HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-05-19, Page 4SWIMMING POOL; -Deluxe, red- wood, above, ground pool, 16 x 24, 1 yr. old, rep9ssessed by bank, sacrifice, 14 price. Call Mr. Har- Vey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. ' PAINTING AND ROOFING done tY University student. Contact Russ Moncrief 395-2832. CAR FOR SALE - 1973 Pontiac Ventura 27,000 miles, 6. cylinder, automatic, 4 , door $2500. Phone' 528-6491. TABLE PAPER - white or col- oured designs for covering ban- quet or picnic tables, The Luck- now Sentinel, FOR SALE -- wringer-washer in ' good working order. Phone 528- 3833. FOR SALE - 22" gas range, pilot light in oven, 528-5702 'after six. Angus MacDonald. - • 7- THIRD PRINTING , NOW AVAILABLE Norman Robertson's History of Bruce Cpunty, first .published in woe, second printing in '1960. PRICE $7.00 Add $1 'for shipping and handling We also have available the seq u el of this book, The History of The County of Bruce 1907-r 1968 written by Norman McLeod - same price. • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ,FoR SALE - 1969 Chev Impala Custom, '.2 door, V8, automatic, • radio -and rear defogger, power steering and brakes, with damag- ed left door and front door. Priced cheap. Phone 395-2852. (11 COURT WHIST AND EUCHRE Tallies available at The Luck- now Sentinel: ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, win- dovvs, doors. For free estimate call 'Roy Emberlin, your local dealer. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Most makes in stock at The Lucknow' Sentinel, phone 528-2822. BROPHY TAXI • WINGHAM- All Passengers Fully. Insured • 24 Hr. Service PHONE 357-1234 • HAND "SAWS and 'saw' blades, machine sharpened. Phone Roy Schnelier, 357-1291. THE LUCKNOW BONTINIEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • • :4..•••••:•••••44,•••••4'..••••.44.4- ;;.,*,14:4...i:f*:ilf.,:;;:::::A::;:::p44:•.i:g4;14i4:*;:;;;:;;;41404,4•:::::,:'44*.:•:•*;',..4,.V.',4',..1'.' • "'''• " ••••••V`'` • FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE. MING EVENTS • 4 FOR SALE - Tower King Press- ed Stave Silos with cement plas ter lining. Area representative Francis Boyle, R.R. 3 Ripley, , phone 395-5088. LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS AMBERLEY, PHONE . 395.5286 • Complete, line 'of equipment for grain handling, processing and storage; plus manure •handling and stabling for beef, dairy and hog set-ups. - , AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley 'Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater • Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types , Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 HELLO BADGES - for meetings, parties, etc.; stick to clothing for simple application, 'The :Lucknow Sentinel. ' STEWART CORN Due to the late season, try some of our high yielding early Hybrids, such as 2501, an outstanding' 78 day variety; also many other • early varieties to choose from. John W. Scott Phone 395.2796 PICTURE FRAMING - choose from 500 samples, also an array of coloured matting._ Snyder Studio, Wingham, phone 3574851. GESTETNER STENCILS - paper, ink; duplicating paper and masters all in stock at The Luck now Sentinel, phone 528-2822. REYNOLDS REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes and models, ,call .3574085 Wingham. EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand and gravel. Phone • Robert Symms, Lricknow 528-3047; CUSTOM BUTCHERING Hogs and cattle, Mondays Cattle only on Fridays Ripley Abattoir Phone 395-2905 or 395-2979 BERG .'STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing' Crates, Water Bowls, Cow 'Stalls and Hog Paneling. Contact Lloyd. Johnston, R.R. 3 Ilolyrood, phone 395-5390. ADMISSION TICKETS - In rolls of 1000 and 2000, singles, doubles, all in stock at The Lucknow Sent inel, 528-2822. LEADING POOL MANUFACTUR- ER has 1975 above ground Red- wood type pools available. Willing to sacrifice at 1/2 price. Call collect anytime, 1-416-6674302. WINTARIO Ontario Lottery Tickets $1.00 Each On Sale At LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR SALE - mixed grain de- livered or at barn. Phone Keith Carter 395-2852. PREFRAMED HOMES AND COTTAGES Delivered to your lot. Save on high labour costs by erecting and finishing yourself, using our ad- visory service. Use your blue- prints or our designs, custom drawn to your requirements. For more information phone 395-5454. W. Clarke Ferguson Ltd. Building Contractor Point Clark. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - is for sale in Lucknow at Mint- gomerfs SUnoco, UmbaCh's Phar- macy, H. and B. Discount, Luck- now Service Centre and SePOY FOR SALE - 2' reconditioned 23". consolette. TV's. Greer TV' and El- ectric, phone 528-3112. • FILING CABINETS • 2 drawer and 4 drawer letter size In stock 'for immediate delivery THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL SWIMMING POOL,- less than 1 yr. old. Fanta- Sea, above ground redwood - 16 x 24, cost $4500. Must sell immediately, will sac- rifice, savings of $2,000. Call 416- 625-8817, days or evenings, collect. DEMOLISHING - building •at Vanastra. Material for sale at the site 'or phone Lloyd Johnston 395- 5390. FOR SALE - Holstein springers and open •heifers. Mose Sheller, R.R. 1 Dungannon.' FOR. SALE • -- electric fencers, 110 volt, any strength, guaranteed 5 year money back; repair to all -makes. Alvin Beuerman, R. 1 Dublin, phone 345-2306. FOR SALE - good used clothing at Teeswater Extoggery, Thurs- days, Fridays and ' Saturdays, 2 - 5 p.m. FOR SALE - 1969 Chrysler 300, • two door hardtop, fully equipped. Call 357-3296 after . 6. FOR SALE 71- Allis Chalmers 700 series, 6 row corn planter, Al. condition,, like new, 30" 'narrow rows. Clifford Livingston, phone 529-7488. ASKES' BROS. CONSTRUCTION. Homes, Cottages, Farm Build ings, 'General Carpentry; interior arid exterior. Phone 528-2726, Lucknow, Ontario. SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE Leading manufacturer and dis- tributor has above ground alum- inum pools left over from ..1975' season, 1 price, guaranteed in- stallation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect, Mississauga 416- 625-8819 days or evenings. CROP SPRAY AND . SPRAYERS A complete stock of crop spray such as atrazine, sutan, lasso, furadan, 24D, M.C.P.A. and round up at very competitive prices. Cal- sa weed sprayers for sale or rent. ATRAZINE 80W-$2.40 BLADEX AT. $3.40 Discounts for large cpiantities limited time JIM ARMSTRONG 1 mile east of Wingham on Highway 86. Phone 357-1651 FOR SALE for aches or pains or just relaxation replace your regular bath tub with Jacuzzi Whirlpool baths in '5, 51/2 or 6 foot lengths. Available in White or to match most bathroom colours. Pollock Electric, Ripley, 395-2982. FOR SALE - boy's 3 piece blue houndstooth suit, size 6x.. Like new. Mrs. W. M. Farrish 395-5058. LEADING SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER must dispose of brand new 1975 aboveground aluminum pools, made to sell for $1890. Willing to close-out for $1188. Full warranties in effect. Call collect anytime, 1416-6674302. SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE - moving, will sell you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3,000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, call 416-025 2719, days or evenings collect FOR SALE Glendale cabin trailer, 17' feet long, in good con, dition. Reasonably, priced. Phone" 529-7796 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE --.20 bags, seed grain, Garry oats, barley and wheat, cleaned and treated; Fred Craw- ford, phone 529-7134. FOR SALE - bred gilts, John Shepherd,' R.R. 5 Lucknow, phone 395-2864. FOR SALE - 1975 Mercury like new, zeibarted, Good Year steel belted. radials, rear window .de- froster, snow tires, radio, vinyl upholstering. Will Be sold this week. Phone 395-5909. FOR SALE - quarter horse, ex- cellent in rodeos. Albert Bongert- man, , R.R. 3 Teeswater, phone 392-6613. FOR SALE. - mobile home, Med- room, 10' x 55' partly furnished. Phone 529-7937. FOR SALE 4 wheel drive load- er with GM diesel and 2 cu. yd. bucket; Massey Ferguson tractor- loader - backhoe; 1965 Chev dump truck; tandem axle float. Will sell together • or separately. Phone 395-5240. HOUSE FOR SALE - in White- churth, 4 bedroom; also adjoining lot. Contact Lloyd Whytock 357- 3470 or 528-3433. FOR SALE - Rainbow trout for stocking ponds, • etc., all sizes available, phone Blue Spring Trout Farm, 364-1065. Please tele- pholie first. FOR SALE Trojan seed corn still available; Allan !Miller, Lang- side, phone 528-2299, FOR' SALE - wide variety 'of good bedding planta,both flowers and Vegetables at Wingham Mar- ket Gardens, 1 mile west of Wing- ham on Highway 86 at the. gravel . pit. . CHAROLAIS The beef breed that, has been proven to be superior. You should