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to -Thursday, March 1, 1998.
The Wreck of the "Rdwinq"
Beatrice Gri mshu (i
CL1.4 I'F:ft N.
11'c r"u to the jetty, and diem -
forked, mud tuner lately 11 seethed a
to all that happened within the pea
- 1, w etreuuuua . weeks were loth(
tress thou a dream. For here was th
lea !home. red-n,uftd, apn.tdiug i
soda) ruofv tut widely over th
liner rooms, as a bee tnereads be
aa.nga over ber chickens; here we
the pearling tuggers, their masts pen
cilli.} thick as rushes agaivat the sky
here were the yellow heights and
light green bushes, and the circling
salt-whtte• shore --and the low sea
windy vottage on the sand -spit, and
tee brown folk wandering, and the
gods and the pelican* (tying over-all
1 had seers it fur so uwuy, many
y, ans. And Susan Pascoe walked up`
the jetty with Laurie walking beside
liter, Just as they need to do when thee
g':nne back from a journey to "T. 1."
And I half expeeted to see the giant
ti}une,�i..lIlerud red -laced. Tesl•ba}
.•.neem up on the house verandah, and
hint bas bellowing voice shout a wel-
tome to the two. •
Why couldn't one go back? Wily
emildn't one, with sone immense, un-
beord of mental effort, awing the
whole getting of the picture away into
the past. and make It what it seemed
to be? In that moment I felt as if
----A-hope-must- be a way, a door, into
Meow twiligtlt realms of unexploreed
paryc-boIogy, if vale one; timid find 1t.
• • • Some day- men would learn eon-
-- - Intl of time. as they were now learn-
n1.t control of space. Why not?
cieantime. it wax still the year
1t+--, and the bright, once merry Dome
leLand was torn to atoms,
. fur all its pleasant looks on that fair
day. .Susan. who had been 511 but
wintered, was returning -to a home
t e :frayed. Herat nam r.aming the
, •>;::•nita in sear((( elf honer and my -
re f. whom he would assuredly kill if
f.::ud, and of Lurie. who might look
ter worse than death at his hands: As
for Su�un, would be even now allow
1.. r to bttutd in the way of his plans,
ter which he had bartered honor, de-
-- -e'1'1-c'y. manliness, to which, I reckoned,-
!e would cling until the very last? It
eume upon me that she must know
wl,tit had happened; for her own pro-
Itetlon, if nut for ours. I had a tea-
--`Ken a weighty one, for visiting rare-
once more; erebrwla', 1 had
s:a.,ply nun for Thursday and its safe
elite settlement, and remained there.
7 must still run, anti so must she: and
all of us, es quhl Iy ea possible.
$tae did not know. When she
ree.-hed the house, she hurried Into the
ce.1 Inter mortes, half -crying with de. l
ligl:t at toeing home neer more: ale
tlt:ug off her tattered hat. began hunt.
ins through drawers and preessee for
ne :v clothing. -'feuds, help tete. i
child," I beard her say. '7'm a seare-
crow-not fit to be seen. Get me that
Mae dregs, free cool -where was 1t
}sit? Who bag been upsetting all my
things? Was 'Herod crazy? Ile's
vwn them alLlato a bundle in the
t . hrdtem, , . ," `ht
"Why. Laurle"-(1 wart on the ;Bli-
nn 11th outside; I could not choose but
1, .,r, and somehow it did not sem to
n, tier) -Why, Laurie, whom do all
ti • see things belong to? Thuds new
and kimonos? i wonder if -be-
ll. e
I:.. been arranging tmrpritses for t
• - A brief Interval . . . "No f
y're all too short and narrow for 1
me. Deer. dear -isn't itrlrrat the sort f
of mistake a man --try them on; lr
r ey flu • you. you might as weIl keep
ft, 'tn. You won't? But why not,
here was a deadly, monetifary r
et !nest 1n the mann. Then cume son wily we
1. :rie's voles. cutting and clear, (*.;ted him.*
'those are my things. i never wore ort• cite in
11 In, I'd rather be 41(414.--Ytmr hoot -,-tea my w5.
i'Tgxvlt-rhPn1 ter me theoloj-ltaaaa.r: die_--uncert
r .i ane, !Matta, and I'd ruttier you I abode tattle
r1. 1;J call me n • child 1111y more, landtxape, t
t, ...e, -
••110.11 anal!" :ani! a yobs eelit 1e, tiffe'eteed Ir: w
1'. •. and. _Fitt not, (rear's. "Are you t,'It. "1 rosy .s• wrong," 1 1' ❑iy+e•If,
,n .1. !.aerie? Whitt do yi,u ,ns ?'- "+rot 1 ean't -e+lp thinking 1 if 1
',•lark' told her exactly what s4e. Wall) to tee ::oro married 1' Ir- Q.: -
rr .Its. in brief. hrnta+-reels(,,. Per- a od_Ldt?�:J)'••nfcest to told :ti- temple
1.. r they were kinder for that. Per. a hit longer.'
