The Signal, 1928-04-05, Page 1wit ! and girls I wish to Pty that no stamp missed, but all are glad to knew• that ] to needed on your letter. work at Port Burwell for the slimmer. int aside• beennse of tit, .art rsltlflml till h0:d a public nirrlgng,� Ut MlneKay Mlis, ('. A. McKinnon has taken n they will not to far away and there Falthfnlly, i p'' llnll oel Monlny ernnlnR, April ]0th. C}•u vir(VI'Tf)� chant had intik fnll0wtl: lila roe/tone Chinese Btlde In Habitat. The r,.utmunilt was startled late 1 The schools dose today fot'e the Easter vacation. - • l's4• 1tho•kstotr s Iltaelons- lto tit•. )•',Drs ng.'. ile was for *One yellr11 n °made lee ereaw in bulk or fancy bricks ml'niier of the public 11,11001 Iserd. nt length and was referred 10 the toyour order Phone. o40 In September. 11x26. be and Met. 4 Larose has expired. HI • t t i ate• rA a officer to take nn w t the i ,ling. hating lawn married nn Solitem hcal !taken, ami report new yours with Alf. Tc•bbutt k Son. - Is• 27th, 147E Itesidos the widow. --anasarca Saturday. April Zee for the eir)i%4 three sons and nue dl 1 ilk i h 1 ilk• salad ten end homenmde cooking: ,':ut¢ te1,: Hurry O. .j. ., an The flattens! s'k pias nn Wes)newlny. .ert 1.•.' being v,mho•ted at St. ceor- elmr•h to he rector. Rev. .1 N. (I • Mills. • late 'tet ,wax In M11it Il etery ills 11lu•nrers being It m , r- % n cry Wrn. Rha a t t Ire Messrs. Ale r SallowaT_�tr. Mabee, Alec. Knteethe w lin,( 11. 11lnil1�eeone, Among e etse-h, attend:ince wer/•Wr. nasi I' '4 1);itt. ,•4 1Yintnn \ Is Installed nt the pr+werhnnse. ( tY01 term (.cnlerkh The bolt that 4141 the: mischief *truck 1 t1FF P d W til uli.mt 11.90 p:m. .t' own, 1411,1 Mfrs. 1 M. hath .'f -PERSONAL . BIENTIO1W--week-i.. slit' uew`tJwt Mrs Ciu> l;lnCt • nee by the !In k Ciejeter.•14).14 l: 1 �.n,. int • nl sl I n,lhe r. Gr rge - t Fvt +T ti'tt1l:•nt: ism rrifi 1'hr+rtR. alio 'rniy teir'-•tx)'+ hef4•re ' xk'ri.•h•tatwuahip). and - 1•iai 1i1481,'•C. 1•`. yaylta wits fllMd tsv'rl wedde,l of 1f,'lnds'•r: had in}ural ' t •I sister. rs. W. .1 . (Nee, +of �•'twn. Mrs. 1•. L. Knox is at Kingston with herself 1u nn attempt t.. 'eke ler own and costo by Magistrate Reid un , Iter sLRer. who is seriously i11. life nt the rootlet at tl Brltieh (`Ifs F'+nlnlap. Miss E. Ituchan.en Is upending in whisk site.nnd lee !disband had \ °lur,•s.ful caches and donee }:aster lkdidnfs at Terronto. itbrieftip• auspices of the into I w'as' r In d t e Harter tee . _1 h1r s scan a I 0 o_rt' 1 1 ( tMdfNl H itel.b n br- , rs, W. L. TTotrton fins refit flied honeymoon trip. De l:mmersnn was ; from a three montlee,%1sit at Tnrontn. '.*115 41 1n 111141 the ' ytnn.g woman ons me ,1ay ort ring.• Mrs. Kennet nw returned Fri- 4 w•onde•rfut a�;nrtmcnt of chnrolatri Kenneth_ a taken In .1lexandrA la,,;, �nl, when' 1r - },1sTe�iio%e e�: 7ri,fa lc Tu $I� ria night from a visit to Toronto. Mrs. F. R. Larkin end Master D1tk, ILw.,ek uk•11, oat street inflicted with n blunt knife, were nut 1VIK•k s�ud sts,•L11 INIRudits 7'' J gwas found that the w,ulndP evidently k iV I t of Windsor, are visiting at the home 4' !tee. .Tames and Mrs. Hamilton. Mir S. A. .Smith. of Oshlnwn. spent Sunday nt his'home• North start. marriage and there •na. sortie snares- The (:esleeee teetteteeerei i(i.,•Mt) 'serfonr. cents and $1.00 per dozen. -Choir it nj'peara that the y' nag bride had homrgrowtt stock. Geo. $t,'w;IrI. been lII for 'several weeks beton, the t'lorist. Telephone 105. Gran Kr W It Baker hal resumed fila tin of a postpnnrmmer tnt'this ons • 1 1► • tteess -_u_ ..',►•atter,..:: Our Clubbing Rate for The Signal and The Toronto Globe is $6.50 You love 50 cents and the cunt of ensilage a money order. A similar saving on other Toroutu and London dailies. THE SIGNAL ionalt telt:ll'l`Y•t'IItl'l' YEAR NO. 14. