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Gilbert. Van Sligtenhorst
10 a au. Sunday .School
ii ain; yorship.Service•
7;30 , p,m.'Evening Seiyiee
Midweek. Prayer Service
Wedriesday at 8 o'clock
C.A. (Young People):
Friday at 7:30p.m.
Rev. L. Van Staalduinen
Services at
10 a.m. "The Lord's Supper"
2:30 p.m. "Blessed, Who Have
Not Seen"
Listen to the
I Back to God Hour
Message of Today
CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 aim.
Radio dial 1070
CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m.
Radio dial 560
Presbyterian Church
Nev. Glenn Nob* LA., B.D.
. Minister
Phone 528-2740
10:00 a.m.. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Doug Zehr,' Pastor
Phone 529-7751
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
wouritpuon, MAY 12, 1970
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Service At
Dtingtinnon Church
" Mother's Day •at the Dungannon
Christian Fellowship Church was a
time of variety and sharing' of a
unique worship experience. Mem-
, tiers of the congregation participat-
ed in the service.
Joyce Wagler and Irene Martin
opened with a responsive reading.
John Wagler and Beth Gingerich
shared their ideas of what their
mothers meant to them and why
they loved them. Then two
mothers took part, Ruth Martin
,peaking on "The Challenge of
.hristian Mbtherhood" and Flor-
ence Frey leading in "A prayer of a
christian mother". •
A deep sense of appreciation for
our .mothers was experienced
through the sharing of these
•• people. The atmosphere' of the
service built up to a climax with the
message, "Christian Parenthood",
a great challenge presented by the
National _Group.
Meet At .Opelph: .
'Unit 5 of lucknow United Church
Women met at the home of Mrs.
Ken Cameron on the evening of
May 4. Mrs. Chas. Anderson
opened the meeting with a poem
"Springtime". The hymn "Come
let us sing of a wonderful love" Was
"sting. The roll call '`A news item
on China". was answered "by '19
members. The treasurer's report
was given. The committee
chairman for the social functions
and supply and welfare reported.
The meeting was reminded of
coming events - the general
meeting May 11 and a workship in
Kincardine May 25. Mrs. Ander-
son thanked our. hostess.
Mrs. Harvey 'Webster introduced
the evening's program with a poem
"Flowers Leave Their Frangran-
ce". Mrs. Don Dennis gave a
paper on Mother's Day. Mrs., Roy.
Havens gave a reading "The
Meanest Mother in the World".
"A Little Parable for Mothers" was
given by Mrs. Webster followed by
a prayer. Mrs. Havens read "A
Mother", followed by a prayer in
unison. Mrs. Webster thanked, all
who helped with the program.
• Mrs. Jack Ackert then spoke on
.Ceramics and demonstrated to the
group how these were made. She
had, a wonderful display of her own
creations which everyone enjoyed.
A draw, for a beautiful frog planter
was won" by Mrs. John. Pritehard.
A delicious lunch was served by
the committee in charge.
• Mrs. Marion Abstin opened the
May meeting with fitting remarks
as the new president 'of the
Kingsbridge Catholic Women's
League. Fr.' Denting& led the
league prayer. Margaret Austin
gave the scripture reading. The
new executive was introduced.
The secretary's and treasurer's
reports were given. Mrs. Dolores
Van 0Sch gave correspondence
from: HUronview Auxiliary, Betty
Lou Dalton, Resurrectionist Boliv-
ian, Missions, the C.W.L. of
Canada and the Diocesan Commit-
tee. The resolutions for the
Diocesan convention were voted
upon and it was agreed to resolve
the following: Violence in the
media, Raising the drinking of
alcohol to 20 and the misuse of
religious objects. The delegates,
Mrs. Bernadine Kinney and Mrs.
Marion Austin will be attending the
convention. Mrs. Champagne
called the .roll.
Mrs. Joe Courtney, reported on
the Pro-Life Conference, the Var-
iety Night Program, the monthly
meeting May 18th, and the'annual
meeting May 5th at 6.30 in
Wingliam. .
Birthday parties are being plan-
ned for Mr. Frank Austin, Mrs. I
Genevieve Kin ahan, Brother Carl
and Mrs. Marie Austin. The
Graduation Banquet for Grade
eights will be held June 24th and it
was decided to present them with
pen. and pencil sets. Fr. Dentinger
spoke to us' of the gift of love for
God and mankind. Combermere
clothing will be collected after. May
16th. Nrs. Van Osch reported on
the 4-H • progress. Mrs. Tom
Hogan presented Mrs. Marie
Miltenburg with a 25th anniversary
The new convenerships and
committees were formed.. The
meeting was adjourned and Fr,
closed with prayers.