( if 1 had felled the rhnnee 1 In- "Well?" n-,,,1 Bowen and
let..:ed to iinirtir-m1t1., aunt--hsd 15. ' (tract w•:; a note of a .and in
the story gently, 1oy deytrees. as 1 h'-• suite. 1h. slid not i„y.4' 1
at ,11 to do. It might Imre been all *-''oil see -to 'ake his sat oaten
tl worse, 1 doll't know, 1- er,nld not from a inere ;:endai an Ill • �, se'!f.
•:h just then; th' w3i ire •r�jrWi,'--- -t decided 1.»-tliy. 1 1►,.. :.•Il bion
h: trod and eonfusesl to inc by the ter- jn t•nnu b ' satisfy bin
r. low sound that (tome tirrouCh tee • it's about '1.. honor.' I
n whitlows, of Simonet tens. That , I'a.s„e will haie to Ind e,
grimly not to le M,ree. e nk•+s 1 hour shout t. tree where
' the -right that every mean w•1," yet know, *n; enougl:
1 have;
rale s to
1 retold '1' andLsite A
there here are
Icould not ma, . re and h,'.tr, so 1
tants( tower steges a1.,I rias coral
il terrace, rue that ra1•r!ed me
away front L, •: egging aoacly. .Wd
as l meat, 1 ,'art! L,ltlrit".s tees
1'uuug totted
"I don't kit,• what y.u're eryln
about, Susan.' She had de•tluitel
droplad "tales,.
eau ce ire isa't dt+•"
"lie 1sT" s441d, totes, purged au,l-
deuly of the tstitNta of weeplug.
elle is dead! 1tarried him tteeuty-
one years ago rea nater it was
May and there was anal .m the
hedge... and the twee, smelt . . , I
worried the man I tones(, and he'+
dt•:1,1 There', s.•rl.)dy alive'. -but 11
i*u't he."
"I attest L W 1 11 riot." rah
Laurie. lint if )..4a0aa that er„d'
"grit by tba• �.i'�. I agree will
70(1. will you hue these tttttlg' 0
eba11 1? Ton wnt :'' Well, 1 ,Aon'
care. I *suet either. I'll throw them
out or wince if to tate. Yate
down and smell Far salts. $srean.
You'll feel bee ter Ire old by. I'm g,
Int out to And Pna1 -You know " she said, tnaddeloly
putttrtg her head late the ram Ugalt
after she bad ;eft k.' it's all iarlg,y•
eoek to brake a faisetleat Her.,,). Yot
like (reset *bent a hoadred tines as
amen. . . . why, there be Is. Lfrteu-
erx hear good of ts'.Wselye, some-
times. Bert," -ie aria(. a trifle moe•k-
tttgly. "i,e., her al•'ne. She mot to
'makeeter1(( think sir's awfully sorry
*(sail tiered. she wouldn't feel good
1f elle ,Lhln't- t1,!" -with a stretch
and a •Itndder I'm tired -tired -1'm
do d:uwwd dr•••'. Daddy Bente. of be -
Ing is"1 ! If I Ili utth 1 had to be teei
gousl a- sate ue'tiot:ne with per
hand rots soma's ,tem -`for an-
other titty •-,r4 periap.-I'd Jump
right over If, j, -sty anter, the stiTarks
and end it. -
."There won r he any neresslty for
that, far s, i can see" I glowered
dryly. "Yoe aro in to petrticutar
danger of befog as goal la Susan. 1
remember pre funny things about
yon. 1 re*,ut,-r your pretty little
ram, rte's !9s
'.You main e'onrbita,. 'i.arm to kill
Hertel try tach!," she w:.ttered, cool-
ly. "That's rein. That works. Cun-
rhita knOt� tluugg. . . . What are
year I,e,.klaaajuliki• that fur?"-
"Il,w• lCag-Tns Coalbila Teen here?"
.,-k..4 hatbreathing rather .1ulekly.
.t1 11!41(4 bad stl'tmk pee. ,
•rah. aboit a, l..ng a* I have. Wby?'.
