HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-28, Page 1•
Ree*O.,.jorkt OpposedTQ Suggestion
Extra To,
To Withhold Bruce School Tax
,wEDHEsDAY, APRivp, ion Skigla Copy No 20 Pages •
Net Cost Firm
Bruce County's 31 local municip
alities will be asked to withhold
payment of their levies to the Bruce
Hoard of Education until the board
justifies the "tremendous escala-
tion" of school rates. •
Bruce County Council was nearly
unanimous in endorsing the motion
last weekthat will urge withholding
County council will also ask the
federal anti-inflation board to rule
on whether the education cost
increase in this county is within the
The Bruce board of education
recently announced mill rate in-
creases of 40, percent which will
cost the average householder an
additional $63. It is this increase
the board will be asked to justify at
the. May 18 meeting of county
council. .
Amabel Reeve Gary Harron, who
said his municipality's levy for
education went from $292,000 to,
$41S,000, argued the board has an
obligation to taxpayers to answer
Died At Age 88
William Webster, a long time
resident of West VVawanosh Town-
ship, died at University Hospital,
London on Wednesday, April 2L
Prior to being hospitalized, Mr.
Webster had' resided for •a short
time'' itt • Pinecrest Maher '
Ludmow, and, before that at
lie was 88 years, of age.
The funeral was held at MacKen-
zie Memorial Chapel in Lycknow on
Friday, with burial in Greenhill
Mrs. Gordon (Winnifred) Wal-
ters, 40, a resident of' Goderich,
was seriously injured 'in a recent
motor accident , north ,of Exeter.
She is the former Winnifred
Fattish of this.community, daught-
/er of Lorne Farrish. . She is a
patient in. University HosPital,
London, Where she underwent
sergery. Her injuries included a
broken hip, two broken cheekbon-
es,, a broken nose and a possible
cracked upper jaw.
Mrs. Bill (Donna) CraWford, 35,
R. R. '4 Goderich and her . two
children, Carry112, and Mark,' 10,
with passenger Winnifred Walters,
were returning home to Goderich
from a dance competition in which
Carry had been involved , 'at
Fanshawe College 'in London.
Also injured in the crash were-
Rarold 'Cottle, 17, R. R. 1
Woodham, and his two passengers,
Gloria McKenZie, 16, Exeter, and
her sister, June, 14.
Ontario Provincial Police from
tzeter said the Cottle car, was
proceeding South on Highway 4 at
about 8.15 p.m. when, it collided
with a northbound car driven by
Roy Marshall, 30; London.
Police said- that folloWing the
initial impact, the Cottle car
glanced off the Marshall vehicle
and struck the northbound Craw-'
ford car headon.
Neither Mr. Marshall nor his
Passenger, Madeline Dix, 28, ‘•
Bruce County will need 1,500 to
2,000 more, housing units by the
end of 1977, and about 200 more
will be needed by 1980, a
preliminary peek at the countywide
housing study shows. The $30,090
study by The Kleinfeldt Group of
Toronto. will be made public next
Ontario Hydro's construction
project at Douglas Point still
generates most of the housing
demand, but service industries
which Fame as a result of the
nuclear/ project contribute to the
Changes in employment projec-
tions at Douglas Point resulted
when Ontario Hydro was directed
to delete one 'of the , heavy ,water
London, were hurt'.
Mrs. Crawford was removed to
Clinton Public Hospital with a
broken leg, face lacerations and a
nose injury. She also lost part of a
thumb in the accident..
Mark Crawford was removed to
University Hospital, London, with a
broken ankle.
Carry Crawford suffered cuts
and abrasions. 'She was treated at
Smith Huron Hospital at Exeter.
was one of the few objectors to
council's action against the board.
He said the taxpayer will have' to
pay interest if the school rates are
'withheld. He said, the county
council has no, right to tell
municipalities to withhold payment
and that "the motion isn't worth
the paper it's written on.'.'
Commenting to The Sentinel
following the Bruce County Council
meeting, Reeve Joynt said; "There
is no way the municipal representa-
tives in Lucknow are going to .
further penalize local taxpayers by
withholding the local school tax
and having to eventually pay the
interest on this money. When it is
due, the school' requisition has to
production units from its program,
and to defer,for one year the second.
3.2-million-kilowatt generating sta-
tion. . .
This has shortened the term of
employment for many workers and
as a result-some of the workers who
intended to move their 'families to
Bruce will commute' instead. :
One.result of the Douglas Point
project is that the ratio of jobs
available to women is down.
The percentage of dwelling units
in Bruce that are occupant-owned
is much higher than the ayerage •in
the province at 82.5 per cent., They
range from a high of. 88.6 per cent.
at Tara to 66.7 per cent in Port
Chesley has .81.2 per cent;
Kincardine 70.6; Southampton,
76:5; Walkerton, 69; Mildinay, 81;
Teeswater, 78 per cent. •
per cent. .
