The Signal, 1928-04-05, Page 8$-RLmt'ad*y, April 5, 1928. AUCTION SALE of Furniture, Rugs, House Furnishings, Draperies, Fancy China and Bric-a-Brac at Walker's Furniture Store West Side of Square, Goderich, on Saturday Evening, April 7th commencing at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. Walker has leased his; store to the %Vater & Light Commission and the floor must be cleared. If you want some real bargains attend this sale. T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. Town of Goderich Dogs The Town Bylaws requirt that the owner or harborer of any dog shall obtain' a license an such -dog nhalLT4e _a li- cense tag. _____ I have been instructed to enforce this bylaw. Get your license at once and save prosecution. R. C. Postelethwaite, OM1, f of 1',olic. LEEBURN Li+IEBI'li , April 4. -Mr. Hugh Chisholm arrived home the end of last week from Sarnia, where he had been workjig for several months. Mr. and Mn. John Potter, from Newark, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cook. Mr. Potter 1s a brother of Mrs. Cook. f Spring plowing has started in curl neighborhood. Mr, Jus. Chisholm, sr., I Our -deepest Symeatlt7-gees out to. the members of the Foley &dolly in their sore bereavement by the death of their sistvr, Miss Maggie, on Sunday morning, and that of their dearly be.; _kneel mother on Tuesday at noon. Further mention will be made next 1 week, ~'Awful Nell, lkey, how's business?" "Terrible: Even de people` --'vol • don't pay ain't buying noding."-- Selected. Notice All owners and oc- cupiers of premises are hereby notified that all garbage, etc., must be re- moved from their prem- ises by May 1st, 1928. F. G. WEiR, Assistant Sanitary' inspector WARNING The Corn Borer Act -\;1 Corn stubble must be ploughed under gird ke p t under. If it is dragged up it must be either burned or ploughed under. ' Do not use a toothed culti- vator after ploughing. Clean up your barnyard. All clean-up work must be done before May 20. - -- OSWALD GiNN, i r M -Teeter THE SIGNAL, G. C. I. LITERARY SOCIETY CELEBRATES ITS JUBILEE (Continued from page 3) allj varied Its programs by baying a few chemical and philosophical expert - menta, Ito the amassment of which Mi. Beds, the flet science master of the sellout, was' ueua:ty very success- ful, end tbat at his suggestion the S.* ietl purchased u wage.• luuteru and a number of slides. Thanks to the debutiug and reciting Calcul of which the Society could boast in emote curly years, coupled with the kind gasistauce of frieuda outside the sc•houl In arrauging tableaux, etc., the Society was able to raise considerable sums by public entertainments without much expense. It also, however, from time to time brought elocutionists of note and other entertainers to the town, among the-itr'*rknown being Miss Jessie Alexander, Mrs. Agues Kunz pluck and Grenville Klettsvr. 1t woould be prottiably quite safe to say that, including books, apparatus, or- gan, piano, furniture. decorations, etc., the Society 'raised and expended over $tinO io the first twenty years of its existence, • When a Mode! &ehoul was este fished In 1815) It was decided to tnvi its studeuts to Juiti in the manage- ment and work of the Society, an thereafter, as lung as tate Ml School existed, it was customary fo the Society during the fall term to -tinder tau• joint control of the tw schools, each, Lowecer, having its ew c•tiit+.r- t-tt.i,_.