'•i'il tell you that by std Its."
"How long are we going to gay
"I'll tell you ;hat, too -by anti by.'
And t walked el and left her.
I had u a4ii b look up ,Conchita,
pursuiug tato new idea of mine -bat
young /(towner met and (talar(( me
klet. He was rotllug up the path
from' the jetty, his white -covens,
yachting ell almost over one eye. his
strong young chin Anel mouth shoved
forward -shipmaster in every lite of
* body, every 1laoveeueat or bia.lfaILI,
tough mu'c•k-e. "This fellow ,ouid
Nulty a erre." slams into my mind, as .
1 met hila Art.! again; "Jack
ashore -late land's Inst Kia h '.1.1543
Hon' will is ever work eel?" ,
Poison," las met ms "It's
itne you and I bad ,t wort(. Wi;14,iU--1
Tightening the Women. I don't think
Ids is ever *Mt above a healthy !date
NetJ CAfi,BOY BLUE, 11 CAN JUMP ne.-es) s
f1tiYTfItN6� t, _
ALI i6147,0oPEEP.
-.. as•
�•� ..
By Peggy Harvey
or any of us 'Let them get their fat- ,
ala and siege on. We ought he ho in
r. I, before 'un -up tomorrow."
" We cant Le," 1 answered !:ice,
'Can't we. indeed? And 1 ! lout?'
I besitatwi There was ample reg-
. odd not; treason that nlf-
almost =ore 71,,, any
tar world. But 1 'lid not
s tell hi Alert frpm
a, -lea that c•u ttT
•r like stooks ona•mnrg-n-
1; re was the qucotion of
h far bas 'ate, and Lauri.. would
I. -Mrs.
kept it,
"o, down
1, taken her In my oras nn.1 atop- his lepers. 45e want so'
her crying with her clear fare• land '1'bs rr aur :tin(fs tO 1
n• tl nay bre:Ist.
Vitt i might not hell, err, unit 1• Hewes slo,.l coerl4er
%vel ,ret apart es K th. -
:,Ii,•ir, and ro;lilg lee et.-' •,
-flew tong'[ ynn k4.
on: at last, •.,Rita the
•rte.k;ng into .ane eller.
It will 1$'•,i tlta?�1'*f
n,,,y 11• a alt f
'it,- N. won't L a
: u, vt1►lnit.
• 1' cot 1.- hue f e hark w title ,
y,• • here, ' 'a site 1' lot ref nn
' run yon all
opt' io•the I And ' i. k as 1 roll.
:17.' 'hen Mtn - ,.•k n, rt4.'t him: and
ht•• -s -,•n twee rad .t im myself,"
"Leek heed it 1 wilt. (tem-
perately, "bet 1 st 1014 herrn fool
e, rile trlpt ' tier 1 • •,t?"
"You've act, -.l �e good plucked
ono. and 1 w. •,'t
i .:r11 blue wirer."
Go after that cold with
Minard's Liniment, Put
Minard', on chest and
throat. Take a half
teaspoonful mixed with
syrup. Also hent and
inhale Minaret's. No
cold ran stand that
Minard s Is ercrll•nt 1"t
**IDP• mfn'na.t.hr•r.I, 4iti•.
asthma and all soma./ ail.
mem,. w
Th• (.s,5., w•Mrs Laniewvse
of three.
•e ngnksat
Ills ?cgs I i
and were
y set itay.
brought 1
h1• w 5
ham tnouflt, •
talny and e
rt , If a e 1
s ' ns• of find
80 -PEEP
13GY tc,L;1E
Little.Boy Blue cone
bInco rnF your horn,
The ywep's to the meadow,
the cpw's in the corn;
Bet L;here is the boy t.Jho looks
offer the sheep?
I:c's Crone for o boy ride t,titl,
IIHle BaF�ep,.
And, tlftie,Bo-Peop hos Iefi'her
Ane goodness knolls where She
will find Them,
Fsr Sties gone Off so for an hey-
new little cot,
,^•rd the. sheep hove hots no one
-to mend 'them.
plain to him, will.you? that he'll ge
tripe's- elided Into the middle of ne
week. if he lets anything come with
hall and doesn't report It right oft."
"I'll attend to it," I said. And
dill. .1nd than 1 found Conchita, a
brought her with tele up to the hou
frim Suntan and Laurie wa
no port ref illy plot -nuts �«
The 0141 hill/env woman trotted at
its heels, silent and light as ft dog.
