HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-05-12, Page 6'• PAGE SIX • INSURANCE - HONE* LIFE* AUTO. COMMERCIAL Co-Operators Insurance Assoclotions of Guelph AGENT JEAN WHITBY LUCKNOW R. W. A REW . Barrister, and Solicitor L1STOWEL; ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday Afternoon OFFICE IN McDONAGH INSURANCE OFFICE INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE 8, INVESTMENTS To. Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. - J. A McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 MacK.ENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL, DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL. SERVICE . Services conducted according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. Lucknow,.. Phone 528-3432 Day or Night Rep.: Wingham Memorials WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Rep.: MacKenzie Funeral Home Bus. Ph. 357.1910 Res. Ph. 357.1015 BRAD'S PLUMBING AND HEATING Repairs and. Industrial - Commercial and Residential FREE ESTIMATES 395-5771 STRAYED STRAYED.— to Lot 1, Cdncession 5, Kinloss, 4 head of cattle. Own- er may have same by identifying and paying all expenses. STRAYED — to the Greer. Farm, young dog, part German Shep- herd, part Collie, off white color. Contact Harold Greer, 528-3810. If you can't' get what you want, learn to like what you get.. IN MEMORIAM JOHNSTON in loving , memory of a dear wife and mother Edith Maudie Johnston who passed away 3 years ago May .12, 1973. The depth of sorrow we cannot. tell, • Of. the loss of one we loved so well, And' while she slee-ps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. Always remembered by her hus- band`-and family. HAMILTON -- in loving memory of our dear mother, and grand mother, Mae Hamilton who pass-/ ed away, 1, year ago, May 7th, 19'75. • Your memory to us is a keepsake, With which we will never part; Though' God has you in his keeping, We 'still have you in our hearts. • Always remembered by Ray, Blanche and family. HAMILTON -- in loving memory of a dear 'nephew, Michael Ham- ilton who passed, away 3 years ago, May 19, 1973. Years go by but memories stay, As near and dear as yesterday, Deep in , our hearts, memory is . kept, ' Of one we loved and will never forget. Sadly missed by Aunt Blanche, Uncle Ray, Joanne, Wendy, Paul and Mary, • HAMILTON -- in loving memory of a 'dear son, step. brother 'Mich- ael V. Hamilton, who passed away , May 19, 1973; also Mae Elizabeth Hamilton May 7, 1975. Always in our memory We seem to find a way To wonder back to meet you `On the road to yesterday • Our hearts still ache with sorrow And secret tears still flow, For what is mearit to lose you No one will ever know. Ever remembered by 'Mom, Step father and Pam. WANTED' HELP WANTED Part time or full time dealers for Watkins Products •needed im- mediately. Excellent earnings. Contact Watkins, Box 101, Lake- side, Ontario or phone 1-349-2469. WANTED TO RENT — house with all modern conveniences, in Luck- now, Dungannon, Ripley, Amber- ley or on Outskirts. Middle aged couple. Write Box G, The Lucknow - Sentinel. WANTED — 15 year old boy wish- es job weekends and summer holidays. Will consider baby sitt- ing. Contact Jim Cranston, care of Keith Cranston, 529-7528. WANTED ,-- young woman with secretarial training requires work,, even housekeeping; phone 529- 7136. WANTED — summer job by stu- dent, any kind of work. Phone 528-3821 after 4 p.m. 'HELP WANTED FULL TIME CUSTODIANS Kincardine - Tiverton Central School, R.R. 2 Kincardine, 'Ont. TWO. POSITIONS - HEAD CUSTODIAN AND FULL-TIME CUSTODIAN 40 hours per week Monday through Friday inclusive. Duties to commence July 1, 1976. Appli- cants must be willing to do shift work if required and be able to • provide medical certificate and proof• of satisfactory chest x-ray or tuberculin test.' , Apply on or before May 31, 1976 using applicatiOn form which, can be obtained by writing or tele- phoning the employer below. THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Box 190, Chesley, Ontario Telephone 363-2014 Attention: Mel Wedol Supervisor of Buildings and-Maintenance, • APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS FOR SUPERVISOR LUCKNOW LIBRARY The Bruce County Public Lib- rary reqtiests applications for the. position of.branch supervisor for the. Lucknow Branch •Library. Ap- plicants must be free to work the 15 open hours per week. Applic- ations will be accepted until May 21,.1976: Send applications,' along with two letters of reference to: MRS. B. JOHNSTON BRUCE COUNTY PUBLIC. LIBRARY P.O. Box 160 Port Elgin, Ontario NOG 2C0 Phone 832-2181 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., June 7 for the supply of: 1— I/2 TON PICKUP TRUtK Township tender •forms must be ' Used and can be obtained from the Road