The Signal, 1928-04-05, Page 3The Signal's Clubbing List
will save you time and money. We
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First-class work at reasonable prices.
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Spare's Grocery for
quality and service
-where -
cleanliness is paramount
Silverwood's Ice Cream
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Sparr's Grocery
'rite Store of Sat isf act ion"
Hamilton St. Goderich.
Phone 146
G. C. 1. Literary Society
Celebrates Its Jubilee
At Open Meeting Last Friday Evening Early Days of
the Society Are Recalled and Old-time Teachers and
Students of the School Appear Again in Hallowed
Students.of past days and those of
the present united In a happy celt4,ra-
tlon, on Friday evening. last, of the
semi -centennial of the G.C.1. Literary
Society. The auditorium of the seliool
had been haudsomely decorated for
the occasion In the school colon,
which twined the pillars, shaded the
lights, and were repeated In the
school army which adorned the east
wall, while of the back of the platform
Illue letters cru a white round an-
-Winced the oreastoa of the ee)aebratiod
and gave the two dates 1878 and
192S. A pretty touch of contrasting
color ens made by a Targe bouquet of
daffodils on the table.
The chair was taken at the begin-
ning of th evening ,by Miss Delight
Match. w a Is president of tete Society
11'4.11', 1luvhl Iger' ler.) Verrle. Mrs.
rnoudfuut, Mrs. W. L. Buena, and
others. It was not possible, because
of lack of time, to read all the.lettera,
but Mr. Elliott gave the gist of the
messages of appreciation of the value
of the Society, and wishes tar Its fur-
ther success. (Extracts from letters
will be found on page 1"• One es -
the founding of the Literary Society
and the flrat'meeting held ou February
22, 1878. Ile related some amusing
reminlreences of the debates and the
debaters of those early days, told ut
his struggles with Virgil, and the un-
tiridg help of Dr. Strang, or, as be
'was then, Mr. Strang. He told of his
leaviug the school to take his tnedicat
course, of his going to S1'ingham to
praettse, but Paving after one week's
residence there and coming to God-
erich, where bis first year's practice
brought him the sum of $42.
A beautifully executed violin solo.
by Mrs. Oakley. followed. Meet,
ley, who was accompanied ou the
piano by Mrs. Moulton, was enthusias-
tically recalled and responded with
a iaertnxl number.
A vocal solo was given by Miss
Margaret Wilson. The curtains part-
Call up your
customers by
long distance
An occasional call will make
it almost impossible for them
to stop trading with you.
Do you realize that one of the
largest returns you can se-
cure from the expenditure of
a small sum is to be had by
calling up old customers
occasionally by Long Dis-
Friendliness begets friendli-
ness. How can you or I keep
away from a merchant who
spends his money to show
his interest in our affairs?
We can't.
The newspaper editor conte
on this trait in human
nature. He mentions sub-
scribers' names frequentl,
because he knows they will
look for them in his paper.
Th6 i•eferehant who occasion-
ally calls customers by Long
Distance is one who can't bS
overlooked or forgotten.
(.41I►EKIC11 111611 SCHOOL OF THE 71Ys
) IGITI'Y+)'IItls'T VM:AIt NO. 14.
Scholarships arab Diplomas £resealed
During the evculug diploma& were
presented to the stss-esstul candidates'
of last year by Principal J..P. 11111110.
Mr. (fume said that last year was
Ole first sines 1914 In which G4sterklt
Collegiate bad not Won "a Carter
scholarship, and he explained how the
Winces 'of .the most promising student
litruubel. Miss $, Dottie. As a further
proof of the quality and character of
the students of those days, and the in-
terest they took in the Society, the
minuti's -of the ttret ten years show
that the following were among -its of-
fice -holders and active member*:
Ministers - Iters. J. McGillivray, 11.
McNair. C. Rutherford. W. R. Mcin-
tract he read as typical of the sent{ at the beginning of the year had pre -I
meats ex pre.sed: it wits from the vented his workingas strenuously as'
letter of l'rof. J. 1'. Robertson: would have been possible otherwise.;
Message from Prof. J. C. Robertson In spite of the heudi.rp he had made 1
•a good showing. though nut quite good
"Fifty years is a love tante to
rennin many vivid impressions of
even so important so event a• the
founding of this Society npmed to
tis at the time. Of course we
never dredtm at of a JUMP 'tele-
' motion, but none the sew we gave
enough to win. I-Ioaever. tile school,
bud three.attidentx for this year who:
gave every promise of wiunhlg heel
-summer. Ile referrsat-laYrrcy Shear-
duwtl, Margaret Redditt and Helen
The Peter Adamson ta•holarehips for
last year were presented
tush, Jas. Wilson, D. Perris, D.
Buchanan Geo. Cubbledick, E. Mmial,
The Mutual Life
Assurance Company of
Established 1869.
Ilead Office,
Waterloo, Ontario.
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
East Strout. Phone 250
Godorich, Guthrie.
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
A. McKibbiu, 1t. Ilaruby, /itch. plea-
Lnwvl<-s--'E. J. H. Duncan, 6. F.
Washington, J. M. hest, (1. k'. Blair,
I'. Mab•emsru, uud Judges J. 11. Swan -
oak, .\. 1►. 1licksun, E. 1yy Elwood.
hw tors ---J. 1. lint..t.lson, J. B.
-SAFE INS'. R:AN('E (Stat Life Co.),
Houasw turd bots in Goderich and VI-
cinily, and Fames for Salo -
A large number listerl'for sate, many
-theta sere tow -40. price, and earl
terns for payment if ,rwquired. -
S.aae• nice, well-I(xate41 properties:
good houses, siau' elect rte- Itghted:
sinal{ barns, good well water, one or
more Lots. I'rkees $5.10, $71111.
;Teal, $1611(1, $11Y1(/, ete.
dome• very choice frame hmtses,
•with luta-:_2ilte_1+1`- --
4attion11-$14(al, $14100, ;1A011. $2900.
$'21:10, $244 0 $25'00, $2700, etc.
Giw1 brick houses, modern equipped,
much less tl!nn they can be built for.
''rices $2000. $•''IMI, pow. $)1f10,
R1:4a1;- $-tient, $4"Aa1. $(5)00, yew;
etc. - •
Emma-Alarge number listed to
1)o ld 1V' .1.Armstrong. s•kert from 1�'ll improved, trlKxl la
1VltiI,I . W. Donald,
A. 1'. S1eKeuste, A. M. hasher, W. 4 ,:,duns, tine aster l4LiU$y, mostly fat
Hamlin. W. F. Struttn•rsr I plowing dune. tutor or tete timber.
Itusiuess Men -W. Lane, J. A. Mr Cheaper than ('nnadlan �r`i,rt1 rat
as much serious thong1t to the t 1 be to Hunte II
e-1' n titution and the e:e.•tlon of to Eve;yn Ikon and Percy Sbrarduwp,T trTMo• R. D• l t1 Il,,. A, ltslop, A. land or fav grant land,
the first a[1k ers as >s wP were ea - ! P. shcpl'erd, H. G. Ilurtou. the Improvements. some very easy
'Those who receive,{ dlplomus were: *woo; tett nems. $1f4111 (stock
tab!Irihing sonaethhag that would l For Middle rand Upper School stand -
J. Teachers to t:IlIt C. ti l'ruW. H. � so ac for payment s : •{5 sena. $ ito01
endure for ages --and potato we Ing --John \i cel Je+w Andrews, Ileleu 1'l J It `Stuart It Duci,lsr,u, W. H. • !ell acres, $3t 1
wR gtsrlherF J A. Taylor, T-
farm); er. et44100 • 100 norm.