-jutilltgl _ - Lesi"-apiy--wrong inference should h drawn from the list of prominent ez- members previously given, it may be as well to state explicitly that from the first the girls took their full share in the prxeeerlings of the Society, and that very much of its success bas at all rimes been due to their willing and efficient services. Oue would like; in - (teed, to mention some , of those to whom it was specially indebted,- but space would fall to name them all, and toa make a et•lcetloa Wight be invidi- ous Moreover, some of the dear girls Of old might not care now to be re - Minded et the lapse of years since their school days. Of -Iate'years& the increasing proportion of their sex, es- pecially 1r' the higher forms, has tend- ed to throw the control of the Society more than ever into their hands. Abort from the changed proportions „f the sexes, and the lowering of the average age of the pupils, two other gr changes 8trlke'me on looking back over 'en tee history and work of the Society, , tit and furnish some cause for regret. his j The first is that the Society in its earlier years was carried on mainly s for the benefit of its members, and the, rs majority of them took a more or less be active part in its proceedings. The fe first loci of 'every ordinary meeting, averaging probably half an hour, was devoted to business, and the discussion „f matters of interest. In fact, much of the work now 11..: a by the eeeett- fice was tben dent by the Society, and the consequence was that the members had opportunities to get a useful eons/neon training; -tit learning how to deal with motions, amendments, re- ports and points of order. mu Now a large part of the andiene• vetch eenelate of visitors, and of Junior pu- pils, who come simply for pleasure, joy and the consequence has been that the Hl business part of the meetings has till been virtually eliminated, and that the tendency in making up the programs is to to have regard quite as much to what wit will .please the audience as to what fro will benefit the me -inhere of the school. bee Ilowever. the Sor•iety stilt plays an fm- rk't 'iortant and useful part to atnden.t nil Life at the G.t'.I„and for the aake.of co its po**ihifltfes in the 'future, as well actt as its crdital.te record In the past, all nuc int obi members will join in cordially wishing it n r•nen-al of life and vigor ip the yesrs to eome. GODERICH, ONT. tiou always; erring, "Scenes of my youth whet( cry sport could please!" My term at pie Collegiate was rather brief and 1 (rare- few recollections of any note. 1 hole the jubtlee celebra- tion will be eseeessful ler every way. Convey my gre'<tiugs to the Society, and beat wlebes for cvontinuetl sutross, From W. H, Johnston, Exeter. 1 should lie- to be preaent 1f cir- cumstancee perruitted, especially eine soy dear ol4 lricud Mr. John Elliott will he theta As to the Literary 'Society, 1 first came In touch with it in the fail of 1876 -while oteuding the Model School, and trcuf the beginning en- joyed the meetings. From the >t. 'suing the Society was a success. This was owing in a large degree to the unstinted support given to 1t toy the fire staff of teachers of that day, v1*,, M,•ssrs, Strang, Mac- donald, ap donald, S. P. 1 (Its and Miss Kay. Deur 01d Dr. $:ring always had the question drawer :!rid many and varied were the queen •ns heeded in. One night the same questioner asked, "At what times is i' not wise to study?" and "Wbo was ^te Man In the Iron b- Mask?" Dr. s'r.,ng answered the to latter question si:hout hesitation. but was rather slow its answering the first, d because it wu- hardly wise to let 'Mod go1e. boys kaoa ;...-re were such times. Ills commendar. -' addresses at every be meeting couple,! t Ith his helpful eel- tb•isms be/ped ,Hake these gather- ; Ings of great re nc to the students. Again. those :,.,'etiags were simply wonderful when ,Mn important debate was given. We !old such studeats-ln- those days as S. 1. Washington, K.C., of Hamilton; J. 11, Stewart, a school principal later ea. Kingston; ('. La Craseweller, wi:r married another student, Mia Dickson. the jailer's daugbter; hls 1 ;ether Frank, a suc- cessful lawyer , Iht!urh ; Ed. J. B. Duncan, now . r Toronto; John (Hugh?) Davide :: and many others who have been sc.-.essful in a greater orlea. 