HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-05-12, Page 1$8.00 ,A Year In Advance $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY,, MAY 12, 1976' Single Copy 20c # 24 Pagei
Chairman Thomas Lambert
said last week neither he nor the
director of education will-gobefore
Bruce County Council to explain
the Bruce Board of , Education
badget for 1976.
Mr. Lambert was following the
recommendation of most board
members in refusing the request
from county council.
County Council on April' 21
criticized • the education budget
and urged local municipalities to
withhold school levies. Council
later passed a motion asking the
school board to explain the budget
at the May council session. •
Board finance chairman, Alan
Whicher, in urging the chairman
not to , go to council, said the board
is 'not accountable to council but
directly to the taxpayers.
He said if council wants informa-
tion about the board, it should
PUblic speaking competitions
made possible to students attend-'
ing St. Joseph's School at Kings-
bridge,, by monies ~left for this
purpose by the Garvey Estate, took
place in the school gymnasium on
WednesdaY afternoon, May. 5 for
students from Kindergarten to
Two Girls
Graduate From
C G.I.T Monday
The LucknoW Canadian Girls In
Training held their, Mother and
Daughter evening on Monday in
the Lucknow United Church.. The
girls presented their mothers -with
corsages which they had made.
Everyone looked over displays, and
baby -pictures of the girls. •
Pregident, Joanne Ritchie, wel7
comedeveryone and led in grace.
/She introduced the guests who
were participating in the program
.and each girl introduced her guest.
Ladies of the United Church
Women served the delicious dinner.
Takes Nursing
Position In North
Jdan Ferguson R.N., daughter of
Lester and' Audrey' Ferguson of
ilur'on Township, who has been
nursing in Red Deer, Alberta, has
accepted a position in 'Yellow Knife
General Hospital, North West
Territories, starting May 3rd.
Joan is thrilled with' the aecom7
madation in this city of 5000 or
more, although food' and services
are very expensive.
Her sister Anne has remained' at
Lacombe; Alberta, where she is
employed. Anne drove Joan to
Edmonton to get the plane to
Mrs. John McMurchy of Luck-
now is sending a Lucknow Sentinel subsecription•to her granddaughter,
hall, to keep her in touch with this
*immunity while. in the north.'
Grade 4. COniratulations to all
who took part.
The winners were:
Kindergarten: My Bed = 1. Lisa
Card,„ 2. Sean Witson,, 3. Patricia
Arsenault, Maurice Delbergue,
Eight Join As
Church Members
Eight young people were' con-
firmed into membership of Luck-
now United Church at the. Sunday
morning service by the minister,
Rev. Doug Kaufman.
They were Grace Alton, Lorna
Boyle, Kathryn Brooks, Mary Lynn
Cayley, Edith Greer, Barbara
Henderson, Donald Ritchie, Susan
Thompson.' They were welcomed
by Harvey Webster, 'clerk of
Special music was provided by
trombonist Dale Lougheed; the
trumpet trio of Paul Finlay, David
Atkinson and Colin /Ca merona with
accompanist Mrs. Anne Pritchard;
the church char with soloist Mrs.
Allan Johnson.
Mary Anne Alton of R. R. 2
Lucknow, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Blake Alton, was one, , of ten
Canadian 4-H members who met
recently in Ottawa prior to travell-
ing to the U.S. National' 4-H
Conference in Washington D.C.
The Canadian group, one from
each province, arrived in Ottawa on
April 22nd for a one day orientation
session. The Ottawa visit included
some sight-seeing in the nation's
capital and a reception with the
Governor General, the Patron of
4-H in Canada. Before leaving
Ottawa for Washington the dele-
gates received their Certificate of
Canadian Citizenship at" a special
Accompanying the delegation to
Washington was Margaret Woof,
Supervisor of Junior Extension,
Home Economics Branch of the
Ontario 'Ministry of Agriculture and
Food. • •
The program in Washington was
problem with trustees and council
getting together.
"Let's, face it, we don't have to
collect taxes. We're not in the
council position of facing problems
from taxpayers over' the taxes we'
levy. I see no harm' in members of
this board going to council."
The board should , establish 'a
better rapport with council,
`Cameron McAuley of Ripley said.
He was supported by past chair
man, Alan Dent, who said there are
advantages in getting together on
an unoffieial basis.
"They are individual taxpayers
unhappy with what we have done,"
he said.
Mr. Loucks said 'good may come
from the shift in education costs.