/ ens._.. ,
en•, a { lohuston,
lterwler, Douglas l'larke. Goldie Corn -
Strang gave ns all {Nrst4lble (. .\Cera and several of our town � :,ten; ono serest $:sal; 2fa1 aetee.
help and encouragement to our
field. 814 • Iruw Lu t •e 1 era
ll new enterprise. It was really the
i arst stirrings of self- onx-Iousnees
i in the rho,j. 1'tt to that time the
i s noel meant lessons and study
and exumivatlone. We now Ve-
gan 10 realize that it might stand
for something more in our live.
And to many of its it gave the first
u g,orhintty to practise. not ora-
tory; ter-
more valuable art , lse4AF
think when on our feet, as well
as teaching us something ,of tbe__
conduct sot meetings and public
for this term. Miss Mulch, in a brief ing. showed the young lady in u quaint ' hit in8Fp.•
speech, announced the purpose of the costume of silk and lace, holding 'in ,hex, influence the Snelety did not
gathertug and warmly welcomed the her hands art old-feshioned nosegay.„ ,,rad In i:fluench. of the IWd Mr. Elliott.
students of past days to the old school Quite In keeping with the pretty plc- .ease mate-iiad slid to Idm something
ami the old Society. She thea called ture she made was her song, "'Phe like this: "Alton. Its'l f entered the
upon Mayor 1daeEamn to preside for Sweetest Story Ever Told;' which so (:.C.1. The Literary 8•wiety was new lumber room. pupils' who were pn•purhrg u1'
the evening. delighted the audience that` she was to m'. 1 llstene•I h... but Mott small examination -at (1st finis no tees
g , mo Miss ,.....e_ HISTORICAL
SKETCH .s'noehar'od by the Board --and 0
essays, tr. . • •• and
•1s tt. Lillian Ferguson.' .. ,• 1e
George Goldt.lwrpoe, Joan (r,,veF' It Is only fair to add...however, that
Grace Jewell, Irtura Johnston, Mary I uu almost equally good list could be
Johnston, Stella Johnston Dolores i uwde out for either of the following
Leithwaltes, -Pauline Moawen, ]lar -i ,ecadea and that not s -ty thrutagla
.1111., Douglas Nairn, Slurgsn t steel• oat Canada and the t'uited mutes. but
'lift, Beulah Sandy, Percy Shear-
men in China. Japan. and further,
St410 este.. ole.
$pedal -.t choice aural Lorne chose
to Gewlericli Mal'rt1 11444ignel brick
hurts' with many eonv'enleitess. Line
town, frnit-ure•liant, excellenit water.
good bank barn. auto Anil implement
bonne. fowl house. fl6 acre.' gruel land,
{dowing done. well fenced and file
down, James Wallace, Elsie Winter, India are to l,e found ex.studcuts' u[
Helen 'Cavils. the
6.C.1. who still cherish plelasust' drained. A fine borne for any family.
Cermnx•n'tnl diplomas (for first- ; memories of the evenings spent in then Vries $. i0O.
A hill •equipped eblcken farm doss
(several 'isrnpert lea *1W iia- n ce.- r
eery building's, with some land at-
tached, cli)iR'to Insere-- ---
--For all Irtrt{culani we or write it
Real Estate Agent
P. O' Box 89. (ioderlejh, OIL
- -i
class honors In bookkeeping. steno -
writing o-VIola • 41.-
latldeston, Alive ({ram, Florence _
bison, Walter Rufell. Bessie Tobin.
Mr. A. M. Itolwrtson vo '
Literary Society meetings,
_such students as its active
members it is not strange
kotl the 1 elety stem txcame a valuable 01141
rli'tewnrttty ..a,lftte'4-.--4*'--tiia-- '".11""1.,
thanks of the slug and the Society to When the litter moved Into the
MOS.` who had assisted In making the.• {,rnta•nt building liver' wY1a 110 library
evening n sas•ccss. of any kind. and snrcely any appant•
At the close of the evening those fits of real value. •A beginning of a
who had taken {wart in the pIn tItc library w'a. made in P470, by vohin-
wt•nr entertained at slipper In the tares teles from the teachers and those
14 e1' ,yaer:N'an a Address forced .v •.......--,- --
'Uri if al
His Worship. upon taking the chair, Claire Reynolds was her uccompaniet•,�--Tflttuna: an
• sy.