'ger degm•• boot 1 beliere that hundreds of then: are able to attribute n large measure ,'f their success to their training in the Goderlett Collegi- ate Institute an.; es splendid Literary Society. To sbow bow :..ng ago the beginning of this Society net court but to men. tion that at one meeting tot which I was present 1n ,'.,• earl , .1gtitles the subject of allowing young women to attend the unteersttles and go on to aduation was ,list•uleed quite freely, d one student wondered what the Ie of the degree would be. beeattse to Mind It wend not he possible for girl to become n "Bachelor' of Arts. In closing, allow me to say that I gret greatly that I, ant not able to present with you in this your bilee celebration, .but you hare my sincerest wishes for continued perity and the turning mit of- the fl tylaes of girls and boys of w Canada will be proud in the days roam. NOW! Close in Your Verandah and have it done Properly with Sash and Screens Cold nights comfortable with sash closed. Hot nights same [all openings screened] with sash open. See some we have built. They are delighted. You will be. Goderich Planing Mills 47W (BUCHANAN'S remember that my side did not win. May the Society continue to nour- ish. and may this be but the first of many half -century celebrations! From J. A. lltylor, I.1e.) ., St. Thomas. What weworiee cluster around that sacred school-nremorles at Straug, of Hull and of Moore! Would it not be delightful If we could have a reunion of the old students? What a marvel- lous ;te•rtouality Dr. Strang had and what a wonderful influence he exerted on his students; "Verily he being Mead yet speaketh." SURPRISING FIGURES Figures bearing on the status of the telepboae la tauada are ofteu com- mented upon by visitors and curres- lontkute front Eurvpeau countries. Such sources of information es the an- nual retort of the Bell Telephone Company are quoted 1.0 comparisons between the Canadian service and that of older countries. Doubtless It would prove of even greater interest to those across the ,ot•eau to learn that in Outarlo and Quebec shine the average daily use of long distance in 111L'7 was :ie,So1 mes- sages, This figure iydkates to a de- gree astounding on the other side of the Atlantic the Canadian demand for rapid communication reettelless ut ditrtauec. Just So "Oh yea" she aid proudly, "we C111 tract• our ancestors& back to-to- weil, I don't know exactly wbo, but we've been deitettding for sectaries." BORN COWAN.-la East We -eeriest', on Monday, April 2nd, 1931. le Mr. and Mrs. George Cowan, a son. aAt'1NDEJIS--At the hospital, Strat- ford. on Thursday, March 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Saunders, a daughter (Mary Elizabeth). WILSON. --At Alexandra hospital, Goderfch, on Friday. Marek :4nh, to Mr. and Mrs. Fret Wilson. a daugh- ter (Itclen Grace). DIED. HOLT.-At Toronto, on Wednesday, April 4th, Rebecca Elwood, widow of the late Judge Philip Holt, of OoderIeh. The funeral will take place from St. George's chumb, Goderleb, on Satur- day. April 7th. Service at the church Immediately after the arrival of the 12,20 (noon) C N.ite (rain, Interment at Maitland cemetery. BL1YCE. 11n Goderich. olio Thursday, April 518. Thomas Boyce, aged 79 years. The Masora! will take place from his Late residence. South street, on Katur-- day. April 718. Service et the house pros-' at 1 o'clock. Interment at Baird's nest- ORA,RII.-At 3207 Phit*delpbta aye - bow nue, Detroit, Mich.. George F. to Crabb, youngest von of the. late Christopher and Janet Crabb of Goderich. In his 51st year, • m- FOLEY.-In Colborne township, on Sunday, A'prtl 1st, Margaret Foley /; i eMt* Matthew Foley, aged 55 years, __ ______ > 'a11BDY.-In Godericb, 'on' iton lay, April 2nd, Oswald L. Sturdy, In. his 7Sth year, FOLEY.-In Colborne township, . Tuesdny, April 3rd, Margaret Kelly, widow of the late Matthew Foley, age,( 93 years. WOODS, -In Godericb township, on Friday, March 30th. John Words, In his 82nd year. From C. L Otasswetter, B.A., Lea ington. Mrs risawetter-antt eh that we cannot be present at the rating next Friday eyWe al! M $ad anti ede ..in.