HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-05-05, Page 19GERRAL ARNOLPS --00RE. R.R., 7 Lucknow — Lanes — Phone' 529-12.48 SPECIAL K, 11 oz. , 95c LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN BEANS, 28 oz. 08c KRAFT MARSHMALLOWS 40c We wish 'to announce that we will be closed for stocktaking on Monday and Tuesday, May 10th and 11th., and will reopen for business under new ownership on Wednesday, May 12th. Arnold's General Store lrz.R.7 LUCKNOW 1 .you. .00 Galvanized Now- SAVE! GIVES A COMPLETE WEATHERPROOF JOB LENGTHS IN STOCK 6 FT. TO 16 FT. • v ALSO 1 x 4 HEMLOCK STRAPPING SPIRAL LEAD HEAD NAILS ARDOX NAILS 8 FT. RIBBED PLASTIC SHEETS ALSO AVAILABLE COLOURED, PRE-COATED GALVANIZED STEEL ROOFING In 8'Different Colours ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT PORTLAND AND MASONRY IN STOCK JOHN WillENPER$0N. (UMBER LTD. PHONE 528-3118 LUCKNOW AND' =EMI — NMI MIMI INN AMMO Milli NMI OMNI IBM 1101111 EN MIN MIN INII111111• ..7911111111 kin NMI MN IMIN 11111,111111111111111 NMI 111161111111 NMI WW1 111111•111111 WIWI INN ---0111111111 Freeman Olson Gravel Pit 1 1/4 Miles West Of Dungannon ttc=xlcmct=tHic===xxxx=:= CHOICE CEMENT. GRAVEL CRUSHED ROAD GRAVEL SAND, 3/4 STONE, TOP FILL FINE, MEDIUM. OR COARSE . • PIT RUN GRAVEL ALL LOADS WEIGHED eOR YOUR ACCURATE MEASURE 10 METRIC TONS — 22046 LBS. G. Mrs. George Maimes of Luck- now was a recent winner of $25 in the Wintario .lottery. • A note from .Delmar Mackie of Seminnle, Florida, who is moving back to Hamilton for the summer months; states,, "Thank you. for sending your paper to Florida,. as we enjoyed it very much especially the local hockey nevis.as we know most of the players' families. . We, Also found the Ripley news very interesting." , Jim Culbert of Lucknow is now at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Lucknow after a year in Logdon and Wingham hospitals. - The Lucknovv Women's Institute will hold their regular Meeting Monday evening, May, 10th at 7.15 p.m. in the Assembly Room. • Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ritchie and children, Andrew and Melissa of St. Thomas, were 'Monday visitors with his grandmother, Mrs. Gordon Ritchie, Lucknow. Kathy Joynt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Joynt of Luck • - now, has completed her second Year in Honours French, at. Huron College, Western University, Lon- don. She, will be employed at Grand• Bend for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Horace. McGuire of London were callers on Sunday in Lucknow with his aunt, Mrs. Ed Thom. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller of Strathroy were callers in Lucknow last Friday. Mr, and Mrs." Nelson Raynard of Lucknow, Mr, . and Mrs. Doug Raynard of Ashfieldl, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Raynard of West Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Raynard of Aylmer, Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Murray of Holyrood and. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Irvin 'of Ashfield attended the wedding and recep-: tion of Donald Shropshall ands El-t aine Carter in Seaforth, Saturday. Mr. and, Mrs. Harvey Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon. Ritchie of Ashfield and Mr. and Mrs.: Elmer Wall of. Teeswater attended the evening reception.' John O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Leddy, Kathleen. and Elizabeth - spent ,. Sunday at the hothe of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thomson and family, Whitechurch. Raymond Dalton, Ashfield, visit- ed on Sunday in Lucknow with the Raymond Leddy's and Pete Mac- Donald's after attending the funer- al of the late Mrs. Earl McDonald. Donna Thomson, Whitechurch, spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Leddy, Lucknow, ST HELENS Terry Jamieson was a patient in the Wingharn District HoSpital following a car accident late Wednesday night. Dr, B. Green- of Stillwater, Oalilahoma spent a couple of'days with Mr. and Mrs. B., F.' Green, Mrs. Cilester Nicholson is •a patient in London Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Richards of Frankfort, Ontario .were weekend visitors in* Lucknow with his father Orland 'Richards. Orland Richards of Lucknow returned home last week from Sparta, New Jersey where he had visited for ten days with his son George Richards, his wife and family. Earl McDonald of Lucknow is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital with pneumonia. He was admitted early last .Sunday morn- ing. Mr. McDonald attended the funeral of his wife on Sunday afternoon, returning again to hospital that day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton of town visited on Sunday with' Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Johnstone of Parkhill. FINANCE