She was doglike In many ways, this
t'ottfiilta; doglike in her brown faith-
ful eyes, it, her lack of ls•itwnulit
save as concerned her mixt res5 antl he
mistre-s's teats; In her strange w14
.t curling' up and sleeping anywber
nir,l anyhow, about veld r„rtn•rs of th
house- Onto she had been young aur
onaely. elle
ad bed
melt, -a lienee. of (ber uazt._in lovers,
far-off , _MM-
. datum.. Sime had followed her nun t
'Thursday'. aft,'rwarls to Farewell-
' and there death had taken the 1.1)
!star and the babies. and 11ie mor
t "1 never ,-.I`ea1 myself anything,"
xt broke in Lai:r.,•. making play wttb a
In huge fun of !.can ta'athers.
"You did,' I corrected her. "You
1 called yontst-!t 'lAuiIc,' or something
rad like it. A cull's attempt at Dolores,
se. We got Into the way of assuming you
s were Laura and calling you Laurie."
- "\\ea{[, what a 11 matter, Bert? Do-
lores 1s a pre:t;er name than Laura,
and that's e.; 1 shall make -Paul
call me Dol.•',•. What are we waft-
ing for? Pu eoe•t't want to stay
- • here.", ,
r "I will telt yen, what we are
way for." ('•St lca,•h ns 1 think
you," I *Mel secretly.) "I
'Herod has something or other
1 away foothill l:outte•-•iw'pers, pv
good for
1 don't know what -that would iden-
tify yank"
She I'a►ksd at face keenly. Then lobe
said a strange tttiug. "I wonder,' she
breathed, "de 1 want to know?"
. cruel, had; the hands of Herod.
-tooted her from a rude pearltnA�et-t
dicer to another. like a mere bale .f
I goods._ Time set her free from,
t ten Sony. It r , We tik tt . arae[ is,. -
ii. less, she would have been thrown out
to the "beach" .f Tlurrelay and
j abandoned. had not ik•n,1 lane(..( a
marsh -dog for Laurie. and set Con-
chita on the job. The dog hod learned
to love its mistress, as dogs do. This I
gueseed; hut It was only of late that
1 had begun to ghees stere.
_i found wuwan lying In a long ham-
aark on the verandah, fanning herself
gently as she swayed. She was wear -
Ing -some kind ofsoftblue gown -talus
Wag always my lady's evlor-she had
343rd her larown, wavf }talr Ota the top
cif her head. anti drawn a blue ribbon
through lt. She looked. with her
smell tarirtpal. face •trap her softly-
p4nk. heart -shams] mouth. like some
meet- -• Y.rtgttsyt flower,' grown enter
mlQty cons. Laurie, pacing the reran -
dale her vivid creams and erhnmons
get off i v n n.h' of g*tlflwer.Y.lored
muslin, ...•rued ti hat she was, n bins -
faith of the tropic., a daughter of the
it wII at Laurie that 1 looked lohg-
est -fur ren eons that had nothing to
do with her esotie la•auty. Abut her
shrug the interest (feet attends ull
things toesse,a,lt of great and unknown
p.tsa•r-. Ltutrie, thls ,lLe of a crea-
ture In a yehuw fna•k, this pltt'e of
Joy with the klesi ;ilk., %5.s nluarst
. e ri .nay u p*�e-er c.snslssred with
a hon, t'r1►ier+ r rot'-
dett., •t'ankt-4t email, Tits thought
•tt8 t•rcd rat`. I wonatere.l If, after
till, 1 con . lave •e t-mistakert-
mvch mus ns,tlImetl, sU little prove
113 Irl,
Unwittingly, Conchita gave
sue the clue; struck the speck. it she
hand nota- . i doh n
ro,l, lief was hear affecting ale; his
linter to get away draggut at my
u.ird. I think T mlghl almost -have
zi, ey1 the buslttete up, and started for
'I' I. and Immediate gaiety, had not
t:wnhltu.. with. -.Utter unantle l_ou�ness
a n3 thing unusnnl in her *peec•h,
lament to Laurie and said -
"1t Is yomr lerer who is on the Jetty,
take carte q hint
p rat
5.e I» „
t re fid Master conte
aur ;\b itis,. i,'mile, Dolores of
4.11 1. rake cane:"
••1\"hat do you nt';n -by Balling her
hal reamer 1 asked. "Why 410 yea
t't trims IAnrie
' it/dot-to? i not know-, star. 1 think
have 14':,rd it. .111
the t i to
ug het il(ssa (auris. 1 rat know
%le .1 lila, milling her Ik41ore' some-
. il:, 1te it 1»»•nose there lire
ty. O plenty pretty cid in my
o',ntry I7,.'y call them'Iktlnres.'•
1 tilt(." I said, "It's War's, eon
„o h,on•I her tall herself D.•loree.
a last saw. at4a hardly able to 'peak."
tell, of al. the -why, a week or
tae' ago yet acre as keen as mustard
e n it. 1%bats happened siuce?" -
"Li -tett." 5.:.e suddenly Barred out,
You .an do shut you like, and find
out tvhut you like, but you're to say
nothing about it-oothiug, noWiug:-
to any one -_I n.til I give you leave."
"Ant! when %ill that be, you bundle
of oast
When 1 (tete his ring on my band,
Daddy lte:ie; not a moment before,
1 dnu't Lee what you think you can
out. w? Hoer it'll i, - good or bad
or nett'. -r --but it'll change things,
somehow -5.:.d I dare you, I defy you
t. chant.• ,Buy thing for rat. --I-1 could
kill you -,r :,:.y one -if y"u risk ray'-"
she patch, :t mottsent. *,•Ile.. ten her-
selt, ane br•.,tgbt out, full throat, the
grans} o -gat, music of the word that Is
IV often w. -ten, ,O seldom said -"My
"I'll not risk your love, Laurie," I
told he- • e;o down to Paul and talk
to _kiss: you and be are safe." She
1'onekitu stood in the strong sun-
light, eu0-hing the other run, lightly•
u14 u child. A ross the neral terrace
and deer ;o the sea. Lark hands
folded ;,cr.,, lean waist, deet') fiery
eyes that :.1" -ted from Laurie to lo,.k
sit Inc eapa.•';:intly, the Filipino nomad
setts,( II .seri ,wogs.( se,•rer•y, ,rp Wool georgette Is a dlbt ns t:
ptONi Gtt4, ll.� *lama• t'wlaing, the slave inerts(, and ort Its light weight agar. .
`ntp)titn ',i4 Gond/uta, 1 could swear, iwluor ae.r'laI f making It a must s .
krat,w oa,e• wieg. Fe111,t11y- 1 s -void ebb msoeH*I fur a sl, It els dress, I.
rwa"tr s ., .old nut tell it tinge soft material, it letodtt It>.
t �'ur L, (snail?- to draping. ideating or tueltil
t u trent, I dt,1 nut nes J her.
I Thunk s,.'e i, as aaTiiilsbi.T fiat n t d mat-�dtLtloaal tniitetial of tete
Then, with a shot that hit the gold -
'Neither do you."
I would not heed her arrow. I was
counsel for myself now; all argstme4'rs
that told for the other side I rejected.
(Continued next week)
Fashion Fancies
Wool georgette Malice :1n Ideal
Hushtess Dress
e!olteti, shot, 1 toll her to go he.* to
the tilt'':,•• 1 dig not cure what she
-eve-`hit( T T•: j (T m-WITO a. Se
"1 toe tilne,n;,e.
DI tht h. ,iats, I towed Susan. Sbe
mita leo ,.:,d ao,in with a Mlttle of
,rtne•1hnt 4, as Laurie bud rec'om-
nsetn! •I , -h• was u}.. 141141 packing her
etehe o 11,•r eyes were dart circled,
and lier lies.,el.• :rte nose was a little pink.
4ii -T 'Ti:,el tope w -es t1iu
ulat'"t •rir,,,ntmlltel. .t 'ever trr during wag
timany- y uring
'ars, f n-ate•Md her while
,-al..ii' lntomi.;.:as ever,.1 told myself that
he's '1- I k Iter music mode visible. i
think there neper (•,w bare been so
grae7 fol „ e+r,•eture+
„I ki ow sold 11
to her, "that alt Yt i:r rlinr.lcier and soul are In th
way ,ort •et your heel on the ground
' 1 Lope nen;," she answers.}. rowing
' r' "h eru0l4 ail if one had tier
1111,7 of 11 raise."
: .eel .rel, Tt1eu(thaIrsk
newof osuherKene. here •hen w-le4
to one 'mother.
i.rat •r
the 's
m . t1 a•
allt1 f
tN heel
of any a•erm.•n who ever wnikr.t." i
wen, en. Opole fmaki*14 spirit tnkhsg
ptesPtmle'n or fwe. and forcing me of it
• '1415h• t t r sn, the tineas that hail ben
lting avis m, Ilpu, unsaid. for retire.