- a eaten •et (bee • (Cell gh School Literary Society, and I ak we proti:ed a good deal, 100. , Nearly fifty years ago, in Sep - tither. 157e. I became connected b 'the Society. I bad Just come w some Sean' teaching in the kwoods of the Parry Sound dist- end I rejoiced wholeheartedly in tee opportunities opentel to me in anectlon with the High School vines. in particular we all owe h to the very wise anal sympa- thetic way In which Dr. Strang gui the Infant soetety. Then, too, were most of us much older than aversive ID gh School student of tna y busy hours we spent,- not sol controversy, in working out, a riding, and reamendtng the Hon, mauy busy hours. too, (it -bates). As I remember, amo ctice ones of my time were Jo rtlon, Duce Bruce, Tom Morri D. Cameron, J. Russell :Rua Mgt Davidson, O. A. Odium, Jr llllcrny, Bob McNair, Riche r, David Dobie, John Elton rge Oobblcdlek, etc., among t stud young igen. It would be t Ilk?' to meet with those of the Itrinf. MESSAGES RECEIVED ' 1 Man M out IMOD! OLD-TIME PUPILS; *lite sew Pollee-Ingo are extra is from letters' tier a 'ecP rirell in conne-ti•,n elf), The jubilee Rube of the Gall. Literary Society: It. From Rev. David ferric, D.D. Wing-; Hug ham. • Mot;List fall I chanced to be in the' Mille town for the greater part of an after- Geo noon. I walked last the school and boys down to the bank of the lake, my old great walk of forty-six years ago. 1 must still conte**, I felt bluely and even sad. Goideneth's words with a alight raria- TN MFMOKI:1M SNYDER.-In memory of Harvey B. ' Snyder. beloved husband of .I,,y we Lohb, who passed away on Apri; a, the ipee ay "Death, like a narrow stream, div,.loe toll- The Heaceniy land from this lid There the companion of my soul con- *Irides, "n 1 Tn 'Bence, Ms Cite 1 tales. ng, May he go faring en, ns dear lin 1n the love of There. as the lore or' eh. Here." rt. dosing Wife ran rd ; ORI(, -In loving memory of onr dear tt, brother. who pnesed away on April.' he 2nd, 1926. a. "We often think of days gone by m When we were all together' ' Canada Power and Paper Corporation 51 COLLATERAL TRUST SiNKING FUND GOLD DEBENTURES ILAI'RENTi-DE LINES/ Dated Jan. 1st, 1928 Due Jan. 1st, 1958 Denominations: $1,000, $500, $100 This Company owns over 97 per cent. of the outstanding common stocks ,,f Laurentidc Cornpany, Ltd., and of St.' Maurice Valley Corporation, together with a sub- stantial interest in a ntimber t,t other Companies, having a combined capacity of over 1400 tons ,tf newsprint gaily, and -a- htdr',-electric plant with present development capacity of 165M00 h.p, capable „f increase to lsS,000 The Board of Directors includes some of the most prominent men in Canada, thus insuring capable management and strong financial control. These Debentures are listed on the Montreal Stock Exchange. PRICE: At the market, yielding about 5.55 V*'e strongly recommend these Bonds as a safe investment. O. F. CAREY & SON, Limited Masonic Temple Building GODERICH Phones 230-231 From E. 8. Unearth, B,A., Hamilton. Your letter stirs moat pleasant memories (rt the good old days of long I shall be glad to be number ago, in your llst of Iloose of 1881,2. Fort Rix years ago: Impossible! Cone my test &visor.), and most *ince greetings to those who are still car ing on to- the aid school -In the' of Lit. By the way. Carrie Williams, to wbom you refer la your letter as U secretary of the progrnm committee. on* In lb/mitten a month or ao ago and 1 had the 1,1oasure of meeting her. I• -rem Prof. J. C. Robertson, Toronto, There W' no lfind of 'millivolt' light in the school at that tlme; nn as we w•Itntert to bave our meet)ngs, 'Ike eve sta91T edelety, in the even ing, we derided to "(pend part of on snail twirls on the purchase of mom aptall cn*I-nil hnaeket lamps, whit• were tvercwed to the framework some of the tlindows. The reason remember r':1 nbont this pun -heats Icarefttlly. nee.4sted with John StnMy, i think g It that It fill to, ov f AUCTION BALES AUCTION SALE OF 1'UREBAJID HEREFORD CATTLE, including herd bull, Golden Prince (49601), and 15 tows, heifers and calves. Also grade cattle; horses; a full line of Impietierita, and a quantity t.f grain. At lot 42, commotion 4, East Wawa• nosh. 2n(s tulles north (f Myth, Thursday. April 12th. Farm is sold, JOHN RIENWICK, I'roprletoe. T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. ALOTi()N BALE OF 15 DRAFT AND GENERAL P5RTO5E HORSES. MR. ERNEST TOWNSHFLV7) will Dell by public suction at the Red Bath, east of (be C.N.R. tracks, on Huron rood, Goderich, on TUESDAY, APRIL. 