HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-16, Page 19LANGSIDE
Sympathy of the community is
extended to the family of John
Crawston of Lucknow, formerly of
Langside, who passed away last
Tuesday in Wingham Hospital..
Vord was received 'here of the
death of. Jim Hockley in Waterlbo.
Jim Hockley lived on the. 8th
concession of Cuiross for many
years and was a brother of the late
Tom Hockley, whO• fanned for
many years on the farm now owned
by' John, Schneider.. ,
On Monday, June '7, 1976, final
exams started. • Good luck to all
those who are writing.
Our Camping •Trip, ,by Harold
Peet and Rick Martin.
It was a hot June morning when
we set out froM Ripley-Huron
Central School for our day out in
the woods. Mrs.. Huston's Grade
Five's came along with es. We
were on our way to the "Second
Arch" on the 20th sideroad. We
began the day with a quick look at
the camp site and went on an
orientation hike of the area. On the
hike we set out signs signifying
different foods for the animal
survival game which we planned to
play . later in the day. When we
returned from our° hike we prepar-
ed ourcampfires,, but did not light
them. We went on to calculate the
height of trees using the triangula-
tion method. When 'we completed
our assignment we went back to
We prepared and ate lunch.
After we cleaned up camp we
started the survive' game. We
picked animal nanies out of a hat
and portrayed these animals in' a
survival game. The purpose of this
game is to show 'us how hard it is
for an animal to survive in' the
wilderness. .
At three o'clock the bus picked
us up to return to the- school.
. •
Area Native
Died At Calgary
Sympathy is extended to the
Hogan families on the death of
John W. Brady at the Strathroy
Hospital On Tuesday, June 8 in his
63rd. year. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Hogan, Messrs. Basil 'and Connie
Hogan and Mrs. Mary Hogan of
Lucknow attended the funeral
Mass celebrated on Thursday,
June 10 in the An. Saints. Roman•
Catholic Church in Strathroy at 11
a.m. ->
Many friends, neighbours and
relatives gathered together at the
Wingham Legion at a dance to
honour Earl and Donelda Jamieson'
on their 25th wedding anniversary.
Following the dance • several visited
• at their home where Mrs. Jamieson
opened her many lovely gifts.
Special guests were the bride and
/ groom's maid of honour,' Freda •
Spicer from: Western Canada, and
the bestman, John Jamieson.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDonald
are Vacationing in Western Can-
ada., They are also attending • a
Legion conference in Winnipeg,
Manitoba at the same time. While
on vacation, Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon
Miller are staying at their home.
George Humphrey and Marjorie
Wylds visited with the Baird family
of Culross. On Sunday they visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Coiling of
Mr. and Mrs. John Sleeker were '
delighted to have a surprise visit
from Mr. and Mrs. Chris van Donk,
of Amsterdam, Holland. The
visitors are also sharing their
holiday. with friends and relatives
in Toronto and will be returning to
St. Helens again before they leave
for home.
4-H Achievement Day "A Tench/
of Stitchery" was held at the
Brookside' . School on Saturday,
.June 12, The Kingsbridge 4-H
. Twisted Chain Gang 'club present-
ed a skit "Colour Schemes in
Embroidery". Congratulations to
Jo Anne Van0Sch and Ann
Drennan who received County
Honours for completing 6 Home-
.making Clubs. Miss Jane Pengil-
Icy, Home Economist for the .area,
made the presentations. 11 clubs
frothe area with over 100 girls
ki gsbridge Twisted Chain Gang
MO part. Club leaders ' for the
are Mrs. Delores VanOsch and
HelenMrs. Riegling.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Knoop of
London spent the weekend at the
,home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Anthony Knoop,
Several from this area attended
the reception for Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Nell of Stayner is spending
a few days with her daughter, Mr.'
and Mrs. Bob Bregman and family.
Mr. and Mrs.. Clifford Young
visited her mother, Mrs. H.
