The Signal, 1928-04-05, Page 4•
4-'rturaday, Spell
Your Easter Suit and Top Coat
You get the s.lteti.+t. at tl..-, u,.r.t. -,
Clothingwt. Have ever shown. •I!, a •t 1 '-flee{.
are very appealing and exelu-it•
AND - . '
They tut. ' tailoreti nt.eorditet to .I ..-tient inns
which ensure the perft't't fittiii -gine. - m11.444
features Baud -tailored.
Suit or Top Coat $22.50 to $35 00
Prince Clothing for Boys and Youths
Clothing el the ' \I :21.•
and donlhle bred -ted •'out's. t ti .
Prices $11.00 to $16.50
Your Easter Hat •--Choou a Brock.--Priied-
ortiEns .1T 63.161 :1 N 1) Il5.t.(1 •
Phone c7
l'li '-t,)r.• \With t: .1.
Men's and Boys' Wear
the Luke Shorn read, tomorrow mote -1 around a pre':
bug. There is Intuit sympathy for Ike', had supper
family In their double afrlletlou. limed by
Fall ; wheelt seemet to have come names and .
�lff plht the whtter•in -44)•4.1 .v11143tlou. tt. 'r preset
Thu best lteld seam ' along the road singing of e
.r m-t►trahl. -be the lintisou Will Fulton and
1 •pito'$. farm. . Ihu invitee!.
I:...''r-.4f'rhe Shunt( are enjoying latest book
•!„• nt•:oti of-01.1•age-pensions that tine." to ler,
144 11 .:•'fry ,•a 4a It et.:nuu4+ 'ten 111111uu.•ra',ll,
few •w'teksf We intuit have a' w.'a-ehoas
ut awe rule dorm provlslou for milieu, Arej,
44'.1 pit411bt4• of ttu• Pn.vluee. t• arm- :U teetering ,
are-hreadwIImke1 people and will Peet the 13•
,.,, he 101444o1'Isylun. arch bena'tleleut ' spike very
_i•t Itlom. ' ;.441011,4 411.44
.ted tli pr.trl,
AUUUItNiut•er' thanl.
fp1t14Ks of Il
.liter the ale
rt ti tt 1 g t luxe by all
•'brothels .'ter. t Ing "Auld L.
• 'L'ha' t' G.L;1'. of the !'rt+ebyterlaD
-1t lot n\. -1prh .2._.
- miss
1f• Thumb l l Its th al
int was the pert of
1 wtxk•ead
,1:tin•lt 11.'.1 its monthly tweeting In the . -
. it peg(' Hail on maturity last.
(IF \1'KI1. 9 '44! 1t
Mouduy 4444.4 '1'ues.luy
S11) t'N,11'1.1N -
presents ti riot -of hilarity eoneerrtleit
n pussyfoot tax•(. 11.1 pursue+the miss
l .11tl.U�V
Mrs: Is -are of Myth. is visiting'
Mr. J. Wilson. ef.Loudon, and Mr. ST. IIELE
lr \1' treater e:t!led on relatives here lnarulu recei
:art work. c. nth of her
4411 Easter Sunday evrulug divine• Klee. of Regie •ask., which occurred Australia 27,000,
serti+•e• wile. le held in the Baptist' at Victoria, while be our pa a There high tlKureahave *o impress
.•hunt under the hit.pit4s of the fres- visit with fr.. 's. Mrs. 1)urutu bas ted Arnaldo Mussolini, th, Duce's
l.ytert:yu, toigr.•gatl.pi. Rev. T. W. , the sytuputl : -t her many friend* brother. that he has made the sugges-
tion In the Popolo d'Italta that 1tal-
r:uodwill %Lt.! conduct the service,' Here• ban expatriates should be duly reprr
smite, urate hl• the choir. Every'- Mr. McKee • W•`oboe left tie eis father. Mr. rented In 0444' nt the a duly re r'f
oek� we:.•.•me. service at 7.311 p.m. for Loudon t,
Mr, lt. Leidy intends to move Ills W. C. Webb, .t..', was Is• undergoing au IParliament,
r` cement, possib Arnaldo t the
Mussolini Senate
fawi,ly id;o the hoe+.• Lwluug;ug W the ots•raster for
Mole estate_ Master 't r 11'11' Penton, who has here g:uts4, Italy will show to the, marl' mil
'"•• ,ail i. --Mrs. John t , at 1):n4' at present. was whir to r r.dtgeu invar-''ilandar. esatwtrteo that site t+Tt+a-s-k In
! � est in their w Hare, and that she will
:111- very _ l award '.hos' 'who-, .•1 a...1 Nit- 41'UIlaut (Lay .b„r. w h,• >, a. •.f Mlss '1�fliFty • r:.
