HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-21, Page 12SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND
Head Office, 56 Weber Street, East, Kitchener, -(511) 744-6535
Branch Office; 705 Goderich Street, Port Elgin, (519) 832.9510
Evenings Call Hepitorth 519.935-2542
gan Dalton. Three new residents
were welcomed to the Club, Miss
Muir, ' Miss Darrow and Carl
Campion, bringing the member-
ship •to forty-eight residents.
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EasterSeals help
crippled children.
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The Federated Women's In-
stitutes of Ontario met in Toronto
at the Lord 'Simcoe Hotel, on
April 5th - 0th, for the semi-
annual spring Board of Directors
meeting. Thirty-two Senior 'and
two Junior Board Directors, re-
presented all parts of Ontario.
MrS. Herbert Maluske, Chesley,
in her Provincial President's re-
port, said time does have a way
of speeding by when 'one is in-
volved in such interesting work
as the Women's Institutes. Many
meetings were attended includ-'
ing the United Nations Associa-
tion, ,presentation of the. En-
. trance Awards at the University
of Guelph, College ofFamily and
Consumer Studies, Royal Agri-
cultural Winter Fair, etc. Plans
have been formulated for the Of-
ficer'S Conference, to be htld at
the University of Waterloo, May
4, 5 and 6. This is• a training ses-
sion for the office of President,
Public Relations Officer of
Branch; District or Area, and
Mrs. Earl Morden, Rodney,
secretary-treasurer, of F.W.1.0.
said her mailings numbered
423. From 1200 Bay St., Toronto,
Mrs. S. Armstrong's numbered
1900. 'This does not include items
mailed by the Home Economics
branch, Ministry of Agriculture
and Food. $1,530 has been con-
tributed to Nutrition Education,
$1500 to Pennies for Friendship.
These are projects of the As-
sociated Countrywomen of the
World. An, UNESCO Gift Cou-
pon for $1000 was purchased. to ,
aid in an International Scholar-
ship Fund.
Miss Helen McKercher, Home
Eeonomics Branch, 'Ministry of
Agriculture and Food, 'expressed
appreciation for generous sup-
• port of the W.I, members and co-
operation in parrying out their
programs. All staff vacancies of
Home Economists will be filled.
Short courses will be. on a Dis-
trict basis, , to ensure a better
attendance. Adult Education pro-
grams promote leadership and
help someone else do a better
job. InformatiOn given out must
be accurate. Summary of partic-
ipation for 1975 - 76; training ,
schools• 15,190 persons,. Summary
Days 7000; Short Courses and
Food Forums 3,380; Homemak-
ing club Members numbered
Public Relations ' Officer, Mrs.
J. Harvey Houston, Lucknow,
publicizes F.W.LO, activities to
all parts of Ontario, and apprec-
iation is extended ' to the Press
in all areas of Ontario. 'There
• have been 225 mailings in The
interest' of the Women's Instit-.
utes. Arrangements were made
• for reports and publicity in con-
nection with the Federated Wom-
en's Institutes of Canada Con-
vention when it meets in Cheri-
ottetowo, Prince Edward Island,
June 20 -24th.
An encouraging report on the
Erland Lee Home, was heard
from the chairman Mrs. Austin
S. Zoeller, New Hamburg. who
is also editor of the. Home and /
Country publication of '.W.I.O.
Ontario W.I. week at the Erland ..
Lee Home at Stoney Creek will
be May 31st - June, 4th. Groups
and bus loads -are encouraged to
visit during this time when spec-
ial displays and demonstrations
will be taking place. Erland Lee
was co-founder of Women's In-
stittes with Adelaide Hoodless.
Mr' Maluske, who is alsO Sen-
ior Board Director with the. Fed=
erated . Women's Institutes of
Canada,. announced the winners
for the F.W.I.O. Tweedsmuir
History emnpetition; A Cultural
Project -- One act play 1. "The
Charivari," by Mrs. Orval Jor-
dan, Mount Albert: 2, "The
Witch of Plum Hollow," by Mrs.
Dorothy lVforgan, Ingleside.
Handicraft section — A pieced
quilt. ,1. Mrs. Ed D. Kraft and
Mrs. Lloyd Stauffer, Elora; 2.'
Mrs. Frederick Thompson, Pitts-
burgh Kingston.
Junior Women's Institute act-
ivities were reported. by Mrs.
Wm. Jackson, Caledon East.
There are 8. branches in Ontario
with a membership of 142.. This
year they will award a scholar-
ship to a member furthering her
education. Their spring meeting
will' be" held at Fonthill, April
24th. •
According to the Officer Con-
ference secretary, Mrs. Russell
Campbell, Iona Station, this
year's Conference will be liniit-
ed, because of another booking
at the University of Waterloo.
Anyone cancelling out, should
immediately inform Mrs. Camp-
bell, so someone else may be
allotted the space. Conference
dates are May 4, 5, and 6.
Plans are being formed to
make use of the Women's In-
stitute Hall at the Agricultural
Museum at Milton. The 80th An-
niversary of Women's Institutes
will be celebrated in,1977.
The meeting adjourned on Fri-
day, with the Annual meeting to
take place at the Lord Simcoe
Hotel, Toronto, November 29 and
30th; December 1, 2 and 3, 1976.
ProgreSs in 'ariy nation de-
pends less on getting ahead than'
in extending a helping hand.
The Christian: Women's Club
Song Service, was led by Mrs.
Shirley Luther of Hensall
Sunday evening, accompanied at
the organ by. Mr. Luther.
Two new residents, Mrs. Rossie
Sholdice ' and tames Elliott 'vvere
welcomed to the Home at Monday
afternoon's program. the Old tyipe
music was provided by Marie
Flynn, Lorne LaWson and Norman
Speir ' with Morgan Dalton and.
Nelson Lear helping to lead the
sing4-long. The Clinton Christian
Reformed volunteers assisted: with
the activities.
The residents enjoyed a visit by
the ladies of the Clinton Christian
Reformed Church on •Tuesday
afternoon and. those without im-
mediate relatives were given a
lovely °Easter raid. '
Rev, Ball, of Gorrie, showed a
coloured film of the Holy Land 'at
the "Family Night" program. Mr.
Ball his just returned from a
conducted tour of Israel and, gave
very interesting commentary of his
trip at the start •cif the film. Miss
Grace Aylesworth, formerly of
Gorrie, thanked Mr. Ball • on behalf
of the resident's.
The Over 90 Club met on
Wednesday afternoon in the first
floor north sitting room and
enjoyed a musical program provid-
ed 'by three guests, Mrs. Elsie
Henderson, Nelson Lear' and Mor-
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Semi-Annual Spring Board Meeting
Of F.W.1.0. Held At Toronto
1st and 2nd Mortgages
Interim finncing For New Construction and Land
- Development