.i then aero mit to less tlmn�- OF THE LITERARY SOCIETY uuml,er est taroks of n
eompllmeated Mies Slutch upon her Reeding by Mrs. Hamilton a year. 1- extend. later, another exnnlluatiou papers had Iicen pnxured.
aksltoa to the presidency of the Bo=_ _ _Mrs. (Bev.) tlnmlltuu gave a read- �s to rase s wise and ; TGs m sly organized ttoctet% which
school ._]tit -It-___ _ _-. _ ,.- a
clay and roughed to the honor she haa Ing which win most fitting for the consternation; dtosin ntaeile 1'm% I I 41s taken 7o, -its tole, 'The • -ail--5
recently brought to the school and the ocraslon, inn Maclaren'a story of the f " „r,m1y-formed moiety there. And of the Tlutnry' So•fetr, whl4h "Ili Li teary and ccfenlitk-44.44.144y,"
rise -winning of Geordie of oD tier knowledge f th worktff�'
late Ta "" �ctrnnR 1 rrr-� ttnderlken from tutu' to time to raise
Mayor said that this seemed to be the recalled to many aafd." hook. '
{ h ss' of his pupils. 1'►i5• charge of the library uuttl it was dei
town by her ausres in the oratorical -vivid
1 found my o ' I written by* the a c r. .
vantcat at London. Continuing, the v ofd pletdre of Ihe�joy-homtilr�1 of 1110 ('i,d rl••n - s,.•1,ty 8'rnl"ai'le Published from the G. C.1. Iteriewsf-Ydditiunal funds for 1110 filet. it of
lh delight of Dr.
r -I 1 k and fundrettit%, in filet. 11 took
titre' of anniversaries; last year we Strang n the success
Three Vital ltiiestti The (:. C. 1, Literary. t3U(440Iy mtT: , hoed in Imo tri rstO a lfle-.ehssd to the
crlehruted the diamond Jubilee of the A male quartet comported of Messrs. „ :et th' measure
11' itlnitnt--tend` the eenteaniak of the _Jas_ F_. Chumtlo4, Sch(ts li if ft 3Ic ta Isltt4eattrs�►L-ymh,y, the speaker we think futriy claim to be one 'if the; status of a (01 egluhs Institute. when
t' wfl ot'Goderieh thitytwf we st1aU_ yAeld and P'rpd_$iurd9 - said. 1 would ask three gnesll('n*`
celebrate the' centennial of the open- D. 'Major at the Onto, contributed ten.
Mg of the Huron road, while the numbers -which were much enjoyed.
gathering of the evening was to com- Address by John Elliott, BA:
memernte the semisentenniul of the The principal address of the even -
Literary Society of the collegiate log was given by Mr. John Elliott,
Institute. B.A., of London, one of the early mono
Among the happiest of such cerebra- Teem of the Society. Ile said that to
tons were those ip the schools of be present there meant much to him.
rural districts, which not only formed He was proud to be present as a mem-
occasions for memorable reunihus, but her of the Society, and he was proud
led 'to the wetting of accounts of the
school and the district and thereby
added -to the-hlstork Il records of the__
Goderich, he said, had always been
proud of her eclucattomil institutions
and of her teachers, whose work and
Influence had been of Inestimable
value to ttie tows.