Superintendent's Office. Lowest or any tender not net- essarily accepted. /Mr. Harold Smith, Road Supt. TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS 'Holyrood, Ontario • BRAY CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE '197 JOSEPHINE' ST, ' WINGHAM PHONE 357.1224 CHISHOLM FUELS 'HEATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone .529-7524 or 524-7681 BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm, Home and Industry R. W. BELL. OPTOMETRIST'— GODERICH The Square (Phone 524-7661) A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 - 57 South Street, Goderich Telephone .524-7562 CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my- sincere thanks to all those who contrib- uted to the community gifts of stainless steel cutlery, , floral sheets, roasting pan and, kitchen gadgets, Your generous interest is very much. appreciated. • . . Ruth Bere who visited, me and sent cards while I was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Thanks to, the nurses on 2nd floor. Jim Durnit 'I would, like to thank •everyone The bungannon 'Women's. In- Siitute would •like to thank every- one who helped make the draw on a Homemade quilt such a success. Their help was deeply appreci- ated. The quilt was won by Miss Judy Mathews, R.R. Auburn. I would like. to convey my sin- cere thanks to everyone who seot me cards and gifts for my birth: day. It was deeply appreciated. R. D. Ross Mrs. Ruth Bogues thanks all those who sent cards and good wishes' during her recent stay in hospital. We would like, to thank all' our reIatives, neighbours and friends fdr the, reception recently held in our honour. Special thanks to the committee. • • Lorne and Hazel Hackett We wish to express thanks to faMily, friends and' neighbours ,for their thoughtfulness in remember- ing us in so many ways during Arts hospitalization. • Lillian. and Art 'Haldenby I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to all those many friends for all the acts of kind- ness shown to myself and family during my recent illness. Merle Gunby Earl McDonald wishes to ex-- press thanks fir cards and visits while he was hospitalized. All was deeply appreciated. I wish to thank friends and neighbours for the cards, gifts and visits while in Victoria Hos- pital, London and since returning home Special thanks to Dr. Bruce and nurses. Sincerely, Mrs. Neil (Elizabeth) MacCallum Jack and Mary C011inson would like to sincerely thank neighbours, friends and relatives for making our special evening, one we will always remember. Thank you for the gifts and special thanks , to those responsiblelor the evening. Everything was: greatly appreci- ated. Waiting for a lucky break wouldn't be a bad policy if pay days weren't so uncertain. • - FARMERS NOW IN STOCK! J. & M. Fertilizer Augers Calhoun Trail Models-. Fertilizer Spreaders Danomex 3 pt. Hitch Fertilizer Spreaders Unverferth Dual Wheels J. & M. Heavy Duty Wagons Up to 10 Ton J. & M. 210 - 250 - 300 - 350 Bus. Gravity Boxes See the New J. & .M. Auger-Mate J. & M. Elevators 7' and 8' Stone Pickers 1975 Prices on Some of the Above Items MAX RIEGLING 395.5101 7 Miles West Of Lucknow On No. 86 •Hwy. WM. A. (Bud) HAMILTON AGENT FOR BP OIL 'LTD. Gasoline Heating Fuels Burner Service, and Furnace Installations Trucks Radio Equipped" For Better Service Dial 528.3086 Res: 528.3416 Wholesale- and Retail ,ai:1K7-.44 • THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, OAKKNOW, ONTARIO" • WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1976 D. .HAINSCHWANG' Denture Therapy. clinic COMPLETE DENTURE, SERVICE • RA; 2 Priceville PHONE 369.3019 AFTER HOURS, PHONE 369,5821 RALPH. CAMPBELL General Contracting Custom, Built Homes & Additions Barns and Renovations" Steel' and Asphalt Roofing R.R. 3 BLYTH, PHONE 523-9604 VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST CO. • For infdrmation on TRUST CERTIFICATES INCOME AVERAGING REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS 'PLAN' Call Their Representative LLOYD (Hap) HALL 528.204$ Reid & Peterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Wingham 357-1522 J. A.PETERSON, C.A. PHONE 528.2816 CULBERT'S CUSTOM CABINETS DEALER FOR CARDINAL LINE Choice of 6 styles and finishes Special consideration to builders PHONE 395.5298 OR 395.5516 pR • MURRAY MOFFAT Electrical Contractor • LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2913 OR 39246 WM. R. NELSON CARPENTRY' "Area Representative `For TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VANITIES Free Estimates — No Obligation LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2949' INVESTMENT THE STERLING' TRUST CORP. 'INCORPORATED IN 1910 Prevailing Interest Rates ' Retirement Savings' Plan Your Representative ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW