HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-16, Page 5NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLY ROOD The best in ,Dome Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. TO p'resh Home Made Sausage. Cos!. tom killing by appointment.' Phone 528-2132 2 NOTICE'RE. ' HOG SHIPPING I am now shipper fcir U.C.O. Hogs are shipped Monday from 7 a.m. - 12 noon. Cattle are shipp- ed Tuesday, I will be at the yarsjs Monday morning and Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. I would appreciate your patronage. • William Taylor, 529-7310 - home' 528-3119 - yard CLOSING NOTICE The Beauty Boutique, Lucknow, will be closed as of July 1st until further notice. NOTICE ".-.. the works and acts of each and every one of these Manifest- ations of God, nay whatever per- taineth unto them, and whatso- ever they may manifest in the future, are all ordained, by God, and are a reflection of His Will and Purpose. Whoso maketh. the slightest difference between their persons, their words, their mess- ages, their acts and manners, hath indeed disbelieved in God, hath repudiated His signs, and betray- ed the Cause dills Messengers." - from the Baha'i Writings WANTED HELP WANTED -7 ,equipment mechanic to work in new modern facilities. Contact Becker Equip- ment Ltd., Lucknow, 529-7993. WANTED' •L-• a two bedroom ground level apartment on a long term lease. Must be close to Lucknow Main St. and available in fall.' Would consider purchase of a home. Phone 528-3315. WANTED -:- handyman to remove all laths and plaster from inside of house. Estimate required. Ap- proximate starting date, first week in July, Luckno'w area. Write Box T, Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario. WANTED — TO BUY — army saddles, bridles and guns. Martin Straughan, phone 524-7046. WANTED — good home for 9 week old male golden Lab. Brian . Holloway, phone 528-3943. • The Workshop WIB HARTIN.. and. SON' R.R. 1 Dungannon ANY ITEM AN WOOD. NEW FURNITURE. BUILT OLD FURNITURE .• REPAIRED PHONE 529-7205 You only look as good as you feel. pqRnaPaulan Fitness. In your heart you know it's right. Spending ten dollars for every ,one taken in has never come close to balancing any budget. The Goderich Canada Manpower Centre will' run a • 0 SCHOOL BUS DRIVING COURSE. at Conestoga Colldge Clinton if sufficient clients are in- terested. The course will be , held in the first three weeks of Auust for three hours 'each' da y. Because it is part time training, no allowances will be paid, however, successful, completion of THE COURSE WILL RESULT IN ALMOST GUARANTEED EM— PLOYMENT AS. A SCHOOL BUS DRIVER. This employment 'is ideally suited to, people such as semi- retired, housewives, farmers, etc., who wish to supplement their income. Ihterested applicants are urged to contact the Canada Manpower Centre 'at, either Goderich - 524-8342 or Huron Park - 228-6651 immediately. • • McDONAGH REAL ESTATE &' INSURANCE LTD. , 125 ACRES — level hog and beef farm Ripley area. 4 bedroom house, large barn anclg bunker silo. 50 ACRES with 25 workable, river ' runs across property, has good building site situated on paved road. , 40 ACRES crop land, partly within . Village. of Lucknow. 1 1/2 STOREY FRAME HOUSE with 11/2 acres on Highway, good shed and drilled well. $69,000 EACH for 2 - 100 am' farms in Itinloss Township. Two sets of buildings, drilled.wells and land mostly all workable. Robt. Campbell Bus. 528.2031 Res. 529-7411 PIKE LODGE REST HOME (THE FORMER PINECREST MANOR NURSING HOME) (GO,UGH ST., LUCKNOW ONTARIO) A Supervisecfretirement rest home caring for your , Personal needt.24 hours per day. •. STANDARD, • SEMI-PRIVATE • AND • PRIVATE ACCOMMODATIONS LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .528-2703 W. C. McDONALD GUILD OPTICIANS LONDON, ONTARIO Will be at 'the Medical Arts Building in Wingham every other Thursday commencing. June 24th, 1976 ° • PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED, MUTUAL TRUST What a fine world this would be if all nations could' arringe a parity of suspicion. COMPROMISE The big problem today is hi". us to reconcile our net income with our gross habits.. TWO E1EDROOM BUNGALOW,, close to downtown, living room, dining room, kitchen, large lot & garage, ideal retirement hotne, immediate possesSion. 7 ROOM FRAME HOME, 4 bed- rooms, 3 piece bath, carpet and tile floors located:on, Wheeler St., Lucknow. Possession to be ar- ranged. „ 100 ACRE FARM, approximately 75 workable, located in East VVaw- anosh Twp., 4 bedroom home and bank barn requiring repair; hydro, drilled well, fall possession. • 4 LOTS located on Delhi and Stauffer Streets. Asking $8,700. EAST WAWANOSH township, 100 acres, 5,, bedroom home, 2 full baths, all conveniences, barn 56' x 58'; 26 stanchion milk house and silo, pole barn 44' x 110' and steel implement shed 24' x 60', spring • possession. 