HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-05-19, Page 6) D. HAINSCHWANG Denture Therapy tilinic COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE R.R. rPriceville indifiNg 369-3019 AFTER HOURS, PHONE 369-5821 BRAY CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE - 197 JOSEPHINE ST. W1NGHAM PHONE 357-1224 CHISHOLM . FUELS HEATING OILS SUNOCO 'DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW , Phone 529-7524 or 52,4-7681 BURNER SERVICE \ Products For Farm, Home and Industry , . All Ontario Financial Consultants Ltd. We special* in arranging and buying first and second mortgages. Any amount BOX 4, ARTHUR KITCHENER 1: 848-2510 743-536,1 amosi menftriumws••••;01ftivia".0•400.0...immomumiomomo° INCKN011if SENTINE1,,, kucKtiow,.014TAR:1Q:.. *A011 .1ix . ." HOME* LIFE. AUTO* COMMERCIAL CO-Operators Insuren0) .AseociatIone of Guelph AGENT JEAN WHITBY • LUCKNOW R. N. ANDREW `Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN. LUCKNOW Every Wednesday Afternoon , OFFICE IN McDONAGH INSURANCE OFFICE INSURANCE' FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE & INVESTMENTS To Protect Your jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 MacKENZIE MEMORIAL' CHAPEL A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or • at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 Day or Night Rep.: Wingham Memorials WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES ^ Rep.: MacKenzie Funeral Home Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357.1015 BRAD'S. PLUMBING AND HEATING Repairs and Industrial - Commercial • and Residential FltEE ESTIMATES 395-5771 WM. A. (Bud) HAMILTON AGENT 'FOR BP' OIL LTD. Gasoline Heating FueLs Burner Service and. Furnace Installations Trucks Radio Equipped For Better Service . Dial 528.3006 Res. 528-3616 Wholesale and Retail oloommommwornommanommni. CULBERT'S CUSTOM. CABINETS DEALAR FOR .CARDINAL LINE Choice. et 6 style's and' finiPhed Special, consideratlon to builders PHONE 395.5298 OR 3954516 • • • R W. BELL OPTOMETRIST — GODERICH The Square (Phone 524-7661) A. M. HARPER • , CHARTERED -ACCOUNTANT 55 - 57. South Street, Goderich Telephone 524-7562 MURRAY MOFFAT ElectriCal Contractor LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2913 OR 392-6061 * WM. R. NELSON CARPENTRY Area Representative For TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VANITIES. Free Estimates — No Obligation LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2949 INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. INCORPORATED IN 1910 Prevailing Interest Rates Retirement Savings Plan 'Your Representative ALEX MacNkir LUCKNOW • 528-2045 BRUCE COUNTY FARM REPORT FOUNDATION FOR TOWER SILOS A tilted structure such as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, may-be a terrific tourist attraction, but when. that structure is a tower silo on a farm, it is a definite liability to everyone concerned, and particu- larly the farmer. Fortunately, otall the tower silos built in Ontario, very few ilave given leaning problems. ' However, with the' increased number of larger *silos, this problem is starting to,occur in a few instances. The tower silo, as a struCture, concentrates a great deal of weight in a small area. If the silo is to remain stable, this weight must be properly distributed to the under- lying soil in such a way • that the load carrying ability of the soil is not exceeded. . . Soils vary greatly in their ability to 'Carry super-imposed loads, with soil bearing capacities ranging from- very weak at well under 2000 pounds per square foot to very, strong at well over 6000 pounds. When a silo is to be built, the first mattpr to be determined is the load Carrying capability of the soil, since this determines the typejand size of the foundation and parficularly the width of the footing. Because soil type and icondition can vary from farm to farm in most areas, it.is not Wise to use a standard width of footing unless some type of soil strength investigation has been ?arried out. It is not enpugh to look at the soil-at the surface. Rather it should be investigated for some depth below foeting level, If there are any • indications of poor or)il conditions this investigation should go down to at least a depth equal to the silo diameter. . Care should be , taken when placing two or more tower silos side by sid, ., Again, if the soil carrying capacity is low, silos should not be Placed closer to one another than one silo diameter. In this case', a horizontal conveyor can 'be Used to bring the material from each silo to a central location. One last point: farmers should never build their own, footings for tower silos. This should be the responsibility of the silo contractor. Sitibe a structure such as a silO is so dependent on the structural adequacy of its foundation, the contractor should be responsible for everythinifronri the footing up. Otherwise. if problems arise, IN .MEMORIAM. HAMILTON -- in loving memory of a dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle, Michael Hamilton, who pasSed away so suddenly 3 years ago May 19, 1973. - A loving brother, true and kind, No friend on earth like him we'll find For all of uS he did his best, And God gave him eternal rest, In our hearts his memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear brother, That we do not think of you. Also for a dear Grandma and Great Grandma, Mae Hamilton, who passed away May 7, 1975. The rolling stream of life goes on, But still the empty chair Reminds of t,he face, the smile, Of one who once sat there. Ever remembered by Marie and Gary, Jan and John, Paula, Larry, Dawn Marie and Brad. . buck-passing can take place with the farmer ending up on the short end of the deal. I3ELLMAN, Ag. Engineer. MINERALS ON PASTURE Providing mineral to cattle On pasture is good insurance , against mineral deficiencies. Trefoil pasture is extra low in phosphorous. "On the ARDA pasture farm we have provided a mixture of -400 lbs. Dicalcium Phosphate; 400 lbs.. Disodium Phosphate and 200 lbs. Hi-Boot WEDNEWAY!."MAY, 19t CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who remembered me :with cards, flew., ers, treats „and limits while I wa,s a patient in Kincardine general Ifospital and since I came borne. Your kindness will always be re- membered. Merle Rhody • wish to express sincere thanks .10 those who contributed .to the loiely gifts at the shower Wednes- ' day night. To those who were in- volved in. the planning I extend special appreciation. Brenda Morrison We hke to thank our - friends and neighbours for floral Aributes and sympathy cards at the time ,,of oUr recent bereave- ment. Irene and Jerry Dorsett . We wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness; beautiful floral tributes, donations, and messages of sympathy receiv- ed during the loss of a dear bus- band and father. A special thanks to Rev. Robert Armstrong, Drs. MeGregor, Hanlan, and Dr. Har- ton of London. Your kind deeds and thoughts will always be re- membered. Lela, Gary and Gloria Reed THANK YOU The Dungannon Agricultural Society, take this opportunity to thalik everyone who helped to make their dance such a great success. I wish to thank all who sent cards and remembrances while I was in University Hospital, London, - All was much apprec- iated. Pearl Bell COLLING — Allan and Marie Coil- ing would like to thank neigh- bours, friends and relatives for making our 25th anniversary a special evening, one we will al- ways remember: Thank you for the gifts and a Special thanks. to our families and anyone respons- ible for the evening I would, like to thank everyone who remembered me with cards, gifts and visits while a patient in Wingham and University Hos- pitals; also special thank you to all my doctors and nurses. Mrs. Chester (Verna) Nicholson A very special "Thank You" to all who attended, to the school children for making posters, and to everyone who helped in any way to make the Spring Tea, Flower and Craft Show, sponsored by the Lucknow and District Hort- icultural Society, such a success. Mrs. Ken Mowbray, convener 4 Mrs. Harvey Mole, president REID — We sincerely thank all our relatives and friends for their thoughtfulness of food, floivers, letters, cards of sympathy and, contributions to the heart fund, at the time or the sudden passing of our beloved son Ronald Reid of Stratford, brother of Donald Reid Of London. We. shall never forget all the nice things you did for us in our great sorrow. All was deep- 'ly appreciated. Jim', Freda and Don Reid salt This gives a ratio of one part *calcium to 2.2 parts phosphorous. M. R. BOLTON, Ag. gepresentative, Reid & Peterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS , Winghtun 3574522 J. A. PETERSON, C.A. PHONE S284016 . RALPH CAMF'BELL Gpneral Contracting Custtim built Hoines Additions Barns and Renovations, Steel and Asphalt Roofing R.R. 3 BLYTH, PHONE 523-9604 VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST CO. CARD OF THANK$ The fanally -of the late Orville Trenton Finlayson wish to thank the relatives, friends and. neigh- bours who sent cards, treats and visited him. Thanks for the ex- . pressions of sympathy, donations, floral tributes and food sent to our home. Our gratitude is eX- tended to Dr. Corrin, Dr. McKim and the nursing staff of 'Wingham Hospital. Also to Dr. Barton, Dr. Peters and the nurses of the For information on fourth floor of University Hospit- TR,'UST CERTIFICATES al, London. Special thanks to the INCOME AVERAGING pallbearers, flovverbearers, Lennan-McCreath Funeral Home, REGISTERED RETIREMENT Rev. Cecil Carnoehan and the SAVINGS PLAN U.C.W. for serving lunch after the funeral. Call Their Representative Verna Finlayson and daughters LLOYD (Hap) HALL Virene, Oral- and Marilyn We wish to express sincere ap- preciation to our friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sym- pathy received at the time of our -recent bereavement in the loss of our brother, William S: Reed. Thelma and Wilbur Brown