HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-14, Page 14. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1174 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Week hi Ripley prices at the Ontario Livestock Yards are made each Saturday noon over CKNX radio at Wing- ham, ' Receiving mention ,in last Saturday's report from this, area were 'farmers Ken Farrell of ' Pine River and Bob Orr ,of the South Line, Their top priced beef animals were shipped by drpvers Leonard CO'urtney land Burton. Shewfelt, respectively, Also Leonard court, ney shipped a load .of top priced steers for' George 'Roach of the' North • Line • of Kincardine Town:- ship. * *. * * * ALL STAR TOURS "OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES" PIONEERS OF ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS Mrs. Ernie Wylds of the sixth concession' west 'in Huron Town- ship is 'at this time a patient in Kincardine and District Hospital receiving treatment. Pearl and her husband Ernie were at, their friends, Mr. and WS. Pete Dahmer and Miss Hazel Dahmer ' at Millarton when the illness was first experienced but were able to return home befOre going to the hospital. 7 Da LAKE SUPERIOR TOUR $225 Departs July 19, Sept. 20 5 Day MACKINAC ISLAND and AGAWA CANYON TOUR Departs July 19, 26, Aug. 16, Sept. 7, 13, 20, 27, Oct. 4' 5 Day POLAR BEAR TOUR (MOOSONEE) Departs July 5, 12, 20, 27, Aug. 2, 9, 17 NORTHERN ONTARIO Donnie and Carol Fludder, daughter Tammy and son Jason, visited last weekend in Burk's Falls. Mrs. Francis Gemmell of Ripley, Provincial Director, of the •Federat- ed Women's Institutes of Ontario, attended the F.W.I.O. sessions laSt week from Monday to Friday in the Lord Simcoe Hotel in Toronto. • , * * * * 7 Day WILLIAMSBURG and WASHINGTON Departs May 10, June 14 July 19, Aug: 16, Sept. 26, 27, Oct 18 29 7 Day KENTUCKY GRAND OLE OPRY Departs May' 3, 24, June 21, July 5, 12, 26, Aug. 23; Sept. 13, Oct. 25 5' Day. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH TREAT Departs June It, 21, July 5, 26, Aug. 2, Sept. 13, 27, Oct. 4, 12 $1 85 HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS An overflow crowd picked the auditorium of the f new _ Ripley CONTINUED ON PAGE 17 5 Day SMOKEY MOUNTAINS and TENNESSEE Departs Sept. 20, 27, 'Oct.'4, 18, 25 N.F.U. NEWS QUEBEC AND. THE EASTERN . SEABOARD Orderly marketing is the corner- stone of National. Farmers Union policy; Marketing boards are an important , improvement over a chaotic and unorganized /free market. Depending , on the commodity, they do assist in such meaningful ways as: • , . . 1) Providing supply management in the sharing by producers of the available market and the tegulatiOn of production. , 2) Bringing order in the flow of the product by organizing tranSporta- don and allocations of the product 'to procesiOrs. 3) Providing a degree of quatity control over the product entering the market. 4) Checking the prolification of vertically integrated production units. , Major shorttomings in 'many Marketing board structures is their inability to effectively negotiate prices with large corporate buyers. The free market structure is allowed to continue to-set the price of a product on a day-to-day trading basis. The teletype system in the case of selling hogs /is really a price cutting method. ' • , The corporate buyers of a product usually have too many alternative sources, either Within . the country or, through imports. Ma.iketing commissions, in order .to be effective, must be national in scope. The Canadian Constitution requires' the transfer Of marketing powers for' specific prodUcts from proVincial to federal jurisdiction before national plans can be properly organized. Marketing boards are referred to as "producer controlled", but they are really functional in meeting the needs of the/ corporate buyer, rather than the needs Of the primary producers. All boards are controlled by By Grace Austin provincial laws, regulations, and government appointed farm''prod- ucts' Marketing bOards to protect 8 Day QUEBEC addWUENAY RIVE Departs June, 6, July 4, Aug. 1, 15, Sept. 12 9 Day NEW ENGLAND and GAPE COD Departs June 12,''26, July 10, 24 19 Aug. 7, 21, Sept. 4, 18 16 Day GASPE and MARITIMES (All Canadian Route) Departs June 12, 26, July 10,' 24 $489 Aug. '7,, 21, Sept. 4, '18 BY AB WYLDS In Huron Township and Ripley, when 'winter is gone and spring first appears, boys and 'men think of Thee Forks. This is an annual occurrence going back, to the horse• and .buggy day$. It is a lot easier to, get to the Forks now and last week was the time. , * * * * * * Spring was here last week - the „ snow was gone - the robins were - here. FarmerS were getting fields, such as the fall wheat ones, fertilized. On Friday afternoon a plane was operating just north of, Ripley. Even' the railway had spotted two cars of presumably liquid fertilizer on the siding near the grain elevator. Robins and other spring birds were every- where. 