-c. ,.1. tits Tu.. -•!ay to attend her _tole i,t ,,;• ,.. ,s,',-:. the home or •• dau5hter, )Ira• A. trace, r•matn faithful to .' 1410
country• A P'w seats in the scmah•,
tti -_ H:-+-.-a+•a.It i.:t...tilr. Mr. (:orient Ilut;hes• he says, shmtldh',rewerw.d.tur_ hate
,,,,,a„,1,1 !. 4 lr,i all round tela • Tay!, . . ; •1,,. ; ,re at 1.resent. Mr. anti Il Itirttuue 1i.tlttllliu fess the of their 1,.4Ulltel auatt-
"r 1'. it. \\',.••••i.. V. Cuuuiva;• ---- were hoputr,l their urighlK,rs .un aD"4'
t i '1ua•sduy .even Whet; they withered flus, according to tower merit.
,_,t_ Yow444 ('OI)FKi('11 �'OR'NS!!II „ .1 census of their activitt'a is n4'.
1.1 Y w1.K, of the /lutarrI ■ ` to stK,nd an c ng 11th them ►.fete a+esary and will b• fakeer in order to
Ara, l ,liege. •u,d two girl they left for new house in talc discover haw touch ItWS owes to
rust stx•u tin; l;a-ter holidays T1$4 tate .lglamt %%**,al.. -.\fu's a pito' tie1.1, where 11 \loth l% has iiiniglif them. ltoprr4 utattvus m[ UAliau
, T ecce r.:' m•,::at.. there a rang, An : Y ss +{us n ai air.
if.'.:tbtl-Ile _ 40,1,-JI_.lfnlllg 1-1t,.' My -na -matte f tenant. -J' l„ieraan * , gr, and ]1,�. Id.'- . emigrants In the Senate wolTd be in
-- I' 113nh L4ipet 111- huuu• u't!a 4441 eeu 44411lu tt:eiY ••nu•,t with nt,, recd a Position to deh•n•I the int.r..sty-01
E;Of)F,RICII TOWNSHIP t.•wnKlti Mr. their fellow countrymen by calling
,, s1„ R chair, and '.rorty. After the the attention of the authuritb•., in ,.
a pioneer• Of this town• pr.><,•utatiuu, t wee.• -u ental cr of public wale, to alt aft' tn.L+ that, are
,:hty--r-owl ;ear. The so -rhes. and .r and da[klug were turd.• w . stale /tames of their
w4e horn and tai -tel on the en eyed, a Inc ons s, rtvrl, and n
j nationai)ty.
h• re he 4N••l. .and es e+•pt f.or very plenatnt ill • time *pent.
• n.,! t. in 4.•••
fin Good Fr` ,y' eveuoug a service
, Ayre( ] Maple syrel 4'e- ,i ,)1 , l:. ire life {t t• eis•:.t three• will-- its• held :: 4741 In church, Met -
::y decorated table and
_colter. This was full WATCHING ITALIANS AltltOAD.
,, ti tented on ',Bible
•1wr on the names of l'rofw.nal'Beet Maul Abroad Mal Ilave
-,'me. choice reeding*. • Reprewculatlun In Parlbw.ent.
es. spier by 11r. Joe. According to recent stetletics tlta
.I steed**. preceded number of ltalbuis `living outside
of H. E. Fosdlck's their native country U 9.1.10:9911•
i Pilgrimage to Pules- ' Experts, however, affirm that the age
l Mrs. Within. Urs, ure la not a correct one, as the rest
,cry Ottinglc ht' a few turns sent from consular offices are
is, after which Mr. incomplete, and gift- the numlfer of
expressed Ills regret bathos abroad at about 10,000,000•
• ..'.•tions with hi* 'lass About ,two-thirds Of ltaliwn Imnll-
:tl. sehcwd. Ile also grants live in North. south and Cell-
ugly of the kind r•- trod . America, the United States ab-
=tett between himself- sorbing 'the- largest dumber
rt c, and extended 1111 bans --over 5.000,000. The Italians
..r their kind thought- are proud of the fact that New York
Mllliau and himself. la "the most populous ltalirh city to
,.f another olortls the the world," for more Italians are to
wa+ brought ton be found there than at Naples, home
itg u circle anti sing- 441 Milan:
Syne." The Argentine, coin-ta nest- with
1,600.000' and 11 followed t,' Brasil
with 000.000, Canada with 150.000.
. IIELENS Aosta Rica with 87.000, Chile with
21,500, and Mesio with 7,040. In
Europe there are 1,267,341 Italian
�. .tp)rtt lot+ fowl's-enitarrants, more -than heel--04--whWU -
r.the sold uews•uf the are settled In France. In Africa
thee, air. Julie
Web- there are 190,00u Italians. and to
T_- .r hi- in -W" .. tat /ILL. few weeks. Mons of her sons s!road in foreign
cit tcr-
. t „ 1p h 1 i We are sunt , report the Dimas o.
1•t. - --ac 7 fid.* S _4; y171.r".+IS a 3.�drw , M Nr t i• -.• r►lth.;uteula.M I* a well In splto p1 ih• dta=
Easter Millinery
Flower -trimmed f fats
Srnurt tailored Hats
and Hats for the
Ideal Patterns, 25 cents _
1We have a few Dress Lengths in Rayon Silk. No two alike,.
North side of Square ' t ltvterich
l'he modern finish at one Opetation for floors, furni-
, furniture and / woodwork look like
Dries Quickly It Wears
pia t s. --
Sherwin Williams winner: Let us
ture and w
\1,ikes 01,1 Hoots
4preads I'Iasy
pts• . 5c• r i
it's another
bug link Into his loathe jungle .ltattnfr.
Don't MINI
-7. "THE MISSING I.1\� ,1
Mermaid Comedy
1\'c lac fitly nod 'rl ora! y
K.11 MON11 l:Kl l'FIT tl
tLe high lei.! ronkd)' kit.. v., you a
;:ulgh 'f"r every tick of the cltt'k.`:cx
artery, gtris--nn,t melee cak•re An+l
----' 440' -4-me ..f sour life 4nda
"TUNE TO 1.111 t."
011r-, e • , •.• •'y
"SOME s('F:\T"
Friday •.tet S...:1,.:.1
.IInIN 7;11211ERT
11r; lE JAKE 1\ll 11 110: 11: 1 1.1
triumph. NIw11 a turn's whole aft be
ruined be ane rash ':t''t ' See
Fox 4'outedy
"•IIEK IfL1. E IIl.1cK EWES"
J lot
I4'11 •Tt)\\'\1111', "At) -11 4.
i";ay srho..i ..i 1'niutl church
it . •- p:ut 4 „ hal ut tet
I“)-11.11 rd 1' r_un 4 t
%►,fine Seturdny-nt 9 p.m.
New Furniture
We _ can su • • I y the
finest urniture at e
est -cost
Don't buy any new
Furniture, Baby Carriages,
Strotlersetc., until] you get
our prices...
Furniture Exchange
show v`OU.
Gillette Blades, 40c.
