HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-28, Page 10LUCKNOW
Rev. L. Van Staaldninen
Services at
10 a.m. "Just Follow Me"
2:30 p.m..— "How Are You .
Righteous Before God?"
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
Message 'of Today
CHOK' Sarnia, 8:30 al.
Radio dial 1070
CFOS Owen. Sound; '1:30 p.m.
tit,* dial 560
Rev. :Doug tcaurnian
• Pastor.
MAY' 2nd
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship,
Nursery provided
for pre-school children
Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst
10 a.m.- Sunday School
11 a.m. Worship Service
7:30 p.m. Evening Service
Midweek Prayer Service
Wednesday at 8 o'clock
C.A. (Young People)
Friday at 7:30 p.m.
• -
Doug Zehr, Pastor
Phan* 529.7751
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
'34,—`"c.—":;..Lt1041,01,010100000-ftal 000.00.00000000..0-0.0,01.0001000.4,000030,01e'40,"
The April meeting of Dungannon
United Church Women was held at
the home of',Mrs. Ivan Rivett. Mrs.
J. C. Drennan opened the meeting
with an , Easter verse and hymn 103
was sung, with , Shelley Rivett
accompanying on the organ. Mrs.
Drennan and Miss Beth McConnell
.gave devotional readings and MTS.
Harold ".Dobson read scripture
passages from the gospels of Mark
and Johp on the Easter theme.
Mrs. Wilfred Pentland told of the
life and work of Rob Witmer, a
missionary in Japan. Mr. Witmer
was originally from Goderich and
well known to some of'the members
thus making the study of his life
that much more interesting. Hymn
104 followed. - Shelley Rivett
favoured with three organ selec-
tions, namely, "The Age of
Aquarius", "We've Only Just
Begun", and "Killing 'Me Softly
With His Song", which were much
enjoyed and appreciated,
The World Outreach , committee
will be packing 'a bale and ask that
donations of adult clothing be left
at the church no later than May 9.:
It is hoped that someone from the
congregation will take advantage of
the Alma School Leaciership Course
taking place from August 22 to
August 25.
The correspondence was read
• and Mrs. Cecil Blake reported on
the official board meeting. The
U.C.W. will . be taking charge of
One church service in August. Mrs.
Dirk Logtenberg gave a thought for
to-day called, "Quick Action", • •
"I'm not an early gardner
I get my tools out last
Yet somehow, every year by ,
• weeds,
Grow early, thick and fast.
The meeting closed with every-
one repeating the mizpah benedic-
tion. A delicious lunch was served
by hostesses Mrs. Ivan Rivett and
Mrs. Roy Wintemute and a social
time followed, •
The ,Kinlough Presbyterian
Women's Missionary Society
entertained the Tee ater W.M:S.
and the. Kinlough A. .W. at their
Easter Thankoffering n Wednes-
day evening, April 2 t. Mrs. Jack •
Barr presided at t rgan with
suitable music while- • the ladies
were being. seated. . '
Mrs. Wm. MacPherson welcom-
ed the ladies and opened with a
thought on the resurrection and the
hymn "The day of resurrection"
was sung. The meditation on
Easter was given by Mrs. Frank
Maulden and Mrs. Tom MacDon-
ald. •Lead-Anne Haldenby and
Sandra Reid favoured with a duet
"They Borrowed • a Bed". Mrs.
Gertrude Walsh had a very
inspiring , reading, "My Opportun-
Mrs. Don Robertson introduced
three ladies,' Mrs. Donalda Scott,
Mrs.. Mary Sheane and Miss
Maude Fisher who talked about
their trip to. the Holy Land and
showed slides. Mrs. Robertson .
read a poem by Dean McLeod
about the Holy Land called "The
Map of Palestine". The hymn "To
God be the glory" was sung.
Mrs.. Don -Reid thanked the
ladies and presented -them with
Mrs. Robert Bregman . sang a
solo "God Gives His People
Strength'' . Mrs.- Reid and ' Mrs.