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1928 Watering the Lawn Once won't keep it green the rest of the year. ADVERTISING ONcli, won't Make e t otieeeble difference in your busitaes&. Hit hardand hit often SIGNAL 11IIN'1'INI: CO,1.111ITEn, Publishers DEMONSTRATION TRAIN TO BE HERE NEXT WEEK Seed Cleaning %scie ne to Be Shown in Actual Operation In conuectluu with the campaign for clean teed, • demonstration train will visit Blyth on Wednesday, pr il 11, and Goderich on Thursday, April 12, staying at the C.P.ie station at each place4from 9 o'clock a.m. to 5 o'clock p.m. Approved power and seed cleaning machines will be in operation on title train, practical demonstrations will be given by qualified men to the use of prol1Pr *creele and a limited quantity of grain and seeds will be thoroughly cleaned and graded. Lectures will be given In t'he after- noon 011 various phases of farm work; sample* of selected varieties of farm crops will be shown, and information will be available on many matters ed latereet and %slue to farmers. ?hits train 1s *Ming run for the bene - f14 of the .farmers, and they are urged to take advantage of Be vinic to this section and (he edut•atioaal features which it provides. _ Don't for"getathBlclere-Weenesday of next weekBlyth at Goderich. BAYFIELD BAYF1El.D, April 3. -Musa Ituth Higgins Is visiting friends tit Loudon. Idr. and Mra. hues Beattie uud Min Rusaella Beattie, of 1:Irvin, Sask., called ou frleuda in the village ou Sat urainy. the Miss Alice Stinson, who spent past ttbree works with her father, who has been quite 111, returned to New York oil Friday. We are pleased to report that Mr. Stinson is improving nicely. Mrs. Walter Westlake and Mho Susie Westlake left on Saturday to visit friends et St. Thomas. Mrs. J. Fraser returned last week, having spent tire winter at lee -know. Mr. cad Mrt, Angus guests with MissuM r.car'et .-.,Sarnia. are g(( Campbell. Masquerade Imo. -'The mar qul•rule dunce to be given under the cuspis, of the Baytleld Agricultural oviet) 'fuel :day 'fuday next, April promises to be the event of the season. Prizs are offered fur best lady's tume, cos- ................. e, best ON THE BOWLING ALLEYS During the week the Lotulnlou Road Machinery Co. made a ,slight gain over their nearest opponents. There is no change in the llue-up from last week; but the Canoe ('lob's Nu. 1 team is treading closely on the heels of ►Vesteru Canada Flour Mills. None of the leading teems -min. -afford to lose many guinea. Again this week all the contests re- sulted In 2 1 scores. This Is evidence of the keenness with which every game is contested. ton Thursday night l). F. Carey & Son took the /std one from the Lions. R. Carry, Gut.. and F. 'Hunt, MS, being high men fur their teams. ;Duron In- vestments had the edge oil the Legion. A. Murdock, 755, and M• N. McDonald, 721, roiling the top scores. 1)utuln- len Itoad Machluery Co. beat the Hank- ers. W. Barlow, with 613, and W. [flack., with 578, turned In the best scores. On Monday night Y.C.C. No. 1 des reeled the Ilona. > C _..Hendee* BST. and ]r 1. Hunt, 7614, were top sowers. M.C.C. No. 3 took two from Huron Investments, W. Powell, 506, and 1E:. Sheardewn, 591. being best men. M.C.C. No. 2 took the odd 'one from Railways, T. McDermott, 754, and W. Heitman, 704. being high. The Standing Won Dom. Road Mach. Co. ...2s Saltford 211 Legion 94 IV. C. F. M. 22 M. C. C. No. 1 •'( (tankers Lion. Olub Hunan Investments M. r. t'. No. 2 O. F. Carey k Son M. 4'. C. No. 3 ItailS•uys Lulea' iLeagae Lost 11 13 15 17 19 20 19 20 22 20 22 20 22 111 23 15 27 9 33 Two games were rolled in the indlete Mantle this week. On Tuesday Kat• zcnjammer Kids won threo straleht gapes from. I)umtells. Miss :►. Nairn• 517, and Mrs. D. Mooney, 343, were the high w•orers. Rine Streaks won wit nut of three game. from Lucky t Strikes On Wednesday. League Standing Won boat Kstsenjammer Rids 23 7 Valencia, .- 20 7 Bine Streaks, 18 11 Nighthawks 14 13 14 child', costume, best comic cortuwe. Lavender Obiss15 There will be a musicalsu,f literary Cackleberrtes__.. O 9 25 program'between dances, and refresh-; ihtmbellr 11114Akss will be served. thesis auic y i yeky Strikes 6' el •""-'lube Social, la intring OM d , Ment %hell it hay a good surplwt. 