'Then along comes early Sunday morning with a January blizzard. The ground is white with snow and Winter is back, April 11, a few days later than last year's, but it was not as severe. The airplane smash up last week was in the vicinity of • the .20th sideroad and. 10th concession of Huron. The picture shown on the front of the Kincardine Independ- ent places it on the 20th, sicieroad. Shown in the background are which look like the bush 'of Keith and Jack Carter on the former Teskey farm. The Teskey home housed the former . Lisburn Post Office - both long gone. of the late Murdock (Glen) Mac-, Leod, since Mr. and Mrs , Allah. Colling's farm • and last year purchased by Ripley' veterinary doctor Don' HOdgins. Last Wednesday afternoon about four thirty, the Ripley fire whistle • sounded. The call for help was from the Lurgan beach area where a grease fire threatened, but it must have been contained as the department was called back not to come. Over the first weekend in April, Mr; and Mrs. Elwyn Pollock' were in Sudbury with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kraft and family. Ripley folks will remember Mrs. Marie ,Kraft as the, former Mrs. Darwin Pollock of Ripley. The occasion was the wedding of Lorraine Pollock, eldest daughter of Mrs. Kraft and the late Darwin Pollock. Ely also saw Darwin Pollock Jr. and his team in a hockey game while there. This past week the younger daughter, Miss Shawn. ' Marie Pollock, opened her own business - a confectionery store in the city. * * * * Ridhard Stanley called on friends in Ripley last ThUrsday afternoon. Dick crossed the Bluewater Bridge from Port Huron back into Canada at Sarnia on Sunday after spending the winter in Florida. Most of the time he was dowb at. Key West and • enjoying fishing in the Gulf of Mexico., Being out of contact with' the past Canadian winter, about the first thing he got , back in Canada' was a cold virus picked up somewhere last week. * * * * * Last week the ladies of the Ripley Huron Figure Skating Club met in the Ripley Legion Hall. The occasion was. the official end of their first season and at this annual meeting to elect the officers of the club for the 1976-77 season. They are as follows: president, Mrs. Barbara Gamble; vice president, Mrs. Elaine Cote; treasurer, Mrs.. June Paquette and secretary, Mrs. Carel Fludder. * * * * * Weekly summary reports of the $419 $595 the public interest. • The product , is turned over to industry, which is not controlled. * * * * * * * In last week's issue of this Lucknow Sentinel there was a news item . about the flitek of 80 white Snow Geese landing on the farm 'of John de Boer on the 2nd concession of Kinloss and many people going to see these unusual birds. It also stated that about 30 of the birds left from the main flock on Friday evening. Well, on the following Monday evening, Niels Frederik- sen,- at supper time, on, the way home to Ripley from his/ job in Kincardine, sighted a flock of about 30 Snow Geese flying northwards. Perhaps they were the same ones as those on the 2nd of Kinloss. Back about the fall of 1944 a large flock of these geese' settled . north east of Ripley on.the "then" farm `.1 OPEN HOWSE You Are Invited! AT THE NEW PINE LODGE. REST HOME . GOUGH ST;, LUCKNOW, ONT. On Sunday, April 18, 1976 From 2. 4 p.m. Ward, Semi-Private and Private Accommodations Are Available in This Supervised Retirement ' Residential Hom...' ENQUIRIES INVITED • 528-2703 or '528-2708 189 $185 $239 • $179 $289 13 Day MARITIME and NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND Departs June 6, 13, 20, 27,` July 4, 11; 18,. 25, Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Sept. 5, 12, 19, 26 19 Day NEWFOU1VDLAND TOUR Departs June 14, 28, July 12, 26, $599 Aug. 9, 23, Sept. 6, 20 HEADING WEST 22 Day CAN. IAN WEST ADVENTURES Departs June '12, 19; .25, 27, 29 July 1;1, 10, 17, 24, 31, 669 Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28; Sept. 4, 11 21 Day CALIFORNIA and THE GOLDEN WEST Departs April 10, May, 1, 22, July 3, Aug. 7, Sept 4, 25, Oct. 16 All prices quoted twin basis per person Via Deluxe 'Motor Coach FOR INFORMATION -FREE BROCHURES - RESERVATIONS ' CONTACT (MRS.BRYCE) MERLE ELLIOTT Lucknow, Ont. Phone 528-3500 Licensed under the Travel Industry Act No. 1338987 OURTIgE19