Phone 501
1'\I\1' 111 \I•'2t•'\1:'1'l 1. -
East Side Square
TI ur sh 1. 4z Itr•tr t. I rvtt
:,, , .1 4''..N, intuit,* o: the form 11. Whitfield ,• _he•n,talk 411.1 shoe XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXzntXXX
r+ -d w,,,4 the 1• .4141 g W
ri ,
11N nl 11444 1 , it iir.tr4te -err
1 pec !t. •t and fees s: rite tantera x
771-nie xlx' 4' I ter sit t te'tr•-w:TR :. le rf -_ - -
. t f Suptllr.'111 the a 4'r 1�.(1 let. r X
,;•y,enlod. ,• ....1.1A= ChUrh feet:�narn,,1 n• Amin. lea.,mla Rant• . • SCHOl)1. REPORT
}� V our aster ��Outfit
c at 7S-• :••v. lie C. ( p,,. •,lei. why. 1,-..
It, h
S 777 7 ormru !tl+.
S. N• •. t'41LItt)ItXF:
uq heli 1, • , httreh on t nr •qtr Irl+ - � tem(' t ggur n1taNlt: ` .tits rttwtrt of Ilan ,sem'
\;•rtl • . :: p to }• ,,,') ,,. \tl' 't.. t!-.•Itonie4teml. lot, s.-1..4.11 for u,elths 4.1 Ft'Lrutir•y
- ' itTtd "Meet -Meet ! rt ll+r'Ikay�t tar•" ..hilt,;
IiEI 1.',1'1l' tµ_..F+,.»wwu t..w't.::, tt; .olio eleven i I lltu • t..
lire. 11.i.--sex-ai*4-tic+-R--J-- •
tempi• 'ren 'rt... (littoral took
'--- t+ ate Iw.Lh•tn•.•,ouCon-
• li t.ry sit4- ,rue 1: -=,d day. -11111 1, the r _ .. ,.. 4nmald . `t. l+er Y
111. -- henr)'s istr t,,- Mr. uud dtr•tetl by iter: It. ra• Galr, /aren't -of � lit l s Hpnu. ,, Franz . tie - t•ent1i D: •
,•rs..u. of St. lie a ...'n Sun 4;nnt 1 , r,•,I chnrcb, t'ester's 111:1. .r 111 1 - Fulton' 3(1 Leer et'*l
1-11 It end tri ate nuielrr - -w. the flat ,-tt 1 x
t\lit I. •e •u. Iielfust. terrltC4.t aa+ m, •e rn 29,
a' servi.•e was �
hi tr' 1', a: a fere, sir 1:. 41
gruphy, arhh ,'.c, lkerature. grew -
1' \ �?. 11 F11 • _ M' ,:uul lir+ 441ar • r t " 1, w• rhe tw irl= eon-
mar stud went • lion:
Tito pain-. ire r. were. 1te4.r:. X.X
Sr. 11 -ore,;.• .4 l.luklater 73 per •-
'1. .Ilei gra lt.•y Irate. '•' Wing. -T4eWariha toter McClure, George wt=, ,h' ,, ..n as, t`rstldle .lt 44-r
.„ ret t e wee . •• -,1-1;i4.r1e I'al•..eIS•r -iu-o.s •reddie Jcwe:i
4._._ -t'a+4.ytrell, mf Dungan/lot,. web !eery, where the burial Jr• i• ..e i arrinh--g,w+L X
r- rhe n -xeric -with Mr. and Wu., c*.tolu to.l 1.'4 1.0.1. N.•, 11'•. The yr: 1VSiter ChlaboLn-extelleat'
�y rt ll, Las returned Bowe. foulest w'a. iimely 4 n'h*4 1ri'md.' 1'larry t:h1ibl lw--excellent•
lir. tilts Melemagh and his Imo-- heli _ ter.•.••nt from 1 ndou, 1tt1Ael.� � e, Won h,a.,I 10 all
r.o lj, tlYletl: t, l all
1 . .1lrx• ydclh,na>; .. a au
_ x
1 t AI nt' fl en.F airs n-au,rI.
•' t'rancis Link
total, vir114t1 w [• their slitter. reser LF. reefs - ,mut
Jas C.seke, one day hast week, ;: %VIIITECHURC11 later tat p,... eent.,*j)4ne Ilurtou "1.