1 TO rim r r,('TORs OF NT(N1'1'1 There are u number of much needed , HURON rel.uirs to be made to the buildings and grounds this year and the Society • Dear Fellow Citizens. -da every de - doe, not want to spend the mune}', uu partment at Ottawa, presided over hand and become in debt or go back I.y a Minister of the Crown. ninny as some ws•ieties have done. This S•►' pamphlets• beklets; etc., which ure of Cicty 41 proud of 1110 aucca•ss that bus real ednentlonal value are Issued. For at:e nded (ta past efforts and hopes to! instance. if anyone interested in the make further progress. The directors, different pleases of agriculture, for - wet 1'e pleased to -see a good attend•, h'ry.mining. ' y of err es. or duce on 'Tuesday. grye t te rre.entrthtn,-Un Wlrtnewla4 even.; Ion. will write me. 1 will dig up in the e News of the !own The Greyhound Trip • Who Were may? A letter received just as we go to St. Marys Journal -Argue of last press Informs tar that the steamer week has the followings Two God - Greyhound excursion this year will be crick motorists who had aotured to In the first week of Juste. 'rbe London on Monday sad WIrstyed the stcvt mer will arrive front -LW -reit Tite...r-1c1{i bark lit the Burma city the name day, June 5, leaving for Detroit Wed- night bad an untold -01011M expert nesday morning, returning to Goderich entry wheu their ear got Mink lu the Friday night, and leaving again fur mud gear Prospect Hill.' falling to Detroit on Saturday morning. get the machine out of the hole, the two men dept in the vehicle till wore- Goderich Girl a Wiemer tilt. and when they tried is start at lu a tyliewriting contest held a few days age at the Central Collegian. In- stitute, Loudon, Miss Beulah Sandy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sandy u[ Goderich, was the winner in the ave ttrac•y tests In the novice section, writing for fifteen minutes with only Ing. Murch :`tla, more than sixty of *-orlon■ departments any literature or tire -friends -.and neighbor�esLYLAI ---T-lltfisfS'at Mrs. Robert Turner and family ..;allysiesta• lea gr -at de1.. P_ erel at their bome iu Stanley town- belied of which I bope our young pee - ship to enjoy a social evening before I pie. evrtrthe Istys end girls. will avail their removal to Goderich. Mr. and' themselves by waiting to me at Mouse MIS. Tamer ere highly esteemed fur' of ('ominous. Ottawa. 1 wish it to be (proat-tludnvaa-end t,hough:fah, distinctly understood that, regnrd:ess tart,. 1' trnr- 1timT efRi d ,.r T Swag and their many friends tln Is' neighbors regret their departure. so' to visit soy Defartmeht forany chi- - ltl- _took this.opportulIty to eipr'ess their sen having Mathews therewith. if appreciation and assure them that any,citizenwill communicate their they would never be forgotten. An view's on any matter for the welfare of electric i-wulfng lamp was_ presented our county or country 1 will be de - to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner. u .11• Ilgbtei to reeei1e them and give voice ver bread tray to Mr. 11ud Mrs. Fred j to same. 1 am your hired man. 1'se Turner, and a flashlight to their son; me. .For the Information of the boys t. This fandly will be vers' int Ile pictures thereon and mall them gut. m dayligbt they found the wbee's were frozen solid into the mire. They had to Morrow an axe to chop their car nut. and then they drove on to St. Mary's, where they attired half - frozen. • one slight error. Mise Sandy has John Walter, of The London Tines been atteudlug 0, business college at Mr. John Walter, of The 1.011d0u lamduu. (Englund) Times. and Mn. %alter, filo are making a tour -of Cangdu; 1 Tax Rate for 1958 wereLite.guests of the e14 Ji Stratford A tax rate of 491-1 mills is lit pros- 4'11 Friday last, and 8 number of the gleet for the municipal taxpayers of newspaper men of the dlaufct were invited to meet them. Ia the after- 'n141o11 Mr.. Walter gave an address In the assembly hull of the Collegiate Institute under the auspices of the local committer of the Natlun:ll Coun- Goderich this year. The rate last year was 45 mills, but this did not cover the expenditures, and there was a deficit also In 11t26. The town coun- cil metlast night and wreath -41 with the problem, but adjourned without ell of Education. His addi,•ss was laming to u decision. in any event, mainly a sketch at (be