A duet was then announced. The,
fell for r few--mwmenta._and. -
on rising. showed ,the stage trans-
ermeti to a cosy sitting -room 11-
lumineat nil 1.y the light frnut en -s -
open fire and from tall candles on the
mantelpk'ee. Seated before -, the fire
were n man and woman in old-time
costumes who sang. softly, "Love's
(lId Sestet Song." The singers were
Miss Naomi MODermid and )1r. Alf.
Sturdy. with Miss Claire Reynold -es
J. B. Whitely
1/r. J. R. 1Vhlt'ly'. in nn address
full of hnmorotttt references. recoiled
A New Cap for Easter
11) t1, z. Men's Fine ('ops inn,{,' of fancy- t11411' an,1 I1n.
worsted• All silk lined. �1z'" 954 $1.25 and $1.50
fihSto712. Speelalat. 1
69c and 95c
5 dozen Boys' Spring Caps in faneey
tweeds and worsteds. Sizes 6 1;4 to 7...
PHONE 384 South Side Square
First, \Vhnt Is your ides of -a- fined
time? Seeond. Bove yon a right
armee of proportion? Third. ,Do you
like work?
Addressing the y' sing students
present he nrged : " s'I:erieh, nourish
school friendships. Love your alhool.
Sire 10_ it your Nisi. lour scho.l 0 -
We s
1-Wejs gives hack to 3,,1 more than Is
t.41I►FRI( II 1'O1.LMN.1.\TM: I'5TI1l TM: \MTl.I file:
oldest societies- of ,tbc--kiutL iu the theA rd hail to_protlde the-tires-
iruv ce having ntaintotixd a s's'o- snry funds to b�tg Ile library and-
Mittens existence since its r'txhilslt t-aplaanttus rap to tete requifements. It
meat in February.' 1s7s. 'There had I nay be mentioned here that, in keeps
Mom some years previously a debatingIng with Ste title, the Society occasion-
soci ty in connection with the old I (Continued on page 8)
lir:I nlwar School, its it sus then I
tolled. but. 11 Mal ceased tu.m''td. and
n r 1 it of its primetling" hacie
been discovered. There is, however.
stilt in existence, we believe, a (",IIs
of a nutttts,•riptjuunta1. issued by the
society. containing eclitoriuds, local
items. .uud adverti`ements, in which
to--be--4uutut the mases of some
well-known tltizens. such nli111 I1 ft
•-Itey'uolls Hud Messrs. S. E. flick 111111
(l. F. ('prey. and Woo. of Ilarrister•
)hu':tru and Id. 1). 4'nrey of \\:Iliis a.
and G'Irge lttackstoek of Toronto
'191' present Society was organized
he resultof a,eonfe•rem•b Is•tween
+4.1x•-1'rim'Ipa i 8041 mime #wrstsy .'r ,
more of the elder pupils, laid 411 s'nts
entered. on .a vigorous and useful
career,__ ,1t that time the se'h,N't o••te ' pied the' thie' front 1'$rr-of-{ate p ".'4ILt
+irtt{}dttii'. lattn � It. 1>3tel. m.eved 111
1ST:,•front its cramped -quarters iii. TT
obi 'TengN'rnnce 11:11. 'Ther' - suis
two teao•h,-rs beside+ t1.• l'rhoip:Il..
-via,. the hit' S. 1'. Ilalls._31..\., after -
W114114':11 of the
send .f..1. crab:. It..\ . u'.e. Col. Craig
1 P.S. for is- We!lingt nt. Tl' {.opals
were'. as a ride, 01.Ier than rat yr'sent.
and nntont -tha'`''t'- in ,ttetreixn''r• ware
.oro' of the -best students ever moo' led
111 the selu"'l. 'I'In' ennitelt tee nppodItiel
111 earth netiot, w1111 'the` teachers to
drew tip n cnnstitntion and bylaw's f“o'
the Society consisted of the following
es they ore-fluor--spoke_L-oL'. itee._1sr
to tr. twice that he bed had e t elves to It. y ou tt. ' foist tiny year••.' M.A., Rev. ilr meldrnm. (late, Iter
honer, Isles, to be elected president; some hletnr of the {' I Jamieson. lir. Georg.. W. Iso'
1n mi•,, ens'eto Pres -
Y 1 hen rd tonight., Medillllvrnr, Prof. .1. r. rtntiVri'mITT
of the Society. 1n his hand he held Tiro are making tb'• history of the 11. S. .lam 1
it man stn lta•te,
it copy of one of the first programa
elven. Ile read the different numbed
on It; Recitation. Ens! Itlalr; gnettlon
4rswcr, Mr. Strang; essay, George 8.
