The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-09, Page 1is To Vote On One Question Next Monday Next Monday, June 14th; reSid- ' gilts of Lucknow will vote on one liquor question to determine if they are in favour of the sale of spirits, beer and wine • under a dining lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises . where food is available. Voting hours are 9.a.m. to 8 p.m. • in the Town Hall, Anglican Parish Hall, Noble Johnston residence and at PinecrestManor Nursing Home, depending on the area of the village in which you live. An ,advance poll vyill be held this Saturday, June 12th at the Town , Hall from 12 noon to 9 p.m. for those who will be-absent from the village on ,the regular voting day. E. H. Agnew of Lucknow 'is, returning officer. Eligible voters must be 18 years of age and must • have been a resident of the community for 2 months prior to 'polling day. $9;00'A Year In Advance: $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9,..1976" Single Copy 20O 20 Paget Arena jostiecte4.-,..F0t..$4uctort0:Sofety,: School 170)(,• I.Rogidsitipn Up Sharply • News from Lucknow Council indicates the completion Of 'new sidewalks in front of.the Lucknow . Medical Centre as well as replace- - ment of • broken and heaved portions of sidewalk along Have- lock Street. The work. was completed by Askes Brothers of Lucknow at a cost 'of $1871. t t t • t t t Lucknow Arena Committee rec- ently completed the work of • installing a portion of concrete floor in the arena at the east end: Work was completed by Dafoe Metalli- crete Floor Co. of Stratford at a' contract price of $3340, . t t t 161 Entries In Poster Contest Winners in a recent poster ' contest for the Craft Festival, which is taking place 'July 30, and 31st in the Lucknow Arena, sponsored by the Lucknow Agricul- tural Society, are as follows. Grade 5 and 6, 1st, Dale Gilchrist, Lucknow Public • School; 2nd, Joanne Culbert, Brookside; 3rd, Steve Errington, Brookside. There were 93 entries in this group. In'the grade 7 and 8 level, 1st,• Debra Arnold, 2nd, Kim Cooke, 3rd, Sylke Becker, all from Brookside Public School. •There were 68 entries in this division. Many others were deemed worthy. To Show Films On Virgin Islands The 120th anniversary of South Kinloss Presbyterian Church . will, be observed with Sunday services June 13 at 11 a.m. and 7.30' p.m., On Monday, June 14 at 8 p.m., Mr, and Mts. Graham 'MacDonald of London will give a Film Presentation of the Br. Virgin Islandi where they did volunteer work last summer. Graham is a son of Mr. and Mrs. F• MacDonald of Lucknow, formerly of the 4th concession, Kinloss. Graham graduated from Lucknow High School and after teaching for several years became a, Public school inspector and is now superintendent of schools for • Middlesex County. Freda, also a teacher, now does Outstanding work with Adult Education in the city of London, Work is progessing well on the new Ontario Housing Senior Citiz- en housing project at the east end 'of town. Village workmen recently completed the installation of a new water service on Walter Street to serve the new building. t t t The Lucknow Council recently engaged . B. M. Ross and Associat es engineering firm to do a survey of the. Lucknow River within the village limits with the idea of improving future flood -control. t t t Lucknow Village interim tax bills are now in the hands .of village taxpayers. The 1976 tax rate has not been struck as yet and the interim' levy is based on one-half of the total tax 'rate 'for, 1975. t The contract for village , grass Bill Houston of Lucknow 'has returned home after '6 weeks in Wingham and District Hospital following a leg fracture. E. W. Rice of Lucknow was taken by ambulance to Wingham Hospit- al on Thursday morning. He has been previously hospitalized twice since the end of March. Mrs. Neil J. MacKenzie, Luck- now spent ten days in• Copetown with her daughter Mrs. George MacGregor "and Mr. MacGregor. Sheridan Grad LOREE GAMMIE Loree Gammie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gamtnie, R. R. 1 Lucknow, successfully Completed a two-year program in Retail Management Arts at Sheridan College in praniptort. Attending the, graduating exer- eises, which were .held at Century Gardens, Brampton,. on Tuesday, May 25, were Mr.' and Mrs. Ross Gait and Keith Raymond of Brussels, cutting has again been let to Loree Bros. of Lucknow •at $27 per-time, up $3 from last year. The figure is broken down at $5.00 for town hall, $13.00 ofor the park, $3.00 for the pump house and $6.00 for the swimming pool. t t The work of painting parking strips on the main street is presently being completed by -Imperial Pavement Marking 'of Kitchener. t t The requisition by the County for the 1976 taxation year is $28,091- as compared 'to $27;128 in• 1975. The Bruce • County Board .of Education ' taxation requisition for 1976 is, $88,789, up sharply .from 'the 1975 requisition of $62,269. These taxes are collected' by the village and in turn remitted 'to the county council and county, school board. • t t t Mrs. J. W. Joynt of Lucknow has been a patient for the past month at Wingham and District Hospital and on May 28th underwent surgery •for the amputation of her left leg above the knee. She had previously been a resident at Pinecrest. Manor Nursing Home, Lucknow. George Webster of Halifax, Nova Scotia, has been holidaying in