htst,.ry 04 the the ratepayers may look for all In- greet journal with which tie Is con- cretise In their tax bills this year. nts'ted and the relation o: outstand- ing incidents In that hlfgorr tf nearly Lets Contract far Hoose a century and a -half, eel It was 111 the Mr. Chas. Reale, of New Tock, 1s your 1 7S that The Time" was founded In town this week making arrange- mealsby Jelin Walter, lite grtl4t•grrlt-grand- for the erection of a recdtienee Luber of the present lleku Welter, •' ail Mr. cad Mira. )1'411••r were by the city e Boardtr4 ' .'r mel ,'h,• Signal. at the lake bank in the suutbern part Rucst; at a banquet.. of the town. Mr.. Reale has been 'a guc'ttl t the rooms frequent summer visitor to Goderich Trade. Among that and Upends now to apend a greater ',resew nog the editor part of.the enmmer months here, and Is building u house that will be suit- able for winter habitation as well; if desired. Mr. Reale is a Goderich old boy whose love for his old home town seems to deepen as the years advance. and the people of Goderich ,sill be pleased to .knows that he is t0 become to some extent a permanent resident. lightning Bob Strikes The severe electrical storm on Tues- day night played havoc with the muni• opal electric system. The trans- former on Nelson street off North street was burned nut and that end of the town was without house lights anti) eihout 0 &Cloak Wed,w'.dny even-' isite1 . Th.* otsler et the. rte mr141L Us -the north- ► 410 0f the town also a No mut of buSlneso. but repairs were made and the lights were on again' last algbt. More writing still, the elertrle motor that operates the water innerly pomp at the psswerhonue was burned out tint' the steam auxiliary lino bad to be put into rommiasion. Temporary r.Ielrs on tile m"tor. fire hs'ing made, and It la hoped that 1t ran be kept going until the new pimping Local Beach e( The 'monthly meet* afternoon. Present McLeau (In the chat ter. Dr. Gallow and A report from the lie Health, London milk and cream gay percentages of butter ons sample*: Harvey Beattie .... E. Johnston W. Fisher tee," McManus .ryas,. Blsaett ' C. Mc.Ntutua Wins Gold Piece Mr. C. McManus won tbe $5 gold piece offered at the Drennan bowling alleys late 'week for the highest in- dividual atone for three consecutive games. _ Mr. McManus' score was SSM. A similar contest is being put uu this week. The Junior Hockey Trophy At the Lions Club luncheon on Fri- day evening last the St. Andrews word teem. winners of the junior hockey league series the past winter, were • the guests of the Club and were presented with the championship sil- ver - trophy. The presentation was made by Chief Lion Brown, and was received b$ Morrlaon McKay, captain 1,4 the team. Each membegr oe the and latterly of Clinton.. occurred it team also was preeanted •with ai Clinton Friday afternoon lust after tt *wtaWr:- , week's. illness. Mr. 114•MurchM was f tho local on Mondry A. D. . W. Schae- fer. ate of �Pub- rmples .of ,♦hewingy 1 the varIP OBITUARY • 0. G. GIBSON Mr.. G. G. Gelatin, of Cates avenue. et. Louis, was the victim of a motor accident on March 2nd. In getting, out of his car. le was knocked down by ' a paseing ear, lived, but a few hours and wits a ouscluus must of ,.that time. Mr. Gibson was born In rks,tlend nearly eighty years ago, the eldest will of the late Captain Samuel Gibson, long n resident of lioderieh.1514: total 317, or b7 per cent. Penny Ile leaves three children: Julian M. )*auk de{s.st►. and Mrs. (':i anagh.. of lit. Louts. and The principal of Central school tat 'rector Frauds H. Gibson. of New ported us follows for Mandl: Boys on York, and one brother. !►r. S. G. 11th- roll, till; girls, eel; total, 172. Ayer- son, yerson, 0f Saskatchewan. Mrs. James age attendance --boys, 79; girls, 7Y; 1Vileon. of Toronto. formerly of God- tete!, 157, or 91 per tett. fenny crlch. 1s a half -slater. Rank deposit*, $47.35. • JAMES McMUR4'HIE The board granted a request from ' The death of James McNittrehle. • the principal of Crutral school for a well-known former resident of Blyth basketball outfit. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION FOR SCHOOL PUPILS Brought Before 'trustee Retard by Iloeao and School ('lub Thee m outhly meeting of tbe public Whcol board wits held uu Monday alght. Phe prlue * 04 Victoria school 'ire - ported for the mouth of Mattel: Boys on roll, 1142; girls, 181 ; total, 918. Average attehdantw-boys, 159; girl, .la,rp 1n Jjy�lE1 ABS. -tiles year; a Results .of Signalling 1'iialaitlLtie1N-� Melftrrehte. He• seas educatexl In the Results of the examinations con- 1 Clinton wheels. and an a young man ducted at Iii provisional nehotl of went .to Itlyth. whets he conducted a tustrnctena iu signalling held rece•uth rl t 1 ^^4 in pnnnershlp with the only mitt of theln a ex In GolleNch have been announcei. P oa a •.---- They follow: Serge. 1t. S. Hethering- I C"l. 11. T. Ranee. later c•nutintilng the ton. first. gpenal grade; Corp. C. K. Imsinees by himself. Of resent yeah NaTtel, filet ; Signaller C. C. 'Hunter. first; Act g-Sergt. 14. Robertson. flr. t ; Privates k1. C. )clack, first ; K. J. Hunter, first; W. H. McCreath, first : J. K. Munson, 1444.01•1 ; J. E. Nutlet. third; E. IF. Sale; first; A. Ii. Sturdy, first ; F. W. Warnock, fleet; J. 11. Kneeahaw, second. ALLare Members of the 'Huron Regiment. At tbe Harbor Navigation will likely b0 late In opening at this port title year and May 1st Is given as the date when the first - of the teeamees that have 'wldtered' here will clear. The after crews for n number of the steamers Leve arrived and meat of the Can- adlaneveettel boats are practically alt fitted up. Since March 19th the following winter storage cargoes of wheat have been discharged at the l;oder►eh ele- vator: Angeline, 234.000 bushels; 0110 M. Beier. `2.3.000 bushels; L. E. Geer, 246.000 bushels; Wm. Nottingham. 212,000 bushes; }`rank C. Ball. 3.1B.- 000 .71; 0(0' bashe15. The cargo of the steamer Ball ' is being unloaded at the en c'nneda Flour Mills elevator (Thnrsdtty). Only one mofb est -sterner ` ^aro remain, to. be Cleat e-letle'71'ee lie, lad eri>;nged exfeetdvely . n Hex bnsines11. operutieg a m111 at ftlyth. Ile was keenly interested in ls,llticm, and for a number' of Fear* waif secretary of the Nnrth Huron f.il.erai ASsoelatenn. In his younger lays he was a keen cricketer. end ons n member of the all -Canada team on more than One 0008.1011. i1e was n member of the Pteshytertnn 'ehur4L. In 1S ilio marrle,l Miss Edna Mortis of Myth, who survlvee, *Be two daugleters, Mary and Jaunt Mrs. W. Brydene, of Clinton, Is n sister. STT rte funeral took place on Monday er- ngl,yp►1;11nten 111,41 w•as v'•ry largeif attende'l. The funeral mer•lces were eenduettel by Rev. A. Ma,•farlane and ,Rex_ A, A, Holmes. Among those at- tending were.Messrs. Wm. ('nets. 1.. D:ineey and Jas. B. ite, lolls of G, s ler ich. ' 0, L. ST1'RAY Tho .1140th of 4 rswaltl 1. Sturdy on Monday last removed an obi and es- tmn;, d resident of. 111e town. Mr. Slur 1) had been in failing health for a lung tithe and for the last four menith% heat been confined to pts home. Ile was In his /severity -eighth year and was a native of Goderich township. where he tree his early years. When a fapnn man he cense to town and ha Ptt aiIkeW lla{,e y,1' h t r Anme iffir in r -tl Northern Ontario,, whcr' with hi+ brother. the late Thomas fitnrely, he 471* engaged In t. -tion work on the ('nnolinn Pfeifle Railway. For nanny years he was in the grocery bushiest' here, but' .n•tirrel about tett 9, A lWin*pk of water , n Starch iiSMard. 22nd from the tope hall . wee re- ported •'good" by tile I itute , of Public lleelth. An application from Ernest John- rton for n license to sell milk was granted. subject to in -;s. floe', The matter of bawl! all (•rt ad. of- fered for stile wrapped was 4ni,•iderel BRIEFS The resignation of Miss A. M. }:Isley its kindergarten teacher el Victoria school wits received and accepted, to cif t A till- 30th; and'_. Mia Esther Hume was engugletZ ' r the re- tnaiJlder of the--itbeol term at the same salary. The theirniau of 'the school mulllage- ' uwnt cuwwlttM' had met with a com- mittee from the Lions Club regarding no e),•stglit survey of the *lead pupils. Dr..Field and Mr.' I). Brown of the