10th, commencing at 1 o'clock, sharp: One pair of big draft horses, 6 and 7 years old; 1 matched pair of blacks, mare and gelding, 7 and 9 years old; 1 matched pair of bay mares. 6 and 9 years old; 1 bay mare, 7 year old, about 1400 into.; 1 bay mare, 5 years old, about 140(1 Rue: 1 hay gelding, 6 years old. About 1500 tbs. ; 1 lacy fitly, 11 year' nld, end lire good useful gen- eral purpg,se• work horse!: *1ce 2 good road horses. • • TERMS -Eight months' credit will toe elven on eurnl king appro. e.) notes heti ring lutere' 1 at 6 1r•r ,.'nt. per annum. T. Gi4VIIRY & SON, F, 'Ih)\teeeirreele Anetionceer. Prrprleter. AI'('T1t►N SALT; or FOit1'Y t'1 V8 1tI:AD OF CATTLE. To he held at the farm et the under- signed. just west of llolwefvilte, on WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1118. -- at - 1t', rlmrp, as follows: C'atde.-Twelve fresh cows; 3 cows, fresh to a i a A i 4 pr 1 , halter, to freshen in May ; 2 heifers, to freshen in. Au- gust: d Holstein heifers, to freshen in September and tktuber; 6 cows, rising 4 years. dry; 3 beifers, tieing 3 years; year-old Ijurham ; 2 Hutment betters, 8 weeks old; M Aberdeen and Durham calves, 1 mouth old; heifer, rising 2 years old, partly fist. - Hotties,-.Nk'ely turned grey Per- eherou mare. risbig 5 years old. 25(5) Ms.: bay gelding, rising 7 years old, about 1500 lbs, Pip ---Sow, with litter; sow. due to farrow July 20; Yorkshire bog, 2 years old. Itnpknrrrtts, Ete.-New 7 -ft. vitt !Setting binder; Massey- barna atow- er, et-ft,scut, nearly new; borne rake, rteurly new, 10 -ft.; wagon, niearly new. Tudhope & Anderson; quantity hay; 3r' young white hen.. hilitis. TERMS -Twelve menthe' credit will be given on furnishing npprove,t Joint notes, or a discount of 9 per cent, per annum allotted for cads ion (' *'dit amounts, 8. R. McMATR, G. 11. ELLIOTr, Proprietor. Auctioneer. EXECUTORS' SALE EXWIU'PORA' RALE OF VALUABLE • FARM LANDS. The Eteentnre of (be e•tnte of the late !suiec Henry Toting wilt sell by pnhllc anetion at the "Godcrieh Inn" (formerly Lannon's Hotel). Hamilton street, G(e1eri(•h, on April 7th. at 1 n'cloek In the afternoon. the fellowln lands: Portlnns of lots numbers fire an dlr. In the fourth coneesslon, Wester 112vla en. of the Township of ('elborne being more perrlcnlarly deaer(b*d aa follow*: f'ommedeing at a post dented on the East limit of said lot, Bald post Leine tope South forty-three degrees forty minutes Weet. .nd a Tfiefa twenty (-loathe and sixteen links from the'Nnrthweet angle of said int num- Erg. EAR, NOSE, THROAT FOR SALE port HAUL. -BAY MAR, IMOV'LN a years old; about 1'100 lb. B. 11. LINDSAY, H. R. 2, Godericb. Tele- phone (102-26. It Von SALE. -GOOD OOMFORf1'- 4 ABLE frame house on MacDon- a1d street next the fair grounds, with a good quantity of land attached. Tills is to be sold at once in order to close up an estate. LIJDLaY F. IIOLM)1S, (iodertch, ALFALFA CLOVER ?OR SALE 1N trealed bags. Ontario variegated. brown near Aliso Craig. Canadian Government standard No. 1. W. L. YOUNG, 1t. •11. 5, Goderich. Tele- phone Colborne Municipal 2t1r26. 2t r,OR SALE. -WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER SEED, Appy to ROBERT W. BODGES, left. No. 1, Goder(t•h, Telephone t105r11, God- erlth township, 1t x(:(39 FOR HAT0HING.