"I e.p, talk as If !entity were Dyes
14nd month Any little jade can (stye
that A. it 1 sort or bontty. Yours
tams through ro Z and It mtreakar,"
"W)'nt de,' it only?" she nskt'et Ili 14
carefully ynn tannpku'e soler, stnuotts.
Ing n sllken , max gni anal afttlin. as
V she had f• rgottetr what she hell
"ft spooks.- 1 said, "of -
"'The desire of IM' moth for the star,
Orf the nieat dor the morrow,'
f hm
Arltlgh mrt..re. .1 gfdai deal more."
)more.", W,r 14nla-t'r.d, not my wools, but 5543
"It's ice}ot,s•l3*) "
"I'm down that dross," 1 mild, feel-
ing myself n.oldenly tarn steel. Nod►
wits the fight
She mit It .lows. Sate stood to front.
err ne. with tie slant rays from the
verandah fn (Ing of lam. -tali end
Alam AIN! W1,i-4., her lovely, speaking
harks emeses reefers her. Eke waltgd.
"Semen." 1 said, Is It Osaalble you
won't consider merree-e,w?'
"I don't hntleftlatelnereat"AMMild.
7, You'd 1• ter #' -
"\We1I, then,
not•. 1 can't
want Lanr)e and
for a few hour*.
thello to
send kook after y.
chap, and leave
"15'e a go." ba
see she'.
mem', nater. e
AT the tap of
"- it is long no
nee it little rat.'
to everything. 1
Pastae, jute
sett gireatlonm
tzars -oh, go
a1, p, like a band
n to after my
Id . ealttlderingly.
to alert at a Mo-
ll put a loot t,nt
rad, sad Vat n-
For ttalf a Century.
the Standard.
Sur( 4'4,4 ul Treatment
ming 1s not necessary. The very long blouse, tightly fhb -
_at the --irhi e, and the 'mid and 1,
coming neckline. The imports
natures of this .mart model,
Worn with ,earefiely ehosen stege
wtrle•s, the+ fra•k Makes un kIoni (s,s
I,1 me for the spring.
W. G. Markt (I'rogrea4ive, Routh
liuront In the Legislature last week
rritledard the Government control
measure. •
Ha was in favor t > of o
r amrP
res1rierive law. Drunken automobile
driver)•, were beenming a meeece, said
the sgs'aker, 1►riving iaertnala, -he
thought, sbemld not be Issued to Per
romit who had liquor permits. Mr.
Melt favored the aptsrintment of a
amplified person 1„ carry on teroper-
atwe i.!ne•a
clonal work.
ltringing to the attention of the
horse the panels(( of the Alumni As -
sea -inion of the ()Mario. Agri-nitnrat
t'oliege, that the Government tarn
over the instittplon to to b,nrd of
lnwernore. the lrytenker tweeted the
eondnet of the college. 11 hod no far
hoen carried on free retie politiee.
Hie thsmght, bowel -me there was a
pets,iiMilly of mita', ending Its way
snd it might. he well to comelier
the pommel.
The speaker favored more agrMnt-
fnra) edneat)on' In neral pall(( and
high *shoots, end aatvoented *tele
TPA onn, for the elimination .f
flexion* weed.,
Ot .: get the eeirdeu off to 11u
curtly and oleo grow theriae tender-
plat „Mb r(•i�tttre g longer season
lieu . (•heats allows, by starting
maty • vers and vegetalelt•e indoors.
Juppli• • or the window box or tutug-
fug A -'t eau also be pruduttd fu
this e. .(Moog the lower, zip -
„leo, t,iitt, ,.smug marigolds, 1r'
reel p:.:teally auytltlug er'..pt pup-
piew, % ch do not truusplaut readily,
eau 1s -tried ouster- chaos iu Mash
or Al't' and atilt benefit from being
wore•: -"tad 11 ft'W tittles before they
area p:a•,t to their perwunent leca-
tiews. ' the• vegetable• Hue, toma-
toes, •�''.nge, !read lettuce, eUs-Uu-
btrs .• ms and even a fele early
truer rats, and sort tau las plant-
ed. .4 ^'x a ��vuple of inches deep
with '' e•1 burst lu' the bottom for '
drat, :' and 11115.11 with sand mixed
with , : t1e helm makes the best ma -
tent,. 1m1, -,r planting. If such
nlab-. is not available, the nearest
gt�t•::::- man will tie able to supply
sum, )(slater the earth, then mark
off .rows, which [Wed only be an
tea t: ,,i• 1, m.o the seed and *saver
die 1.1 tightly with a piece of sack-
jpg ,; ''•*nett, Thee tette-ring will
o;orminati,,u, and prevent the
r, -;+-•tet tante(; WU.414.t tut.. 11 1:.