Lions Club were pre'ss•ut - and read a letter fssm the C`alwsllau Na- tiouul Institute for the Blind stating thar the survey could Ate nude late In April or in May andr *eking for cer- tain information before wending their representative. A motion wa passed that the Institute for the llud be asked to make the survey an that the p nripris supply the information -asked for. -Mr. Brown, Dr: irieid and the Lions Club weri' thanked for their Illtereet and neslstfnee. A letter from Dr. F. J. Gently, or the. Provincial Health Department, re gardlug a dental surrey of the pu- ttee was read and referred to the yrhlh'l mnnagement Committee.' - - Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Taylor. representing .the Victoria home and Scheel Club. were heard with regard to the tenchtng Irl* music 1n the schools, offering to assist In defraying the coat. lite was suggeeted that the fourteen classew receive Instruction for one- helf hour e'aeh week during the forty- w•Iwk school year. Quotations for 'mb-MMe- 13ftruett0a were submitted as follows: D. D. Major, $3.50 for the year; 4'. A. R. VIlklisou, 11300; t• •_ a Campbell. 33 Your radio ' n p ' `r i rdy celebrated their golden wed- . when addresses will Ise given on the will 1 visit them. isositton in Miss Make's' millinery , Ment .4 such on event. After her. ar• J,ittltguy nn 1 gra wing f flowers hr n chance t„ " Lest We Liget" In Memory of MAJOR 1. HETl1ER.INGTO .. M.C, Wild ',looted 00t freta tttfsiife:-et:-lty P% Ton Sanitarium, on EasterEve, 19'et. A brave and loving life cheerfully spent'in•duty to home auurconutry. Who said that War was ever right, That millions must be s1ni11 TO satl1fy the greed of thotre ' Who oil. In pride upon a throne?' Who sold that motlgers must their tighter; mien To feed iho giant War? Who said dict children must t be rob- bed Of father's care and Influence? Who .%,lid that 'ferniest' must Meer Invert loge While yet they're. and tate? sirotig anal brave Who said that young men must give up Their youth, their wenith, and hrnith, And Snmetinter, too, their joy in iife, Their faith In God, or trust in man? Who Roll the world should groan for years in pain. in tears. and debt? - The erlme Is madd'ning- But . H the Slaughter outlaw, War The price 10 broken homes and lives Shall not hove been In vein. Goderich, March Stet, 1928. 're. 1 , 1 0 Miss .Tenn MenonaTd, ' of trorontn.1- ��-1n,-ilotlerk11-11Ittc..� lad SSft'EII_1-The"m''_m"t-iielteo1-Flubs44 }p"1 • 0111 0 few day,: the I1 - peel week with wtate f I •s r' ' 1 •e r . store nest (embtte! evtle,'!r induced 8 tori, N'ii hod 11 sureessful honor Mrs. It. ('heer. Mrs.7, A..8tniton r�urnerl this wok from n visit of Havered months to o e t. p II e t y wur.•n 4111' cootie belting mile ut C. M. itelw•risntt s TOWNSHIP COUN L reed' to eehool nianngemenl commlttiro _AwJLh - _ Trustee Miller to investigate and - report. .4 notion ons paused fent (Toe whores .•rose Thllrsdar,'April !silt, nt noon for the Fruiter 1ioed/rye. The property camniittee we* asked to make it etmplet. survey of both selotls anti bring In at the next mint- ing' a report' on all nsgnirementa t0 pat the indldinga _in first - 1:,.s con- dition. Tho town (nnncll will b• repasted to cinder the- eldest -elk nn itritnntiln- rend leading to Victoria echoed, _--DUN-GAN"NON • e;(►1tl ItIl`11 Ttl%%'NSII11' in Ilutuest'tth 'Tin• i out' iI too on Monday, April 2. The minutes id 1 tan -t44145( --_warn __mad_ and adopted, •Ater from the iuldioia 4rttirtrtri,4 V •. 1 . was 1.111 ,Ix N n r 1 1:.:u I re settlers' t Znv lel .► lettc r from the hrplrl >S atom art chin ay atter- of 1'nbac lllghw:n)+, show ug lituou1g of grunt. was were grlttgfy to the council as ata also the report or 11,' audit of the rood ae•oulrl4 (ot• its_; by Mr. 117-17.' • 01 the I1ie.:,wa, . Tapia"t.",.t. AItbeeek .lir apq'Totiog of I/1 51 y4ar's 1uc1hods,. thy, t err ,il11lT• lror@ 1riN.se it le frill, Dieing to the very. satisfactory methods nd4.lrlrd ' fx•r 1Li• year's a••ouuting, white Mr. Eastman heartily: endorses 1111 fleeting requirements of the Ieport- Ilary t) 1ii•ut �s try grunt will lei• ren'I%I t Jessftt four months varier thane turnu•rly, which will net 0... t,.nn•hip 'a ntl•e .ruin ti inten:st •1'h.