-1SIlI'iEl.1). Apr. ':.-Mr. Dan Mac-'
itoeId. of K in 14441, aloe was el -tit Int
t' -r the pit,: week with his win in
1C:udniur: -r••lurnetl twine.
r. hale 11:i,'1k,ualT 1.,1 Saebiu,, s
fseen.s 1 her
I'ut an ad. in The Signal
We Are Not
Selling Out
\1'e ars lar. 10 Vat and to
provide our I':I*runs with the
lotted anti best Ill hl lw4
New styles and model- are
rnn"tnntly .eo-to 4-1.4' 1141 tilt'
Market,.=.-3ttttH*$4!'4 uiLL Damn
Farhiort'8 sc;tt-rr• 11I)trt�+u+11. 4t
is our aim to keep rens sho•k
always fre-h and up-to-date.
and our pric'-s 11T -Ow I'm -p..1.
ikossible not.'h for „ . , •1
For Up -to -Date Footwear
1 rest 11
W 11 ITE11Itl'1t1`11, Apt11 2. -Willie Cern Jew )8 (roc.)• '
I•Ilydon, :4m of Mr. 'and Mrs. J:ts. Pur- •111, ed or more t•caminnilone.
don ..f St. Helene. returned home Number roll, 12; average attend -
from WIngh:un hospital ton Sandal ante, 11.5.
after a >enl•ius illness amid a mastoie-- -- -- A L. Helene" 1L1) Tea.ter.
• opera t iuu
Leta week with her daughter, Mrs.
.• Je.e di 7o, �il'Ie Famish Gtr,
Mrs, A. T. 1!nrlion. eerie- et 1‘ww dais
NIT,. Iaark, who has talon th iter -
\1.=• I•"ora atn.•rfnmrld - vi *Mg la•ea4'sa %1 11:ts.;t1 of Ea4t
pelt in Trim ton.
\ynwuttwlt. for the la+t��ti4: -orbits,
N', w' s, lit t t1 1I reiarne•d to her home ❑i liensall on -you-Can Lay the F
+ y - r'-wl
1 n,luk 11:1 k, tt is \4 ry' tow iu
\ire It' \stn-tr�e;y low.
at ng --- AN AID TO HEA
'..lett .t.••1+.
oundation of
`a4 l r' .••Inrlar - Good-Beaitib Now by Building
is Ready for You at
We can outfit you from head to heels.
A new shipment of ladies' Coats, Dress-
es, Silk Underwear and Flowers
The latest in Gloves, Hosiery and Millinery
•pr;lli asst Easter
('oats. -hawing all the new fta)*Ir'-s. . u
scarf th. p.• leritn' or half ear.: ('rii-144
fur collar" Or -at in trite, r.44 l stitching
�. -..iu pipings \gory :Ir Moils.' +tyle•- �_ 4
atui_then'.are 0.1 two alike. If_ your prir-
.tlaae•e-your--Coat from- us you are sure ..f
. .
Mr. Clayton a u > _las nt•ek Up Ywr Blood and Strength-
work in the .wean tae tory at ening Your Nerves Through
tzt"at> tin t:.>•tertc)t. -.holed.:faro the Ust _a1 Dr.. Williams' Pink
'firing mud. 3IirtTffre !crin[r*rr
1..• Inetitnte of fine River held turned to her home In Jasper. Alta.. Pills,
t t1 helve of airs last week. The �•,o• •rid fashion of taking v
[nunay ' present. Mr. Milton the cu'•e,n:' of our grandparents, LOYAL flat•intr ter elr•uler taw. Insltl ..l•^i: -fund common sense and
42uite a number of the telephone 4,.44,4! u•' 1i4. practice, 41'Inty is al•
LtrS.1L. April 4.- II r. Ike: Potter 44.444.4 un the 11'hittt•htlr•h-11'ingllnw tvnyv a try. time fur flrbsc who urn
teen• m ,from 'Detroit I 1` roan nor down.
