HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-16, Page 11THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •
yogoNgsDity, JUNE-14,1974 PAGE ELEVEN
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CatboBeWomer'a.LeagkW of
St: Augustine. held _their's June
meeting,: In the absence: ,of • the
president, Mr's,. Joe ,Hickey, ,1st
• vice. president; Mrs,' Leona Boyle
opened .the - meeting - with prayer.
•Mrs, Cyril BOyle • read the
minutes of the lait meeting, and
they were approved, Thank you
notes, were read from the four.
communicants, and their teacher,
Mrs, Anne Riegling. Roll call was
taken by Mrs. Franken and ,eleven
ladies responded.
Mrs.. Wm.' Redmond, Spiritual
convener, reported a get well. card •
was 'sent to Mrs. Joseph Hickey
who. was hospitalized, alSo three .
skit call crucifixes were ordered/
Louis Parent donated two boti-
quets of flowers for the altar of St. (.,•••
Augustine Church for th'e,mass and
celebration of .Mgr. Phalen's 40th•
year of ordination to the priest-
hood, which took -place. June 6th in
St. Augustine. .
Improvements to the church.
steps were , d‘cussed. It -ws'is
decided. that the Youth Club of St
Augustine will :help repair atic
paint the 'steps which will- later be •
covered with carpet.. • .
The Kingsbridge,: St. Mar:•'s
Lucknow, - and St.. :Augustine
C.W.L: gathered in the -parish ball
of . St. Augustine. for . a joint
Meeting, folloWed.later by a plant
Presbleterial For
W.M.S. Is Held
At Lucknow
The Maitland Presbyterial
Society held its meeting in Knox
Presbyterian Church. Lucknow,
on Monday, May 31. The theme
was "ForWard to Seive", both
afternoon and evening sessions,
taken from I Chronicles 29:5.
The . president, Mrs. J.W.
English, called the meeting to
order. The morning devotions
were by the Teeswater group with
scripture by Mrs. Lyman Sutton,
- meditation by Mrs. Walter
Ballagh, and prayer by Mrs. Ken
Grant. The welcome address was
by Mrs. Noble Johnston of
Lucknow. Mrs. Ewen MacLean,
, secretary read the minutes of the
January meeting. Correspond-
ence was read by Mrs. D.
MacAdam. Mrs. Evan Keith gave
the financial. report.
Honorary membership certifi-
cates were presented to Mrs.
Charles Finlay of Gorrie by Mrs.
J. MacDonald' of Gorrie, and to
Mrs. Alvin Mundell, Belmore, by
Mrs. Elmer Jeffray,. Belmore,
after . which, Mrs. Morgan
Henderson of Lucknow presented
Mrs. Mundell, with a pin ombehalf
of her sisters, Mrs. Wm...
Henderson of Woodstock, and
Mrs. Jim Brisbin, of Pickering. A
piano and organ duet by Mrs.
Wm. Scott and Mrs. Glen Noble
was very much enjoyed by all.
Greetings from Presbytery, ,
were brought by Rev. Glen Noble.
Mrs. Walter .Burton of
Kincardine introduced the guest
speaker,. Mrs. J.A. Newstead,
who is president-of Council; and .a
member of the Board of World
Missions. Her topic on Sharing in
Mission was most interesting.
Mrs.- Newstead told of the work in
helping Koreans, Hungarians,
Ukrainians, Italians in Montreal,
Chinese, Hindus • in Nepal and
Indians on Reserves.
Delegates reports were read by
Mrs. E. MacLean, Mrs. W.D.
Campbell, Mrs. Gerald G.bson,
Mrs. Wm. MacPherson, a d Mrs.
E. Keith.. Mrs. Don Ro ertson
reported on the Fall Ray at
which the theme will be
Marching - The Home
Front". This is to be a' Mission
In Memorium was giiren by
Mrs. Don MacAdam and after the
offering, Offertory prayer by
Mrs. Lloyd Felker of -Molesworth:
A most delicious meal was
prepared and served 'by the
Lucknow 'ladies.