• 14ilap subsidy for 1927 Is •t+Ing n,' t;n1S were ordered II wards', err'n• in dog lax. $2: •i;ler;'t•m'ent: pay vuarher No. 3, • 14277Gi . • Mir. 11.. tar! Stnrity again reports n e:ra II svv, ei. of the !.IXes. ' The eonm, it deeply rt•grets the death tf the eel. i medTeIiIiTrrriitla PrTlle brardt of health, Mira Johne %Voodoo tin oilier t%liich 1;0 ha,1 loos: . I.ly fillesI for lite. {IIsi ten Mors. 'owing to the noel regular meeting. lateen, next mlmth the (teepe11 npts.lutedi Mfr. T. M. Wasik, his• 114.11. to 311 lite vacancy'. • Tho c0un1 11 then adjourned to 111/4 1 Monday. !ln) 7, et 1.30 p.m. R, fl. Tfl(IM1' ON, Clerk rash act. w 41_4 1+nitrr,.2 At ttlnds •r p < p A h , . the young women; 5'14.4 a nlent'Mr . f noon. About $311 Was realized. ends I .11 tlte' auction Mole o1 Welneslitty Ter nt0 and New York Cjty. ninnng loth Chltte e' :.: ', Cu nndinns. M1 r. (:eo..(intik! urehnoet' the house, Mr. Reg. Williams, of Tomtit... is I tier, she was-tlw'w,,iy_c'i,inese wouir' and' lot art itHtnnnin mad i.elnngting' spending 1r'nater holida s with his pnr- In tnwn and knee pien. t. ally nnhn.ly 1 I the e,t 4(P-„•,-tht- .µe.-- 4,14ow hcyl, en s. r. an rm. ams. . outside her .own room-. At the hoe i (tell. The 'rice ail wets $820. Mrs. Frank Baker haw returner] to eetta1 .she 1* u_evter atten• 1 1 1 g -hear (laugh- 1 tion, r►R � F 44tr-it+rlff rr.l-}l,r11,1 as fm'll '1lfrntfnnl niter wTotiln trarT Jg_ is 'tore t x her leaFfh w u d a bazaar rued sae of hums• let, M[rs. A. A. Hmifh. - will is gnifr rertorrd. MIN. Douglas end sone. Donald anti , mndr baking uu [Iumilbal •*net on Fred. have returnee to their home at n well -to-sin fanuty 5L many fel DU!NY 1NNON, April 4. -The regu- ar mowers: needing ofthe - West Va- W4nuih Etre ' Inattran e Co. was Feld inM r.'3Fru ; e;irn on rug 1ieTiiy. - Mrs. T. e:. Allen is visiting her daugliter, Mrs. Roy Barris, at Strat- ford this Meek. Mrs. 141111. Pentland 1s on the sick list this week." We hope for a tweedy recovery for her. The A 1'.1'.A. of the Anglican uTturel-t ore pottItlg onrtWl i play, "The Winning of Joy'," In the• parish hall on Monday, April 901. • Mr. E441), the new hiker, has ba- grin • teasing- +his. --"evert, - We are deuIw11 to report Il:.t his predictions II 1, e A I uud we tette he will receive milli th gendrot patmmoge of the pub!(•• the ' •. HMI family •lug N }n 1) nu l f a y are expected tWs �ceek. The retitle In this vicinity' are at - must 1_ *Isslthlt•for molar traffic ilia wank. .) • hope (lint the warm rains. _ and ursine wines veil rote( bring abseil Hormel stn litto11s 1141111,1. -fr:`11n%i1t�Erringloa. Ir.".. b% Meter"' (hese dos'% litlazing wood in 1111* district, �\ The "Wi:liug Workers" Mission hand frt. the 1'res1trrhui chur.gi Sill Ittsld nil entertnitim rut in the enured on Tuesday,' April 10tli. when the pastor. Rev. C. 11. 015 field, will show tlid6s or. -Pa. on ley." A •atmrt pr„tgtnm :will nlq, given by the taetelters tt the Blind. Women's Institute • Htr1ing.-The regmlar mtothlo meeting of \ he Wo- men's institute was held at tee home of Mrs. N. F. tViiyar,l Inst Tini seat, CAURCH NOTES ...., Toren to. otter visltlttg nt the home teal. - u,I tha t e. rat. and 31rs. F. C. E111ertt. - - - -1.-- The .4a4ti Tek• Woman's Missiu; :.•y Society of "pads holding a f14*) arty and (hovel Mr. Harry E. Wiggins', of Chicngtn. i 1 and his friend. Mr. John E. Genn. ' North street l'nited el ,:rah will iso'! o'rt 11'Ltnewto). April 11th, in the "Pent a few days the pant week at *11e i14, }:aster (hank-otTori:,: meeting nn M;1w,nie Terne'e. Kindly reserve the home of Mr. and Mr*. James Curwen, \\rrines(lnc ecening. .►;•r. 11th. Mir. defy. .4'rthnr Street. (Rov.1 Weir. of Myth. iI he present A •'ars),” euchre end dance 1111,1.4 MIS Fhrr•me Mooney. who Is taking 'rni etre en melee, ,' "LIrtening 1lo• rin*ptees of eho Catholic tt'enwr, 8 renew nt Macdnneld Tnetltnte,. in." ECeryonn weieom; 2 Leanne will b.• held .111 the (1411r; Guelph, is ;pending the Easter vaen• Speck! rester meryil • will be held I's'',' fill to ; sd ;tents. ,tpril Itch 1luur h next �elnday nt 11 j 1'music. 