Units Entertoiri.
Motilers And
• Unit 2 of LucknoW 'United Church
met on May 4 in the' FelloWship
room with 18 members and
visitors present. The leader, Mrs.
Bradley Opened the,meeting with a
short poem on 'Mother'. Roll call
was • answered by , 'My mother's
maiden name,, and something she
taught me". Business • included
arranging for the. C.G.I.T. dinner
on May 10. The general meeting is
to be May 11 and C.Q.I.T. girls will
provide program. The Girl Guide
banquet will be aGrved on May 20.
Mrs. Magoffin reported for
Supply and Welfare, Mrs. Barger
for Visitation and Mrs. Gordon
Ritchie gave a reading -"Without
Unit 2 Was then joined by Groups
1 and 3 and, Mrs. Bradley
welcomed all to this ' special
meeting in honour of Mother's
Day, , and hoped it would 'bring
memories of happiness: Mother's
Day was inauguratediri 1915 and is
celebrated the second Sunday in
Mrs. Vernon Hunter presided' for
the prograbi. "This is the how of
worship" was 'read followed 'by
hymn 584 "Can a little child Jike
me" with. Mrs. •Itaynard Ackert at
the piano. Prayer was offered by
Mrs. Hunter,: and the scripture
reading from Proverbs, chapter 31,
verses 10-31' was read by Mrs.
Robt. Helm. All joined in the
singing of ,an old favourite hymn,
"My• Mother's Bible". A reading,
"Are all the children in?" was
given by Mrs. 'Marguerite Sander-
Mrs. Hunter gave a paper, on
'Mother's • Day and Motherhood
including quiotes from the Bible
and also writers and' poets. Hymn
354 '0 JeSus, I have proMised",
was sung followed by prayer by
Mrs. Bruce MacKenzie. Mrs:
Jessie Allin favoured with a piano
solo "Flower Song". •
The guest speaker for the
afternoon, 'Mrs. Lloyd Cartwright
of Walkerton was introduced by
Mrs. Hunter. She , will be
remembered as Marie Smith of
Lucknow, daughter of . Mrs. Phil
Smith. She spoke of interesting old
churches in Bruce County and
showed pictures of many of them.
Her slides depicted the beauty of,
the peninsula - showing rugged
terrain - parts of the Bruce Trail
and 'beautiful scenes along the
lakeshore. The slides and com-
mentary were most interesting and
flinch enjoyed. A. vote of thanks
was given and she was presented
with a gift.
Mrs: Marilyn Johnston sang a
most appropriate solo "Mother"
accompanied by Nancy Walden.
Mrs. Jack Treleaven; U.C.W.
president, expressed appreciation
of the splendid program- presented,
and told of the Workshop to be held
in• Kincardine the. evening 6f May
25. 'The meeting, clbsed 'by
repeating the mizpah benediction.
Grace was sung and, lunch served..
A special table was set for
Mothers and Grandmothers over
80, and another fOr those '75 years
age. Very dainty nosegays of
spring flowers had been made by
Mrs. Jessie Alton and 'Mrs.
Bradley and each mother over 75
received one, as well as a"treat of
home-made candy, . •
Mrs. Ed Thom was honoured as
the oldest mother present. Mrs.
Wilkins and Mrs. de Boer had the
most children arid grandchildren.
Mrs. Eva' Freeman's birthday was
nearest Mother's Day and Mrs: A.
E. McKim had the most recently
married grandchild., All received
token gifts.
Mrs. Chas. MacDonald and Mrs.
A. E. McKim expressed apprecia-
• • U C W Unit 1.
Unit 1.• Lucknow United Church
Women met for their regular
meeting in the church parlor on
Tuesday afternoon May 4th. Mrs.
Chas. MacDonald Welcomed all
and opened the meeting with a
poem, "Seeds of Goodness". No.
752 "The Beatitudes" was read in
The roll call was answered with a
verse or thought with "Mother" by
19 present. ,The treasurer's report
was given by Mrs. .Andrew Ritchie.
Mrs. Ada Woods convener for
Citizenship' gave an article on
conditions• in BangladeSh where
they need help at the present time.
Mrs. Eldon Henderson gave a
reading "Thep friend who , just
stands by" and the report on
comnaunity friendship. Mrs. W.
Howld gave a paper on Christian
and Missionary education.