CHAIRMAN / CONTINUED FROM. PAGE 1 THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO . PAGE NINETEEN 1976. If the 1975 grant regulations' had remained in effect for 1976, .approximately ,75% of the increase in budget would have been paid by the province. With the new regulations, the amount, of increase covered by provincial grants is. approximately 27%. The shortfall which amounts to $1,000,000; must come from municipal levies on the ratepayers - of Bruce County. since the, Bruce County Board has ' no other' sources of funds. This decision to transfer funding from the province 'to the local taxpayer carne as no surprise.to the trustees as they, along with muncipal councillors and , the news media, had ,attended a meeting in Wingham earlier this year at which time the change in funding was explained by, Ontario Treasurer Darcy McKeough r and representa- tives of the Ministry .of Education. What did come as a surprise, however, was the severity of the effect 'of such transfer of funding for the Bruce Board that has high transportation and debentUre re payment costs l, For the individual taxpayer in Brute County, the 'average increase in taxes for education will be about 40%, with new assessment picking up an additional 5%. The percentage increase in levy among the municipalities, however, varies to the extent that new assessment varies. For example, Port Elgin will assume a larger percentage increase because of a 15% growth in asses'sment, The percentage increase in budget, 13.7%, is all that the Bruce County trustees can control. Preparation of the Bruce Board's budget spanned a period of four months during which time restraint was exercised by school staffs,_ administrative staff and trustees to keep the budget increase to such a modest figure. Such an approach has resulted in the • Bruce Board paving the smallest percentage increase in budget Of the three . .County. Boards in this area - Bruce, Grey and Huron. The fact that the levy on Bruce County taxpayers is high results mainly from a decision by the province to transfer funding to the lOcal level and this is a fact of life that 'the Aimee County ' Board and Bruce, County' taxpayers 'will have,to accept. , / Two serious allegations about the Board_ operations appeared in press reports of the Bruce County Council meeting. Since both ire false, there must be further misunderstanding that should be cleared up. The fitet of .these is that the Board has allowed its administra- tive costs to get out of control. In 1970 the total salary budget for trustees, the director of 'education, three academic superintendents, the business superintendent, plus twelve other employees classed as administrative personnel used 2.8% of the Board's budget. In 1976, the costs for the same functions have been reduced to 2.2% of, budget. -s While some salaries may appear high to some people, they are all 'in the median range for school boards:in. Ontario and are no higher than called for in a competitive market. The other allegation concerned inaccessibility of board members and lack of information about the Board's budget. The Bruce Board office and its records are open to anyone from Bruce County, and our. trustees and senior staff are, and always have been, willing' to co-operate with anyone who wishes to question the Board's operation. Many municipal councillors and clerks have requested information during .the past eight years, and this has always been provided quickly and courteously by tele- phone, by correspondence, or by meetings at the Board's Education Centre. Mernbers of the Bruce Board• do not attend , municipal council meet- ings to explain the Board's budget, or any other part of the Board's operation. The Board's responsib- ility is to the people who elect it. If they, are dissatisfied, there is a simple method for changing 'Board members every two years.• The argument that municipal councils must bear the criticism for increases in education levies is . ridiculous. Any municipality that wishes to do so, can add the Bruce County Board's name to its tax notice and identify very: clearly, where the responsibility lies. Local councils are given-the responsibil, ity for collecting the taxes. however, .. and no sehool board can help them . in this task. I trust that 'this additional explanation will help the public to understand that neither they nor the Bruce County trustees have any control, over the decision by the province to transfer approximately $1,000,000. in education funding from the provincial to the local taxpayers and, that, such transfer has resulted in substantially higher local education fax requisitions despite a modest increase in spending by the Bruce County Board of Education. ChaAiLrmAaNn oW Finance, IHER The Bruce County Board of Education. J •