Ire ,,et the limits teurted to n
Aar:, "eine tenor, stns after they
tun, -14411 el, rhreuugh tar Roil, re-
m.•t• Ioverin: and place. them In
till; -.: :;ht. at !ea.t a (,,ot away fore
Hoe it It 44 single, or closer 1f
a - emits' has lata pr, vid5.d.
eta.,.• • .re that_ they are pad1y1,•ted on
tat. . hen the rhentw,aneta•r thre•at-
er.. to sen.. Where 5, hi rife quan-
t' , • • (.lasts ft, desired. It 1. edvis-
abe ' , provide a hot ltd. This is
;1 gla»sy.r.•,w'tttl bent placed on
;' •'f horse w.enure, w111•h should
b• amu. at least ,•:''ehtwen inches deep.
T:,• oast tee•ttht face rt'e smith with
I' •' c..e+c sloping it few -i *hes 111 that
that %atter will run otT, and
• -:It rags t-a114;,r fully, and should
m t •tea ptaaad 501)) the manure 1s
snare,( up sad "salad ele,wn again !o
:17.•r,t :•stents ,1.'gnrs. In (•old
,,.ater, water „•ry sparingly, anal
stn bright ,:agog. Ventilate a
by raking :he trash, find keep
- open k,uger a • the wea t her gets
Mutt- _r•e'w-n to a hot bed
and la• treneplanteel;to a cold frame..
• I is a glast►q'ndeeteeL bed without
henth,g manure underneath, where
are beaten•,[ off befolr trap
4.-e-twi .attafale-
Can Place No 1 slue en a Garden
There will *leapt be many critics
who will malu'tuin taut, if the labor
emitted in gardening were valued at
so much an hour it w.uki be cheaper
to buy vegetables and Bowers. Such
a caleulatlon, ho,teewcr, neglects to
take' into cow: -e1(tii- u =the exercise
and pleeli,r a derives( from the growing
.f vegetshies and dowers -upon which
rico proper value can be placed. No 1
wr'ney could purchase the quality of 1
ve etablea Rr,wn within a tow yards
of the keel' ft, or the t1.ay.•rw fest ,
picked from ':.e beds at the door.
Beat %s;eeable Varieties
7'he follow -ng list of vegetables( t
suitable for . in -ting In E".tern (*n-
ada, is rvr.a:nended by fie Govern -
meat author!! ;es at , Ottawa : Aspar
ague--\Wssh.t.aon, teatisfaetory from
the standpoint -at disea*e resistance
and a good cropper. 4ieags l'e-na11
l'ud Wax. (7,511( Pod Kidney Wax,
fhringlese Gr,•n Pod with Kentucky
Wonder t,t-F t Pod and Barts Worsley
41oldett Pod a. pole sorts. Barts -Flat
Egyptian Early -and Detroit leark }ted
later. ('aht ,ge-Golder, Aerie as
round -he nde.l first early, follotvtll by
C4gen11tlgen Market and Enkhuizen
(Petry as m +Prtw'n, W1111 short nla•ni
Jae:ash Bi,t ,ad for w-Inte•r storage•.
(',utliflowi'r- N,arty litowball and
Early Dwar: Erfurt, Carrots-Chan:
tenny ■rad IMnvers, Corn -(extra
Early ('ore .;.4jdett 1ltttam, and for
later use a well's Flcergraen.
veneer!, -1'• '„•tion teeters- a;ettidcn
I'I1nre• sent ''nets Gulden. Lettuar -
th-Lind Itnl,l • Nonpareil. anal Iceberg.
Muskmelon- Hearts of (;uII) or Hoo-
ds, Mtllers tesla or i►wst e, netiiitt' -
tturprlar 5.r F,nmrntd teem. Onion -
ellow ro„ Dan ere. Prize Taker
Yellow 1; tee - a -..�._
Tttomoa Leo' .n, Rltte Bantam, Hun-
dertold. 511 • 'gem. I'arsnlp-1loll.w
(ltwlrts' it,ditsh-Pshsrlot Turnip,
white, yl t .•nota Bre.ekttist. tSpin-
a.h----Ideon,- ,le and New Zealand..