2 BEDROOM HOME in Dungan- non, three piece bath, modern oil furnace, close to store and ,church, immediate possession. .101.1.m0.1.01•M•111 APPROX. 4 ACRE LOT located in Ashfield Twp., Northlander home 12 x 60 with addition; large L shaped barn, maple trees sur- round the buildings, overlooking spring stream, 8 miles from God- erich. Owlim.••••••••••• WARREN ZINN Phone 5294350 ,•••••••••to.:*'4•-•-•-•11-40.4+ THE MAN TO SEE IS .. 3 BEDROOM HOME located in Dungannon on a well cared for property. Also blacksmith . shop. Ideal retirement home or an op- portunity to start your 'own bus- iness. Immediate possession. WE HAVE A CUSTOM BUILT 12' x 60' home for sale, in immacul- ate. condition, completely furnish- • ed. Should you be looking for a home and have a building site;. call for an. appointment.' Immed- • • iate possession. HOT MIX PAVING DRIVE-WAYS AND PARKING LOTS FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 0 ROBERT SYMES - CONTRACTOR Lucknow, 528-3047 OPENING SOON Fairvie Car Was LUCKNOW ' Proprietor Thomas G. Andrew • I ,THE 'LUCKNOW, SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16,1970 COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO Lggion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:30 p.m. • Pot of Gold game '— winner take all. 14 reg- ular games $10 each. 2 Share, the Wealth games, A $30 Special. Jackpot game Or $110 on 58 calls or $25 consolation prize. SUMMER FLING Tickets are still available for the "Summer Fling" sponsored by the Lucknow Agricultural Society on Friday, July 9th in the ,Luck- now Arena. Music by Walter Os- . tank's Band. .$10 per couple in- cluding lunch. Contact any 'direc- tor, Cowan's StOre or phone 528-s 6093 for tickets. AGRICULTURAL MEETING The. Lucknow Agricultural Soc- iety will hold their regular meet- ing on Tuesday, June 22nd at 9 p.m. in the Town Hall. SILVER ANNIVERSARY The family of Ross and Elaine Errington wish to invite friends, neighbours and relatives to a dance and luncheon in honour of ,their 25th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, July 3rd from 10 - 1 in the Lucknow. Arena. • SENIOR CITIZEN CHURCH SERVICE. The annual Senior Citizen's. Church Service will be held in St. Mary% Church, Lucknovv on Sun- day, June 20th at 9 a.m. Everyone welcome. 60th ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Breckles invite you to Open House at the:// home on Sunday, June 20th from 2 - 5p.m. on the occasion of the' 60th Wedding Anniversary. Good wishes only please. -- OPEN RECEPTION An Open Wedding Reception will be held in honour of Alex and Lynn Chisholm (nee Cloutier) newlyweds, at Saltford Hall on Saturday, June 19. Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.. to Maitland Sundowners. Everyone welcome. PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED ? Call BIRTHRIGHT 524-7157, 4324197 WE. CARE A good 'sense of humor is the only real fountain of youth. PAGE FIVE OPEN RECEPTION An open reception for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Guse, (nee Linda Cul- bert) will take place at 'Ripley Township Hall on Saturday,' June 19, 1976. Music by "The String- dusters". Everyone welcome. , IRWIN REUNION The annual Irwin reunion ' will be held Sunday, June 20th at Brookside School. Registration at 11 a.m. — Smorgasbord lunch at 12 noon. LEO CLUB DANCE Lucknow and District Leo Club are holding •a Dance on Saturday, June 19th from 9 to 1 in the Luck- riow Arent Music by Full•House. Everyone 13 and• over are wel- come. Single $2.50, couples $4.50. • 108th ANNIVERSARY LANGSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, June 20th; Rev. Wm. Henderson, guest speaker; ser- vices 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p. OPEN RECEPTION Open Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wardell (nee Lore Glover), will be held at Ripley Township Hall on Friday, June 25th. Music by Carruthers Or= chestra. Lunch provided. DANCE To the music of Drumlum at the Ripley Complex, Saturday, June 19th. Sponsored by the Ripley Recreation. Everyone welcome '18 years and over. WINGNAM- BINGO Wingham Legion Bingo 'at the Legiot Hall, Wingham, Wednes- day, June 23rd at 8:30 • p.m. 15 regular games, $10 prize each game; 2 share-the-wealth games; $50 special must go; Jackpot game $800 on 6 calls with $50' consolation. Admission $1.00. Ex- tra and, speciM cards 3 for 50e or 7 for $1,00.