The evening , meeting began
with a hymn and devotions by the
Ripley group, Scripture was read
by Mrs. McAuley, the Meditation
by Mrs. Gillies and prayer by
Mrs. McLean. Mrs: Ken Laidl'aw
welcomed the ladies. A duet by
Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Noble on the
piano and organ, and a vocal solo
by Mrs. Edward Brown were
much enjoyed, Mrs. Wood of
Wingham'; reported on the
Synodical, and said the next one
. On May 29 Baha'is around the
world, commemorated the Ascen-
sion of Baha'u'llah, Prophet-Fotin
der of the Baha'i Faith. On this day
in 1892 at the age of ,75 years
Baha'u'llah . passed on to the
heavenly kingdom. He had spent
more than forty years of his life in
exile and in prison ,because of his
teachings. The final years of his
life were spent as a prisoner of the
Turkish government at Bahji, near
the prison city of Acca in what is
today Israel. At Bahji is lOcated the
tomb of Baha'u'llah, considered
holy shrine and a place Of
pilgrimage bY Bahals. •
Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah
is the latest in a series of divine
messengers sent by God since the
beginning, of mankind's existence
on the earth. They believe that he
fulfils the promises and prophecies
left to, mankind in the holy
scriptures of the divine messengers
of the past. They regard his
teachings and laws as necessary for
the realization of world peace,
world unity and the Kingdom, of
,God on earth.
Among the last tablets revealed
by Baha'u'llah is his will and
testament, In' this document
Abdu'l-Baha, his eldest son, was
appointed his successor and the
centre Of his covenant • with
mankind. This will and testament,
is unique in the history of mankind,
for never before had a messenger
of God 'so explicitly established a
conversant to be the foundation and
protection of his faith. Ndr had a
divine messenger till this time
named a successor whOse purpose
was to keep pure his word,
preserve the unity of his folldwers
and prevent sectarianism and
corruption. It is on this rock of the
covenant that a new world order is.
being built.
Baha'is do not have pictures or
photographs of Baha'u'llah. He
wished that the. Baha'is' worship
God, rather than ' himself, a
messenger'of God. A messenger of
God is a reflector of the perfections
of God, not himself the perfection
which is God alone.
The followers of Baha'u'llah,
called Baha'is, are now established
in over 330 countries and territories
around- the globe. The writings -of
Baha'u'llah have' been 'translated
into over 570' languages.
will be held in Stratford in 1977.
Mrs. Burton again introduced
the speaker, Mrs. J.A. Newstead
who showed interesting slides on
the Presbyterian Churches from
here to Vancouver and gave a
commentary on them.
-Courtesies were by Mrs.
Gordon Wall of Wingham. The
program. was interspersed with
hymns throughout' the meetings.
The closing prayer 'was by Mrs.
Jack Barr of ,Kinlough. Mrs. J.
DeBoer invited the Presbyterial to
Whitechurch in 1977.
Unit 3 U.C.W..
Unit 3 of Lucknow United Church
Women met at the home of Mrs.
Walter Dexter at '1 p,ru.:'on June "1,
beginning with a dessert luncheoth
Mrs, Bert Alton opened the
meeting with a reading on June.
Two verses of "What a friend we
have in, Jesus" was sung and all
joined in repeating the Lord's
,prayer. Fourteen members an,"
,swered the roll call with their'
favourite hobby. Reports were
heard from treasurer, social func-
tions and community friendship.
Mrs. Clarence Irwin presided for
the program. She gave a reading
and two verses of Take time to be
Holy was sting, Mrs. Sani Gibson
gave the scripture from Romans 12:
12-21 and Mrs. Irwin gave the
meditation. Mrs. Earl Wightman
presented a paper on the modern
translation of the Lord's Prayer.
Mrs: Dexter had a reading "Don't
Mrs. Irwin gave the topic "Use
Opportunity. It is the Gateway to
Success". Pass me, not, 0 gentle
Savibur was sung and Mrs. Irwin
closed with prayer.
A special collection was taken for
supply and welfare along with the
regular collection, A Bible history
contest was enjoyed. The meeting
closed with prayer. A successful
hobby sale was held with Mrs.
Alton as auctioneer.
KinIough A.C.W.