Putting more of the burden on lOcal
taxpayers will be beneficial be-
cause people' will know that the
things they ask for must cost them
Retires After 21
Years Service
With Province
Francis Gemmell of Ripley;
Engineering Officer with the Com-
rnunieations Division of the Minist-'
ry.of Transportation and Commun-
ications, has retired after 21 years,
of service with the Ontario Govern-
ment. Sixteen years of this service
was with the Telephone Services
Commision in various • positions.
He travelled extensively in Ontario
out of the Toronto office. Prior to
this he was in the telephone
industry' with the Huron and
Kinloss Telephone System for '29
years, first as lineman and later
Mrs. Gemmell and family, Frank
and Marny Gemmell of Brampton
and Ann. and • Ken Smith of
Kitchener, attended a dinner in his
honour in Toronto. He was
presented with a plaque for 21
years faithful service, from the
Ontario Government, also gifts
from the office staff.
Pictured left to right are Rick
Johnson, Alberta; fustin Niettwen-
Susan Hooey, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. tarl Hooey, R. R. 1
Ripley, graduated recently from
Toronto Nursing School.
At Convention
In California
Four couples 'from Lucknow
attended' the District 4A3 'Lions
Club convention in Santa Maria,
California. •
Grant Chisholm, District Gover-,
nor A-9; Art Helm, president of the
LncknoW Club; Barry McDonagh, a
past president and Lorne Cook,,
along with their wives, attended
and took the opportunity to 'do
some sightseeing while in Californ-
• Mrs Effie Collinson of Kintail
was honoured on the occasion of
her 96th birthday, .when a party
was held on Sunday, May 9th in her.
honour at the home of her son Jack
and Mary Collinson, Lueknow. The
actual date of , her. birthday was
May, 11th.
Others present Were her other,
two sons Bill of Kintail, Alvin and
hof, Quebec; Gordon Cowan,
Aquitaine Company of Canada
Limited, Calgary; His Excellency
Named Manager •
Of Co-operative'
At Guelph
• Jird...M.acKinnon. of `uelpli•, son
of Mr; and Mrs,. Fraser .MacKinnon
of• Kinloss: Township, has ,been
appointed Branch Manager of 'the
United, District Co-operatives of
Ontario in Guelph,'
He has been with Co-operatives
since 'graduating „five years ago
from the. University of Guelph
the '2 year . diploma course in •
Agriculture. He was at Cayuga and
Orangeville fora short time before
going to Guelph.
Dryer Fire Is
Cause Of
Smoke Damage
Fire in an electric clothes dryer
at the Lucknow home of Jim Boyle
did considerable smoke damage in
an , early. evening outbreak 'on
The Boyle family were fortunate-
ly home at the time and noticed the
problem before serious damage
Firemen used the smoke ejector
to, clear the basement area where
th&dryer was located, so they could
get to the source, of the problem.
To onlookers, the whole• house
seemed to be , on fire with smoke
coming out 'everywhere. But the
dryer was the only source of fire
and was quickly . brought under
Return On
Land Venture
A local farmer, Walter. "Perky"
Arnold, lost his wallet while
ploughing last fall. It contained a
cheque and some cash.
Luckily, his wife Lorraine cultiv-
ated the garden this year and up '
came the wallet• with everything
Now that's what you cat
investing your money in land and
the Governor General; Peggy
Loder, Newfoundland;, Mary Anne
Alton, Ontario.
Accountobie DireCtilk ITO To xpiaers
. .
school Bard Won't Go Before County
come to the board offices.
He queStioned whether finances
'should be a concern of9cOuncil. "I •
don't believe municipal' taxes are
that much of a burden," Mr,
Whicher said. - •
Trustee George 'Loucks of CheS-
ley said 'council has continually
been sniphyg at• the board, making
false, malicious and misleading
Mr. Loucks also put the finger on
the press, saying the board "has
not received fair press coverage."
County Council statements re-
ceived wide press coverage, he
said. 'What we have given to the
press was not widely publicized.
All the problems resulted • from,
county council. talking about things
they knew nothing about," Mr.
Loucks said.
Trustee Douglas Kre'utivveiser. of
Southampton, a foriner county'
council warden; said 'he sees no.'
Compete For Garvey Awards At
Kingsbridge Public Speaking Contest
One Of Ten Canadian 4-H Membe
Honoured On
96th Birthday
CONTINUED ON PAGE 17 'getting a return.
rs To Visit Ottawa and , WashingfontF