Broome, at Huronview Clinton on
Nancy de Boer returned home on
Friday after spending a few weeks
visiting relatives in Holland.
Liane, Young spent the weekend
with' her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Wall and Krista of
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young are
holding an auction sale on Satur-
day. They have sold their farm and
bought a house in Lucknow.
Mrs. William Bates and son
Bruce flew to Strasburg, near
Regina, Saskatchewan on Friday to
visit her mother and brother. They
plan to return Monday evening.
Next Sunday anniversary servic-,
es will be held in Langside
Presbyterian Church with Rev. Mr.
Henderson of Woodstock as guest
speaker. We hope to haire a good
attendance. ,
Girl Guides from Holyrood,
Ripley and' Kincardine. spent 'the
weelee40 at CamP diCee-WaY'Dell
near Kintail, About fifty members
were present.. Ther.left for °amp
after' school on friday and returned
Sunday afternoon..
A meeting of the Langside
cemetery board wasjield Thursday
evening at the home of Mrs. Vic
Emerson. The chairman Bill Evans
,opened the meeting. The minutes.,
of the last meeting were read and
accepted. The treasurer's report
was, read' by. Mrs. Fred Tiffin. A
business meeting was-then• held. It
was decided to hold a memorial
service in the cemetery on June
27th at 3 o'clock. Officers' elected
for the next . year were president,
Bill Evans; secretary, Mrs. Valetta.
Emerson; treasurer, Mrs. Eliza-
beth Tiffin; trustees, William
Young, Bob Orr and Elmer Scott.
The next meeting will be held the
first week in June 1977. The'
meeting was then adjourned. A
delicious lunch, was served by the
• hostess.
Sometimes the good neighbor
policy consists of shoveling the
snow off • your own sidewalk. •
Dale Hunter held in the Lucknow
arena on Friday evening, June 11'.
Music was• supplied by the
Foursome. .
' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Zinn who celebrated their
125th wedding anniversary with a
dance held at the Brookside School
on Saturday evening, June 12.
Music for dancing was supplied by
Boyd's Orchestra. The actual date
of their marriage was 'June 16,
Auction sales for Wilmer and
Howard' Robb on Thursday, June
10 and for Gordon 'Kirkland and the
Calico Schoolhouse held on Satur-
day, June 12 were well attended.
Raymond Dalton visited in
Pickering this, past week at the
home of his niece, Miss Marguerite
Cletus Dalton flew home on
Saturday evening, June 12, after
spending a week's vacation in
Calgary and Edtnenton, Alberta.
David Anderson Andrew; age 85 '
years, beloved husband of Mrs.
Elva Andrew 'of the Bow View
Nursing. Home, Calgary, died in
Bethany Hospital, Calgary, Alb eta
on May 17th..
Dave was bOrn July 1st, 1890 on
as farm "south of Lucknow do the
12th of , Ashfield, now owned by
WaYne Jerome. he received his
education in local schools and
entered Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege and received his B.Sc. in
Agriculture in 1927. He • was
assistant farm manager at Indian
Institute Farm in Manitoba for two
years; manager of PrOvincial Dem-
onstration Farm from 1930 to. 1941
in Vermilion, 'Alberta and instruct-
or in animal husbandry; secretary
of Canadian Hereford Association
from 1942 to '1959; Historian for
Canadian Hereford Association and
author. of "The First Hundred
Ye,ars of the Hereford in Canada;
1860 - 1960". In 1975 he was
named to .the Canadian Hereford
Association Hall of Fame. .
Besides his wife, he is survived
by two daughters •Mrs. James D.
(Jacqueline) Durkie of Calgary;
Mrs. William A. (Lorraine) Dwyer
of Edmonton,; three granddaught-
ers, , Mrs. Darryl (Dagmar) Chare-
ton of Czar, Alberta; Tracy and
Kelly Dwyer of Edmonton; ,a
brother Alfred of Orillia, Ontario
and a sister Mrs. Gordon (Jessie)
Kirkland of Lucknow.