also have the ad- vantages of Charolais in your herd by using a' purebred bull from HOLYROOD. CHAROLAIS FARMS! R.R. 1 Holyrood (519) 392-6069 One 2 year old and ode year old for sale at reasonable prices. The beef market is improving. NOW is the time to drop in and talk Charolais. Remember! your bull is half your herd. CUSTOM HAY SWATHING ,CONDITIONING, BALING GRAIN SWATHING, COMBINING CORN COMBINING AND DRYING FACILITIES' CAMPBELL. FARMS 395.556 FOR SALE - No. 46 International baler and International side rake. Phone Earl Harris 395-5346. BRICK AND STONE CONSTRUCTION WORK New or Repair Helmut .Reititnecht Phone 528-5801' WINTARIO pntario Lottery Tickets $1.00 Each On Sale At LUCKNOW SENTINEL GETTING MARRIED ONLY'HOME WEEK-ENDS Call The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822 and 'reserve the Wedding • Stationery Order Books for Home Viewing on the Week-end. Viewing in the home on any week night may also be arranged or the books may be seen at the office daily, Monday to Saturday noon. FOR SALE - barbed wire posts and farm fencing now in stock at Ron Meehan , Home Hardware, phone 528-3008. FO ALE -"1- 300 gal. Champ- ion bulk' milk cooler. Bernard Campbell, phone 529-7619. BEEF , By the . Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to youy specifications BUTTON'S •MEAT •MARKET LUCKNOW Phone 528-3009 Res. 528-2119 You'll never feel better in your life. 4...Formono ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of Lochalsh Cemetery will be held on Friday, June 4th at 8 p.m. at the home of -Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. Share- holders and anyone interested please attend this meeting. Ewan MacLean,. Chairman Mrs. Edna McDonald, Sec-treas.. 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Warren and 'Mar- ian Zinn wish to invite friends, neighbours, and relatives to a dance (Boyd's OrcheStra), in hon- our of , their 25th anniversary on Saturday, June 12th, from 8:30 - 1, at Brookside Public School. Best wishes only. GARDEN PARTY Trinity U.C.W. Garden Party will' be held the Church base- 'dent on Tuesday, June lst,, from 5 p.m. toll p.m. (1 block west of Belfast): Adults $3:25, children 10 and under $1.25; Pre-schoolers free. Tickets may 'be obtained froth U.C.W members. Take out dinners will be available. - RIPLEY AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB BINGO Wednesday,, May 19th at 8' p.m. in the Huron Township Hall, Ripley. One early bird game. 12 regular games. One share-the- wealth. One $20. special. Jackpot of $350 on 55 calls. HOCKEY DANCE ' The Holyrood Butchers Hockel Club will sponsor a Dance on Sat- urday, May 29th at Holyrood Flat Tiffin's Orchestra. Tickets $4.00 couple. Proceeds for the hockey club. Lunch provided. AGRICULTURAL MEETING The Lucknow Agricultural Soc- iety will hold their regular meet- ing Tuesday, May 25th. at 8:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. Craft Fest- val posters will be judged at this meeting. FIREWORKS DISPLAY West Huron Junior Farmers are holding a Fireworks Display, on' SUNDAY, MAY 23rd AT 9 P.M. ' at' Brookside Public School Admission $5.00 per .car. Pro- ceeds to ,buy recreation. equip- ment. Everyone welcome. • A NIGHT'S. ENTERTAINMENT ,FOR A ' BUCK Save Saturday, .June 12th for the Lucknow` and District Lions' VARIETY 'CONCERT LUcknow Arena 'Tickets available from Lion's Club members or, at the door • SPECIAL BINGO 1lowick Lions' Special Bingo, aid of the Adult Retarded Work- shop in 'Wingham, will be held on. Friday, May 21st, at 8:30 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall: ,Ad- mission $1.00. n games for $10.001 2' share the wealth; one $25.00 special; jackpot of $100 must go.. Howiek 'Lions' Club' will donate $100 plus the profit from this Bingo to 'the Workshop. Please send your patronage for -such a Worthy cause, RECEPTION Friends and neighbours are in vited by. Keith and Isabelle Carter and Glenn and Ina Farrell to a Re- ception in the Ripley High School on Saturday, May 22 at 9 p.m• in honour of the marriage of Susan and Grant. FOR SALE - quantity of feed grain. Doug Drennan, R.R. 3 Goderich, phone 529-7425, Paimanatrion ' Fitness. In your heart Yon know it's right. SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Pot of Gold' game Winner take all. 14 reg- ular games $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jackpot game for $115 on 59 calls or $25 consolation prize. _