The Anglican ' Church Women
met on ThUrsday evening at' the
home of Mrs. Agnes Hodgins with
an attendance of '17 ladies and 2
children. Miss May Boyle presided
and opened the meeting with a
prayer and all joined in singing the
hymn "Lord speak to me that I may
Mrs. George Grahani- read the
scripture from Psalm 25. Prayers
followed with • Mrs. Howard
Thompson wading in the Prayer
Partners prayer. The meditation
on "summer" was given by MrS.
David Haldenby.
Everyone. was thanked for the
co-operatiOn for the parish service
at the end of May. A few items of
business were dealt with and all of
the members answered the roll call
with the word "trust". The hymn
"Blest are the pure in heart" was
sung. Mrs. Eric Thacker then
presided for the program.
Mrs. Ronald Thacker read the
story of a family who' made a trip to
the west in a covered wagon and
also read an, article on -"Darning
Socks". 'Mrs. •Eric Thacker gave a
' paper, comparing crafts and hob-
bies in Bible times to the present
day. Mrs. Howard Thompson gave '
a' reading "Grandma knew what
she was. doing'', and Mrs. Midford
Wall read "Roses and flowers".
At thiS time there was a period of
"Show and Tell" crafts and each
member brought something ' of
interest in the way of a fancy quilt,
afghans, 'knitting, crochet work,
fancy quilt blocks, R pieces of
.jewellery, liquid embroidery, toys,
oil painting and pictures and told
something about theni Viat was of
• Miss May Boyle led in some
singing .and Mrs,. Eric Thacker
closed with a reading on prayer.
Thanks was expressed to the
hostess, the , program '-committee,
and all who took part in- the
meeting. Grace was sung and a
deliCious lunch was served by the•
There will he no meetings in
either July or August and the
September hostess will be Mrs.
Delbert Hedley.
Presbytery Meet
At Waterloo
The June meeting of lkilee
`United Church Presbytery was held
on Thursday evening, June 3rd in
the Seminary -Buildings 'after the
close of the evening session of
Hamilton Conference at '-Wilfred
Laurier College, Waterloo.
, Rev. W. King, chairman,...wel-
corned the 'members of Presbytery.
who' were in attendance • and
opened,. the meeting with prayer.
Necessary business' was attend:*
ed to with -heedful discussions and'
motions being passed.
Clergy were reminded o their
noon hour family picnic to be held
at Harrison Park, June 28.
Rev. King then presented the
incoming chairman, Harry Bruege-
man, and • he adjourned the
meeting. .
Unit 2• U.C.W.
Unit 2 of Lucknow United Church
Women met , at the home of Mrs.
Wilbur Brown on June 1. Mrs.
Bradley opened the meeting with a -
poem on 'Spring', followed by
hymn 589, "This is my Father's
Mrs. Jean Jardine was convener
for the program and read a poem-
titled "Springtime Renewal".
Hymn 15 was sung. The scripture
reading, taken from portions of
Genesis and Solomon, was read by
Mrs. Jaidine. Mrs. Harvey Hot's=
ton gave an interesting meditation
on "The Garden of our Lives"
and a reading "Strawberry Patch,".
Mrs. Jardine recited a poem "The
Modest Violet". Readings were
also given by Miss Lena' Robinson
"The Rhyme of Friendship" and.
Mrs. Zetta Henderson, "Yesterday
and Today". The singing of hymn
681, and praYer by Mrs. Ruth Helm
chised this part Of the meeting.
Mrs. Eldon Bradley took the
.chair and called on Mrs. Vernon
Hunter who gav,e a wonderful
report . of • 'the convention she
attended at 'Five Oaks, Paris. She
enlarged on one of 'the Bible
Studies '!EgyPts in' out Lives".
Mrs. Bradley gave current events.,
mentioning "Habitat" to be held in
St. Augustine C.W.L. 'served
social a hour was
Vancouver. A Senior Citizens
housing• project built in Hespeler,
now part of Cambridge,. is to be
.featured there.
Twenty members -.answered the
roll call with a Bible verse
containing the name of a tree or
Mrs. Irwin reported on Friend..
ship and Visitation. Mrs. V.
Hunter for Christian Education and
Mrs. Kilpatrick on Social Action.
An exchange and sale of bulbs and
Plants followed the meeting. Grace
was sung and a delicious lunch was
served by the committee in charge.
. ••