-BUFF OR- + 1'INGTONS and White Wyan- dotte.. From good winter layers; winters of cup at Stratford show, Also Chine/1111a rabtdts for sale. Apply Tt(08. HOWLER, Mnnteatur street. at Cklb MINED MAPLE AND BEECH wood for sale. BAXTER & TUR - TON. R. R. 5. Goderich. I'hone 174, Carlow. H UI'K1GHT PIANO (BELL) FO1t SALE, -In first-class condition. Apply to DONALD 1taeKAT, 9 O. Buz 457, Goderich. • DE'sIRABLE RESIDENCE 11ROPF3t- aase TY FOR SALE. -At corner of Bri- tannia road and William& street. Ten rooms besides bathroom, closets, ate. Good furnace, All conveniences For terms and further particulars apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. O. Box 491. Goderich. tt ACCT IONEERENfi TH(►MA8 GI?r'DRY, GOD)1R1of, LIVE STOCK AND OIMNBRAj AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Vales attended to anywhere and even effort made to give aatlstacties Farmers' sale notes discounted. ROBT. ROBERTSON, The Auctioneer. will conduct and arrange any sale o* the latest methods to get the best n- ettle/. See him or drop a card and be will give it immediate attention. Farm sales a streets!:y. Eldon fit, Goderich. DRUGLESSPRACITIIONRR D8. A. N. ATKINSON ' CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG- LESS THERAPIST GODERICH Equipped with electro -magnet,* batta. Electronic electric treatment* and cblropraetic. Cbrook organic aat nerrous diseases. Lady in attendance O113ce boon 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 pea., excepting Mamday and Thursday af- ternoons and evenings, and by aye pots t men t. Residence and once•-- Jorner et South street and Britanala road. g CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT n PRANK- 1'. (,iBBs, CHARTERED • Ae 'ouutant. 102 Ontario street Stratford. Phone 1580, Res, 13.30J, MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FOR8TL''R, her fire. thence dee South forty -rix degrees. twenty minutes East fifty chain+ and, forty links to a pont planted thence dire South forty-three degrees *r',1 forty minutes West ten e•hains and eight link* to a post; 1henete tine North forty -prix decree* and twenty mimttes Weer fifty rh*itts end forty !bike more or les. to the tnter- 5eettnn with the Bait limit of the stele road, thence following said Rest limit of side rand den North forty-three de- gree, and` forty m(nnte. Rust ten •h*Ins and eight link* more or le.., to the pined of beanning, said parcels .etnining hr admeasaremcnt together iftc nems and fmjrelfthe of an acre 1 land. exeept)ng therm/it those por- ion• of RAM lot mold and conveyed to hr' (;nelph and Goslerieh Railway 'ompnne. On the mole( premises ie n small or - The shadow o'er our liras is cast, 1, Our Loved one gone forever. 'Tonight the stars now gleaming T'pen a lonely grave; 1 I ell There eleelxeth, without dreaming. One we loved, tout could not save. t 7- t ey "The rolling streams of life pass on. r Te But still the vacant chair . carr Becallr the smile, the lore, the tofee d i Of one who once mat there." f --lir, and Mrs. -Herbert ()r'r, 1230• t 20 Are.. N. W., r'nigary, Attn. le • 1' d CARD OF THANKS hard, 17 sierra of alfalfa. 16 nett* all tdoughed. and 4 nrrce subtle, and he ?sinners of the land 1* in pasture. ft im !delete nhnnt 4 miles from Gott - .rich. and one mile from ifcffnw atntbit. flatsesseion ase be giren fmmedinte- y. Forth wilt be .01st- _su8Ject _ 11L & teemed Md. TERMS-Tenper rent ens)) *t the IMP of-purvtt*.e end the balance wlth- Ali eey. at 6 per eent Interest.' For further pnrtfenlnr•. nnply to 11.11'S & TT.1YS. (loderlelt Ontnrlo. Sellritor• for Vendor.. Tltnc 1:1-x1181' & ,WON. Anettnneer•. Rf THE: FAMILY OF T111: LATE JOHN 1 W(N)DS wish to ectenet their elm r Sere thanks to 'friend, Fond neighbors and to. the WnrShh)fu! Master of thelt Orange (order for many .kindnesses in and for the beautiful floral tributes, • r' LOST OR FOUND r h i i►IIT, i7RRY PERSIAN CAT. MRS. of L J. P- 11.1ItNI:V. Napier street, I I (:rrtlerfch. It' hit. in my enfsorlty of secretary (1 my memory 5errea tree). to clean theme lnml*e and see to their tilling for oath meeting. 