MacPherson received the offering
which• was dedicated by Mrs.
Robertson: •
The 'closing hymn was, "0 for a
thousand tongues to. sing". This
was followed by grace and Mrs.
Don Robertson closed the meeting
with prayer after which all were
invited to remain for refreshments
and a social time of fellowship.
Ridvan Is
Sacred Festival
The most sacred Baha'i festival,
Ridvan, is now being observed by.
Baha'is around the globe. It' lasts
from. April 21 to May 2 each year ,
and coincides with the 12-day
period in 1863'that Baha'u'llah, the
Prophet-Founder of the Baha'i
Faith, spent in the Garden of
Ridvan near Baghdad, during his
exile to that. city. 'In this beautiful ,
garden Baha'u'llah declared His
mission to mankind as the
Promised ,One of all ages, the Lord
of Hosts ,and the Master of the Day
of Judgment.
Ridvan marks each year , the
formation , of the new Spiritual.
Assemblies, both on the national
and local level. The election of'the
9 'members of the National Spiritual
of Canada will take place during
the National Convention in Guelph
(April 30-May 3). The election of
the 9 members of the. Local
Spiritual Assemblies occurred on
April 21 in communities here in our
own Huron Region, throughout,
Canada and around the world.
Local Spiritual Assemblies are
the basic administrative units of
Baha'u'llah's World Order, operat-
ing at, ,the first levels of human
society. As they are the smallest
focal points for the attraction and
dissemination of divine power
within the 'Baha'i administrative
system, ,they concern themselves
with the individuals and families of
the Assembly community. , They
are an integral part' of the world
plan sent down by God through
Baha`u'llah, in this .day of salvation.
for all mankind and their sole aim is
the establishment of God's King
dom on earth.
St. Helens
The St. Helens U.C.W. met at
Miss Isabel Miller's home on 'April
13th. The meeting opened with
hymn 104 "Christ the Lord is risen
today": Mrs. Frank McQuillin was
in charge of devotions. Eight
ladies answered the roll call with an
Easter: verse. Miss Isobel Miller
read the scripture, Luke 24::1-12.
Mrs. Don Cameron read two
Easter poems, as did Mrs. Gordon
Mrs. Cook had the •topic which
had an. Easter theme. Mrs. John
Cameron read an article on coastal
missions. Hymn 86, "When I
survey the Wondrous cross" was
followed by prayer by Mrs. frank
Mrs: Gordon McPherson was in
charge of the business. The
collection was taken, minutes read
by Mrs. Frank, McQuillin and
treasurer's report given by Mrs.
,Gordon McPherson. Correspond-
ence was dealt with and the 'May
meeting planned.' Lunch ,followed
the Lord's prayer, and grace. Mrs.
Gordon McPherson` thanked the
Irc•stesseg, Mrs. John Cameron and
Mrs. Frank MeQuillin.
Support the
Pro-Life Have
SeVeral Speaking
An executive meeting of Alliance
for Life, Win'ghani Branch, was
held April 20 at the home of Mrs.
Sally Campeau. The minutesof the
last meeting were presented and
approved. We..' are proud tp
announce that, our membership has
now - reached over 225.
April 10 was the Southwestern
Ontario Pro-Life Conference in
Kitchener. In, 1973 0.11.1.P. paid
out a total of $6,000,000 for
abortions.' All Pro-life members
are urged to write to their' M.P.
regarding this abuse of O.H.I.P.
George Brophy is writing a brief to
be presented to the human rights
commission with regard to abor-
Wingham Pro-Life wishes' to '
commemorate the unprecidented
event in Canadian history when a
petition containing;over one million
signatures was presented to Parlia-
ment: This petition was asking that
the unborn be given the same
protection as, any other human
being. May 29 will be the first
anniversary of this event.