Services were at The Garden
Chapel, Foster Funeral Home in
Calgary. on May 19th. • Rev. Dr. T.
M. Badger of Pleasant Hight
linked Church officiated. Crema-
tion followed. •
Donald Kirkland of Kingsville
spent last week with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland
assisting in preparation for their
successful sale' of livestock, mach-
inery and antique household items,
which took place on Saturday.
Mrs. Donald Kirkland and children
Lana and Darren accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Dietz and daughter
Dianne to the sale on' Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Pallinger,
Kevin and Kirstin, Mr. and Mrs.
John Warmenhoven of Kingsville
area also attended. ,
Mr. and Mrs. CharleS Wilkins
and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mann of
Lucknow spent the last .3 weeks in
Scotland, returning home on Sun-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs: Jim Hunter had as
visitors on Sunday her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. -Dan Nicholson" of
Lucknow and her sisters, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Smith of Seaforth and Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Ritchie of Ripley.
, Earl Swan of Gateway Haven,
Wiarton, visited with his son, Mr.
and Mrs. Russel Swan and family
for the weekend. They attended
the Swan reunion that was held on
Sunday in Seaforth.
Allan Ritchie and his father,
Wesley Ritchie, went to London on
Friday of last Week for his mother '
who returned home with them
from Victoria Hospital, being
hospitalized since May ,24th.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook and
family had her sisters on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spilsbury and
Paul of London; Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Elliott of Ripley and Miss
Lorraine Hamilton of Lucknow.
John Ritchie, who has spent the
last couple. of weeks in Wingham
General Hospital, was taken to
University Hospital in London for
further treatment on Tuesday of
last week. '
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Helm visited
Friday evening with his mother,
Mrs. Robert Helm of Lticknow, who
is hospitalized' since June 1st in
University Hospital, London, with a
fractured hip.
• .Neil MacKenzie spent a few days
in Petrolia and Sarnia visiting with
John McCharles and Mr. and Mrs.
Rod Finlayson.
We are sorry to • report that Mrs.
Ernest Gibson has been a patient in
University Hospital, London.
Everyone wishes Mary better
health soon.
Mrs. Doug Martyn and Mrs:
Donald Simpson were among those
who accompanied the children on
the bus trip to the Safari in
George Moncrief and Bill Farrish.
' have been making the rounds
collecting the census information.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Ritchie' of
Huntsville visited friends and
relatives in the community.
A very successful' auction sale
was held on Thursday for the . Robb
Mrs. Lillian Simpson and Mrs.
Robt. SimpsCin are among those
from the area ott a trip to Calgary.
ten Farrish ' has completed
another year at University at
Boston, Mass. and is spending the
summer at his home here.
Congratulations to Donald Simp-
son who has been clerk of Ashfield
Township for 25 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewan MacLean
have been enjoying a trip in
Northern Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave MacKinnon .
visited last weekend with Mr. 'and
Mrs. Jini ,MacKinnon of Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs.. Dick McQuillin
and Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Mont-
gomery attended the wedding of
Douglas Bristow and' Cheryl Leb-
run 'of. Ottawa which took place in
Ottawa last week. Douglas is,' a
nephew of Mrs. McQuillin and
Mrs. Montgomery.
Kairshea Institute are haYing
their dinner meeting •on Thursday
noon at ' the hall.. This is the
meeting where 'you find out who
yotir sunshine sister was all year,'
so don't forget to bring the little
gift for her.
Mr. Richard Sand was a dinner
guest at the home of Mr. and. Mrs.
Ira Dickie on Sunday.
Napal Boykat, 3-year-old colt,
owned, by Ken and Joy Houston
won' his • 'first lifetime start. in
Elmira Friday night: He paced the
mile in 2.11: Napal BoYkat is a half
brother to Napa! Dew who was last
year's winner.
Mrs. Ella Ramage of Montreal,
Mr. and Mrs. :John Hamilton of
Clinton and James and David
Hamilton of Burlington were recent
.visitors at the home Of Mr. and
Mrs: Gilbert Hamilton.
Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Fraser MacKinnon on Sunday were
"Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mrs. Ken ,
Cameron of Lucknow, Miss Marg-
aret Nute of Wingliam, Dr. Barbara
Cameron of Aylmer and Mr: and
Mrs. Dave MacKinnon and Jenni-.
fer. , .
Christine, Thompson from Osh-
awa is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
'Ira Dickie and family.
Dinner guests .6n Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Needham were
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall.,
Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey MacDougall,
'Mr. and , Mrs'. Clair MacDougall,
Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. F. Andrew and
family, Mr.. and Mrs. Allan.
MacDougall and . family, Mrs.
Annie Maclntyre, Mr. 'and Mrs..
Grant Farrish; 'Mrs. Wilfred. Far-
rish, Mr. and Mrs. Allister Hughes
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beaton.
Mr.' and Mrs: Evan Keith and 44
other members of the Bruce County
Cattlemen's Association had a trip
to Texas. On' this trip they
'attended, a ball game at the
Astrodome in Houston. They also
had tours of feed lots in Amarillo,
Dallas. They were away ' for a
week. •
Brian Keith and Louise Corney-
beau were hottie froni Toronto on
the weekend to visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Evan Keith.
Approximately 50 . members of
the Catholic WOmen's Jenne of
St. Augustine, Kingsbridge and
Lucknow met in the St. Augustine
Parish Hall on Monday evening;
June 7 for a joint meeting and plant
sale. Mrs. Mark Dalton, president
of the Goderich and Diatrict Pro
Life Group, was introduced by Mri.
Raymond Boyle, who chaired the
meeting. The guest speaker, was
Mrs. Bernardine Kinney, delegate
to . the 56th Atnituid Diocesan
convention of the Catholic Wom-
en's League held at the Canterbury
Inn, Sarnia on. May 11 and 12. She
gaye a very interesting report of
this convention. Lunch was served
by the St. Augustine ladies.
Congratulations to Edward .CoUr-
tney, son of Mr. And Mts. Leo
Courtney of Goderich, who has
been drafted,: by the London
„Knights •Hockey Ed•
played left defence With the
Goderich Midgetk this past hoekey
,Ftatikityan is.: spe
the 'home of his orSter,;;
*Clare, Mr.. Clare
'Luanne. „
Vincent Austin. Was teieased
from the Aleiandra Witte' and
General Hospital, „ Goderich' on.
Wednesday, June 9..
Mts. • Wilfred Austin was releas-
ed froM the Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich on
Friday, June 11.
• Congratulations to Reverend
Father Ed Dentinger, C.R, who
celebrated his 33rd anniversary Ito
the Priesthood on Saturday, june
A reception for newlyweds Mike
and Joan Courtney was held.in the
Saltford yalleY Hall on Ftiday
evening, June 11. Music for
dancing Was supplied by Shannon.
Congratulations to ' MrS. Jean
Ettown, R. R. 6 Goderich who Was
the lucky winner of 51;000 in the
Zone 3 North Lions Radio Bingo
over CKNX, Wingham. This is the
last bingo until Fall. :
Mrs. Marie Vloet of Holland is
spending vacation at the home of
hesister, Mrs. Jack VanOsIch and
Mr. VanOsch.
Miss. Joanne VanDiepan, daugh-
ter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Theo
VanDiepan, is employed at the
home of 'Mrs, Farrell in Kincard-
REPORTERS: Darlene • Coiling,
and Mary Farrell
On Thursday, .June 3, the pupils,
of our class took a bus trip, to
Goderich. We• all enjoyed picnic
lunches at the Harbour where we
made good use of the playground
equipment. There were many
boats at the harbour. We saw the
salt mine and the' grain elevator
The afternoon was spent at the
Huron County Pioneer Museum. It
was very interesting and education-
al. We were back in Ripley in time'
to catch the bus home.' Our trip
was a real success arid we' all
enjoyed ourselves.