'rickets 30 nts. flop in town. She is accompanied .�? nt Knox e a fellow -student, Mins (bx. I a.m. and 7 p.m. The elder* reeently The Goyernmrnt5114.11 ck.i:ning Mr. .Inmos Stewart. Victoria street,ll elected will be nninhre. at the morn- demonstreti.n train will be at the after loeg nerrice tat bfggagema5on trig serviee and the ch '• will render ('.l'.11. 'dation, Gelerirh, nextfelie a - f e ('. .. (10 lora retire! on pen- RM4RaI mush, 'Tulle . •••iifior aeryk.e.' der riven et- retort leer. tn-11 _p.m Sion. lip had been In, the employ of Arhath !oboe! and BSI 'r elapses At R Iurrrn•rs of the district an. invited tt the f:.T.lt. and 0.Nat• far forty-two p m visit 1L. swarm In 9118.12 capwl(•It1e4. We regret nb1erslter' of North 4'Mot Peltedvett are Burp to enjoy Nn'ieiohiitd's entertainment If you retell.' the .1r - thin' Circle play ".ire You a Mason'?" fn Knox char•(, le•tnre room nett Thursday and Friday evenings'. Agri( 12th and 13th. flnn't forget the ren111ra1 eventing end mooing picture* In lit. (:eor e's parish hall on Wedneselny evening. April 11th. eommehcing at 4.15 n'ohi,ck' Thls entertainment will he under the anepirru of ties Ht. fienrge'n Men's (int) And a anal time Is assured rho*M' who attend. Admission: Adults 25 rents; rhlldren 16 rents. fo say flint Mr. Stewart is at present In very poor health. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. H. linmher re- turned home. this week from a month's trip In Western t'nnaan. They limited Mr. !limber's brother, Mr. 1rnry }lumber, et Red Deer, Alberto, and took in Vancouver. Edmonton and other cities of the {Vest to their taut. King ttrcet United church, London. on Huntley tan er!ehratel the eomple- lfon of 8 halfs•entury of (Xistenee. Rev. i)r. W it Melnfowrh, a G.0 I. nld toy. who nernpled the pulpit of Vorth atret t'niteol church. (:nderlrh, nn a recent Snnday, is the minieter of the London church. and Sunday lost west 0hnreh next enrol'''. :. fodt/wi; 1Q rem., Men's (Init. Mise n eland and fellows/hip ensie.. 11 A.ta, anera• men* 0f baptism. aernn.'nt of Lord', 14)191'r and reception of rs'W member. 3 p.m.. $nndey titelew,l. .It the peen. lag M'rvtee the pastor will prest'h and there will he special }.nater inn** by the choir. Pervfera in lleto011, ehnreh next Annifet ne etllnws: 11) a.m.. feliowahlp: 11 A ca., WnlWiip-. 4nhj4r'f, "Being Made Opnfnrmohle T'nm III* Death" /flue tomtit and lams Ammon tin the poelage 1'411, 0:10): A p.m., elmtrh aehnol t 7 pi., worship -Atibbart. ',P'Ire Mighty .Moaning* of the seventeenth anniversary of his 117m*ter." The chair 'tell fends% app' pastorate there. f MAT Kanter m11,0,At bnl ,ttgrelteltr. 1 8ipttas £hatch. April At#.-+ddkli f*r .er'vleew, trperial mode. Morning. IEmpt� ve." Evening. "From 'Sorrow to "Bal"Wakes lines to rMest's' Mr. II, 14''»' *' stokes left on Mlondny for i'etrella. where be sweetly pslr- chewtl n confectionery and ice ere,e m hudnese. For number of years Mr. Stoke% wet employee in Mr. F. IT. ('levehtnd'; Iwukery here nail his many friends will regret to learn of his de• partnre from town while tendering beet, wishes for his slovens in his new lneattoe. Sill tl good a .ttendaine. In the` ab- sence' o4 Ih.• pr•stle4,1 111e chair leas taken hat• the Slt.',-(ireoldent. }:Iii try 1b.• roIt rnTl Nas nnsweret Miy Ens'nrite Ilower.' A paper MI 11,, itpt,'. "tt'lue4 e'Nte Your lf.Nlttalik let for r!,• 11on,c. thee Community and \ the Ne'lith'" was prepare! by Mrs. McIntyre. but elte being unable r„ lie pr•st•1t it Was reel by Mrs. Rosa, ►n imperwiut fearllre of the, int -ming stns -the pn•a'n:atom to Mrs. N. F. ' Wh$nel of a Over cake plate as A _ slight token »f 1ppreet!It ion 0f her ' klndt'e 4 in furnishing at room for the women during: the resat '1emonetra• tion course. Mfr. Willard replier* flt- Nttltly, thanking the ladles for their kind word s •1n.1 the gift anti remind - Ing them that it one her pleamnre t0 hare the Institate at her home attiring the rr'ursr The meeting wet closed by the etnging of the Natlnnal Anthem, The next norting Is to be /odd at the home of Miss Elliott. . .4 ft