HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-05-19, Page 2WEDNESDAY. MAY 19, 1976 Second Class Mail Registration 1\lumber 0847 Established 187$ — Published Wednesday Mfirnber of the C,C.N.A. and O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $13,00 a year in advance . $2 extra Co 4nci Foreign Donald C. Thompson, Publisher f4).•,444,••••t•if•••••••••••••”••••••••••4 Proposal Of Erosion Study Presented To LakeshoreMunicipardies, Ashfield Included in Presentation By Authority • The LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1141c0iow, ONTARIO, Sepoy Town" On the. Huron-Bruce Boundary • •' • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••it••••••••••••***.% THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES LOOKING BACKWARDS St. Clair shoreline in Essex County, 135 Miles of Lake Superior shore- line at Thunder Bay and 20 Miles along Georgian Bay at Olken Sound. The consultant estimated that the Goderich-area study, would take six to eight months. ''Mr. Deslauriers said the author- ity wants the Lake Huron study to consider all aspects of lakeshore and 'gully erosion. and suggest future planning' for erosion-prone areas. Armed with such a wide-ranging: report, he said; the authoiity Would be better equipped to- comment- on subdivision proposals and advise developers abOut measures that would be required to, halt or slow erosion. At present,, he said, the authority , "is groping in the'dark," looking for information\ on erosion prob- lemS, a situation which results in extensive delays for the authority, of several feet of their municipplit- municipalities and developers. „ ies to Lake Huron. The •proposed study would ex- Councillor Dave Gower of Goder- tend from the shoreline and up ich, chairman of the , authority's gullies to the starting points of water management committee,, erosion or to Highway 21; which- said the erosion study would help ever. is the greatest distance' from municipalities deal with residents' the lake, he said. . complaints about the loss of, their He and Mr. Lorant saidithe new property. . study would be of greater help than "Our lakeshore is being eroded a federal ' government study of 'by several feet every year," he Great Lakes shorelines nearing said:. "We, are all getting calls completion. That study, they said, 'is "too generalized" to, be of help in , planning for future development along ° the lake within each mithicip- Kindergarten Registration PARENTS DESIRING TO HAVE A CHILD ATTEND KINDERGARTEN AT RIPLEY HURON CENTRAL SCHOOL DURING THE 1976 - 77 SCHOOL TERM ARE REQUESTED TO . REGISTER WITH MRS. BETTY` ELLIOTT AT RIPLEY HURON CENTRAL SCHOOL • FRIDAY, MAY 28th From 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Proof that the child will be five years of age before December 31st, 19760 11S required and if possible the child should accompany' parent at time of registration. A proposed erosion study for 20 miles of Lake Huron shoreline at Goderich was outlined' 'to repres- entatives Of four municipalities in Wroxeter last week. Ian Deslauriers; resource man- ager for the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, and Ivan Lorant, an engineer with M. M. Dillon Consultants Ltd. of Toronto, explained the proposed study to representatives of Goderich and the townships of Ashfield, borne and Goderich. • Cost of the proposed study to each of the municipalities will be froth $4,000 'to $6,000. The province will pay 80 per cent of the estimated $60,000 to $100,000 cost of the Study. Mr. DeslaurierS said detailed ..osts have yet to be determined. The authority is attempting to the idea of the study to' the municipal repreientatives" to help them cope with 'the loss each year from our ratepayers asking us what we are doing. about it." . Mr. LOrant told the officials his firm has conducted similar studies ' )n 103 miles, of Lake Erie and, Lake MAY 1966. Hurnn.County Area No. 2 let the b new '. .school school contract for $44e built9,779f or oh t h e concession Ashfield Township. Four tenders were received on the 12 room school. The lowest tender of Maaten Construction Co. Ltd. of Sarnia was accepted. Mrs. Albert E. Ivfillson, a former Lucknow resident, passed away at Milton in her 97th year. George Kennedy of West Wawa- nosh was elected president of a newly formed organization, the Perth, Huron and Bruce Polled Hereford Club. A Lucknow resident was one of many in a wide area who spotted a meteor in the sky. The sighting Was about '8 p.m., still daylight, and it was going in a northerly direction. It was low in the sky and was trailing smoke, sparks and fire when noticed. 