1 snppnae the whool mos hare halt a caretaker in tense days Mit. In ell my recnlieetiona of my four years In the Reboot no earetaker has the smallest plate, Today, to Toronto. the j*niton to often more Influential than the print/el, shlrq was npper- entby * httmbiP mea (or woman?). Anti gnite willing that 1 *honed have *ll the glory and honor of cleaning thome dim add enmity 1*m!pehtmneee 1 Mtn remota/or Mktna part 1n hat on, debate a threes-enrnered *frnlr nn the ?stere of (Cantina. Not twec's•e of any ennvtetlnna of me own, ell "1111r' (oder to help maim np A fail team. 1 eh*mpinned the Mase of 1ndert en.5. erten 1 hAve no Iden w?,ether *n• noet ,tion or Britfa6 cnnneettnn won. delnbtlema the (attar; bat I dtsttnetly TO RENT ti(I) RENT. ---STORE MITA BLE FOR ' l grocery or office. immediate pole t .•cellon given. Apply to ALEX. S.tl'NT)ERtt, Gnderlch. tis• (10--TiDI WEST HALF (1)," •the bowie on the earner of North :211(1 \cigars streets, known AA the Kb1d, 1 or J*ek•nn property, presently erre- ! plte'd by Mire. Hetherington. Apply to (iEt) WILLIAMS. Trnetee for the Estate of W. H. ,leeke-m, Canadian Rank of ('nmmer'e Bending. RAZOR KLADES SHARPENED QAFI':TY RAZOR BLADES SHARP - TONED. Single edge hl*rte*. 3e- s'neh or 25c dog IMuhIe edge blades, 4e- tech. Gillette leads*, 3.''fe dos. Metlwftirtinn gun r*nteed . ALF. TEM R t R`i' & freeN, Weft street, (lode'rk'h. ('ARii OF THANKS 1 WT1SH TO CONVEY TO MY MANY friends end neighbors my sin- rerest thank* for the genuine One- ness) stool sympathy shown o my wife during her illness and to, the floral trib(((es, end I sincerely wish to thank all rhos. who assisted with their e*r'a; also the Rev. F. C. Elliott, who *n kindly ofhe1*ted at the faner,l in the (th .me@ through tilnese of our own pastor, the Rev, R. C. Menermld. T would make sperl*I mention of one who throngh genuine klndneme and assistance helped to cheer and comfort my wife and who was a constant friend with her during her long and weSrtanme Innate; I refer to our neighbor. Mrs. J*nee A. Dalton. T wish to thank alae the ner*tng staff In the Aterandre hnepttal for their kind attentionnd their eor4taBhy. 1 (nut ell thee* kindnesses will ever be remem(4Pred by me. JOSEPH 1). WI!' - 0N, Cambria road, Goderich. Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Mospital, assistant at Hooredeld Eye Hospital sat Golden Square Throat Hospital, Loa - don, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. $., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At liotel Bedford, Goderich, on tiro evening of third Monday of each month till the following day, Teasday, at 1 p.m. LEGAL jv, R1 F,ST u. LHE, Barrister and Solicitor 10 King street east, 'Toronto 2 Telephones Elgin 8414.8417, DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, ate. Once-Ramllton street, Goderfei Phone 27. j, R. DAIRROW, BARRISTER, ETC. as • Successor to J. L. Killoran, Phone 97. Office --The Square. (ioderl(4e. Maps & *tape Baxarxraas, Err. R,C.HAY`t•-R.O,HAYS ,a„ B.A. Hamilton St.. (iodericn INSURANCE, LOANS. E'Ttie. McKILLOP MUTUAL FTSE II(- SURANCE CO. -Farm and Ise• fated town property inmtred- CiMeers-Jaa, Connolly, Pres., God- erich P. 0.; Jas, Evans, Vice -Pres., Iteeehwood P. 0.; 1). F. McGregor, See,-Treas., fleafortb P. O. Directors -A, Rroadfoot, R. 13, No. 8, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Na 4, Walton; William Rlnn, R. R. No. 2, Neaforth ; John Rennewlea Rrod- hagen ; Oeo. McCartney, R. R. No. S, Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Rarlock; Murray Gibson, Brucefletd; James it vane, Beechwood; Jamas Connolle. Godertcb, Agents --J, W. Ten, GndeNcb; Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton: John Murray, Seaforth ; Y. Rlaehisy, Seaforth. Policy -holders can mak. all payments and (les their eaM* pt - ed at R. J. Merriak's (anthtng Shoes. CMatoa ; R. R. Cates Grocery, King - Eon street, (iederlch, or J. R. Ugh Oeneeat Stora Rarest&