We were reminded that there
would be a special collection for
Angola at the June meeting. The
general meeting will be on
Tuesday, May 11th at' 7.30 when
the C.G..I.T. will, put on a skit..
Mrs. Glen Walden, convener for
social functions, made arrange-
ments for Unit 1 for 2 banquets,
one May 10th and one May 20th.
The hymn "Happy the home" was
sung. Mrs. Chas, MacDonald
closed the meeting with prayer and
we joined the other two afternoon
units in the'fellowship room where
Unit' 2 was hostess for a well
planned Mother's pay program
honouring the mothers and grand-
tion to the committee in' charge for
a fine progra,m'ancl a meeting to be
On' May 9 the Young Peoples
Society held their service at
Whitechurch with the topic, Life of
Jesus Christ. Songs were sung
from Praise Ways, I've Got the Joy
and When the Saints' Go Marching ,
ln. Hilda de Boer led in prayer,
Fred de Boer read the scripture;
Matthew 4:1-10. All were divided
into groups and given questions to f •
answer. Then there was group
discussion. The offering. was'
received, and dedicated by Ann
Webster. Wendy Kay read a thank
you note from Vinecrest Nursing
Home for their visit. There are a
few planning to go to Camp Kintaii.
The president, 'Barry Elliott,
brought up the suggestion of doing
a church' service at Langside in
July and accepted by 'the group.
All 'were reminded of the discus-
sion groups held each' •Thursday
night at Whitechurch.- Grace was
sung and lunch was saved.
Bahals from this area joined
with fellow members. of the
,Canadian Baha'i community from
April '30 to May 3 at, the University
of Guelph for the annual National .
Bah'a'i Convention. The delegates
to the National Convention, elected
at the, regional conventions in
-February, elected the 9 members of
the National Spiritual Assembly for
the coming year. .
A. 'Unique aspect of Baha'i
elections is the total.absence of any
form of electioneering. All
comment or personalities is dis-
couraged, with emphasis on the
qualities Of .candidates. Voting,
done by secret ballot, is canied-out
in an atmosphere of silence and
: prayer.
Two "Hands of the Cause of
God", John AL Robarts and
William Sears, were • present to
address the participants at the
opening and close of the conven-
tion. The Baha'i Writings give to
the Institution of the Hands of the
Cause of God the twin functions of
protecting and propagating the
Faith of Baha'u'llah. Authority to
appoint Hands of the Cause of God
was vested solely . in' Shoghi
Effendi, the Guardian of the Baha'i
Faith. Of the 37 Hands of the
Cause appointed by the Guardian
betWeen ,1921 and his death in
1957, only 16 remain today in the
physical world.
An important feature of the
convention was the premiere of the
film "Invitation" which commem-
orates the visit to Canada in
September 1912 of Abdu'l-Baha.
Abdu'l-Baha is the son of Baha'u'l-
lah and was appointed by Baha'u'l-
lah as the Centre of His Covenant
with mankind.
Other highlights included an
on-going, teaching conference, a
children's program and consider-
able consultation by.. the 'delegates
on the Five Year Plan of teaching
and development launched by the
supreme administrative unit of the'.
Bahei Faith, the Universal House
of Justice in Haifa, Israel.
The Cariadian'Bahal Community
plaes much emphasis on bilingual-
ism at all gatherings and during the
Convention simultaneous transla-
tion was done at all major events,
The National Convention for
1977.will be held at the University
Of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.
Ceramics Display .
At Unit 5 UCW
10 a.m. Sunday School
. 11 a.m. Morning Worship
Nursery provided -
for pre-school children
Homemade soup and sandwich
lunch following service on
May 16th
Sponsored by the
.Youth Group
Rev. Doug Kaufman
MAY 16th
Unit 3' U.C.ylf:
Unit .3 of 'the Lucknow United.
Church Women met in the church .
for the May meeting.
Mrs. Bert Alton opened the
meeting,with a reading and hymn
394 was sung. The tord's prayer
was repeated in unison. Thirteen
members and. one, visitor answered -
• the roll call with the first church
each had attended as a child. Plans
were made for :two banquets in
May. A special collection will be
taken at the June meeting for
Supply and Welfare.
Mrs. Wilfred Drennan gave an
article on Proposed Cutbacks in.
Social Services. The June meeting,
will be at 'Mrs. Walter' Dexter's
home with a pot luck luncheon at
1.00 p.m. and a hobby sale. Mrs.
Alton closed with prayer, Unit 3
joined with units 1 and 2. for the