30 YEARS AGO MAY 1946 Upwards to , 35 war veterans signified their interest in new homes in Lucknow and council forwarded a, petition to Wartime Housing Limited. The farm home of Kenneth MacLeod, on the 4th of Huron, burned to the ground. A gathering of friends, accom- panied by the bagpipes played by. Leos Make Plans For *Future Events The Lucknow and District Leo Club had a meeting on Wednesday, May 12th 'at 7.30 p..m. in the town hall. After the call to order, roll call and secretary's report, a decision for the colour of jackets was .reach, ed. Anyone willing to have an ex- change youth student in their home this summer, please .contact Betty McDonagh for details. s, Plans for Junior Olynipics. Day -were again discussed., It. has been decided that a special program for local children 7 to 12 years old will Precede the program originally planned. Further details will be, available, after future meetings. The Meeting was interrupted for a very.brief executive meeting and Karen Campbell explained about the Wintario Grant the club will apply for. The 'meeting adjourned and .a short game was played. Due to the Lucknow Band trip, the next meeting will be on Wednesday, May <19th at 7.30 sharp at the town hall. Committee heads are urged to submit budgets to Ron Johnson as soon as possible. From the last meeting: It was voted that the present executive would remain in office for another Year. They are: president, Paul Ackert; vice president, Mea Peter- son; secretary, Susan Brooks; treasurer, Ron Johnson; directors, Karen Campbell, Rick 'Conley, Kevin Cowan. You never rise in the world by sticking tight where you are. 1f you can't be great you can be roliable,--which is' greater. D. A. MacLennan of Lochalsh, greeted Mrs. HarYey 'H&.11 as she arrived at the train station here. • `Mrs. Hall, the former Sheila Munro, .was a "war bride" from' Aberdeen, Scotland. Lucknow Baseball Club, reorgan- ized with the following officers: president, Wesley , Huston; vice president, P. W. Hoag; secretary- treasurer, W. G. Webster; manag- ing committee, W. C. FinlaysOn, <Ken Cameron, Art Andrew, Hugh Claming and Gordon Fisher. Charles Healey sold his shoe repair business to Elmer MacKay of Ripley. 50 YEARS 'AGO MAY 1.926 Rev. Father Dean, parish priest at. Kings,bridge for seven years, was' transferred to Port Lampton. Lucknoyv Brass Band was' reor- ganized: president W. F. Thomp- son; vice president, J. Lovell Murdoch; secretary Gordon John- ston. Lucknow's -population was 1035, a gain' of 132 over the 1921 census. LucknoWs Baseball Club was organized: honorary president, Robert Johnston; honorary vice president, Geo. T.' Aitchison;' president, R. H. Thompson; vice president, N. D. MacKenzie; secretary-treasurer, W. S. Reid; grounds committee, Jack MacDon- ald, D. Gall, Well. McCoy; manager,. D. M. Johnstone; mascot Charles Webster. Kinloss Township Council Minutes Kinloss Council met on May 10th ' at 7.30 p.m.,' the reeve and all cotincil present. After"" previous , minutes were adopted, lite following bUsiness was' dealt with: A second septic tank,bed ' was approved on lot 5, 3RS o Durham Road. Land ,severances were approved by council on tot 2S, concession 7; part 'of lot 10, concession 11, and lots' 11 and 12,. 2RN of Durham Road. A petition was accepted froth Lorne Eadie and others for a municipal drain through lots 5, -6 and 7, concession 7 and the clerk , was instructed to contact H. 'M. Gibson Ltd. to prepare a plan and report. Application was made to the . Ministry of , Transportation and Communications for supplement- ary monies for a repair on 'the pipe arch structures at lot 11, concession 6, in the amount of $2000.00 subsidy payable. The' tender form• was approved . by, council as submitted-for the pipe arch structures, at lot 11, Concession 4, subject to additional protection at 'the entrance and exit, also consideration be given to metal piling• at the entrance. A danatiOn of $50.00 was Oven to' the Family. Care 'Woikers Inc. of Ontario. Tenders will be called for a new 1/2ton truck, Tenders. to be in to road sunerintendent by June 7th at 5 p.m. The following accounts were ordered paid: General, $5,114.46; Drains, , $1,600.00; Highways, $5,585.45. , The meeting was adjourned until June' 7th at 7.30 or at the call of the reeve.. FRASER MacltINNON, Clerk. • WITH MARGARET THOMPSON.• 0.10.*********104•44*********4#•••••••••••••••414,,t 10 YEARS AGO 1976 FORD HALF TON PICKUP, V8 automatic' 1975 PONTIAC BROUGHAM, 4 door sedan 1975 PONTIAC, La MANS, 4 door '1975 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door . 2-1975 PONTIAC VENTURAS, 4 doors 1975 DODGE CORONET, 4. door, al!. conditioned 2-1974 DODGE MONACOS, 2 door hardtops with air conditioning 1974 DODGE, 4 door 1974 CHEV SPORTS VAN,V8, fully equipped', 28,000 miles 1974 PONTIAC ASTRA 1974 DODGE DART, 2 door hardtop 1974 PLYMOUTH SCAMP, 2 door hardtop 1973 BUICK LaSABRE, 2. door hardtop' 1973 CHEICBELAIR 4 door sedans CAR SALES LTD. • BLYT.H. PHONE 5.23-4342 THE IUCKNOW SENTINEL, LLICKNQW, ONTARIO .r