not in raga. health. Many men. w.r
1 }. kap Making maple x)'4414) 14 the order .f x,14 unit .4,. 114444 go through the 44)u -
tin• .lay- to 4411 re-. c4' strength they hate
Mr.. Coo, ('..tole passed away at her store.! Ing the surrey summer
t.Q+.n-hip. Ile. 11cCulx r father owned home here on Mondry morning, April wouth', ou . grow l41cr•aslugly !rale
2,after n !bort illness of Imeunionla• a41d htt._mi . to the *.ring dugs air
:tae rip wooer Jeers 41)141..... The_
„_,wit Sud
ole u• e ger.: i . .Ion at fres wine (;('urge. of ('nlgnry, and thrnr
tierces aT ohne will do meth fur
'.l:4u4hters: lira. Thus, Kew. .4( \1'1114• such peoph. ;47 pelting color in the
ham: )tt{'. Eli. 7)rowning. of Rinear• .he,•k ono utishing that tired A.1
-tine, and lliss :Nettie (,•utile. it.N., of G•lt that- .1.. lei 11 Wads of ptq,.e
Termite,. The funeral will take p14,04. at this
was••' of the year.
mu \\'edur4nlny to 11 'Ingham cemetery. It : hop.. Bible to be energetic i
iter. 11. 1\'h(ttleld. r'f tMe t +o tr+l�-j-oife ,r'ir bin ami weak: or If you
r n o,mire=the sen l4r- ..
lBoyd,,1 n 4r
Boyd, Laurier. The (v.,. • tern are *1 tMs t'om- mule u• tb• springtime,,,,,, like must of
. Bruce is k
rat week attend-
', r to the saL• mf-hls faun on up
Itow, ' known hi the Hnrry Morris
f ern. to \'erne 11.4' ihe. of ;aelerlch
. ,.. .t
11r end Mr,.Arthur Williams are 'own thls week to the
4tetle•ringien i .ren on the 12th con-
e.•rsi.ete: wile!. Mr•-- illiams has pUr-
•trl•. d. 1\'.• oo,!,•.m.' 11r. and Mrs.
Willianm. Net, 1,.'111'. township. -
ha), boon
1'1401.: gift _-
.eery psa'rly f -'r time, i4 not 1m•
1.4:..S 4 ,4 as many friends would
t•i,mnemity extends sympathy to the
I Inereaee,l novelly
'jar- I 1
' 1tr torr:, t: t tri,_ teacher_In S, . N'. I Mr.
n .
1. ,N%11, 1 go '-+n-4--rn bowie . in (indrrlct4 ane elms .,t-rettiX pQ+t 1N-..(► Prito _ _ __
•to -hip. for the Raster taeation. 'rt' -
-111111. It ,ems e with others If you do
not g••: r.•"4• ting sleep at night. or if
y Jae Tiffin
e•utrrtn nw .t, ylti• t s POW.4'r you are losing
y ... Icl,'. 1. semi it trine et test•. time
tin a.h1 t.. y r efficiency now, ns wl•:1
a. t,. sere a from suffering Inter on.
lir• t'.' A. it„ls•rtton, MJP.1'„ has re-
' •e rnttl from 'Toronto, and will tarn,
.44'•1111011 front legislation to ell -1
tlh. Kallen of Stratford. le a 'meet'
• home et 11r, and Mrs. John
\ iter f:i.ther ie coming np to•,
t to )41.41411 the Easter bollday
tura, lure--- .--_
Ti,.• r•'nd fr••m Goderich to ('nrlow
is mow in fine .•.mention 1111.1 anomie I
t raffle. has been rearmed for the
\ iieitniiry"Trot`n'T11]ai-Wen-4M wilt rte''
l :..•.i 00,,rnl 4,t._Yts._)t•'}'Ole�, Ofd
THE NOMstraw atassf)ri
! s
f AMf)l,4 f fit)
nna a AR 1111WNrt7S
NILE. April •t, --Miss Sylvia Segos.,
who lets spent the pint twin month.-* 111
inul4lulmon, IS now enjoying a rest at
her Lome here.
