hii council wanted information on its education levy. "We visited those bureaucrats in their Taj. Mahals and came away little wiser." The situation will improve little until the ward system of elected trustees has changed, said Wilfred Houston, reeve of Greenock Town- ship. , • "They are big toads in their own little puddle. Greenock council contacted our representatives to the Bruce Board and to the °Bryce-Grey Separate School Board ° and asked them to attend the council meeting," 'he said. "Our representative on . the county board told us he had-been warned at the board not to appear and notto give us any, information. The separate libard trustee was there with all the information .at his fingertips," Mr. Houston said. The . Bruce Board should emulate the, board in neighbouring Grey County, Wiarton Reeve Bernice Limpert , said, The Grey Board' invited Grey councillors to' a special meeting at which the budget was explained in detail. A small number of trustees calls the shots for the Bruce Board, Elderslie Township Reeve Harvey Davis said. • There is, a self-annointed inner '..Nursing Giaduate JILLIAN HALL Jillian. Margaret Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hall of East Detroit, Michigan, formerly of Lucknow, has graduated from Detroit Practical School' of Nursing as a Licensed Practical Nurse. Jillian is employed -at South Macomb Hospital in Warren, Michigan in the obstetrical depart- ment: elite' governing our school, boards, some of', them were -very articu- late," he said. "Some members went into the board. with good ideals but if you get knocked down often enough you lose your enthusiasm," Mr. Davis added. Walkerton Reeve Arthur Brown said a new slate at the school board is what is needed. He said most representatives on the board have- n't enough background. Two municipalitieS, Saugeen Township and Port Elgin are still withholding their education levies. Don't find fault — until you first find a workable •remedy. Died In Hospital Douglas Shaw of St. Helens passed away at Wingham and District Hospital , on Sunday, June 20th. He was 73. DROWNING :CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 body was sighted by a Canadian Forces Base Trenton search and rescue helicopter . just north of Kincardine, ' about eight miles north of the spot where beset out to swim ,for shore. Not knowing -whether he was alive or dead, his family assisted in the search. An autopsy revealed that death'was due to drowning and that he was in the water about an hour before death occurred. . • Stratton Loder is remembered by Lucknow area residents where' he lived as a child when his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Loder, operated the Mayfair Restaurant. They were in Lucknow from 1959 to 1964. He had been residing in Ripley recently and had been employed as a truck driver by Ontario Hydro. The funeral was held on Satur- day at 11 a.m. from the Ratz and Bechtel Funeral Home in Kitchener With burial in Woodlawn Cemetery there. He is survived by his wife, the former Josie Verbakel of Kitchen- er; two sons Josh, who will be 5 in August and Jeremy, who will be 2 in September; his parents, Mr'. and Mrs. Wilson Loder • of Kitchener; sisters Mrs. Glen (Rosalind) Hod- gins of R. R. 5 Lucknow; Mrs. Graeme (Shirley) McKee of Col- lingwood; Mrs. , Clive (Sharon) Abbott of Kitchener; brothers Keith of the Durham area; David of Elora and Mark at home. .• • • Kinloss Council met on June 7th at 7.30 with the Reeve, and' 'all Council present. After the minutes were adopted, the following busi, ness was dealt with. The quotation of Saugeen Spraying Co. Ltd: was acceptedsubject to the M.T. and C. approval for paving the hamlet 'of Kinlough 'at the tender price of $3882.50. Four tenders were received for purchase of a 1/2 ton truck. The lowest tender. of Reg. McGee ••& Sons Ltd. was accepted at $4815.00, subject to the M.T. & C. approval. E. W. Shifflett from the firm of Gamsby and IVIannerow Ltd. was ' present to discuss the revised report on the ' Johnston-- Eadie drain. The report has not been accepted as yet by Council . and some further changes are to be made. The mill rates struck for 1976 taxation included the Kinloss Township share of the Lucknow and District Medical Centre which will be approximately $23,000.00. Council debated whether to deben- ture this or not and it was decided to pay it out of current funds. The total mill rate for • Farm and Residence will increase 1.41 mills .over 1975. The following accounts were THE .LHCKNOW SENTINEL, leUC.KNOW,,ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1976 •