The annual dinner will be held at
St. Paul's 'Anglican Church' in
Whigham.' The guest speaker is to
be Mrs: Diane Buchanan, a worker
with Birthright. This is an
organization that gives free and
confidential help to a pregnant,
distressed • woman. We , have
several speaking engagements
scheduled. They are: Sacred Heart,
VVingham, Kincardine District
High School, Norwell ' District
Secondary School, Palmerston,
Holyrood Women's Institute (this
fall). We will also be represented
this'year at the Teesvyater, Howick,
Lucknow and Ripley Fill Fairs.
Because our whole purpose is
education, we feel that "Canadians
have a right to know the facts
concerning , the .present abortion
situation; furthermore ‘they should
not be encouraged to find solace in
ignorance, peace through moral
isolation, or conviction by means of
a fashionahle and fancy phrase.
• The available objective data
indicates that the abortion mental-
ity has brought• Canadian society to
a • crossroads where Canadian
citizens na0t now decide whether
they want a government which
judges that people have a right to
live only on the condition of their,
being socially acceptable, or one
which judges 'that people have the
right to, live because that right is
natural, sacred, and inalienable.
In other words, Canadians .must
'choose between, a power society
which denies human life to
.whomever it deems unfit to live,
,and a just society which affirms and
promotes 'human life wherever •
human life exists. The former
satisfies the instincts of the
totalitarian; the latter, the instincts
of the social democrat."
Hear Tray**
On The lioly‘Ond ,
The' AshfieId Women's , Mission-
ary Society Easter Thankoffeting
was held in the church basement
with Mrs. Alvin Robb as leader.
-The service was taken from the
April Glad Tidings, Mrs. Grant
Farrish And Mrs. Geoige Moncrief
taking parts of first and second
Offertory prayer was giveri by
Mrs. George Moncrief followed by
hymn 223. Mrs. Alvin Robb gave
"My Easter Wish" as the closing
Business was conducted by Mrs.
Warren Wylds. Any good used
clothing, may be left with Mrs.
Henry MacKenzie or you may
contact her about this. Roll call
was answered by a verse with the
word. Resurrection in it... A thank
you note was received from Mrs.
ten Pas from the Pinecrest Nursing
' • A bus trip is being planned to
Ewart College, Toronto, the second
week of June. Anyone interested
contact the presiaent, Mrs. Warren
Wylds. Mrs. Ewan MacLean gave
a report on the Synodical held at
Chippewa. Everyone worked on
ribbon fish mobiles to represent the
symbol of Discipleship.
Lunch was •• served by the
committee in charge and a social
time followed.
Bruce Presbytery
Met At Port Elgin
The spring 'meeting of Bruce '
U.C. Presbytery was held in Port.
Elgin United Chard' April 20th.
The morning session was called to
order by the chairman Rev. Walter
King who read John 21: 13 to 19
followed by . prayer. Rev. P.,
Walferd-Davis, of the host church,
welcomed the members and intro-
duced Warren . McDougal of Craw,.
ford as a member from Bruce
Presbytery for ordination at Hamil-
ton Conference • on June ' 6th,
Wilfred Laurier. College, Waterloo.
Rev. L. Purdie of Hamilton was
also introduced.
The • report of the nominating
committee was received. Harry
,Bruegeman is the incoming chair-
man and Rev. Jas. Stackton the
chairman designate. Committee
groups met and returned to the
sanctuary at 11 a.m. when' the
sacrament of Holy Communion was
dispensed: Dinner was served in
the Church Hall and the afternoon
session reconvened by 1.15.
ReportS of the committees .were
heard and discussion followed on
the many items of business with
which Presbytery is concerned.
Rev. Ian Lilly of Lion's Head,
extended courtesies to all who had
helped in the day's meeting.
Rev. W. King declared the Court
adjourned to meet during confer-
Annivetsary Services
Sunday, May 2
SERVICES AT 11 A.M. AND .7:30 P.M.
Guest Minister