Taman*. martian ns first early,
followed by i.5rltnnu with John 1Sauer
and Imams' tt,•st as the m•tln crop. it
1s well h• re:netllb'r that the quality
Calvin Cutt's
Store News
0. --
Poetry Flour, 24 1(114 +tc
tihelkd %%'almit., per Ib 40c
ileLltn'n'e Invincible Jelly
Powder, •I tor...
Tiger Catlett), large bottle Irk
Kitchener Pune Pork tdautngr,
)b 23c
Sliap Iland (.'leaner, 2 tilts 211
Toikt Pewee roll • 25c
Gold Dust, large pita: 27c
Syrup, 5 -lb tin 3;ic
Faeitirst Shortening, 2 Ile 37c
Special llven•Kiet Fancy His-
cuitx ...
J. Calvin Cutt
Pbone 116 Kingston St.
Clubbing List
iia Signal and The Tonna*
Globe 11,60
The Signal and The TeseI.
Daily Star • 1.50
The Signal and The Leedom
Advertiser 0.50
The Signal and The Loadss
Free Press ILS0
The Signal and The Tomato
Mail and Empire 6.50
The Sioaal and The Fonaora'
Susi . 3.25
The Sigaal and The Family
Herald sad Weekly Star 3.0e,
The Signal aad Saturday
Night 5.50
The Signal ,ane Saturday
Evening Post 3.90
The Signal sail The New
Outlook 3,9„
The Signal and Canadian
Homes and Gardens 4 65
The Signal and Th. Catholic
Record 3.75
The signal aad McLoda's
Magazin* ,.. .... 3 75
The Sigma, sadMeatreal Wit-
maas ..... renewal... 3.85
saw 3.511
The Signal on d World
Wide._ - rasewal4.25
ram 3.55
The Signal sad Youth's
Companion - 3.75
The Signal and The Tomato
Star Weekly 6.75
The Signal and Rod sad
Gun ,,. 3.95
The Signal and Th. Caaadjan
Countryman 2.95
Clubbing Rates With Other Peri-
odicals May Be Had on
Fresh Bread
Baked Daily
That's what yon get when
ordering your Bread from
Cleveland's. It contains the
purest ingredients known to
bakers. Buy a Inn( today and
taste the difference,
---W *-specialise in Cresta
Goods of all kinds
of the *ell. ;e ('seen rra,rte Important
than va#k'il__i41,t that yegt'tnblee toy
h,lve the 1 iehegt qun'Ntr must he
r ulek ,
R It To get t thio
R n••al t
bels nest '. thoroughly worked be-
fore and rat se„ling lard a quickly
available fr-• Iber, such n. nitrate of
mode, shoal,' he ecpplird 4•yery tw99-
eroks dsrine the eptly part of rift
teas.nl. T:., err*le*t Wily to spply
this is .0 41- lye about n tablespoon-
ful ,I rr
In n R atter *Ask k the
went the 1P , M with to watering elan.
parvo Holds Record.
Birds ltv' ,nger than Masts. The
parrot holt. the eyesore In this roe
epe•rt. Ther, is' a parrot InoLondon
which Is definitely known to bre at
)twat ono hem -teed and twenty yearn
ofd. All day It talks, swings on a
rope, and Inlay with a ball. This
bird was orlclnaily the lethal ma$rot
of tho Itslah of &Mara, and w:,t rug_
tared from Aim in 1x01. Itnv.na
and (*ales aro supposed to lite a very
long Umn, but we hate 510 ^xaet Ag-
ar.., Of A046'. however, we have ea
1tvnitnce of 'one slaty years old that
wan AUL dI l5R and healthy.
east in f)t1(s4.ta.
the four King ttoorgr
rete V., present King of
on the same day of the
Fath of
pree,r1 l n g
RubVickaonthroat England. d
and chest. Relieves week.
two ways at once -
absorbed, inhaled.
lits were
Ptfty.Tlrvro tholtaasds,
t'.ty 63,000 new colnn-
etly added to Canadian
1i27 through the in.
of the Department of
of the Gaadlaa pads
Phone 114 West St .
Electric Bulbs
40 and 60 watts
Special 5 for $1.00
Ouvranteed I:.))() hours
75 -watt Nitrogen
1(3) -watt Nitrogen Bulbs :,tae
East Side Square Phone 501
We Barry a [food *tock of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of All Kinds
E*timnt.g given on applieaf inn
Frank McArthur
1';I,F;(Ili ICI AN
Telephone 82 West Streit