Mr. IRs' ►'otter. •,f'1)htrolt, has.lis-
tosed of ills 11Ar-acre farm on the nth
el Int ,41,41 ;it 4'4.111.,rl4' to 1)r. Verne
Mr1'nlw, .f Gelb -rich township, We
oelcome Verne leek to .hitt vicinity,
Mr, Geo. Fengart le trnsy. preestng
NO' - 1n ihtr tem'niltr.
Mr. (]onion Smith left last week for
Mr. Ernest Wegns4 has cotnnmenrd'
work thes week with the 1►.,mlnton
Bonet Machinery t'.ltnpnny in Giulcrlch.
11 r. Ileo. Rutledge Is unloading fel.-
:ilIser nt Mr4:n44' stntlon thew day..
Mr. (:.Titan M,4:net44•n 1 employe -h
with 1tr. Hervey held. of near .\n -
Imre., for the summer.
Mr, Tuns.' McPhee be kept pretty
busy hnraln4 wood In this vielnity at
present. ,
Farewell to Nr. and Mrs. A. )11-
Ilan. -The teachers and ofHeet4 to-
gether with the members of the Bible
state tenet In the school miter of Nile
ehnreh on Tuesday evening last to
any goodbye to Mr. and Mee: A. Mil-
lion, who are moving back to \Melt
homd In rlodt'rtdl. Alt getl!tered
.\1.,4 it, :.II t1 • realm of medicine, there
1,•• eller • better tonic than 1)r.
!' nk 1'1114, These pills
lou.• .1:1 el.' -•1 the blood which c1r-
rn;nte ,I,r..,._h every portion of the
"4,4:' ening Jaded nerves Aid
rnmdotcre or: at, nod bringing a feel-
ing .4f hew' •trenglh and,eIiergy, to
weak, r'a'ptly thele etes4s'tul.•rtt 11101'.
wearer n11., • 4Il41441. -
Mr.. L. I►,,,.man. Summerville ('en-
tre, X.1*., rites: " hlr. ' WIlli,ms'
leen of the greatest
1.•hittt t.. -nn A few yenr4 Ago 1 was
11. „ 1..,.117 .,. drier 4a.ttdition. 1.1_a'-
cnale w, we. k and nrrv"u4 that t
•1.m1,1 4.•ar.r',y gn. als.nt And doing my
hon.ew.'rk t4'• me cmmldetely twirl mma
i;ee•rything soled to worry tin', nod
1 wit. in h 4,11 dU.'nrlgerl condition
were I- hese.-t faking irr. ' Willinms'
Pink Pills. 1 goon found the p1114
19'111lg Me. .l.. ti continuing their ase 1
MIT n'ptlinr.l •y !smith. AIn a then
1 always n.tie a few M,xr. In the
spring tee .milt tate np for the hot wea-
ther, nod nitlaye And the hest re4111t51.
1 therefor" dlee'rtn)ty reommetld
these pills •.. fife beet of health
Yon eon stet 41104,• 11111. from ray
medicine 4Nwet, nr by 11 111 1(1 e"ertta
a MS from TIM Tr. Williams' Mal-
Mae Ce., Bre.,•krtlle. ont.
New and- youthful Dresses for ladies and
misses in georgette, flat erepe anti .printed
silks. These new -fabric:+ present themselves
irl one and two-piece effects, while pleats
and flares ad.t much to the youthful slen-
der style!. :Newest spring shades. All
nm.Ierately priced.
Wt. have receive.' a row -1114411 41) of Millin, rye Flowers are widely eyed
'1•I„ h..w ilats are of the latest pinnies ie's and styles.
See our new stock of ladies' and misses' Scarfs, Gloves, Flower and Hosiery.
for brit,, and
Spring and Easter Needs for the Men and Young Men
New Spring Suits in the season's newest
models froth fine English worsteds and
pilrted tweeds. You will find our showing
eonlprisey all the newest fashion trends.
You will be delighted with our showing of
new 'fop Coats. .111 the new 81144(11',4 and
Hats, Caps, and
\V.• have a newjiiie of neen'4. and
young r[t'•n's lints, Caps and Neck-
w••:Ir in the-enson's newest -tyles and
Ladies' sad Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 418 Gooder�ich,�Onnntt.