There, is also a. larger proportion
of older homes in Bruce than in
most parts of Ontario. Seventy per
cent were built during or prior to
the Second World War. This
compares with 54 per cent in
13rantford, 35 in Hamilton, 31 per
cent in Toronto. •
Also most of' the dwelling units,
84.5 per cent, are single-family
The survey indicates that at the
present time, TeesWater, Lucknow,
Seated, left to right, Edith
Marshall, Louise' Andrew, Eliza-
beth Pentland, Belle Graham,
Gladys Kilpatrick, Laurine Mc-
Nain, Beverley Ashton, Wilda
Reid. '
be, paid.''
joynt said that he will
present an• alternative proposal at
the May meeting of county council
whereby the county might hire in
accounting firm to check out the
requisition requested by Bruce'
County' Board 'of Education and ,
have them determine if the
increase is justified. •
Reeve Joynt said that this
proposal would come from him
providing the procedure is 'legal
and that Bruce County Board of
Education would agree to: it..
Brant Reeve Leslie Abell said
one reason for the increase is the,
"tough union the board has to deal
with." •• •
Council approved a $30,000
grant to be paid over three years to
Owen Sound General and Marine
Hospital. The hospital board had
asked for $44,300.' •
Several members•objected to the
county' making a grant to the
out-of-county hospital. The same
consideration should, be given
hospitals in,. Kitchener, London,
Ontario, Toronto and ether centres
where Brube patients receive
treatment, it was said.
Office space needed for county
purposes will be available when a
county-owned home on. Jackson
Street in Walkerton is converted,: It
has been proposed that .the social
and family services department,
and the 'Bruce County South
planning' board could use the new.
McKinley Gets. •
Huron-Middlesex MP Robert
McKinley has been named to
Progressive , Conservative leader
Joe Clark's 32-member shadow
Mr. McKinley, who has repres-
ented the riding since 1965,
becomes the public works commit-
tee chairman in the 11C•caucu.
He resigned as whip, of the party
on February 18 just before the
Conservative leadership conven 7
Lion, because he' believed the new
leader should be free '0 pick his
.own whip.
Standing, Kenneth McNay, John
Helm, Bob Mowbray, Jim Hackett,'
Donald Reid, Charlie Chin, Percy
Barr. Hugh MacMillan, George.
Richards, Jim' Peterson, Jim Reed,
Mac MacDonald.
After Audit
Is completed
The Sentinel last week carried a
story indicating that an additional
$35,000 was to be, raised by
Luckriow, Ashfield, ' West Waiva-
nosh and Kinloss to pay,The costs of
the Lucknow Community Health
It should be pointed out that
while the total cost of the facility is '
$148,000, the net cost to the four
municipalities, after winter works
grants have been applied, will be
$112,000 to $115,000; This definite
figure will not be-confirmed until
after the necessary government
'audit, is' Completed.
Tells Of Life
At Frobisher Bay
Near Arctic Circle
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Following
letter written by Mrs. Ernie, Greba
of Frobisher Bay, the former Edna
Reid of the Lucknow area, portrays
life in that nortitern community
where Ernie is ' ;with the Royal
'Canadian Mounted Police..
BoX 500, Frobisher Bay,
March 12;,1976.
Dear Donald,
I do enjoy receiving the Sentinel,
especially up here. One tends to
lose track of :time in the north, with
the long winter. Although our
temperatures; whiCh generally
range around -30 to -40, are still in
the lower' -20s, the ' days are
becoming noticeably, longer, and
the sun is quite warm. We can
expect blizzard's, '',white-outs'7
where everything shuts down, for
awhile yet. Winter continues until
May or June, beginning early in
September. Summer can become
quite warm, but generally one
needs a sweater or jacket.
Frobisher is situated on a small
bay extending into the larger
Frobisher, Bay: and, that into Davis
Strait. It is a 3 hour flight by jet
from Montreal (1300 air ,mileS)
Costing $348.00 return. There are
other flights into the smaller
settlements, weather permitting.
Everything revolves around the
weather here.
We are below the Arctic Circle,
so receive a few hours of sunshine
even, during the shortest days, not
that noticeably different to the
south, just colder. I froze the end
of My nose jus.t walking from our
arena - about a ten minute walk!
One soon learns to respect _the
weather and dress accordingly.
Hooded, heavy parkas, wind-pants
and good warm mitts and boots are
Died Suddenly
George Fisher of Wingham died
suddenly at his home on Friday,
April 23rd at the age of 71 years. N.
Mr. Fisher was a former resident of
Kinloss and Whitechurch before
moving to Vingham.
The funeral was Monday of this
week'at St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church in Wingham,
questions. He noted that summer-
vacation property owners who pay
75' percent of taxes in Amabel 'can
be expected, to raise a noise.
SaUble Beach is- in Amabel.
High salaries paid administrative
employees of the education board
contribute to the high costs,,
Kincardine Reeve Floyd Weick;
'said. He claimed some make more
than the ,Ontario Minister. of
The school board should be more
accessible to the public, Harvey
Davis, Elderslie reeve said. He
said the board circumvented the
federal anti-inflation guidelines,
":..at the 11th hour."
Lucknow Reeve George Joynt
Former Resident Suffers Serious Injuries
In Motor Accident in Exeter Area
Bruce County May Need Up To
2000 More Housing Units By 1977