Lucknow fora couple of weeks with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webster. They spent a weekend recently in St. Catharines with Mr: and Mrs. Terry Pym and family. Mrs. Lou Anderson of R. R. 3 Lucknow returned home on Mon- day of last week after being hospitalized fot•almost four weeks in University Hospital, London and Wingham Hospital following a hip. fracture. She is now able to walk with the aid .of a cane. Mis. Harold Treleaven visited recently in Beaver, Pa. with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Treleaven and family. and attended the graduatiott of their daughter Anne, an honours graduate at Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa. Mrs. Mabel CaMpbell, Lucknow, . came home. Sunday from Victoria Hospital, London, where she was hospitalized for ten days after undergoing surgery. Died Suddenly At Age 51 William Arnold Button passed away suddenly at his Kinloss Township. home, just west of Lucknew, on Tuesday, June 1st, 'He Was 51. •• The funeral service was held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow on Friday, June 4th... Interment was in Greenhill .Cemetery. Degrees Received At Convocation ELIZABETH NEWBOLD At .a morning, convocation at the "University of Windsor on Saturday, May 29, Elizabeth Louise Newbold, daughter of Mt. and Mrs. George , Newbold of Lucknow, received a . Bachelor of Science in' Nursing degree from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics. At the afternoon convocation Elizabeth also received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Faculty of Social4Science. • • Attending the graduation were Mr. and Mrs. George Newbold, and David. Newbold of Lucknow 'and. Joan Marrifield of Kitchener. Pallbearers' who acted at the funeral of Gordon Black on Wednesday, June 2nd were. Dale Hunter,. John Hamilton; Andy Anderson, Terry Taylor, Donald MacDonald, Doug Aitchison. Flower bearers were Bill Hunter, Gordon Cayley, George McInnes, Doug Inglis, Wayne Todd, Hugh Todd, Wim de • Boer, Kevin Murray, Kenny Reid, Rod McDon- agh, Murray Thompson, ' John Rutherford, Bruce Willits. Mrs. John Emerson of Lucknow spent a day recently with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon, • Belfast. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. .Ralph Nixon, Wingham and, Mr. and. Mrs. Carman Nixon and farnily of London. , Wilbert Robb of Ashfield wen $25 in the May 27 Wintario draw. Mr. and Mrs. Tom England of Cambridge (Galt) spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim England. Mr. and Mrs. Jim England, Mrs. Join Robinson and Art Ernewein attended the funeral ' of Mr. England's sister, Mrs. Eber Willi- son (Nellie England) in Flint, Michigan. on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chester have moved from Islington to Brandon, Manitoba. Bill is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chester, Lucknow. A name was omitted in the obituary write-up in last week'''S Sentinel for the late Marshall Gibson. Besides the two sisters and , four brothers he was also predeceased by an infant brother Calvin at Chilliwack, B.C. DelbertNixon of Stratford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon, Belfast,. has passed exams 'in welding and fitting. Cancer Campaign.. Up By $200 Over Last Year The canvass of Lucknow and District for the Canadian Cancer Society is now complete.: Total receipts 'are $2476.60, which is $200.00 over •last year's total. Team captains for the canvass this year were: Ruth Thompson,' Betty Emberlin, Barbara Sander- son, Linda Johnston; Catherine Andrew, Anna Kreutzweiser, Ler- ine Conley, Mary Lavis, Gayle Lawry, and Mrs. Frank Mnulden: Others who canvassed were: Shirley Brooks, Freda Hutton, Myrtle Percy, MrS. John Scott. Mary Eadie, Lorraine' MacPherson, Wilma Elliott, Wilma Clark, Muriel MacKenzie, Eva Burt, Harry Lavis, Marilyn MaCintyre, Ann MacDong- all, . Murray and June Gilchrist, Margaret Collyer, Elizabeth Dick- ie, Margaret Stanley, Barbata Helm, Bill Schmid; Susan Mc- Naughton, Isabel Havens, Mrs. Little, Mildred Loree; Jane Tre- leaven, Lauralee Cayley, Janet CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Died Saturday Roy Irwin of Lucknow passed away at his home on Saturday, June' 5th. He was 82. The funeral service was. held on Monday, June 7 at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow. Interment , was in Greenhill Cemetery. Variety Concert Is Lions Eyent E. H. Gosling' and Associates of Toronto, an engineering firm involved when the Lucknow arena was remodelled several years ago, was recommended by council 'to the • arena, board as the firm which council felt should do an inspection of the local arena building in view of the: increased activity 'by the Ministry ,of Labour in Checking safety standards of local arenas. The inspection was made Monday of this week. While an official report will be forthcoming, indica- tions are that the building was ' found to be in excellent condition as far as structural safety' is concerned.. Lucknow and District Lions 'Club are planning .a Variety Concert this Saturday evening, June 12th in the Lucknow arena. • Lucknow Leos and 14 area Lions Clubs are each providing at least one number of entertainment. Entertainment will include:Scottish dancing,. magicians,• skits, musical numbers and a male beauty contest. • The 'Lions will use the proceeds for community betterment.-