Weir; recitation. John Elliott; Fong,
Tom Ilenderslmt; recitation. Jim Weir;
Fang, Harry Horton ; election of nla-
cors. This program hors the signs-
ture of Carrie Williams as secretary
of the 8Soctety.
Mr. Elliott then held up a handle 01
lettere from old members of the So-
ciety. Letters had been - received
from E. A. Hogarth, Jahn Taylor, C.
T.. ()rassweller, W. Johnston, Will
(now Rev. Dr.) McIntosh, Geo. 'S
next aft,- years: Pio that yon do •
welt... fon. 1t wits decided to hold t1.' nM'e'f-
Mr Geo. -Holman in moving a vote Inge on Friday evenings, twice n
M thanks to )tr. id,ei'ti'told abut he` month. 'For the first few year.. th'
hlmse'1f Ltd the lona of having hist meetlnrs were ski nt$41of Into Jive,
Ant after the Departmental
name first on the list of charter mem-
airs 11.' paid n tmLate to the mem-
nry of 1tr Strath. the honored.
tnieted, loved. It hail been a plea-
sure, he sold, to flatten to the address
of Mr Elliott, on' of tie old lags who
had brought honor to the old school.
The m..1on was seconded by Mr. J.
fen• hernn to i.e more 'xa,'ttng
their claims it was decided tri d1.'
flans meetings after F,aSter.
The first regularly Appointer eveea
five of the Snelett' rsxlalsted of : Presi-
dent, T). Metltlllvray; lot vlee-pretd•
dent. W A. Dickson; 2nd vMr•p -
E. Tom and the approval of the anal- 'lent, Mesa M. It. glair; a'ershtrt'. 1.
encs was shown by the hearty ap- C. Bo/writam: trettnlirer. 1). A. Rrttee:
rnsmeillor5, hiss 1. Dime', Mints 1. V.
pleas' that wet given,
Geo. Williams
Dealer In
g('AIIC-IP+tl. ANI) CORPO. ---5
Fire, Life. Atcident, Autotne'
bile, 'anti General intnrran(e
ntire, next t ' Runk of ('omilnerce
1'hotn' 511 1 Ot lerieli
Sun Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
offer runny attractive forma
of`'. Consult us
regarding these.
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
Did You Ever Stop to Think
That the Bank Which Pay;
You 3 Pays Its Stockholders
13 Plus Its Reserve ?
Why tett (xs ur own hanker
and earn 5, ti. '#fr A ily buying
goad snut4l Ip.lustri"l Bonds or
, tug- -divide:Kb+-every-
3 and 6 months"
Call, ,l ,i dt cit wrtte laid Set me
show you (bauble your earn-
ings. Also for Insurance, Real Es-
tate and Mortgages. •
W. J. Powell
Phone 29'2 1'. O. Box 438
0. F. Carey & Son,
Insurance and
Bond Brokers
• Phone el
N\•eut Strut t, 1 iet11'iit'h, (,)rat
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
Stocks Bonds Grain
Market quotations suppliers for any listed stock. Orders
promptly executed on Toronto, Montreal and New York Stock
Exchanges and Chicago and Winnipeg Orain Exchanges.
Huron Investments Limited
Royal Bank Bldg., Goderich, Ont. Phones: 430 ani 445
Private wire connections with all leading stock and grain exehatyes.